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  • Lardot, Sofia (2023)
    The anthropause following the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 was followed by a heavy decline in people’s mobility and outdoor activities, which has had differing effects on biodiversity in urban areas. In Finland, outdoor activities were allowed, and as a result, the use of greenspaces increased notably in relation to pre-pandemic times. My objective was to study how people’s outdoor activities developed during the pandemic in the form of recreational bird-watching in the Helsinki metropolitan area (including Espoo, Vantaa, and Kauniainen). To accomplish this, I retrieved data on the number of bird observers from Tiira (a Finnish bird information service focused on bird observations), and related this data to the pandemic periods, also taking into account variables such as daily temperature and the use of parks. I found the highest number of bird-watchers during both lockdowns in 2020 and 2021. I also found that the number of bird-watchers was significantly higher after all restrictions were lifted, in 2022, when contrasted with pre-pandemic times. It is notable that the lockdowns happened at the same time as the bird Spring migration, a naturally popular time among bird-watchers. Thus, I consider that this may have had a synergistic role in people taking the opportunity to dedicate more time for bird-watching since they had more time to go outside due to strict restrictions. After all the restrictions were lifted in 2022, some bird-watchers continued to spend more time in bird-watching due to habit or increased appreciation for the activity or outdoors. The findings highlight the importance and potential of citizen science in observing birds and enabling more efficient conservation efforts for them. The results showing the development of bird-watching activities during the pandemic could also potentially be used as a proxy for other outdoor activities, and combined with other studies on the relations of COVID-19 on humans and other species could help to better understand the complex socio-ecological relationships in cities and greenspaces.
  • Lehtonen, Ilmari (2020)
    In this paper, I examine the discussions around the concept of carbon sinks. From those discussion of Finnish forestry, I identify frames based on a media material of 108 news articles combining the methodologies of frame analysis and content analysis. I aim to contextualize the carbon sink discussions of the latter half of 2010s and examine how the natural science-based term is used to support varying policy agendas. Building from background literature on the media as a societal actor and a context around Finnish forest discussions and mismatches between science and forest policy, I reflect on the ways that Finnish media frames and contextualizes carbon sink-related forest discussions. Eventually, I identify three dominant and eight secondary frames that describe the ways of using and the transforming of carbon sink as a term in detail. The dominant frames divide the discussion into two clashing ways to communicate carbon sink issues and a third middle ground way of understanding and using the term. The middle ground frame identifies the conflict between the clashing frames and suggests reaching to an understanding as a priority goal in terms of optimal climate change policy. I discuss the results in terms of the frames' policy implications. In addition, I ask how they signal potential developments in forest and climate policy and discourse. The analysis shows that the clearest disagreements in the carbon sink conflicts raise from how forestry restricting policies are seen to affect carbon sink levels and how prominent a role should forest industry have in meeting national and international climate policy targets. The study confirms that carbon sink as a term transforms into altering forms to support distinct, even controversial policy goals because of both definitional and calculative uncertainties.
  • Karimaa, Anna-Elina (2021)
    Pollinator abundance and diversity are declining at an alarming rate around the world, which poses a threat to ecosystem stability and human wellbeing. There are signs that growing pollination deficits are limiting agricultural yields in Finland and globally. More information is urgently needed on how changes in pollinator communities affect crop yields and how adequate pollination services could be achieved across a range of crops and locations. This study explores the effects of pollinator abundance and diversity on caraway (Carum carvi L.) pollination and yield. Caraway is partly wind-pollinated, but insect pollination has been shown to increase its yield. Flower visits of pollinating insects were monitored on 30 caraway fields in southern Finland in summer 2019. Yield samples were collected from open-pollinated plants and from control plants excluded from pollinators. Pollinator exclusion reduced caraway fruit set by 13.2% and seed yield by 39.6%. Fruit set, 100-seed weight and seed yield increased with increasing flower visitation. Pollinator species richness and Shannon index had no significant effect on the yield components, but evenness of the pollinator community had a negative effect on seed yield and the numbers of umbels and umbellets in the caraway plants. The most abundant pollinators visiting caraway were syrphid flies, non-syrphid Diptera and honeybees. Visits by syrphid flies and honeybees increased seed yield, while visits by non-syrphid Diptera, solitary bees and Lepidoptera had no significant effect on the yield components. Flower visits by beetles reduced 100-seed weight. The results show that syrphid flies provide an important pollinator service for caraway cultivation. It would be beneficial to study which syrphid fly species are the most effective pollinators for caraway and how to manage fields and farmland landscapes to increase their numbers. Relying only on managed honeybees to enhance caraway pollination may not be advisable due to their potential negative effects on wild pollinators. While increased pollinator diversity did not improve caraway pollination or yield in this one-season study, it may be important for the stability of pollinator services in long term.
  • Salomaa, Anna (2013)
    We have not succeeded to halt biodiversity loss despite international agreements. Conserving ecological connectivity is crucial when conserving biodiversity in the long run. This thesis studies policy instruments that promote ecological connectivity and conserve ecological processes. The aim of this study is to find out how Finnish environmental policy should be developed in order to promote ecological connectivity and biodiversity conservation. The research questions are: 1) How current nature conservation policy instruments promote ecological connectivity? 2) How policy instruments could promote ecological connectivity better? 3) Could green infrastructure approach help to conserve biodiversity? Ecological connectivity affects the biodiversity especially trough species dispersal. The environment is governed by different policy instruments, which have various effects on ecological connectivity. The green infrastructure is a new policy approach that underlines holistic planning. The green infrastructure is ecologically connected network of green and blue spaces that produces ecosystem services. The data comes from a SCALES project survey on Securing the Conservation of Biodiversity Across Administrative Levels and Spatial, Ecological and Temporal Scales. A link to the web-based questionnaire was sent to 214 Finnish experts of ecological connectivity and 47 persons answered to the questions. The data was analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. The main analysis methods were repeated measures ANOVA and cluster analysis. Content analysis was done from qualitative data. The experts thought that ecological connectivity is more important than the current consideration shows. The policy instruments that promote ecological connectivity in the best way are the instruments, which have a wide spatial cover and urban and small-scale instruments are considered worse. The potential of policy instruments to promote ecological connectivity is higher than the current implementation demonstrates. The integration of biodiversity conservation to the other sector policies is considered important. Nature conservation was thought to be more important aspect than ecosystem services in implementation of green infrastructure. The respondent believed that green infrastructure has could have potential of enhancing nature conservation.
  • Savikko, Riitta (2020)
    Tilanteessa, jossa ilmastonmuutos muuttaa elinolosuhteita ja luonnonvarat niukkenevat, on ruokaturvan säilyttämisen ja kehittämisen vuoksi välttämätöntä rakentaa maatalouteen resilienssiä eli muutoskestävyyttä. Resilienssin yhdeksi osatekijäksi voidaan määritellä sopeutumiskyky. Sopeutumiskyvystä yksi osa muodostuu saatavilla olevasta tiedosta. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitetään maatiloille kohdistuvan ilmastotiedonvälityksen esteitä ja mahdollistajia. Tutkimuksen laajempana tavoitteena on saada eväitä laadukkaaseen ilmastotiedonvälitykseen. Tutkielman analyyttinen viitekehys nojautuu ilmastoviestintätieteeseen ja teoriatausta maatalouden resilienssin tutkimukseen. Tutkielman aineistona on työpajan ryhmäkeskusteluiden aineisto, joka on kerätty learning cafe –menetelmällä huhtikuussa 2018. Tämän tutkielman mukaan olennaisimpia ilmastotiedonvälityksen esteitä ovat käytännönläheisen tiedon puute, luotettavan tiedon puute, sekä kokemus ilmastokeskustelun syyllistävyydestä ja kokemus arvostuksen puutteesta viljelijöiden työlle. Maatilojen talousongelmat sekä viljelijöiden oman äänen kuulumattomuus julkisessa keskustelussa ovat yhteiskunnallisessa kontekstissa ilmastotiedonvälitykseen vaikuttavia estäviä tekijöitä. Olennaisimpia ilmastotiedonvälityksen mahdollistajia ovat viljelijöiden monimuotoisuus, viljelijöiden keskinäinen yhteistyö sekä tiedon yhteiskehittely viljelijä-neuvoja-tutkija –yhteistyöllä. Suomessa maatiloille suuntautuvassa ilmastotiedonvälityksessä viestin laadussa asiapainotteinen, käytännönläheinen, tutkimuspohjainen ja ratkaisuhakuinen viestintä koetaan mahdollistajaksi. Maatilojen sopeutumiskykyä voisi ilmastotiedonvälityksessä vahvistaa esimerkiksi pelloilla tehtävien maatalouden kenttäkokeiden ja havaintoruutujen esittelyillä pellonpiennarpäivissä, sillä pellolla todentuva käytäntöön suuntaava tieto on viljelijöiden näkökulmasta luotettavinta. Top-down –suuntaisen ilmastotiedonvälityksen sijasta maatalouden sopeutumiskykyä ilmastonmuutokseen voisi paremmin vahvistaa viljelijöiden, neuvojien ja tutkijoiden yhdessä toteuttamien käytännön kokeiluiden kautta saatavan tiedon avulla.
  • Mustonen, Anna-Riina (2020)
    In this Master’s thesis, I investigated the number of microplastics (< 5 mm) in three different groups of benthic invertebrates found in the Baltic Sea: the clam Limecola balthica, the polychaete Marenzelleria spp. and the bloodworm Chironomus spp. larvae. I also investigated the number of microplastics in the soft sediments that are the natural habitats of these animals. I collected the samples along the coast of the Gulf of Finland, between Hanko, Helsinki, and Kotka. To extract the microplastics from the samples I used density separation, hydrogen peroxide and enzymes. I analyzed the samples by focal plane array µFTIR and the spectra were automatically compared to a reference library by MPHunter software. According to this study, the benthic invertebrates are exposed to high quantities of microplastics in their natural habitat, and the animals end up ingesting microplastics. The number of microplastics in the sediment samples were high (between 0–10 145 kg-1 and 1 847–93 973 kg-1 DW sediment), and 90% of them were <300 µm sized particles that the animals used in this study normally ingest, and 54 % were <100 µm sized particles that the animals prefer the most. On average, all the animals had ingested the smaller microplastics that were available in sediments. Despite the high concentration of microplastics in the sediments, the animals had ingested only low numbers of microplastics per individual on average (L. balthica 0,11 ± 0,05 pcs., Marenzelleria spp. 0,46 ± 0,63 pcs., and Chironomus spp. 0,27 ± 0,19 pcs.). No relationship was found between the three different animal groups and the presence of ingested plastic particles, so the animal groups seem to be equally exposed to microplastics. No relationship was either found between the animal groups and the sizes of ingested microplastics. The plastic materials found in the animals and sediments (PA, PP, PE, PET, PMMA and PVC) are commonly used plastic materials. Most of these materials are used in disposable packaging and fishing gear that are the most common sources of microplastics found in marine environments. Although the number of ingested microplastics in benthic invertebrates in the Gulf of Finland seems to be low, the exposure to the microplastics can still be high during their lifetime. The results of this study depict the presence of microplastics in animals during a certain time. The low number of ingested microplastics may present the fact that microplastics do not accumulate in the animals, but rather pass through the digestive system in a short time (2–4 h). The ingested microplastics pose a risk to benthic invertebrates causing them physical and chemical harm. Oxidizing and bioturbating the sediments and as nutrition to other animals the benthic invertebrates have an important role in the Baltic Sea ecosystem, and therefore the consequences of the microplastic in benthic invertebrate community might be far-reaching. It is important to investigate the long term impact of microplastics on benthic invertebrates in order to estimate the real consequences to the marine ecosystems.
  • Zidbeck, Erika (2018)
    In this Master’s thesis, microplastic (<5 mm) ingestion by coastal fish in Finland was investigated. Fish were caught at nine locations on the coast of Finland. Water samples were taken at seven locations. The research questions were: How much microplastics are there in coastal fish in Finland? Are there differences in the frequency of microplastic ingestion by fish between different locations or species? Is there a relationship between the size of the fish and the presence of ingested plastic particles? Is there a relationship between the stomach fullness and the presence of ingested plastic particles? Does the frequency of microplastic ingestion by fish correlate with the amount of microplastics in seawater in the same locations? The gastrointestinal tracts of 503 fish were analysed. Microplastics were found in 40 fish (8 %). The frequency of fish with plastic was significantly higher in Kivinokka, Helsinki than in other locations studied. No relationship was found between the size or the species of the fish and the presence of ingested plastic particles. Also, no relationship was found between the stomach fullness and plastic ingested. There was no correlation between the frequency of microplastic ingestion by fish and the amount of microplastics in seawater. The results of the thesis were compared to previous research results from the open sea areas of the northern Baltic Sea. The comparison suggests that the ingestion of microplastics is more common in coastal fish in Finland than in the open water fish in the northern Baltic Sea. This thesis provides the first published record of plastic particles in the gastrointestinal tracts of coastal fish in Finland. Long-term studies are recommended in order to confirm the results.