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  • Kössi, Anniina (2023)
    Biologiset lääkkeet ovat keskeinen osa syöpäsairauksien hoitoa. Ne ovat usein perinteisiä pienimolekyylisiä lääkkeitä kalliimpia, ja niiden aiheuttamia kustannuksia potilaalle ja yhteiskunnalle voidaan hillitä edullisempien biosimilaarien eli vertailukelpoisten biologisten lääkkeiden käytöllä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia kyselyaineiston perusteella syöpäpotilaiden näkemyksiä lääkärin toteuttamasta biologisten lääkkeiden lääkevaihdosta ja niihin vaikuttavia tekijöitä avoterveydenhuollossa. Lisäksi tutkittiin, miten yleisesti syöpäpotilaat tunnistavat biologisen lääkkeen ja biosimilaarin käsitteet, ja potilaiden syöpälääkitystään koskevia lääketiedon lähteitä. Tutkimuksen osana toteutettiin järjestelmälliseen kirjallisuushakuun perustuva katsaus syöpäpotilaiden näkemyksistä biologisista lääkkeistä ja/tai biosimilaareista ja niiden lääkevaihdosta. Tutkimus perustui Yliopiston Apteekin ja Helsingin yliopiston yhteistyössä Suomen Syöpäpotilaat ry:n kanssa toteuttamaan tutkimuskyselyyn syöpäpotilaille tammikuussa 2021. Tutkimuskutsu lähetettiin Yliopiston Apteekin kanta-asiakkaille tutkimusuutiskirjeenä ja Suomen Syöpäpotilaat ry tiedotti tutkimuksesta sähköisessä viestinnässään. Tutkimuksen kohderyhmänä olivat aikuiset, joilla oli lääkärin toteama syöpäsairaus ja jotka olivat käyttäneet syöpäsairautensa hoitoon lääkärin määräämä lääkehoitoa kyselyä edeltävän 12 kuukauden aikana. Tutkimusaineisto koostui 294 kohderyhmän potilaasta. Ensisijaisella tulosmuuttujalla (summamuuttuja) tutkittiin syöpäpotilaiden näkemyksiä lääkärin toteuttamasta biologisten lääkkeiden lääkevaihdosta. Vastaajilla oli keskimäärin myönteinen näkemys lääkärin toteuttamasta biologisten lääkkeiden lääkevaihdosta, mutta lääkevaihdon toteuttamiseen liittyi potilaiden kokemaa epävarmuutta (summamuuttuja: Cronbachin alfa 0,808; keskiarvo 3,29/5,00, 95 % lv 3,20–3,38). Myönteinen näkemys oli yhteydessä potilaiden myönteisiin näkemyksiin biosimilaarien ja geneeristen lääkkeiden ominaisuuksista, kuten tehosta, haittavaikutuksista ja käytettävyydestä sekä vastaajan korkeampaan koulutustasoon ja vähäisempiin huoliin yleisesti omasta lääkehoidostaan. Enemmistö (72 %) vastaajista tunnisti biologisen lääkkeen käsitteen, biosimilaari-käsite tunnistettiin heikommin (19 %). Vastaajien käytetyimmät lääketiedon lähteet syöpälääkityksestään olivat terveydenhuollon ammattilaiset (48–88 %) ja pakkausseloste (80 %). Syöpäpotilaiden näkemyksiin biologisten lääkkeiden lääkärin toteuttamasta lääkevaihdosta vaikuttivat useat tekijät, kuten näkemykset biosimilaarien ja geneeristen lääkkeiden ominaisuuksista. Vaikka useat syöpäpotilaat suhtautuivat keskimäärin myönteisesti lääkärin toteuttamaan biologisten lääkkeiden lääkevaihtoon, siihen liittyi usein epävarmuutta. Tulevaisuudessa tulisi tutkia tarkemmin syöpäpotilaiden tietämystä biologisista lääkkeistä ja biosimilaareista. Lisäksi tulisi tutkia millaista lääkeinformaatiota potilaat tarvitsevat päätöksenteon tueksi biologisten lääkkeiden lääkevaihdossa.
  • Engström, Isanora (2023)
    The long-term use of antidepressants has increased significantly worldwide in recent decades. Deprescribing and the expertise related to it is an important part of the individual drug treatment optimization, the management of long-term diseases, the avoidance of adverse drug effects and the improvement of treatment outcomes. The aim of this thesis was to examine the information found in the statutory Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) and other key information sources for healthcare professionals about antidepressant deprescribing. A qualitative content analysis was conducted on SmPC (n=15) of the antidepressants (escitalopram, mirtazapine, sertraline, citalopram, venlafaxine) selected for the study, three national depression treatment guidelines (Suomalainen Lääkäriseura Duodecim: Depressio Käypä hoito -suositus, American Psychological Association APA: Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients with Major Depressive Disorder, United States and National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NICE: Depression in Adults: Treatment and Management, United Kingdom) and one decision supporting deprescribing tool (MedStopper). The content, quantity, and quality of information about antidepressant deprescribing varied between the information sources included in the study. However, the information found in the SmPC and the MedStopper -tool was mostly in line with the information found in the clinical practice guidelines included in the study. Most general information about antidepressant deprescribing or measures that can be used to guide deprescribing was found in the clinical practice guidelines. In all examined sources, antidepressants were recommended to be discontinued in a controlled manner by gradually reducing the dose. However, the recommended duration of the dose reduction varied in different information sources. A detailed dose reduction program was not found in most of the information sources. A detailed dose reduction program was found in only one clinical practice guideline (NICE) and the MedStopper -tool. The continuation of antidepressant treatment after remission and the timing of stopping the medication was discussed in only two clinical practice guidelines (APA and Käypä hoito). However, instructions for action if severe or intolerable discontinuation symptoms appears were found in almost all information sources. Only the clinical practice guidelines mentioned the recurrence of depression as a possible harm when stopping the medication and instructed how to act in the event of a possible relapse. Benefits related to antidepressant discontinuation was not mentioned in any of the examined information sources and only one clinical practice guideline (NICE) discussed barriers related to stopping antidepressants. The information found in individual information sources was insufficient and provided little support for healthcare professionals to guide deprescribing. Current key sources of information for healthcare professionals provide limited information and relatively imprecise guidance on antidepressant deprescribing and how to support the antidepressant discontinuation process. Better randomized clinical trials are needed to develop clearer and more extensive evidence-based guidelines for healthcare professionals on antidepressant deprescribing and to prevent unnecessary long-term antidepressant treatment and patient exposure to possible adverse drug effects.
  • Tuomisto, Justiina (2023)
    Children´s medication treatment has many special features that predispose to medication errors, such as dosing of medications according to weight or age and the off-label use of medications. In the medical treatment of children high-alert medicinal substances are used and the incorrect use of which can cause harm to the patient. The aim of this study was to identify medication errors in pediatric patients of parenteral nutrition products (PN) and concentrated electrolytes, which belong to high-alert medicinal substances in different stages of medication management and use process and also to identify the contributing factors behind the errors in order to promote medication safety. The data for the retrospective registry study were made up of HaiPro accident reports (n=528) related to PN, lipids, concentrated electrolytes, solutions affecting electrolyte balance and dialysis fluids made in the period 2018-2020 at the Children`s and Adolescent`s hospital in Helsinki from which the reports related to high-alert medications were identified (n=317). ISMP´s (Institute for Safe Medication Practices) and JCI´s (Joint Comission International) lists of high-alert medications was used to limit the data. The final research material was further limited to reports (n=254) in which the medicinal substance appeared more than ten times in the entire material. The data were analyzed quantitatively to describe the frequencies (n) and percentages (%) of PN and concentrated electrolytes, and qualitativevely to identify the stages of the medication management and use process, types of medication errors and contributing factors. High-alert medications accounted for more than half (n=317/528, 60,0 %) of the entire material of this study. Medication errors (n=378) were identified most during the administration and preparation phase of the medication. In the administration phase, 56,8 % (n=117/206) of errors were identified with PN and the most common error was disturbances in the infusion tubing, wrong infusion rate or wrong dose. With concentrated electrolytes, errors in the administration phase were identified in 50,0 % (n=86/172) of all errors and the most common error was wrong product the patient received, wrong infusion rate and medicine not being administered. In the medication preparation phase, errors were identified in 20,9% (n=43/206) of PN and 30,2% (n=52/172) of concentrated electrolytes. The most common error in the preparation phase was incorrect preparation of medicine with both groups of medicinal substances. Factors related to workload and resources and human factors related to the employee, were most identified as contributing factors (n=753) in both medication groups. Targeting preventive protections, especially in the administration and preparation phases of the medicine is desirable both with PN and concentrated electrolytes. It is also important to plan safeguards comprehensively for the entire mediacation management and use process taking into account the key contributing factors that predispose to medication errors.
  • Nguyen, Thuy (2023)
    Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) is a purified, partially depolymerized cellulose, which is obtained by treating α-cellulose with mineral acids. Ever since the first microcrystalline cellulose was commercialized, different grades of microcrystalline cellulose have widely been used in the manufacture of solid dosage forms, such as tablets. MCC obtained from different sources will exhibit different physico-chemical properties, including moisture content, degree of polymerization, crystallinity, and particle morphology. In wet granulation, microcrystalline cellulose can be used as a filler, binder, and disintegrant. Recently, Aalto University has introduced a novel microcrystalline cellulose obtained from renewable raw materials by an integrated process, which has a short retention time, low energy and chemical consumption. However, very few studies have evaluated the use of AaltoCellTM as an excipient in solid dosage forms. The objective of this study was to evaluate the filler properties of three grades of AaltoCellTM to prepare paracetamol tablets with 50% (w/w) drug load and compare AaltoCellTM with a commercial microcrystalline cellulose, Vivapur 101. Due to the poor flowability of paracetamol and the experimental microcrystalline celluloses, it is challenging to direct compress tablets from paracetamol and microcrystalline mixtures. Thus, the powder mixtures were granulated by high-shear wet granulation method to improve the flowability. After the granulation, the formulations were characterized for particle size distribution, morphology and powder flow. Carr’s index Hausner ratio and angle of repose were calculated to evaluate the flowability of the formulations. In addition, an image-based analysis of powder flow was performed. A rotary tablet press equipped with single punches of 9 mm diameter was used to compress tablets. To evaluate the quality of tablets, European Pharmacopoeia tests of friability, disintegration, uniformity of mass, uniformity of content and dissolution were conducted. The AaltoCellTM A and Vivapur 101 formulations had the smallest particle size, whereas the AaltoCellTM B had the largest particle size. According to Carr’s index and Hausner ratio, the flowability of AaltoCellTM powders and Vivapur 101 varied from poor to very, very poor. After the granulation, the flowability of AaltoCellTM B and AaltoCellTM C were classified as good, while AaltoCellTM A and Vivapur 101 formulations had fair flowability. However, the results were conflicting with the flowability index values obtained in the image-based analysis. According to the results, the AaltoCellTM tablets complied with all criteria of European Pharmacopoeia and were comparable with Vivapur 101 tablets. The average tablet weight deviated ± 3.2% from the target weight. The variations in weight and drug content were small, as indicated by low RSD values. The disintegration time of the AaltoCellTM tablets was between 1-8.5 minutes. In addition, the AaltoCellTM tablets had fast dissolution with 78-84% of paracetamol released within 1 minute. Overall, AaltoCellTM is a promising excipient for use as a filler in tablets. In further studies, characterizing the powder properties, such as morphology, surface properties and hygroscopicity, would provide a better understanding of the properties of AaltoCellTM.
  • Uimari, Elisa (2023)
    DNA-origamit ovat pitkästä DNA-juosteesta laskostettuja nanorakenteita, jotka voidaan suunnitella monen muotoisiksi ja kokoisiksi. DNA-origamit ovat muodostuneet luontaisesti biohajoavasta materiaalista, joten ne sopivat hyvin biolääketieteellisiin tarkoituksiin, kuten lääkekantajiksi. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa on kuitenkin huomattu, että ihmiskehon entsyymit voivat hajottaa DNA-origamin rakenteen. DNA-origamien lipidipäällystäminen on yksi keino suojata rakennetta tällaiselta entsymaattiselta hajoamiselta. Tässä tutkimuksessa DNA-origameja päällystettiin kationisilla DOTAP (1,2-dioleyyli-3-trimetyyliammonium-propaani) lipideillä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia ja optimoida päällystämisprosessia. Tutkimuksessa testattiin erilaisten inkubaatioaikojen ja -lämpötilojen sekä ionisten olosuhteiden vaikutusta muodostuvaan lipidipäällystykseen. Lipidipäällystettyjä DNA-origameja altisteettiin sonikaatiolle ja ekstruusiolle, jotta havaittaisiin, voisivatko nämä menetelmät häiritä muodostunutta lipidipäällystettä. Neutraalia DOPC (1,2-dioleoyyli-sn-glysero-3-fosfokoliini) lipidiä käytettiin tutkimaan, kuinka erilaiset lipidikombinaatiot vaikututtavat päällystyksen muodostumiseen. Työssä käytettyjä tutkimusmenetelmiä olivat dynaaminen valonsirontamenetelmä, agaroosigeelielektroforeesi ja transmissio-elektronimikroskopia. Kokeissa lipidipäällystäminen onnistui ionittomissa olosuhteissa ja 30 minuutin inkubaatioaika huoneenlämmössä oli riittävä päällystyksen muodostumiselle. DNA-origami-partikkelit olivat täysin päällystettyjä, kun käytettiin stoikiometristä suhdetta nDOTAP/nORIGAMI ≈ 20 000. Tällöin lipidipäällystetyt DNA-origamit muodostivat mikrometrien kokoisia rykelmiä. Kun käytettiin stoikiometristä suhdetta nDOTAP/nORIGAMI ≈ 10 000, TEM kuvissa oli havaittavissa päällystämättömiä ja satojen nanometrien kokoisia päällystettyjä DNA-origameja. Kylpysonikaation havaittiin häiritsevän aggregoituneita lipidi-DNA-partikkeleita muodostaen pienempiä partikkelirykelmiä. Kun käytettiin DOPC lipidejä, huomattiin, että ne eivät muodostaneet yhtenevää lipidipäällystettä DNA-origamien ympärille. Kokeissa ionisten olosuhteiden havaittiin epästabiloivat DNA-origamien päällystysprosessia, joka johti partikkelien kokojakaantuman lisääntymiseen. Tässä työssä DOTAP lipidejä käytettiin päällystämään DNA-origameja ja lipidimäärää kasvattamalla saatiin muodostettua monesta lipidikerroksesta muodostuneita lipidi-DNA-komplekseja. Sonikaation havaittiin olevan potentiaalinen menetelmä partikkelikoon pienentämiseen. Muita menetelmiä, kuten NTA-analyysia (engl. Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis), tarvitaan kuitenkin vahvistamaan muodostuneiden lipidi-DNA-partikkeleiden koosta saatuja tuloksia.
  • Halinen, Iida (2023)
    Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a chronic relapsing brain disorder causing a high burden of disease and significant social and economic consequences to both individuals and society. Alcohol addiction, the most severe form of AUD, is characterized by compulsive seeking and use of alcohol, loss of control over limiting alcohol consumption despite negative consequences, emergence of negative emotional states, and long-lasting vulnerability to relapse related to alcohol abstinence. Powerful craving for alcohol and the chronic, relapsing nature of the disease are major problems complicating recovery from alcohol addiction and predicting poor clinical outcome. Relapse to alcohol intake can occur even after an extended period of abstinence in humans, relapse rates being highest during the first three months of alcohol withdrawal. Associative learning is a critical factor in alcohol craving when alcohol consumption is accompanied by conditioned stimulus. Cues associated with alcohol are known to induce craving and alcohol-seeking behavior increasing the risk of relapse, and this craving can be triggered by alcohol itself, alcohol-associated stimulus, or stress. Chronic alcohol exposure has been linked to changes in synaptic plasticity, neurogenesis and cell-signaling. Thus, elucidating the neural mechanisms that underlie alcohol craving and relapse would help to understand the pathology of alcohol addiction and facilitate the development of efficient treatments. In this experiment, the effects of subanesthetic-dose 10 mg/kg ketamine, an NMDAR antagonist and a major inducer of synaptic plasticity, on cue-induced alcohol-seeking behavior after withdrawal were investigated in social context in female mice. Mice were trained to voluntarily drink alcohol, and a novel methodology to study alcohol-seeking behavior after withdrawal allowed to perform the experiment with a minimum of human interference in totally automated social home cage environment. The analyses of behavioral data showed that pairing sweetened alcohol with conditioned stimulus resulted in cue-induced alcohol-seeking behavior, and no differences in alcohol conditioning were observed between treatment groups. However, the behavioral activity in extinction tests after withdrawal showed that alcohol-seeking behavior was not altered by ketamine treatments. In biochemical analyses, the effects of subanesthetic-dose ketamine on ΔFosB and BDNF protein levels in the brain areas important for alcohol addiction were studied. ΔFosB expression levels in the mouse nucleus accumbens were analyzed with western blot and BDNF protein levels in the mouse prefrontal cortex were determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The results from biochemical analyses showed that levels of ΔFosB and BDNF were unaltered by ketamine treatments. Anyhow, the experiment provided important insights into the interactions of ketamine and alcohol craving and relapse, a topic that has been insufficiently studied in novel preclinical models.
  • Turunen, Iida (2023)
    Metastatic prostate cancer is often fatal disease stage. Mechanism causing prostate cancer remains unknown, but possible mechanism relies on hormones. Testosterone may activate spontaneous cell division of oncogenes. Prostate cancer cells require androgen cell stimulation of AR to grow in early stages of prostate cancer, approximately 80-90% of prostate cancer cases are androgen dependent. 3bHSD1, encoded by HSD3B1, catalyzes the conversion of dehydroepiandrosterone to androstenedione and further to T and DHT. SNP (1245A to C) in HSD3B1 changes asparagine to threonine in position 367 resulting the enzyme accumulation and increased function. With androgen deprivation therapy castrate levels of testosterone are often achieved and it induces positive response in most PCa patients, but the polymorphism of 1245C is related with lower survival rate and higher probability for PCa to develop into CRPC. The aim of this study was to find out the effect of SNP in 3bHSD1 to androgen levels in patients treated with ADT. 32 patients were first genotyped based on SNP in the HSD3B1 gene (rs1047303) with 96.9 % success rate. 21 patients represented genotype AA, 9 AC and 1 patient CC. Other mutation in rs6203 was also detected. Genotyping was done by isolating DNA from blood samples and preparing it further for Sanger sequencing. Steroid analysis was performed by using LC/MS, using liquid-liquid extraction as sample preparation method. Altogether 21 steroids were analyzed from serum samples. Samples were taken every 3 months, during 33 months period for longest. The concentrations of T and DHT were reduced in AA genotype group after ADT as was expected to happen in all of the groups. In fact, the only significant changes were seen in AA genotype with for example the concentrations of previously mentioned T, DHEA and also A4. The changes in measured androgen levels cannot be generalized to concern especially the CC genotype, as there was only one patient homozygote with the mutation. Even though these results gave promising data of possible androgen synthesis pathways, a similar study must be rerun with larger patient data to be sure of the characteristics of different genotypes. Also, the effect of SNP in rs6203 remains still unknown.
  • Dang, Thu Ha (2023)
    Immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) therapy aims to enhance the endogenous immune response against tumour cells, and it has become a potent treatment option for various types of cancers. Despite the promise of ICIs, most patients do not respond to the treatment. The primary limitation of ICI therapy is the immunosuppressive tumour microenvironment (TME), which is characterised by the lack of tumour- infiltrating cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) and the presence of immunosuppressive cells, such as tumour- associated macrophages (TAMs). A promising immunotherapeutic strategy that can promote antitumor immunity is oncolytic virus (OV) therapy. OVs can selectively replicate in and kill cancer cells, leading to the release of immunostimulatory molecules. These molecules can induce local inflammation and prime and recruit CTLs to the tumour site. In addition, OVs can also be used as a delivery platform for immunostimulatory transgenes that can further enhance the activation of anti-tumour immune response and help to overcome the immunosuppressive TME. Another strategy used to support anti-tumour immune responses and overcome immunosuppressive TME is epigenetic therapy. Epigenetic therapy can reprogram both cancer and immune cells towards a less immunosuppressive phenotype, thus helping to overcome the limitation of immune checkpoint therapy. The aim of this study was to generate a novel oncolytic adenovirus armed with epigenetic modifying transgene (EpiCRAd) to overcome the immunosuppressive TME and enhance the anti-tumour immune response. We tested its efficacy and immunogenicity in vitro and in vivo using a murine triple-negative breast cancer model. We demonstrated that EpiCRAd was able to modulate the epigenome of cancer cells without affecting viruses’ infectivity. Upon examining the potential effect of EpiCRAd on cancer cells, we observed that epigenetic regulation did not notably influence the expression of MHC class I and PD- L1 proteins, both of which play a role in the immune evasion mechanism of tumour cells. In addition, the in vivo experiments show that EpiCRAd controls tumour growth the best, especially together with an immune checkpoint inhibitor, suggesting that the virus was able to create an immune microenvironment more favourable for anti-tumour response. Interestingly, the TAM infiltration in the TME seems to reduce after treatment with EpiCRAd. Overall, the combination of epigenetic therapy with oncolytic virotherapy has shown promising results in converting immunotherapy-resistant tumours into immunotherapy-responsive tumours. Our findings provide valuable insights into the effect of EpiCRAd on cancer and immune cells. This study encourages exploring the use of epigenetic cancer remodelling and oncolytic viruses for cancer immunotherapy.
  • Lindholm, Anni (2023)
    Biologisten lääkkeiden käyttö on merkittävästi lisääntynyt 2000-luvulla, mikä on hoidollisten hyötyjen ohella lisännyt lääkekustannuksia. Vaihtokelpoisten ja halvempien biosimilaarien käyttöä on edistetty koulutuksella, lääkemääräyskäytäntöjen ohjauksella ja lainsäädännöllä. Vuosina 2024–2025 useat avoterveydenhuollossa käytettävät biologiset lääkkeet tulevat apteekissa tapahtuvan lääkevaihdon (apteekkivaihdon) piiriin. Potilaiden näkemykset biologisista lääkkeistä ovat tärkeä tutkimusaihe hoitotulosten, lääkevaihdon, rationaalisen lääkehoidon edistämisen ja lääkepolitiikan kehittämisen näkökulmista. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia potilaiden näkemyksiä biologisten lääkkeiden hinnoista, kustannuksista ja niiden merkityksestä. Tavoitteiden mukaiset tutkimuskysymykset liittyivät: 1) potilaiden preferenssiin lääkkeiden hoidollisesta arvosta lääkkeen hintaan verrattuna (ensisijainen tutkimuskysymys) ja yhteiskunnan lääkesäästöistä, 2) lääkkeiden hinnan merkitykseen lääkevaihdossa (potilaiden taloudellisten taustatekijöiden vaikutus ja euro-määräinen hyväksymis/maksuhalukkuus lääkevaihdossa) ja 3) potilaan oman lääkehoidon kustannettavuuteen. Tutkimus perustui Yliopiston Apteekin (YA) ja Helsingin yliopiston (HY) tammikuussa 2021 toteuttaman kyselytutkimuksen aineistoon. Kyselyyn vastasivat YA:n kanta-asiakkaat sekä Reumaliiton ja IBD- ja muut suolistosairaudet ry:n viestinnän kautta tavoitetut henkilöt. Kysely oli kohdistettu reuma-, IBD- (tulehduksellinen suolistosairaus) ja ihopsoriasispotilaille, jotka käyttivät alkuperäistä biologista lääkettä (BA), biosimilaaria (BS) tai perinteisiä pienimolekyylisiä lääkeitä (PL). Vastaajia oli yhteensä 1338 (BA-käyttäjiä 226, BS-käyttäjiä 71 ja PL-käyttäjiä 1041). Tulosmuuttujina käytettiin yksittäisiä kysymyksiä ja summamuuttujia. Lääkekäyttäjäryhmän ja muiden taustamuuttujien yhteyttä tulosmuuttujiin tutkittiin kaksi- ja monimuuttuja-analyyseillä. Suurin osa (83 %) potilaista oli sitä mieltä, että lääkkeen hinta ei saisi vaikuttaa lääkkeen valintaan biologista lääkettä määrättäessä, ja 62 %:n mielestä biosimilaarien käyttö auttaisi säästämään terveydenhuollon lääkekustannuksissa ja mahdollistaisi suuremman potilasmäärän hoidon biologisilla lääkkeillä. Potilaan taloudelliset taustatekijät eivät olleet monimuuttuja-analyysin perusteella yhteydessä näkemyksiin biologisten lääkkeiden lääkevaihdosta tai kiinnostukseen lääkevaihdosta. Jos biologisen lääkkeen hypoteettinen omavastuuhinta potilaalle olisi 600 euroa vuodessa, 14 % alkuperäisvalmisteen käyttäjistä olisi valmis vaihtamaan biosimilaariin, jos sen kustannus olisi hänelle 30 % nykyistä pienempi. Biosimilaarien käyttäjistä 38 % olisi valmis maksamaan lisää saadakseen alkuperäisvalmisteen. Biologisten lääkkeiden käyttäjillä (BA 36 % ja BS 44 %) oli ollut enemmän taloudellisia ongelmia lääkkeiden ostossa kuin perinteisten lääkkeiden käyttäjillä (25 %) (p <0,001). Potilaat suhtautuivat yleisesti myönteisesti biosimilaarien käyttöön lääkekustannusten hillitsemiseksi, mutta pitivät hoidollisia perusteita hintaa tärkeämpänä. Potilaan taloudelliset tekijät eivät olleet yhteydessä näkemyksiin lääkevaihdosta tai vaihtohalukkuuteen. Merkittävä osa potilaista on kiinnostunut vaihdosta edullisempaan biosimilaariin. Tulokset korostavat biologisiin lääkkeisiin ja lääkevaihtoon liittyvän lääkeinformaation merkitystä.
  • Puranen, Pinja (2023)
    Medical devices play a crucial role in healthcare, yet their importance is underscored by the potential for adverse events that can lead to serious consequences for patients and users. As a result, manufacturers of medical devices are required to actively monitor the safety and performance of their devices after placing them on the market. In response to incidents involving medical devices and their safety, the European Union Medical Device Regulation (MDR) came into force in May 2021, bringing more emphasis to the post-market surveillance (PMS) of medical devices. In this study, the current state of the post-market surveillance system of medical device manufacturers in Finland was investigated by conducting an online questionnaire in 2023. A total of 30 medical device companies participated in the questionnaire for a return rate of 17%. The dataset included manufacturers of different sizes, producing medical devices of all risk classes. To identify differences in the use of post-market surveillance data sources between different types of companies, the two-sided non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis-Test was used. The rest of the data was analysed using descriptive analysis. The post-market surveillance data sources with the highest reported intensity of use included customer complaints and feedback, production monitoring, and regulatory intelligence monitoring, while Post Market Clinical Follow-up and health services research were used significantly less. Significant differences between manufacturers of different device risk classes were identified for three data sources; manufacturers of higher risk class devices were found to utilize these data sources to a higher extent than manufacturers of low-risk devices. The manufacturers of medical devices seem to utilise reactive post-market surveillance data consistently to a high extent. On the other hand, the results suggest that proactive post-market surveillance methods remain underutilised despite the introduction of the MDR. Medical device manufacturers also use post-market surveillance data sources to different extents, in particular with respect to the medical device risk class. Overall, the results indicate that the MDR is bringing more emphasis on post-market surveillance, which in turn has increased the workload of medical device manufacturers.
  • Virtanen, Anne (2023)
    This qualitative study was carried out as a semi-structured interview study, which was supplemented with quantitative information from centralized cytotoxic preparation units in Finland hospital pharmacies and with information about interviewees. Quantitative information was collected using questionnaires. The proportion of centralized cytotoxic preparation units that responded to the background information questionnaire was 95% (19/20) of all centralized cytotoxic preparation units in mainland Finland. In the autumn of 2022, hospital pharmacy employees (n=23) participating in the reconstitution of cancer drugs were interviewed. On average, the interviewees had 14 years of work experience in the reconstitution of anticancer medicines. They represented 75% (15/20) of the centralized cytotoxic preparation units in mainland Finland, covering centralized cytotoxic preparation units of different sizes and locations in different parts of Finland. In 2021, 88% of the anticancer medicines in all centralized cytotoxic preparation units in Finland were reconstituted at the workplaces of interviewed. According to the interviews, the reconstitution of anticancer medicinal products involves the possibility of an error in several stages of the process. An error can occur when prescribing the medicine, transferring prescription information, when selecting the raw materials, reconstituting of the cancer medicine and during transport. The interviewees identified 24 risks associated with these stages, that could lead to patient safety incidents. Safeguards have been built to avert errors or promote the detection of the errors. Based on the research data, the safeguards were classified into six categories: the development of the technology, guiding work through guidelines, strengthening competence, standardizing practices, controlled working environment and learning from deviations. In Finland, it has not previously been studied or classified with which functions and principles the centralized cytotoxic preparation units have built safeguards to prevent patient safety incidents. This study shows that reconstitution of cancer medicines is a risky process. To improve the quality of reconstituted cancer medicines and patient safety, both the system- and person-focused safeguards have been built into the risk points of the processes of the centralized cytotoxic preparation units, but their utilization varied between centralized cytotoxic preparation units. Based on comprehensive data, the research result can be generalized to centralized cytotoxic preparation units in Finland hospital pharmacies.
  • Erkkilä, Outi (2023)
    Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling (PBPK) can be used to predict pharmacokinetic behaviour of new drug molecules in human. PBPK model represents the body anatomically and physiologically with compartments connected to each other and combines those to drug specific parameters. PBPK modelling can be used to predict the absorption, disposition, and time-concentration profiles of drug molecules. The purpose of the study was to build a PBPK model for new drug molecule under research (compound A) and predict pharmacokinetics in human, to support the selection of dosing interval, formulation, and sampling time points for the first clinical trial. In this work it is described the building of the model in the ”bottom-up”-approach using in vitro parameters in GastroPlusTM-software. The modelling was done also for preclinical species (mouse, rat, dog) comparing the simulations to the observed in vivo data, which gave the confidence to the methods used in the modelling also for human. The model was first built for systemic kinetics and thereafter it was used for predicting pharmacokinetics after oral dosing. Parameters of systemic kinetics were compared also to the predictions from allometric scaling. Based on the preclinical species the most predictive method for the volume of distribution of compound A was the method by Lukacova, which predicted the volume of distribution to be moderate in human (1.7 l/kg). From the in vitro-to-in vivo -extrapolation methods the most predictive method to predict the clearance was the method by Poulin, which predicted low clearance in human (8.1-14.3 l/h). Empirical scaling factors based on the preclinical data were not needed, as the models predicted well the observed in vivo data. Allometric methods predicted the systemic kinetic parameters to be in the similar range. Advanced compartmental absorption transit -model (ACAT) integrated to GastroPlusTM-software predicted the absorption after oral dosing well in the preclinical species (predicted/observed ratio 0.8-1.3 for systemic exposure) despite the low solubility of the compound A. The model predicted the absorption in human to be sensitive to particle size and absorption rate to be clearly affected by the particle size. The feeding status was also predicted to affect on the absorption with larger particle sizes. The gut metabolism was not predicted to limit the oral exposure notably, whereas moderate bioavailability was predicted to be achievable. Compound A could be given in a capsule if the target particle size distribution could be achieved. The built PBPK-model can be used in the future to predict the first clinical doses by comparing the predicted plasma concentrations to in vitro pharmacodynamic parameters and to the plasma concentrations needed for efficacy in the pharmacodynamic models. The model can also be used to predict the drug-drug interactions.
  • Harju, Lauri (2023)
    In pharmaceutical sciences the pharmaceutical supply chain is often examined from a quality perspective. As the world is becoming more uncertain due to pandemics and conflicts the societal and political situation where the supply chain operates should be considered. Understanding the big picture helps to consider the cause and effect that lead to medicinal shortages. Effects of these shortages can be seen on every level of the supply chain from the manufacturer to the patient, which is why actors on the supply chain can benefit from understanding the background factors. The aim of the master’s thesis was to examine, whether pharmaceutical field actors could affect realisation of geopolitical risks by preparation and examination that the pharmacotherapy would not be interrupted. Second aim was to bring forward political and societal aspects to pharmaceutical availability which are often side-lined by quality aspects in pharmaceutical context. The study was conducted as a qualitative semi-structured interview between October 2022 and February 2023. Participants (n=11) were recruited via e-mail using representative sampling. Due to recruitment problems, convenience sampling was also used. Questions presented to the interviewees were depending on the group (n=3) they were assigned. Term ”geopolitics” was associated mainly with political and economic factors. Main geopolitical risks for Finland were seen to be small market size and distant location. For Europe, the risks were centralisation of manufacturing (and dependence) to Asia due to economic factors and long disruption-prone supply chain. Transport of pharmaceuticals from Asia to Europe was with sea and air cargo. Inside Europe, transport to Finland was with mainly with lorries utilising ferries. Rail transport was mentioned to be used only on one interview. The transport routes were seen to be staying the same in the future both for Asia-Europe and Europe-Finland. Even though risk management is an important part of functioning of every company, the change in the type of risks requires a new mindset in the pharmaceutical field both from the individual actors as well as international organisations. From risk of strikes and natural disasters we have moved to trade wars, pandemic restrictions, and the strategic acting of industries critical to society. At the same time, the ability/willingness of societies to pay for pharmaceuticals is decreasing, which leads to the manufacturers to find new ways to ensure business.
  • Jämsä, Antti (2023)
    Prolyl oligopeptidase (PREP) is endopeptidase which cleaves short proline containing peptides. Abnormalities in brain PREP activity has been connected to neurodegenerative diseases. Recently it has been detected that besides its proteolytic activity PREP interacts directly with other proteins which might contribute to generation of neurodegenerative diseases. Further it has been discovered that certain small molecular PREP inhibitors are able to modify these protein-protein interactions (PPIs) and thus have a potential to alleviate the progression of neurodegenerative diseases. This has led to the development of novel second generation PREP ligands which lack the strong inhibitory activity but are potent compounds on modifying the PPIs. Thiazole structure containing PREP modulators has provided most promising class of compounds. It has been detected that these compounds mediate their effects via novel binding site on the enzyme and these effects are not connected to the inhibition of the enzymatic activity. The synthesis of these thiazole containing PREP modulators has proven to be demanding since it have involved a usage of laborious synthesis route and provided low yields. The aim of this research was to examine the synthesis of 2-(2-benzimidazol-1-yl)ethyl)- 4-methyl thiazole containing PREP modulators via previously reported synthesis route. Another aim was to design and develop a synthesis route for 2-(2-(benzimidazol-1- yl)ethyl)-5-bromo-4-methylthiazole, a molecule which serves as valuable intermediate for the lead optimization and generation of second-generation PREP modulators. A synthetic route for 2-(2-(benzimidazol-1-yl)ethyl)-5-bromo-4-methylthiazole was successfully developed. Despite that the total yield of the route remained low. When searching the reasons for the low obtained yield the chemistry behind a thiazole creating cycloaddition reaction and an aromatic halogenation was examined. This led to the discovery of a rare cationic compound which was found to be synthesized from previously undescribed starting materials.
  • Mikkonen, Sampsa (2023)
    Orphan medicinal products (OMPs) are pharmaceuticals, that are utilized in the treatment of rare diseases. Rare diseases are diseases with a prevalence of at most five individuals out of 10 000. Clinical trials with statistically robust clinical data are challenging to conduct with rare diseases, since patient populations are small and the amount of trial subjects enrolling into these trials are usually scarce. Rare diseases also represent a variety of different diseases with divergent properties (5000-8000 identified). This presents challenges in health technology assessment (HTA) when reimbursements for these treatments are assessed and decided, especially when these treatments are usually considerably expensive and burdening to national health care systems. The main objectives for this study and master´s thesis was to research via interviews with experienced professionals from pharmaceutical industry and officials as how to define, monitor and assess the clinical effectiveness of OMP treatments, how to enhance their market access, and how to develop the current conditional reimbursement system in Finland. The interviewees (n=12) all represented from their respective backgrounds and introduced opinions from their own occupational positions and frameworks based on their professional experience. The study was executed as a qualitative study utilizing semi-structured interviews with predetermined questions and themes between 6th of April 2023 and 8th of June 2023. The interviewees were initially contacted via email and phone by one of this thesis supervisors from a professional pool of individuals identified using purposive sampling. The interview transcriptions were examined and analyzed using content analysis, and they were coded and grouped into themes. When inquired, the most common opinions regarding how to define and monitor clinical effectiveness of OMP treatments, the most common answers emphasized individual clinical assessment, real world data (RWD) collection, consideration of symptom control and overall quality of life, economic effectiveness, and clinical expert assessment. Market access of OMPs could be enhanced with more flexible and bold applications for negotiations and agreements, and a need for uniform, predictable MEA procedures, parameters for treatment discontinuation, outcomes-based models, and earlier proactive start for initial negotiations on behalf of the payer (society). The existing conditional reimbursement system might be developed with outcomes-based models, increased dialogue and trust between companies and officials within the realm of negotiations, uniform and predictable MEA procedures, and already established MEA negotiation frameworks to fast tract OMP market access. Development of the existing conditional reimbursement scheme, as well as objective to enhance market access environment in Finland could be accomplished by novel, flexible, patient specific, holistic and bold systems with an emphasis on systematic collection of RWD. Uniform and predictable MEA procedures with predetermined negotiation frameworks could bring value through faster market access and valuable predictability for pharmaceutical companies in their operations. Rapid market access of OMPs could be beneficial via clinical effectiveness of the treatments, as well as through collecting valuable clinical data from the medicinal products.
  • Jalonen, Daniel (2023)
    Orexin receptors have gained more attention due to increased knowledge of their physiological significance. The successful development of orexin receptor antagonists treating insomnia has enlarged the scope of research leading to an interest in developing small molecule agonists that have drug-like properties and induce activation in the orexinergic system. Transforming this idea into reality has remained an unaccomplished challenge. In this work, molecular mechanism of activation in orexin receptor type 2 is studied by conducting molecular dynamics simulations after capturing coordinates of active and inactive state crystal structures. The crystal structure coordinates define the starting pose for the protein and the ligand in the simulations. Preliminary steps prior to simulation include building the surrounding system and model building in which homology modeling is employed to reconstruct missing loops. A 100-nanosecond simulation is executed for both models. Active and inactive state models display stable binding event characteristics when examining the coordinate changes of every atom during the simulation. No major conformational changes are observed. The most congruent feature relative to the literature is the difference in the interactive role of residue Q3x32 between the simulations. The agonist forms two consistent hydrogen bonds with the upward-shifted Q3x32 while an inactive downward-facing version is observed in the antagonist model. Some residues present unexpected features omitting comparative functions of literature, which along with general inconsistency of protein-ligand contacts undermine the reliability of models heavily. The simulations conducted need to be extended to produce a hypothesis for the activation mechanism because of the defects around simulation protocols and the low quantity of simulation runs.
  • Hahl, Eveliina (2023)
    Introduction: European legislation on orphan medicinal products, Regulation (EC) No. 141/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council, entered into force in April 2000. Although the prevalence of rare diseases is low according to legislation (less than 5/10,000), 18–30 million people in the European Union (EU) are affected by rare diseases. The introduction of orphan medicine legislation has increased the number of orphan medicines developed but the fairness of the legislation has also raised concern and criticism. The literature review of this Master ́s thesis provides an overview of rare diseases, orphan medicines and EU orphan medicine legislation. The aim of the empirical study was to investigate the evolution of orphan medicine selection during European legislation on orphan medicinal products in 2000–2022. In more detail, aims were to describe the evolution of orphan medicine selection, the approved indications for orphan medicines and the number of orphan medicines approved for children. Methods: The research material was orphan medicines that received a marketing authorisation during the EU orphan drug legislation. This material was collected from the European Commission's Community Register of orphan medicinal products and the European Commission's Community Register of not active orphan medicinal products. Qualitative document analysis was used as the research method, where information on orphan medicines were quantified. Results and conclusions: In the 10-year review of orphan medicine development, the number of new orphan medicine products approved for the market doubled, being 63 products between 2001 and 2010 and 127 products between 2011 and 2020. In the latter 10-year period of the review, the focus of approved indications for orphan medicines shifted slightly from orphan medicines developed for the treatment of cancers (36%) to orphan medicines developed for the treatment of inborn errors of metabolism or immune disorders (43%). In the 10-year reviews, the relative share of orphan medicines approved for children decreased from 55 percent in 2001– 2010 to 40 percent in 2011–2020. Based on the results of the study, the fairness and targeting of the benefits of the orphan medicine legislation should be further investigated. Orphan medicine legislation should encourage the development of medicines for rare diseases for which there is no treatment at all, and for the population most affected, in other words children.
  • Snellman, Nana (2023)
    Chlamydia pneumoniae is an intracellular Gram-negative bacterium, that can cause respiratory infections. Infections are typically mild or asymptomatic, but it can also lead to more severe infections, for example, pneumonia. Severe infections might need antibiotic treatment. When the bacteria are exposed to stressful conditions, they can change to a chronic, persistent form. Amoxicillin and penicillin are known to transform bacterium into persistent forms. Antibiotics are not effective for persistent infection very often. Amoxicillin is the recommended treatment for pneumonia in Finland and worldwide, which is problematic from the perspective of C. pneumoniae. That is why there is a need for effective treatment for persistent C. pneumoniae infection. Probiotics and their by-products short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are known to have beneficial effects on human health. Based on the current knowledge, SCFAs and other probiotic by-products are known to inhibit pathogen bacterial growth. Thus, SCFAs could have a potential effect on the treatment of C. pneumoniae infection. The aim of this work is to study the impact of SCFAs, acetate, propionate, and butyrate on C. pneumoniae infection and its antibiotic susceptibility. To study the impact of acetate, propionate and butyrate on C. pneumoniae infection and its antibiotic susceptibility, three different infection models were used: productive C. pneumoniae infection model with A549 cells, amoxicillin-induced persistent infection model with A549 cells, and persistent infection model with THP1 cells. Bacterial growth was followed with immunofluorescence and the number of the bacterial genome was studied with quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). The studied SCFAs did not have a significant impact on productive C. pneumoniae infection. With amoxicillin- induced persistent infection, the results were varying. For example, sodium acetate, and propionate showed some increase in bacterial growth on the first infection, but with sodium butyrate, there were not any impact. The only SCFA that decreased the bacterial growth in the persistent infection model with THP1 cells was sodium butyrate (200 μM). The same treatment also decreased the number of bacterial genomes with qPCR in the same infection model. In addition, the same condition increased the antibiotic susceptibility of persistent C. pneumoniae to azithromycin in THP1 cells. In conclusion, the studied SCFAs seemed to have more impact on C. pneumoniae infection with human immune cells compared to human lung epithelial cells. Based on this study, sodium butyrate could have positive impacts against persistent C. pneumoniae infection. Nevertheless, further studies of the impact of sodium butyrate on persistent C. pneumoniae infection are needed.
  • Auvinen, Oona (2023)
    Poorly water soluble active pharmaceutical ingredients cause problems for the drug development. Solid state modification offers one approach to overcome the issue. In this study, co-amorphous systems and co-crystals were prepared with indomethacin at molar ratio of 1:1 using nicotinamide as a co-former. Co-amorphous systems were prepared by two different preparation methods: melting the physical mixture and then quench cooling it with liquid nitrogen and dry milling with a ball mill. Co-crystals were prepared by liquid-assisted ball milling. After that, the properties, dissolution, and physical stability of the formed formulations were investigated and compared. The characterisation methods were differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray powder diffraction, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, polarised light microscope and scanning electron microscope. In addition, the solubility and physical stability of the formulations were investigated. Co-amorphous systems were successfully prepared by quench cooling the melt and co-crystals by liquid-assisted ball milling. Dry milling did not induce the formation of co-amorphous systems. In the intrinsic dissolution test, both the co-amorphous system and co-crystal enhanced the dissolution of crystalline indomethacin. When examining the dissolution rate with the paddle apparatus, it was observed that the co-crystal had the highest dissolution rate among both powder and tablet samples. The co-amorphous powder sample floated on the surface of dissolution medium which impeded the dissolution of indomethacin. However, co-amorphous tablet sample showed a higher dissolution rate than crystalline indomethacin. Stability testing (25 °C, 18 %RH) showed that the co-amorphous system recrystallised into a co-crystal after two weeks of storage, while the co-crystal was found to stay stable the whole study period.
  • Viinamäki, Emilia (2023)
    Alpha-beta-hydrolase domain containing proteins (ABHD) are involved in lipid metabolism and its regulation in human and animal cells. Approximately 50 of these proteins have been identified and their physiological and pathophysiological functions are still further investigated. ABHD2, ABHD3, ABHD4, ABHD5, ABHD6, ABHD12 and ABHD16 are involved in the metabolism of glycerin esters and phospholipids, in particular lipid mediator 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) and its metabolites have a significant effect on neuroinflammation via the endocannabinoid system. ABHD12 and ABHD16A were at the center of focus in this thesis as enzymes regulating phosphatidylserine and pro-inflammatory lysophosphatidylserine. In this study, toxicity of five (5) abietane terpene derivatives was tested using mouse E15/16 prenatal cortical neurons, cultured in 96-well plates. There were totally 8 plates cultured in three different batches, 60 cell containing wells per each plate. Wells from each plate were divided into treatment groups of 17, three concentrations of every five compound, control and VEH groups. Those concentrations were 0,1 µM, 1 µM and 10 µM, and for the last two plates 1 µM, 10 µM and 100 µM. Treatment was also separated into three batches like the cell culturing. After treatment, number of living cortical neurons in each treatment groups were counted. For that, cells were treated with immunofluorescent NeuN and DAPI antigens and the fluorescence was imagined with automated microscope. CellProfiler was used to recognize and count the number of living cortical neurons. Immunofluorescent MAP2 antigens were also used but because the shape of MAP2-fluorescing cells, CellProfiler could not recognize them. Intensity of MAP2-fluorescence were measured from those imaged, so the work would not be wasted. One-way ordinary variance analyze ANOVA was carried out for the data to figure out if there were statistically significant results. For compound TAC174, there were several significant results with different concentrations but unfortunately, some results showed signs of toxicity and others improved cell-growth. Some significant results were also found with compounds TAC121, TAC147 and TAD40 showing sings of toxicity, but reliability of those results was questioned. Only one compound, TAC150 was not showing clear toxicity towards mouse cortical neurons, at least with lower concentrations. For conclusion, there were no clear or significant results if these compounds are toxic for cortical neurons. TAC150 showed the least sings of toxicity, therefore it could possibly be considered for further studies in medical field.