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Browsing by master's degree program "Master 's Programme in Pharmacy"

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  • Haapalainen, Joonatan (2022)
    Traditional 2D cell cultivating vessels and experimental models cannot often simulate natural chemical and physical environment of different cell types. For example, availability of oxygen, chemical gradients, messaging molecules, fluid pressure, flow and surface topography are factors that may affect significantly in cell differentiation, growth, cellular structure, and metabolism. Modular bioreactors like Quasi-Vivo® -system can be used to simulate these factors. Liposomes are particles of phospholipid bilayer with aqueous space enclosed within. They can be modified in numerous ways, like loading them with hydrophobic and hydrophilic molecules, changing their transition temperature or coating them according to different needs. Doxorubicin is effective and widely used cytostatic agent, but when administered as a free drug it has often severe side-effects, like cardiotoxicity. Goal of this thesis is to determine appropriate manufacturing parameters and verify adequate shelf-life of ICG-Doxorubicin liposomes, that they are applicable for future in vitro experiments. Then survival of HepG2 cell line under flow in Quasi-Vivo®-equipment is determined, after which A549 and HepG2 will be then combined into one two-cell model. Finally, a simple illumination experiment in this cell model with previously made liposomes is conducted, and the effect in whole system is examined. Using protocol presented in this thesis it is possible to produce successfully and repeatedly liposomes with both ICG and doxorubicin encapsulation over 70%. Their shelf-life was at least 14 days when stored in 4°C protected from light. This was determined to be sufficient for in vitro testing. Cultivating A549 and HepG2 cell lines combined in the same system with shared media and fluid flow conditions was successful. Neither of the cell lines show significant difference in viability when compared to static control. When light-activating liposomes are administered to the system and then illuminated, from preliminary results we can see significant difference in drug effect. Both illuminated chambers and off-target chambers connected via Quasi-Vivo® show increased suppression, which shows promise that this in vitro model would be useful for future experiments.
  • Ollinkangas, Joni (2022)
    The problems caused by hypromellose in sterile filtration of ophthalmic products in the pharmaceutical industry were investigated. The research project was performed at NextPharma Oy's ophthalmics manufacturing facility in Tampere during the autumn of 2020. Hypromellose is an excipient commonly used in ophthalmic products as a viscosity enhancer to prolong the contact time of the preparation on the eye surface. In the ophthalmics compounding process, hypromellose is first dispersed by slowly sprinkling it into a hot solution and thoroughly mixing, after which the solution is cooled to room temperature. During cooling, the hypromellose dissolves and gels, increasing the viscosity of the solution. Incomplete dispersion or dissolution of hypromellose during the manufacturing process can slow down the filtration rate or even clog the filter completely due to undissolved hypromellose polymer material. Hypromellose is an industrially produced cellulose derivative that often contains some amounts of unreacted cellulose and other sparingly soluble polymer particles as impurities, which can also cause problems in filtration processes. Sterile filtration is a commonly used sterilization method for ophthalmic products, in which the prepared bulk solution is filtered through a 0.1 to 0.2 µm pore size filter membrane into a sterile receiving vessel. Due to the very small pore size, sterile filters are easily clogged if the solution contains poorly dissolved material. The purpose of this work was to collect additional information on the possible causes of clogging caused by hypromellose and to determine whether the filterability of a solution containing hypromellose can be improved by optimizing the manufacturing process parameters. The design of experiments was prepared, creating a two-level full-factorial test matrix without replicates and with three centre points. Four different process parameters were used (mixing time, mixing speed, dispersion temperature, and cooling temperature). Minimum and maximum levels for the parameters were obtained in the initial tests, after which the test solutions were prepared and filtered in a randomized order according to the test matrix. The aim of the screening was to find out which parameters were affecting the filterability and what would be their optimal combination that would maximize the filtration rate and the yield of filtration. Finally, the optimized parameters were used to test different batches of hypromellose, comparing the results to previous filtration tests. Additionally, an alternative hypromellose dispersion method was tested to minimize the amount of insoluble material remained during the dispersion and cooling steps. Of the parameters tested, mixing speed was the least significant, while cooling temperature had the most effect on the filtration results. The solutions with lower cooling temperature had better filtration results, which may be due to reduced aggregation of hypromellose due to increased hydration of the polymer chains. The temperature behaviour of hypromellose solutions could be an interesting subject for further investigation. Longer mixing times and higher dispersion temperatures produced slightly better filtration results on average, but the differences were not statistically significant. Most challenging in the study was controlling the temperature and mixing of the solutions, and the retention of insoluble hypromellose material at the walls of the compounding vessel. The alternative dispersion method gave promising preliminary results, but the method still requires further testing. It would be important to also find the root cause of the filter clogging mechanism e.g., by further analysing the clogged filter membrane. The study provided additional useful information of the behaviour of hypromellose solutions in solution preparations and during sterile filtration, which has been helpful in solving production problems.
  • Iljin, Arto (2023)
    Changes in environmental and psychological factors have greatly influenced human eating behavior, leading to increasing rates of overeating. In the long-term continuous overeating causes the body to accumulate an excess amount of body fat tissue, which is a leading factor in the development of obesity and obesity related diseases that reduce the quality of life. Despite the available treatment options, the prevalence of obesity has been increasing worldwide. In avoiding obesity and obesity-related diseases, it is crucial to understand the outside factors which lead to obesity and the mechanisms which regulate body energy balance. The brain's serotonin system seems to play a significant role in regulating both energy balance and the tendency that promotes an overeating type of eating behavior. The properties of psychedelics to affect human's emotional state and thus modulate behavioral patterns through the brain's serotonin system has aroused interest in psychedelics for their possibilities in treating eating behaviors that promote overeating which results in obesity. This study aimed to examine the dose-dependent effect of three different psychedelics on eating behavior in mice and evaluate their potential drug therapy properties in overeating indulged obesity. In total, 16 female mice were trained to perform in an operant setting used in behavioral experiments measuring appetite and motivation for food reinforcers. The psychedelic-derived changes were observed in mice's eating behaviors by reward deliveries received during the trials. The examined psychedelics (lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), psilocybin (PSI), and 25CN-NBOH) showed no statistically significant changes in the mice's eating behavior in terms of appetite and motivation. However, while statistically non-significant, some changes in hunger and motivation were observed in the mice, for example, in days followed by the dosage of the psychedelics. These results indicate no effect on appetite and food motivation by the studied psychedelics.
  • Heikura, Veera (2023)
    Solids most commonly come in two broad forms: crystalline or amorphous. Crystalline solids have a regular, organized long-range structure of atoms and crystals, and are characterized by having a distinct shape, specific volume, and melting point. They can also have multiple polymorphs. On the other hand, amorphous solids do not usually have a regular long-range atomic and crystal structure and their molecules are more easily separated, which makes them more soluble in their surroundings compared to crystalline solids. However, despite this, short-range order can also occur. To improve the solubility of crystalline solids, co-amorphous systems can be created by mixing together two or more chemically different compounds in a way that they don't form a regular crystalline structure, but rather an irregular, amorphous one. Co-amorphous systems can be analyzed qualitatively or quantitatively. Qualitative analysis is often the main focus when studying amorphous matter, as it can be difficult to accurately quantify these materials using techniques based on crystal structures. Additionally, many amorphous systems are made up of complex mixtures of polymers with different chemical and physical properties. This study aimed to determine the most effective method for obtaining quantitative information about the co-amorphization of indomethacin and tryptophan. Three analytical techniques were used for this purpose: differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), and Raman spectroscopy. The co-amorphous system was created by mixing together α-indomethacin and tryptophan, γ-indomethacin and tryptophan, and amorphous indomethacin and tryptophan. This study showed that DSC, XRPD, and Raman spectroscopy are effective in providing quantitative information about crystallinity and crystal size. These techniques were able to accurately detect and characterize discrete residual crystals, and were able to measure and quantify the amount of these substances. Even though these methods may not be able to detect nanoscale structures with precision, they still provided valuable information about the crystalline and amorphous nature of the samples studied. Additionally, the fact that similar quantitative results were obtained using different analysis methods further supports the reliability of these techniques. Of all the techniques discussed, Raman spectroscopy was able to identify even small residual crystals, resulting in the highest calculated crystallinity percentage.
  • Monola, Julia (2022)
    Native nanofibrillated cellulose is wood-derived, animal-free biocompatible biomaterial which has proved the suitability of nanoscale cellulose fiber based hydrogels for 3D cell culturing and wound healing applications. The problem of freeze-drying nanofibrillated cellulose hydrogel (NFCh) has been the aggregation of the hydrophilic fibrils of the NFC during freeze-drying, which leads deformed freeze-dried cake and unsuccessful reconstitution of the sample. Molecular Dynamic (MD) simulations have been earlier applied in formulation design of NFCh for freeze-drying successfully by screening excipients based on their attraction to the surface of NFCh. The weakness of MD simulations is it can only model the fresh formulation system intend to freeze-dry, but not the actual freeze-drying process and the effect of it and the excipients to the material. To evaluate the protecting properties of excipients and therefore the accuracy of the MD simulations detailed information about changes in the physical state and molecular orientation of the formulation before and after freeze-drying is needed. Non-invasive and label-free Raman spectroscopy can be used to determine vibrational modes of molecules to investigate changes in molecular orientation of the material. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible molecular changes induced by freeze-drying of NFCh-based formulations utilizing Raman spectroscopy and evaluate the connection of the results to MD simulations. NFCh with different excipients was freeze-dried and physicochemical properties, rheology and Raman signal were measured before and after freeze-drying and compared to the literature of MD simulations. The principal component analysis (PCA) was done to the Raman spectra and differences evaluated. The spectra of all formulations differed before and after freeze-drying, and more detailed analysis was done to two most potential 0.8% NFCh based formulations, lactose 300 mM and lactose 250 mM + glycine 50 mM. They had great attraction to NFCh in MD simulations and very similar rheological properties before and after freeze-drying and reconstitution. The spectra of different state of both formulations different on areas between 400 - 500 cm-1 and 850 - 900 cm-1 based on PCA analysis contributing the mutarotation of lactose during freeze-drying and reconstitution. Freeze-drying and the absence of water molecules in NFCh formulation favor different ratios of β and α anomers than the fresh hydrated state which could be detected utilizing Raman spectroscopy. Therefore, Raman spectroscopy was confirmed to be a sensitive option to assess subtle changes in molecular orientation in fresh, freeze-dried, and reconstituted NFCh-based formulations, resulting in a detail knowledge of the molecular behavior of excipients which could be applied in MD simulations and design of better freeze-drying formulations in future.
  • Reponen, Sannamari (2021)
    Biologisten lääkkeiden tarjonta ja käyttö ovat lisääntyneet voimakkaasti viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana. Biologiset lääkkeet voivat parantaa reumasairauksien ja useiden muiden pitkäaikaissairauksien hoitotuloksia. Biologiset lääkkeet ovat yleensä perinteisiä pienimolekyylisiä lääkkeitä kalliimpia, ja siksi biologisen alkuperäislääkkeen kanssa kliinisesti samanarvoiseksi kehitettyjen edullisempien biosimilaarien käyttöä pyritään edistämään osana rationaalista lääkehoitoa. Potilaan näkemyksillä ja niiden huomioimisella on hoitoon sitoutumisen ja hoidon tulosten kannalta suuri merkitys. Potilaiden näkemyksistä ja kokemuksista biologisista lääkkeistä ja niiden vaihdosta on melko vähän tutkimuksia. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia reumapotilaiden tietämystä ja näkemyksiä biologisista lääkkeistä ja biosimilaareista sekä kokemuksia niiden ei-lääketieteellisestä lääkevaihdosta. Lisäksi tutkittiin reumapotilaiden uskomuksia omasta lääkityksestään, halukkuutta osallistua lääkitykseen liittyvään päätöksentekoon lääkärin kanssa ja biologisten reumalääkkeiden käyttäjien lääketiedon lähteitä. Tutkimus toteutettiin sähköisenä kyselynä Yliopiston Apteekin kanta-asiakkaille ja kertomalla siitä Reumaliiton ja IBD- ja muut suolistosairaudet ry:n viestinnässä 18.–30.1.2021. Kohderyhmänä olivat aikuiset avoterveydenhuollon reuma-, IBD- ja muut suolistosairaus-, sekä ihopsoriasispotilaat, jotka käyttivät adalimumabin tai etanerseptin alkuperäistä biologista lääkettä (BA) tai biosimilaaria (BS) tai ainoastaan perinteisiä pienimolekyylisiä lääkeitä (PL). Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin vastauksia 260 reumapotilaalta, joista biologisia lääkkeitä oli käyttänyt 75 (BA-käyttäjiä 35, BS-käyttäjiä 40) ja perinteisiä lääkkeitä 185. Ei-lääketieteellisen lääkevaihdon kokeneita oli 17. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena viitekehyksenä käytettiin terveysuskomusmallia. Ensisijaiset lopputulosmuuttujat olivat faktorianalyysillä muodostettuja summamuuttujia. Erot lääkekäyttäjäryhmien (BA, BS, PL) välillä ja taustamuuttujien vaikutukset testattiin tilastollisilla analyyseillä. Vastanneista potilaista 94 % tunnisti biologisen lääkkeen käsitteen, mutta biosimilaari-käsite tunnettiin huonommin (34 %). Suurin osa potilaista (73–78 %) luotti biosimilaarien olevan ominaisuuksiltaan samankaltaisia alkuperäisvalmisteiden kanssa. Lääkärin tekemään biologisten lääkkeiden vaihtoon luotettiin enemmän (89 %) kuin mahdollisesti apteekissa tehtävään vaihtoon (40 %). Tutkimuksessa todetut kokemukset biologisten lääkkeiden vaihdosta biosimilaariin olivat pääosin positiivisia. Tutkimuksen reumapotilailla oli hyvä tietämys biologisista lääkkeistä, mutta he tunsivat huonommin biosimilaarin käsitteen ja mitä biosimilaarit ovat. Heillä oli yleisesti ottaen luottavainen näkemys siitä, että biosimilaari on ominaisuuksiltaan alkuperäisvalmistetta vastaava lääke. Biologisten ei-lääketieteelliseen vaihtoon suhtauduttiin melko myönteisesti, mutta lääkärin toteuttamaan lääkevaihtoon suhtauduttiin luottavaisemmin kuin mahdollisesti apteekeissa tehtävään vaihtoon. Lisää tutkimustietoa tarvitaan muun muassa potilaiden biosimilaareihin kohdistuvan epävarmuuden syistä.
  • Jaakkonen, Liina (2022)
    OATP1B1 is an influx transporter that is predominantly expressed in the liver, and it mediates the uptake of many clinically important endogenous compounds and drugs from portal vein blood into hepatocytes. OATP1B1-mediated uptake affects the rate of hepatic elimination of substrate drugs, directly affecting their plasma concentrations. Some naturally occurring single nucleotide variants (SNVs) in the SLCO1B1 gene encoding OATP1B1 can alter the transport function of the transporter resulting in alterations in pharmacokinetics, efficiency and toxicity of substrate drugs. The aim of this master´s thesis was to examine the effect of four naturally occurring SNVs of the SLCO1B1 gene on transport activity, expression, and localization of the OATP1B1 transporter in vitro. SNVs 170G>A (R57Q), 388A>G (N130D), 452A>G (N151S) and 758G>A (R253Q) were created using site-directed mutagenesis in the SLCO1B1 gene presenting in the pENTR221 plasmid. Recombinante baculoviruses were produced in Sf9 cells using the Bac-to-Bac® Baculovirus Expression System and used to transduce HEK293 cells for the overexpression of OATP1B1 wild type and variant proteins. An uptake assay was used to study the transport activity of the OATP1B1 variants in HEK293 cells. Western blotting was used to study the expression of OATP1B1 proteins in membrane vesicles. Immunofluorescence staining was used to determine the localization of OATP1B1 wild type and variants in HEK293 cells. Transport activity of the OATP1B1 variants R57Q and R253Q was significantly decreased compared to wild type. In contrast, transport activity of the N130D ja N151S variants was not significantly altered. The reasons for the changes in transport activity could not be reliably estimated due to the failure to measure the expression levels of OATP1B1 proteins by Western blotting. However, immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that the localization and expression of the all the studied OATP1B1 in baculovirus transduced HEK293 cells were comparable to the wild type. The results of this master´s thesis indicate that SNVs 170G>A and 758G>A can impair the transport activity and substrate uptake functions of OATP1B1 in vitro. Additional in vitro studies of transport activity, expression and localization of the variants R57Q and R253Q will be required to confirm these results. In the future, the R57Q and R253Q variants should be also studied for their possible clinical significance in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of substrate drugs, as SNVs 170G>A and 758G>A may increase the exposure and the risk for adverse effects of OATP1B1 substrate drugs.
  • Auvinen, Oona (2023)
    Poorly water soluble active pharmaceutical ingredients cause problems for the drug development. Solid state modification offers one approach to overcome the issue. In this study, co-amorphous systems and co-crystals were prepared with indomethacin at molar ratio of 1:1 using nicotinamide as a co-former. Co-amorphous systems were prepared by two different preparation methods: melting the physical mixture and then quench cooling it with liquid nitrogen and dry milling with a ball mill. Co-crystals were prepared by liquid-assisted ball milling. After that, the properties, dissolution, and physical stability of the formed formulations were investigated and compared. The characterisation methods were differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray powder diffraction, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, polarised light microscope and scanning electron microscope. In addition, the solubility and physical stability of the formulations were investigated. Co-amorphous systems were successfully prepared by quench cooling the melt and co-crystals by liquid-assisted ball milling. Dry milling did not induce the formation of co-amorphous systems. In the intrinsic dissolution test, both the co-amorphous system and co-crystal enhanced the dissolution of crystalline indomethacin. When examining the dissolution rate with the paddle apparatus, it was observed that the co-crystal had the highest dissolution rate among both powder and tablet samples. The co-amorphous powder sample floated on the surface of dissolution medium which impeded the dissolution of indomethacin. However, co-amorphous tablet sample showed a higher dissolution rate than crystalline indomethacin. Stability testing (25 °C, 18 %RH) showed that the co-amorphous system recrystallised into a co-crystal after two weeks of storage, while the co-crystal was found to stay stable the whole study period.
  • Järvi, Iiro (2023)
    Antibiotic resistance is a global crisis causing increasing number of infections that cannot be treated with conventional antibiotics. The main reasons for the resistance crisis include overuse and misuse of antibiotics, use in agriculture, and decreased interest of pharmaceutical companies to discover and develop new antibiotics. Apart from mortality, antibiotic resistance causes large economical costs due to longer hospitalizations and more expensive treatments. Bacteria can acquire resistance via multiple pathways. Main path for spread of resistance in bacterial populations is horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in which bacteria receive genetic material that contain resistance genes. Bacteria can acquire new resistance traits via mutations in their genome. The emergence of resistance is a natural feature of bacteria and therefore many bacteria and bacteria can quickly acquire resistance towards novel antibiotics. The resistance properties of potential new antibiotics should be studied already during drug discovery and development. This study determined resistance properties of diazaborine compounds, which have been shown to have antibacterial activity especially against Gram-negative bacteria. The studied properties were mutant prevention concentration (MPC) and spontaneous mutation frequency. MPC measures the antimicrobial compound concentrations in which single-step resistant mutants arise. MPC values can be compared to minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values to determine range of mutant selection window (MSW) in which single-step resistant mutants are selectively amplified. Spontaneous mutation frequency is a feature for bacteria in presence of antimicrobials. Spontaneous mutation frequencies demonstrate the proportion of emerged resistant mutants from a bacterial population in each antimicrobial concentration. Four diazaborine compounds were studied with Escherichia coli ATCC25922 and the results were compared with ciprofloxacin. Ciprofloxacin had the lowest MPC at 16xMIC, diazaborine compounds 1, 2 and 3 at 32xMIC and diazaborine compound 4 at 64xMIC. Spontaneous mutation frequency of E. coli was on a normal level with each compound.
  • Liimatta, Janne (2021)
    During co-processing, magnesium stearate can induce surface coating on carrier particles in powders which contain at least one other component in addition to magnesium stearate. Magnesium stearate is sometimes added to powder mixtures as it is known to have beneficial effects on powder characteristics, such as physical and chemical stability, and flowability. In order to fully optimize and control the coating/mixing process, it is necessary to be able to characterize the quality of surface coating. Various methods can be used in determining the coating of powder particles. They can roughly be divided into two different categories: direct and indirect methods. For example, spectrophotometric instruments, which are used to visually express the element distribution on particle surface, are considered direct methods. Indirect methods include methods in which coating parameters are inferred using other properties such as water sorption and powder flowability. Principally direct methods have been used in previous studies to determine the quality of coating. Therefore, the area of interest was especially to study indirect methods and compare them to results obtained using direct methods. Having knowledge of the suitability of indirect methods would be interesting as they might have many benefits compared to direct methods, such as quicker analysis speed and cost-efficiency. The aim of the study was to examine the suitability of direct and indirect methods in studying the surface of powders containing magnesium stearate and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) or lactose, more closely how magnesium stearate was placed on carrier particles as well as the uniformity and the thickness of coating layer. The used methods were selected using literature and own consideration while taking the available equipment into account. The powders containing API (d50 < 10 μm) or lactose (d50 > 80 μm) with magnesium stearate had substantially differing characteristics and thus behaved differently. Therefore, there were differences in the suitability of analytical methods in determining surface of powders. Powders containing lactose and magnesium stearate were able to be examined using direct methods (SEM-EDS and ToF-SIMS) and several indirect methods. Samples with API and magnesium stearate were able to be studied with fewer methods. Validation of the suitability of these methods need more research. However, according to the results from this study, it is probable that surface characterization of studied co-particles can be achieved with direct, but also with indirect methods.
  • Korhonen, Pia (2023)
    Purpose: Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) is treated with daily injections of growth hormone (GH). Daily injections may cause burden to patients and to family, that may decrease treatment adherence and may result poor treatment outcome. The aim of this study was to study growth hormone treatment burden in Finland and to identify possible treatment challenges and what preferences caregivers have for growth hormone treatment (GHT). Research methods and data: Anonymous semi-structured survey was conducted in 50 pharmacies across Finland. Potential responders were identified when they came to buy growth hormone product and they were requested to complete the survey with tablet computer. Survey consisted of questions including subject characteristics, treatment background, parent satisfaction to treatment, treatment expectations, decision-making process, compliance and non-compliance reasons, and parent preferences. Survey was conducted between June 2021 and April 2022. Results: Total 79 persons responded to survey. All responders were satisfied with current treatment, 79.5% were very satisfied and 29.5% were quite satisfied. 25.6% responded that they don’t have any challenges with the treatment and 74.4% reported at least one challenge. Most common challenges were injection (35.9%), storage requirements (35.8%) and high price (16.7%). Most common reasons for missing a dose were travel or sleep overs (57.7%), forgot to take medicine (30.8%) and medicine runs out (19.8%). Parents described best and most effective GHT in their own words to be with less frequent dosing (25.6%), storage in room temperature (24.4%) and easy-to use device (23.1%). Conclusions: All caregivers were satisfied with the treatment. However nearly 75% of the responders identified treatment-related challenges. The most frequently reported challenge was the mode of administration (injection). When describing optimal GHT, the wish for less frequent dosing interval was the most often mentioned. Data from this survey can provide support in selection the optimal type of GHT for pediatric and adolescent patients.
  • Saksa, Mari (2022)
    There are certain characteristics in children’s medication process, such as weight or body surface area-based drug dosing and off-label use of medications, that expose children to medication errors. Small children especially are prone to physical injuries resulting from medication errors. High-alert medications bear a heightened risk of causing significant, even life-threatening harm to a patient when used in error. The aim of this study was to promote children's medication safety by identifying medication errors and contributing factors to errors associated with the use of high-alert medications in pediatric medication process in a hospital environment. The data of this retrospective register study consisted of voluntary medication error reports (HaiPro) made in the pediatric and adolescent units at Helsinki university hospital (HUS). ISMP's (Institute for Safe Medication Practices) list of high-alert medications in acute care settings was used to limit the data. The data was analyzed by using both quantitative and qualitative methods. The aim of the quantitative analysis was to report the frequencies (n) and proportions (%) of high-alert medications and routes of administration and the aim of the qualitative analysis was to identify the types of medication errors and contributing factors in the data. ISMP’s high-alert medications accounted for approximately one-fifth (19.7%) of all medication error reports made in pediatric and adolescent units in 2018–2020. Twelve medications and intravenous route covered approximately 65.0% of all high-alert medications and routes of administration mentioned in the data. Medication errors were mostly identified in medication administration stage (43.3%) and administration errors were often preceded by prescribing errors. Dosing errors (20.5%) and documenting errors (16.8%) were the most common medication error types in the data. Errors associated with dosing and infusion rate were most often involved in severe medication errors. The most frequently identified contributing factors in the data were associated with the work situation and conditions, documenting and information transfer or medications. More detailed risk analysis considering high-alert medications and the intravenous medication process and targeting preventive barriers to identified risk areas are recommended in pediatric and adolescent units in the future. Barriers should be planned to cover the entire medication process. Among different types of medication errors, multiple dosing errors and errors during the programming of infusion rate require special attention in the future.
  • Kössi, Anniina (2023)
    Biologiset lääkkeet ovat keskeinen osa syöpäsairauksien hoitoa. Ne ovat usein perinteisiä pienimolekyylisiä lääkkeitä kalliimpia, ja niiden aiheuttamia kustannuksia potilaalle ja yhteiskunnalle voidaan hillitä edullisempien biosimilaarien eli vertailukelpoisten biologisten lääkkeiden käytöllä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia kyselyaineiston perusteella syöpäpotilaiden näkemyksiä lääkärin toteuttamasta biologisten lääkkeiden lääkevaihdosta ja niihin vaikuttavia tekijöitä avoterveydenhuollossa. Lisäksi tutkittiin, miten yleisesti syöpäpotilaat tunnistavat biologisen lääkkeen ja biosimilaarin käsitteet, ja potilaiden syöpälääkitystään koskevia lääketiedon lähteitä. Tutkimuksen osana toteutettiin järjestelmälliseen kirjallisuushakuun perustuva katsaus syöpäpotilaiden näkemyksistä biologisista lääkkeistä ja/tai biosimilaareista ja niiden lääkevaihdosta. Tutkimus perustui Yliopiston Apteekin ja Helsingin yliopiston yhteistyössä Suomen Syöpäpotilaat ry:n kanssa toteuttamaan tutkimuskyselyyn syöpäpotilaille tammikuussa 2021. Tutkimuskutsu lähetettiin Yliopiston Apteekin kanta-asiakkaille tutkimusuutiskirjeenä ja Suomen Syöpäpotilaat ry tiedotti tutkimuksesta sähköisessä viestinnässään. Tutkimuksen kohderyhmänä olivat aikuiset, joilla oli lääkärin toteama syöpäsairaus ja jotka olivat käyttäneet syöpäsairautensa hoitoon lääkärin määräämä lääkehoitoa kyselyä edeltävän 12 kuukauden aikana. Tutkimusaineisto koostui 294 kohderyhmän potilaasta. Ensisijaisella tulosmuuttujalla (summamuuttuja) tutkittiin syöpäpotilaiden näkemyksiä lääkärin toteuttamasta biologisten lääkkeiden lääkevaihdosta. Vastaajilla oli keskimäärin myönteinen näkemys lääkärin toteuttamasta biologisten lääkkeiden lääkevaihdosta, mutta lääkevaihdon toteuttamiseen liittyi potilaiden kokemaa epävarmuutta (summamuuttuja: Cronbachin alfa 0,808; keskiarvo 3,29/5,00, 95 % lv 3,20–3,38). Myönteinen näkemys oli yhteydessä potilaiden myönteisiin näkemyksiin biosimilaarien ja geneeristen lääkkeiden ominaisuuksista, kuten tehosta, haittavaikutuksista ja käytettävyydestä sekä vastaajan korkeampaan koulutustasoon ja vähäisempiin huoliin yleisesti omasta lääkehoidostaan. Enemmistö (72 %) vastaajista tunnisti biologisen lääkkeen käsitteen, biosimilaari-käsite tunnistettiin heikommin (19 %). Vastaajien käytetyimmät lääketiedon lähteet syöpälääkityksestään olivat terveydenhuollon ammattilaiset (48–88 %) ja pakkausseloste (80 %). Syöpäpotilaiden näkemyksiin biologisten lääkkeiden lääkärin toteuttamasta lääkevaihdosta vaikuttivat useat tekijät, kuten näkemykset biosimilaarien ja geneeristen lääkkeiden ominaisuuksista. Vaikka useat syöpäpotilaat suhtautuivat keskimäärin myönteisesti lääkärin toteuttamaan biologisten lääkkeiden lääkevaihtoon, siihen liittyi usein epävarmuutta. Tulevaisuudessa tulisi tutkia tarkemmin syöpäpotilaiden tietämystä biologisista lääkkeistä ja biosimilaareista. Lisäksi tulisi tutkia millaista lääkeinformaatiota potilaat tarvitsevat päätöksenteon tueksi biologisten lääkkeiden lääkevaihdossa.
  • Häiväläinen, Heidi (2023)
    Inhibition of the cytochrome P450 enzymes is one of the most significant factors causing drug-drug-interactions, and thus one of the most important objects of study at preclinical drug development. CYP-inhibition can be either reversible or irreversible. Although different inhibition mechanisms are well known, their evaluation in vitro is still challenging. Thus, the development of more accurate and efficient in vitro methods is important and as a continuous target of interest. Immobilized enzyme microreactors (IMER) have presumably several advantages over traditional in vitro methods and have been presented as a promising tool for drug metabolism studies in vitro. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the suitability of a novel flow-through based immobilized enzyme microreactor in determining the CYP enzyme kinetic parameters. The developed immobilization protocol is based on attaching biotinylated human liver microsomes to a thiolene-based microreactor coated with Streptavidin. To validate the developed method, the activity of the CYP2C9 enzyme was assessed using the recommended model reaction by authorities, that is 4-hydroxylation of diclofenac. The enzyme kinetic parameters i.e., enzyme affinity (Km) and activity (Vmax), determined with the developed IMER were comparable to the values previously published in the literature and determined in static in vitro conditions. In addition, the inhibition of CYP2C9 enzyme by four model inhibitors (fluconazole, nicardipine, sulfaphenazole and miconazole), was examined by determining the IC50 (half-maximal inhibitory constant) values for each compound and by monitoring the reversibility of the CYP2C9 enzyme for 90 minutes after the inhibitor was removed from the feed solution. The IC50 values determined with the developed method for all inhibitors were well in line with previous publications, showing fluconazole (IC50 22 µM) to be the weakest inhibitor of CYP2C9 enzyme and the other examined inhibitors caused more potent inhibition (IC50 for sulfaphenazole 1.3 µM; IC50 for miconazole 1.3 µM; IC50 for nicardipine 0.67-1.1 µM). The reversibility of the CYP2C9 enzyme was examined by removing the inhibitor from the feed solution and monitoring the recovery of the enzyme activity via diclofenac 4-hydroxylation. Based on the results obtained with developed IMER, the inhibition of fluconazole and sulfaphenazole was reversible and thus well in line with previous studies. In contrast, on account of data obtained with IMER, inhibition by miconazole and nicardipine was not reversible, although these compounds have previously been reported to be reversible CYP2C9 inhibitors in vitro, which may be due to the strong aggregation tendency of these compounds. The study shows that the developed flow-through based IMER is well suited for studying inhibition of CYP enzymes However, to utilize the developed technology in CYP enzyme inhibition research, it’s applicability in determining enzyme inhibition should still be evaluated with more comprehensively with several CYP isoenzymes.
  • Vessalo, Elmeri (2023)
    Lääkkeiden saatavuushäiriöt ovat yleistyneet maailmalla ja Suomessa viimeisten 20 vuoden aikana lisäten lääkealan toimijoiden työmäärää sekä kustannuksia. Saatavuushäiriöt aiheuttavat myös vaikeuksia potilaiden hoidon toteuttamiseen, tietyissä tilanteissa hoito saattaa joutua katkolle tai joudutaan käyttämään vaihtoehtoista lääkitystä, mikä saattaa heikentää potilaan saaman hoidon laatua. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia kirjallisuuden perusteella syitä saatavuushäiriöiden taustalla. Toissijaisena tavoitteena oli löytää mahdollisesti toimintamalleja, mitkä mahdollistaisivat saatavuushäiriöiden määrän vähenemisen tai vaihtoehtoisesti vähentäisivät niiden vaikutuksia potilaiden hoitoon. Tutkimus tehtiin systemoituna kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimukseen valikoitui mukaan yhteensä kaikkiaan 24 sisäänottokriteerit täyttävää artikkelia. Kirjallisuushaku suoritettiin 20.10.2020 Sopusi ja Pubmed -tietokannoista. Kirjallisuushaku rajattiin koskemaan ajanjaksoa 2000–2020. Tietokantojen lisäksi kirjallisuutta haettiin manuaalisesti löydettyjen artikkeleiden lähdeluetteloista. Kirjallisuushaulla löydettiin yhteensä 2334 artikkelia ja duplikaattien poiston jälkeen jäljelle jäi 1783 artikkelia. Ensin artikkelit käytiin läpi otsikon sekä abstraktin perusteella ja viimeisessä vaiheessa koko tekstin perusteella. PRISMA-listaa käytettiin soveltuvin osin apuna katsauksen laatimisessa. Tähän systemoituun kirjallisuuskatsaukseen mukaan valituista julkaisuista 10 oli alkuperäisiäjulkaisuja artikkeleita ja 14 katsausartikkeleita. Alkuperäisistä tutkimusartikkeleista suurin osa (n=7) oli kvantitatiivisia tutkimuksia ja näistä neljä käsitteli saatavuushäiriöitä Yhdysvalloissa. Kvantitatiiviset tutkimukset olivat kaikki viranomaisten ylläpitämistä rekistereistä tehtyjä tutkimuksia. Laadullisia tutkimuksia alkuperäisissä artikkeleissa oli kolme, nämä olivat toteutettu puolistrukturoituina haastatteluina tai avoimina kyselyinä lääkealan toimijoille Systemoidun kirjallisuuskatsauksen tulosten perusteella saatavuushäiriöiden syyt voivat vaihdella eri markkinoiden välillä. Saatavuushäiriöiden taustalla olevien syiden teemat kuitenkin vaikuttivat tutkimuksen perusteella olevan hyvin samankaltaisia riippumatta markkinoista. Yleisimpinä syinä saatavuushäiriölle olivat tuotantoon liittyvät ongelmat, regulatoriset toimet sekä ekonomiset ratkaisut. Tulosten perusteella ensisijaisena ratkaisuna saatavuushäiriöiden vaikutusten minimointiin olisivat lääkkeiden valmistajien tarpeeksi ajoissa antamat ilmoitukset alkavasta saatavuushäiriöistä.
  • Kulmala, Veera (2022)
    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder with the neuropathological hallmark of intraneuronal inclusions called Lewy bodies (LB). Accumulation of α-synuclein (α-syn) and cellular components into LBs coincides with degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the midbrain, substantia nigra. Degeneration of dopaminergic neurons eventually leads to motor dysfunctions. Currently, the treatments for PD are symptomatic. For this reason, new disease-modifying treatments are needed to slow down or prevent the disease progression. Neurotrophic factors (NTFs) have been an interest of research for a couple of decades because of their neuroprotective properties. The main aim of this study was to investigate if brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) reduces pre-formed fibril (PFF) induced aggregation of α-syn in dopaminergic neurons. PFF-model was used to mimic the accumulation of LBs in neurons, as PFFs induce aggregation of endogenous α-syn in neurons. Additionally, the dose dependence of BDNF was tested. The secondary objective was to investigate the interaction of tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB) signaling pathway and α-syn aggregation using TrkB agonists and antagonists. The cultured dopaminergic neurons isolated from the midbrain of mouse embryos were treated with PFFs on the day in vitro (DIV) 8. BDNF or control treatments were added either 1 hour after the PFF-treatment or on DIV 12. Neurons were fixed on DIV 15 and fluorescent immunohistochemistry was performed. After the detection of fluorescence with automated, high-content imaging, image analysis was done for quantifying dopaminergic neurons, and dopaminergic neurons positive for LB-like aggregates by using unbiased image analysis CellProfilerTM software. Both BDNF and positive control glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) significantly reduced LB-like aggregates in dopaminergic neurons at both timepoints. GDNF was more effective at both timepoints than BDNF. Both tested doses of BDNF lowered the number of LB-like aggregates, but a more robust effect was seen with the higher dose. The highest tested dose for the TrkB agonists was toxic to the cultured dopaminergic neurons, whereas the lower doses did not affect either the survival or the number of LB-like aggregates. BDNF promoted the survival of the dopaminergic neurons despite the survival-reducing adverse effect of TrkB antagonist K252a. This study provided new information on the effects of exogenously added BDNF on PFF-model with primary neuronal culture. Research on the underlying mechanisms of α-syn aggregation and the protective effects of NTFs can forward the development of new therapies against PD.
  • Jaskari, Iida (2022)
    Multiple sclerosis is a progressive inflammatory disease of the central nervous system that affects young adults. The pathological hallmark of MS is the degradation and loss of oligodendrocytes resulting in demyelination. Damage to axons caused by demyelination severely impairs physical function. Currently there is no cure for MS, but current drugs aim to modify the course of the disease and relieve symptoms. However, they are unable to promote the repair of damaged myelin sheaths, and thus new therapies are needed. In this study, the effect of V-MANF on remyelination was investigated in two commonly used experimental toxin models. V-MANF is a modification of the endoplasmic reticulum located protein MANF, which has been found to have neuroprotective and regenerative properties. Additionally, MANF can regulate ER stress, which contributes to demyelination in MS. The effect of V-MANF on lysolecithin-induced demyelination was examined in organotypic cerebellar brain sections from C57B/6 mice. The study was conducted exceptionally using the brains of adult mice because they are a better model for neurodegenerative diseases. However, when analyzing the results, it was found that there was no demyelination in the tissue cultures, so the effect of V-MANF could not be analyzed. In the other study, C57B/6 mice were given dietary cuprizone for six weeks, followed by daily intranasal administration of either V-MANF or vehicle for seven days. Mice were subjected to behavioral experiments, in which a light/dark box test showed that V-MANFs had a potential anxiolytic effect in mice receiving cuprizone. No significant demyelination was observed by immunohistochemical analysis and therefore the effect of V-MANF on remyelination could not be assessed. However, the results of the study can be utilized in the design of further studies.
  • Snellman, Nana (2023)
    Chlamydia pneumoniae is an intracellular Gram-negative bacterium, that can cause respiratory infections. Infections are typically mild or asymptomatic, but it can also lead to more severe infections, for example, pneumonia. Severe infections might need antibiotic treatment. When the bacteria are exposed to stressful conditions, they can change to a chronic, persistent form. Amoxicillin and penicillin are known to transform bacterium into persistent forms. Antibiotics are not effective for persistent infection very often. Amoxicillin is the recommended treatment for pneumonia in Finland and worldwide, which is problematic from the perspective of C. pneumoniae. That is why there is a need for effective treatment for persistent C. pneumoniae infection. Probiotics and their by-products short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are known to have beneficial effects on human health. Based on the current knowledge, SCFAs and other probiotic by-products are known to inhibit pathogen bacterial growth. Thus, SCFAs could have a potential effect on the treatment of C. pneumoniae infection. The aim of this work is to study the impact of SCFAs, acetate, propionate, and butyrate on C. pneumoniae infection and its antibiotic susceptibility. To study the impact of acetate, propionate and butyrate on C. pneumoniae infection and its antibiotic susceptibility, three different infection models were used: productive C. pneumoniae infection model with A549 cells, amoxicillin-induced persistent infection model with A549 cells, and persistent infection model with THP1 cells. Bacterial growth was followed with immunofluorescence and the number of the bacterial genome was studied with quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). The studied SCFAs did not have a significant impact on productive C. pneumoniae infection. With amoxicillin- induced persistent infection, the results were varying. For example, sodium acetate, and propionate showed some increase in bacterial growth on the first infection, but with sodium butyrate, there were not any impact. The only SCFA that decreased the bacterial growth in the persistent infection model with THP1 cells was sodium butyrate (200 μM). The same treatment also decreased the number of bacterial genomes with qPCR in the same infection model. In addition, the same condition increased the antibiotic susceptibility of persistent C. pneumoniae to azithromycin in THP1 cells. In conclusion, the studied SCFAs seemed to have more impact on C. pneumoniae infection with human immune cells compared to human lung epithelial cells. Based on this study, sodium butyrate could have positive impacts against persistent C. pneumoniae infection. Nevertheless, further studies of the impact of sodium butyrate on persistent C. pneumoniae infection are needed.
  • Ruutiainen, Henna (2022)
    In health care, the most patient safety incidents occur from medication errors, to which pediatric patients in particular are susceptible. According to James Reason's Theory of Human Error, errors inevitably occurs in an individual's actions, causing potential harm. The prescribing phase has been identified as a specific risk point in the pediatric medication-use process, and therefore defences must be established to prevent or stop errors before they reach the patient. Such system-centric barriers are, for example, electronic health record (EHR) systems that can include computerized physician order entry (CPOE) systems where e.g., medication orders and prescriptions can be made. Knowledge-based clinical decision support (CDS) tools such as dose range check or dose calculator can be integrated into the CPOE system to assist in the prescribing process. The objective of this systematic review was examine the effects of CPOE systems with CDS functions on preventing wrong dose errors in pediatric inpatient orders and outpatient prescriptions. This systematic review was conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) 2020 criteria and Synthesis Without Meta-analysis (SWiM) items as an extension to PRISMA criteria. The Joanna Briggs Institute’s (JBI) recommendations from JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis on mixed methods was used as a guide to conduct this review. Additionally, Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions was utilized to conduct the synthesis examining the wrong dose error effectiveness. The study protocol according to the prior defined eligibility criteria was registered in PROSPERO. The literature search was implemented in four databases (MEDLINE Ovid, Scopus, Web of Science and EMB Reviews), reference lists and grey literature in January 2022. Two independent reviewers conducted the study selection and data extraction of the eligible studies using a Covidence software platform. Vote counting method was used to describe and analyze the quantitative findings of the studies exploring the characteristics of CPOE-CDS systems reducing wrong dose errors and regarding their effectiveness on error prevention. JBI’s critical appraisal tools and Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach were used to define the quality of the studies. A total of 18 studies met the inclusion criteria. The studies had been published in 2007–2021 and majority (13/18) considered only inpatient orders. Almost all (n=16) studies had customized or homegrown CPOE-CDS system and the most used CDS tools were dose range check (78%, 14/18), dose calculator (45%, 8/18) and dosing frequency check (45%, 8/18). When implementing new or customizing the used CPOE-CDS system usually alert functions were added (n=9) and in total alerts were present in 15 studies. Statistically significant reduction in wrong dose errors (overall, overdosing or underdosing errors) was reported in eight studies. None of the studies (n=18) found an overall increase of wrong dose errors. CPOE systems with CDS functions have a great potential to reduce wrong dose errors and promote pediatric medication safety. CPOE-CDS system customization for pediatric population, implementing CDS alerts and the use of dose range check tool seem to be most advantageous when aiming to prevent wrong dose errors. However, CPOE-CDS systems cannot prevent all wrong dose errors as human errors continue to occur and the implemented CPOE-CDS systems can pose new risks such as alert fatigue. Therefore, systematic actions are needed to optimize the safe use of CPOE-CDS systems in pediatrics. More studies are needed particularly on the effectiveness on wrong dose error prevention comparing basic and advanced CDS tools and the effects of different individual CDS functions on wrong dose errors.
  • Miinalainen, Annika (2022)
    OATP2B1 is a transmembrane transport protein expressed widely in the human body and transports both endogenous compounds and several drugs from outside the cell into the cytoplasm. The abundant expression of OATP2B1 in pharmacokinetically important tissues such as in the intestine, liver, and kidney suggests an important role in the drug absorption and elimination process, although research data on the clinical significance of OATP2B1 is still limited. Several drugs inhibit the function of OATP2B1, creating a risk for drug-drug interactions. OATP inhibition by some inhibitors is time-dependent, which may lead to more potent in vivo effects than expected. In this study, the time dependence of OATP2B1 inhibition by five different drugs was evaluated using OATP2B1-overexpressing HEK293 cells. IC50 values of inhibitors for OATP2B1-mediated uptake of DBF and E1S were determined with and without preincubation for 20 minutes. In addition, the in vivo interaction potential of the inhibitors in the intestine, liver, and other tissues was evaluated by utilizing the FDA and EMA guidelines. All five drugs showed effective and concentration-dependent OATP2B1 inhibition with IC50 values of 0.12– 8.82 µM. Furthermore, the inhibition of OATP2B1-mediated DBF uptake by ticagrelor and atorvastatin was time-dependent, while the effect of pre-incubation remains below the limit for the other inhibitors. The inhibitory effect of ticagrelor continued even after the inhibitor was removed from the inhibition buffer. All five inhibitors showed the potential to cause in vivo OATP2B1 inhibition in the intestine, which could result in decreased absorption of the co-administered substrate drug. About erlotinib, the risk of interaction also appeared in the liver, which could reduce the transfer of the substrate drug to the liver and thus lower its elimination rate. In this study, pre-incubation did not affect the in vivo interaction potential of the inhibitor drugs. The results indicate that drug-induced inhibition of OATP2B1 may be time-dependent and therefore can lead to interactions at lower concentrations than expected. For this reason, evaluating the time dependence would be appropriate when assessing transport protein-mediated interaction risk. The results of this study can be utilized in designing clinical interaction studies and in understanding the results.