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Browsing by study line "Växtproduktionsvetenskap"

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  • Manka, Veera (2022)
    Eight active farms participated in the OSMO-project between years 2015 and 2018. Each farm had unique soil health related challenges. The aim of this work was to identify factors related to soil manganese concentration and mobility and develop tools and materials to help farmers better to understand manganese related soil health issues. Manganese cycling and mobility in soils was analysed through soil structure, electric conductivity (EC), SOM, pH and soil iron concentration. Soil manganese concentration was evaluated with three indicators: pH-corrected acid ammonium acetate + EDTA extractable manganese, acid ammonium acetate + EDTA extractable manganese and the amount of manganese available to plants based on the volume of soil available for root growth. Foliar fluorescence measurement to evaluate manganese deficiency in plant tissues is shortly discussed. Soil manganese concentrations and mobility in soil profiles varied because of soil chemical and biological properties but also because of farming practices and changes in physical soil properties. To improve manganese availability in arable farming, soil health analysis through multiple indicators together with consistent soil health improvement and crop rotation is recommended for all active farms. When using fluorescence measurements to evaluate the need for foliar manganese fertilisation, the use of control solution is necessary for reliable results. More research is needed on manganese efficient crops and crop rotation and its effects on manganese cycle and availability in soils. To improve scientific understanding on soil processes, more research is needed about soil redox-reactions, electric conductivity, pH and how the dynamic change in soil Eh-pH environment relates to soil health.
  • Söderholm-Emas, Annika (2022)
    Grain legumes are grown on less than 2% of the arable area of Europe, while large quantities of soybean and soymeal are imported for feed for pigs and poultry. Crop rotations need diversifying by adding grain legumes for soil health and for the break-crop effect, lowering pest, disease and weed pressures in the subsequent crop. The economic effects are of interest from adding legumes to crop rotations and can be evaluated by modelling crop rotations and comparing the means of the gross margins (GM) from the rotations. In Finland, cereal-based crop rotations dominate the important crop growing areas of Southwestern Finland. The most common rotation during a five-year-period can consist of a cereal monoculture with two or more cereal species. The largest potential for diversification in crop rotations can be found on pig, poultry, and cereal farms. Modelling of grain legumes in crop rotations has previously been done for Västra Götaland in Sweden, Brandenburg in Germany, Calabria Italy, eastern Scotland in the United Kingdom, and Sud-Muntenia i Romania. The aim of this work was to create modelled crop rotations for Southwestern Finland to evaluate the gross margin, NO3-N-leaching, and N2O-emissions of the crop rotations. Yields were modelled for a ten-year period following actual yield fluctuations. They were analysed and there were no significant differences in gross margin detected in the crop rotations, whether they were a legume or an all-cereal rotation. Significant differences were found in N2O-emissions between the crop rotations
  • Kulmala, Noora (2022)
    Domesticity and the highest possible degree of domestication of food have attracted more and more people over the last couple of years. The protein solvency ratio is only 15% in Finland. Legumes are an important part of feeding in domestic animal production, but the use as a human food is also increasing. Because of the increasing use of protein, it would be important to take a note of the amount of sulfur in fertilizers. The sulfur affects plant growth directly through photosynthesis and the amount of chlorophyll. Plant growth, in turn, affects crop formation. The purpose of this thesis was to research the effect of sulfur on the yield formation of peas (Pisum sativum L.) and thereby on the yield level using an organic fertilizer or a mineral fertilizer. The study was conducted as field experiment during summer 2020 in Southwest Finland in cooperation with Biolan's contract farms and HKScan. In the field experiment, peas were cultivated, fertilized with either organic Novarbon Arvo 3-1-15-5 granular fertilizer made from chicken manure, or YaraMila Y3 (23-3-8-3) mineral fertilizer prepared by Yara. Novarbo Arvo is designed as a protein crop fertilizer due to the addition of potassium sulphate as well as YaraMila Y3. During the growing season, the SPAD value of the crops was measured and the dry matter (%), moisture content (%), biomass, nitrogen and sulfur content and yield components were determined six times. In addition, the protein content, moisture content (%), dry matter (%) and fresh weight were determined from a sample taken from the seeds in the yield. Protein crops need sulfur for their growth and for the formation of crop components. The results showed that sulfur affects the SPAD value, the sulfur content of the plant, and the nitrogen content in the crops during the growing season. The decrease in the sulfur content in the crop affects the decrease in the SPAD value and the nitrogen content. The SPAD value correlates with photosynthesis and nitrogen content. The organic fertilizer released nutrients more slowly than the mineral fertilizer, which was reflected in more steady growth of organic fertilized crops. In addition, the higher sulfur content of the organic fertilizer increased the SPAD value, sulfur content, and nitrogen content during the growing season. The amount of fertilizer sulfur can affect the sulfur content of pea crops. The higher sulfur content during the growing season resulted in a higher protein content in the seeds. The yield of peas with the organic fertilizer was slightly lower than the mineral fertilizer, but the protein content of the seeds was higher. The organic fertilizer granules proved to be a viable fertilizer alternative alongside the mineral fertilizer.
  • Jäntti, Laura (2023)
    Perunalla on viime vuosien aikana havaittu tummia nekroottisia oireita mukulan kuoressa ja oireiden ulkonäön perusteella oireita on alettu kutsua kuoppataudiksi. Kuoppatauti voi näyttäytyä hyvinkin eri asteisena ja sitä voivat aiheuttaa monet erilaiset mikrobit. Tässä työssä tutkin Boeremia ja Fusarium -sienten tunnistamista perunanäytteistä PCR-menetelmällä sienilaji- tai sukuspesifisten PCR-alukkeiden ja geelielektroforeesin avulla. Tutkimusmateriaalina oli kuoppaoireisista perunaeristä keväällä 2021 saatuja mukulanäytteitä. PCR-tuotteet lähetettiin sekvensoitavaksi. Saatuja DNA-sekvenssejä verrattiin geenipankissa oleviin sekvensseihin BLASTn-menetelmällä ja tuloksista pääteltiin, mitä lajia kukin näyte-DNA edusti. Sen toteamiseksi, ovatko mukuloista eristetyt sienet todella kuoppataudin (ainoita) aiheuttajia, tehtiin taudinymppäyskokeita viljelymaljoilla kasvatetuilla sienillä. Terveiden mukuloiden pintaan tehtiin kolhuja, joihin ympättiin sienikasvustoa ja mahdollisten oireiden kehitystä seurattiin usean viikon ajan. Saatuja oireita verrattiin alkuperäisissä näytteissä havaittuihin oireisiin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää mitkä patogeenit voivat aiheuttaa siemenperunoille nekroottisia ja väriltään tummia kuoppia. Inokulointikokeen tuloksia analysoitaessa todettiin tilastollista merkitsevyyttä (p< 0.01) ensimmäisen aikapisteen mittauksissa kontrollin ja Boeremian S- ja K-isolaattien välillä sekä kontrollin ja Juxtiphoman välillä. Toisen aikapisteen mittauksissa tilastollista merkitsevyyttä (p< 0.01) todettiin myös kontrollin ja Fusariumin välillä. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että nämä kuoppaoireisista perunoista eristetyt sienet voivat aiheuttaa tautioireita perunan mukuloissa
  • Kokkala, Marikaisa (2024)
    Viime vuosina Suomessa on havaittu tummia, pyöreitä ja pieniä kuoppia varastoidulla perunalla. Kuopat ovat pinnallisia, ja ne voivat olla yhdistyneet suuremmiksi kuopiksi. Perunan kuoppataudiksi kutsuttu oire heikentää varastoidun perunan laatua. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitkä sienipatogeenit aiheuttavat pinnallisia kuoppaoireita perunassa. Kuoppaoireisista perunoista eristetystä DNA:sta tunnistettiin sieniä PCR-menetelmän ja ITS-sekvensoinnin avulla. Perunoista eristettiin myös viljelymenetelmällä sieniä, jotka tunnistettiin samalla tavalla. Tartutuskokeisiin valittiin viisi niistä sieni-isolaateista, jotka oli tunnistettu ITS-sekvenssin perusteella. Tehtiin haavainokulointikoe, jossa terveitä perunoita haavoitettiin ja tartutettiin valituilla sienillä. Tehtiin myös toinen inokulointikoe, jossa haavoittamattomia emoperunoita tartutettiin sienillä. Emoperunoina käytettiin tavallisia ruokaperunoita ja minimukuloita. Perunoiden tuottamia tytärmukuloita tarkasteltiin kuoppaoireiden varalta, ja taimien korkeus ja tytärmukuloiden yhteispaino mitattiin taimettumisen ja sadontuoton analysoimiseksi. Kuoppaoireisista perunoista eristetyt sienet tunnistettiin ITS-sekvensoinnin avulla lajeiksi Fusarium acuminatum, Ilyonectria crassa, Juxtiphoma eupyrena, Plectosphaerella cucumerina ja Plectosphaerella plurivora. Haavainokulointikokeessa käytetyt sienet aiheuttivat tilastollisesti merkitsevät oireet kontrollikäsittelyyn verrattuna ensimmäisessä mittauspisteessä. Haavoittamattomien emoperunoiden tytärmukuloissa ei havaittu kuoppaoireita. Sienet I. crassa, P. cucumerina, P. plurivora ja Ilyonectria-isolaatti LO3 lisäsivät ruokaperunoiden tytärmukulasatoa. Käsittelyillä ei ollut vaikutusta minimukuloiden sadontuottoon. Käsittelyt edistivät ruokaperunoiden taimettumista. Minimukuloiden taimettumista edisti I. crassa-käsittely, ja taimettumista hidasti P. cucumerina-käsittely. Tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että F. acuminatum, I. crassa, P. cucumerina ja P. plurivora ovat perunalle patogeenisia sieniä. Sienet voivat myös edistää perunan taimettumista ja sadonmuodostusta perunalajikkeesta riippuen. Kokeissa ei kuitenkaan saatu aikaiseksi samanlaista kuoppaoiretta kuin alkuperäisissä kuoppaoireisissa perunoissa oli havaittavissa, joten lisää tutkimusta tarvitaan osoittamaan, ovatko kyseiset sienet kuoppaoireen aiheuttajia.
  • Hautala, Elina (2023)
    Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is the world's third most important food crop, and its biggest threat is late blight caused by the fungus Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary. Although plant breeding has been aimed at developing resistant varieties, the use of fungicides is still the main control method. Breeding has the potential to produce functional and sustainable varieties, but its slowness and the adaptive nature of the pathogen make development challenging. Along with breeding and fungicides, different management practices, and prediction and monitoring models based on understanding the epidemiology of the pathogen and the combined effects of weather conditions, are means to develop more sustainable potato cultivation. In Finland, the Potato Research Institute conducts variety testing of potatoes. In the variety trials carried out in 2019 and 2020, the susceptibility of different potato varieties to late blight and the progression of foliar blight during the growing season were monitored. In addition to late blight resistance, an important criterion for the usefulness of the varieties tested is the yield level, which is examined in the trials. Differences were observed between the varieties in terms of foliar blight and the speed of its progression between the years. In both years, the foliar blight epidemic appeared later than expected in the trial area. The main reason for the delayed appearance of foliar blight was the weather conditions during the growing season. Late starch potato varieties proved to be the most resistant to foliar blight in the trials, and the weakest foliar blight resistance was observed in food potato varieties. Differences were also observed between the varieties in terms of 1000 tuber weights and tuber blight. Variety selection and weather conditions during the growing season have a significant impact on late blight pressure and the amount of damage caused. The most important characteristic of a variety is the yield, which was not measured in the experiments. Variety research conducted in Finland is important because the late blight resistance and agronomic characteristics of varieties coming from mainland Europe may not necessarily correspond to the information provided by the breeder in Finnish conditions. In the future, the development of integrated plant protection will play an increasingly important role in controlling P. infestans epidemics, as single actions will not provide sustainable solutions.
  • Kaipainen, Ruska (2022)
    Maatalouden vaikutus vesistöjen rehevöitymiseen on ollut pinnalla useita vuosia. Kalkitus on ikivanha metodi, mutta se on pitänyt pintansa maanparannuskeinona erityisesti Suomessa, jossa peltomaat ovat luontaisesti happamia. Kalkituksen päätarkoitus onkin neutraloida peltomaan happamuutta ja näin parantaa ravinteiden saatavuutta sekä vähentää haitallisten aineiden liukoisuutta viljelykasveille, mikä nostaa viljelykasvin satoa. Kuitenkin erityisesti rakennekalkkien on havaittu stabiloivan savimaan rakennetta tehokkaasti, mikä vähentää mahdollisesti pintamaasta eroosion kautta tapahtuvaa fosforikuormitusta vesistöihin. Rakennekalkituksen vaikutuksista viljelykasvien satoihin puuttuu vielä yksityiskohtaista tieteellistä tietoa viljelykasveittain ja maalajeittain erityisesti Suomen olosuhteissa. Esimerkiksi Ruotsissa tehdyissä rakennekalkituskokeissa on saatu ristiriitaisia tuloksia sen vaikutuksista viljelykasveihin eri pelto-olosuhteissa, eri vuosina. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää eri rakennekalkitustasojen (0, 8 ja 12 Mg ha-1) vaikutusta vehnän Triticum aestivum L. ’Amaretto’ sadonmuodostukseen korkean (pH(H2O)=6,5) ja matalan (pH(H2O=5.2)) lähtö-pH:n omaavilla savipelloilla. Tutkimus toteutettiin peltokokeina kasvukautena 2020 Sokerijuurikkaan Tutkimuskeskuksella, Hevonpäässä, Varsinais-Suomessa. Koeasetelmana oli sovellettu osaruutukoe, jossa pääruudun osatekijä oli pellon pH ja osaruutuina rakennekalkkikäsittely. Rakennekalkkina käytettiin kalsiumoksidia 19,5 %:a sisältävää tuotetta ja se levitettiin syksyllä 2019. Korkean pH:n lohkolle vehnä kylvettiin 1.5.2020 ja matalan pH:n lohkolle se kylvettiin 26.5.2020. Rakennekalkitusta seuraavana vuotena, etenkin alemman pH:n olosuhteissa, rakennekalkitus paransi vehnän satoja vain hyvin suureella 12 Mg ha-1 käsittelyllä. Päinvastoin korkeamman pH:n olosuhteissa rakennekalkitus ei lisännyt vehnän satoa, vaan aiheutti jopa sadon laskua. Jyvien kokonaistypenotto selitti sadon kasvua, sillä se lisääntyi myös erityisesti alhaisen pH:n sekä suurimman kalkkikäsittelyn olosuhteissa. Rakennekalkitus vaikutti myös ravinteiden kuten kaliumin sekä mangaanin pitoisuuksiin lehdissä ja korsissa sekä tähkien magnesiuminpitoisuuteen molemmilla lohkoilla. Toisaalta rakennekalkituksella ei ollut juurikaan vaikutusta satokomponentteihin eikä sadon laatuun. Kesäkuu 2020 oli kuiva ja aikaisemmin kylvetty lohko kärsi todennäköisesti kuivuudesta, mikä vaikutti todennäköisesti satotuloksiin etenkin korkeamman lähtö-pH:n omaavalla lohkolla, joka kylvettiin aikaisemmin. Tulosten perusteella ei voida tehdä vielä laajempia johtopäätöksiä rakennekalkin vaikutuksista vehnän satoon, vaan tarvitaan myös pitkän aikavälin tutkimusta sekä liittyen satoon, että maaperän ominaisuuksiin.
  • Kaakko, Emma (2022)
    The biological control of carrot psyllid (Trioza apicalis Förster (Hemiptera: Triozidae)) was the focus of this study. The carrot psyllid is an important pest that causes significant yield loss. There is a lack of knowledge of the biological control of carrot psyllid with predators. In a recent study, larvae of Chrysoperla carnea Stephens (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) and adult Anthocoris nemoralis Fabricius (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) were used as biological agents. The field research was carried out in Western Finland in the year 2021. The flight peak was monitored with yellow sticky traps, and predators were applied at the beginning of the flight peak. The number of carrot psyllids’ nymphs and eggs was calculated in the biocontrol treatments as well as untreated controls and chemical control treatments and results were compared. Due to severe drought during the field experiment, biocontrol treatments were studied also in semi-field conditions in the pallet collar cultivation experiment. The number of predators per square meter in the semi-field experiment was the same as in the field experiment and the effect on the controlled amount of carrot psyllids was observed. Both results were analysed with SPSS-program. According to the results, the combined treatment with C. carnea and A. nemoralis (Anthocoridae), where C. carnea were released one week later than A. nemoralis, decreased statistically significantly the number of carrot psyllids’ eggs. The C. carnea treatment or A. nemoralis (Anthocoridae) treatment alone did not reduce the number of eggs or larvae. There is no previous research on the biological control of carrot psyllid, so there is no background literature on the subject. The research aimed to get information on the biological control of carrot psyllid and that goal was achieved. It is essential to do further research on this subject. The following aims might be to find out more information on predator density, the timing of the predator release, and the effects of different predators’ combinations in the biological control of carrot psyllids.
  • Jääskeläinen, Oona (2022)
    Plant production and especially food production faces constantly challenges due to plant pathogens. Plant pathogens, such as different kinds of pathogenic fungi, are controlled throughout the production chain. Several vegetables, including carrot (Daucus carota), can get damaged during long storage periods. For example, temperature and moisture of the storage environment in addition to microbes, affect the quality. The crop losses caused by harmful microbes might be reduced by using biological control methods. The aim of this study was to evaluate if fungal pathogens could be suppressed in stored carrots by biological control. The biological control agent used in this study contains Clonostachys rosea J1446 fungus, which has been tested to be effective against many fungal plant pathogens. Three carrot batches were sprayed with C. rosea J1446 suspension. The carrots were stored in cold storage (0.5 °C) from four to six months. After the storage period, the number of infected carrots was counted and the amount of crop loss was measured. In addition, the survival of C. rosea J1446 fungus on the carrots was examined during the storage period. Pathogenic fungi were identified by molecular biology methods and by morphological features. Some of the fungi were selected for dual culture test examining antagonistic effects of three Clonostachys strains. In this study, the amount of diseased carrots was approximately 33 % of the untreated carrots. Symptom in the tip of the carrot was the most common indication of a disease. Treatment with C. rosea J1446 suspension reduced the amount of diseased carrots by 23 % on average and the treated carrots had less weight loss after the storage period. Viable C. rosea J1446 fungus was isolated from the carrots after six months. Most common pathogens found from the disease symptoms were Botrytis cinerea, Cylindrocarpon spp., Fusarium spp. and Mycocentrospora acerina. The results of the antagonism test showed that the three Clonostachys strains reduced the growth of these pathogens. The results of this research indicate that the C. rosea J1446 product could be used as a biological control agent against fungal pathogens on storage carrots.
  • Ekanayake, Chandima (2023)
    Strawberries and raspberries have high demand in Europe and mostly consumed as fresh. Berries are highly perishable and so, their postharvest physiology and shelf life are important. Packaging is needed to keep the berries in good quality during the time in storage. Plastic clamshells are the commonly used type of packages for the berries but there are environmental concerns due to the heavy disposal of plastics. To overcome this problem, a fiber package is going to be introduced. It is biodegradable, biobased, made with renewable raw material and the final product is recyclable. This research focused on the mentioned fiber package and its functionality as a berry package and as possible replacement for plastic (RPET) clamshells. Homogenous batches of raspberries (Rubus idaeus) and strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa) were stored in plastic packages and fiber packages at two different temperatures (+3 °C and +17 °C/+16 °C). Decay incidence, weight loss, surface area of the berry, color, firmness, total soluble solid concentration, acidity, and package staining were measured over the storage period. Results showed that berries stored in fiber packages at +3 °C had higher soluble solid concentrations than the berries stored in plastic packages at the same temperature. Berries stored in fiber packages at both temperatures showed higher weight losses. Fiber packages absorbed more moisture from raspberries and strawberries than plastic packages. However, raspberries can be kept upto 8 days and strawberries can be kept upto 5 days under the marketable condition in fiber packages at +3 °C.
  • Malm, Pia (2023)
    More than 75% of global food production benefits from insect pollinators. As the number of pollinators is declining, food security may be at risk. Bees are commonly considered as the most efficient pollinators, and this is reflected in the number of studies on crop pollination by bees. However, other taxa also visit crop flowers and may have a significant role in pollination. Ants are known to visit flowers for many different reasons, but their contribution to pollination is not clear. Raspberry is an economically important crop which highly benefits from animal pollination. The aim of this study was to examine the potential contribution of ants to raspberry pollination, in Coffs Harbour, Australia. The contribution of ants to pollination was evaluated in a bagging experiment comparing fruits from open pollination, ant-only visitation pollination, and exclusion of all pollinators, by recording ants’ abundance and diversity on raspberry flowers by transect walks and examining pollen carried on their bodies by inspecting swab samples under the microscope. The open pollination treatment had significantly higher numbers of drupelets and fruit weight than the pollinator exclusion treatment. The ant pollination treatment resulted in higher numbers of drupelets and fruit weight compared to the pollinator exclusion treatment. The abundance of ants varied considerably in different locations. Ants were the most abundant visitors in half of the studied locations. Ants were more active in the morning, while the proportion of honey bees and stingless bees increased after 11 a.m. compared to ants. Ten different ant species were found to visit raspberry flowers and raspberry pollen was found on ants’ bodies. This study shows the importance of ants in the pollination of raspberry flowers and their influence on raspberry fruit formation. All flower visitors should be studied to establish their relative contribution to crop pollination to ensure growers can plan the pollinator management for each crop and environment separately. This study shows that the role of the ants in crop pollination may have been underestimated.
  • Reda, Shaimaa Roshdy Abdullah (2022)
    Abstract Nuclear bodies (NB) have been studied for their importance of being one of the sites for gene regulation activities. RADICAL INDUCED CELL DEATH1 (RCD1) has proven to be a potential nuclear protein in A.thaliana that localizes to NB. It can interact with different transcription regulators responsible for many physiological functions. One of which is light signaling. Hence, it shares mutual functions with some phytochrome photoreceptors (PHYs), e.g., PHYB. It also contains intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) that stabilize RCD1 protein upon phosphorylation. This study aims to examine the colocalization events of RCD1 that coexpressed with PHYB in full-length RCD1 complementation line and domain deletion lines, given the fact that both RCD1 and PHYB have previously shown mutual interaction with some of PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTORS (PIFs). To achieve this aim, the colocalization of Venus-tagged RCD1 and Green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged PHYB using confocal Microscopy was performed. Another objective is to study the phosphorylation effect of one of the IDRs between WWE and PARP-like domain -IDR2- on RCD1 NB localization. Two phosphomutants -non-phosphorylatable and phosphomimetic- constructs were transiently and stably expressed in the rcd1-4 background. Furthermore, they were screened using Confocal Microscopy. We were able to see the colocalization events in 2 domain deletion lines, RCD1-∆WWE-3xVenus and RCD1 ∆PARP 3xVenus. On the other hand, we could not see any colocalization in the RCD1 ∆RST 3xVenus, which indicates the importance of the RST domain in the colocalization. In addition, phosphorylation was found to affect the abundance of RCD1 protein in both transiently and stably expressed lines. Our study showed non-phosphorylatable forms of IDR2 having a higher abundance of RCD1 NB than the control line RCD1-3xVenus, whereas phosphomimetic IDR2 showed no signal. Collectively, Our experiments showed the effect of phosphorylation on RCD1 NB localization and the importance of the RST domain in the colocalization of RCD1 with PHYB.
  • Haavisto, Minna (2022)
    Weed management is a challenge in organic agriculture and consequently investigation for developing mechanical weed control methods is needed. The aim is to decrease competition between weeds and crop to prevent reduction of the crop yield. Weed control aims at preventing seedbank of the weeds increasing in the fields and weed pressure in the future as well. The effect of the different weed harrowing methods for crop yield and controlling annual weeds in the spring cereal fields were examined in the Mustiala farm as a part of the project “Luomussa vara parempi” for three years. The weed harrowing methods were single post emergence harrowing and combination of pre-emergence and post emergence harrowing. Different weed harrowing treatments were compared with each other and the untreated control treatment. Pre-emergence harrowing was carried out after sowing before emerging of the crop and post emergence harrowing at 2–4 leaf stage of the crop. The most abundant annual weed species was fat hen (Chenopodium album L.) and number of other weed species were proved to be minor during the years of the field experiment. Therefore, the effects of the weed harrowing treatments were concentrated to examine for fat hen. The occurence of fat hen was assessed three times from the experimental plots: before post emergence weed harrowing treatments, after weed harrowing treatments and before harvest. Biomasses of fat hen and yields of the crop were determined in August. Combination of pre-emergence and post emergence harrowing was proved to be the most effective and reliable treatment. Fat hen was controlled substantially by single post emergence harrowing as well. None of the weed harrowing treatments affected significantly crop yield. The smallest crop yield was in the experimental plots of the combination treatment where soil compaction was the greatest due to the weed harrowing. The infestation of fat hen was most effectively decreased by a combination of pre-emergence and post emergence harrowing as well as single post emergence treatment during the next successive years of cereals. Annual reductions in the number of weeds could reduce the yield of the crop in the long term.
  • Hirvelä, Annika (2024)
    Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is a grain legume crop, its seeds are a generous source of plant protein for both food and feed. In addition to having a high nutritional value, faba beans are an essential part of a sustainable cropping system. Faba bean increases the biodiversity of crop rotation, and due to its' superior symbiotic nitrogen fixation, it reduces the need for chemical nitrogen fertilizers. Due to climate change, drought is predicted to increase during the growing season, especially in middle and high latitudes. Drought limits the growth of crops and reduces both grain and straw yields. Faba bean is a cool-season crop, and it has adapted to cool and moist conditions and has a low tolerance to water deficit. The main aim of this study is to determine whether Rhizobium leguminosarum inoculation improves adaptation of faba bean to water deficit. In addition, the study analyzes the effect of chemical nitrogen fertilizer on adaptation to water deficit and compares these results. The research was conducted under controlled greenhouse conditions and field experiment. In the greenhouse experiment, the effect of three different moisture treatments with field capacities of 100%, 45%, and 20% was compared on the growth between three different faba bean varieties. The genotypes used in the greenhouse experiment were Aurora, which is sensitive to water deficit; Mélodie, which has an efficient water absorption capacity; and Vire. Plants received three different nitrogen treatments: rhizobial inoculation, synthetic nitrogen fertilizer, and control that was not given nitrogen treatment. In the field experiment, a Finnish genotype, Sampo, was used, and the effects of four different nitrogen treatments on its growth were compared. The nitrogen treatments were inoculation, synthetic nitrogen fertilizer, a combination of these, and an untreated control. In the greenhouse experiment, water deficit and synthetic nitrogen fertilizer significantly reduced the number of active root nodules of the faba bean, while rhizobial inoculation increased the number of root nodules even under dry conditions. At 20% field capacity, inoculation increased shoot dry weight by 38%, while synthetic nitrogen fertilizer increased shoot dry weight by 26%. Synthetic nitrogen fertilizer, on the other hand, increased leaf area and SPAD results more than rhizobial inoculation. Leaf temperature raised as the stomatal conductance decreased under water deficit. Increasing the amount of nitrogen either by inoculating with rhizobia or synthetic nitrogen fertilizer promotes the growth of faba bean under water deficit conditions. Synthetic nitrogen fertilizer increases the adaptation of faba bean to water deficit slightly more than inoculation. Inoculation can ensure the formation of root nodules and efficient nitrogen fixation under water deficit.
  • Bhadhury, Suzan Kumer (2022)
    Plant vascular cambium development involves dynamic changes in transcriptional profiles, which are mediated by key transcription factors. Understanding secondary growth through complex molecular processes of vascular cambium development has remarkable significance in maximizing carbon storage in trees and is crucial for the genetic improvement of trees for wood production. Here, we studied the functions of NO TRANSMITTING TRACT (NTT)/WIP DOMAIN PROTEIN2 (WIP2) zinc-finger transcription factor in regulating vascular cambium activity and xylem formation using Arabidopsis roots and tree stems as model organisms. Reporter lines carrying red fluorescent protein driven by the promoter of NTT/WIP2 showed cambium specific expression in Arabidopsis roots under confocal microscope. Inducible overexpression of NTT/WIP2 after cambium activation reduced vascular diameter, primary phloem pole distance and secondary vessel number in Arabidopsis roots. In loss of function ntt mutants, significant reductions of vascular diameter, phloem pole distance and number of secondary vessels were also evident. Our data suggests that, both increased expression and loss of function of NTT/WIP2 gene significantly reduce secondary growth in Arabidopsis roots. Simultaneous to our Arabidopsis experiments we also tested the possibility of increasing wood formation amounts through manipulation of PttNTT (putative Populus ortholog of Arabidopsis NTT/WIP2 gene) expression in hybrid aspen trees. But increased expression of NTT/WIP2 in Poplar significantly reduced plant height, stem girth and internode numbers. Altogether, we hypothesize that, appropriate spatiotemporal expression pattern and levels of NTT/WIP2 is required for cambial activity to proceed properly in plants. These findings represent a new foundation toward a more comprehensive understanding of the molecular mechanisms of NTT/WIP2 gene in regulation of cambium development and secondary growth in plants.
  • Uusitupa, Jenni (2021)
    Tiivistelmä  Referat  Abstract Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) may accumulate high amounts of nitrate in the hydroponic NFT-cultivation system. Accumulation is known to increase under low light conditions, and thus high nitrate content causes problems in year-round lettuce production in Finland. Nitrate is classified as a harmful food additive, and the regulation (194/97) of the European Commission requires the Member States to monitor the nitrate content of commercial lettuce. Hence, to control the nitrate content, farmers have requested an efficient method that does not shorten the shelf-life or negatively affect the quality of lettuce. In the earlier studies, root-applied glycinebetaine (GB) was shown to reduce lettuce nitrate content and increase the contents of amino acids and minerals. The present study aimed to investigate, whether glycinebetaine can serve as a precise method to control lettuce nitrate content in commercial-scale greenhouse production. Glycinebetaine 10 mM was applied into the nutrient solution twice at three days intervals, and lettuce was exposed to treatment during the last six growing days before the harvest. Plant samples were collected every second day for 14 days after the first GB application, and samples from nutrient solution were collected simultaneously. The reduction of GB from the nutrient solution was monitored. The fresh weight of the plants was weighed during the harvest, and contents of nitrate, dry matter, minerals, amino acids, and GB in the plant samples were analyzed. Root-applied GB reduced lettuce nitrate content by over 29 % in comparison to control plants. The total contents of hydrolyzed- and free amino acids were increased. The total content of essential amino acids was increased up to 14 % following the GB treatment. Also, the contents of minerals in the lettuce leaves were altered. The potassium (K+) content in lettuce was reduced by over 40 % after GB application. Lettuce accumulated the applied GB and leaf GB content was 7 mg kg-1 fresh lettuce at the highest. Root-applied GB reduced the fresh weight of the harvested lettuce, but all plants reached the commercial size (>100 g) during the typical commercial growing period of 41–43 days. The result of the present study proved that GB is a practical method to control nitrate content and the quality of lettuce on commercial-scale lettuce production. Glycinebetaine was detectable in the nutrient solution for three days after application and thus, continuously maintained lower nitrate content in plants requires continuous GB application in the commercial lettuce production. The reduction of the nitrate content was significant six days after the first GB application, which indicates that a six-day treatment period is required.
  • Laine, Tuomo (2022)
    The global demand for berries has grown recently, which is why the berry plants are now being cultivated in the greenhouse during the winter. In Finland, availability of natural light in the winter season is limited, and the light conditions in greenhouses are typically improved with HPS lights, but their spectrum is limited in blue light which is required by plants. LEDs are the first energy-efficient light source that enables the spectrum to be optimized to match the wavelengths absorbed by plant photoreceptors. This study compared the effect of two different light treatments on the primocane raspberry plant (Rubus idaeus L. 'Shani') in winter season. The aim was to study how blue and red LED light in addition to HPS light affect the growth, morphology, yield and berry quality of primocanes in greenhouse conditions during winter in Finland. The experiment was carried out at the University of Helsinki's greenhouses in Viikki between August 2018 and February 2019. In the vegetative stage, amount of vegetative growth, flavonoid, anthocyanin, chlorophyll content and leaf photosynthesis were measured. In the generative stage, the timing of harvest, the number of inflorescences, yield, and the berry quality (soluble solids, titratable acids, total phenolic and anthocyanin content) were measured. Increasing blue and red light in the spectrum (HPS+LED) affected both the vegetative growth and the berry quality compared to HPS light alone. Differences were observed in leaf temperature, photosynthetic activity, leaf chlorophyll and flavonoid content, growth of lateral shoots and berry anthocyanin content. In the vegetative growth phase, the HPS+LED light, contrary to the hypothesis, did not reduce the length of the main shoot, but on the other hand strongly reduced the length of the lateral shoots. HPS+LED light increased the flavonoid and anthocyanin concentration in leaves and berries, respectively, while the anthocyanin concentration in leaves and the total phenolic concentration in berries were not affected. The total yield was less than one kilogram per plant, and not affected by the light treatment. From an economic point of view the marketable yield, along with the berry quality are the key factors when producing raspberries indoor in winter because the plants were grown in completely controlled environment with additional energy. Ultimately, different wavelengths seem to interact, and their mutual relationships change the already known effects of a single wavelength.
  • Kamppari, Visa (2024)
    Many noble hardwood species of boreal and temperate climate zones will experience increased selection pressure for adaptive traits as climate change proceeds. This will cause shifts in the timing of phenological events such as budburst in spring. Shifts in phenology may disrupt interaction between species and their environment as well as interaction within and between species. Changes in the timing of annual life cycle traits may threaten species’ current fitness and potential to adapt to future climates. The rate and magnitude of phenological shifts will increase along with increasing temperatures. To adapt to changing environmental conditions, species need to possess adaptive variation in life cycle traits. In small and isolated populations at northern margins of species distribution, variation in adaptive traits is threatened by low genetic variation, low gene flow and genetic drift. To preserve the adaptive potential of noble hardwood populations in Finland, ex situ gene conservation collections are established where genetic resources are conserved as living trees. To characterize the adaptive potential currently present in Finnish gene conservation collections of European maple (A. platanoides L.), small-leaved linden (T. cordata Mill.) and European white elm (U. laevis Pall.), the amount of current phenological diversity should be evaluated. For this purpose, budburst progress in the collections was tracked by phenotypic observations on budburst phenological phases in relation to accumulating temperature. The data did not allow for analysis of variance between origin populations; therefore, a more conservative approach was chosen where conserved genetic resources were assessed by examining budburst differentiation between groups of origin populations. The level of differentiation in budburst temperatures is used as an indicator of spring phenological diversity to determine if the conserved origins are adapted to the same spring temperature range. No significant differentiation was found in the timing of budburst between groups of origins. Therefore, the conserved origins are presumed to be adapted to the same spring temperature range within their respective species distribution in Finland. However, low phenological diversity may magnify the threats imposed to these species by climate change. Genetic studies are recommended for deeper understanding of underlying genetic diversity and adaptive potential of the stored genetic resources.
  • Grönlund, Jani (2022)
    Tehostuneet viljelykäytänteet sekä maankäytön muutokset ovat ajaneet pölyttäjät ahtaalle. Pölyttäjämäärän muutoksen takia on syytä selvittää, kuinka suomalaiset viljelijät näkevät pölyttäjien tilanteen. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää kyselytutkimuksen avulla, mitä suomalaiset viljelijät tietävät pölyttäjistä sekä mitä he ovat tehneet tai valmiita tekemään tiloillaan pölyttäjäystävällisyyden puolesta. Pölyttäjäystävällisyydellä tarkoitan sitä, kuinka viljelijä ottaa pölyttäjiä hyödyttävät toimenpiteet huomioon tilallaan. Tavoitteena oli selvittää myös millaista tietoa viljelijät haluavat hankkia ja mistä, sekä millaisia eroja eri tuotantosuuntien välillä on. Tutkimus suoritettiin maaliskuussa 2021 verkossa jaettavana avoimena kyselytutkimuksena. Kysely lähetettiin eri organisaatioiden kautta useille suomalaisille pää- tai sivutoimisille viljelijöille. Levitystavan takia tarkkaa otantakokoa ei tiedetä, mutta kyselyyn vastasi 261 viljelijää. Näistä tavanomaisen tuotannon valinneita oli 62 %, luomutuotannon 35 % ja muita 3 %. Vastauksia tuli lähes kaikista Suomen maakunnista. Tilastollisesti merkittävästi eniten pölyttäjäasioista tiesivät luomutuottajat, ja tavanomaiset viljelijät taas vähemmän. Tuotantotyyppien välillä ei havaittu merkittävää eroa. Lähes kaikki vastaajat kokevat maatalousluonnon hoitamisen tärkeänä, ja osaltaan siihen liittyen viljelijöillä on erilaisia motiiveja pölyttäjien suojeluun, kuten taloudellinen maataloustuotantonsa tukeminen tai arvoihin perustuva monimuotoisen maatalousluonnon välittäminen jälkipolville. Vastaajat ovat tehneet erilaisia pölyttäjiä hyödyntäviä toimia tiloillaan, kuten lisänneet peltojen talviaikaista kasvipeitteisyyttä, sekä vähentäneet kasvinsuojeluruiskutuksia. Myös peltojen reuna-alueita on hoidettu pölyttäjäystävällisesti. Tuloksista kävi selvästi ilmi, että nykypäivän viljelijä hankki tietämyksensä useista eri tietolähteistä. Suurin osa viljelijöistä luotti erilaisiin ammattilehtiin ja -julkaisuihin. Noin puolet taas kertoi etsivänsä uutta tietoa itse esimerkiksi internetistä, tai osallistumalla maatalousalan koulutuksiin ja webinaareihin. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan sanoa, että suomalaiset viljelijät olivat kiinnostuneita pölyttäjien tilasta. On erittäin oletettavaa, että kyselyyn vastasi vain pölyttäjistä kiinnostuneet viljelijät ja kyselyn lopputulos on hieman kaunistellumpi kuin tilanne todellisuudessa voisi olla.
  • Zhanybekova, Zhanargul (2022)
    Abstract Background. Faba bean (Vicia faba L.,) is a protein-rich grain crop and a good source of many nutrients. However, the productivity and composition of this crop can be limited by several biotic and abiotic stresses. Acid soil leads to a reduction in water uptake, and influences on major biological and chemical processes. However, some plants can manage stress. Mostly, low pH reduces plant vegetative organs and a has a negative effect on physiological processes such as gas exchange, photosynthesis, chlorophyll concentration, and transpiration. The aim of this study was to find homolog genes in close spp. and o test selected gene response as a factor in resilience to rootzone acidity in Vicia faba L. Methods. Four faba bean genotypes were selected for our experiment based on germplasm screening in aquaponic conditions from a previous study. According to obtained results of morpho-physiological measures from a previous experiment, IG11204 and Bourdon showed tolerance to acid only. DULUC is tolerant to acid and Al treatments. In contrast, Nora38 demonstrated susceptibility to both stresses. Selected genotypes were grown under the same experimental conditions in order to proceed with samples for further analysis (total RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, RT-PCR, gel-electrophoresis, validation of selected gene by RT-qPCR). Results. Selected genes have been identified as hub genes in A. thaliana (alternative oxidase 1A, glutamate dehydrogenase 1, zinc fingers superfamily protein), which demonstrated an increase in expression levels under acidic pH stress. We have found homolog genes in the Hedin cultivar. Selected homolog gene were used to check its expression in four genotypes under Al3+ and acidic stresses using RT-qPCR. Finally, up-regulation of the GDH1 was detected by acid and also occurred by Al3+ treatments. Discussion. Our analysis of gene expression revealed that GDH1 was expressed differently between control and treated groups. However, its activity was detected for both stresses. The expression of GDH1 transcripts in this study, also concurs with findings where GDH1 in A. thaliana were expressed under Al3+ stress. Furthermore, it was confirmed that they are novel Al3+ resistance genes, which are regulated by the transcription factor STOP1 (sensitive-to-proton-rhizotoxicity1). GDHs are involved in stress tolerance, and pH-regulated metabolic pathways – GABA shunt. It participates in the regulation of cytosolic pH, carbon fluxes into the TCA cycle, nitrogen metabolism, deterrence of insects, protection against oxidative stress, osmoregulation and signaling in plant cells under different stress conditions. The GABA shunt is enhanced by stresses, which cause cytosol acidification. Genes expressed in conditions of low pH partly overlap with those expressed in plants exposed to Al3+ stress. Generally, acidic soil is associated with the co-occurrence of Al3+ and H+ rhizotoxicities.