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Browsing by discipline "Metsäekonomia"

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  • Kettunen, Antti (2016)
    The purpose of the study was to identify the differences between forest machine enter-prises’ operational environments in Finland and Sweden and to find out what kind of rela-tionships and contracts these enterprises have with their clients. The purpose was also to identify what kind of growth strategies are implemented and what sort of financing op-portunities are offered in forest machine industry. The aim of this study was also to con-duct an evaluation of financial potential of the forest machine industry in both countries. This study uses qualitative methods. The material was gathered through five interviews conducted in Finland and five in Sweden during the summer and autumn of 2015. The material was analyzed through thematizing. The interviews hold four main themes which included operational environment, relationships and contracts, growth and success and finance. The operational environment was considered more positive in Finland, due to the future large investments targeted to the country`s forest industry. The main difference between the two countries is that most of the clients use key contractor model in Finland which is not commonly applied in Sweden and this had clear effects on the results of this study. Also, contractors in Finland often have more clients than in Sweden. The service contracts contained the same basic conditions in both countries except the duration of the contract, which was longer in Finland. Contractors generally used internal growth and corporate acquisition as their growth strategy in both countries. Contractors were more expansionary and open to growth in Finland than in Sweden. They also used the same kind of financial products in both countries. According to the results, the forest machine industry has the same financial potential in both countries, since the urge of financing will not disappear in the future.
  • Kraama, Mikko (2015)
    The study examines views of the family forest owners on the profitability of forestry, profitability factors related service needs, and possibilities to improve profitability. The data were collected by interviewing 19 forest owners who are members of the Forest Management Association Päijät-Häme. The employed method was semi-structured interview. In addition, structured questionnaires were used to collect information on the forest ownership objectives. The results consist of the conceptualization of forest owners’ attitudes in terms of forestry profitability, typology of the forest owners’ profitability views, types of forest owners’ information service needs and classification of attitudes towards the profitability of information services. Forest owners had various views on profitability. They were mainly interested in utilizing their forests. However, forest owners' knowledge and abilities to utilize the profitability concepts were incomplete. The economic information services could provide a solution to this problem. Services for forest owners could indicate the potential total economic value of forests. The forest owners could be encouraged to implement actions to improve profitability by showing and digesting the gap between their current and the potential situation. Profitability services could be implemented in interaction with the forest owners, information and personal advice. The government could influence the profitability of the non-industrial forestry by providing incentives to build up and utilize the services.
  • Pulkki, Petri (2017)
    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää taloudellisesta näkökulmasta, kuinka tärkeänä yksityinen metsäomistaja pitää metsäomaisuuttaan. Tarkoituksena on tuoda esiin metsä yhtenä omaisuuslajina ja selvittää kyseisen omaisuuslajin merkitys ja hyödyntäminen metsänomistajan näkökulmasta, niin sijoitusmuotona, kuin osana kokonaisvarallisuutta. Tutkimuksen pääasiallinen tarkoitus oli kerätä tietoa ja tarkastella millaisia Danske Bankin metsänomistaja-asiakkaat ovat. Mitkä ovat heidän metsänomistuksen motiivit ja tavoitteet sekä kuinka tärkeänä omaisuuslajina ja talouden turvaajana he metsäomaisuutta pitävät. Tutkimuksen perusjoukko koostui Danske Bank Oyj:n metsänomistajista, joilla oli metsätili. Tutkimus toteutettiin kyselytutkimuksena. Kyseessä oli kvantitatiivinen tutkimus, jossa empiiristä havaintoaineistoa tarkastelemalla ja analysoimalla kerättiin informaatiota yksityismetsänomistajien metsään liittyvistä taloudellisista arvostuksista ja metsän taloudellisesta hyödyntämisestä. Lisäksi selvitettiin metsäomistaja-asiakkaiden pankkipalveluihin liittyviä arvostuksia ja tarpeita. Havaintoaineistoa tarkasteltiin aineistosta muodostettujen luokkien sekä muiden demografisten taustapiirteiden perusteella. Aineiston luokat määriteltiin vastaajien iän, omistamansa metsäpinta-alan ja metsän hoitamiseen ja hyödyntämiseen liittyvän aktiivisuuden mukaan. Tarkastelun keskeisimpänä kohteena oli metsänomistajien aktiivisuus. Aktiivisuutta pyrittiin analysoimaan logistisen regressiomallin avulla. Tavoitteena oli selvittää mitkä tekijät vaikuttivat metsänomistaja-asiakkaan aktiivisuuteen. Havaintoaineistoon sovitettujen logististen regressiomallien perusteella havaittiin metsäpinta-alan koolla sekä sukupuolella olevan tilastollisesti merkitsevä vaikutus aktiivisuuteen. Tutkimuksesta keräämään aineiston perusteella voidaan todeta metsäomaisuudella olevan taloudellista turvaa tuova vaikutus. Metsäomaisuus aiotaan säilyttää suvussa ja siirtää myöhemmin nuoremmille sukupolville. Virkistysarvoja ja sen tuomaa taloudellista turvaa sekä sieltä saatavia puukauppatuloja arvostetaan. Metsillä on myös merkittävää tunnearvoa ja useat metsänomistajat, kokevatkin vaalivansa sukunsa perintöä. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että metsiä arvostettiin sijoituskohteena. Valtaosa metsänomistaja-asiakkaista oli tyytyväinen metsäomaisuuteensa sijoituskohteena. Metsänomistajat ovat tämän kyselytutkimuksen mukaan varovaisia sijoittajia, jotka ennemminkin haluavat turvata omaisuutensa, kuin kerryttää sille tuottoa riskisesti. He omistavat keskimääräistä huomattavasti enemmän metsää, ja ovat jossain määrin tietoisia metsänsä taloudellisesta arvosta.
  • Kylmäaho, Jenni Jemina (2015)
    This study examines the service quality of a Finnish forest service company. The forest services market in Finland is undergoing a radical change in market structure after the Finnish Forest Act changed in 2014. Accordingly, government-backed forest service organizations must adapt their business models towards competitive markets and they must reconsider their own competitive edge. The aim of the study is to analyse internal environment of a company in order to produce service quality. The aim is to understand what are the customers’ experiences of the service quality and from which factors the quality is formed. The target group of the study are the Finnish urban forest owners. This group of forest owners is a customer target group for the Finnish forest service organization. The theoretical framework is based on Perceived Service Quality theory. The theory examines service quality comparing customers’ expectation s to customers’ experiences. If service experience exceeds the expectations, the level of service quality is considered good. The Gap Model of the Perceived Service Quality-theory examines the performance of the internal environment of a company in order to produce service quality. The performance of the internal environment is a crucial aspect of service quality because it determines the bases whether the service quality is considered good by a customer. The data was collected from urban forest owners and the company’s staff. The customer survey was sent by email to 1287 forest owners. The staff survey was submitted to all 284 staff members of the company. The customer survey response rate was 24. Staff response rate was 27. The method used in the study was SERVQUAL and Gap Model, which are both based on Perceived Service Quality-theory. The result shows that the service quality produced by the forest service organization is considered good among customers. The service quality is composed from four different factors which are: personal service, communication and marketing, the execution of forest services and the outcome. The results indicated four different customer segments among urban forest owners. These customer groups were named “concentrated on execution”, “service oriented”, “emphasized on outcome” and “indifferent toward services”. The group “concentrated on execution” had highest expectations towards services. The group “emphasized on outcome” stressed the result of the forest service. The group of “service oriented” was largest and these clients underlined the importance of a good personal service. Failures is personal service resulted in the group of indifferent customers. There were more respondents included to this group than others that had used forest road-services or were from Lapland, North Ostrobothnia or Kainuu. The Gap Model indicated the core development areas in internal environment in order to produce service quality. The gaps were wide in relation to the optimal level of internal environment that would serve to produce quality service. In particular, management's views differed from the views of other staff. The results show that the standardization of services and internal communication are the core elements for the development of high-quality service.
  • Rahikainen, Aija (2014)
    The development of forest certification started in 1980, when consumers started a boycott campaign against deforestation in tropical forests. The initial idea for forest certification was to promote biodiversity in tropical forests. At the same time United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development introduced the concept of sustainable development. In 1992 sustainable development was set as the goal of action in the United Nation’s Conference on Environment and Development. Sustainable forest management was also discussed. Forest certification is a way to implement sustainable forest management. Forest certification is a non-state market driven governance system. There are two forest certification systems in use in Finland: Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes and Forest Stewardship Council. The forest policy instruments presented in the study are forest legislation, forest taxation, KEMERA, national forest program and best practice guidelines for forest management. The purpose of the study was to examine by qualitative research how forest certification and public policy instruments in Finland support each other and how the different reference groups in forestry define forest certification in its different sections. The different sections of forest certification were formed by combining different theories. Theoretical framework consisted of policy instruments on different fields including regulation, information and economy. The respondents found some contradictions between forest certification and forest policy instruments. The most contradictions are between forest legislation and forest certification, but as a whole forest legislation promotes forest certification. The reference groups defined forest certification as market based policy instrument, but its regulative and information roles were also recognized. The information role of forest certification was not seen by all reference groups as important and that should be taken into account. The research results suggest that public and private decision making should consider the forest certification as a private forest policy. According to the results, the current state of Finnish forest would have been reached through a stricter legislation, economic instruments, information and marketing. Environmental non-governmental organizations think that forest certification has not improved the state of forests. Many reference groups thought that the state of the forests is subsequent to active forest policy. Many believe that the biodiversity of the forests has improved due to forest certification. However, the respondents think that the forest certification could be improved. The respondents suggested combining PEFC and FSC. The bureaucracy of forest certification should be diminished to maintain the clarity and practicality.
  • Talvensaari, Terhi (2016)
    The aims of this study were to update an accounting model suitable for profitability calculations in family forestry, to test the MELA-software for evaluating stand and bare land values and to test the presented accounting model with two family forest properties located in Päijät-Häme area. Owners of the case forest properties provided bookkeeping notes, tax information, timber sales details, felling information, an estimation of entrepreneurial work and the amount of wood products taken for private use from year 2013. Forest Management Association Päijät-Häme provided numerical forest plans including stand level information from properties as well as association-level average stumpage prices and unit costs from years 2012 and 2013 for MELA-software calculations. MELA-software was employed to calculate the values of stands and bare land. The accounting model for family forestry was updated according to the requirements of international accounting standards (IFRS/IAS) and the forest stand liquidity effects of amended Finnish forest act of 2014. Profit and loss statement and balance sheet were illustrated by presenting average results per hectare for the case forest properties. Total net values of the forest property, divided into stumpage value, bare land value and goodwill value, were placed as non-current assets on the balance sheet. The changes in goodwill and stumpage values were also taken into account in the profit and loss statement. Current assets of the balance sheet included only items, which will be realized in the near future, like sold but not yet felled trees or harvested round woods, which are waiting for the transport. Additionally the balance sheet was amended with short-term tax income liabilities. The profitability of private forest properties was analyzed by using relative profitability indicators, which were return on investment (ROI), return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA). The case forest properties had different structures in business and growing stock and therefore the accounting model could describe interesting results, even though the analyzed fiscal period was only one year. The results of the study can be utilized in developing profitability information services for forestry, for example the Economy Doctor by Natural Resources Institute Finland.
  • Haaparinne, Kare (2018)
    Metsävakuuttaminen on yksi metsävahinkoihin varautumisen muoto, eli riskien hallinnan väli-ne. Vaikka Suomessa on vahvat perinteet metsien käytöstä luonnonvarana, on metsien vakuut-taminen jäänyt metsänomistajien keskuudessa pienemmälle huomiolle. Tilanne korostuu erityi-sesti yksityismetsänomistajien puolella, sillä vain noin 40 prosenttia Suomen yksityismetsistä on tällä hetkellä vakuutettuna. Tätä jos verrataan Ruotsiin vakuutusasteeseen, mikä on 70 pro-senttia, voidaan havaita, että löytyy merkittävää eroa. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan Suomalaisia metsävakuutuksia, niiden sisältöjä ja puutteita. Lisäksi käydään läpi vakuutuksien turvaamat metsävahinkotyypit ja miten vakuutus käytännössä reagoi korvaustilanteessa. Tätä kautta selvi-tetään vakuutuksen hyödyt yksityismetsänomistajalle ja samalla myös syitä siihen, miksi met-sävakuuttamisen kiinnostus on pientä Suomessa. Tämä tutkimus on luonteeltaan kvalitatiivinen, eli laadullinen, ja aineiston keruu toteutettiin puolistrukturoiduilla teemahaastatteluilla. Aineisto koostui metsäasiantuntijahaastatteluista (17 kpl), jotka toteutettiin tammi- ja maaliskuun välillä 2018. Haastatteluun valikoidut asiantuntijat olivat töissä joko metsänhoitoyhdistyksellä, tai yksityisellä yrityksellä, ja heillä kaikilla oli ko-kemusta metsävahinkojen korvausarviointien tekemisestä. Asiantuntijoiden näkemys metsävakuuttamisen kannattavuudesta oli lähes yksimielinen: va-kuuttaminen lisää turvallisuuden tunnetta yksityismetsänomistajalle. Vakuutus koettiin lähes ai-noaksi tavaksi varautua vahinkoihin taloudellisesti, ja vakuutusyhtiökohtaisesti metsävahinkoja korvataan vähintäänkin hyvin. Yksittäisillä vahinkohistorioilla vaikutti olevan suurin merkitys metsävakuutuksen hankintapäätökseen. Yksityismetsänomistajat eivät kuitenkaan toimi tietty-jen ominaisuuksien mukaisesti jokaisessa tapauksessa, mikä tarkoittaa sitä, että esimerkiksi koulutus- tai tulotasolla ei ole juurikaan merkitystä metsänomistajan vakuutuspäätöksessä.
  • Paaja, Pipsa (2015)
    Over 60% of all the forest land in Finland is owned by private forest owners and most of these forests are owned by families. Private forest owners have been studied in Finland quite a lot, but there are still quite few studies about women owning forest land. The theory is based on previous Finnish, Swedish and American studies about female forest owners. The goals of this study were to describe women and their behaviour as forest owners as well as explore how they use forest consultation services, which background characteristics influenced the usage and how it differed from men’s behaviour. The data used in this study was Suomalainen metsänomistaja 2010 and it has been gathered during 2004-2008 via postal survey. The sample, 13,000, was divided into 13 forest centres. Valid responses were obtained 6318, so the percentage of responses was 49,2%. The background characteristics and behaviour of female forest owners were explored by using means and cross-tabs. Linear regression model and logit-model were used to describe the usage of forest consultation services and the background characteristics influencing it. On the supposition that the amount of the female forest owners has been under estimated in previous studies (25%), the purpose of this study is also to determine more exact number. Previously, the amount of female forest owners has been estimated on the strength of the respondent of the postal survey, but it hasn’t been taken into account that men are more likely to answer the survey than women. This study showed that 38% or 44% of all forest owners in Finland were women depending on the calculation method. Female forest owners were older and better educated than men, but they sold less wood as well as did less maintenance work and also their estates were smaller. Women used the forest consultation services less frequent than men. Women’s goals of owning forest were also different from men’s, since over a third of women used their forest for recreational purposes. Women were more passive forest owners than men. This can be partly explained by the large amount of women using their forest for recreational purposes. Women could be encouraged to be more active through a women’s own network. These kinds of networks have been put into practice for example in the USA.
  • Mäkelä, Timo (2017)
    The wood procurement companies and the forest industry are linked in both economical and operational perspective. Therefore, the success of one is dependent on another. In Finland, the procurement volumes are to increase, so efficient performance of procurement operations is vital. In this study, the operational environment and operative practices of the chosen 12 procurement companies were studied by analyzing procurement data of three years’ period, by interviewing the entrepreneurs and by assessing their operative practices with a cost analysis model. The results point out considerable variation in the procured volume and productive machine hours. Common problems were related to timber reception at mills and difficulties in resource utilization planning due to varying amount of harvesting work. Entrepreneurs hoped for larger forest stand inventory and more systematic planning in acquisition of stands to optimize logistics and harvesting. Variation in the worksite preparation performance of the employees of the customers requires improvement and entrepreneurs have development to do in performance monitoring and attitudes towards it. Variation in tools used for monitoring and resources dedicated to it was notable. Limitations of management resources appeared in middle-size companies and hiring supervisor-level personnel is a high threshold. Unit costs for harvesting varied considerably, but in general higher productive machine hours decrease the unit cost. Decrease of the annual standstill-time and transit distances and adequate worksite volume and machinery utilization rate are key factors, that can affect the unit cost by up to several per cent. On national scale, the cost decrement can be from millions of euros to tens of millions only by small improvements Notable variation in productive machine hours and harvested volumes tells about possibilities for improvements. These can be found by developing the operational environment together with customers and by assessing own practices and attitudes openly and critically. Wood procurement companies in general have the will to improve and develop and together with the forest industry’s increasing need for timber, this provides improvement possibilities for the whole chain of wood procurement.
  • Patolahti, Leevi (2018)
    Työn tavoitteena on mallintaa ekonometrisen analyysin avulla, kuinka kysyntä ja tarjontamallit vaikuttavat pystyhakkuiden hakkuumäärään. Tarkasteltava alue on koko Suomi, jossa mukana kaikki metsäkeskukset. Työssä esitettyjen mallien on tarkoitus kuvata Suomen raakapuumarkkinoita. Aikasarja- aineisto koostuu tukkipuun (kuusi -, mänty ja koivu), kuitupuun (kuusi, mänty ja koivu) keskimääräisistä kantohinnoista, sahatavaran vientituotteiden ja sellu – ja paperiteollisuus vientituotteiden hinnoista sekä metsäteollisuuden palkkatasosta. Tarkasteltava ajanjakso on 2003 – 2017. Tilastollisesti merkittävin tulos saatiin sahatavaran kysyntämallin estimoimisesta, jossa melkein kaikki valitut selittävät muuttujat kuvasivat sahatavan kysyntää hyvin. Testien avulla saatujen tietojen perustella, vaikuttaisi että suurimmat vaihtelut kysynnässä ja tarjonnassa tapahtuu lyhyellä aikavälillä. Muuten tilastollisesti merkittävimmät tulokset saatiin tarjontamalleista. Vaikka tutkielma sisältää puutteita, niin tutkielman avulla saatuja estimaatteja voidaan hyödyntää raakapuumarkkinoiden jatkotutkimuksissa.
  • Ouni, Jussi (2010)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tuoda esille REIT-metsäkiinteistörahastot ja niiden mahdolliset vaikutukset Suomen metsätalouteen. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on tulevaisuuden tutkimisessa käytettävä Delfoi-menetelmä, joka perustuu asiantuntijoilta saadun argumentaation käsittelyyn. Tämän tutkimuksen asiantuntijapaneeli käsittää 16 metsäalan asiantuntijaa, jotka työskentelevät eri instituutioissa. Asiantuntijat valittiin tarkan harkinnan perusteella ja heille lähetettiin sähköpostitse kysymys, johon he saivat vastata vapaasti. Sähköpostikysely oli kaksivaiheinen, Delfoi-menetelmän periaatteen mukaisesti. Asiantuntijoilta saadun aineiston avulla tutkittiin, skenaarioita hyväksikäyttäen, miten REITmetsäkiinteistörahasto voisi vaikuttaa Suomen metsätalouteen ja sen tämän hetkisiin ongelmiin. Ongelmiksi on luokiteltu tässä tutkimuksessa mm. Suomen yksityismetsien pirstoutuminen, epäsuoran sijoitusinstrumentin puute metsätaloudessa ja yksityismetsänomistajien metsänhoidon tehottomuus. Lisäksi asiantuntijoilta haluttiin argumentaatioita REIT-metsäkiinteistörahastojen olemassaolon mahdollisuuksiin Suomessa. Saadut vastaukset lajiteltiin aiheittain, kirjoitettiin tulevaisuusskenaarioiksi ja erilliseksi argumentaation tarkasteluksi. Suomessa ei ole mahdollista perustaa yhtiötasolla verovapaata REIT-metsäkiinteistörahastoa. Suomen kiinteistörahastolainsäädäntö ja osakeyhtiölaki pitävät huolta siitä, että yhtiömuotoinen metsänomistus ei kannata Suomessa. Epäsuora metsänomistus ei ole Suomessa mahdollista ja metsää voi omistaa vain hankkimalla metsäkiinteistön. REIT-metsäkiinteistörahasto mahdollistaisi metsänomistamisen yhtiön kautta. Se tarkoittaisi, että osakkeiden kautta omistettu metsä ei vaatisi osakkeenomistajilta metsänhoidollisia ja hallinnollisia toimenpiteitä. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset viittaavatkin siihen, että Suomeen tarvittaisiin nopeasti REIT-metsäkiinteistörahaston salliva lainsäädäntö, jotta voitaisiin hyötyä REIT:n mahdollisesti tuomista uudistuksista. Tulokset viittaavat myös siihen, että nykyiset metsien yhteisomistusmuodot ovat riittämättömiä kattamaan uuden metsänomistajasukupolven tarpeet, ja sijoitusluontoiselle metsänomistukselle olisi kysyntää. Asiantuntijoiden mielipiteet osoittavat, että REIT-metsäkiinteitärahastolle olisi hyvät edellytykset toimia Suomessa. Niiden kautta voisi metsien arvostus nousta uudelle tasolle. Perusteena arvonnousulle olisi metsäomaisuuden saattaminen pörssiin ja sitä kautta metsänomistajaksi voisi tulla lähes kuka tahansa.
  • Mäkelä, Matti (2009)
    Political incentives often have a central role in bioenergy production. Influence of these incentives is expected to increase, because conventional fossil fuels are draining and the climate change forces policy makers to react. Hence, the demand for biofuels is also expected to grow. Woodbased fuels are the most important biofuel and renewable energy source in Finland. Woodbased fuels are almost equally divided into liquid byproducts of the pulp industry and solid woodbased fuels. This study focuses on solid woodbased fuels, because these solid fuels have markets unlike e.g. black liquor and because these shares increase. In this study, the solid woodbased fuels include forest chips, bark, sawdust, industrial chips, recycled wood and pellets. One aim of the study is to formulate a general view of the Finnish woodbased fuel markets. The demand is analysed by using the statistics of The Finnish Forest Research Institute (Metla) and the supply by using existing literature. Metla compiles statistics about the utilization of woodbased fuels from over 700 energy facilities, comparing several categories of woodbased fuels. This study overwiews the period from 2003 to 2007. Energy facilities are divided into four different so that the specifics of the demand can be identified. Another aim of the thesis is to study the impact of emissions trading on woodbased fuel utilization. Emissions trading is the most important instrument for improving the competitive advantage of renewable energy production for energy facilities that belong to the scheme, producing heat or electricity with over 20 MW nominal effect. The growth in the credit price of 2 co emissions increases the demand for biofuels and reduces the demand for fossil fuel in energy facilities of over 20 MW. Empirical analysis are carried out for different energy facility categories. Large community facilities are more sensitive to the changes of credit price than the forest industry`s plants. Energy facilities with 520 MW nominal capacities reduce the woodbased fuel utilization, when the credit price rises. This flux diminishes the effect of the emissions trading. On the other hand, it seems that changes in credit price do not affect the woodbased fuel consumption in energy facilities of less than 5 MW. The utilization of woodbased fuels will change due to the stuctural changes in the forest industry. The production of byproducts, such as bark, decreases with diminishing quantaties of traditional forest industry products. If the increasing demand was met, forest chip utilization should be added. However, especially the restriction of production in the sawmill industry decreases the supply of harvesting residues chip and forest chip production shifts more towards energy wood thinning. Also, the use of woodbased fuels among different energy facilities is changing. The utilization of woodbased fuels has traditionally been centralized in the forest industry units using industrial byproducts. Nowadays, it is also an important energy source for the energy production facilities of the communities due to different policy instruments. This has affected that the trade of woodbased fuels has increased.
  • Alestalo, Antti (2015)
    According to the Statistics Finland the Finnish furniture industry’s value of production sold in 2012 was around 762 million Euros, of which wooden furniture accounted for about 72 %. In 2012 approximately 85 % of the production was sold in the domestic market. Therefore, Finnish furniture industry has a great interest to understand for which kinds of product attributes the Finnish consumers are willing to pay. This study examines the Finnish consumers’ willingness to pay for different quality characteristics of wooden furniture from the consumers’ demographical background point of view. The aim is to highlight potential customer segments in the wooden furniture market in Finland. The survey data was collected for a joint study project of the Finnish Forest Research Institute and Pellervo Society during the summer 2004 in Eastern Finland from two different sources: home retail centres selling building materials and the annual home construction fair. The survey data consists of 147 form interviews of Finnish consumers of 18-75 years of age. In the survey the respondents were asked to express the importance of different attributes of wooden furniture in relation to the price of product in the scale 1-7. The interviews were carried out using the Exit-technique, which means that the survey data is being collected in the vicinity of the examined object so that the interviewers may clarify the questions and present concrete examples related to them if necessary. Statistical analysis of the data was performed using the SPSS software. Cross-tabulation and mean were used as statistical methods in the research. According to the results the most important attributes for the consumers in relation to the price of wooden furniture were appearance, use properties and technical quality. The least important attributes were brand name and image of the producer. Environmental friendliness was the fourth least important attribute for the consumers of the 12 attributes, and somewhat surprisingly, older generations were more willing to pay for it than the younger generations. The domestic origin of the wooden furniture was very important attribute for consumers of over 40 years of age. The results indicate that the consumers are distributed to different segments depending on their demographic background factors, which should be taken into account in the manufacturing process as well as in the marketing and sale actions of wooden furniture.
  • Hietala, Jyri (2009)
    Forest industries of many forest-rich Nordic nations have traditionally been highly export oriented, where domestic demand is not sufficient to guarantee the existing production capacity. Under these circumstances the exchange rate, the value of the domestic currency relative to that of the trading partners, becomes then one of the most important macroeconomic considerations. In the short run it determines the profitability and competitiveness, and thus each firm’s survival. In the long run, firms may e.g. hedge against unfavourable currency fluctuations or anticipate future currency developments and stipulate them in their long-term sales contracts. Firms also have the possibility to act strategically by absorbing some or all of a currency change in export prices and this way affecting traded quantities. Although theoretical contributions to the literature fail to conclusively validate this hypothesis and the results of empirical estimations are widely mixed, studies concerning forest products trade have often found evidence of exchange rate effects on traded quantities. Previous studies concerning Finnish forest product exports have reported the use of exchange rate changes to alter prices in the buyer’s currency, especially as a consequence of deliberate currency fixing. For example devaluations, often used to downsize the effect of a rising domestic cost level, have increased the price competitiveness and export quantities of Finnish forest industry firms. Realization of the third phase of the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) on the beginning of 1999 merged the participating countries’ currencies into the euro at an irrevocable fixed rate, which then eliminated the possibility to independently realign the currency value. Moreover, exchange rate effects, and hence exchange rate risks, have exclusively been vanished from intra-EMU trade. This has meant the opening of a whole new market for many small open economies. At the same time, a change in the business environment could have caused severe adaptation problems to some Finnish forest industry firms. The aim of the present study is to examine the effects of Finland’s EMU participation on its sawnwood exports to the main export markets in United Kingdom and Germany. As Finland’s most important competitor Sweden decided to remain outside the monetary union, it was chosen to serve as a reference point for the possible effects the loss of an independent monetary policy has had. Weakening of the krone against the euro for the past years has brought additional interest on the topic. The emphasis is on studying relative prices and its effects on traded quantities through the long-run exchange rate pass-through phenomenon for the period 1995- 2008. The empirical estimation is carried out by applying Johansen’s cointegration method for the separate partial equilibrium model systems, for each bilateral trade of Finland and Sweden to both destination markets. The results give evidence that Finnish sawnwood exports have been affected to a great extent by currency movements. Depreciations of the euro have boosted export demand, whereas appreciations have, in turn, dampened imports from Finland. The pricing strategy exploited by Swedish exporters has been somewhat opposite to Finnish exporters’. This has meant both a more stable price for Swedish sawnwood importers and export demand faced by Swedish exporters. These findings further suggest only minor negative effects of Swedish krone depreciations on Finnish sawnwood firms’ price competitiveness. Nevertheless, Swedish exporters have been able to achieve higher profits, which seems to have been an important consideration behind some recent shifts of production from Finland to Sweden.
  • Zagozina, Maria (2014)
    The curse of natural resources is broadly addressed in the literature on economic development and growth. It is generally believed that resource abundant economies tend to grow more slowly than economies of low resource endowment. In the former Soviet countries, resource dependence determines country economic strategy in many aspects. Due to old Soviet legacies, the countries struggle to build a truly civil society, with a developed industrial production sector. This paper investigates the existence of the resource curse in the post-Soviet states, analyzing the main economic, social, and political issues and problems emerging from high resource endowment. The research objective of the current study is to examine the economic dependence of natural resource exports in the post-Soviet states, as well as to test the effect of high resource endowment on economic growth. In this paper, a review of resource curse literature and further empirical panel analysis based on chosen econometric model and methods (OLS, TSLS) are carried out. Natural resources in the model were divided into two main categories, i.e. point-source (oil, gas, minerals, metals) and diffuse (agriculture, forest) resources. The former Soviet economies that are highly dependent on natural resources tend to develop rather slowly due to inefficient resource management, rent-seeking behavior, high level of corruption, lack of political freedom, and poor performance in non-resource sector. However, the main finding from the empirical testing indicates a highly significant positive effect of resource exports on economic growth, for both point-source and diffuse resources. Upon further analysis, it is concluded that agriculture exports in GDP provide the highest positive effect on economic growth. Institutional quality provides little impact on economic growth, although theoretically its importance is detected. Thus, in the post-Soviet countries high resource abundance tend to have a positive direct association with economic growth; nevertheless, economic growth in this case does not lead to country development.
  • Sirviö, Riikka (2016)
    The consequences of tropical forest degradation and deforestation have gained global political attention due to their contribution on climate change and biodiversity loss. Forest degradation and deforestation are also having impacts on local peoples living in the forests. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) and European Union Action Plan on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) including its Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPAs) are two prominent efforts towards reducing the loss of tropical forests. Even though they have different implementation strategies, they both reach for positive change in governance. They are facing similar challenges including corruption, legality of land allocation and lack of secure tenure. Noticeably secure tenure is associated with most of the governance challenges. Several forest rich tropical countries such as Cameroon are participating in these processes to sustainably manage their forests. In Cameroon the rapid population growth together with growing global need for natural resources are driving unsustainable and illegal actions in forest sector. This master’s thesis examines how are REDD+ and FLEGT are contributing on forest governance and securing tenure rights of local peoples, how secure tenure can affect the implementation of the REDD+ and FLEGT processes and in what extent should the tenure rights be transferred to locals to achieve the goals of the REDD+ and FLEGT. The empirical research is conducted through analysing policy documents and literature as well as interviewing officials and local peoples in Cameroon. The main results are that in Cameroon there are no real political will to address the forest loss, and the local peoples have very little role on protecting their livelihood even though it would be important for them and also for the processes of REDD+ and FLEGT. Also, the government of Cameroon gives a little role for REDD+ and FLEGT in the governance of forest resources. So far, the processes have not had significant influence on tenure condition in Cameroon. The recommendations of this study is for REDD+ and FLEGT to concentrate more on education especially in local level since the lack of understanding is hindering the development of both processes. The collaboration and greater transparency between REDD+ and FLEGT would be crucial for their success.
  • Tapio, Lauri (2016)
    This study aims to reveal Non-Industrial Private Forest Owners’ willingness to contribute biobanks in the case of flying squirrel. Especially Private Forest Owners’ compensation in money for improving the nesting circumstances of the flying squirrel has been examined. It has also been studied what affects the compensation requirement of respondents and what kind of socioeconomic background those respondents have who are interested in biobanks. The study was executed via e-mail in 2015 to 3793 members of Forest Management association Lounametsä and Päijät-häme. Compensation question was executed by contingent valuation method as an open willingness to accept question. To verify the representativeness of the sample it was compared to the Suomalainen Metsänomistaja 2010 study. Factor analysis was also made to enable comparing and regression analysis. The backgrounds of the Forest Owners who were interested in biobanks were compared to the other respondents. According to the results Forest Owners who are interested in Biobanks differs from the others respondents by age, income, education, occupation and the size of owned forest area. In the experiences of different biodiversity and conservation projects were also found differences. Respondents who were interested in biobanks, were also more eager to participate projects aiming to improve the state of biodiversity.