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  • Söderholm, Petri (2020)
    Suomessa metsätilojen pirstoutuminen on jatkuvaa ja sen seurauksena pienten metsäkiinteistöjen lu-kumäärä kasvaa. Ajan kanssa ja isossa kuvassa tällainen kehitys saattaa johtaa puunkorjuun mahdolli-suuksien heikkenemiseen ja sen tehokkuuden huononemiseen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää pienten metsäkiinteistön omistajien arvosuuntautuneisuuden vaikutuksia omistuksesta koettuun hyö-tyyn. Omistuksesta koettu hyöty perustuu ekosysteemipalveluluokituksen mukaan tuotanto-, säätely-, kulttuuri- ja ylläpitopalveluihin. Tutkimuksessa arvosuuntautuneisuutta mitattiin Schwartzin kehittämän arvoteorian pohjalta laaditun mittariston avulla, jonka pohjalta vastaajat ryhmiteltiin eri arvosuuntautuneisuusluokkiin. Koettua hyö-tyä mitattiin rahamääräisesti luopumishalukkuudella kiinteistöstä, käyttäen ehdollisen arvottamisen menetelmää. Kohderyhmänä oli pääkaupunkiseudulla asuvat sähköpostiosoitteen omaavat alle 20 heh-taarin metsäkiinteistön omistajat. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvantitatiivisena tutkimuksena ja tulokset ana-lysoitiin tilastollisen menetelmin SPSS-ohjelmaa hyödyntäen. Tutkimuksen perusteella vastaajat (n=268) jakaantuivat eri arvosuuntautuneisuusluokkiin seuraavasti: Individualistit (25,6%), Idealistit (29,3%), Traditionalistit (25,6%) ja Opportunistit (19,5%). Vastaajien arvosuuntautuneisuus ei juurikaan vaikuttanut omistuksesta koettuun kokonaishyötyyn. Eroa syntyi eri ekosysteemipalveluluokkien välillä. Idealistit arvostivat muista poiketen säätely- ja ylläpitopalveluita enemmän. Individualistit poikkesivat muista arvostaen tuotantopalveluita muita enemmän. Muutoin arvosuuntautuneisuusluokkien profiilit olivat melko yhdenmukaiset. Hinnanlisällä mitattiin luopumis-halukkuutta, joka tarvittaisiin kompensoimaan omistajan kokema omistuksen arvon menetys markki-nahintaan verrattuna. Luopumishalukkuudessa Individualistien ja Idealistien välillä oli noin 15 pro-senttiyksikön välinen ero hinnanlisissä. Traditionalistien ja Opportunistein välillä hinnanlisissä ero oli reilut 2 prosenttiyksikköä ja ne sijaitsivat hinnanlisissä noin puolivälissä Individualisteja ja Idealisteja. Vaikka tutkimuksessa eroja löytyi, niin niiden tilastollinen merkitsevyys jäi verrattain alhaiseksi. Se saattaa johtua tutkittavan aineiston vähyydestä. Tutkimuksen ansiot ovat enemmänkin kohdeilmiöön liittyvässä lähestymistavassa, jossa koettua hyötyä ja luopumishalukkuutta pyrittiin selittämään ar-vosuuntautuneisuuden avulla. Tämän takia tutkimus toimii parhaiten esitutkimuksen laajemmalle val-takunnalliselle selvitykselle, jonka tuloksia voitaisiin hyödyntää yhteiskunnallisessa päätöksenteossa ja vaikutusarvioinneissa.
  • Salko, Sini-Selina (2020)
    Soil respiration is a process in which soil organic carbon is released in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. In boreal forests, soil carbon storage is particularly high relative to the carbon storage of aboveground biomass. Due to the large size of the forest areas of the biome, boreal forests’ soil organic carbon storage is globally is significant. The cool climate drives the formation of soil carbon storage in boreal regions. With climate change, the growing conditions can become drier and warmer than they have been in the past, which can accelerate the carbon release from soil to the atmosphere, thereby further warming the climate. Soil respiration is divided into two distinct processes: heterotrophic respiration where carbon dioxide is released from decomposi-tion of dead organic matter, and autotrophic cellular respiration of plant roots and root associated fungi. Increase in heterotrophic respiration in relation to litter formation rate implies a decrease in the carbon stock of the soil, whereas increase in autotrophic respiration implies an acceleration in the activity of the photosynthesizing biomass and, at the same time, an increase in the amount of carbon stored in the root system. The effect of drought on the activity of both components has been studied extensive-ly, and it appears that autotrophic terrestrial respiration responds to drought more slowly and less strongly in the boreal forest ecosystem. Atmospheric carbon dioxide contains two stable carbon isotopes, carbon-12 and carbon-13, of which C3 plants prefer lighter carbon-12 in photosynthesis. The relationship between these carbon isotopes is expressed with δ13C-value, and the discrimina-tion of carbon-13 in photosynthesis reflected in the cellular respiration of the autotrophic organisms. As a result, the δ13C-value of autotrophic respiration has been found to be lower than the δ13C value of heterotrophic respiration, as carbon-13 is discriminated less in the heterotrophic respiration. However, it has been found that during a drought period there is less discrimination of car-bon-13 in plants’ carbon assimilation, as the photosynthesizing plant may not be as selective for the carbon as when it is not exposed to drought. Thus, there is a difference in the δ13C-value of the soil respiration components, but it becomes smaller as the components experience drought. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the respiration rate of the components vary in different ways as they experi-ence drought by examining whether autotrophic respiration decreases more slowly than heterotrophic. In addition, it was sought to determine whether the components could be distinguished by their δ13C-value, so the study examined the development of the components’ δ13C-valu during drought. The measurements were done in two different experiment sites. The first one was an artificial drought experiment with pine saplings (Pinus sylvestris) in a greenhouse, where carbon dioxide flux and its δ13C-flux was measured from pine roots and their soil by incubation method. Second one was in a Pirkanmaa pine forest where carbon dioxide flux and its δ13C-flux were measured with incubation method and chamber measuring method. After the sampling, the development of the phenomenon was examined together with moisture- and temperature conditions at the time of the measure-ment. In this study, soil respiration’s autotrophic component changed more slowly in relation to drought than the heterotrophic compo-nent. In addition, in the pine forest, the δ13C-value of autotrophic respiration was below the heterotrophic δ13C-value, as the theory suggests. However, there was no clear development in relation to drought with the components’ δ13C-value. In the green-house experiment, no clearly distinguishable development was observed between the development of the components, and the δ13C-value of soil respiration was rather similar between the components. In both experiment sites, there appeared to be sources of error as environmental conditions improved unexpectedly in both the greenhouse and in the forest. Furthermore, it can be stated that the less destructive chamber measuring protocol seems to produce more reliable data.
  • Kuukka, Juho J. (2020)
    The use of plastics has remarkably increased during the last 50 years. Due to its multi-use possibilities, durability and low cost the use of plastics is expected to double within the next twenty years. Despite the many benefits of plastics, the negative impacts to the environment, such as marine plastic, have raised the public attention and accelerated the demand for legislative action. To respond to these challenges, the European Commission (EC) engaged in developing a set of policies, such as the action plan for circular economy in 2015 which aimed to reduce the use of plastics and to enhance the recycling and reusing of plastics already in circulation. In 2018 the EC introduced a set of revised directives regarding the extended producer responsibility (EPR). I wanted to understand how this revised EPR scheme would be implemented into national legislation, and how it would be confronted by organisations such as ones dealing with wood products. Additionally, I also mapped the potential managerial implications for stakeholders resulting from the implementation of the scheme. I operationalised Primmer's (2011) framework of institutional adaptation which builds on two complementary strands of literature; policy implementation and organisational adaptation. The two focal research questions that derived from the framework were: How did the involved actors recognise and perceive the challenges in 1) implementing and 2) adapting to the extension to the existing EPR scheme in the use of plastic packaging of wood products? The data were collected by conducting seven semi-structured interviews with representatives of stakeholder organisations. The insights were explored and reported from these data via the means of qualitative content analysis. Considering the complexity of policy and the diversity of organisations across Finland – and the European Union, legislators are in a rush to implement the new requirements of the directives into the national legislation. Based on my studies the involved actors recognised the various challenges in the implementation and adaptation processes. There were also expectations that the policy will drive learning and innovation among organisations. Currently, legislation is the major driving factor in the development of plastic recycling and EPR schemes can be a robust legislative tool in attaining the targets, when developed and maintained accordingly.
  • Aalto, Joonas (2020)
    Yritysvastuullisuus metsäsektorilla on noussut viime vuosina entistä tärkeämmäksi aiheeksi ilmastonmuutoksen ja viimeisimpänä hiilinielukeskustelun takia. Tämä tutkimus tuo lisää tietoa siitä, kuinka metsäyritysten vastuullisuusraportointi on muuttunut ja kuinka YK:n vuonna 2015 lanseeraamat kestävän kehitykset tavoitteet ovat vaikuttaneet metsäyritysten raportointiin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on sisällönanalyysiä hyödyntäen selvittää, kuinka suomalaiset metsäyritykset UPM, Stora Enso ja Metsä Group käsittelevät vastuullisuutta raportoinnissaan ja miten se on muuttunut tarkasteluaikavälillä vuosina 2009 – 2018. Lisäksi tutkitaan sitä, kuinka YK:n kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet näkyvät yritysten raportoinnissa ja kuinka yritykset suhtautuvat tavoitteisiin. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena. Aineisto kerättiin yritysten vuosi- ja vastuullisuusraporteista ja niitä täydennettiin yritysten asiantuntijahaastatteluilla. Analyysin perusteella vastuullisuusraportoinnissa käytetyt peruslähtökohdat pysyivät tarkasteluajanjaksolla samoina, mutta uudemmissa raporteissa oli nähtävillä, että lähtökohdat oli sidottu globaaleihin näkökulmiin paikallisen sidonnaisuuden sijaan. Lisäksi raportoinnissa korostui sidosryhmien merkitys. Yritykset kokivat kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet merkityksellisiksi, mutta ei täysin ongelmattomiksi. Merkittävimmät motiivit liittää kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet raportointiin liittyvät sidosryhmiin sekä mahdollisuuksiin hyödyntää kestävän kehityksen tavoitteita yrityksen vastuullisuusviestinnässä.
  • Lehtinen, Timo (2020)
    Tässä tutkielmassa selvitettiin ennallistamistoimenpiteiden vaikutusta boreaalisen metsän uudistumiseen. Tarkastelussa oli ennallistamispoltto ja lahopuun lisäys (tässä työssä jättöpuu). Jättöpuukäsittelyjä oli kolmea eri astetta: alhainen (5 m3/ha), keskimääräinen (30 m3/ha) ja korkea (60 m3/ha). Näillä ennallistamistoimenpiteillä pyrittiin luomaan luonnonmetsille tyypillistä rakennetta vanhoihin kuusivaltaisiin talousmetsiin ja jäljittelemään luonnollisten häiriötekijöiden aiheuttamaa sukkessiota. Uudistumista mitattiin ennallistamistoimenpiteiden suhteella taimien määrään ja puulajien monimuotoisuuteen koealoilla. Tarkastellut koealat sijaitsevat Hämeenlinnan ja Padasjoen alueella. Ennallistamispoltto oli tehokas tapa lisätä taimien määrää koealoilla. Etenkin mänty ja koivut hyötyivät ennallistamispoltosta. Puulajien monimuotoisuuden kannalta ennallistamispoltto ei ole välttämättä suositeltava vaihtoehto, sillä sen todettiin joissain tapauksissa pienentävän lajidiversiteettiä. Eri jättöpuukäsittelyillä ei pystytty todentamaan vaikutusta taimien määrään tai puulajidiversiteettiin. Jättöpuukäsittelyllä kokonaisuutena sen sijaan pystyttiin toteamaan olevan vaikutusta etenkin taimien määrään. Hakkaamattomilla koealoilla taimia oli vähemmän kuin hakatuilla jättöpuukäsittelyn koealoilla. Taimien vähyys voi johtua esimerkiksi siitä, että latvuskerrokseen ei muodostunut tarpeeksi aukkoja. Ennallistamistoimenpiteiden (polton ja jättöpuukäsittelyn) yhdistäminen voi olla uudistumisen kannalta hyvä tapa, mutta jatkotutkimusta aiheesta tarvitaan. Yhteenvetona todettakoon, että polttokäsittely on tehokas tapa lisätä taimien määrää, mutta se saattaa johtaa huonompaan lajidiversiteettiin. Taimimäärä ja lajidiversiteetti kasvavat, kun koeala jättöpuukäsitellään. Jättöpuun määrällä ei niinkään ole merkitystä uudistumiseen.
  • Elomaa, Satu (2019)
    Nature is important to people. Urban green areas maintain a big role in provision of citizens’ recreation. Due to increasing urbanization, urban green areas are constantly diminishing. This has caused concern and distress among citizens. Various forest management measures can also cause many different reactions. Thus, nature – forests, meadows, grass fields – hold different meanings for every person. Purpose of this study was to examine how the forest management measures made in western half of Keskuspuisto (Central Park) has impacted on users’ opinions about the area. The study was conducted via web-based survey tool Maptionnaire as a half-structured web survey. 341 users took part in the survey. In total, users marked 512 favourite places, and 116 unpleasant places. Results were examined using cross tabulation, Kruskal-Wallis -test and chi-squared test with a 5 % risk. Mapped responses were examined in QGIS-software, with which the thematic maps of social values were created. Results were compared to a 2009 visitor survey. The first point of interest was how, where and how often survey respondents visited the park. In addition, users' favourite places and unpleasant places and the relating social values were examined, and whether the forest management measures have had an impact on the mapped responses. The results can be used in the forthcoming nature- and landscape management plan in the western half of Keskuspuisto. Based on the results, the western half of Keskuspuisto is very important for its users and its use is versatile. Usage of the area has increased in the last 10 years. A statistical link was not found between forest management measures and mapped responses or social values. Opinions about the forest management of the area varied greatly. It can be concluded that the forest management actions in western part of Keskuspuisto have been quite successful. Users were in general satisfied, but many voiced a concern regarding the future of the area. It is hoped that the area is kept out of future construction plans. Due to varying opinions and wishes, it is important to take the citizens' opinions into account in the city planning. The method of mapping social values and mapping favourite places and unpleasant places were useful ways to gain important information regarding the users and which areas are important to them.
  • Harvio, Viktor (2020)
    The concept of bioeconomy has been harnessed to support societies and their economies to produce value added products from renewable biological resources and to develop circular economy. Such systems require actions from a variety of actors from public and private sectors to consumers. As a heavily forested country Finland’s bioeconomy leans largely on the utilization of forests. Planned pulp and paper industry investments call for end-uses for logs to balance out the wood supply. Both forests and the construction sector are also focal areas in climate change mitigation. Wooden multistorey construction (WMC) and its capability to store carbon has been suggested as a partial solution to the aforementioned issues. The aim of this study is to investigate the relation of WMC and the bioeconomy and the role of end-users in WMC. This explorative study uses qualitative research methods to address its research ques-tions. The data consists of seven focus group interviews conducted in the metropolitan area of Helsinki between September 2017 and February 2019. The interviewed groups, with altogether 26 participants, included an academic expert group, three market actor groups (firm representatives, architects and property managers) and three wooden multistorey resident groups. The residents’ type of housing included rental, owner-occupancy and right-of-occupancy and the buildings were built between 2015 and 2017. Thematization was used for data analysis. Results of the study show that despite Finland’s close-knit relation to its forests and traditions in utiliz-ing wood, WMC is not currently perceived culturally embedded as part of the society nor the construc-tion industry. WMC is still a niche in the country and it also seems more connected to mechanical wood industry than the construction industry. WMC was associated with the bioeconomy by non-resident groups, although experts recognized also potential pitfalls in the current discourse. Percep-tions that were aligned with the general discourse of the bioeconomy are mainly related to material renewability, possibilities to recycle wooden construction material, wood products capabilities to store carbon, and Finland’s relatively abundant forest resources. Despite WMC’s publicly declared role in the bioeconomy programmes, some underlying features make its rationale challenging for consumers, which could turn out to be a hindrance for WMC growth in the future. Generally, experts, firm represent-atives and architects were pro-wood and considered that WMC is still being unjustly stigmatized by various actors. In accordance with previous studies, the interviewed WMC residents were satisfied with their apart-ments and the building as such. A wooden frame does not seem to surpass traditional housing prefer-ences of consumers, but it is perceived as a benefit when choosing housing. Results of this study are much in line with previous findings, which indicate that environmental aspects matter, but not as much as health or other more personal aspects of living. Wood can be sensed in the building and apart-ments, which is perceived positively. However, the prevailing fire safety legislation, which was consid-ered as too strict, constrains the use of wood on visible surfaces in interiors. WMC seems to have an environmentally friendly image among residents, which however calls for better communication.
  • Bui, Chi (2020)
    Sustainable forest management and forest certification is a global issue. They are particularly important in Vietnam where forest covers above 40% of the country’s areas. The thesis aims to anticipate the financial sustainability of PEFC group certification in central Vietnam through a comparison of the costs and benefits of certification, and an analysis of the Acacia value chain. The study sites are in three cooperatives in TTH province. The research approach is qualitative. Data are obtained primarily from observation, group focus discussion and semi-structured interviews with key informants from the management boards of cooperatives, farmers, traders, woodchip factories, furniture processing companies, and experts from governmental organizations and NGOs stretching from the north to the south. Besides, secondary data is collected from scientific journals, documents published and unpublished by the research institutions, and books. Results confirmed the potential of smallholder forestry in securing the sustainable supply of industrial timber and improving the livelihood of farmers by providing a new income stream. However, the contribution of Acacia plantation to the total annual net income is modest, mainly due to small landholdings. The smallholders in Central Vietnam face many bottlenecks preventing them from maximizing benefits from planted forests, including limited access to land, high-quality inputs, capital, advanced silvicultural practices, and fair market. Besides, they bear a high risk of exposure to extreme natural events such as typhoons and floods. These obstacle is also limiting the participation of smallholders in voluntary verification schemes such as forest certification. Engaging in forest certification is proven to create extra revenue for smallholders while reducing pressure on imported certified timber. The total costs of certification are affordable for smallholders if joining together under a single certificate. In Vietnam, forest certification is often associated with the planting of perennial trees for sawlogs and price premiums for certified timber. This scheme is argued inappropriate for smallholders in Central Vietnam, who are often described as high weather-related risks and financial fragility. Under the current situation, forest certification does not create tangible and intangible benefits for middlemen, woodchip factories and local carpenters. Smallholders and furniture processors are the direct beneficiaries. However, the circumstance is predicted to change in the future, resulting in the participation of all actors in the value chain in the forest certification. This study also suggests several interventions for expanding forest certification, starting from recognizing smallholder farmers as a distinctly different category of forest producers whose conditions need to cautiously considered when developing standards for group certification. Secondly, there should be a strong focus on capacity building for the group entity as well as raising awareness for members of group certification. Thirdly, linking smallholders with private sectors are not only attracting more investment but also widening market access for farmers. Additionally, it must be mentioned the importance of secure tenure, clear guidelines for implementing SFM and forest certification, incentive policy and cost-sharing mechanism on insurance and certification.
  • Louhi, Roope (2020)
    Tässä tutkimuksessa laadittiin haavalle (Populus tremula) puun rungon ja oksien tilavuuden käsittävä malli. Mallin luontia varten kerättiin 11 koepuun aineisto. Puista mitattiin Hyytiälän metsäasemalla erilaisia tunnuksia. Rungon ja oksien absoluuttiset tilavuudet selvitettiin käyttämällä dimensiometri-nimistä mitta-laitetta. Manuaalisesti koepuista mitattiin läpimittoja usealta eri korkeudelta rungosta ja oksista katkaisu-kohdasta. Myös oksien ja puun kokonaispituus mitattiin tarkasti puun kaadon jälkeen. Läpimittojen avul-la laskettuja pohjapinta-aloja analysoitiin korrelaatiokertoimien avulla. Koepuiden tilavuutta selitettiin lineaarisella regressioanalyysillä, jossa selittävinä tekijöinä olivat puusta mitatun rinnankorkeusläpimitan ja pituuden luonnolliset logaritmit. Lisäksi laadittiin yhdistetty malli, jossa olivat mukana kaikki aineiston koepuut. Viimeiseksi laadittiin vielä malli, jossa käytettiin vastaavia muut-tujia (neljä kappaletta) kuin Laasasenahon (1982) tilavuusmallissa. Rungon ja oksien pohjapinta-alojen välillä oli selvä korrelaatio puun suhteellisilla korkeuksilla. Korrelaa-tiokertoimet olivat rungon ja oksien yhteenlaskettujen pohjapinta-alojen osalta jopa puiden latvassa yhtä poikkeusta lukuun ottamatta yli 0,9. Pelkkää rungon pohjapinta-alaa tarkasteltaessa latvuksen korrelaa-tiokertoimet olivat hieman alhaisemmat. Koko aineiston käsittävän tilavuusmalli korjattu selitysaste oli 2 ja 4 muuttujan versioissa 0,999 ja keski-virhe vastaavasti 0,062 ja 0,066. Koepuuaineistoon perustuva haavan tilavuusmalli tuotti vain 0,56 % suurempia tilavuuksia haavan rungon ja oksien tilavuudelle verrattuna upotusmittauslaitteella tehtyihin mittauksiin. Haavan biomassan jakautuminen erikokoisten puiden välillä on tämän tutkimuksen mukaan samankal-taista. Myös runkomuodot olivat aineiston puilla samankaltaisia: niiden rungon ja oksien yhteenlasketuil-la pohjapinta-aloilla puun suhteellisilla korkeuksilla oli selvä korrelaatio. Tutkimuksessa luodulla haavan tilavuusmallilla on korkea selitysaste ja pieni keskivirhe.
  • Sauramo, Virva (2019)
    Boreal lakes and wetlands that are abundant in the world are vital breeding and resting areas for birds. However, a significant part of wetlands has been globally lost due to human activity. In the study area of this research, Evo, lake habitats are somewhat stable especially in landscape level, changes are mainly lake-specific. Habitat use and its stability have been studied earlier on other bird species, such as ducks (Anas spp.) but little research exists about the matter on wader or shorebird species. This study aimed to compare the patch-scale habitat use stability of two waders; Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos) and Green Sandpiper (Tringa ochropus). The comparison was also made between the pair densities of these species. Many species are known to benefit from beaver induced floods. However, previous studies have not measured the effect of beaver before, during and after beaver flooding. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the presence and abundance of Green Sandpiper at different stages of beaver flood. This study showed that the habitat use of Common Sandpiper was more stable than that of Green Sandpiper, although both species showed variation. Pair density of Common Sandpiper was lower than Green Sandpiper’s nearly throughout the study period. Pair density of Common Sandpiper, on the contrary, showed more variation compared to Green Sandpiper’s pair density. Green Sandpipers were observed in nearly all of the beaver ponds in this study. Presence and abundance of Green Sandpiper were highest during the beaver flood, but the numbers stayed high also after the flood. It could be concluded that Common Sandpiper is a species of high site-fidelity and more prone to changes in the environment than Green Sandpiper, which seems to be able to utilize variable habitats, such as flowages regularly created by beaver in the Evo region. In previous studies, many species have been known to benefit from beaver activity, and Green Sandpiper can be seen as a species of plastic habitat use and being able to profit from surroundings altered by beaver. Therefore, this wader benefits notably from beaver floods.
  • Poutamo, Helinä (2019)
    Peatlands are significant pools of carbon and nitrogen. Forestry-drained peatlands have lower methane emissions than undisturbed peatlands, but emissions of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide increase after ditching. The effect of ditching on the emissions of peat is stronger on nutrient-rich peatlands than on nutrient-poor peatlands. However, the growing vegetation and wood production form a large carbon sink. So far, forestry-drained peatlands have mainly been carbon sinks in Finland. There are 4.6 million hectares of forestry-drained peatlands in Finland. Ditching peatlands for forestry started in the beginning of the 20th century, and was on its height from 1960s to 1980s. Forestry-drained peatlands are reaching maturity now, but there is little knowledge about the effect of forest management practices on greenhouse gas emissions from forestry-drained peatlands. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of logging residues on emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide from forestry-drained peatlands. Greenhouse gas emissions were measured from the nutrient-rich peatland Lettosuo in Tammela that was drained for forestry in 1969. In early spring of 2016, dominant pine trees were harvested to make room for spruce undergrowth. During the harvest, the harvester formed piles of logging residues on its tracks to avoid erosion of the soil. Five plots were established and measurements taken with the closed-chamber method during 2016-2017. On each of the five plots, two chamber collars were installed on the machine’s tracks, full of logging residues, and other two collars were installed outside of the tracks with little to no logging residues. In addition to greenhouse gas emissions, the dry mass of the logging residues, temperature and groundwater level were measured. Carbon dioxide emissions from residue-covered collars was measured at 0.81–0.88 g m-2 h-1. The fluxes were 1.5-2 times larger than on the control collars (0.40–0.54 g m-2 h-1). A kilogram of logging residues raised the emissions by 0.10 ± 0.01 g m-2 h-1. Compared to the dry mass of branches, the dry mass of needles increased the emissions fourfold. On plots 1-4, the collars installed in the groove of the harvester’s tracks were the only sources of methane by 0.0055 mg m-2 h-1. The methane flux of the other collars varied between -0.0035 and 0.0136 mg m-2 h-1. A kilogram of logging residues raised methane fluxes by 0.003 ± 0.001 mg m-2 h-1. Again, the effect of needles was quadruple as compared to branches. Plot #5 was investigated separately due to the Eriophorum vaginatum that had grown inside the collars. On all plots, nitrous oxide emissions didn’t significantly differ from collar to collar, even though emissions measured from logging-residue covered collars (0.20–0.30 mg m-2 h 1) were two to three times larger than on the other collars (0,10 mg m-2 h-1). Logging residues and the mechanical impact of the harvester on the peat soil increase emissions of carbon dioxide and methane. Emissions of nitrous oxide also increase, but the variance of measured emissions and the small sample size rendered the results statistically insignificant.
  • Kartano, Pauli (2020)
    Downy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) is by far the most common tree species in Finland when considering stem count. The num-ber of the downy birches are almost double compared to pine (Pinus sylvestris). Downy birch is not very demanding of its sur-rounding and it grows in both dry and wet places in forests, marshes, shores and abandoned fields. Downy birch grows in all areas in Finland except the northernmost Lapland. Compared to Downy birch silver birch (Betula pendula) is smaller, short-lived and the appearance is more varied. Downy birch can grow up to 20 meters high and 70 to 90 years old. Downy birch has not been exceedingly popular tree in Finland, and it is mostly used as an energy wood. Downy birch and silver birch are not separated in commercial use. The aim for this study was to develop cumulative model for above ground volume and biomass for downy birch with 15 tree sample. Diameter, length and weight were manually measured from each section of the sample tree stems. Weight of branches were measured for every stems section. Volume and weight of each stem section and branches were measured by sinking them into water. Relative taper curves were calculated for each sample tree and with those the general taper curve was calculated. From stem and branch volumes separate volume curves were calculated. General volume curves for were calculated based on the separate curves. With those curves different cumulative whole tree volume curves were created. In addition to volumes, also densities for stem sections and branches were calculated. With those and volume curves biomass model can be calculated Calculated taper curves differed from Laasasenaho’s taper curves mostly on the base of the stem but above 10 % relative height the taper curves behaved similarly. Whole tree volumes were calculated with nine different methods and the results were com-pared to Hoppi’s and Repola’s equations and measured volumes. Equations where the tree height was the only explanatory factor gave much more varied results than those equations which also took the diameter in consideration. Smallest relative standard deviations were 4,1 %, 4,2 % and 4,6 %. Smallest standard deviations of the volume were 8,3 l, 7,4 l and 7,4 l. These equations used tree height and diameter. Hoppi’s and Repola’s equations gave relative standard deviations of 5,7 % and 12,7 % and stand-ard deviations of the volume were 10,7 l and 9,4 l, respectively. Similar comparisons were not done with biomass model because reliable results of the branch and stem densities were available only from three sample trees. The equations presented here are different than previous models because of the cumulative nature- Only other downy birch model was Hoppi’s model. Cumulative approach makes it possible to calculate volume (or biomass) from any relative height range and previous models do not offer that possibility. Other models give out the volume or the biomass of the whole tree (or stem). Comparison with the other models demonstrates that it is possible to create models that work well at the local level with very few sample trees. Comparisons with Repola’s model shows that result can be generalized well. Results verifies the assumption that the proportions of different size trees behave consistently.
  • Ruokojärvi, Harri (2020)
    During the last 100 years, Finnish legislation on the maximum vehicle dimensions and gross weights has been an upward trend. Government’s decree 407/2013 increased the maximum gross weight of the vehicles up to 76 tonnes and made possible to apply a permit for a High Capacity Transport (HCT) vehicle. HCT-vehicles are over 25.25 meters long and over 76 gross weight vehicles which are not classified as special transports. HCT-vehicles are in use in Sweden, Brazil, New-Zealand, Canada, United States, South-Africa, Mexico and in Australia. Research on HCT-vehicles has proven HCT-vehicles to lower transport costs and emissions. HCT-vehicles do not compro-mise traffic safety, congest the traffic flow or be significantly more unstable than a normal vehicle. Government’s decree 31/2019 increased the maximum length of the vehicles up to 34.5 meters, while the maximum gross weight stayed the same. Thus, increasing the cargo space, but decreasing the maximum payload weight on longer (over 25.25 meters) vehicles. In forestry, where the payload weight is a crucial factor, transportation of different timber assort-ments with an extra-long vehicle is infeasible. The study aimed to inspect the possibilities of utilizing HCT-vehicles in long distance transportation of forest energy wood, due to the payload weights being lower, but a requirement of cargo space being higher than the other timber assortments. The study was conducted as a simulation study. Four different types of HCT-vehicles and one normal 25.25-meter vehicle were simulated. Also, two types of chippers and two different types of forest energy woods were simulated. The simulated HCT-vehicles were: 28-, 30-, 32 and 33-meter long HCT-vehicles, based on pre-existing HCT-vehicles. The normal length vehicle was based on an average vehicle. All of the vehicles maximum gross weight were set to be 76 tonnes. Chippers were simulated as a mobile and as a terminal chipper. Every vehicle had their operating costs calculated. The forest energy wood was simulated as a delimbed stems and harvest residuals. The scenarios were divided into a nor-mal and a dry scenario, according to the energy woods moisture content. The normal scenario had energy woods moisture content to be 40 % and in the dry scenario 20 %. In both scenarios, energy wood is transported as comminuted and un-comminuted energy wood. The maneuverability of the simulated vehicles and their potential usage on forest roads were inspected using TrailerWIN-program. HTC- and the normal vehicle were built in the program and taken into Finnish 120-degree maneuverability test. The vehicles were assumed not to have extra turning axles and all the axles were assumed to be lowered. The results in the normal scenario show when transporting comminuted energy wood, HCT-vehicles are inferior when com-pared to the normal vehicle. HCT-vehicles are up to 1 € more expensive than the normal vehicle per transported MWh. This is due to vehicles reaching their maximum gross weight limit, before filling up the cargo space. When transporting uncomminuted energy HCT-vehicles are superior, when compared to the normal vehicle. HCT-vehicles are up to 2 € cheaper per MWh transported when compared to the normal vehicle on long distances. This is due to uncomminuted’ energy woods lower fill grade, thus filling up the cargo space more efficiently. When transporting comminuted energy wood under the dry scenario, HCT-vehicles perform better. HCT-vehicles are up to 0.5 € less expensive per transported MWh than the normal vehicle on long transport distances. This is due to drier energy woods lower density; the extra cargo space can be utilized more efficiently. When transporting uncomminuted energy wood, HCT-vehicles outperform the normal vehicle. HCT-vehicles are up to 2 € more efficient than the normal vehicle per trans-ported MWh on long transport long distances. In the maneuverability test, the 30-meter HCT-vehicle and the normal vehicle can be argued to pass it. Thou the result can be held only as a guideline as if extra-long vehicles can be operated on forest roads. The most important aspect on maneuverability is the construct of the vehicle.
  • Kummunsalo, Saku (2021)
    Hiilinielujen kasvattaminen on olennainen osa ilmastonmuutoksen hillintää. Kasvavan metsän rooli tunnustetaan tärkeäksi, mutta myös metsistä tapahtuvaan hiilen vapautumiseen on kiinnitettävä huomiota. Yksi keino hiilinielujen vahvistamiseen on kompensaatiojärjestelmä metsänomistajille. Hiilensidonnan lisäämiseen tähtäävä kannustin tarjoaa potentiaalisen instrumentin ilmastonmuutoksen hillintään metsäsektorilla. Tässä tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin hiilikompensaatiojärjestelmien piirteitä ja metsänomistajien preferenssejä liittyä hiilensidonnasta maksettavaan järjestelmään kvantitatiivisen kyselyn ja tilastollisen mallinnuksen avulla. Metsänomistajille lähetettiin sähköinen kysely, jossa esiteltiin taustakysymyksien lisäksi yhdeksän vaihtoehtoista hiilikompensaatiojärjestelmää. Jokainen järjestelmä koostui neljästä ominaispiirteistä eli attribuutista, joista jokaisesta oli määritetty kolme vaihtoehtoista tasoa. Kyselyssä käytettiin paras-huonoin valintakoemenetelmää, jossa vastaaja valitsee esitetystä profiilista parhaimman sekä huonoimman vaihtoehdon. Kyselyn tuloksista aineistoon hyväksyttiin 1399 vastausta, joista mallinnettiin vaikutuskertoimet jokaiselle esitetylle attribuutin tasolle. Vaikutuskertoimet kuvastavat metsänomistajien preferenssejä ja niiden avulla voitiin järjestää attribuutit ja niiden tasot vaikuttavuusjärjestykseen. Hiilikompensaatiojärjestelmien ominaispiirteitä ovat kompensaation järjestäjätaho, kompensaatiosta saatava taloudellinen hyvitys, ohjelmakauden ennenaikaisen irtisanoutumisen sanktio ja sopimuksen tai ohjelmakauden sitoutumisaika. Tulokset osoittavat, että metsänomistajien mielestä kielteisimpiä ominaisuuksia olivat sitoutumisaika ja irtisanomissanktio, joskin sanktion suuruudella ei ollut merkittävää vaikutusta koettuun hyötyyn. Tärkeimpänä ominaisuutena nähtiin hehtaarikohtainen hyvitys, joka vaikutti eniten metsänomistajien kokemaan hyötyyn. Vastausaineiston mukaan metsänomistajat haluavat hiilikompensaatiojärjestelmän järjestäjäksi mieluiten voittoa tavoittelemattoman organisaation.
  • Jaurimaa, Anna (2020)
    As climate change is already affecting our planet, it is urgent to ensure adequate support to the most vulnerable communities, sectors, and ecosystems to adapt to the changing climate. The scale of the financial resources that are expected to flow into climate change adaptation is likely to lead to a stronger emphasis on measuring and verifying results as there is international consensus that climate change adaptation interventions should be results-based. However, currently, there is no scientific nor political consensus over what effective adaptation is and how it should best be measured. As a result of this, efforts are needed to improve both methodologies and guidance for assessing adaptation. Through a systematic review of projects funded by the Adaptation Fund, I categorize 30 adaptation projects. The act of cataloguing adaptation measures and further analysing their similarities and differences produces insights in two main areas: identifying how projects have been designed to address and assess adaptation effectiveness; and enhancing understanding on the role of trees and forests in adaptation initiatives. I analyse the ways these projects are planned to assess their effectiveness using three main research indicators: reducing vulnerability and increasing adaptive capacity; reducing exposure; and sharing of lessons-learned and increasing climate change adaptation science. This includes studying the defined expected project results, indicators and baselines stated in projects’ results frameworks. The project proposals are further studied to gain understanding on how trees and forests are used to address and assess adaptation. The projects are analysed to test whether projects that address climate change adaptation similarly have also similarities in assessing effective adaptation. In order to do that the projects are categorized into four categories based on their approach: 1. ecosystem-based adaptation projects; 2. engineered or sectoral adaptation projects; 3. community-based adaptation projects; and 4. small-scale funding modality projects. I focus on exploring the objectives, types, and limitations of adaptation metrics used in assessing adaptation but also provide recommendations. Since the first years of the Adaptation Fund the projects have developed in regard to assessing their expected results with a few exceptions to the general trend. The national and regional implementing entities were more often struggling to set proper results frameworks. Trees and forests had a more prominent role than would be assumed by the limited number of projects classified as forestry projects as 80% of the projects included trees and/or forests as part of activities, outputs, outcomes, or indicators. It can be concluded that the studied projects had differences in addressing and measuring of adaptation. Effective adaptation was mostly framed to contribute to reducing vulnerabilities that include measures to increase adaptive capacity. Significantly less expected outcomes and outputs were set to reduce exposure to climate change impacts. Interestingly successful adaptation was also framed as sharing of lessons-learned or communicating other findings to a wider audience, and also to measure channelling of funding, project management, or social inclusion aspects.One of the key findings is that how the project is to address adaptation also influences how effective adaptation is to be measured and verified leading to different typical strengths and challenges in assessing effectiveness.
  • Ahi, Mohamadali (2020)
    Removal of sub-canopy trees is a type of forest management practice, mainly employed to minimize subsequent harvesting costs. Such management activities, however, are a source of disturbance in boreal forests, including those of Finland. The removal of understory trees causes mechanical damage to trees, with coniferous trees, such as Scots pine, being particularly susceptible. The resulting injuries significantly enhance emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) to the atmosphere, thereby modulating its gas composition. BVOCs are involved in plant growth, reproduction and defence, while functioning as communication media within and between plants. These plant-released compounds have high chemical reactivity with large mass emission rate from vegetation into the atmosphere; therefore, they are major determinants of atmospheric gas composition with important implications for the Earth’s atmosphere and climate. Despite the wealth of knowledge on this topic, our understanding of how forest management activities affect BVOC emissions is limited. Uncertainty remains as what the impact of sub-canopy removal is on BVOC emissions from forest trees over a long timescale. This is important since such management activities are common, with equal or potentially even larger impact on BVOC emissions both in the short- and long-run. To address this knowledge gap, I test the impacts of sub-canopy removal on the emissions of BVOCs from a Scots pine stand in a boreal forest. In so doing, I also consider the effects of temperature, soil moisture, and photosynthetically active radiation on the concentrations of these compounds above the canopy. The research sheds light on the complex and intertwined effects of the sub-canopy removal and environmental variables on the stand-level BVOC emissions. The results have implications regarding how forest management practices, and more broadly anthropogenic activities, influence forest-atmosphere interactions. Finally, the research provides promising avenues for future research.
  • Fernández Castellano, Juan (2020)
    Since the 1990s, globalization effects have driven forest investments to developing economies, establishing industrial plantations of Eucalyptus in areas such as Guangxi in China. The different ecosystem services, from which local communities benefit, are facing deterioration. This happens partly due to the replacement of natural forests for industrial commercial plantations. Previous research has shown that the establishment of such plantations has both positive and negative effects on the environment and the livelihoods of rural communities. Nevertheless, the local communities’ perspective is lacking in most of these studies. The research surrounding the villagers and their perceptions is especially relevant in the case of China, where land cannot be bought by private companies and has to be leased from either the state or individual household collectives. This study firstly aims to identify how are demographic variables (gender factor, age and education level) likely to affect the decision to lend land to the forest company in a tree plantation area. Secondly, the study examines how people’s perception of changes, which occurred in the ecosystem services after the establishment of the forest plantations, varies according to these demographic variables. Responses to a qualitative questionnaire to 70 residents were used for the research. The results indicate that men are more likely to lease land than women. Besides, men and women perceive the changes in the ecosystem services in a different way. Such disparity can be explained by the differentiated role that women play in forest activities in China comparing to men.
  • Hu, Siyu (2020)
    Electronic commerce (E-commerce) has become an international phenomena nowadays. Especially in China, due to the country’s size, large population and culture, the consumption-driven economic growth plays a more fundamental role than in many other countries, which gives higher requirements for the development of modern logistics. The rapid development of Chinese e-commerce, has made online shopping a very important part in people’s daily life as it is cheaper and more convenient than to buy things from traditional stores. At the same time, the Chinese government gives strong support to E-commerce in its economic development strategy. In March 2015 an E-commerce idea called Internet Plus (Internet+) was officially announced by the Chinese Prime Minister as an important government business strategy in the future economic development plan. The idea does not only aim to develop a new type of economics, but also to improve the traditional economics. The new strategy can decrease enterprises’ cost and increase overall operating efficiency. Behind the high development speed of the e-commerce, logistics is a very important factor to ensure the success of the online business and it is necessary to realize which factors under E-commerce Logistics takes the biggest part and has the most weight among all logistics features. In this study, I will concentrate on Internet+ Logistics, which derived from E-commerce Logistics. Evaluate the logistics performance of 364 online none timber forest products (NTFPs) stores from Alibaba online shopping mall names Tmall. The study can be seen as complete and conceptual, both in the academic and the practical field. By using entropy weight method, Topsis analysis and cross analysis, I analyze the weights of different levels indexes in Internet+ Logistics performance and also get total scores and ranking of sample online stores, in order to understand the important factors and the development trend in Internet+ Logistics. My study reveals, that some indexes such as service can largely influence the performance of online store logistics, which are the most important elements of Internet+ Logistics. The proposed framework enriches the theory of network marketing and gives directions to business owners to make improvements on the logistics quality of their online stores.
  • Palokangas, Tommi (2019)
    Julkinen rakentaminen on yksi tärkeimmistä kokonaisuuksista, joista kunnissa päätetään. Puurakentaminen on viime aikoina yleistynyt julkisessa rakentamisessa erityisesti koulu- ja päiväkotihankkeissa, joten tässä tutkimuksessa julkista puurakentamista käsitellään puukoulu- ja päiväkotihankkeiden avulla. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kunnallisen päätöksenteon taustalla vaikuttavia tekijöitä puukoulujen ja -päiväkotien rakennuspäätösten taustalla sekä myönteisiin että kielteisiin puurakentamispäätöksiin yhdistettäviä merki-tystekijöitä. Tutkimuksen keskeinen tutkimusongelma muodostuu julkisen puurakentamisen edistämisestä kunnallisessa päätöksente-ossa. Tutkimus toteutettiin julkisen puurakentamisen edistämisen näkökulmasta. Tutkimusaihetta taustoitetaan raporttiin sisällytetyllä kirjallisuuskatsauksella kansallisen puurakentamisen nykytilaan ja puun ominaisuuksiin rakentamisessa. Tämän tutkimuksen tieteenfilosofiset lähtökohdat ovat pragmatistiset ja käsittelytavaksi valittiin laadullisen menetelmän hyödyntämi-nen ja vertaileva mutta kriittinen näkökulma. Tutkimusongelmaan ratkaisua haettiin tapaustutkimuksen ja teoriaohjaavan lähestymisen keinoin. Otantatutkimukseen valittiin 20 kuntaa tai kaupunkia, joissa oli viimeisen viiden vuoden aikana päätetty uuden koulun tai päi-väkodin rakentamisesta tai rakennushanke oli tutkimuksen aikaan keskeneräinen. Kyselytutkimuksella muodostettiin kuva kunnan päätöksentekijöiden käsityksistä puurakentamisen nykytilasta sekä puurakentamiseen liittyvistä asenteista kunnissa. Kyselytutkimuk-sella kerättyä aineistoa täydennettiin Imatran kaupungin virkamiesjohdolle suunnatuilla haastatteluilla. Aineisto analysoitiin laadullisesti luokittelun ja erittelyn keinoin pyrkimyksenä muodostaa ilmiöstä mahdollisimman yhtenäinen ja totuudenmukainen kuvaus. Tutkimuk-sen teoreettinen perusta rakentuu puurakentamisen nykytilaa, kunnallista päätöksentekoa ja puuraaka-aineen ominaisuuksia rakenta-misessa käsittelevän kirjallisuuskatsauksen varaan. Pragmatistiselle tutkimukselle tunnuksenomaisesti myös tutkija osallistuu tulosten tarkasteluun ulottaen oman kokemuspohjansa tutkimusaiheeseen. Puurakentamisen asenneilmapiiri kunnissa on myönteinen. Valtaosa vastaajista suhtautui myönteisesti sekä puurakentamiseen että puun käytön lisäämiseen julkisessa rakentamisessa. Puu mielletään ympäristöystävälliseksi ja terveelliseksi rakennusmateriaaliksi, jonka uskotaan tarjoavan ratkaisun esimerkiksi julkista rakennuskantaa vaivaaviin sisäilmaongelmiin. Puurakentamisesta kaivataan kunnissa kuitenkin lisää tietoja erityisesti puurakentamisen kustannuksista, toteutuneiden julkisten puurakennushankkeiden rakennus-teknisistä yksityiskohdista ja rakentamisprosessista yleisesti. Kunnissa arvostetaan puurakentamisen positiivista imagoa sekä sen terveysvaikutuksia ja sisäilmaa edistäviä ominaisuuksia. Kunnissa halutaan lisäksi tukea kotimaan taloutta ja paikallista elinkeinoa. Vaikka vastaajat kokivat puurakennuksen turvalliseksi ja ilmaisivat arvostavansa puun käytännöllisiä, ekologisia ja terveyttä edistäviä ominaisuuksia, he totesivat puurakentamiseen ja puuhun rakennusmateriaaliina liittyvän runsaasti ennakkoluuloja ja asennekapeikkoja ihmisten keskuudessa. Erityistä huolta ihmisten keskuudessa aiheuttavat puurakennuksen paloturvallisuus ja puuhun rakennusmateri-aalina liitettävät homeongelmat. Lisäksi myös puurakentamisen osaaminen koetaan kunnissa riittämättömäksi. Asiantuntijoiden hyö-dyntäminen koettiin puurakentamista edistävänä tekijänä päätöksenteossa. Tutkimus osoitti tarpeen kokonaan ulkopuolisen tahon tuottamalle objektiiviselle asiantuntijatiedolle, jonka keinoin voidaan vaikuttaa ihmisten keskuudessa esiintyviin vallitseviin virheellisiin käsityksiin ja ennakkoluuloihin puurakentamisesta. Puurakentaminen on suurten julkisten rakennushankkeiden osalta Suomessa vielä alkuvaiheessa ja suotuisan toimintakulttuurin raken-taminen vielä kehitysasteella. Julkisen sektorin asema rakentamisen markkinoilla on keskeinen, sillä mitä enemmän kunnissa rakenne-taan toimitiloja, päiväkoteja ja kouluja puusta, sitä enemmän se luo kysyntää myös yksityisillä markkinoilla. Tutkijalle muodostuneen käsityksen mukaan kunnissa on myönteinen tahtotila rakentaa puusta. Toiminnassa olisi kuitenkin otettava askel eteenpäin ja siirryttä-vä voimakkaammin hankkeiden myötä konkretiaan. Haasteita puurakentamisen yleistymiselle aiheuttavat päätöksentekijöiden keskuu-dessa esiintyvät ennakkoluulot ja asennekapeikot, jotka vaikuttavat puurakentamisen hankepäätöksiin.
  • Oksanen, Jaana (2020)
    Jyväskylän kaupungin strategisen metsäsuunnittelun yhteydessä kaupunki teetti asukaskyselytutkimuksen, jolla kartoitettiin asukkaiden mielipiteitä ja arvostuksia koskien kaupungin omistamia metsäalueita. Kyselystä saatua materiaalia käytettiin tämän tutkimuksen aineistona. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, kuinka kysely onnistui saavuttamaan erilaisia asukkaita ja millaista oli osallistuminen taustatietoryhmittäin. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin asukaskyselyä osallistamisen kannalta ja kyselystä saatujen tulosten yhteyksiä laadittuun strategiseen suunnitelmaan vertailtiin. Analysoinnissa ja aineiston käsittelyssä käytettiin SPSS-ohjelmistoa sekä vertailevaa analyysia. Tutkittavasta aineistosta poimittiin merkitseviä tekijöitä, joita voitiin yleistää koskemaan koko kaupungin väestöä. Eri taustatekijöiden vaikutuksia mielipiteisiin vertailtiin ja vertailluista tekijöistä tehtiin huomioita, joita mahdollisesti myös kaupunki voi jatkossa osallistumista ja osallistamista suunnitellessaan hyödyntää. Tutkimuksen avulla selvitettiin asukkaiden mielipiteet ja arvostukset kaupungin metsien hoidosta ja metsien käytön periaatteista. Asukkaiden joukosta saatiin selvitettyä myös hiljaisen, yleensä asiain tilaan tyytyväisen enemmistön mielipiteitä. Tärkeimpiä huomioita tutkimuksessa olivat asukkaiden luonnon monimuotoisuuden ja virkistysarvojen arvostus sekä metsien taloudellisen kannattavuuden vähäinen merkitys asukkaille. Lisäksi huomioitavaa on, että osa asukkaista olisi valmis osallistumaan kaupungin metsien hoitoon ja hoidon suunnitteluun nykyistä enemmän ja tärkeää jatkossa olisikin osallistamisen laajempi hyödyntäminen sekä mahdollisten käytettävissä olevien lisätoimenpiteiden kartoitus kaupunkisuunnittelussa.