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  • Björkqvist, Jan-Victor (2012)
    Ensimmäisenä päätuloksena tutkielmassa luokitellaan yhtenäisten, lokaalisti polkuyhtenäisten ja semilokaalisti yhdesti yhtenäisten avaruuksien kaikki yhtenäiset peiteavaruudet isomorfiaa vaille. Ensin näytetään, että peiteavaruuden perusryhmän kuva peitekuvauksen indusoimassa homomorfismissa määrää peiteavaruuden isomorfiaa vaille. Peiteavaruuksien luokittelua varten määritellään kaksi ryhmän toimintaa. Koko peiteavaruudessa toimii peiteavaruuden automorfismiryhmä Aut( ̃ X, p), ja kantapisteen säikeessä p^{-1}(x_0) toimii lisäksi kanta-avaruuden perusryhmä π (X, x_0). Lisäksi osoitetaan, että yhdesti yhtenäisen peiteavaruuden tapauksessa nämä kaksi ryhmää ovat isomorfiset. Nyt jokainen perusryhmän aliryhmä H ≤ π (X,x_0) on isomorfinen automorfismiryhmän jonkun aliryhmän ̃H ≤ Aut( ̃Y,q) kanssa. Lopuksi osoitetaan, että aliryhmän ̃H toiminnan muodostama rata-avaruus on kanta-avaruuden peiteavaruus, ja että sen perusryhmän kuva peitekuvauksen indusoimassa homomorfismissa on täsmälleen aliryhmä H. Toisena päätuloksena on Seifertin-van Kampenin lause. Lause kertoo että mikäli avaruus voidaan esittää kahden avoimen joukon yhdisteenä X = U_1 ∪ U_2 ja se täyttää alussa mainitut yhtenäisyysoletukset, niin sen perusryhmällä on tietty universaaliominaisuus. Tarkemmin, mikäli meillä on inkluusioiden indusoimat homomorfismit i_i_*: π (U_1 ∩ U_2) → π (U_i), j_i_*: π (U_i) → π (X) joille pätee j_1_* ◦ i_1_* = j_2_* ◦ i_2_*, sekä homomorfismit h_i: π (U_i) → G mielivaltaiselle ryhmälle G, niin on olemassa yksikäsitteinen homomorfismi h: π (X) → G joka täyttää ehdot h_1 = h ◦ j_1_* ja h_2 = h ◦ j_2_*. Todistus nojaa G-peiteavaruuksien teoriaan. Perusideana on ensin näyttää, että mikäli G on mikä tahansa ryhmä, niin jokaista homomorfismia k: π (X) → G vastaa isomorfiaa vaille yksikäsitteinen avaruuden X G-peiteavaruus. Vastaavasti jokaista G-peiteavaruutta vastaa yksikäsitteinen homomorfismi perusryhmältä ryhmälle G. Ehto j_1_* ◦ i_1_* = j_2_* ◦ i_2_* tulee takaamaan, että avaruudelle X voidaan muodostaa G-peiteavaruus, jota vastaa haluttu yksikäsitteinen homomorfismi h: π (X) → G. Tämän jälkeen näytetään että homomorfismeja h_i ja h ◦ j_i_* vastaavat G-peiteavaruudet ovat isomorfiset, josta seuraa että h_i = h ◦ j_i_* kaikilla i ∈ {1,2 }. Universaaliominaisuutta käyttäen voidaan muodostaa surjektiivinen ryhmähomomorfismi perusryhmien π (U_1) ja π (U_2) vapaalle tulolle Γ : π (X) → π (U_1) * π (U_2), jolloin saamme isomorfismin π (X) ∼ = π (U_1) * π (U_2)/Ker(Γ). Kuvauksen ydintä ei lasketa yleisessä tapauksessa, vaan tyydytään erikoistapaukseen, jolloin π (U_2)=0. Tällöin ydin on kuvajoukon Im(i_1_*) virittämä aliryhmä Ker(Γ) = 〈 Im(i_1_*)〉. Lopuksi käytetään G-peiteavaruuksien teoriaa sekä Seifertin-van Kampenin lausetta perusryhmien laskemiseen. Tutkielmassa määritetään perusryhmät 1-monistoille S^1, S^1 V S^1, sekä 2-monistoille S^2, projektiiviselle tasolle, torukselle, Kleinin pullolle sekä Möbiuksen nauhalle.
  • Haanpää, Susanna (2016)
    The purpose of this thesis is to examine the accessibility of fire stations in Finland and to examine, which locations are the most optimal for new fire stations. The thesis also investigates whether current fire stations are optimally located. The research area is wide, as it comprises all rescue departments (22) in Finland. Therefore, the research area is divided in 22 sections that are formed from current rescue departments, so that the analyses are easier to do. The ongoing national rescue service reform is an excellent opportunity to improve rescue services. Based on the analysis, it is possible to examine how equivalent the rescue services are in Finland at present. The key methods used in this thesis are various spatial data analyses, performed with ArcGIS. ArcGIS is an excellent software for accessibility and location-allocation analysis and also for visualizing the results. The results are shown in maps. The accessibility analyses are performed with ArcGIS Network Analysis extension's Service Area tool. Finland is divided into 1 km x 1 km squares which are given a risk class based on the risk level determined by the regression model. Each risk class should be reached within specified time. The accessibility of fire stations is determined by how consistently the risk classes are reached within a specified time. Location-allocation analyses are performed with ArcGIS Network Analysis extension's Maximal Coverage tool. The analyses indicate that the accessibility of the rescue services with current fire stations is mostly good. However, there are still some risk classes that are not reached within the target time and these areas should be taken into consideration when improving the rescue services. The location-allocation analyses indicate that although most existing fire stations are optimally located, some fire stations could improve their accessibility with optimal siting. This would bring these fire stations to closer equivalency with the rest of rescue services in Finland.
  • Lehtonen, Jussi (Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2006)
    By law, rescue services must anticipate and plan future rescue situations so that the emergency measures taken in the event of an accident can be accomplished quickly and effectively. To reach this goal, rescue services planning must be up to date. The development of rescue services is directed by the Rescue Act, and guidelines such as the readiness program, based on that law. The guidelines give the basic principles for organizing rescue services. This paper studies the ability of rescuers to reach different locations now, and in the future, and whether this happens within the time constraints required by the readiness program. The time perspective of the study includes both the current time and the future. Predictions of possible future situations are based on zoning information. The goal of the study is to find out whether there are any gaps in the network of fire stations or if gaps will develop in the near future. The strong growth and increase in the population of the greater Helsinki area, and of surrounding towns, creates many challenges for city planning, including rescue services. This study targets the two towns of Espoo and Kirkkonummi, where fast growth specifically into new housing areas, makes planning of rescue services challenging. Many new options are available for planning due to technological developments. The combined methods of planning and geo-informatics used in this study help to determine the need for new resources in rescue services. By using these methods, the planning of rescue services could be done at least 10 years into the future.
  • Nieminen, Liisa (2019)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on esitellä oppimispelien ja varsinkin pedagogisten oppimispelien hyötyjä sekä tutkia, miten pedagogisista lähtökohdista suunniteltu oppimispeli toimii käytännössä. Oppimispelejä sekä niiden tuomaa pelillisyyttä kaivataan perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelmankin mukaan kouluihin. Lisäksi matematiikan opetukseen kaivataan matematiikkapuhetta sekä enemmän ongelmanratkaisua. Matematiikan opetuksen haasteena on virhekäsitykset, joita oppilaille saattaa muodostua. Virhekäsitysten ennaltaehkäisemisessä, sekä torjumisessa matematiikan puhuminen on merkittävässä roolissa. Kehittämämme oppimispeli pyrkii osaltaan vastaamaan näihin tarpeisiin. Tässä tapaustutkimuksessa tutkittiin innostaako pedagogisista lähtökohdista suunniteltu oppimispeli matematiikan opiskeluun, saako peli aikaan matikkapuhetta ja antaako peli opettajalle välineen virhekäsitysten tunnistamiseen. Lisäksi tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli saada arvokasta palautetta kehittämästämme pelistä sekä parannusehdotuksia jatkokehitykseen. Menetelmät. Tutkimus suoritettiin peluuttamalla peliä Maunulan yhteiskoulun 7.–9.luokkalaisilla. Tutkimukseen osallistui yhteensä 43 oppilasta ja 5 opettajaa. Peliä pelattiin noin puolen tunnin verran, jonka jälkeen oppilaat sekä heidän opettajansa täyttivät palautelomakkeen. Lomakkeet koostuivat asteikkokysymyksistä sekä avoimista kysymyksistä. Vastausten perusteella laadin pylväsdiagrammit ja laskin asteikkokysymyksistä keskiarvot. Lisäksi seurasin pelitilanteita ja analysoin seuraamani perusteella, miten peli otettiin vastaan. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimuksen tuloksena voidaan sanoa, että pedagogisista lähtökohdista suunniteltu oppimispeli Sigma Math tuotti kaivattua matikkapuhetta ja innosti oppilaita, koska oppilaat halusivat pelata peliä uudestaankin. Voidaan siis todeta pelin olevan innostava väline oppimiseen matematiikan tunnilla. Virhekäsityksistä ei tämän tutkimuksen mukaan saatu tietoa. Jatkokehityksen kannalta merkittävin palaute koski vastausajan rajaamista tiimalasilla. Kaiken kaikkiaan peli otettiin hyvin vastaan, se innosti oppilaita puhumaan matematiikkaa ja toi hieman erilaisen näkökulman matematiikan opettamiseen.
  • Palo-oja, Vivian (2015)
    Työssä käsitellään Penrosen laatoituksia. Roger Penrose löysi ensimmäisenä P1-laatoituksen. Laatoituksen löytymisen takana on säännöllisen viisikulmion jakaminen pienempiin viisikulmioihin yhä uudelleen. P1-laatoituksessa on kuusi protolaattaa. Penrosen löytämistä laatoituksista tutkituin ja hyödynnetyin on P2-laatoitus, joka koostuu kahdesta protolaatasta; nuolesta ja leijasta. P2-laatoituksia on hyödynnettu muun muassa kvasikiteiden tutkimuksessa ja niiden mallinnuksessa. P3-laatoitus puolestaan koostuu sekin kahdesta protolaatasta, jotka ovat molemmat vinoneliöitä samalla sivun pituudella, mutta eri kulmilla. Laatoituksiin liittyy oleellisesti symmetriat eli yhtenevyyskuvaukset, joita käsitellään yhdessä muiden esitietojen kanssa työn ensimmäisessä luvussa. Yhtenevyyskuvauksia voi käsitellä aksiomaattisesti tai ne voidaan siirtää koordinaatistoon, kuten työn esimerkeissä on tehty. Lisäksi kultainen leikkaus näyttelee merkittävää roolia Roger Penrosen löytämissä laatoituksissa. Ensimmäisessä luvussa käydään läpi myös mitä vaatimuksia laatalle asetetaan, jotta sitä toistamalla voitaisiin muodostaa laatoitus. Penrosen laatoitusten merkittävin ominaisuus on niiden jaksottomuus. Jaksottomuus johtuu siitä, että laatoituksesta ei ole löydettävissä siirtosymmetriaa. Laatoitukset pakotetaan jaksottomiksi erityisillä säännöillä, joiden mukaan laattoja saa liittää toisiinsa. Ilman näitä sääntöjä olisi Penrosen laatoistakin mahdollista tehdä jaksollisia laatoituksia. Kunkin laatoituksen osalta on tämä sääntö esitetty kyseistä laatoitusta käsittelevässä luvussa. Esitietoina työn ymmärtämiseksi edellytetään aksiomaattisen geometrian perusteita, joukko-opin alkeita sekä trigonometrian sovelluskykyä.
  • Sarkkinen, Miika (2023)
    In this thesis we present and prove Roger Penrose’s singularity theorem, which is a fundamental result in mathematical general relativity. In 1965 Penrose showed that in Einstein’s theory of general relativity, under certain general assumptions on the topology, curvature, and causal structure of a Lorentzian spacetime manifold, the spacetime manifold is null geodesically incomplete. At the time, Penrose’s theorem was highly topical in a longstanding debate on the question whether singularities are formed in the process of gravitational collapse. In the proof of the theorem, novel mathematical techniques were introduced in the study of Einstein’s theory of gravity, leading to further important developments in the mathematics of general relativity. Penrose’s theorem is built on the methods of semi-Riemannian geometry, in particular Lorentzian geometry. To lay the basis for later constructions, we therefore review the basic concepts and results of semi-Riemannian geometry needed in order to understand Penrose’s theorem. The discussion includes semi-Riemannian metrics, connection, curvature, geodesics, and semi-Riemannian submanifolds. Second, calculus of variations on semi-Riemannian manifolds is introduced and a set of results pertinent to Penrose’s theorem is given. The notion of focal point of a spacelike submanifold is defined and a proposition stating sufficient conditions for the existence of focal points is presented. Furthermore, we give a series of results that establish a relation between focal points of spacelike submanifolds and causality on a Lorentzian manifold. In the last chapter, we define a family of concepts that can be used to analyze the causal structure of Lorentzian manifolds. In particular, we define the notions of global hyperbolicity, Cauchy hypersurface, and trapped surface, which are central to Penrose’s theorem, and show some important properties thereof. Finally, Penrose’s theorem is stated and proved in detail.
  • Honkonen, Ilja (Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2008)
    Proteiinit ovat elämälle välttämättömiä orgaanisia yhdisteitä, jotka koostuvat yhdestä tai useammasta aminohappoketjusta. Proteiinien toiminnan määrää niiden kolmiulotteinen rakenne, joka taas riippuu pitkälti proteiinien aminohappojärjestyksestä, sekvenssistä. Proteiinien tunnettujen sekvenssien määrä kasvaa DNA-sekvensoinnin tuloksena selvästi nopeammin kuin selvitettyjen kolmiulotteisten rakenteiden, konformaatioiden, määrä. Proteiinien rakenteitakin tunnetaan jo lähes 45 000, joten niiden tilastollisella analyysillä on yhä merkittävämpi osuus uusien proteiinien rakenteen määrittämisessä, ennustamisessa ja suunnittelussa. Työssä etsittiin pentapeptidejä (viiden aminohapon pituisia ketjuja), joilla on sama konformaatio kaikissa tunnetuissa proteiinien rakenteissa. Näitä rakennuspalikoita voisi käyttää suoraviivaisessa proteiinien suunnittelussa halutun kolmiulotteisen rakenteen aikaansaamiseksi. Aineistona käytettiin proteiinitietopankin joulukuussa 2007 sisältämiä rakenteita, joihin kuului lähes 45 000 proteiinin kolmiulotteista rakennetta. Aineiston laajuuden takia rakennuspalikoita etsittiin kahdessa vaiheessa vertailemalla pentapeptidien rakenteen keskeisten atomien (CA, CB, O, C ja N) sijaintia proteiinien aminohappoketjuissa. Työssä löytyi yli 9000 rakennuspalikkaa, pentapeptidiä, joista jokaisella oli sama konformaatio yli 12 eri rakennetiedostossa, niissä ilmoitettujen tarkkuuksien rajoissa. Löydetyistä rakennuspalikoista 48:lla oli täysin sama konformaatio kaikkialla, mistä ne löydettiin. Näistä useimmin esiintyneitä voi käyttää suoraan proteiinien rakenneanalyysissä valmiina kolmiulotteisen rakenteen osina. Eri konformaatioihin laskostuvia identtisiä pentapeptidejä löytyi yli 266 000 kappaletta. Rakennuspalikoiden stabiiliudesta johtuen ne saattavat olla tärkeitä proteiinien fysikaalisen mallinnuksen tutkimus- ja vertailukohteina. Käytännön kannalta työn lupaavin tulos oli se, että rakennuspalikoita löytyi eri vasta-aineiden rakennetiedostoista. Ehkäpä juuri vasta-aineita voitaisiin suunnitella työssä esitetyillä menetelmillä.
  • Kujala, Sanna (2021)
    This master’s thesis examines the location privacy perceptions, privacy behaviours, and uses of location online. Young adults have grown up in the era of the internet, which means that they have big data collected of them since their first day online as teenagers or younger children. The topic of perceived location privacy is yet to be researched in Finland. The aim of this thesis was to understand; what are the location privacy perceptions and location privacy knowledge of young Finnish adults, and to see if the privacy paradox is in effect within the young Finnish adults. The research is based on a qualitative method and three focus groups were held to collect the data. During focus groups sessions the participants were free to discuss location privacy-related topics and their own experiences. From there on the data was analysed by using inductive content analysis methods on Atlas.ti program. The results of this research indicate that young adults are not confident in their knowledge of location privacy. The participants voiced clear worry over their privacy while using social media and mobile phones, but actions towards protecting personal privacy were not taken. This disparity between privacy concerns and taken privacy protection action was identified as privacy paradox. Most commonly, the individual’s privacy concerns were towards unknown individuals rather than the platforms or companies behind them. Aside from discussing their privacy concerns, the young adults voiced several instances of beneficial usage of personal location sharing, such instances were: location sharing to friends when trying to find each other in public places, personal navigation, quantified self, and others. It was found that young Finnish adults found it concerning that they have a lack of interest in their privacy, but still stated that they might not work to improve their knowledge or measures taken to protect their privacy online. The aspect of geographical location did matter to the young adults, and Finland and Europe were seen as most privacy protective countries of origins for applications and services.
  • Pelkonen, Mikko (2020)
    The general topic of the thesis is computer aided music analysis on point-set data utilising theories outlined in Timo Laiho’s Analytic-Generative Methodology (AGM) [19]. The topic is in the field of music information retrieval, and is related to previous work on both pattern discovery and computational models of music. The thesis aims to provide analysis results that can be compared to existing studies. AGM introduces two concepts based on perception, sensation and cognitive processing: interval–time complex (IntiC) and musical vectors (muV). These provide a mathematical framework for the analysis of music. IntiC is a value associated with the velocity, or rate of change, between musical notes. Musical vectors are the vector representations of these rates of change. Laiho explains these attributes as meaningful for both music analysis and as tools for music generation. Both of these attributes can be computed from a point-set representation of music data. The concepts in AGM can be viewed as being related to geometric methods for pattern discovery algorithmsof Meredith, Lemström et al.[24] whointroduce afamily of ‘Structure Induction Algorithms’. These algorithms are used to find repeating patterns in multidimensional point-set data. Algorithmic implementations of intiC and muV were made for this thesis and examined in the use of rating and selecting patterns output by the pattern discovery algorithms. In addition software tools for using these concepts of AGM were created. The concepts of AGM and pattern discovery were further related to existing work in computer aided musicology.
  • Immonen, Johanna (2024)
    This thesis considers crossing probabilities in 2D critical percolation, and modular forms. In particular, I give an exposition on the theory on modular forms, percolation theory and complex analysis that is needed to characterise the crossing probabilities by means of modular forms. These results are not mine, but I review them and present full proofs which are omitted in the literature. In the special case of 2 dimensions, the percolation theory admits a lot of symmetries due to its conformal invariance at the criticality. This makes its study especially fruitful. There are various types of percolation, but let us consider for example a critical bond percolation on a square lattice. Mark each edge in the lattice black (open) or white (closed) with equal probability, and each edge independently. The probability that there is cluster of connected black edges which is attached to both left and right side of the rectangle, is the horizontal crossing probability. Note that there is always either such a black cluster connecting the left and right sides or a white cluster connecting the upper and lower sides of the rectangle in the dual lattice. This gives us a further symmetry. The crossing probability at the scaling limit, where the mesh size of the square lattice goes to zero, is given by Cardy-Smirnov’s formula. This formula was first derived unrigorously by Cardy, but in 2001 it was proved by Smirnov in the case of a triangular site percolation. I present an alternative expression for the Cardy-Smirnov’s formula in terms of modular forms. In particular, I show that Cardy-Smirnov’s formula can be written as an integral of Dedekind’s eta function restricted to the positive imaginary axis. For this, one needs first that the conformal cross ratio for a rectangle corresponds to the values of the modular lambda function at the positive imaginary axis. This follows by using Schwartz reflection to the conformal map from the rectangle to the upper half plane given by Riemann mapping theorem, and finding an explicit expression for the construction using Weierstrass elliptic function. Using the change of basis for the period module and uniqueness of analytic extension, it follows that the analytic extension for the conformal cross ratio is invariant with respect to the congruent subgroup of the modular group of level 2, and is indeed the modular lambda function. Now, one may reformulate the hypergeometric differential equation satisfied by Cardy-Smirnov’s formula as a function on lambda. Using the symmetries of lambda function, one can deduce the relation to Dedekind’s eta. Lastly, I show how Cardy-Smirnov’s formula is uniquely characterised by two assumptions that are related to modular transformation. The first assumption arises from the symmetry of the problem, but there is not yet physical argument for the second.
  • Tamene, Fitsum Tsegaye (2013)
    Protein-Protein Interactions (PPIs) have a key role in almost all biological processes. Experimental methods such as Yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) can detect a set of PPIs. However, the result is often incomplete and characterized by high false positive (negative) rates. To address this problem, many computational methods have been developed to identify PPIs from high-throughput genomic data. In this thesis, we have evaluated the performance of four computational methods for inferring interacting and non interacting protein pairs from gene expression data. These methods target the learning of Gaussian Graphical Models (GGMs) from high dimensional data such as gene expression data. The methods rely on inverse covariance estimations for fitting GGMs and they have mainly been applied to learn Gene-Gene interactions (GGIs) from expression data. The methods are Graphical-Lasso, Or-graph, GeneNet, and qpGraph. Graphical-Lasso and Or-graph are based on sparse inverse covariance matrix estimation. GeneNet relies on regularized inverse covariance matrix estimation and qp-graph depends on limited order partial correlation. We apply these methods on Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Yeast) gene expression data for inferring interacting and non-interacting protein pairs. Then we evaluate the performance of the methods using test data that is constructed using STRING and NEGATOME protein databases. Our analysis reveals that qpGraph performs significantly better than the other methods in inferring both interacting and non-interacting protein pairs.
  • Kurki, Mika (2020)
    The purpose of this study is to analyze performance benefits of Collective Variable-driven Hyperdynamics (CVHD) method over standard molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. Theory of CVHD is an implementation of the hyperdynamics method with some beneficial features of metadynamics. The original implementation of CVHD was modified to work as an addon for COLVARS package of the LAMMPS simulation software with current software versions. About 70 simulations were run and analyzed to verify functionality of CVHD and compare results with CVHD to those without CVHD. The simulated system was the adatom self-diffusion on Copper 001 surface. It was found out that CVHD provides a significant performance boost (several order of magnitudes) over standard MD while preserving physical accuracy for simulation of the diffusion, but only in limited temperature range. With high temperatures CVHD doesn’t speed up the simulation at all compared to standard MD. With low temperatures, it is possible to achieve statistically meaningful number of diffusion events in temperatures where the same with standard MD would require unreasonable long simulations. But also, CVHD slows down at low enough temperatures so that it is impractical. It was also found out that the collective variable used in this context is suitable for counting number of adatom diffusion events, which helps analysis of adatom trajectories. It would be interesting to investigate CVHD more by trying different parametrization and by applying it to also other phenomenon than surface diffusion. The code of CVHD provides possibilities for performance optimizations, for example by utilizing parallel computation.
  • Concas, Francesco (2018)
    The Bloom Filter is a space-efficient probabilistic data structure that deals with the problem of set membership. The space reduction comes at the expense of introducing a false positive rate that many applications can tolerate since they require approximate answers. In this thesis, we extend the Bloom Filter to deal with the problem of matching multiple labels to a set, introducing two new data structures: the Bloom Vector and the Bloom Matrix. We also introduce a more efficient variation for each of them, namely the Optimised Bloom Vector and the Sparse Bloom Matrix. We implement them and show experimental results from testing with artificial datasets and a real dataset.
  • Pervilä, Mikko (Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2008)
    The Ajax approach has outgrown its origin as shorthand for 'Asynchronous JavaScript + XML'. Three years after its naming, Ajax has become widely adopted by web applications. Therefore, there exists a growing interest in using those applications with mobile devices. This thesis evaluates the presentational capability and measures the performance of five mobile browsers on the Apple iPhone and Nokia models N95 and N800. Performance is benchmarked through user-experienced response times as measured with a stopwatch. 12 Ajax toolkit examples and 8 production-quality applications are targeted, all except one in their real environments. In total, over 1750 observations are analyzed and included in the appendix. Communication delays are not considered; the network connection type is WLAN. Results indicate that the initial loading time of an Ajax application can often exceed 20 seconds. Content reordering may be used to partially overcome this limitation. Proper testing is the key for success: the selected browsers are capable of presenting Ajax applications if their differing implementations are overcome, perhaps using a suitable toolkit.
  • Aalto, Juha (Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2011)
    Periglacial processes act on cold, non-glacial regions where the landscape deveploment is mainly controlled by frost activity. Circa 25 percent of Earth's surface can be considered as periglacial. Geographical Information System combined with advanced statistical modeling methods, provides an efficient tool and new theoretical perspective for study of cold environments. The aim of this study was to: 1) model and predict the abundance of periglacial phenomena in subarctic environment with statistical modeling, 2) investigate the most import factors affecting the occurence of these phenomena with hierarchical partitioning, 3) compare two widely used statistical modeling methods: Generalized Linear Models and Generalized Additive Models, 4) study modeling resolution's effect on prediction and 5) study how spatially continous prediction can be obtained from point data. The observational data of this study consist of 369 points that were collected during the summers of 2009 and 2010 at the study area in Kilpisjärvi northern Lapland. The periglacial phenomena of interest were cryoturbations, slope processes, weathering, deflation, nivation and fluvial processes. The features were modeled using Generalized Linear Models (GLM) and Generalized Additive Models (GAM) based on Poisson-errors. The abundance of periglacial features were predicted based on these models to a spatial grid with a resolution of one hectare. The most important environmental factors were examined with hierarchical partitioning. The effect of modeling resolution was investigated with in a small independent study area with a spatial resolution of 0,01 hectare. The models explained 45-70 % of the occurence of periglacial phenomena. When spatial variables were added to the models the amount of explained deviance was considerably higher, which signalled a geographical trend structure. The ability of the models to predict periglacial phenomena were assessed with independent evaluation data. Spearman's correlation varied 0,258 - 0,754 between the observed and predicted values. Based on explained deviance, and the results of hierarchical partitioning, the most important environmental variables were mean altitude, vegetation and mean slope angle. The effect of modeling resolution was clear, too coarse resolution caused a loss of information, while finer resolution brought out more localized variation. The models ability to explain and predict periglacial phenomena in the study area were mostly good and moderate respectively. Differences between modeling methods were small, although the explained deviance was higher with GLM-models than GAMs. In turn, GAMs produced more realistic spatial predictions. The single most important environmental variable controlling the occurence of periglacial phenomena was mean altitude, which had strong correlations with many other explanatory variables. The ongoing global warming will have great impact especially in cold environments on high latitudes, and for this reason, an important research topic in the near future will be the response of periglacial environments to a warming climate.
  • Mäkinen, Tero (2015)
    Periglacial zone can be defined as cold but non-glacial environment, where periglacial processes are active. Formation of permafrost and seasonal frost and the thawing of such phenomena are the essential elements of the development of the periglacial landscape. Conception is that periglacial geomorphology also consists of seasonal snow cover, fluvial processes and aeolian activity, which seem to have obvious impact to the landscape of cold non-glacial regions. According to observations and global climate models, climate is warming up and the heating is expected to be the most strongest at the high latitudes. Modern research methods and whole new approaches to understand the spatial phenomena and geomorphological analysis is an essential part of the global warming research. Spatial modelling is one of these modern research methods. The objective of this study is to collect the essential research concerning spatial modelling of the periglacial processes, and investigate through the already written literature, and to point out the strengths and weaknesses of the spatial modelling in the context of global warming. According to models, already a minor warming of the atmosphere rapidly declines the periglacial processes and leads to the degradation of permafrost. If te changes stay at the same level, this would lead to the almost total loss of these processes in certain periglacial domains by the end of this century. These processes could only stay active at locally restricted areas at favourable conditions. The better availability of the remote sensing and geographical information systems and also the recent development of quantitative modelling methods are making it possible to cost-effectively research the spatial occurrence of the periglacial processes and the factors relating to it. Spatial modelling could also make it possible to explore new and remote regions without expensive field surveys. Insufficient data could cause difficulties in these territories. Models are always imperfect acts of reality and some phenomena are hard to be simulated. Spatial geomorphological data often consists of complex process-environment relationships, non-linear responses and spatial autocorrelation. Many of these difficulties can be controlled by developed modelling methods, but the generalization and transferability (extrapolation) of the models still cause difficulties.
  • Hautakangas, Juha (2013)
    Organisaatioiden perinnejärjestelmät sisältävät valtavan määrän tietoa tallennettuna relaatiotietokantoihin. Tämä perinnetieto on organisaation liiketoiminnan kannalta usein erittäin tärkeää. Perinnejärjestelmiä tai perinnetietoa ei tyypillisesti ole kuvailtu riittävästi. Tällöin tiedon hakijan on osattava etsiä tietoa oikeasta paikasta, oikeilla menetelmillä, tunnettava ennalta haun kohteena olevaa aineistoa ja osattava tulkita hakutuloksia. Tilanne muuttuu, jos perinnetieto annotoidaan semanttisesti eli kuvaillaan semanttisen ja koneymmärrettävän metatiedon avulla. Tämä mahdollistaa nykyistä ilmaisuvoimaisempien kyselykielten käytön. Semanttisen metatiedon avulla koneet voivat ymmärtää tietosisältöjen merkityksiä. Näin ollen semanttisen annotoinnin avulla koneet voidaan valjastaa auttamaan ihmisiä relaatiotietokantoihin kohdistuvassa tiedonhaussa merkittävästi nykyistä paremmilla tavoilla. Semanttinen web on näkemys webin laajennuksesta, jossa tietosisällöt kuvataan semanttisesti ja koneymmärrettävästi. Tämän toteuttamiseksi semanttisen webin tutkimuksessa on kehitetty joukko menetelmiä ja normeja. Tutkielmassa kuvataan, miten näitä menetelmiä ja normeja voidaan hyödyntää perinnetiedon semanttiseen annotointiin. Tutkielmassa vertaillaan eri lähestymistapoja ja esitetään, miten tilanteeseen nähden tarkoituksenmukaisin tapa voidaan valita. Semanttinen annotointi kannattaa toteuttaa muuntamalla relaatiomallin mukainen tieto semanttisen webin tietomallin mukaiseksi tiedon aihealuetta kuvaavan ontologian rakenteiden ilmentymiksi. Tämä voidaan tehdä arkkitehtonisesti kahdella erilaisella lähestymistavalla. Ensimmäisellä tavalla ontologia luodaan automaattisesti relaatiotietokannan rakenteiden perusteella. Toisella tavalla jollakin ulkoisella muunnoskielellä määritellään, mihin ulkoisesti määriteltyjen ontologioiden rakenteisiin relaatiotietokannan rakenteet liittyvät. Muunnettua tietomallia ei tarvitse ylläpitää erillään, vaan muunnos voidaan tehdä ajonaikaisesti. Tällöin perinnejärjestelmät voivat edelleen ylläpitää tietoa alkuperäisissä relaatiotietokannoissa samalla, kun semanttista metatietoa hyödyntävät käyttäjät voivat suorittaa tietoon monipuolisia ja erittäin ilmaisuvoimaisia hakuja.
  • Mäkelä, Veikko (2015)
    We studied an RS Canum Venacorum type star BD Ceti. It is a chromospherically active binary (CAB). The primary component is a giant star, but shows solar type activity. With the orbital period of 35.1 days, it belongs into the long period group of RS CVn stars. The tidal interaction between the binary components has accelerated the rotation of the active component so that orbital and rotational period are almost the same. This fast rotation maintains magnetic and chromospheric activity. We applied the Continuous Period Search (CPS) method to 20 years automated V-band photometry. Modelling gave us mean magnitudes, amplitudes, periods, and primary and secondary minima of the light curve, as well as their error estimates. We studied both long and short term variations of the star. We found a possible 17.9 years activity cycle in the minimum starspot coverage. Because this cycle covers 90 % of the time span of our data, we could not confirm if this is a real phenomenon. From the period changes, we got the differential rotation coeffient |k| > 0.14, if the activity is present from the equator to the poles. We compared our result with latitudinal spot activity of the Sun and another RS CVn star Sigma Geminorum. BD Ceti has a higher differential rotation rate. We compared our result also to other published relations for estatimating differential rotation. We found that our results agree with the predictions by Collier Cameron (2007) and Küker & Rüdiger (2011) and Reinhold et al. (2013). Our relatively high differential rotation estimate is consistent to published results where slower rotating stars have higher differential rotation. We found two active longitudes located almost at the opposite sides of the star. The primary active longitude existed through entire 20 years observing period. The second active longituge existed only occasionally. No evidence of occasional activity switch, so called ‘flip-flops’, between these longitudes was not found. We got a period of 34.6 ± 0.1 days for those longitudes, which is close to orbital period of the binary system. This active longitude structure may be an evidence of azimuthal magnetic dynamo rotating slightly faster than the star.
  • Laarne, Petri (2021)
    The nonlinear Schrödinger equation is a partial differential equation with applications in optics and plasma physics. It models the propagation of waves in presence of dispersion. In this thesis, we will present the solution theory of the equation on a circle, following Jean Bourgain’s work in the 1990s. The same techniques can be applied in higher dimensions and with other similar equations. The NLS equation can be solved in the general framework of evolution equations using a fixed-point method. This method yields well-posedness and growth bounds both in the usual L^2 space and certain fractional-order Sobolev spaces. The difficult part is achieving good enough bounds on the nonlinear term. These so-called Strichartz estimates involve precise Fourier analysis in the form of dyadic decompositions and multiplier estimates. Before delving into the solution theory, we will present the required analytical tools, chiefly related to the Fourier transform. This chapter also describes the complete solution theory of the linear equation and illustrates differences between unbounded and periodic domains. Additionally, we develop an invariant measure for the equation. Invariant measures are relevant in statistical physics as they lead to useful averaging properties. We prove that the Gibbs measure related to the equation is invariant. This measure is based on a Gaussian measure on the relevant function space, the construction and properties of which we briefly explain.
  • Oladosu, Gideon Abidemi (2024)
    Informal settlements have been widely seen as a challenge to sustainable development programmes in the Global South. Due to their dense informal waterfront settlements with comparable and associated issues of environmental, economic, and social sustainability/justice that surround urban redevelopment and planning, the cities of Lagos and Manila were selected as the study areas. In both cities, the ways of addressing the problems of the informal settlements have remained fragmented. To enhance redevelopment, various planning strategies have been adopted but largely with the same result of forceful eviction and displacement of people, despite differences in how the problems are approached. This thesis utilizes eight (8) published scientific papers relating to urban redevelopment and planning strategies in Lagos’ and Manila’s informal waterfront settlements. The research findings reveal that Lagos and Manila authorities moved to redevelop the waterfront area to ensure environmental protection and reduce natural hazards. These cities adopted public-private partnership to enhance redevelopment and modernize the waterfronts to promote investment, and prevent loss of life and properties. The findings reveal that the top-down planning approach adopted pushed the informal settlers into bad living conditions which is worse than the fear of natural disaster outbreak along the coastline, which the government cited for redevelopment. This generated new ways of politics and democracy where social movements have challenged and protested against the government. The social groups mediate for justice and call on the stakeholders to embrace community-led planning approaches. This thesis concludes that there is a need to have win-win relationships among the stakeholders to have a better planning process. It recommends more research on informal waterfront settlements as it uncovers a wide gap in the literature. In addition, sea level rise was only mentioned without in-depth discussion in Amakihe’s article, to justify the reason for waterfront settlers’ eviction. I recommend future studies to look into the sea level rise as part of the discussion on informal waterfront redevelopment.