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  • Rintamäenpää, Erika (2017)
    During the past few decades, online shopping has grown steadily and increased its share of all retail sales. As internet connections have become more common and the selection of available online services has diversified, an increasing number of consumers have started to purchase different products online. Buying online has many time-related benefits compared to traditional retail as it enables the consumer to make purchases whenever and wherever. Yet, online grocery retailing has been relatively small-scale in both Finland and abroad compared with other product categories. In the past few years, however, the competition has become more intense as the few dominant Finnish grocery retailers and several smaller businesses have developed their online business models. In this study, I focused on one of Finland's leading grocery retailers, Kesko, and the customers and spatial characteristics of its online grocery services. The aim of this study was to find out 1) whether the accessibility of services affects the choice between an online store and a physical retail outlet in the case of grocery retail, 2) whether the widely accepted socio-economic characteristics of typical online shoppers find evidence in the case of choosing online grocery retail over a physical store or the frequency of online purchases and 3) how Kesko's online grocery retail has spread in the Helsinki region during the couple of years it has been in operation and where its potential new market areas in the region are. The MetropAccess time-cost-matrix for the Helsinki Region was used for the accessibility calculations. Travel times were calculated from all inhabited cells in the area and only from Kesko's online store's customer cells to the closest Kesko grocery store and separately to the closest store when all grocery stores were taken into account in the Helsinki Region. In some previous studies, urban living environment and dense service network have been observed to increase the probability of being an online shopper whereas poor accessibility to services increases the intensity of online shopping. In other studies and national statistics data, a variety of socio-economic attributes have stood out as prominent characteristics of e-shoppers. These include: young age (age groups 25-34 and 35-39), higher education, student status and high income. In addition, I have included the percentage of underage children of a cell's inhabitants in the analyses as Kesko's own data points very clearly in the direction that families with children are an important customer group to online groceries. The socio-economic variables of the region's inhabitants were mostly drawn from HSY's SeutuCD 2015 and Tilastokeskus' Paavo zip code data. I made correlation analyses on the YKR-grid level where the other variables were 1) the percentage of online customer households proportioned to cell's population in the whole region and 2) the intensity of online shopping in customer cells proportioned to population, and the other variables were the socio-economic variables of the population and the travel-time accessibility of grocery stores. The statistically significant Spearman's correlation coefficients were not very high, but weak connections between variables could be found. Customership of the online grocery store correlates negatively with travel time accessibility and the intensity of online shopping correlates positively with accessibility, which is in line with previous findings in the literature. Of the socio-economic variables chosen for this study, the ones that correlate the most with online shopping are income (with shopping intensity) and the percentage of 25-34- year olds (with customership). Finally, I analysed some potential future areas for growth for Kesko's online grocery business in the Helsinki Region based on the previously mentioned socioeconomic variables and accessibility of grocery stores in the study area. One weakness of the study was the availability of detailed enough socio-economic data when compared to Kesko's own YKR grid-level customer data. Some of the socioeconomic variables where derived from larger spatial units such as zip codes, which weakens the reliability of the correlation analyses. However, the grid-level examination is quite coarse for the capital region as well, and especially in this case, when the customer dataset itself was quite small. The accessibility of grocery stores is relatively good in the whole study area, so the study might not bring out the impacts of accessibility of physical services to online shopping as explicitly as might really be the case if the study was carried out in an area or with product categories where physical accessibility varies more. Moreover, the study may not have sufficiently considered the special characteristics of online grocery retailing when compared with other product types. Due to the marginal status of online grocery retailing, it has not yet been studied extensively in research literature. The results, however, do partly support previous findings of the connections between specific socioeconomic variables and the accessibility of services, and the customership of online stores and the intensity of online shopping activities.
  • Könönen, Nina (2013)
    Ruka-Kuusamo is a tourist are in northern Ostrobotnia. Ruka ski resort has been the driving force of the development of the area since the 1950's. This has made winter as the main season of the year. Summer and spring haven't developed in the same way as the main focus has been on winter. Ski resorts need to be developed as a year-round tourist area. Seasonality creates problems in staff, customer service as well as production chains. Butlers life cycle model is used in this thesis to analyse the different stages of development in a tourist resort. Ruka-Kuusamo area has reached its first stagnation in the mid 1990's. The stagnation was only visible in the winter season. The season reached a new growth in the beginning of the 2000's, but the summer and fall season did not follow. The tourists in the summer season are mostly finnish. The winter season has been able to get international tourists to the area as well. The flight traffic is important for the foreigners as Finland and Lapland are far away. Russian tourists can come by car and can travel more flexibly to the area. This means that the amount of international tourists in the area is dependant on the amount of flights. The summer season has hardly any foreign flight connections which makes it difficult to increase the amount of international tourists. The winter season has been able to increase the amount of international tourists when the finnish tourists were getting fewer in the end of the 1990's. The amount if finnish tourists increased once again when we passed the year 2000. The summer tourism has benefited from this rise as well and the numbers have been going up steadily even in the 2010's. It is possible to continue in the same direction but it does require new measures from the companies in the area. It is important to develop the area so that there are reasons for the tourist to come to Kuusamo. This means that the area should differ from other finnish nature resorts to increase tourism.
  • Hellén, Anna (2017)
    Traditional city planning has concentrated on auto-mobile flows since the 1930’s making urban areas sprawled and pedestrians as “second citizens”. This has led to widespread popular protests especially from the crowds of persons with impairments residing in cities. However, in recent decades, many cities around the world have shifted their infrastructure development to create better conditions for pedestrians and city life. One of the examples, where the urban environment is enhanced to enable the persons with impairments to fully be integrated in city life, is the Helsinki for all –project in the City of Helsinki. The aim in this research is to create a model for assessing the level of physical accessibility in urban environments. At the same time, the usability of the existing spatial data is evaluated. The aim is also to critically discuss social equality in urban context, and especially from the point of view of the rights of persons with mobility or functionality impairments. Therefore, the model is performed for three different pedestrian user groups to find out, if the level of physical accessibility differs between these groups. The aim is also to research the impact which various physical accessibility criteria have had in making the aspect of physical accessibility a more natural part of the planning process. The created Physical Accessibility Index, by which the current level of physical accessibility is assessed, is derived from the so-called 3D- and 6D models of Urban Structure. These models, and the physical accessibility criteria created by the Helsinki for all –project, are used as a theoretical framework in formulating the model for assessing the level of physical accessibility in the City of Helsinki. The 3D- and 6D models have been modified to take the aspect of physical accessibility into consideration, and the 8D model of physically accessible urban structure has been developed. This model includes the dimensions Density, Diversity, Design, Destination accessibility, Distance to transit, Demand, Declination and Discovery. Various methods have been used when analyzing the 8 dimensions in this 8D model. The analysis is performed for three areas in the City of Helsinki: Lauttasaari, Itäkeskus and Keski-Pasila. The research areas have been chosen to represent areas in which the aspect of physical accessibility has been considered in different phases in the development of these areas. Lauttasaari and Itäkeskus have been built during a time when there was not yet a comprehensive amount of physical accessibility criteria. In Keski-Pasila, on the contrary, the aspect of physical accessibility has been considered already in the local detailed land use plan. Out of these research areas, Lauttasaari and Itäkeskus provide existing spatial data, which has been acquired from open data sources and directly from the City of Helsinki. In the case of Keski-Pasila, which is currently under construction, the required data has been digitized from planning documents. The results show that the centers of the research areas in Lauttasaari and Itäkeskus have been developed and are built well from a physical accessibility point of view. The results show also that Keski-Pasila will in the future have a very good level of physical accessibility in all the new planned areas, if the areas are constructed according to the plans. There are big differences between the different pedestrian user groups in Lauttasaari and in Itäkeskus, but no visible differences between the groups were found in Keski-Pasila. It became clear when performing the analysis that the acquired data was not precise enough for making this kind of analysis. Big updates to the spatial data that the City of Helsinki administrates are therefore needed. Also, criteria for physical accessibility could not be found from literature or previous studies for every dimension, which influenced both the chosen methods and in results. Therefore, an expert group should define thresholds to special and basic level accessibility for each of the dimensions. However, the method itself seems to be suitable in analyzing the level of physical accessibility.
  • Hirvensalo, Kitta Milla (2012)
    Recently, the world has begun to recognize China as an important aid donor, and with the rising popularity of the Chinese aid model in Africa, it has become a possible alternative to the traditional Western aid. Growing Chinese influence on the African continent has resulted in a biased discussion about Chinese aid, portrayed best by the overly positive Chinese narrative and the negatively inclined Western narrative. This thesis examined the bias present in news articles retrieved from Chinese, Western as well as African sources in relation to Chinese African aid by utilizing content analysis as the main method. The objective was to identify variation within each news source and to place the narratives they represented into respective regional socio-cultural contexts. The research identified a pattern of increasing bias in both the Chinese and Western news sources. The overall tone of the Chinese news articles was mainly positive, whereas the Western news source portrayed a critical and dominantly negative bias in relation to Sino-African cooperation and aid. Both African news sources selected for this research were predominantly neutral. The findings of the research supported the hypothesis that socio-culturally embedded narratives reflect their regional contexts providing varying views towards Chinese aid. Especially in the context of Chinese African aid, the narratives have become increasingly polarized ranging in the far realms of reality, possibly hindering the future of international aid and the development of the African continent.
  • Rahman, Muhammad Sajjadur (2017)
    This article explores mode of gentrification in Bangladesh with specific focus on new-build gentrification in Chittagong city, from the perspective of gentrification in Asian cities. This research is the opening work in this study area as well in Bangladesh, where an overall image of gentrification has been depicted. Gentrification has been one of the long-debated issues of urban studies, though, most of these debates have been taken place regarding Anglo-American cities. While emerging literature indicates a ‘planetary gentrification’, most of them focused on Anglo-American cities, a very few researches have been conducted on many urban centers all over Asia, Africa, Latin America, and even in Eastern Europe. In case of southern gentrification, especially in Asian cities, new-build gentrification is very significant. Thus, the case study of this article is based on Bangladesh, and more specifically, a newly build luxurious area known as Khulshi Residential area of Chittagong metropolitan city. However, this work has also brought the issues being discussed in classical gentrification literature. This research used explorative studies and qualitative methods mainly. Additionally, quantitative analysis has also been used in minor extent. Qualitative part of the research was based on visual analysis, questionnaire survey and in-depth interview where, quantitative part includes the analysis of census and survey data, and graphical presentation of those data. From the analysis, it is strongly evident that the case study area is facing the gentrification process rapidly, where most of the notions of it indicate that new-build gentrification is prominent. Both state and private sector act jointly in gentrification process. State lay the foundation through road construction, provision of better service and other infrastructure and through the gentrification friendly policy. After that, private actors utilize those facilities and push the process further. The case study shows certain common characteristics of the main stream gentrification theory, which include intrusion of a new social class with higher economic power, an influx of investment in the real estate and luxury service sector in the selected area, the production of exclusive places for wealthy population in those areas, and so forth. Compared with other Asian cities, regional similarities - for instance, state-led gentrification and eviction, rapid privatization, use of public property for private use, highly influenced public policy by social elite, etc. are also visible. Additionally, Socio-spatial inequality is highly manifested in the gentrified area. Thus, certain localized characteristics are also evident. Both displacement and replacement are evident in the case study; however, displacement and eviction are more prominent than replacement. Economic capability is crucial to be the gentrifier than socio-demographic characteristics (for instance, age, family structure, social class, education etc.). Loss of public places and conversion of it into private use to benefit certain wealthy community is visible in the area. Along with that, segregation, in terms of social and economic, is the common feature with an emergence of gated community is in the area. However, since this research is the initial study in Bangladesh perspective, further in-depth study is required.
  • Kajosaari, Anna (2016)
    This master's thesis discusses the applicability of the concept of new-build gentrification in the context of Helsinki. The aim is to offer new ways to structure the framework of socio-economic change in Helsinki through this theoretical perspective and to explore the suitability of the concept of new-build gentrification in a context where the construction of new housing is under strict municipal regulations. The conceptual understanding of gentrification has expanded since the term's coinage, and has been enlarged to encompass a variety of new actors, causalities and both physical and social outcomes. New-build gentrification on its behalf is one of the manifestations of the current, third-wave gentrification. Over the upcoming years Helsinki is expected to face growth varying from moderate to rapid increase of the population. The last decade has been characterized by the planning of extensive residential areas in the immediate vicinity of the Helsinki CBD and the seaside due to the relocation of inner city cargo shipping. Accompanied with characteristics of local housing policy and existing housing stock, these developments form the framework where the prerequisites for the existence of new-build gentrification are discussed. The empirical part of this thesis concentrates on exploring the socio-economic and demographic structure of the resident base of Helsinki's new-build housing areas. The main research method is a GIS- analysis based on the appliance of the YKR Database by SYKE and the Grid Database by Statistics Finland. Besides the quantitative analysis, the existence of new-build gentrification in Helsinki is discussed in the context of general argumentation for the phenomenon's applicability by the critical gentrification research perspective. The results of the study lead to the conclusion, that new-build gentrification does not occur in the chosen case areas as the process described in international case-studies suggest, but several of the characteristics of the phenomenon are however present in the local housing policies, housing market and development of new residential areas. In Helsinki the regulation of the tenure structure concerning the new-build housing stock has led to a situation, where the difference between new-build housing developments' and the surrounding areas' socio-economic status varies between the inner-and outer parts of the city. These results bear close resemblance to the outcomes of recent Western European studies highlighting the importance of comprehensive understanding of the local context in the contemporary gentrification research. The development of new-build housing areas in Helsinki is to some extent in line with international trends, but the specificities of national and local policy practices have led to distinct socio-cultural outcomes. The results support the notion that the concept of new-build gentrification becomes purposeful when accompanied with a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of the local processes of urban change.
  • Ogbeide, Ilona (2015)
    Multiple changes have occurred in the landscape of the cities and brought new challenges to the use of land in the urban areas. Urban areas have become more compact, population has grown and whereas the amount of public spaces have decreased. Many public spaces have turned into quasi-public or even private spaces. Urban planners and decision-makers must take into account the needs of even more different actors than before. When the number of public spaces has decreased, some of the groups using it, have become more easily excluded from it. A battle of the right to be and use the public spaces are fought between different groups. Adolescents are one of these groups that often tend to be excluded, even though public spaces are significant for their free-time. They also lack places where to be or meet each other. In addition, knowledge about the meanings and qualities of the places where adolescents spend time is scarce. This master's thesis is a case study of Vuosaari suburb in the Eastern Helsinki. The aim is to explore the public and quasi-public spaces where the local adolescents spend their time. Furthermore, qualities and meanings as well as adolescents needs in those spaces are studied. The data used in this study was collected through interviews and place mapping. In place mapping adolescents could mark the places where they hang out on the map and describe them in written form. The study is based on the idea of subjective construction of space and place perception, which are also affected by cultural and environmental factors. Adolescent's perception of public and quasi-public spaces is explored through theory of affordances. Affordance implies to the possible threats and possibilities that one might find from the surrounding environment. The public and quasi-public spaces that are used by adolescents in Vuosaari are moreover classified into loose spaces, spaces of doing and tight spaces. Loose spaces are free from the adult control whereas in the tight spaces and spaces of doing adolescents are under adult surveillance. Tight spaces are aimed to certain kind of doing and it is not possible to differ from the activities designated beforehand. In the spaces of doing it is possible to perform different activities more freely. However, challenging the norms of those spaces leads to sanctions. The study found that adolescents use different kind of public and quasi-public spaces. How they use and value them is dependent on their needs and preferences. The findings suggest that socializing and activities play a major role for adolescents in the public and quasi-public spaces. Also accessibility and closeness of home are important factors for adolescents when choosing the hangout places. Ambiguity characterizes the spaces adolescents prefer. They are sometimes used to expose oneself in front of others, but on the other hand adolescents seek places where they can avoid adult control. Therefore, especially loose spaces, that offer possibility to avoid adult control, proved to be important for adolescents. Additionally, social and functional affordances were valued as well as spaces where those affordances could be found. Adolescents should not however be bundled into one category, since they have different needs in public and quasi-public spaces. Their needs are dependent on factors such as gender and personal preferences. Hence, urban planners and decision-makers ought to offer as diverse public and quasi-public spaces as possible. Furthermore, adolescent's use of public and quasi-public spaces should be accepted.
  • Jerima, Martina (2014)
    The purpose of this study was to examine how city development and its components affect public space and its development and this with the main focus on the impacts of accessibility and the increasing mobility on public space. Hereby, answers strived to be given to questions concerning both the development of public space after the Second World War until today, in relation to the development of cities and societies, and to the impacts of accessibility and increasing mobility on public space. This study was done because the linkage between the development of cities, societies and public space has been present throughout the development of cities. Cities today are mostly characterized by accessibility and an increasingly dispersed structure, which in addition highlights the impacts of both accessibility, and increasing mobility in cities and public spaces. In an increasing number of studies about public space the increasing impact of accessibility and increasing mobility on public space is furthermore pointed out. Despite this, only a few researches have been conducted about the actual impacts of accessibility and increasing mobility on public space and In Helsinki no research has been done about the subject. In this thesis, the subject has therefor been studied both generally, and more specifically in Helsinki. In Helsinki three public spaces were chosen for the study. These were Narinkka, the Kamppi Square and the Hietalahti Square. To methods used in the study were a literature review and observations. The material used in the literature review ranges from books, to researches, doctorate theses, publications, scientific- and newspaper articles and to organizations' web pages. Based on the information that was found in the literature review a criterion was made. The criterion then functioned as the basis for the observations of the three chosen public spaces. The observations were conducted during one month, during different days of the week and during different times of the day. The results clearly show that accessibility and the increasing mobility have an impact on public space. The essential finding in the study is that good accessibility leads to an increasing mobility. These two factors then together create both possibilities for, and threats against public spaces. The possibilities include versatile activities, heterogeneous user groups and usage of public space throughout the day and week. Threats, on the other hand, involve public spaces turning into places only used for passing through and so losing their characteristics. In order to reach the possibilities and to avoid the threats, it is necessary to pay attention to the physical structure of public spaces and to create a sufficient amount of physical elements, which enhance activities in public spaces. It is evident that public space undergoes constant changes and is visibly affected by the city structure and –development. Today accessibility and the increasing mobility leave clear marks on public spaces. By being aware of, and taking the impacts of accessibility and the increasing mobility into consideration these impacts can so be explored in a positive way and lead to successful and actively used public spaces.
  • Rissanen, Outi (2013)
    This paper addresses the issue of participation through neighbourhood-based organisation. Although neighbourhood-based organisations have long traditions in Finland the development of participation culture has created new opportunities to engage in civic activity. The purpose of the study is to describe characteristics of Kallio-liike, which is a new organisation in Kallio area in Helsinki. The study focuses on how activity is organised and what the main purposes and means of organization are. In addition, the ways in which collective action arises from local context are examined. The data consists of seven thematic interviews with activists of Kallio-liike. Interviewees were selected carefully in order to get as broad a view of the activity of Kallio-liike as possible. The study is based on qualitative research methods. Content analysis is used for processing and organizing the data. The field of participation is extensive. Participation in urban planning and decision making is realized through both formal and informal methods. Neighbourhood-based organisations are understood as a way of independent participation which can be studied as place-based activism. As a collective action, in a neighbourhood-based organisation the sense of community as well as common means and ends are linked to the expressions of urban space. There are divergent opinions about the role of community organisation in society. However, its contribution to the formation of civic society is generally acknowledged. The purpose of the participation in urban planning and decision making is not straightforward. Indeed, critical debate on the planning theory has led to changed conceptions of the purpose of participation. The emergence of Kallio-liike is linked to an eviction order which was directed at a food and clothes distribution point located in Kallio neighbourhood. The order provoked wide discussion in the media and divergent opinions about the development of the neighbourhood and urban space were expressed. These differing viewpoints were used to encourage citizens to join Kallio-liike's activity. Sense of community among Kallio-liike's activists was based on the idea of an open and inclusive urban space. The need for new neighbourhood-based organisation was justified by the requirement for an alternative agent for the local scale. Kallio-liike is an informally organised civic activity network organised around a public Facebook profile. Even though the unity of the Kallio-liike is elusive, claims for the urban space and a carnivalistic style are common features shared by all Kallio-liike's activity. Activity is based on voluntary work and its success is largely dependent on networks, sensible use of communication technology and feasible models of events. The purpose of Kallio-liike is to reinforce the sense of community in the area and to create better opportunities for independent civic activity at a local scale. Various events have a central role in the activity of Kallio-liike. Firstly, events bring citizens together in a natural way and encourage sociability, and secondly, they function as a means of political communication. Research results show that Kallio-liike reflects characteristics that are typical for the mobilisation of collective action in the 21th century. In addition, the study reinforces the conception of internet as a useful tool in the creation and execution processes of civic activity. What is more, it is suggested that neighbourhood-based activity has more potential than previously thought. Finally, this study highlights citizens' motivation for participation and this raises the question about the meaning of independent participation as a part of urban planning.
  • Savoranta, Ville (2017)
    Verkkoyhteisöllisyys ja välitetty viestintä ovat muodostuneet tärkeiksi työkaluiksi diasporille kuulumisen tunteen ja identiteetin neuvotteluvälineiksi, sekä yhteydenpitovälineeksi. Aiempi tutkimus on identifioinut erityisiä siteitä joita diasporisilla populaatioilla on niin alkuperäiseen kotimaahansa sekä uuteen maahan. Nämä muodostavat olennaisen osan keskusteluista diasporien verkkoyhteistöissä. Tämän tutkimuksen kohteena on Suomen somalidiaspora, joiden verkkoyhteisöllisyyttä on tutkittu vähän. Transnationaalisuuden ja diasporisuuden teorioissa sekä internet-yhteisöjen verkostoituneessa luonteessa on havaittu vahvojen tilallisen elementtien piirteitä, mitkä ovat olennaisia näiden toiminnalle. Tämän johdosta tutkimus tukeutuu tilallisuuden teoriaan metodologisen lähestymistavan kehityksessä. Tavoitteena on tutkia kuinka Suomen somalidiaspora luo, järjestyy ja ylläpitää verkkotiloja. Näille verkkoyhteisöille tyypilliset haasteet sekä usein käsitellyt aiheet ovat myös tärkeä tutkimuksen kohde. Analyysiin käytetään myös kahta muuta viitekehystä, mitkä keskittyvät transnationaalisuuden teoriaan ja diasporian positiohon. Tutkimus perustuu Suomen somalidiasporan piirissä suoritettuihin puolistrukturoituihin haastatteluihin. Haastattelut on kerätty käyttämällä niin kutsuttua lumipallo-menetelmää. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu 16 haastattelusta. Tutkimuksen päälöydös osoittaa Suomen somalidiasporan jäsenien ylläpitävän verkossa monipuolisia sitoumuksia sekä käyttävän sosiaalista media hyvin vastaavalla tavalla kuin muut ryhmät. Joitakin diasporisia erityispiirteitä voidaan kuitenkin eritellä yhteisöistä. Ensimmäisenä näistä nousee esiin kielen käyttö niin hallinnan välineenä sekä mahdollistajana. Myös kulttuurillinen toisintaminen sekä hybridisaatio nousevat merkittävään rooliin ryhmien keskusteluissa. Transnationaalisuus esiintyy ryhmissä useiden erilaisten aktiviteettien kautta, mitkä välittyvät haastateltavien sosiaalisen median käytön kuvauksista. Tutkimuksen tulokset kritisoivat oletusarvoista lähestymistapaa diasporisten erityisyyksien tutkimukseen ja tapaustutkimuksiin nojaavaa lähestymistapaa diasporien nopeasti muuttuvan verkkokulttuurin tutkimuksessa. Avoimet metodologiat kuten tämän tutkimuksen spatiaalinen lähestymistapa esitetään parempana tapana luoda edustavampi kuva näistä monipuolisista verkkokulttuureista.
  • Hölttä, Kaisa (2016)
    Pro gradu -tutkielman lähtökohta on Helsingin, Espoon, Vantaan ja Pääkaupunkiseudun Kierrätyskeskus Oy:n 4V – Välitä, Vaikuta, Viihdy, Voi hyvin -hanke, jonka puitteissa järjestettiin lapsille ja nuorille sarjakuvatyöpajoja vuosina 2008 ja 2009. Tutkimuksen aineiston muodostavat sarjakuvatyöpajoissa tuotetut piirrokset aiheesta onnellinen kaupunki. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on muodostaa kokonaiskuva lasten onnellisesta kaupungista sarjakuva-aineiston pohjalta ja pohtia visuaaliseen aineiston roolia tutkimuksessa. Tutkimuksen keskiössä ovat lapsi, lapsen tuottama aineisto ja lasta koskeva tutkimus sekä visuaaliseen aineiston havainnointiin liittyvät tekijät. Tutkimus koostuu kahdesta laajemmasta kokonaisuudesta: onnellisen kaupungin representaatiosta ja tutkimusprosessin haasteista. Onnellisen kaupungin representaatiota lähestytään maantieteellisten ulottuvuuksien ja paikkojen kautta. Visuaalisen tutkimuksen haasteita eritellään tutkimusprosessin eri osat kattaen. Pro gradu -tutkielman tutkimusote on aineistolähtöinen ja menetelmäpainotteinen. Tutkimuksen ytimen muodostavat laaja sarjakuva-aineisto ja sen analysointiin käytetty sisällönanalyysi. Sisällönanalyysissä yhdistyvät kvalitativiiset ja kvantitatiiviset menetelmät; piirroksissa esiintyvien elementtien havannointi ja kuvailu matriisin ja elementtien suhteellisten osuuksien laskeminen. Tutkimuksessa korostuvat lasten rooli aineiston tuottajana sekä tulkinnalliset ja menetelmälliset haasteet, jotka ovat vaikuttaneet saatuihin tuloksiin. Tutkimuksen perusteella lapsille annettu ohjeistus sarjakuvatyöpajoissa vaikuttaa heidän piirtämäänsä kuvaan onnellisesta kaupungista tuottamalla dualistisen ja arjen paikkoja korostavan kuvan kaupungista. Sarjakuva aineistotyyppinä puolestaan painottaa toimintaa ja henkilöhahmoja rakennetun ja luonnonympäristön sijaan. Nämä taustatekijät huomioon ottaen lasten onnellinen kaupunki on sosiaalinen kaupunki, jossa fyysisen ympäristön rooli on tarjota toimivat puitteet lasten arjen toiminnoille. Fyysinen kaupunki näyttäytyy lapselle mahdollisuutena leikkiin ja harrastuksiin, mutta rakennetun ympäristön rakenteet ja arkkitehtuuri eivät korostu. Onnellinen kaupunki saavutetaan usein kaupunkilaisten yhteisten ponnistelun tuloksena kestävän kehityksen teemojen värittämänä. Lasten onnellinen kaupunki on yhdistelmä erilaisten reaali- ja mielikuvitusmaailmasta poimittujen ympäristöjen piirteitä, mistä kertovat piirroksissa toistuvat satuhahmot ja -paikat.
  • Weckroth, Mikko (Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2011)
    The aim of this masters thesis was to examine subjective wellbeing and personal happiness. Empirical study of happiness is part of broader wellbeing research and is based on an idea that the best experts of personal wellbeing are the individuals themselves. In addition to perceptions of personal happiness, the aim was also to acquire knowledge about personal values and components personal happiness is based on. In this study, moving into certain community and the characteristics of neigbourhood contributing happiness, were defined to represent these values. The object was, through comparative case-study, to obtain knowledge about subjective wellbeing of the individuals in two different residential areas inside metropolitan area of Helsinki. In comparative case study the intention usually is that the examined units represent spesific 'cases' from something broader and therefore the results can be somehow generalized. Consequently the chosen cases in this study were selected due to their image of 'urban village' and thus the juxtapositioning was constructed between secluded post-suburban village and more heterogeneous urban village better attached to existing urban structure. The research questions were formed as follows: Are there any differences between the areas regarding the components personal happiness is based on? Are there any differences between the areas regarding the level of residents subjective wellbeing? Based on the residents assessments, what are the most important characteristics of neighbourhood contributing personal happiness? The data used in order to gain answers to these questions was obtained from internet-based survey questionnaire. Based on the data residents of post-suburban village Sundsberg seem to share highly family oriented set of values and actualizing these values is ensured with high income, wealth and secure work situation. Instead in Kumpula the components of happiness seem place more towards learning and personal development, interesting leisure and hobbies and specially having an influence regarding communal decisions. Concerning subjective wellbeing of residents there can be seen some differences as well. Personal life is experienced a bit more happier in Sundsberg than in Kumpula. People are more satisfied with their personal health and job satisfaction in Sundsberg and additionally feelings of loneliness, inadequancy and frustration are bit more common in Kumpula. Regarding the characteristics of neighbourhood contributing happiness data suggests that key characteristics of area are peacefulness and safely, good location and connections and proximity of parks and recreational areas. These characteristics were considered highly significant in both areas but they were experienced to actualize better in Kumpula. In addition to these components the residents in Kumpula were overall more satisfied with various characteristics contributing happiness in their residential area. Besides these attributes mentioned above residents in Kumpula emphasize also some 'softer' elements connecting into social, functional and communal side of area. From Sundsberg point of view residential area best contributing happiness is child friendly and safe community based on likeminded people who share the same socio-economical situation. The results of this study can be linked back into the society and metropolitan area, which they were chosen from as a cases to be studied. The results can thereby be seen as an example of differentation of conditions of personal happiness between certain population segments. It is possible to detect an spatial dimension to this process as well and thereby the results suggests that regional segmentation affects between high-ranking residential areas as well. Thereby the results of this research contributes to the debate on innovative, diverse and dynamic urban area and as well cohesion of metropolitan area and the society in whole.
  • Taxell, Fanny (2018)
    This thesis studies residents’ participation in urban park planning processes and planners’ interests in participation and involvement. The data used in the empirical part of the thesis is compiled by quantitative analysis of nine thematic planning authority interviews. The importance of green infrastructure has grown since urban areas are becoming increasingly built environments. The value of the green areas and the need for functional parks are growing in developing urban areas. People are increasingly interested in participating in the development of their own living environment. The current planning practice underlines residents’ opportunities to participate in the planning, but these opportunities to participate vary depending on the park planning case, and not even planners have an agreement in which case residents could and should be more involved. Participation process in park planning is influenced by legislation, previous course of actions and significance of the plan both in townscape and economically. The empirical part of this thesis offers views of other factors that have also affected the participation process in three urban park planning cases in Helsinki region. These factors are objectives set in previous phase of the planning and zoning process, affordances of the plan, resources and timetable, approaches and collaboration between the participants, and the attractiveness of the participatory method. Four different ways to see the purposes and benefits of the participation process by authorities and planners are presented. In the first view planners see participation as a method directed by legislation, where the most important actions are the conveyance of information to the residents and decision justification. In the second view the objectives in participation are in bringing residents’ experimental knowledge into the plan and improving the quality of the plan. In the third view, participation interests are in communicative learning, opening planning policy, and increasing residents’ own action-taking. In the fourth view direct participation is seen as a key part of the democratic system of society. According to interviewees challenges in participation are related to organizing participation, reconciliation of interests, fragmentation of the governance, and uncertainty of the meaning of participation itself. Participatory methods in urban park planning often aim solely to inform residents about the plan. Furthermore, participatory park planning can also achieve stronger sense of community among residents and increase the trust between residents and municipality governance. Participatory park planning requires mutual understanding of the purposes in the participation, an inspirational method, and adequate resources.
  • Kytö, Inka (2014)
    Tässä tutkimuksessa perehdyin osallistumista tukevien internetpohjaisten karttakyselyiden ja erityisesti uuden Harava-kyselypalvelun hyödyntämiseen ympäristövaikutusten arvioinnin (YVA)yhteydessä. Karttapohjainen Harava-järjestelmä on osa Sähköisen asioinnin ja demokratian vauhdittamisohjelmaa (SADe-ohjelma) ja se on otettu käyttöön vuonna 2013. Viime aikoina Haravan käyttöä on kokeiltu useissa pilottihankkeissa. Tämä tutkimus on tehty osana Suomen ympäristökeskuksen IMPERIA-hanketta, joka on yksi Haravan piloteista. Tässä työssä Haravaa testattiin käytännössä Piiparinmäki-Lammaslamminkankaan tuulipuistohankkeen YVA-menettelyssä. Kaikille avoin Harava-kysely oli avoinna vastaajille vajaan kolmen viikon ajan lokakuussa 2013. Lisäksi tarkastelin aihepiiriä esimerkiksi kirjallisuuskatsauksen, joidenkin aikaisempien YVA-selostusten ja asiantuntijahaastatteluiden perusteella. Työn yhteydessä kehittelin Haravalle soveltuvat kysymyssarjat tuulipuisto-, kaivos-, jätteenpolttolaitos- ja väylähankkeiden YVA-menettelyjä varten. Piiparinmäki-Lammaslamminkankaan Harava-kyselyllä onnistuttiin keräämään vain vähäinen määrä asukasvastauksia. Sen sijaan tuulipuiston hankealueen ympäristöön asukkaille lähetetyllä perinteisellä postikyselyllä tavoitettiin huomattavasti suurempi määrä osallisia. Syitä sähköisten vastausten vähäisyyteen saattaa olla useita. Ne saattavat liittyä esimerkiksi kyseiseen tuulivoimahankkeseen, hankealueen ympäristön luonteeseen tai itse Harava-kyselyjärjestelmään. Vaikka tämän työn yhteydessä sähköisiä vastauksia onnistuttiin keräämään vain vähän, voi karttapohjainen kysely olla erittäin toimiva työväline asukastiedon keräämiseen monissa YVA-menettelyissä. Tuulivoimahankkeiden lisäksi internetpohjainen karttakysely voi olla erityisen toimiva menetelmä esimerkiksi alueellisesti laajoille tai maastossa pitkiä matkoja kulkeville YVA-hankkeille kuten voimajohto- tai ratahankkeille. Internetpohjainen järjestelmä on etuna esimerkiksi tiheään asutuilla seuduilla, jolloin on tarpeen tavoittaa suuri määrä asukkaita. Tutkimuksen perusteella Harava ja muut osallistumista tukevat paikkatietojärjestelmät edistävät YVA-lain tavoitetta kansalaisten osallistumismahdollisuuksien lisäämisestä. Järjestelmät edistävät YVAn demokraattista puolta eli pyrkimystä avoimeen suunnittelu- ja päätöksentekojärjestelmään. Erityisesti järjestelmät edistävät kansalaisten suoraa osallistumista ja verkkodemokratiaa. Osallistuvien paikkatietojärjestelmien avulla on mahdollista tukea myös YVAn integroivaa funktiota tuomalla yhteen eri osapuolten näkökulmia. Kun osallistuminen on tarpeeksi helppoa, voi se houkuttaa mukaan myös osallisia, jotka eivät ole perinteisesti osallistuneet YVA-menettelyihin. Osallistuvien paikkatietojärjestelmien avulla ei kuitenkaan todennäköisesti tavoiteta kaikkia osallisryhmiä, kuten esimerkiksi vanhuksia. Lisäksi Harava tai muut osallistuvat karttasovellukset eivät takaa sitä, että osallistumisella päästäisiin varsinaisesti vaikuttamaan YVA-menettelyyn tai päätöksentekoon. Haravan päätarkoitus ja suurin etu on yhden palautejärjestelmän yhtenäinen hyödyntäminen. Jos käytössä olisi laajemmin yksi kyselyjärjstelmä, tottuisivat osalliset käyttämään sitä. Tämä voisi osaltaan madaltaa kyselyiden vastaamiskynnystä ja näin jopa kasvattaa YVAn osallistujamääriä. Myös YVA-menettelyiden kyselyn laatijat saisivat käyttöönsä yhdenmukaisempaa ja vertailukelpoisempaa aineistoa, kun järjestelmän toimintaperiaate olisi kaikissa kyselyissä sama ja kyselyissä voitaisiin osin hyödyntää Haravan valmiita YVAlle räätälöityjä kyselypohjia. Haravan tarjoamat tekniset toiminnot on kuitenkin edelleen mahdollista toteuttaa myös monilla muilla vastaavilla osallistumista tukevilla paikkatietojärjestelmillä.
  • Kuusimäki, Aino (2015)
    The study examines two public-private-partnership projects, one located in Helsinki and the other in Berlin. Both projects have the private company of the project working as the executive party and as a moderator, a transmitting link between the citizens and the city offices. Both projects include the citizens at the 'round table', to take part in conversations and negotiatins as at least seemingly equal members with other citizens and leaders of the project. The cases are projected against two theoretical frameworks. The first one concerns the neoliberal ethos and the way of organizing power systems that grew with the ideology. The so called new public management has caused devolution, privatization of public services, borders between sectors becoming blurred, working in projects and a customer-oriented relation to the citizen. The second framework considers the changing role of the planner towards allowing more participation. The meaning of social spaces and experiental knowledge in planning has grown in regional and urban planning, which considerably molds both the planning profession and the planning process. In this thesis I examine how new public management and the growing demand for participation can be seen in two planning related projects. The thesis focuses on how the city offices benefit from the moderators, how face to face contacts and the presence of moderators affect particiation and finally, what kind of motives the city offices have in promoting citizen participation. As my primary sources I use semi-structured expert interviews with the project workers and one citizen representant, as well as questionnaires on participant experiences. I analyze the experiences and perceptions of the people involved in the projects by comparing them both within and between the two projects. The material is complemented by observation. My study shows, that moderators are useful to city offices by adding time and knowledge resources to the projects. Moderators add expertise and work force to short-term tasks and can work thematically or spatially in a more specified manner than officials. Moderators also create relatively neutral spaces for conversations among citizens as well as between citizens and officials. The study suggests that there is tension between offices and citizens. Citizens would like to witness to have an impact in the matters they take part in, whereas the official cannot promise that to happen. A moderator assists in creating communication, softens tension and adds knwoledge and time resources to tasks in which participation plays a central part.
  • Pellinen, Sini (2013)
    This research examines Sri Lanka's recent settlement policies and the outcomes of housing reconstruction that has taken place as a part of tsunami response. Post-tsunami housing reconstruction in Sri Lanka imposed a change towards more compact settlements, where a high number of people live closer to each other when compared to traditional villages. The objectives of the research are two-fold: firstly, to map out and scrutinize the factors and processes that have resulted in the post-tsunami settlement patterns characterized by high-density housing and apartment housing, and secondly, to find out how apartment housing that is an outcome of donor-driven development caters for the ways of life of the inhabitants. The research also evaluates the success of donor-driven housing development in meeting its development objectives. The analysis of the structural forces and mechanisms behind the post-tsunami settlement patterns is based on literary review that includes critical observation of relevant policy papers, national regulations and international agreements and guidelines. The examination of the implications of the change in housing form on the residents is carried out through a case study of a selected apartment housing scheme in Kalmunai, Eastern Sri Lanka. The primary data was collected during a field trip in November 2010. As the study is about understanding and interpreting social realities, qualitative methods that comprise of individual semi-structured interviews and various participatory methods were found most conducive. The total sample size is 51 individuals, mostly comprising of community members, including women and men in all age groups, as well as relevant local government authorities and civil society representatives. The research findings show that there are major gaps between the socio-cultural values and behavior and economic needs of the inhabitants on one hand, and the type of habitat apartment housing provides on the other hand. The housing programme has been successful in fulfilling the passive function of a house - provision of shelter. Improved living conditions and modern facilities bring stability to life and ease women's workload, especially. However, the flight of residents out of the scheme manifests that provision of physical shelter is not enough to meet the housing needs. From the economic point of view, it is evident that space limitations imposed by the apartment housing, such as lack of land for gardening, farming and animal husbandry and unavailability of space for home based businesses or cottage industries, have had a detrimental effect on the income levels and food security of the residents. Such restrictions have resulted in increasing the vulnerabilities of the residents already living on the verge of survival. From the social perspective, apartment housing schemes can provide a conducive environment for social interactions and formation of social capital, given that there is sufficient allocation for social spaces within the scheme. However, the section of population that forms a 'minority' within the scheme do face difficulties in fitting in to the local community. The research findings bring into light some of the main weaknesses of the donor driven housing/development. Donor driven development provides limited space for community consultation and participation in the implementation of the project. Subsequently the development processes do not support local ownership or building of social capital. This can have devastating effects on the sustainability of the project outputs, as shown in the case study. It also undermines the role of the community and social networks in supporting (or disabling) people's bonding with places and the formation of sense of place.
  • Saari, Elli (2018)
    Urbanization and population ageing are megatrends of our time. We need a lot of new information concerning ageing and urbanization because cities are growing and the amount of the elderly in them is on the rise. Children were the focus of urban planning in the post-war era. The city was seen as an unsafe growing environment, and that led to the creation of suburbs. Nowadays, it is justified to ask, should the focus of urban planning be in drafting environments for the elderly since the age distribution is focused on them, too. This thesis is positioned in the intersection of ageing and urbanization and considers how urban design should respond to these challenges. Place attachment covers meaningful experiences relating to certain environment. Meaningful everyday environment encourages one to exercise as well as positively affects one’s mental well-being. In age-friendly city planning, place attachment is seen as a factor positively affecting active ageing and well-being. My thesis asks how ageing population becomes attached to places in the Helsinki metropolitan area, what role the environmental quality has in becoming attached to a place and are different demographics within the ageing population becoming attached to places in different ways. With these questions I evaluate whether or not the Helsinki metropolitan area is an environment that supports active ageing from the point of view of place attachment. This thesis is positioned within the discipline of humanistic geography, which dictates that environment is experienced through the meanings one has attached to it. Experiences of place attachment are examined within the age group of 55 to 75 years old in the Helsinki metropolitan area municipalities of Helsinki, Espoo, Kauniainen, and Vantaa. My analysis is based on qualitative data of Aktiivi research by Aalto University, which has been compiled with a map-based questionnaire using the PPGIS method (Public Participation Geographic Information System). My thesis uses a mixed methods approach. By analyzing the contents of the qualitative material I am evaluating which factors play a role in place attachment. I classify the features of place attachment in to five different categories: personal, social, aesthetic, functional, and atmospheric places. I evaluate these results with Pearson’s χ2-test to find out are there differences in how different demographics become attached to places. The most important results of my work can be summarized into four main points. Firstly, the work gives new structure to the phenomenon of place attachment on a new way theoretically. The model categorizes the components of the environmental quality into visible form. Based on the results, the main factors are functionality, personal elements, and aesthetics. Secondly, the numerous mentions relating to attributes of places (functionality, aesthetics) prove that the process of place attachment can be affected by the tools of planning. Urban planning can affect the aesthetics of environments as well as the possibilities they offer and in this way environments that support active ageing can be created. Thirdly, based on statistical analysis, the meaning on social environments was emphasized in the lowest income bracket whereas the meaning of aesthetic environments was emphasized among those with higher education degree. This suggests that there is a socio-economic dimension, which should be taken into account in urban planning. Fourthly, the results of this thesis strengthen the notion that PPGIS is a working tool for the planner when balancing between land use changes and conserving places. The strength of the study design is that it does not only ask which areas should be treasured, but also why they should be treasured. The Helsinki metropolitan area has good requirements for age-friendliness for now. The area can be planned in an age-friendly manner especially when considering the functional and aesthetic aspects of places. Additionally, it is vital to recognize the diversity of the ageing population and not to think of them as a homogenous group. PPGIS is one way to develop cities sensitively by listening to their inhabitants. The ageing inhabitants are experts in developing their everyday environment. In the future the discussion of age-friendly urban planning is going to focus on suburban areas since those areas are facing endeavors of densification and those are the areas the elderly wish to live.
  • Jaakkola, Timo (2013)
    Saavutettavuustutkimuksissa paikkojen etäisyyden mittarina toimii usein ajoaika yksityisautolla. Useimmiten ajoaika lasketaan liian yksinkertaisesti, huomioiden ainoastaan verkoston nopeusrajoitukset. Tämä johtaa autoiluun kuluvan ajan aliarviointiin etenkin kaupunkialueilla, jossa muu liikenne, risteykset sekä pysäköinti hidastavat matkantekoa. Pelkkiin nopeusrajoituksiin perustuva ajoaika-arvio on harvoin yhteismitallinen joukkoliikenteen tai kävelyn matka-aikalaskelmien kanssa. Sen vuoksi ajoaikojen estimointiin tarvitaan arvio todellisesta liikenteen nopeudesta. Myös reittioptimointiin tarvitaan liikenteen vastukset huomioiva tieverkkoaineisto optimoinnin tehostamiseksi. Vertailtaessa eri liikkumismuotoja on useinkin huomioitava matkan muut vaiheet. Tähän liittyy kävely omalle autolle, ajamiseen kuluva aika, pysäköintipaikan etsintä ja kävely lopulliseen kohteeseen. Ilman matkan eri vaiheiden huomioimista ei voida vertailla eri liikkumismuotoja kovinkaan realistisesti. Tieverkon vastuksista ei ole olemassa yleistä standardia. Laajimmin tunnettuja hidasteita ovat käännöshidasteet tai katujen historiatietoon perustuvat keskinopeustiedoista johdetut ajoajat. Käännöshidasteita on käytetty etenkin reittioptimointien yhteydessä ja niillä on todistetusti saatu realistisempia lopputuloksia esimerkiksi ns. kauppamatkustajan ongelman ratkaisussa. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on mallintaa ajoajoiltaan realistinen tieverkko reitittämistarpeisiin. Kiinnostuksen kohteena on erityisesti se millä muuttujilla malli on mahdollista kehittää ja kuinka realistisesti ajoajat voidaan estimoida liikenneverkkoon. Toisaalta mallin pitää olla toteuttamiskelpoinen, ohjelmistoriippumaton ja toistettavissa oleva. Työn aineistoina ovat Suomen kansallinen tie- ja katuverkosta Digiroad, Helsingin kaupunkisuunnitteluvirasto mittaamat liikenteen sujuvuustiedot ja Helsingin seudun liikenne -kuntayhtymän kelluvan auton mittaukset. Pysäköintiin kuluvan ajan estimointi perustuu olemassa oleviin kirjallisuuslähteisiin. Laskennassa huomioidaan kävely lähtöpaikasta autolle, pysäköintipaikan etsintäaika ja kävely pysäköintipaikalta lopulliseen kohteeseen. Tulosten perusteella risteysten luokittelulla, niiden lukumäärällä ja tieluokalla voidaan selittää noin 82 % toteutuneista ajoajoista pääkaupunkiseudun liikenneverkossa. Päiväaikaan mallin selitysaste oli odotetusti kaikista vahvin, kun taas ruuhka-aikoina selitysvoima jää paikoitellen heikoksi. Tämä selittyy ruuhka-ajan heilurimaisella liikenteellä ja sillä, ettei mallissa huomioitu liikenteen suuntaa. Tulosten valossa pysäköinnin huomioimisella saadaan huomattavasti realistisempi ja yhteismitallisempi lopputulos. Erityisesti alle 20 minuutin pituisilla matkoilla pysäköinnin huomioiminen vaikuttaa selvästi kohteen tavoittamaan väestömäärään. Mallin muuttujien valintaan vaikuttivat erityisesti mallin toteuttamiskelpoisuus ja vahvuus. Työssä ei huomioitu erikseen käännösten vaikutusta matka-aikaan. Lopullinen malli ei suoranaisesti huomioi myöskään liikennevalojen vaikutusta, mutta erilaisten testien perusteella voidaan varovasti arvioida liikennevalojen vaikutuksen olevan paikoitellen hyvinkin merkittävä. Mallin reititysominaisuudet eivät poikenneet suuresti vertailuaineistosta, mikä kertoo siitä, että mallia voidaan hyödyntää myös reittioptimoinnissa, vaikka se on ensisijaisesti tarkoitettu hyödynnettäväksi alueellisissa saavutettavuustutkimuksissa. Ajoajoiltaan mallinnettu tieverkko tarjoaa suunnittelijoiden ja tutkijoiden avuksi aineiston paikkojen saavutettavuuden arviointiin. Työn tuloksia onkin jo hyödynnetty erilaisissa saavutettavuustarkasteluissa ja tutkimuksissa. Malli pohjautuu tutkittuun tietoon ja sen aineistona ovat olleet todelliset liikenteen mittaukset.
  • Repo, Joona (2017)
    The formation of urban structure is a complicated process and its outcome, that cannot be easily forecast, is not necessarily optimal. This creates a need to understand the process and gives a reason to control it by urban planning. As the circumstances are in constant change, the plans have to anticipate the time to come – partly far into the future. Research is needed to support planning to understand the factors that affect the urban structure better. Accessibility, that seems to be one of the key factors in the processes of land use change, seems to provide a suitable tool for planning and research: when suitably defined, it can connect the properties of transport and land use systems as well as the economic, social and environmental goals. The availability of services is closely connected to the quality of living environment, so studying the accessibility of them can produce new notable information for the needs of urban planning. The aim of this study was to explain how changes in urban structure cause changes in the accessibility of services by walking, mass transit and car in the long term, and study how these changes could affect the use of the services both from the perspectives of the users' possibilities and the potential the services produce. The public library network in Helsinki region was studied as an example. Studying the accessibility of public libraries is useful as such, as they provide many types of positive impacts, but public libraries are also a convenient example in studying the accessibility of services as they are a service actively used in everyday life and information about the use is available. Distances in the accessibility measures were measured as travel time. Accessibility was measured both in travel times to the nearest library and in potentials of making a library trip calculated by library trip forecasting models based on the real behaviour of their users. Comparison was made between the years 2014 and 2050, during which the population and the transport system are expected to change as in the created scenarios, which are based on the new Helsinki City Plan. In addition, the possible effects to the accessibility of the public libraries by possible cost cuts in the service network were inspected by simulating the effects of the cuts. Based on the results the public libraries in the study area seem to be relatively well accessible by all the inspected transport modes. The changes in the transport systems seem to have minor effects on the accessibility when measured in travel time to the nearest library, but when the effects are measured in the potentials of making a library trip, they seem to be a bit more significant – by mass transit, accessibility would improve and by car, it would deteriorate. The forecast change in the population would increase the number of people accessing the nearest library in half an hour, but the proportion of this group to the total population in the area would be smaller than before. The attraction of libraries affect to the potentials they produce, but the impacts are concentrated on the surrounding areas of the libraries and on the traffic routes, where the accessibility is relatively good to begin with. Even though excluding some of the smallest libraries from the service network would have relatively small effects on the accessibility in the aggregate, the effects on individual level and for sustainable accessibility could be significant. Based on the study results more significant than the changes in the transport system or in the attraction of the services seem to be how near population and services are located each other: the prerequisites for multimodal accessibility cannot necessarily be guaranteed if the distances are long. Based on the study results, to prevent the deterioration of the preconditions of the goals of Finnish regional planning and the qualifications for sustainable accessibility due to the forecast population change – in other words to keep the current standard of service – some changes in the service network would be needed. However, as there was only one type of service inspected in this study and as there is uncertainty if the scenarios will happen in the future, the conclusions that can be drawn from the results are restricted. Still, studying the accessibility of a single service is useful as such as the needs for different type of services are different, and if it will give some hints of the future accessibility of services in general at the same time, even though just in a few scenarios, it can be easier to be prepared for the future.
  • Käyhkö, Hanna (2014)
    Suomen ja samalla myös pääkaupunkiseudun väestö vanhenee nopeasti, kun suuret ikäluokat ikääntyvät. Tällä hetkellä pääkaupunkiseudulla asuu noin 62 000 yli 75-vuotiasta. Tutkimusten mukaan 75 vuoden iässä ihmisen kunto alkaa nopeasti huonontua, ja samassa iässä ihmiset keskimäärin myös lopettavat autolla ajamisen. Tällöin ihmisen elinpiiri supistuu ja omasta asuinalueesta tulee yhä tärkeämpi osa elämää. Hitaasti liikkuville vanhuksille on tärkeää, että käytetyimmät palvelut sijaitsevat lähellä kotia. Pääkaupunkiseudun kaupunkirakenteen on todettu muuttuneen hajautuneeseen suuntaan. Kaupunkirakenteen hajautumisesta voidaan erottaa erikseen siihen johtaneet syyt ja seuraukset sekä hajoamisen mittaamisen keinot. Tämän hajautumisen seurauksena palvelut ovat hajautuneet laajemmalle alueelle ja toimipaikat ovat vähentyneet. Erityisesti vähittäiskaupat ovat vähentäneet myymälöitään ja keskittyneet suuriin myymälöihin valtateiden varsille. Terveysasemat ovat julkisia palveluita ja niiden pitäisi olla helposti saavutettavissa. Pankit puolestaan ovat lopettaneet vanhuksille tärkeitä kassapalvelukonttoreita. Palveluiden saavutettavuuteen on useita vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja sitä voidaan mitata eri tavalla riippuen siitä, mitä halutaan tutkia. Tutkimuksen kannalta tärkeimpiä tekijöitä olivat lähtö- ja kohdeaineistojen sijainnit pääkaupunkiseudulla. Aineistona käytettiin yhdyskuntarakenteen (YKR) seurantajärjestelmän ruutuja, joista poimittiin ruutuja, joissa asui yli 75-vuotiaita. Niiden joukosta laskettiin matka-ajat lähimpään päivittäistavarakauppaan, pankkiin ja lähimmälle terveysasemalle sekä kävellen että joukkoliikenteellä. Tuloksista selviää, että päivittäistavarakaupat ovat näistä kolmesta palvelusta parhaiten saavutettavissa ajallisesti sekä kävellen että joukkoliikenteellä; lähes kaikki vanhukset saavuttavat päivittäistavarakaupan alle 20 minuutissa matkustusmuodosta riippumatta. Kuntien välillä oli selkeitä eroja eri palvelujen saavutettavuuksissa. Helsingissä kaikki palvelut olivat nopeiten saavutettavissa sekä kävellen että joukkoliikenteellä verrattuna Espooseen ja Vantaaseen. Varsinaisia palveluaukkoja on vanhusten kannalta pienempien keskusten reuna-alueilla sekä muilla syrjäisemmillä alueilla. Tällaiset alueet ovat pääsääntöisesti sellaisia, joilla asuu vähän vanhuksia. Eniten vanhuksia näyttäisi asuvan palveluiden kannalta hyvin saavutettavilla alueilla. Autoriippuvuutta pääkaupunkiseudulla pitäisi pyrkiä vähentämään tiivistämällä kaupunkirakennetta ja estämällä kauppojen keskittymistä kaupunkirakenteen ulkopuolelle. Hyvin saavutettavilla palveluilla mahdollistetaan vanhusten asuminen kotona mahdollisimman pitkään.