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  • Ylä-Outinen, Saija (2011)
    Ksylitolilla on edulliset käyttöominaisuudet. Edullisista käyttöominaisuuksista huolimatta ksylitolin käyttö lääkevalmisteiden apuaineena on vähäistä. Viime vuosina lääketeollisuudessa on kuitenkin lisääntynyt kiinnostus ksylitoliin ja muihin sokerialkoholeihin. Kirjallisuudesta löytyy vain vähän tietoa ksylitolin puristuvuudesta ja sen soveltuvuudesta tablettien täyteaineeksi. Tässä työssä karakterisoitiin erilaisten ksylitolilaatujen ominaisuuksia ja niiden soveltuvuutta suorapuristuksella valmistettavien tablettien täyteaineeksi. Materiaaleina käytettiin kolmea rakeistettua ksylitolia ja kahta jauhemaista ksylitolia. Ksylitolilaaduista tutkittiin ominaisuudet, joilla on vaikutusta materiaalin puristumiseen. Tutkittavat ominaisuudet olivat kaato- ja tärytiheys, todellinen tiheys, partikkelikoko ja partikkelikokojakauma ja valuvuus. Kirjallisuuden perusteella ksylitoli on lievästi hygroskooppinen, joten tässä työssä tutkittiin myös ksylitolin hygroskooppisuus eri olosuhteissa. Työssä tutkittiin ksylitolin puristuvuutta yksin ja yhdessä huonosti puristuvan lääkeaineen, parasetamolin, kanssa. Eri ksylitolilaatujen puristumista tutkittiin eri-kokoisilla painimilla. Ksylitoli on hyvin soveltuva apuaine myös lapsille tarkoitettuihin lääkevalmisteisiin ja siten tutkittiin myös oliko ksylitolista mahdollista puristaa minitabletteja. Minitablettien käyttö tulevaisuudessa lasten annostelumuotona tulee todennäköisesti lisääntymään. Rakeistetut ksylitolilaadut puristuivat tämän tutkimuksen perusteella suhteellisen hyvin. Jauhemaiset ksylitolit puristuivat huonosti. Syynä näiden huonoon puristuvuuteen oli liian suuri partikkelikoko ja partikkelikokojakauma, joka esti partikkelien välisten sidosten muodostumista. Parasetamoli heikensi huomattavasti kaikkien ksylitolilaatujen puristuvuutta. Ksylitoli ei siis yksinään pysty kumoamaan parasetamolin huonoa puristuvuutta, vaan formulaatioon tarvittaisiin ksylitolin lisäksi jokin yleisesti tablettien suorapuristuksessa käytettävä täyteaine. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella ksylitoli on hygroskooppinen, mutta vasta suhteellisen kosteuden ollessa hyvin korkea (95 %). Siten ksylitolin hygroskooppisuus ei ole haitaksi ajatellen ksylitolia sisältävien valmisteiden valmistusta tai säilytystä.
  • Koskela, Jaana (2015)
    Mechanofusion is a dry coating method in which the high shear forces cause a mechanochemical reaction between the processed particles. With the approach it is possible to improve flowability of a host cohesive powder when the guest particle forming the coating is magnesium stearate. Applying mechanofusion in tablet formulations could make poor flowing large dose drug substances suitable for direct compression. However, it is well known that magnesium stearate decreases mechanical strength of the tablets and prolongs disintegration and dissolution time of tablets. A previous study, however, showed that it is possible to compress tablets from a formulation dry coated with magnesium stearate without reducing the dissolution rate. Dry coating with magnesium stearate and its effect on a plastic material, known to be sensitive for the negative effects of magnesium stearate, has not been studied previously. The aim of the study was to examine the effect of mechanical dry coating with magnesium stearate on the physical qualities and compression behaviour of a plastic material. The effect was studied by dry coating four grades of microcrystalline cellulose with different magnesium stearatecon centrations. The approach was to find an optimum between the flowability and compressibility of the powders by using different process parameters. Microcrystalline cellulose with median particle size of 23 and 78 µm were also mechanofused without magnesium stearate in order to examine whether mechanofusion itself has an effect on the properties of microcrystalline cellulose. Pure raw materials and Turbula-mixed magnesium stearate and microcrystalline cellulose blends were studied as references. Dry coating with magnesium stearate improved the flow properties of microcrystalline cellulose with D50 value less than 78 µm. Powders with D50 value greater than 144 µm, however, break down under the shear during the process and hence their flow properties were decreased. This suggests, that mechanofusion as a process is more suitable for the small particle size microcrystalline cellulose powders which, based on the results, can withstand the high-shear forces better. Mechanofusion of plain microcrystalline cellulose (D50 78 µm) revealed that the moisture content of the powder increased and stronger tablets could be compressed. Mechanofusion may cause changes to the microstructure of microcrystalline cellulose particles and to its ability to adsorb moisture. Dry coating with magnesium stearate was very effective even with short processing times and relatively low blade speeds, and it was challenging to compress hard tablets from the mechanofused mixtures. Plastic material was found to be sensitive for the negative effects of magnesium stearate, and better flow properties of a mechanofused powder resulted in weaker compressed tablets.
  • Korhonen, Annika (2016)
    Digital technologies have brought new prospects also in pharmaceutical industry and marketing. Communication between different interest groups has become faster and more convenient. There has also been development of new marketing methods utilizing digital technology. E-detailing, mobile applications and social media sites are examples of novel ways to market medicines and disseminate medical information. The aim of this study was to find out how doctors see electronic detailing (e-detailing). The study was carried out by electronic questionnaire, which was answered by 45 Finnish doctors. Doctors who participated in this study had attended e-detailing organized by Pfizer before. Roger's innovation diffusion model was used in drawing up the questions and as theoretical framework of this study. The results of this study showed that doctors regard e-detailing mainly positively and they intend to participate e-detailing also in the future. About one fourth of the doctors, who answered, think that e-detailing is more useful than traditional detailing. In general, doctors do not prefer e-detailing to traditional or group detailing. They also attend e-detailing more seldom than other forms of detailing. In addition, doctors see that e-detailing is more additional value than substitute for traditional detailing. According to this study e-detailing can be a useful tool for pharmaceutical companies mainly because it is a convenient and effective way to contact doctors. The biggest challenges of e-detailing are lack of personality and difficulties in changing timing of arranged detailing sessions. All in all, novel marketing methods may enable that pharmaceutical companies can take doctors' different needs into account. On the other hand, controlling the totality demands that pharmaceutical companies have a functional CRM-strategy and uniform communication.
  • Niittymäki, Johanna (2017)
    There are many challenges in use of dosage forms in medication of elderly people. Especially swallowing of solid dosage forms can be difficult. Dosage forms are often altered to enhance drug intake. Medication adherence is a major contributor to the success of therapy. Adherence is a multidimensional phenomenon which is also affected by properties of medicinal product. Theoretical framework of this thesis is World Health Organization's multidimensional adherence model. Only few studies exist on how properties of dosage forms affect to the success of medical treatment of elderly. The aim of this study was to find out what kind of difficulties related to dosage forms occur in medical treatment of elderly people living in nursing homes. Future goal is to develop dosage forms better suited to elderly and hence improve their medication adherence. This study consisted of interviews and e-survey. This study was carried out in six nursing homes where 322 elderly residents fulfilled the inclusion criteria of the study. Nurses (n = 48) were interviewed to explore their views on difficulties related to dosage forms. Other difficulties in use of dosage forms were also surveyed as well as frequency of tablet crushing. Difficulties in use of dosage forms on the medical treatment of the elderly were gathered in the e-survey. Also, the need to crush tablets and open capsules was surveyed as well as need to split tablets to obtain the dose needed. Difficulties in use of dosage forms are common in medical treatment of elderly people. Majority of the interviewed nurses has encountered these difficulties at least few times a week. The most common problematic dosage form was the tablet. About half of the nurses named the big size of tablets and capsules as the most important difficulty in the use of current oral or peroral dosage forms. Over half of the nurses have crushed or given crushed drug daily. The most common reason for dosage form altering was the big size of the medicinal product. Majority of the nurses has often encountered also other than dosage form related difficulties of which the most common challenges are related to suspiciousness. In e-survey, nurses submitted entries regarding 111 elder people. Most cases were related to splitting of a tablet to obtain the desired drug dose. Tablet crushing was reported for little less than one-fifth of the elderly people. Both the splitting and crushing entries were distributed over multiple different medicinal products. Some other difficulties related to dosage forms were reported for less than one-tenth of the elderly people. Based on this study more appropriate dosage forms should be developed for the medical treatment of elderly people. Oral solutions, orodispersible tablets as well as transdermal patches all have advantages. Pharmaceutical research and development can facilitate medical treatment of elderly people and hence improve their medication adherence by introducing more appropriate dosage forms.
  • Horelli, Mari (2015)
    The purpose of this qualitative material thesis was to describe and summarize the pharmaceutical industry of pharmaceutical company Orion Oyj years between 1899 and 1998 in form of historical study. Previous publications concerning Orion's history have not had precisely industrial point of view. The study is mostly arranged by pharmaceutical forms and additionally some Orion's pharmaceutical products are displayed exemplary and their characters are analyzed. Also development of excipients and package materials are examined briefly. The notices of development of Orion's industrial pharmacy are constantly put into perspective by comparing it to the international industrial pharmacy. Analysis begins in 1899 due to the first finnish pharmaceutical company establishment which also had influences on the starting points of Orion. The study ends in 1998 because of Finland's associaton of European Union in 1995 which also had influences on the Orion's business. The material of the study consist of Orion's public documents including among others Orion's personnel journals, product indexes, sheets, history books and the other produced material of Orion. The material was gathered in the archive of Orion in Espoo during some weeks between October 2013 and Juny 2014. The material of Orion was compared to scientific literature in order to emphasize their worldwide influence. The most of the scientific reference material includes articles but some industrial pharmacy handbooks have been also used because of difficulties of having historical articles. According to the hypothesis the significance of Orion's pharmaceutical industry was minor on the scale of international pharmaceutical industry. The contacts to the foreign industrial countries and compliance with the guidelines of FDA and European Pharmacopoeia were on focus in Orion's aim to accompany international development of industrial pharmacy. One of the important themes in Orion's business was the transform from multi industry to the special industry which was supported by rationalization of production introduced in 1950's. In the context of quality control there have been many projects put in practise especially in 1960's and 1970's, for example the GMP-guidelines introduction, the trading licence system of the pharmaceuticals and the renovations of all the production rooms.Though the pioner of the industrial pharmacy, The United States, was in the quality control even several decades in advance of Finland and consequently Orion. Orion's major products were in the company's program with a licence system. Maybe the most considerable efforts have been made to advance conventional tablet production for example by enhancing equipment and process conditions. Contrary to conventional tablets pharmaceutical formulations like patches and soft capsules have been in Orion's program mainly to complete the company's selection.Some pharmaceutical forms were possible to produce in Orion quite early, for example vaccinations since 1940's and sterile eye drop producing since 1950's. In the last decades of this study, 1980's and 1990's, Orion was focused on the projects like Easyhaler and some own brand name drugs.
  • Harju, Helena (2010)
    Immunoglobulin G is very unstable and that is why it is very challenging to formulate and process it. Because of the unstability, IgG is vulnerable to changes in pH, heat and mechanical stress. Exposure to these stresses makes IgG aggregate more easily and lose its biological activity. To restore stability, IgG is formulated to a solid product from which it can be regenerated. With TFF (Tangential Flow Filtration) IgG can be purified from other components. The filtration is based on a half-permeable membrane which permeates the other components except for the IgG. The filtration pressure is the force which keeps the liquid flowing. It is important to control this pressure, too high or too low pressure will damage the IgG. IgG can also be protected with polysorbate which is a surfactant going to the protein/liquid interface and therefore stabilizing IgG. IgG does not stay stable in liquid very long so it has to be lyophilized to improve its process- and storage stability. Lyophilization is a long and energy consuming process. Optimisation of the process is therefore essential to save time and resources. First IgG is freezed to produce ice. Primary drying is the second step, sublimation will change ice to water vapor. Secondary drying is based on water desorption, that way residual water is removed from the lyophilizate. The drying process is carried out altering shelf temperature on which the samples are placed. Chamber pressure is also an important factor in IgG stabilisation. These factors have their impact on IgG stability. Also adding disaccharide, trehalose, in the formulation increases the stability of IgG. The purpose of this work was to optimise both the filtration and lyophilisation process so that IgG would remain as stable as possible. During preliminary testing the results showed that magnetic stirring prior to filtration will damage the IgG, showing aggregation and less biological activity. Aggregation was measured with DLS and biological activity with ELISA. Changes in the secondary structure after lyophilisation were measured with CD. The actual filtration tests were carried out using three different filtration pressures and two different polysorbate 20 concentrations, and water. The results showed that IgG is most stable in 1,25 bar filtration pressure and 0,01 % polysorbate concentration. There was less aggregation and more biological activity. The filtration tests proved to be challenging because there were several parameters that were difficult to control. The same challenge was faced when analysing the results. Lyophilisation tests were carried out using three different pressures during primary drying and three different heating rates during secondary drying. The analysis methods were the same as during filtration tests. In addition, the IgG secondary structure changes were under investigation. The lyophilisation tests showed that trehalose clearly protects the IgG. Visually lyophilised samples which contained trehalose were mechanically more stable than those which did not contain trehalose. The analysis showed that the pressure of 60 mTorr and low heating rate (5 °C/h) resulted in better stability of IgG, aggregation was lower and biological activity higher. During lyophilisation no changes in the secondary structure was seen in CD. This was possibly due to lack of sensitivity of the analysis method.
  • Nuolimo, Sirpa (2016)
    Tavoitteet. Työn tavoitteena oli pyrkiä selvittämään, kuinka lääkevalmisteiden ja CE-merkittyjen terveydenhuollon laitteiden ja tarvikkeiden välinen rekisteröintiprosessi ja rekisteröinnin käytännön työ eroavat toisistaan. Hakemusprosessien ja dokumentaation erojen tutkiminen viranomaisvaatimusten ja työn käytännön suorittamisen näkökulmista katsottiin tärkeäksi, jotta on mahdollista vertailla lääkevalmisteiden ja laitteiden välisiä rekisteröintiprosesseja kokonaisuutena sekä tarkastella valmisteen rekisteröintistatuksen vaikutusta rekisteröinnistä vastaavien henkilöiden työmäärään, ajankäyttöön ja työtehtävien sisältöön. Menetelmät. Tutkimus suoritettiin sähköisen kyselytutkimuksen avulla, joka lähetettiin Suomessa toimiville lääkkeiden myyntiluvan haltijoille ja CE-merkittyjen terveydenhuollon laitteiden ja tarvikkeiden rekisteröinnistä vastaaville valmistajille. Kyselytutkimus toteutettiin Helsingin yliopiston verkkolomaketyökalulla, jota hyväksikäyttäen rakennettiin kyselytutkimuksen runko, kerättiin vastausaineisto sekä käsiteltiin tutkimusaineistoa raportointivalmiiksi. Kysymysten sisältö määriteltiin rekisteröinnin jäsenjärjestön julkaisemiin urakuvauksiin sekä yritysten työpaikkailmoitusten työnkuvauksiin perustuen. Kyselytutkimuksen tekninen ja sisällöllinen toimivuus testattiin pilotoinnin avulla. Vastausaineiston sisältöanalyysi suoritettiin kvantitatiivisten tutkimusmenetelmien keinoin. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Lääkevalmisteiden ja CE-merkittyjen terveydenhuollon laitteiden ja tarvikkeiden rekisteröintiprosessit eroavat toisistaan merkittävimmin hakemusprosessien rakenteen ja viranomaistoiminaan osalta, vaikkakin molemmilla sektoreilla perimmäinen tavoite on sama; osoittaa valmisteen teho ja turvallisuus sille aiotussa käyttötarkoituksessa. Hakemusrakenteiden ja viranomaistoiminnan erojen voidaan nähdä olevan perustekijät, joista johtuvat muut rekisteröintityötä ja dokumentaatiovaatimuksia erottavat tekijät, myös käytännön tasolla. Kyselytutkimuksen vastausaineiston perusteella merkittävimmin käytännön työssä vaikuttavat erot liittyivät rekisteröintityön osuuteen kokonaistyöajasta, hallinnollisten tehtävien osuuteen sekä työn sisällön aiheuttamiin vaatimuksiin. Lääkerekisteröintityötä tekevien rekisteröintityön osuus kokonaistyöajasta ja hallinnollisen työn osuus rekisteröintityöstä oli laiterekisteröintityötä tekeviä merkittävästi suurempi. Työn sisällön asettamat vaatimuserot näkyivät muun muassa lääkerekisteröintityössä vastaajien enemmistön farmaseuttisena koulutustaustana ja laiterekisteröintityössä teknisenä koulutustaustana. Kaiken kaikkiaan työssä havaitut erot vaikuttaisivat rekisteröintistrategisesti suosivan valintaa CE-merkityksi lääkinnälliseksi laitteeksi sellaisissa rajatapaustilanteissa, joissa valmiste on mahdollista rekisteröidä joko lääkkeeksi tai lääkinnälliseksi laitteeksi.
  • Aalto, Aura (2019)
    Medicinal products, medical devices and combination products, that include both the medicinal product and medical device part, need to fulfill the regulatory requirements for their efficacy, safety and quality before they can be placed on the market. Documentation requirements, application processes and authoritative processing differ between medicinal product and medical device registration. In European Union, combination products are registered either as medicinal products or medical devices according to their principal mode of action. Registration requirements for medical devices are currently changing since the new medical device regulation 2017/745 (MDR) in the EU came into force in May 2017. Transition period in MDR implementation will last until May 2020. This study is continuation to an earlier study (Nuolimo 2016) where registration process differences between medicinal products and medical devices were investigated. In the earlier study it was concluded that registration process differences seem to favour the registration of the product as CE marked medical device in borderline cases where the product can be registered both as medicinal product and medical device. The aim of this theme interview study was to further clarify registration process differences and particularly underlying factors affecting the selection of the registration status. Furthermore, the study aimed to clarify how the registration process for combination products differs from other registration processes and how the new European medical device regulation 2017/745 influences registration work in practice. In the theme interview study, regulatory affairs professionals with experience from the different product groups were interviewed. In total, eight interviewees participated in the study. Regulatory professionals’ job descriptions varied so much that it was difficult to compare registration processes. Registration process for medical devices was discovered to be lighter than the equivalent for medicinal products. Registration status is chosen product-specifically. Load in registration process for combination products depends on whether the product is registered as a medicinal product or as a medical device. Regarding combination products, borderline cases where it needs to be determined whether the product is registered as a medicinal product or a medical device, can be challenging. Implementation of the new medical device regulation (MDR) was still incomplete when the study was conducted. However, the regulation had already increased workload in medical device and combination product registration and created new business opportunities for contract research organisations.
  • Siirola, Outi (2013)
    There aren't always available suitable authorized drug products for different age and different weight pediatric patients. Hospital pharmacies have to prepare suitable doses and dosage form for these very young patients extemporaneously. In Finland oral powders are usually used in pediatric medication. In previous studies it has been found that part of drug dose sticks to paper of oral powder and the patient doesn't get the entire intended dose. It is suggested that hard capsules may be better dosage form than oral powders, because capsules have smaller area than oral powders, where the powder can stick. The aim of this study was to examine, whether warfarin- and spironolactone capsules prepared by hospital pharmacy meet European Pharmacopeia standards of uniformity of content. Capsules were compounded from commercial tablets and capsulated by Feton-capsulating device. In this study capsules manufactured with automatic capsule filling device attached to analytical balance, oral powders and capsules prepared from pure drug substance were also compared to capsules compounded from tablets. The three month stability of compounded capsules was also examined. In hospital pharmacy many different strengths are compounded from same drug substance, ordered by physician. Ordered strengths can be nearly identical, but whether the small differences in concentration can possibly be prepared in hospital pharmacy is unknown. From both drug substances two strengths with small difference in concentration were prepared and it was studied if statistically significant difference exists. The drug concentrations of preparations were measured by high performance chromatography (HPLC). Aqualab-water activity meter was used to study water activity of samples during the stability testing. Content uniformities of all capsule batches complied with test specified in the European Pharmacopeia.The drug concentrations of capsules were significantly lower than target concentrations. With these drug substances no difference, between the drug concentration of oral powder and capsules, was found. According to this study oral powders can be replaced by capsules. Warfarin and spironolactone capsules remain at least three months, when storaged in room temperature. Warfarin capsules can be prepared accuracy of 0,1 mg and spironolactone capsules accuracy of 0,5 mg.
  • Itämö, Satu (2018)
    Marketing authorized pharmaceutical preparations that are aimed at adult use cause problems both in administration and when dosing. Over and underdosing are the most common medication errors in pediatric population. Only a fraction of medicinal products are clinically tested and evaluated for pediatric use. Children should have the right for the best achievable health, medical care and rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to determine problematic pharmaceutical preparations, formulations or excipients experienced by healthcare professionals. The another aim of this study was to comprise (?) the view of healthcare professionals about 3D-printed medicinal products by using the collected data. By using the data, the problems, challenges, targets for development and other suggestions regarding pediatric medication were identified. New 3D printed medicines suitable for children can be developed by using the observations of this study. The study was carried out as semi-structured interview. Frameworks of the themes were structured by using the subjects of a recently made semi-structured questionnaire. The semi-structured interview was carried out as a group-interview, where the participants were presented open questions according to the themes structured before. According to the study results, the prejudices of the interviewees towards the new technology were mainly positive. The adjustability of the printed medicine by the means of the patient was most highlighted property in the interviews. Accoring to the experiences of the interviewees’, the most suitable pharmaceutical preparations used are liquid preparations such as oral liquids or suspensions. When using solid oral formulations, the age of the patient was not seen as significant. The most common reason for compounding the preparation was the wrong size of the product or dose. The varying availability of pharmaceutical preparations was seen as delaying factor at the start of the medical treatment. In the interview the pharmacists recognized the most common excipients causing adverse events. The different roles of the occupational groups were identified according to their work duties.
  • Nordberg, Antti (2011)
    Nearly one fourth of new medicinal molecules are biopharmaceutical (protein, antibody or nucleic acid derivative) based. However, the administration of these compounds is not always that straightforward due to the fragile nature of aforementioned domains in GI-tract. In addition, these molecules often exhibit poor bioavailability when administered orally. As a result, parenteral administration is commonly preferred. In addition, shelf-life of these molecules in aqueous environments is poor, unless stored in low temperatures. Another approach is to bring these molecules to anhydrous form via lyophilization resulting in enhanced stability during storage. Proteins cannot most commonly be freeze dried by themselves so some kind of excipients are nearly always necessary. Disaccharides are commonly utilized excipients in freeze-dried formulations since they provide a rigid glassy matrix to maintain the native conformation of the protein domain. They also act as "sink"-agents, which basically mean that they can absorb some moisture from the environment and still help to protect the API itself to retain its activity and therefore offer a way to robust formulation. The aim of the present study was to investigate how four amorphous disaccharides (cellobiose, melibiose, sucrose and trehalose) behave when they are brought to different relative humidity levels. At first, solutions of each disaccharide were prepared, filled into scintillation vials and freeze dried. Initial information on how the moisture induced transformations take place, the lyophilized amorphous disaccharide cakes were placed in vacuum desiccators containing different relative humidity levels for defined period, after which selected analyzing methods were utilized to further examine the occurred transformations. Affinity to crystallization, water sorption of the disaccharides, the effect of moisture on glass transition and crystallization temperature were studied. In addition FT-IR microscopy was utilized to map the moisture distribution on a piece of lyophilized cake. Observations made during the experiments backed up the data mentioned in a previous study: melibiose and trehalose were shown to be superior over sucrose and cellobiose what comes to the ability to withstand elevated humidity and temperature, and to avoid crystallization with pharmaceutically relevant moisture contents. The difference was made evident with every utilized analyzing method. In addition, melibiose showed interesting anomalies during DVS runs, which were absent with other amorphous disaccharides. Particularly fascinating was the observation made with polarized light microscope, which revealed a possible small-scale crystallization that cannot be observed with XRPD. As a result, a suggestion can safely be made that a robust formulation is most likely obtained by utilizing either melibiose or trehalose as a stabilizing agent for biopharmaceutical freeze-dried formulations. On the other hand, more experiments should be conducted to obtain more accurate information on why these disaccharides have better tolerance for elevating humidities than others.
  • Viskari, Ansa (2012)
    The purpose of this study was to investigate how the mixing time of the magnesium stearate affects on the compressibility of partially pregelatinized maize starch. Pregelatinized maize starch is used in pharmaceuticals as a filler, binder and as disintegrant. Because pregelatinized maize starch has lubricant characteristics itself, it is known to be sensitive for the amount and the mixing time of magnesium stearate. The aim is that magnesium stearate is not totally homogenously mixed on the powder surfaces so that even, clean powder surfaces exist. Homogeneous mixing means that particles are coated with magnesium stearate, which as a hydrophobic ingredient prevents bond formation between plastically and elastically behaving particles. Too much magnesium stearate and/or too long mixing time may cause weakening of tablet tensile strength, laminating and capping. The weakening of the tensile strength of the tablet increases friability, which causes problems during packaging process and the transportation. Too much magnesium stearate may also lengthen the disintegration time and slow down the dissolution. The aim of this study was to compare four different brands of pregelatinized maize starch. The purpose was to find differences affecting the compressibility behavior. Also the effect of the mixing time of magnesium stearate for compression behavior of masses were studied. The brands investigated were C*PharmGel DC 93000, Lycatab® C, Starch 1500® and SuperStarch 200®. First mentioned was a reference product which is not manufactured any more. There was only one batch of the reference product but three batches from other products to be able to investigate also batch to batch variation. The characteristics studied from pregelatinized starch samples were bulk density, apparent density and true density, flowability, moisture sorption, moisture content, pH value, swelling volume and particle size. Also NIR, FTIR and Raman spectroscopy and X-ray powder diffraction method were used. Weight, tensile strength, dimensions, friability, disintegration time and moisture sorption were studied for tablets. The compressibility of the mass and elastic behavior of tablets was studied. Pictures of the tablets were also taken by scanning electron microscope. When the mixing time of magnesium stearate was increased from 2 minutes to 5 minutes, the compression pressure needed for pressing tablets for 80 N strength increased 200-700 N depending on the brand of pregelatinized maize starch. Based on the results the best alternative to replace C*PharmGel DC 93000 was chosen to be SuperStarch 200®. Scanning electron microscope pictures showed that C*PharmGel DC 93000 deviates from other qualities studied by being roundish and regular in shape. SuperStarch 200® and Starch 1500® reminded remarkably each other. Lycatab® C was the biggest in particle size and very irregular in shape. The differences found in tabletting followed the expectations based on the SEM-pictures. SuperStarch 200® showed to best compressibility in lowest strain strength and after C*PharmGel DC 93000 it was least sensitive for mixing time of the magnesium stearate. It also has least elastic recovery. The differences between SuperStarch 200® and Starch 1500® in compression properties were moderate but clear. Lycatab® C had clearly the weakest compression properties.
  • Kainulainen, Tuija (2015)
    The significance of OTC product sales has risen in pharmacies because of lower margins obtained from medicines and thus a fall in the revenue. Manufacturing enterprises must pay particular attention to the success of product launches to ensure that their products end up on pharmacy shelves instead of competitors. The study intended to determine if the known key factors of successful launch also apply when launching a product to pharmacy market and if any of these factors was thought to be the most important one from pharmacists' perspective. In addition it was researched if there would be some important factors to be considered exclusively in product launches to pharmacy market and which factors have the greatest impact on pharmacies decision making about the product selection. The study was conducted as a survey directed to pharmacists, in which just launched D-vitamin product Elivo Vahva+ D50 was used as an example product. As a second part of the study few participants were interviewed by e-mail. According to the study pharmacies are interested in products that fit their selection, in other words, they are proven to be effective and useful for customers. They should bring some added value to the existing selection, to be visually attractive, price-reasonable and with a large enough target group. Representative visits, product visibility in the media, as well as the customers demand have the greatest impact on pharmacies decision making about which products to include to the selection. In addition, belonging to a pharmacy chain often brings with it the obligation to keep certain products in the shelves. Least impact on the decision making was with the electronic newsletter and pharmacy events. Pharmacies profit margin, as well as the possible purchase discounts and OTC products compensation practices are also taken into account in selection decisions. It is important that the company invests in their representatives education and offer reliable product knowledge and sales arguments to pharmacies for example with personnel training or at least in the form of brochures. When deciding the timing of the launch, seasonal variations in sales as well as competitors market entries needs to be taken into account. If it's not possible to be the first in the market, the product needs to have a real added value compared to others.
  • Häkkinen, Aino (2016)
    There is a growing interest towards continuous manufacturing in pharmaceutical industry. When considering solid dosage form manufacturing and continuous wet granulation, twin screw granulation is the most studied technology. In spite of this, process knowledge is not as comprehensive as it is for batch granulation technologies such as high shear granulation. One problem with twin screw granulation seems to be bimodal and broad particle size distribution of granules. Specific causes of bimodal distribution and the ways to possibly gain unimodality either in granulation step or via dry milling are not fully understood. The purpose of this study was to optimize the ConsiGma25 continuous twin screw wet granulation process and study dry milling as a possible way of gaining unimodal particle size distribution in order to optimize particle size for tablet compression purposes. One aim was also to compress tablets from the obtained twin screw granules and evaluate the quality against high shear and direct compressed tablets of same formulation. Central composite circumscribed design was used as a design of experiments for twin screw wet granulation process. Factors (powder feed rate, screw speed, liquid to solid ratio (L/S ratio) and mill screen size) were varied in two levels. In total, 29 experiments were conducted. Tablet compression design was fractional as only 11 experiments from the twin screw granulation design were tableted. High shear granulation was conducted with Diosna P-1/6 using three different L/S ratios. All of these batches were compressed to tablets. Also direct compression was carried out. Formulation used had ibuprofen as active pharmaceutical ingredient, mannitol and MCC as fillers, HPC as binder and croscarmellose sodium as disintegrant. Lubricant, sodium stearyl fumarate, was blended to granules before tablet compression. Torque was measured during granulation in order to evaluate equilibration of the twin screw granulation process. It stabilized quickly and stayed stable after parameter changes and increased as L/S ratio and barrel fill rate increased. Particle size distribution and flowability of granules were analysed and tablets were analysed according to European and United States pharmacopoeias. Also tensile strengths and compactibilities were evaluated. Particle size distributions of unmilled twin screw granules were bimodal and broad. After dry milling, QicPic dynamic image analysis results showed unimodal particle size distributions for all experiments whereas Mastersizer laser diffraction analysis showed more unimodal distributions for experiments milled with smaller mill screen sizes. Mill screen size had the largest effect on particle size and as increased mill screen size increased particle size. Results showed that dry milling was a way to optimize particle size distribution for tablet compression purposes. Also flowability of formulation and process parameters needed to be optimized as granulation parameters had an effect on particle size and manufacturability was enhanced with better flowing formulation compared to previous study. Knowledge of the influence of L/S ratio, screw speed and powder feed rate, on granule size was gained. The effect of these process parameters varied depending whether d10, d50 or d90 was measured and particle size analysis method used. Increased L/S ratio and screw speed increased granule size as increased powder feed rate decreased it. Twin screw tablets showed higher tensile strengths and better compactibility compared to both high shear tablets and direct compressed tablets. Twin screw tablets showed also faster dissolution compared to direct compressed tablets probably due to of lower compression force. Mill screen size had the largest effect on dissolution properties of the twin screw tablets. When larger mill screen size was used, dissolution was slower due to larger particle size. Also increased powder feed rate made dissolution rate slower due to higher fill rate of the barrel. In other tablet properties analysed, no significant differences were seen between different twin screw experiments or between twin screw tablets and direct compressed tablets. All of the twin screw tablets and direct compressed tablets fulfilled the requirements of European and United states pharmacopoeia. As a conclusion, continuous granulation process was successfully optimized and high quality tablets resulted showing especially the effect of dry milling on granule size and shape as well as on tablet properties.
  • Taivainen, Sanna (2016)
    Suspension is nowadays the most commonly used dosage form in preclinical animal studies. However, suspension can be physically unstable and changes in particle size or crystal form of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) can occur during storage. Conventionally suspensions are also prepared in a mortar, and hence the quality of suspensions is operator-dependent. One of the aims in this study was to prepare suspensions using a mortar and pestle and an Ultra-turrax homogenizer to find out how the preparation method affects the particle size of suspension. A solution containing methylcellulose and Tween 80 was used as a vehicle, and five active APIs with different physico-chemical properties as model drugs. Moreover, an aim of the study was to evaluate the stability of the suspensions stored at room temperature and in the refrigerator and freezer by physical (laser diffraction, optical microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction) and chemical (high-performance liquid chromatography) methods of analysis. The aim of the study was also to assess and compare the suitability of laser diffraction and optical microscopy for the determination of partice size during preclinical studies. The suspensions prepared using a mortar and pestle and Ultra-turrax had a similar particle size in almost all cases. The particle size of API that was difficult to grind decreased significantly, also when using Ultra-turrax although the capacity used was minimum. Both prepation methods had the best repeatability of particle size when the API was easy to grind. However, Ultra-turrax could provide better homogeneity of quality than a mortar and pestle if the settings were optimized. The effect of different operators was not studied in this study. The stability of suspensions in different storage conditions was dependent on the properties of API. The particle size of all frozen suspensions decreased after two days based on laser diffraction results. Although the reason was not found from literature or supplementary tests (particle size analysis of the vehicle and pH-measurements), freezing of suspensions should be treated with caution based on this study. The crystal structures of APIs remained stabile with the exception of typical disproportionation of the API salt. Suspensions were mainly chemically stabile in all conditions, but water-solubility of API seemed to decrease stability. The micellar solubilization of drugs was also observed. The best way to determine the particle size of preclinical suspensions proved to be the combination of laser diffraction and optical microscopy images. The microscopy images confirmed the validity of the size distributions measured by laser diffraction and provided information about e.g. particle aggregation. On the other hand, optical microscopy image analysis was not suitable method for particle sizing.
  • Kolu, Anna-Maija (2013)
    Spray drying is one way to dry protein medicines and it has many advantages compared to other drying methods, for example it is a fast process. In spray drying high temperature and mechanical stress can inactivate the protein. Disaccharides are generally used as protective agents of protein in spray drying because they have an ability to protect the structure of the protein during drying and storage. Aim of this research was to study the stability of the protein during spray drying and storage by using β-galactosidace as a model protein. Aim was also to characterize the physical properties of trehalose and melibiose and to study how well they protect the protein. Some of the central matters to be examined were the glass transition temperature, crystallinity, water activity, yield of the spray dried powder and protein activity. Especially studying the properties of melibiose in spray drying was important because it has not been used before. The study also included the optimization of the process parameters to be suitable for the product. Trehalose and melibiose transformed to an amorphous form during spray drying. Both XRPD and DSC showed an amorfous form. Trehalose and melibiose proved to be good protective agents for the protein during spray drying and storatge probably because they remained their amorphous structure. β-galactosidase remained activity very well. Optimizing of the process parameters was successful because protein remained its activity and still the powder was quite dry and yield was good. The changes in the structure of the protein were studied with FT-IR but the amount of the protein was too small. Problems caused by the spray drier may have an effect to the results, but on the other hand the spray dryer was made to work optimally.
  • Pietiläinen, Johannes (2013)
    The aim of this study was to obtain basic knowledge of the applicability of a Büchi Spray dryer B-290 for inhalation particle production and its process parameters effects on particle physicochemical properties. The possibility to anneal the particles where also studied. The greater goal was to provide some information about the solutes' crystallization tendency related to chosen process parameters. Two active pharmaceutical ingredients, salbutamol sulphate and budesonide, where chosen as model substances. Spray drying is a suspended particle processing system which is widely applied and it has been in use from the 1940s. The processed pumpable liquid which contains chosen substances is dispersed into droplets and dried to produce particles that are later collected. Spray dryer is used to process food, biochemical and pharmaceutical substances. In the field of inhalation particle processing, however, it is rather a new technology. This is because of the quality limitations of inhalable particles and the challenges in process optimization. From the many process parameters the concentration of the solid substances, inlet temperature and concentration of organic solvent were chosen as variables for the conducted experiments due to their apparent effects on product quality and especially on solid state. A rudimentary box-annealing system was studied for spray dried substances to verify their solid state transformation tendencies. Salbutamol sulphate was annealed in a box with 65% relative humidity and budesonide in 74 % and 100% relative ethanol activities. Particle size and size distributions were measured with laser diffraction apparatus, crystallinity was analyzed with powder x-ray diffraction and particle morphology was studied with scanning electron microscope. Salbutamol sulphate turned out to be amorphous and budesonide crystalline when spray dried. Both products were within the inhalable size range (1-5µm). Under the current setup the solid state quality of the products was found dependent on the concentration of the solid substances to some extent. Spray dried amorphous salbutamol sulphate was successfully anneaed to a crystalline material and partly crystalline budesonide was annealed to a more crystalline state. Further studies are needed to utilize the full potential spray drying has to offer for inhalation formulating. The kinetics of the annealing procedure and its dependency on the method used still remain largely unexplored.
  • Solansuu, Kati (2018)
    Formulation development for protein drugs should base on the knowledge of the mechanism of protein degradation. Excipients and formulation can be chosen to stabilize the protein and prevent decomposition. Stability testing is important to identify the likely degradation routes and provide information for formulation development and stability-indicating analytical method development. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is a neuropeptide hormone that regulates the synthesis and release of gonadotropins: luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FHS). Analogs of the endogenous GnRH have been developed to achieve more potent and longer-acting agonists or antagonists. GnRH agonists degrade in several pathways. The primary degradation routes are hydrolysis/backbone cleavage, oxidation, isomerization and aggregation. The stability of GnRH agonists in solid dosage forms has not been studied as excessively as in solutions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the stability of a GnRH agonist (API) at different storage conditions in powder form and in tablet formulations with maize starch or hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC). The samples were stored for three months at 5 °C (common refrigerator conditions) 25 °C/58 %RH (long-term conditions), and 40 °C/75 %RH (accelerated storage conditions). The samples were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography. Additionally, the mechanical properties of the formulations and tablets were studied. The stability of API was confirmed in tablet dosage form, when maize starch or HPMC were used as excipients. No degradation products of API were found. As a pure powder API did not degrade either, but it did not stay physically stable at 40 °C/75 %RH. Stressed conditions could be used to find out degradation products in solid state that were not found in this study. Further, the formulations were not ideal, because neither of the studied excipient produced tablets with desirable properties.
  • Hiltunen, Anna (2015)
    Periodontitis is a globally significant disease which destroys the attachment tissues and alveolar bone of teeth, eventually leading to tooth loss. Biofilms, the most intrinsic lifestyle of bacteria, play a pivotal role in the occurrence of this disease. Periodontal biofilms can be treated with topically administered chlorhexidine and strain-specific antibiotics. However, these antimicrobials do not offer solutions for periodontal attachment tissue and alveolar bone loss. Some therapeutical alternatives for these conventional treatments have been investigated. In numerous studies, periodontitis is treated successfully (increased attachment and/or alveolar bone levels) with topically and systemically administered bisphosphonates. Furthermore, a topically administered bone graft substitute (bioactive glass) has shown to improve periodontal parameters. In addition, bioactive glass has known antimicrobial and anti-biofilm effects. Moreover, a few bisphosphonates have shown antimicrobial activity against some bacterial strains. Hence, both bisphosphonates and bioactive glass are promising materials for dental applications, also raising interest in their combination. Indeed, it could be hypothesized that this combination product could simultaneously treat both the underlying cause (biofilms) and consequences (alveolar bone and attachment tissue loss) of periodontitis. Open research questions remain for the combination product. Is the anti-biofilm effect enhanced when bioactive glass is combined with bisphosphonates? Moreover, do bisphosphonates have intrinsic anti-biofilm properties? These questions are investigated in this thesis, which is a continuation of a recent doctoral dissertation. In this dissertation, a clodronate-bioactive glass combination product was studied by applying it into periodontal pockets. However, anti-biofilm effects were not assessed. In this thesis, a close examination is carried out on these effects, utilizing relevant biofilm models. The aims of this work were to investigate anti-biofilm effects of bisphosphonates (alendronate, clodronate, etidronate, risedronate and zoledronate) (i) alone, administered as solutions and (ii) combined with bioactive glass S53P4. Optimization of the used assay methods (96-well plate assay, Static Biofilm method) was performed. The anti-biofilm effects of bisphosphonate solutions were screened in the 96-well plate assay using a model organism Staphylococcus aureus Newman and a periodontopathogen Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans ATCC 33384. After this, experiments were conducted with bisphosphonate-bioactive glass combinations. The experiments were performed with a single-specie (A. actinomycetemcomitans ATCC 33384) dental biofilm model based on the Static Biofilm method. The model mimics conditions encountered by periodontal bacteria in the oral cavity. In this part, bisphosphonate particle sizes were measured to determine a suitable control material. In addition to bacterial experiments, pH measurements were carried out to gain an insight to a possible anti-biofilm mechanism. Bisphosphonates administered as stand-alone compounds did not have an effect on either the Gram-positive model organism (S. aureus Newman) or the Gram-negative periodontopathogen (A. actinomycetemcomitans ATCC 33384). In contrast, most combinations of bisphosphonate-bioactive glass revealed a statistically significant increase in anti-biofilm effect on A. actinomycetemcomitans ATCC 33384. The combinations were compared to a control composed of inert glass and bioactive glass. In these assay conditions, the risedronate-bioactive glass-combination was the most effective (significant statistical difference, p < 0.05). Other combinations also reduced biofilms (significant statistical differences, p < 0.05), with the exception of clodronate-bioactive glass, where the change was not statistically significant. The most effective combinations (containing risedronate and etidronate) subjected the biofilms to a period of low pH. Conversely, the least effective combination (clodronate-bioactive glass) rapidly became alkaline, similarly to the control compounds (inert glass and bioactive glass). Thus, anti-biofilm efficacy could be connected to lowered pH. This observation is supported by recent literature where A. actinomycetemcomitans has been deemed highly sensitive to acidity. However, establishing the anti-biofilm rank order of bisphosphonate-bioactive glass combinations would benefit from experiments with equal bisphosphonate particle sizes.
  • Savolainen, Heikki (2018)
    Tablet manufacturing requires both high-quality equipment and powder blend with high flowability and compactability and low segregation tendency. The process is complex and tablet formation process still remains not fully understood. Adequate powder flow is a necessity for the pharmaceutical manufacturing process, i.e., powder flowability and flow properties play a great role when designing manufacturing processes for solid dosage forms. As such, the powder characteristics need to be investigated. However, one property is seldom enough to predict the flowability of a powder in specific processes and different test methods need to be used to fully understand the tableting performance of a particular powder. It is crucial to know how the assessed properties reflect the manufacturing conditions. The need for test batches and the use of empirical testing still exists despite the numerous powder characterization tests available. The main aim of the study was to understand the influence of material properties, flow properties and segregation tendencies on both the processability of a formulation during tablet compression and the critical quality attributes, such as mass, tensile strength and dose uniformity of the final drug product. Additionally, testing of an in-line NIR method to observe the homogeneity of the powder inside the force feeder right before the compression step and transmission Raman as an at-line method for tablet content were also evaluated. A number of powder characterization tests were employed in order to fully understand the impact of the formulation on the process performance. Three formulations with different particle size of the active substance and mannitol were used throughout the study. Both the sifting segregation and fluidization segregation tests’ results predicted the formulations’ tabletability particularly well. Fluidization segregation test predicted the changing composition of the formulation throughout tableting whereas sifting segregation results showed the constantly fluctuating API concentration in the manufactured tablets. Moreover, the Raman results confirmed the tablets of variable content despite the offset caused by the different particle size of the raw materials used. The functionality of the NIR in the force feeder was tested successfully. The residence time distribution could be determined at a sufficient level to point out tablets of a bad quality from the batch on grounds of the NIR data. Results from the powder flow property tests were rather conflicting. Angle of repose, Carr’s index and volume flow rate gave the best characterizing results, whereas the mass flow rate, shear test with higher normal stress in pre-shear gave the worst results, considering the experienced flow character of the formulations. As stated above, different flow property tests may give conflicting result, and hence, it is crucial to know which results are the most relevant ones. Furthermore, the right settings for the test should be known to gain applicable results, best exemplified by the shear cell test.