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  • Lehtonen, Ilmari (2020)
    In this paper, I examine the discussions around the concept of carbon sinks. From those discussion of Finnish forestry, I identify frames based on a media material of 108 news articles combining the methodologies of frame analysis and content analysis. I aim to contextualize the carbon sink discussions of the latter half of 2010s and examine how the natural science-based term is used to support varying policy agendas. Building from background literature on the media as a societal actor and a context around Finnish forest discussions and mismatches between science and forest policy, I reflect on the ways that Finnish media frames and contextualizes carbon sink-related forest discussions. Eventually, I identify three dominant and eight secondary frames that describe the ways of using and the transforming of carbon sink as a term in detail. The dominant frames divide the discussion into two clashing ways to communicate carbon sink issues and a third middle ground way of understanding and using the term. The middle ground frame identifies the conflict between the clashing frames and suggests reaching to an understanding as a priority goal in terms of optimal climate change policy. I discuss the results in terms of the frames' policy implications. In addition, I ask how they signal potential developments in forest and climate policy and discourse. The analysis shows that the clearest disagreements in the carbon sink conflicts raise from how forestry restricting policies are seen to affect carbon sink levels and how prominent a role should forest industry have in meeting national and international climate policy targets. The study confirms that carbon sink as a term transforms into altering forms to support distinct, even controversial policy goals because of both definitional and calculative uncertainties.
  • Tommila, Taika (2024)
    Kaupunkien ilmastotavoitteiden saavuttaminen edellyttää päästöjen vähentämistä, mutta myös kaupunkien kas-villisuuden hiilivarastojen kasvattamista. Kaupunkikasvillisuuden hiilivarastojen tutkimus on kuitenkin vähäistä ja erityisesti kaupunkipensaiden on puutteellista. Pensaat ovat kuitenkin yksi käytetyimmistä kasvillisuustyy-peistä kaupunkialueilla, ja sen vuoksi niiden hiilivarastojen selvittäminen on tärkeää. Tässä tutkimuksessa tien-pientareet on tunnistettu potentiaalisiksi alueiksi kasvattaa Helsingin kaupungin kasvillisuuden hiilenvarastoja. Tienpientareilla kasvaa usein nurmikkoa, jolla on heikko hiilenvarastointikyky. Tämän takia tässä tutkimuksessa ehdotetaan tienpientareilla kasvavien nurmikoiden vaihtamista pieniin pensaisiin, jotta hiilenvarastointikapasi-teettia voitaisiin kasvattaa. Tässä tutkimuksessa käytettiin kuivapainomittausmenetelmää kymmenen eri kaupunkipensaslajin kuivapainojen ja hiilenvarastojen mittaamiseksi. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin myös pensaiden biomassan jakautumista ylä- ja alapuolisten osien välillä. Lisäksi tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin mahdollisuutta käyttää pensaiden kokoindeksiä niiden biomassan arvioinnissa, mikä voisi nopeuttaa pensaiden hiilivarastojen tutkimusta tulevaisuudessa. Tämän lisäksi tässä tutkimuksessa laskettiin, kuinka paljon enemmän hiiltä saataisiin varastoitua, jos kaikki Helsingin tienpientareiden nurmikot vaihdettaisiin pieniin pensaisiin. Kolmen tapausesimerkin avulla laskettiin tarkempi pinta-ala, johon pensaat voitaisiin istuttaa, ja siten myös tarkempi hiilenvarasto. Tapausesimerkeissä huomioitiin tieturvallisuuden asettamat rajoitteet pensasistutuksille. Pensaiden hiilenvarastot vaihtelivat merkittävästi eri lajien välillä. Suurimmalla osalla pensaista biomassaa oli eniten yläpuolisissa osissa, mutta oli myös lajeja, joilla juuret muodostivat suurimman osan biomassaa. Kaikista tutkituista pensaista 75 %:lla havaittiin korrelaatiota kokoindeksin ja biomassan välillä. Helsingin tienpientareet, joissa kasvaa nurmikkoa, kattavat yli 1 % kaupungin maapinta-alasta. Jos koko tutkimusalueen nurmikot vaih-dettaisiin pieniksi pensaiksi, hiilen varasto kasvaisi yli 23-kertaiseksi. Tapausesimerkkialueilta saatiin pensaiden osalta yhtä lupaavia tuloksia, vaikka niiden pinta-aloja oli pienennetty. Nurmikot kattavat suuren osan kaupunkien avoimista viheralueista. Niiden käyttäminen nykyisellä mittakaavalla on kuitenkin tarpeetonta, vaikka ne tarjoavatkin tärkeitä hyötyjä kuten avarat tilat ja estetiikkaa. Pensaiden istut-taminen tienvarsille lisäisi aluksi kustannuksia, mutta pitkällä aikavälillä se voisi johtaa kunnossapitosäästöihin, sillä pensaat eivät vaadi jatkuvaa leikkaamista niin kuin nurmikot. Lisäksi pensaiden käyttäminen tienvarsilla tuottaisi monipuolisempia ekosysteemipalveluita verrattuna nurmikoihin, mikä mahdollistaisi paremman sopeu-tumisen ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutuksiin.
  • Jalanko, Petri (2021)
    Physical fitness has declined during the last decades in adolescents. Furthermore, several studies have found a positive association between physical fitness and brain volume in adolescents, which is noteworthy since the adolescent brain undergoes substantial changes during growth and maturation. However, despite the importance of the cerebellum on adolescents' cognition and coordination, there remains a paucity of evidence on the associations between physical fitness and cerebellum characteristics. Thus, a cross-sectional approach was used to explore the relationship of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), power, speed-agility, coordination and overall neuromuscular performance index (NPI) with total gray matter (GM) volume of the cerebellum as well as lobules VI & VIIb, and crus I volume in 40 (22 girls; 18 boys) adolescents. Peak oxygen uptake (V̇O2peak) was measured by the maximal ramp test on a cycle ergometer, lower limb power was determined with standing long jump (SLJ), speed-agility was assessed with the 10 x 5-m shuttle-run test, upper limb coordination was determined with the Box and Block Test (BBT) and NPI was calculated as the sum of SLJ, BBT and shuttle-run z-values. Lean mass (LM) and body fat percentage (BF%) were measured using a bioelectrical impedance analysis. Cerebellum GM volume, lobules VI & VIIb, and crus I volumes were measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Results demonstrated that V̇O2peak/LM was negatively associated (β = -.045 P= .014) with cerebellum GM volume. No statistically significant associations were found between SLJ, shuttle-run, BBT scores or NPI and cerebellum characteristics in all participants. However, a poorer shuttle-run time was associated (β = -.363 P = .024) with smaller crus I volume in girls and V̇O2peak/LM was negatively associated (β = -.501 P = .031) with lobule VIIb volume in boys. These findings suggest that, in general, CRF and speed agility are associated with cerebellum characteristics in adolescents and there may be sex differences. The results extend our knowledge of the associations between physical fitness and brain volume, but more studies should be conducted to understand the relationship further.
  • Kozlova, Anastasia (2023)
    Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells are genetically modified usually autologous T cells expressing de novo designed CAR that binds a specific antigen on the surface of the cancer cells, inducing T cell receptor-independent activation and cytotoxic response against the targeted cancer cells. While CAR T cells have been shown to offer effective treatment in acute lymphoblastic leukemia, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, and multiple myeloma, several resistance mechanisms can lead to CAR T cell exhaustion characterized by impaired functions and the expression of inhibitory receptors. The Finnish Red Cross Blood Service has developed novel CARs, differing in structure from the ones currently published. Since the evasion of CAR T cell exhaustion is considered one of the key objectives in the development of CAR T cell therapy, this Master’s thesis project aimed to create a working method to determine the exhaustion of CAR T cells in vitro after long-term repeated stimulation. In order to induce and measure exhaustion, CAR T cells were produced and activated ex vivo in the presence of IL-2 or IL-7/IL-15 cytokines, cultured long-term and repeatedly stimulated by exposure to target cells. CAR T cell cytotoxicity and expansion were determined and the expression of various inhibitory receptors was analyzed. The method enabled the comparison of the designed CAR T cell candidates and the positive control CD19-CD28ζ CAR T cells in long-term cytotoxic potency. In addition, it helped to reveal the surprising difference between IL-2 and IL-7/IL-15 cytokines and their impact on CAR T cell exhaustion. Although CAR T cells produced with IL-2 had poorer expansion during CAR T cell production than CAR T cells produced with IL-7/IL-15, they showed lower expression of exhaustion-related markers supported by better survival, proliferation and cytotoxic activity during long-term repeated stimulation assay.
  • Jha, Sawan (2014)
    Lymphangiogenesis is the process that leads to the formation of lymphatic vessels from pre-existing vessels. Vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C), the ma- jor lymphangiogenic growth factor, is produced as an inactive precursor and needs to be proteolytically processed into a mature form in order to activate its receptors VEGFR-3 and VEGFR-2. A deficiency of VEGF-C during embryonic lymphangiogenesis results in embryonic lethality due to the lack of lymphatic vasculature. Hennekam lymphangiectasia-lymphedema syndrome (OMIM 235510) is in a subset of patients associated with mutations in the collagen- and calcium-binding EGF domains 1 (CCBE1 ) gene. CCBE1 and VEGF-C act at the same stage during embryonic lymphangiogenesis and their deficiency results in similar lymphatic defects. The mechanism behind the lymphatic phenotype caused by CCBE1 mutations is un- known. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential link between VEGF-C and CCBE1 that could contribute to the lymphatic phenotype. In this study, 293T cells were used to observe the effect of CCBE1 on VEGF-C pro- cessing. The co-transfection of constructs coding for CCBE1 and VEGF-C showed processing of the inactive pro-VEGF-C into the active, mature form. However, this processing was efficient only in 293T cells. When CCBE1 from 293T supernatant was purified, A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 3 (ADAMTS3) co-purified with CCBE1. The levels of pro-VEGF-C and active VEGF-C were monitored by immunoblotting or immunoprecipitating metabolically labeled supernatant with specific antibodies or receptors followed by autoradiography. The activity of the processed VEGF-C was verified by proliferation of Ba/F3 cells stably expressing VEGFR-3/EpoR or VEGFR-2/EpoR chimeras. Furthermore, a VEGFR-3 phosphorylation assay was performed in PAE (Porcine Aortic Endotheial) cells to study details of the CCBE1-mediated regulation of VEGF-C. We found that CCBE1 increases the proteolytic processing of pro-VEGF-C, thereby resulting in increased activity of VEGF-C. CCBE1 itself has no effect on VEGF-C activity but regulates VEGF-C by modulating the activity of the ADAMTS3 protease. We also found that both pro- and mature- VEGF-C can bind to VEGFR-3 but only mature form is able to induce VEGFR-3-mediated signaling. In addition to cleaving VEGF-C, ADAMTS3 was found to directly or indirectly mediate CCBE1 cleavage. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the ADAMTS3-processed VEGF-C confirmed that ADAMTS3 is the protease responsible for the activation of VEGF-C by 293 cells. Hence, we have identified a mechanism that regulates VEGF-C activity. This mechanism suggests the possible use of CCBE1 as a therapeutic means to treat diseases that involve the lymphatic system.
  • Kousa, Ilari (2023)
    This thesis presents a comprehensive exploration of cerebral palsy, acknowledged as the predominant childhood disability. Traditionally viewed through a narrow lens as primarily a motor disorder, recent investigations have broadened this perception significantly. Beyond motor impairments, cerebral palsy manifests an array of comorbidities spanning sensory, emotional, social, and cognitive domains, reshaping our comprehension of its profound impact on individuals' lives. Challenging the static characterization long associated with cerebral palsy, contemporary research has unveiled a compelling dimension - persistent neuroinflammation. Contradicting the notion of a stable condition, these findings suggest potential progressive aspects. The revelation of persistent neuroinflammation prompts a fundamental reconsideration of cerebral palsy's nature. Should its etiological significance be established, it could revolutionise our understanding, suggesting a dynamic condition evolving over time. Conducted through a rigorous search across Pubmed and MEDLINE databases, this thesis stems from an exhaustive exploration of 900 articles. The literature review was conducted in accordance with the PRISM framework. The literature review provides a comprehensive foundation covering the historical context,pathophysiology, and neuropathology of cerebral palsy. Furthermore, it delves deeply into the aforementioned non-classical perspectives, shedding light on the multifaceted nature of this neurological condition. By synthesising classical and contemporary viewpoints, this study endeavours to broaden the discourse surrounding cerebral palsy, fostering a more inclusive and nuanced comprehension of its complexities. This thesis seeks to bridge the gap between traditional views of cerebral palsy as solely a motor disorder and the evolving understanding of its diverse manifestations across various domains. By integrating insights from multiple disciplines and challenging existing paradigms, it aims to contribute to a more holistic framework for conceptualising cerebral palsy. This integrated perspective aims to enhance not only our theoretical understanding but also the practical implications for interventions and support strategies tailored to the multifaceted needs of individuals living with cerebral palsy.
  • Tsui, Ka Man (2015)
    Forest certification has been used as a tool to promote forestry responsibility towards sustainable forest management. Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is one of the certification systems that is well recognised in Europe. Nevertheless, compared to other European countries, the number of FSC chain of custody (CoC) certifications in Finland is relatively low. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six FSC CoC certified companies to explore their experiences towards implementing and maintaining the system in their companies. The sample group was comprised of wood and paper product industries in manufacturing and trading sectors. Thematic analysis of the interviews revealed the challenges companies encountered. The results indicated that there were eight types of challenges, including three internal and five external ones, hindering the development of FSC CoC certification in Finland. Internal challenges included competence, financial resources, and a lack of motivation to change. External challenges included insufficient marketing and demand, uncertain cost benefit, keen competitor programmes, limited supply, and long trademark approval time. Meanwhile, the relevant solutions these companies adopted to deal with the challenges were discussed. Since external challenges out-numbered internal ones, it seemed that certified companies are not able to tackle the existing challenges alone. Joint-effort among other actors in the forestry sector, for instance, the national authority, FSC national office, certification bodies are essential to influence the rate of certification uptake. Furthermore, participants discussed about the future development of FSC CoC certification system in Finland. Interviewees believed that the enactment of the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR) and the introduction of forest certification into national public procurement policy could positively impact the development of the system. The results of this study could be used as a reference for potential certificate users to prepare themselves for implementing FSC CoC certification system. In addition, the study could shed a light on the development of FSC in Finland in the future.
  • Toivonen, Hannele (2023)
    The heating season 2022–2023 was exceptional in Finland due to the electricity crisis. Electricity saving became a hot topic in public discussion, and households reduced their electricity consumption significantly. This study focuses on the changes that happened in detached house dwellers’ everyday routines: how detached house dwellers’ electricity consumption-related practices changed, and why they changed during the electricity crisis. Understanding how changes happen in electricity consumption-related practices is especially important in the ongoing era of the energy transition. The study is situated within social scientific energy research and the theoretical framework is based on the theories of practice. The study draws on six in-depth interviews of Finnish detached house dwellers living in the Helsinki metropolitan area or the Uusimaa region. The interviews focused on changes in detached house dwellers’ electricity consumption-related practices during the electricity crisis. The results of the study indicate that some practices are more flexible than others. The interviewed households controlled and replaced the material elements of some practices, especially heating devices of indoor spaces and household water. A new practice of monitoring electricity prices was adopted by households with spot-price electricity contracts, who also time-shifted some of their practices based on the price. The interviewed households focused especially on reducing electricity consumption which they considered ‘extra’ consumption. Some of the households also challenged some comfort-related norms and conventional ways of conducting certain practices. Electricity price was stated as the primary reason to change electricity consumption-related practices. Some of the interviewees also mentioned recommendations for saving electricity impacting their practices. It is interpreted that new meanings of scarcity were attached to electricity during the crisis. Electricity became a more visible element of practices, which led the interviewed households to reflect on their electricity consumption on a general level
  • Courroux, Maxime (2021)
    The changes in lake diatom assemblages as a response to climate warming over the past three decades were examined in 26 lakes across Northwestern Finnish Lapland using multivariate statistical techniques. The lakes are distributed along a steep climatic and vegetational gradient, covering three distinct vegetation zones spanning boreal coniferous forest, mountain birch woodland, and treeless tundra. Lakes were selected following a study realised by Weckström and Korhola in 2001, who had sampled the same lakes for surface-sediment diatom assemblages, physical, and chemical limnological variables. Climate data from the past 30 years was retrieved, showing a slow and steady yearly increase in temperature, with strong seasonal fluctuation and fall months experiencing the strongest warming. Surface sediment samples were taken from the lakes and their diatom communities analysed. A total of 185 diatom taxa representing 27 genera were recorded. Ordination techniques (DCA, CCA) at the genus and species level were performed to identify the main patterns of variation between diatom data from the original data set and the current study, and their relationship to environmental variables. Strong changes were recorded in four of the lakes with major shifts in dominant diatom species. Moderate changes were recorded in eight lakes, where dominance changes were recorded for a few species while the majority remained unchanged. The remaining 14 lakes did not show noticeable changes over the 30-year period. Changes observed in the studied lakes did not follow a widely observed pattern in northern Hemisphere lakes. The results indicate that while climate change is a driving factor behind changing lake dynamics with increasing temperatures and decreasing lake ice cover duration, it cannot be the only force responsible.
  • Huttunen, Oona (2024)
    Reindeer herding and climate change are causing notable changes in tundra ecosystems. In this thesis, I examine the impacts of summer reindeer grazing and climate change on Fennoscandian tundra moss and lichen communities at Mt. Saana, North-Western Finnish Lapland. The research questions are whether there have been temporal changes in moss and lichen communities over three decades, if the changes are consistent under different grazing pressures, and if the changes reflect recent climate change. The study is based on permanent plots and long-term time series data from 1990 to 2023 at intervals of about ten years. The results indicate significant correlations between reindeer grazing and moss and lichen abundances and an indication of climate change affecting the vegetation composition. Heavy grazing pressure during summer reduced moss and lichen abundances, particularly affecting lichens, while mosses benefit from moderate grazing pressure. During the study period, mosses had overall increased, while lichens had decreased. A slight recovery of lichens was observed between 2010 and 2023. At Kilpisjärvi, mean temperatures have increased significantly over the study period, affecting vegetation growth conditions. The increase in moss abundance could be related to the warmer temperatures and the lichen dynamics to changes in snow cover, warm winter events and increased competition from vascular plants. The temporal changes are also possible due to variations in grazing pressure. Overall, the findings emphasize the significant effects caused by reindeer grazing and climate change in tundra vegetation. Thus, the effects of reindeer grazing and climate change should be considered simultaneously when studying the changes in vegetation composition in tundra environments.
  • Sarasma, Juho Johannes (2021)
    Mobility, the somewhat regular and recurring physical movement of people from place to place, is a very important part of a broader transition to sustainability. In Finland the transport sector accounts for 20 % of total greenhouse gas emissions and while emissions have been steadily declining, the pace is not sufficient to meet current emission cut targets. When looking at household generated greenhouse gas emissions, mobility is the single largest contributor. Previous research has focused a lot on technological advancements and individuals’ choices as causes and solutions to sustainable mobility. These approaches have been criticized for underemphasizing the importance of social conditions. Practice theories have been presented as an alternative way of understanding mobility behaviors, challenging the mainstream individualistic explanations. Practices are routinized human behaviors that are made of several elements of materials, meanings, and competences. This thesis adopts a practice theoretical view in analyzing people’s mobility before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim is to learn what practice theory can teach us about sustainable mobility, and how the pandemic has affected people’s mobility in Finland. Nine semi-structured interviews were conducted, asking the participants about their mobility practices before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, forming a comprehensive picture of their daily lives from a mobility point of view. The results were analyzed using qualitative theory-based content analysis. The results indicated that people’s mobility is a complex system which was largely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Various elements either enabling or hindering the use of different transport modes were identified, as were important connections between different mobility practices. Practice theory has been often used to research one mobility practice at a time and the broader look of this study, focusing on multiple mobility practices, is potentially the most important contribution this thesis makes to previous mobility research. While not providing direct answers to how people’s mobility could be made more sustainable, this thesis makes an important contribution to practice theoretical mobility research which in a Finnish context is very scarce.
  • Vallo, Tuuli (2024)
    The proper differentiation of cells in early human development is essential for the success of a pregnancy. The first cell-fate decision occurs when totipotent cells differentiate into inner cell mass and trophectoderm, forming a blastocyst. Trophoblast cells differentiate from the trophectoderm and form the placenta. Defects in trophoblast development can lead to several pathologies, such as preeclampsia, miscarriage and intrauterine growth restriction. TFAP2C is a gene that is known to have an important role in the differentiation of trophoblast, although its function is not completely understood. Recent studies have suggested that TFAP2C has a promoter that has not been previously annotated, and it is not yet known what functions different TFAP2C promoters have. The aim of this thesis is to characterise how the activation of this novel TFAP2C promoter or the consensus promoter affects TFAP2C expression and whether the activation of different promoters changes how human pluripotent stem cells differentiate. In addition, this thesis aims to detect whether different TFAP2C protein variants, which are produced by these promoters, explain the possible variation in differentiation. TFAP2C promoters were activated with CRISPR activation, and different TFAP2C variants were expressed as transgenes in pluripotent stem cells. Gene expression was studied with immunocytochemistry and quantitative reverse transcription PCR. The activation of the consensus promoter increased TFAP2C expression more than the activation of the novel promoter. However, activation of both and expression of the protein variants produced from them made cells differentiate into trophoblast-like cells and express trophoblast markers. Nonetheless, the novel promoter and protein variant seemed to differentiate cells into trophoblast more efficiently. Because the activation of the promoters and the expression of their corresponding protein variants led to similar results, it seems likely that the alteration in differentiation is caused by the different TFAP2C protein variants. The functional difference between variants might be affected by the presence of a SUMOylation motif in the wild-type TFAP2C. These results may help to better understand the role of TFAP2C in human embryonic development and create applications for assisted reproduction and infertility treatments, as well as facilitate the development of cell models that can be used in research and therapy.
  • Olgac, Ezgi (2022)
    Background– The BCL-2 protein family members are major regulators of apoptosis, and the anti-apoptotic (pro-survival) members of the family is commonly targeted with BH3 mimetic drugs in haematological cancers. However, these treatments have not been very impactful when administered as single agents and they have long been investigated for combination therapy with other agents. Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is one of the difficult-to-cure haematological malignancies. A recently approved therapy for AML consists of the combinatorial administration of venetoclax (a selective BCL-2 inhibitor) and a DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) inhibitor such as azacitidine or decitabine. Although this novel therapy has shown promising clinical results, the majority of the patients still relapse under this treatment. These relapsed patients typically become highly resistant to treatment and have poor prognosis, emphasising the need for new effective drug combinations. Apart from BCL-2, other family members like BCL-xL and MCL1 are also common targets of BH3-mimetic drugs. This project thus aims to understand and characterise the resistance against BH3-mimetics and investigate new therapeutic approaches to overcome the challenges of resistance. Aims– This study aims (i) to characterise BH3-resistant AML cell lines for uncovering the mechanisms of drug resistance, and (ii) to identify possible combination treatment options for overcoming drug-resistance. Methods– Viability assays with Cell Titer Glo® (CTG) and Drug Sensitivity and Resistance Testing (DSRT). The long-term effectiveness of venetoclax, azacitidine and talazoparib (a PARP inhibitor) as single agents, double combinations and triple combination were investigated with Time-to-Progression (TTP) assay. For the resistant cell line models, underlying resistance mechanisms were assessed by checking protein expression of pro- and/or anti-apoptotic members of the BCL-2 family members with western blot (WB). Real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) and WB were carried out for transcriptional and translational expression analyses of certain DNA damage-associated genes in PARP inhibitor-resistant cell lines. Results– Drug screening with DSRT has revealed promising results for two combination treatments of a BCL-xL inhibitor (A-1331852) (i) with an Aurora kinase A inhibitor (alisertib) and (ii) with an MCL1 inhibitor (S63845) for BCL-xL inhibitor-resistant cells. WB analyses of BCL-2 family members showed translational upregulation of un-inhibited members of the anti-apoptotic proteins in BH3-mimetic-resistant cell lines. A venetoclax-resistant AML cell line showed increased levels of the DNA damage marker P-γ-H2Ax upon treatments containing venetoclax, as well as increased levels of cleaved-PARP1, indicating induction of apoptosis. RT-qPCR analyses revealed increased mRNA expression of PARP1 in two resistant cell lines, whereas no significant expression changes in other DNA repair mechanism genes on the transcriptional level. Conclusions– In BH3-mimetic-resistant AML cell lines, apoptosis is avoided through translational upregulation of un-inhibited anti-apoptotic members of the BCL-2 family, and this resistance can be countered by combination treatment for additional inhibition of the compensatory anti-apoptotic proteins. Venetoclax is still effective on cells resistant to it, by inducing DNA damage and sensitising these cells against inhibitors of the members of DNA repair pathway. The transcriptional upregulation of PARP1 and the increase in its auto-catalytic activity suggests the DNA damage-inducing effects of the triple combination treatment [Ven + Aza + Tal].
  • Reinikka, Siiri (2020)
    Endometrial polyps are one of the most common benign uterine lesions, affecting approximately 10% of all adult women. While endometrial polyps have a high prevalence, their molecular pathogenesis and genetic background are largely undefined. Accordingly, the aim of this thesis was to characterize the somatic mutational landscape of endometrial polyps – to identify mutations in cancer-associated genes, and to identify mutational signatures contributing towards the somatic mutational spectrum. The present study was conducted using whole exome sequencing of 23 endometrial polyps and 18 matching normal blood samples. Mutational signature analysis was conducted using MutationalPatterns and SigProfiler. Endometrial polyps were found to carry varying number of somatic mutations in their exomes, most of them present at a low allelic fraction. Moreover, 43% (10/23) of the polyps were identified to carry one to four cancer-associated mutations, including mutations in genes such as PIK3CA 17% (4/23), KRAS 13% (3/23) and ERBB1 9% (2/23), which are well-established cancer driver genes. Cancer-associated mutational signatures do not have a notable contribution towards the somatic mutational spectrum of endometrial polyps. However, a novel signature, ‘signature B’, characterized by T>G mutations, was found to affect a subset of polyp samples. To conclude, the whole exome sequencing of endometrial polyps revealed several mutations in cancer-associated genes and a novel mutational signature, which may contribute to the development of these benign tumours. However, further research is required to confirm and validate the novel signature, and to define the genetic alterations leading to the polyp pathogenesis.
  • Lamichane, Nicole (2019)
    Over the past years sugar consumption has seen great increases worldwide, together with a rise in the prevalence of metabolic diseases. There is a growing need for a comprehensive characterisation of the genes involved in sugar metabolism, yet the mechanisms by which cells sense and respond to sugars in vivo have remained incompletely understood. Here, I analyse members of a protein family best known for their regulation of differentiation during development with regards to their role in sugar metabolism. The Hairy and Enhancer of Split (HES) protein family are a group of basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors that function as major downstream effectors of the Notch signalling pathway. In mammals, the HES proteins have mostly been studied for their role in cell differentiation, but HES1 has been implicated in metabolic control. Drosophila has several transcription factors belonging to the HES family, including Hairy and seven bHLH transcription factors located in the Enhancer of split complex (E(spl)-C). The E(spl)-C bHLH transcription factors display high homology and are considered to be genetically redundant, and therefore little is known about their individual functions. The other HES family members in Drosophila have not previously been linked to metabolic regulation, but Hairy has been shown to repress the tricarboxylic acid cycle. In light of the findings implicating HES1 and Hairy in the regulation of metabolism, I systematically investigated the role of the HES transcription factors in sugar metabolism. By using the GAL4/UAS system in Drosophila melanogaster, I knocked down gene expression of each of the family members, and raised the flies on diets varying in sugar content to identify possible sugar intolerance phenotypes. Here, I show that knockdown of one of the E(spl)-C bHLH genes led to severe sugar intolerance that affected both survival and organismal growth, but did not alter the levels of circulating carbohydrates and storage lipids as measured with colorimetric assays and lipid staining. Furthermore, I identify the tissues in which this transcription factor functions to provide sugar tolerance. Using analysis of publically available chromatin-immunoprecipitation sequencing data coupled with quantitative RT-PCR, I uncover mTOR target Thor/4E-BP as a putative target gene. Additionally, I show that Hairy is similarly required for complete sugar tolerance, but that the mechanism differs from the E(spl)-C bHLH transcription factor. Hairy binds to and positively regulates expression of genes involved in glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway, suggestive of a cooperation with earlier known regulators of sugar sensing. In conclusion, I have shown that only two HES family members are involved in the regulation of sugar metabolism and that their regulatory mechanisms are distinct, implying that the HES family members have more diverse roles than previously assumed.
  • Larmala, Saara (2023)
    The field of gene technology, which falls under the umbrella of biotechnology, presents challenges in business development and commercialisation. Understanding the field characteristics is crucial for successful commercialisation, as it can significantly impact the available strategies for bringing products or services to market, ultimately shaping the business model. This study aims to investigate and understand the challenges associated with commercializing gene technology, including identifying any typical challenge profiles specific to the field and possibly arising from the biological material. The research involves semi-structured interviews with multiple companies, venture capitals, and experts in the field to gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges. The collected data is then analysed to identify common characteristics and business practices against a commercialisation model frame. The motivation behind this study is to provide researchers and other stakeholders with insights into the challenges they may face while commercializing gene technologies, with the aim of lowering the threshold for business creation. The findings reveal that there are two major groups of companies, each with their specific challenges. The challenges for the major group revolve around business know-how, HR, and sales, while the minor group faces challenges related to technology and regulation. However, a common theme is the limited market awareness among customers, which requires significant efforts in sales, marketing, and communications. The study provides guidance to company founders on the different challenges they should be prepared for and offers insights to society on how to harness the value of gene technologies.
  • Emre, Dusunceli (2022)
    The degree of neurogenesis in the adult hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG) is the center of the discussion in the field of adult neurogenesis. Although there is an on-going controversy, accumulating evidence suggests that the neural stem cells (NSCs) in the adult human DG are very few. The question remains open as to why there are so few NSCs in the adult human DG when compared with the rodent DG. In order to address these questions, it seems necessary to understand the developmental process of the NSCs in the adult human DG. In this thesis, the neural stem and progenitor cells in the fetal human DG are characterized. In addition to these findings, a semi-automatic method for counting and categorizing cells in their expressions of immunochemistry markers is developed.
  • Puutio, Johanna (2020)
    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are phospholipid bilayer-enclosed nanoparticles that are secreted by eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. EVs carry macromolecules and signalling molecules to adjacent cells and play an important role in intercellular communication under both pathologic and homeostatic conditions. Therefore, they have become of significant interest for their therapeutic, diagnostic and prognostic potential. EVs are small and highly heterogeneous in size, shape, cargo and membrane composition, posing several challenges for establishing analytical and clinical guidelines. Therefore, EV research requires standardized and robust methods for their separation and characterization. In this study physical and immunochemical methods were employed to characterize human platelet-derived EVs (pEVs) generated from platelets activated with different external biochemical stimuli. The platelet-activating effect of the pro-inflammatory S100A8/A9 protein complex and a combination of thrombin and collagen were studied with nano flow cytometry. The size distribution of pEVs was studied with nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) and asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (AF4), which represents a newly emerging method on the EV field. Finally, fluorescent labelling and co-localization analysis were employed to characterize membrane marker composition of pEVs and assess its usefulness as an analytic tool for EV research. We succeeded in providing new hints towards meaningful discoveries in platelet biology by characterizing the way platelets respond to inflammatory and hemostatic signals by shedding pEVs. When platelet activation markers are characterized with flow cytometry, the S100A8/A9 protein appeared to cause a shift in membrane activation markers when compared to the thrombin- collagen mix and the baseline control. Increased TLT-1 translocation and decreased integrin αIIbβ3 expression on pEV surfaces suggests that S100A8/A9 induced pEV secretion through differently packed platelet α-granules, rather than from the plasma membrane. An increase in TLT-1 expression compared to decreased P-selectin and αIIbβ3 suggests that S100A8/A9 stimulation shifts platelet phenotype towards secretion rather than aggregation. A protocol for small pEV separation with AF4-MALS was set up. With this method, subtle differences between small pEV populations were seen that were not distinguishable with NTA or flow cytometry. When investigated with AF4-MALS, S100A8/A9 induced pEVs appeared larger than those produced with thrombin- collagen activation. The mean particle sizes of the pEV populations obtained from activated platelets were generally also larger than those produced without an activator. We tested novel methods to detect subtle differences in small EV population sizes that are easily missed with conventional methods due to their technical limitations. A well-optimised AF4 protocol can detect different pEV subpopulations and is a promising tool for EV. In the future, when AF4 is combined with a MALS detector and a fraction collector, nanoimaging of fluorescently labelled EVs could be combined with it as a downstream application to obtain information on their versatile biological functions.
  • Rönkkö, Julius (2020)
    Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is a collective name for inherited neuropathies affecting the peripheral nerves. CMT affects 1:2500 children and adults worldwide. The disease is genetically highly heterogeneous, and the pathogenic mechanisms are largely unknown. Thus far, there is no cure known for the Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Therefore, the study of the genetic factors involved in the disease and the understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms will benefit the development of strategies to prevent or treat these diseases. In this thesis, a new candidate gene for CMT was investigated in patient fibroblasts. The novel gene variant was originally found at University of Helsinki in a pair of Finnish brothers with CMT; and in later examinations, in their affected family members. The gene encodes an ER calcium channel receptor that is responsible for Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and plays an important role in the regulation of various cellular processes. In this thesis, I studied the effect of the variant in patient fibroblasts by Western blotting, quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-qPCR) and calcium imaging. I also knocked down the gene using siRNA in healthy fibroblasts to investigate if the loss of the receptor has a similar effect on calcium signaling as the patient variant. My results showed that siRNA treatment significantly decreased the targeted protein levels and delayed the ATP-evoked Ca2+ release from ER without profound effect on the amplitude of the release. Similar effects of the studied mutation were observed in one patient cell line, but not in the other. Patient cell line, which did not have alterations in the levels of the protein and Ca2+ release, had elevated levels of mRNA of the affected gene. The results suggest that the gene variant does not impair the total volume of the ATP-evoked Ca2+ release from ER. The possible effect of the studied mutation may be related to the decreased levels of the mutated protein, which at the functional level may affect the timing of total Ca2+ release from ER. However, the functional effect of the variant could not be confirmed with the fibroblast cells; further experiments are needed to clearly confirm the variant’s effect on calcium signaling.
  • Kemppinen, Jasmin (2020)
    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are one of the prominent groups of signal compounds that are produced in stress conditions such as excess light. Nuclear protein RADICAL-INDUCED CELL DEAT (RCD1) is sensitive to ROS and controls the expression of organelle components, e.g. mitochondrial alternative oxidases (AOX), thus balancing the redox-status of a plant cell. Plants have fast responses to fluctuating light conditions that happen even before gene expression: i.e. readjusting the capability to receive light energy between the two photosystems by state transitions and increasing the capacity to remove excess energy by non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). Various small auxiliary proteins function in these fast acclimation events. However, many of them are identified on gene level only. The goal of this master’s thesis is to describe the role of a hypothetical protein, PPD8 in Arabidopsis thaliana. We evaluate how PPD8 is associated with RCD1 and a chloroplast thiol-regulator enzyme NTRC. We created double (rcd1 ppd8) and triple mutant plant lines (rcd1 ppd8 ntrc) by crossing single knockout lines ppd8, rcd1 and ntrc. Photosynthetic performance, NPQ and sensitivity to ROS were observed in each line by using two different chlorophyll fluorescence measurement methods: pulse-amplitude-modulation (PAM) and novel OJIP imaging fluorometry. The leaves were exposed to methyl viologen (MV), which accelerates the chloroplastic ROS production in light, and also to hypoxic conditions in order to study how the effect of MV is altered in low concentrations of oxygen. Additionally, we examined the amount of photosynthetic proteins and stoichiometry of photosystems in ppd8, rcd1 and rcd1 ppd8 by immunological methods. Finally, PPD8 gene with attached hemagglutinin encoding tags was generated by cloning and reintroduced back to the ppd8 knockout lines. Plants lacking RCD1 are very tolerant against MV and ROS, but when rcd1 was crossed with ppd8 the resistance was suppressed. Both rcd1 ppd8 and ppd8 exhibited elevated chlorophyll fluorescence and NPQ values. The removal of PPD8 gene had an impact on the abundance and the stoichiometry of photosynthetic proteins reducing the plants’ performance. When RCD1, PPD8 and NTRC were simultaneously absent the plants had major defects: their NPQ and fluorescence values were drastically increased. Furthermore, several results hinted towards possible issues in the function of ATP synthase in ppd8 background plants. It is also known that NTRC regulates ATP synthase: taken together, the results suggest that PPD8 is necessary for a fully operative ATP synthase and photosynthetic machinery. By reintroducing PPD8 to knockout line ppd8, the phenotype could be reverted back to wild type -like, thus confirming the significance of the PPD8 gene product in plant.