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Browsing by study line "Miljöförändring"

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  • Järvinen, Riikka (2022)
    Urban greenspaces are valuable resources for humans and are an integral part of the urban landscape. They are also popular sites for various social and cultural activities, such as dog walking. Dog ownership rates are increasing globally at a rapid rate, hence increasing the dog populations within urban cities. The increasing number of dogs could potentially have negative consequences to the quality of urban parks. Furthermore, there is a lack of research on the impacts of dogs on urban environments. The aim of this study is to gain a better understanding of the impacts of dogs on path-side soils in urban greenspaces. Soil samples were collected from both Helsinki and Lahti. The impact of dog urine was studied by comparing path-side soil samples between areas with high dog activity (i.e., parks) and similar areas with low to no dog activity (i.e., cemeteries). Soil samples were collected three times during the growing season in 2021 at three different treatments: close by 1) an evergreen tree, 2) a lamppost, and 3) a lawn area. The samples were analyzed for soil pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter, soil moisture, NO3--N, and NH4+-N. Net N mineralization and net nitrification rates were also calculated. The results indicated that dog urine is a significant contributor to the input of nitrogen in urban parks. Soil NO3-N and NH4+-N concentrations were significantly higher in parks than in cemeteries and exhibited clear seasonal trends. Soil pH was generally lower and electrical conductivity higher in parks than in cemeteries. Poles and trees exhibited the greatest concentrations, suggesting that the impact of dog urine is highly localized around path-side objects. None of the treatments in cemeteries showed little to no changes throughout the growing season. Lastly, the net nitrification rates were significantly higher in parks during spring and summer. In contrast, net mineralization rates were generally higher in cemeteries than parks. These results confirm that urban planners need to take into consideration the impact of dogs to mitigate any potential negative consequences to the quality of urban parks.
  • Lahin, Tuuli (2023)
    Due to population growth, urbanization, and increase in life expectancy, the urban population is growing, and by 2050 68% of the global population is expected to live in urban areas. Even though the air quality in urban settings has greatly improved in recent decades due to increased legislation, restriction, and monitoring, the negative health impacts associated with pollutants have not completely diminished. Air quality varies on a local scale due to urban form and function, that creates differences in experienced exposure among individuals. These exposure differences among socio-economic groups have been studied, but no clear consensus has been found, as the results have been very diverse and even contradictory. Therefore, conducting local level studies is important in order to identify local patterns of exposure and to recognize them in urban planning. However, previous literature on the topic in Finnish context is lacking. This thesis studies interpolated air pollutant exposure among one susceptible socio-economic group – the elderly – and aims to identify possible hotspots of both in Helsinki, Finland. The distribution of the elderly and air quality is assessed through Moran’s I calculations. Global Moran’s I is used to assess for spatial autocorrelation, and local Moran’s I is applied to identify local clusters. To further examine the relationship, correlation coefficients are calculated through Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. According to the results, there is a weak positive correlation between the elderly and air quality, indicating that generally air quality tends to be worse when the number of elderly people increase. However, the relationship is stronger among younger age groups, although the differences between age groups is very small. The exposure was also assessed through overlapping high value clusters, which indicate that elderly clusters in the city center are located in areas with low air quality, while elderly clusters in Lauttasaari and Vuosaari are located in areas with good air quality. Previous studies regarding the relationship between age and air pollution exposure have been contradicting in different cities, and therefore these results provide important knowledge about the problem specifically in the context of Helsinki. Additionally, the results are be observed in the light of the larger discourse around socio-economic status and air pollution, but further studies on the topic are still needed. Including multiple socio-economic variables and the dimension of negative health outcomes would aid in identifying 1) the most important socio-economic factors in the context of negative health outcomes associated with air pollution, and 2) those areas where multiple important socio-economic factors and low air quality are overlapping and therefore might have higher risk for negative health outcomes.
  • Berglund, Nora (2022)
    In Finland and in many other European countries, indoor housing of dairy cattle has been increasing at the expense of grazing. According to Finnish legislation, only dairy cows housed in tie-stalls are obligated to graze for 60 days per year between May and September. Pressure to intensify production leads to increase in herd sizes, regional concentration, lack of suitable pastureland near large barns, and automation of milking. Conversely, grazing is regarded as important for animal welfare, maintenance of biodiversity and cultural landscapes. Farmer perceptions towards grazing have not been studied in Finland comprehensively, which need to be understood better in order to provide adequate support for sustainable management of grazing. The research aims at gaining understanding of the external and internal factors driv- ing the farm-level decision making related to grazing regimes. Concept of good farming ideal is used to examine farmers’ decision-making. The data was collected from 26 cattle farms with a gradient of grazing from zero to maximum. Firstly, an online questionnaire was sent out to farmers and secondly, semi-structured inter- views were conducted with 7 dairy producers, to further explore farmer views about grazing, biodiversity, and animal welfare. The results show farmers who practice grazing to perceive it more positively than the farmers who do not graze. Some of the farmers who grazed seemed to consider it almost as an intrinsic value, whereas farmers with no grazing saw it as an inef- ficient production method, which they were afraid would become an obligation. The most im- portant internal factors driving decision-making about grazing based on the questionnaire and interviews, were animal welfare, decreased workload because of grazing, infrastructure of the farm, economic aspects, and benefits of grazing to biodiversity and landscape values. Exter- nal factors found to affect the decision of grazing were incentives, regulations, and consumer expectations. Animal welfare was found to be a basis for production for many and the most important feature valued for good farming, to which grazing was seen to contribute. The re- sults imply subsidies regarding grazing should be higher for grazing to be considered profita- ble and more enjoyable by farmers.
  • Dunkel, Eveliina (2023)
    Urban areas have a central role in human’s impacts on the planet. A persistent, fundamental and systemic transformation of urban areas to be more sustainable is a widely recognized pursuit. Involving a variety of stakeholders in decision-making and discussing how, why, and to whose benefit urban areas should be changed is central for governing urban transformations. The study elaborates which features and negotiations key stakeholders relate to sustainable urban transformation. This is done through a frame analysis, and a serious game is used in data collection to facilitate discussion between participants. The results of this study show how urban sustainability and transformation can be framed in many ways that highlight different aspects. Role of private businesses, a competitive setting between cities, trust between different groups and accountability to citizens are elaborated in the negotiations on sustainable urban areas. Urban transformation is discussed especially related to low-carbon traffic, greening urban areas, preventing climate-change related flooding, adding possibilities to participate decision-making and more adaptive city planning. The study concludes that open communication between stakeholders of urban transformation is crucial to build trust and understanding between groups, but demand for openness may contradict with the interest for urban areas to appear in good light to and desirable for businesses and new residents.
  • Vielmaa, Johanna (2024)
    Phosphorus loading through agricultural runoff and erosion induce eutrophication in waterbodies. Weather conditions outside the growing season are major drivers for phosphorus loss from agricultural fields. Overwinter cover crops are utilized to prevent phosphorus and nitrogen nutrient loading and to gain other benefits, such as increased soil organic carbon content and microbial diversity and improved soil structure. However, vegetation can release easily soluble phosphorus after exposure to freeze-thaw cycles (FTC) and, therefore, increase the amount of phosphorus entering waterways. Different species respond to FTC with varying intensity, making some species more preferable for overwinter vegetation cover. The objective of this study was to determine FTC effect on twelve different cover crop species’ shoot-induced phosphorus runoff risk and cover crops’ effect on soil phosphorus runoff risk after FTC with and without P-fertilization. Cover crop species, field mustard (Brassica rapa), oil radish (Raphanus sativus), Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum), rye (Secale cereale), tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea), timothy (Phleum pratense), hairy vetch (Vicia villosa), honey clover (Melilotus albus), red clover (Trifolium pratense), white clover (Trifolium repens), buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) and lacy phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia), were grown in a greenhouse after which half of the replicate pots were exposed to FTC consisting of 6 cycles (-2°C for 24 h, 4°C for 24 h). One extreme freeze-thaw event was added by freezing the shoot and soil samples (-20°C) after sampling. Compared to bare soil, presence of cover crops and different cover crop species did not affect freezing-induced phosphorus runoff risk in soil indicated by soil easily soluble phosphorus concentration. FTC increased shoot-induced phosphorus runoff risk, indicated by shoot water-extractable phosphorus concentration, in all cover crops, except for P-fertilized lacy phacelia. Based on estimated field scale shoot water-extractable phosphorus pools, buckwheat had greatest risk for shoot-induced phosphorus runoff after FTC. The cover crop species with lowest shoot-induced phosphorus runoff risk following FTC were tall fescue and honey clover. P-fertilization had only minor effect on CC shoot- and soil-induced overwinter phosphorus runoff risk. The results of this study can be used for planning cover crop cultivation for overwinter vegetation cover in agricultural fields located near waterways where loss of dissolved phosphorus is significant concern.
  • Tikka, Suvi (2022)
    Biohiilet ovat biomassasta pyrolysoitua hiilirikasta materiaalia. Biohiiliä voidaan käyttää maanparannukseen sekä maan hiilivarastojen kasvattamiseen ilmastonmuutoksen hillitsemiseksi. Biohiilet ovat rakenteeltaan erittäin pysyviä ja voivat pysyä maassa satoja tai jopa tuhansia vuosia. Tietoa biohiilen pitkäaikaisvaikutuksista boreaalisessa ilmastossa on kuitenkin vielä hyvin vähän. Tässä peltotutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin havupuubiohiilen vaikutuksia hiilirikkaassa peltomaassa yhdeksän vuotta biohiilen lisäyksen jälkeen. Biohiilen lisäystasoja 5 tai 10 t/ha vertailtiin yhdessä mineraalilannoituksen tasojen kanssa. Biohiilen lisäys nosti maan hiili/typpi-suhdetta sekä maan magnesium- ja natriumpitoisuuksia. Biohiili ei vaikuttanut maamurujen kestävyyteen, maaperän kosteuspitoisuuteen, maan hiilipitoisuuteen tai ohran satobiomassaan. Biohiilellä ja lannoituksella ei havaittu merkitseviä yhteisvaikutuksia, lukuun ottamatta kahta mittausviikkoa, jolloin biohiili tasasi lannoitustasojen välillä olevia eroja maan kosteudessa. Biohiilen vähäiset vaikutukset maassa johtuivat todennäköisesti sen kulkeutumisesta syvemmälle maahan. Tutkimusruutujen maa oli lisäksi hyvärakenteista, multavaa ja ravinteikasta peltomaata, jossa biohiilien vaikutukset eivät tule helposti näkyviin. Puubiohiilellä ei havaittu olevan negatiivisia vaikutuksia maahan, joten se on turvallinen tapa nostaa maan hiilivarastoja pohjoisissa olosuhteissa. Biohiilten pitkäaikaisvaikutuksista boreaalisella peltomaalla tarvitaan lisää tietoa.
  • Aarrelahti, Emmi (2023)
    Achieving the global 1,5 degrees Celsius climate target requires the contributions of several societal actors to reduce emissions. Several actors have started to work to untangle the emissions of their operations and abate them. The Turku and Kaarina parish union, which operates in Southwest Finland, has also set a personal goal to reduce its emissions, aiming to be a carbon-neutral organization by 2029. The purpose of this thesis is to find out the carbon footprint and the forests’ carbon sinks of Turku and Kaarina parish union and make the carbon neutrality roadmap with some examples of how to achieve the parish union’s carbon neutrality goal of 2029. In addition, the thesis examines through the selected case study the organization’s methodology of the carbon footprint and the realization of the carbon neutrality goals. Both the parish union’s carbon footprint and the forests’ carbon sinks are calculated for the year 2022. The materials of carbon footprint consist of the activity data of the parish union and the emission factors. The calculation of the carbon footprint is carried out based on the international standards, Greenhouse Gas Protocol, and ISO 14046. The forests’ carbon sinks are calculated based on the parish union’s information on its forestry management of 2022 and the research of Natural Resources Institute Finland about the carbon sinks and stocks of local parishes of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland of 2021. The estimate of gross emissions of Turku and Kaarina parish union for 2022 is approximately 4985 tCO2e. The biggest emission groups are procurements, real estate, and travel. The size of the forests’ carbon sinks is approximately 1176 tCO2e, offsetting about 24–29 % of the gross emissions depending on the parish union’s carbon neutrality targets. Based on the union’s carbon neutrality goal, the net emissions should still be reduced by about 2261 tCO2e and offset by about 551 tCO2e. The realization of Turku and Kaarina parish union’s carbon neutrality goal would require significant emission reductions, especially from the biggest emission groups. Because the union has already executed a major portion of the easiest emission reductions of the union’s operations, the realization of new and large emission reductions is challenging to implement only in six or seven years. In addition, the realization of the carbon neutrality goal is hampered for instance the different limitations and uncertainties related to the carbon footprint calculation, stability of forests’ carbon sinks, and the practical implementation of the roadmap. However, the carbon neutrality goal of the Turku and Kaarina parish union will be progressing particularly with the successfully implemented sustainability transformation and transition and the Church’s environment diploma, supporting the Church’s environmental education, and promoting wide-scale societal transformation towards the climate-neutral life.
  • Ahonen, Veronica (2019)
    Permafrost peatlands have the capacity to store significant amounts of carbon, and thus they act as important controllers of the climate. Approximately 14% of the world’s soil organic carbon pool is stored in permafrost peatlands, which are sensitive to climatic fluctuations due to their location in the high latitudes of the subarctic zone. Permafrost peatlands also act as a habitat for a large number of moisture-sensitive organisms, such as bryophytes and testate amoebae, which can be used to study how the hydrology of peatlands has changed and will continue to change throughout time, giving us an opportunity to predict the future of peatlands under a changing climate. In this Master’s Thesis I examined the testate amoebae composition and used these species as indicators to study hydrological fluctuations from three subarctic permafrost peatland cores extracted from Taavavuoma and Abisko in northern Sweden. The species compositions were combined with radiocarbon (14C) and lead (210Pb) dates to reconstruct the past water table levels for the late Holocene, spanning four climatic periods. The reconstructions were then compared to past studies on testate amoebae to understand how permafrost peatlands and their species assemblages respond to changes in the hydrology of the active layer of the peat. Out of the study sites only the Taavavuoma cores spanned the Dark Age Cold Period (DACP) and Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA). Species compositions in both cores indicated fluctuating water tables during the DACP, but during the MCA the results began to contradict with one site showing a wetter, and the other a drier MCA. Two out of three study sites indicated a wetter Little Ice Age and a drier Post-Industrial Warming, supporting past studies indicating similar results, whereas one study site gave opposite results. The results indicated large variability in testate amoebae assemblages throughout time, indicating that the hydrology of peatlands can change very abruptly and vary considerably even on a local scale. Modelling is however complicated by the poorly known ecology of testate amoebae, which is why a multi-proxy approach is essential to reliably predict the future fate of permafrost peatlands.
  • Boxström, Agneta (2021)
    Abstract: Northern boreal peatlands form one of the biggest carbon pools in the biosphere, thus having great potential to cause major changes to the global carbon cycle. The ongoing recent warming may affect the carbon dynamics though factors, such as, vegetation, hydrology and permafrost balance. As the future is still uncertain there are no definitive answers on how the peatlands will react in the future. Fortunately, moisture sensitive organisms such as, bryophytes and testate amoeba is preserved in the peat and can therefore be used to reconstruct past climatic shifts. In this thesis I studied palaeohydrology and peat accumulation over the last two millennia, from three peat cores originating in a permafrost peatland in Rogovaya, Russia. I used testate amoeba as a proxy of past moisture conditions and plotted the taxa composition of each core against 14C and 210Pb dated samples, to reconstruct past moisture shifts. The results were also supplemented by plant macrofossil and carbon accumulation data for more robust results. Of the three cores, Rog11 provided the oldest testate amoeba dataset by reaching the Dark Ages Cold Period. During this period there were indications of dry moisture conditions followed by a wet Medieval Warm Period. The Little Ice Age gave indications of a drying trend, while toward the end of the LIA Rog8 indicated opposite moisture conditions. From the end of the LIA onwards a general trend of drying and increased carbon accumulated is noted. Yet, during the last decade the trend has turned. The wet shift might indicate that the threshold for the peatland has been reached and the amount of melting permafrost has exceeded the evapotranspiration rate. As a conclusion my result indicates that the dynamics of both hydrology and carbon are complicated processes affected by both autogenic and allogenic factors, therefore causing large variability even on a local scale. The absence of widely spread observations of the most recent wet shift also indicates that the response of the peatland to the recent warming might be unequal. To rectify this situation, continued research is crucial, so that we can increase our understanding of climate-peatland interactions.
  • Keränen, Fanny (2021)
    This study aimed to identify conservation landscapes with potential to be mutually beneficial for people and African savanna elephants (Loxodonta africana) in South Africa through spatial conservation planning analyses that integrate ecological and socioeconomic data. The research questions were: (i) what are the most ecologically suitable areas for the reintroduction of elephants, and (ii) which of these areas provide the best opportunities for also sustaining socioeconomic development of local people. The first question was answered with an ecological model that predicts habitat suitability for elephants, developed by a combination of literature review, expert opinion, and GIS-based methods. The second question was answered by combining the ecological model with socioeconomic criteria in Zonation spatial conservation planning software. The results show that the central part of South Africa holds most potential for elephant conservation as it has the largest uniform area of high-quality habitat, while the area also meets the socioeconomic criteria. The priority areas for the conservation of elephants were classified into top priority classes of 1%, 2%, 5%, 10% and 20%. The identified areas hold an unrealized opportunity in the wildlife and ecotourism sectors, and the reintroduction of elephants to those areas could provide the foundation for long-term economic activity of local communities e.g. in the form of elephant-based ecotourism, while contributing to the conservation of elephants. Conserving just the top 5% priority areas would grow South African protected area estate by approximately three million hectares and increase the current elephant range by approximately 75%. Ideally, the results of this study could be used to inform the on-going decision-making process on where to allocate resources for elephant conservation in South Africa.
  • Kavanagh, Kayleigh C (2022)
    Urban densification is resulting in the rapid loss of urban green spaces and their associated values. Moreover, the remaining urban green spaces are under increasing pressure to meet diverse resident needs and preferences. While past studies have investigated the intrinsic, instrumental, and relational values associated with such spaces, little attention has been paid to the sub-sets of relational values referred to a fundamental-relational (i.e., contributions toward enhanced social resilience) and eudemonic-relational values (i.e., actions, experiences, and habits linked to a “good life”). This study used public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS) surveys in a residential neighborhood of Helsinki, Finland to spatially explore and examine the differences between intrinsic, instrumental, fundamental-relational, and eudemonic-relational values in urban green spaces. I analyzed responses from residents and stakeholders (n = 1089) using Chi-square tests for significant associations and density-based clustering. Mapped values indicated that green spaces were primarily valued for their relational value, with an emphasis on eudemonic-relational values. Moreover, there were differences in the spatial distribution of instrumental, intrinsic, and relational values between green space types and values were spatially clustered by land use. Notably, there were few differences in how these values were assigned by different sociodemographic groups. I discuss the implications of these findings for local- and city-scale planning and the use of value typologies in PPGIS surveys. Further research in this field will benefit from the use of further value subcategories, increased geographic scale, and additional study of the influence of sociodemographic factors.
  • Wilson, Lina (2024)
    It has been argued that due to the specific characteristics of small islands, traditional concepts of sustainability cannot be applied to these territories. Instead, there is a need for a tailored approach. This thesis examines an approach for assessing small island sustainability, called habitability. The concept was created on the island of Kökar and then further developed by The Archipelago Institute at Åbo Akademi University. Habitability is described as a tool for developing islands and smaller communities, characterized by their presence to water. The framework states that sustainable societies must be habitable to survive, develop and keep their resilience. The habitability concepts aim to be an inclusive and transparent process, engaging the local island community and gathering local knowledge for the report. The thesis examines the habitability method across four research concepts: Citizen Science, Sustainability, Community Engagement, and Purpose. Local coaches from islands that have completed their reports were interviewed using a semi-structured interview style. Findings indicate that the method's reliance on local knowledge proves applicable and has several strengths. There were variations in sustainability discourse across sites, from a system-perspective to addressed criticism towards the concept of sustainability. In these cases, the report was proven supportive in talking more openly about sustainability issues. Community participation was mainly active, with the coaches emphasizing the importance of leadership and cooperation in driving change. The perceived purposes for the report were increasing knowledge, acting as a tool for future action and empowering islandness, aligning with proposed sustainability assessment purposes. The report's role in informing decision-making and potentially catalyzing political engagement is highlighted. Implications suggest that the habitability concept, grounded in local knowledge and community engagement, offers a rather flexible and participatory approach for assessing small island sustainability. However, challenges remain regarding data ambiguity and could possibly be improved through stakeholder training and follow-up. Further research is encouraged on participant diversity, motivations, and possible influence of project objectives on the results. In conclusion, it would be important to empower local knowledge and build collective resilience in addressing island sustainability challenges.
  • Oikarinen, Kaisa (2022)
    Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, millaisia kehyksiä ilmastoahdistus saa kahdeksassa, vuonna 2021 julkaistussa suomalaisessa podcast-jaksossa. Näin pyritään lisäämään ymmärrystä ilmastoahdistuksen ilmiöstä, sekä siitä, millaisia kehystyksiä aihe mediassa saa. Tutkimus on tehty laadullisella kehysanalyysilla, joka perustuu Erwin Goffmanin (1974) kehittämään kehysteoriaan ja sen myöhempiin sovellutuksiin. Lyhyesti sanottuna, tutkimus pohjaa siihen olettamukseen, jossa median tavat kehystää ja esittää jokin aihe tai asia ohjaavat sitä, millä tavalla asiat meille esitetään ja millaisina me asiat näemme. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin suoratoistopalvelu Spotifysta, Yle Areenasta ja Suplasta. Kehyksien muodostamisessa hyödynnettiin Robert Entmanin (1993) median kehysanalyysin periaatetta, jossa kehyksillä on neljä tarkoitusta: Ongelmien määritteleminen, ongelman aiheuttavien tekijöiden tunnistaminen, moraalisten arvioiden tekeminen sekä ratkaisujen ehdottaminen. Tutkimuksen tuloksena syntyi kolme kehystä, jotka nimettiin luonnollisen ilmastoahdistuksen, ilmastoahdistus sukupolvikysymyksenä sekä ilmastoahdistus tarvitsee vertaistukea, käsittelyä ja toimintaa kehyksiksi. Jokainen kehys kuvaa omalla tavallaan sitä, millaisena ilmastoahdistus nähdään viime aikaisissa podcast-keskusteluissa. Luonnollisen ilmastoahdistuksen kehyksessä korostuvat näkemykset siitä, kuinka ilmastoahdistus voidaan nähdä luonnollisena ja normaalina, sekä hyvänä reaktiona motivoivan vaikutuksensa kautta. Kaiken kaikkiaan kehys kuvaa ilmasto- ja ympäristöahdistuksen ilmiön monitahoisuutta ja yksilöllisyyttä, sekä pyrkii vahvistamaan näkemyksiä siitä, mitä ilmastoahdistus on ja mitä se ei ole. Lisäksi ilmastoahdistuksen sisältämä ahdistus sana kyseenalaistetaan. Ilmastoahdistus sukupolvikysymyksenä - kehys avaa puolestaan näkemyksiä nuorten ilmastoahdistuksen syihin ja korostumiseen, sekä ottaa kantaa aikaisempaan ilmastoahdistuskeskusteluun, joka joidenkin keskustelijoiden mielestä näyttäytyi ilmiötä vähättelevänä. Kokonaisuudessaan kehyksessä kuitenkin korostuu näkemys siitä, että ilmastoahdistus ei ole vain nuoria koskettava asia, vaikka se tällä hetkellä korostuu ja ilmenee eniten nuoremmissa sukupolvissa. Kehys ilmastoahdistus tarvitsee vertaistukea, käsittelyä ja toimintaa, tuo esiin keskustelijoiden näkemyksiä ja kokemuksia liittyen ilmastoahdistuksen käsittelyyn ja lievittämiseen, sekä osallistuu keskusteluun koskien ilmastotekojen merkityksellisyyttä. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella voidaan sanoa, että ilmastoahdistus saa vuonna 2021 julkaistuissa, suomalaisissa podcastkeskusteluissa monia eri sävyjä ja ilmastoahdistusta käsitellään niissä laajasti. Ja vaikka keskustelijoiden näkemykset ovat pitkälti linjassa ilmastoahdistusta käsittelevien julkaisujen kanssa, muutamia kiinnostavia ja tutkimattomiakin näkökulmia ja kehystyksiä ilmenee. Osaltaan tutkimuksen tulokset täydentävät kuvaa siitä, miten valtavirtamediaa hitaammat lajityypit – kuten podcastit – mukautuvat muualla esitettyihin määritelmiin ja kehystyksiin, mutta myös täydentävät niitä. Tällöin podcast-keskustelujen voidaan nähdä tarjoavan vaihtoehtoisia kehyksiä, jotka osittain haastavat ja täydentävät julkisuudessa hallitsevia kehyksiä.
  • Kangas, Jonna (2022)
    Climate change is expected to cause salinity change in the Baltic Sea and therefore may affect organisms living in the Baltic such as plankton. The microbial loop is an important part of the plankton food web. It consists of heterotrophic bacteria, nanoflagellates and ciliates and is connected with the classic plankton food chain through interactions with primary producers and mesozooplankton. Therefore, salinity affects the functioning of the microbial food web not only directly, but also through salinity induced changes on primary producers and mesozooplankton. In this master’s thesis I studied the effects of salinity change on microbial loop components bacteria, nanoflagellates and ciliates in an outdoor mesocosm experiment containing four salinity treatments with salinities of 3.5, 5.5, 7.5 and 9.5, three replicas each. The experiment took place offshore at the Tvärminne Zoological Station. Bacteria were sampled from the mesocosms every other day and nanoflagellates and ciliates every 6th day. Bacteria were analysed with the flow cytometer, nanoflagellates with epifluorescent microscopy and ciliates using an inverted microscope. The effects of salinity on microbial loop components were statistically tested using linear mixed effects models. Results of the experiment show that salinity had an indirect effect on microbial loop components through changes in mesozooplankton composition. There were significant differences between high and low salinity treatments in bacteria abundance and composition, the interaction strength between HNFs and bacteria and in the mean cell size of ciliate communities. These were mainly caused by differences in mesozooplankton community structure between salinity treatments, which had cascading effects on the strength of top-down and bottom-up control on the trophic levels of the microbial loop, leading to changes in bacteria abundances and composition. Based on the results of this thesis, more studies are needed to detect the effects that changes in the composition and functioning of the microbial loop might have on the ecosystem. Further research should also focus on the significance of the structure and diversity of the communities within the microbial loop as well as the functional roles of different species in the microbial food web.
  • Marttunen, Sofia (2024)
    Peatlands are a significant carbon and nitrogen reservoirs, making them potential sources of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. Variations in water table level change the oxygen content of peat, affecting the oxidation-reduction or redox state of the peat, which is known to influence the biochemical processes and thus greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of controlled anoxic redox conditions and inorganic electron acceptors (TEAs) on redox potential (Eh), and N2O, CH4, and CO2 emissions. In this study during an anaerobic incubation experiment, the rates of formation of these GHGs and Eh values as a function of time were measured from drained (D) and undrained (UD) peat of three nutrient levels: mesotrophic (ME), oligotrophic (OL), and ombrotrophic (OM). Redox conditions were controlled to three levels by nitrate (NO3-), ferric iron (Fe3+), and sulphate (SO42-). In addition, measurements were performed on untreated (Ctrl) peat. The peat was in an anoxic state throughout the incubation (Eh < 300 mV) and the values were in the order of TEA reduction, even though they were mainly in the iron and manganese reduction zones, probably due to the naturally high iron content of the peat. As expected, N2O formation was highest in flasks with added NO3-, and N2O formation was weak and ceased without addition. CH4 formation was reduced in flasks with added NO3- or SO42-, and SO42- addition also inhibited CO2 formation on which NO3- addition had no effect. In contrast, the addition of Fe3+ increased both CO2 and CH4 formation compared to Ctrl treatment, and it is possible that methanogens were involved in the reduction of Fe3+. In Ctrl flask, the redox state did not decrease to the lowest level compared to the other treatments as expected, but the Ctrl treated UD ME peat had the highest CH4 formation at the end of incubation. For all treatments, GHG emissions were higher from nutrient-rich peat in the descending order ME > OL > OM. In general, UD peat also had higher gas formation than D peat. All GHGs were formed the most while Eh values were around 0 mV and the value was especially high for CH4 formation, probably due to the linkage between methanogens and iron. The poor ability of the Pt electrode to detect NO3- or oxygen was the most likely reason for the variable and low Eh values of the flasks with NO3- addition. For the same reason, oxygen leakage of the anaerobic chamber was most likely responsible for the varying Eh values measured from Ctrl treated OM peat. This study suggests that Eh measurement is a useful predictor of the redox state and reactions, but it must be considered together with other measurements and analyses such as microbial analysis, nutrient analysis, and GHG measurements to predict redox processes and GHG emissions in anaerobic peatland. In particular, the role of iron on CH4 emissions requires further research.
  • Keinänen, Milka (2020)
    High Nature Value (HNV) farming systems hold significant natural values but have decreased drastically during the process of agricultural modernization. Biodiversity in Europe is dependent on these extensively farmed areas because they maintain habitats for many endangered species; e.g. 30% of Europe's butterfly species have declining populations and most live in natural and semi-natural habitats. European common agricultural policy (CAP) favour conventional agriculture, leading HNV agriculture in a foul position. HNV areas are often abandoned or replaced with intensive farming practices. Participatory agricultural innovation processes offer solutions to the distress of HNV farmlands. In these processes different actors – such as farmers, entrepreneurs, advisors, NGO and municipality representatives – are brought together to find localized solutions to the challenges of the area. HNV-Link project was active during years 2016-2019 identifying, developing and improving innovations in ten European HNV farming areas. In this thesis I examine the success of innovations in seven Learning Areas (LA) in terms of socio-economic viability, environmental conservation and cultural region. The data in this thesis is both quantitative and qualitative. I use mixed methods- approach where the statistical analysis and qualitative content analysis support each other. I carried out a survey for the LA coordinators where they responded how was the impact of the innovations to social, economic and environmental wellbeing. I complement the survey with data gathered by the project in 2016-2017. I conduct a qualitative content analysis to innovation fiches using Atlas.ti programme and a statistical analysis with IMB SPSS statistics programme with non-parametric tests. I compare the relation of socio-economic and environmental impact of the innovations, explicit aim of HNV conservation, recognition of environmental topics in the fiches and cultural region. Innovations were successful both socio-economically and environmentally. There was a possible synergy between economic and environmental impacts, which indicates economic viability of the LA’s improving HNV conservation. Innovations with explicit HNV conservation objective had more positive environmental impact than the ones without. Innovations with high recognition of environmental themes in fiches had slightly more positive environmental impact, but the difference was so weak that they fail to express the environmental outcomes reported in the survey. Congruent patterns didn’t occur inside cultural regions which might be due to the similarities of the areas or small sample size. The results display the inherent unpredictability of innovation processes, and the importance of holistic understanding and long-term monitoring of them.
  • Winquist, Emelie (2021)
    The heath vegetation in the Jauristunturit study area is highly affected by the reindeer fence that was built in the mid-1950s between Finland and Norway, to prevent summer grazing in the Norwegian side. In the study area, the Finnish and Norwegian pastures are used during different seasons, causing differences in reindeer grazing history, and with time differences in vegetation. Additionally, local topography also impacts the vegetation composition and structure creating variation in local vegetation patterns. My research questions are: How vegetation patterns differ between summer- and winter- grazed areas, and which plant functional groups have the most significant difference? How local topography affects vegetation patterns, and does the effect of topography differ between summer and winter pastures? The data was collected from five 400 m long transects that crossed the fence and had vegetation plots with 10-m intervals. The %-cover and height of each vascular plant, bryophyte, and lichen species were estimated from 0.25 m2 plots. Later, species data was grouped into functional groups and general linear models were used to analyze differences in cover, height, species number, biomass, and leaf-area indices between countries. Topography indices were calculated in GIS for each plot and analyzed with random forest models to find out the most important topography indices explaining vegetation patterns. The vegetation data was collected by four teams, and therefore, the comparability in the collected data between teams was analyzed. Significant vegetation differences were found in the ground layer, with higher cover and biomass of bryophytes on the Finnish side (mean biomass 168.2 vs. 65.2 g m-2). Reindeer lichens were more abundant on the Norwegian side (mean biomass 197.0 vs. 2.9 g m-2) which is visible in aerial and satellite images and in the field. Among vascular plants, evergreen dwarf shrubs had higher biomass and leaf area index on the Finnish side and dwarf birch had higher cover and height on the Norwegian side. Topography indices had a higher level of variance explained on the Norwegian side, and higher at the ground layer compared to vascular plants. Elevation had the greatest impact on vegetation, and after that, topography protection index for 50 m and depth to water stream network for 2 and 10 ha. The differences between data collectors were not considered to have a major impact on the results. The results indicate that there are significant differences in vegetation between summer- and winter-grazed areas, mainly in the ground layer, and most differences are caused by differences in reindeer grazing history, but also local topography has an impact.
  • Escanciano Gomez, Alfredo (2022)
    The Baltic Sea is undergoing changes due to climate change, including an increase in its temperature. This may in turn lead to changes in the traits of the species that inhabit it, including non-endemic, invasive species. Palaemon elegans is a species native to the Atlantic Ocean that has been present in the Baltic Sea since the beginning of this century. Abilities such as high thermal tolerance make it successful in colonising new ecosystems like the brackish waters of this sea. However, less is known about the behavioural traits’ adaptions to these changes. This study aims then to find out how climate change may affect the behaviour of this species. To do so, five behaviours expressed by this species were observed and analysed to see how temperature change, seabed composition and body size influence their expression. The behaviours analysed were aggressiveness, movement frequency, reaction to food stimulus, number of feeding interactions and shelter-seeking. Analyses were conducted using ten-minute videos with ten specimens of P. elegans placed in water tanks and interacting in ecosystems representations with elements typical of the seabed where this species lives, both vegetation and rocks. Student's t-tests in R were then performed to test the significance of possible differences between the behaviours studied and the three parameters that may influence their expression. The results obtained show that the increase in water temperature might indeed lead to an increase in the frequency of the five behaviours studied except in aggressiveness. On the other hand, it was found that the composition of the ecosystem does not have a significant influence overall, while body size has a major influence on feeding related behaviours. Therefore,knowing more about changes in the behavior of species susceptible to climate change can be helpful to understand how biodiversity and its distribution will vary in the not so distant and changing future and what consequences it may generate at the ecosystem level.
  • Eerola, Emmi (2021)
    Kaikkien lauhkealla vyöhykkeellä elävien eliöiden täytyy sopeutua ympäristöolosuhteiden suureen vaihteluun vuodenaikojen mukaan. Vuodenaikaan liittyviin muutoksiin kuuluvat muun muassa lämpötilan ja valoisuuden vaihtelut, jotka ovat selkeitä myös järvissä veden alla. Lämpötilan, ravinteiden ja valon määrät vaikuttavat järven tuottavuuteen ja siten moniin muihin tekijöihin, myös kalojen ravinnon määrään. Eri kalalajit ovat sopeutuneet erilaisiin olosuhteisiin, joissa ne pärjäävät parhaiten, ja jokaisella lajilla on oma optimilämpötilansa. Kalat ovat aktiivisimmillaan niille sopivien olosuhteiden aikaan, mikä useimmilla lajeilla on kesä, jolloin ravintoakin on saatavilla enemmän. Suurin osa kalatutkimuksista tehdään yleensä kesällä avoveden aikaan, koska se on helpompaa ja talvella kalojen ei ajatella olevan tutkimuksen arvoisia. Suuri osa maailman järvistä kuitenkin on jääpeitteen alla osan vuodesta ja talvi on iso osa kalojen elämää, minkä vuoksi niiden tutkiminen vuoden ympäri on tärkeää. Tämän tutkimuksen neljä pääkysymystä olivat: 1. Millä tavalla eri kalalajien, lahkojen, sekä lämpötila- ja ravintokiltojen osuudet saaliista muuttuvat eri vuodenaikoina? 2. Kuinka paljon yksikkösaalis muuttuu vuoden aikana? 3. Miten kalojen koko ja kuntokerroin muuttuvat vuoden aikana? 4. Mitkä eri ympäristö- ja biologiset tekijät selittävät yksikkösaaliin muutoksia? Koekalastusta tehtiin vuosina 2020-2021 vuoden ajan koekalastusverkkosarjalla kolmessa habitaatissa: litoraalissa, profundaalissa ja pelagiaalissa. Joka kuukausi kalastettiin vähintään kolmen päivän ajan. Jokaiselle saadulle kalalle määritettiin laji, pituus, paino ja kuntokerroin ja jokaiselle yksittäiselle pyyntikerralle laskettiin yksikkösaalis. Kalastuksen lisäksi Pääjärvestä otettiin joka kuukausi fysikaaliskemiallisia mittauksia. Koekalastuksen tulosten mukaan selvästi runsain kala Pääjärvessä oli särki, toiseksi runsain kala oli kappalemääränä ahven ja biomassana kuha. Talvea kohti särjen ja ahvenen määrät laskivat, kun taas kuhan, kiisken ja mateen osuudet saaliista nousivat. Selvästi runsain kalalahko vuoden kokonaissaaliissa oli karppikalat, vaikka ahvenkalat olikin runsain lahko loppukesällä ja lopputalvella. Lämpimänveden kaloja oli muita lämpötilakiltoja enemmän koko vuoden saaliissa, vain helmikuussa viileänveden kaloja oli enemmän, kun kiiski oli kuukauden runsain kala. Petokalojen kappalemääräosuus saaliista oli jokaisena kuukautena muita ravintokiltoja pienempi, mutta talvella petokalojen biomassaosuus saaliista oli suurin. Yksikkösaalis oli alhaisimmillaan jääpeitteisinä kuukausina ja suurimmillaan kesällä. Kalojen keskikoko oli talvella kesää suurempi ja kuntokerroin alhaisempi. Kappaleyksikkösaaliin muutoksia eniten selittivät kuntokerroin, lämpötila, typpipitoisuus ja pH, kun taas biomassayksikkösaaliin muutoksia eniten selittivät kuntokerroin, lumensyvyys, lämpötila ja kokonaishiili. Pääjärven kalayhteisön rakenteessa tapahtui muutoksia vuodenaikojen välillä. Selkein muutos oli yksikkösaaliin muutos kesän ja talven välillä. Pääjärven lisäksi ympärivuotista kalatutkimusta pitäisi tehdä morfologisilta ja fysikaaliskemiallisilta piirteiltään erilaisissa järvissä, jotta saataisiin tietoa, miten kalayhteisö reagoi eri vuodenaikoihin eri olosuhteissa.
  • Sarajärvi, Aija (2021)
    Climate change is one of the biggest global threats. Food production is one of the most significant sources of greenhouse gas emissions. It has been estimated that food systems account for 19 – 29 % of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Many studies have shown that products of animal origin cause more environmentally harmful emissions than plant-based products. In order to reach the 1,5 degree target, diets need to become more sustainable and more plant-based. The life cycle of food is being studied more today to identify their climate and environmental impact. The purpose of this study was to determine life cycle assessment of a plant-based protein product. The life cycle assessment started with the initial production and ended with the finished product in the factory. The study did not take into account the transport of products to stores and consumer activities. The study examined six different scenarios, which were e.g. dealing with the conversion of mixed electricity to wind power and the impact of the new alternative packaging on the results. The study was made by openLCA and the databases used Ecoinvent 3 and AGRIBYLASE 3.0. Life cycle assessment was examined using the ReCiPe 2016 Midpoint (H). The impact categories were global warming, land use, water consumption and freshwater eutrophication. According to this study, converting mixed electricity to wind power can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 49 – 50 %. Converting electricity to wind also significantly reduces land use, water consumption and freshwater eutrophication. Greenhouse gas emissions and phosphorous emissions of plant-based protein are lower than animal origin products. Packaging materials accounted for 7 to 13 % of greenhouse gas emissions. Based on this study, it is recommended to change the primary electric source to wind power.