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Browsing by study line "Global Sustainability"

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  • Korpela, Johanna (2024)
    The demand for CO2-free electricity will grow in the future, which is expected to lead to an increase in onshore wind power capacity. Like all energy forms, wind power can have negative impacts on the environment, which can pose different risks for wind power companies. Several companies that have wind power in their portfolio have recently committed to biodiversity targets, typically aiming for no net loss or net positive impact on biodiversity. These targets are expected to be a possible avenue for competitive advantage, however, there is a research gap on whether biodiversity considerations can bring competitive advantage to companies. In my research, executed as a paid assignment for Fortum Renewables Oy, I examine wind power investors’ perceptions of biodiversity targets and whether they perceive that the targets can bring competitive advantage to wind power companies. In this thesis, I aim to provide answers to three primary research questions: 1) How do investors manage their investments’ biodiversity impacts? 2) Can setting biodiversity targets bring competitive advantage to wind power companies? and 3) What kind of biodiversity targets do investors value? For this research I interviewed investors known to invest in onshore wind power in Finland. I conducted seven interviews with eight informants, including both finance and sustainability professionals, representing seven different investors. I analysed the interview data using inductive thematic analysis provided by Braun and Clarke (2006). My research found that investors identify several possibilities for both risk mitigation and competitive advantage, which can be achieved through good biodiversity management. Thus, investors see value in biodiversity considerations, such as biodiversity targets. Simultaneously, investors recognised several issues regarding these targets, which hinder achieving competitive advantage through them. The findings of my research may prove useful both for companies that have or aim to set biodiversity targets and investors wanting to manage their investments’ biodiversity impacts.
  • Lummepuro, Iina (2024)
    Social media influencers are called the opinion leaders of our time, as they have a lot of power over what peo- ple think and consume. Various sustainability actors expect that influencers take a strong role in the transfor- mation towards sustainability. In my thesis I examine, how do the reactions of the influencers’ followers and the perceived sense of responsibility and power of the influencer affect the way influencers share content on sustainability. In my research I also consider how different influencers receive differing responses to content related to sustainability. My analysis consists of interviews with six Finnish social media influencers. I conducted 5 semi-structured in- terviews, and received one written answer to the interview questions. I used thematic analysis as the analysis method in my research. The themes that arose from the interview data and from previous research are relation- ality between the influencer and their followers, connection between followers’ reactions and influencers’ sus- tainability content and the perceived sense of power and responsibility of the influencer. Three influencer profiles were created based on the interview data. The profiles describe different types of in- fluencers with different, specific audiences. The profiles demonstrate how different audiences respond to con- tent related to sustainability in different ways, how different influencers share sustainability content in different ways, and how influencers perceive their responsibility in different ways. My research shows that both the reac- tions of the followers and the perceived sense of responsibility of the influencer affect how an influencer shares content on sustainability. According to my research, the influencer's perceived power does not affect content shared on sustainability. This study contributes to the understanding of the issues that affect influencers’ behavior in sharing sustainabil- ity-related content. With this knowledge, it is possible to move closer to understanding whether influencers can be part of the change towards a more sustainable future. shared on sustainability. This study contributes to the understanding of the issues that affect influencers’ behavior in sharing sustainabil- ity-related content. With this knowledge, it is possible to move closer to understanding whether influencers can be part of the change towards a more sustainable future.
  • Isomäki, Venla (2023)
    This thesis examines just climate adaptation to climate change at the river Kokemäenjoki in Southwest Finland. Climate change will significantly change flood risks in Finland. Säpilänniemi adjustment stream is a flood risk management and climate change adaptation measure designed to mitigate flood risks in the area. The adjustment stream is expected to have effects on the flood risks of the entire river area. In particular, the adjustment stream is thought to be important in winter flood situations, which are increasing due to climate change. There are also some disadvantages associated with the planned adjustment stream such as the negative effects on a protected Natura2000-area upstream. The thesis is situated in the field of social scientific environmental research and delves into the themes of just climate policy. There is a great need for research that looks at just practices of climate change adaptation, because the challenges brought by climate change require significant adaptation measures. Adaptation measures are prone to an uneven distribution of harms and benefits, which is why the study of just adaptation is important. Adaptation planning opens up opportunities to reduce current vulnerabilities and promote just adaptation. Climate justice refers to the social and environmental effects on equality and justice that result from climate change or climate policy. In academic literature, climate justice is often understood as a combination of recognition, procedural and distributive justice. Climate justice opens possibilities to plan and examine just adaptation that takes unequally distributed justice effects into account. The research method used in this thesis is narrative analysis. Narrative analysis is a framework that can be used to study different groups' perceptions of the same events. The presupposition is that people build both events and relationships between things in speech and text in the form of narratives. Political processes and different policy practices can also follow the structure of a narrative. The data of the thesis consists of focus group interviews conducted in the fall of 2022 and the river Kokemäenjoki flood risk management plan for 2022-2027. The topic is approached through two research questions: i) What policy narratives emerge from the material? and ii) How is climate justice understood in the narratives? Three narratives were found from the data. The narrative of authorities is the narrative that dominates the data and defines the flood risk management and measures in the area. The narrative of the residents challenges the assumptions about management made in the authorities' narrative. The third narrative is the narrative of municipalities. The results of the study reveal that the case of Kokemäenjoki and Säpilänniemi adjustment stream have typical challenges of just adaptation. Narratives' understandings of climate-just flood risk management vary, and in particular procedural justice is perceived in different ways between the narratives. A climate just adaptation could be enhanced by strengthening participatory processes of flood risk management with the help of municipal actors in the case study area.
  • Mäntylä, Iris (2023)
    Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma tarkastelee vuosina 2021-2022 Suomessa esitettyjä ilmastoyksiköiden käyttöön liittyviä mainos- ja markkinointiväittämiä ja niiden laatua. Tällaisia väittämiä ovat esimerkiksi yleisesti käytetyt hiilineutraalius- ja kompensaatioväittämät. Työ esittää katsauksen siihen, kuinka tarkkaa ja asianmukaista tietoa vuosina 2021-2022 mainos- ja markkinointiväittämät ovat esittäneet. Työssä väittämiä tarkastellaan tulevien EU-sääntelyn edellytysten sekä helmikuussa 2023 julkaistujen kansallisten suositusten valossa (Laine ym., 2023). Sääntelyn ja kansallisen toimintakentän muutoksien kautta työ tutkii väittämien mahdollista tulevaisuutta ja muutoksia väittämien tulevassa käytössä. Merkittävin yksittäinen ilmastoyksiköihin perustuvien väittämien tulevaisuuden käyttöön vaikuttava tekijä on väittämien tekemiseen käytettyjen ilmastoyksiköiden kaksoislaskennan välttäminen. Kapea-alaisen pilottitutkimuksen avulla työssä testataan kaksoislaskennan riskin arviointiin esitettyä menetelmää (Laininen ym., 2022) sekä arvioidaan väittämiin liittyvää riskiä. Työssä hyödynnetään kahta erillistä aineistoa, joiden avulla tutkitaan mainonnassa ja markkinoinnissa esitettyjen väittämien eroja. Väittämien laatua tutkitaan analysoimalla niiden syvyyttä eli sitä, kuinka tarkkaa tietoa väittämä tarjoaa sekä asianmukaisuutta eli sitä, onko väittämässä annettu tieto selkeää ja yksiselitteistä vai mahdollisesti harhaanjohtavaa. Työssä toteutetun analyysin perusteella suurin osa vuosina 2021-2022 mainonnassa ja markkinoinnissa esitetyistä ilmastoyksiköihin perustuvista väittämistä oli harhaanjohtavia. Mainonnassa ja markkinoinnissa esitettyjen väittämien välillä esiintyi kuitenkin merkittäviä eroja. Analyysin perusteella mainonnassa esitetyt väittämät olivat markkinointiväittämiä heikompilaatuisia sekä syvyydeltään että asianmukaisuudeltaan. Arvioinnin perusteella väittämiin liittyvät nykyiset markkinointikäytännöt eivät yleisesti vastaa niille esitettyjä kansallisia suosituksia eivätkä tulevia EU-sääntelyn edellytyksiä. Väittämien tarkkuuteen ja yksityiskohtaisuuteen liittyvien markkinointikäytäntöjen lisäksi tulee tulevaisuudessa ottaa huomioon väittämiin liittyvä kaksoislaskennan riski, joka pilottitutkimuksen perusteella koskee oletettavasti merkittävää osaa nykyisistä markkinoilla esitetyistä väittämistä.
  • Castellazzi, Eugenia (2023)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract To aim for a just and sustainable society, it is essential to consider how we manage cities and to reflect on the role of young people as agents for successful future generations. The school system must take on the responsibility of developing a sense of social justice amongst young people. However, few learning activities are established to promote learning about environmental and intergenerational justice issues, and are usually limited to a top-down approach based on STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). In this work, I argue that education in sustainability needs to be opened to a relational approach that introduces new justice perspectives, becoming a driver for active citizenship and public participation. The thesis is based on ten workshops conducted in Kumpula, Helsinki, involving 197 students from two upper secondary schools. The novelty of this work consists in addressing a specific range of upper secondary school students (16 to 19) and combining cognitive and relational learning activities to elicit reflections on environmental justice. I used a learning activity based on a Role-play method to actively involve students in working with justice perceptions and nature-based solutions. The analysis is based on a mixed methods- approach where the statistical analysis (pretest-posttest) and qualitative content analysis support each other. The innovative integration of cognitive and relational learning contributed to a deeper knowledge of urban green space management. This approach elicited new recognition justice perspectives by enhancing the participants’ awareness of community values and needs, comprehending both humans and non-humans. After the learning activity, students were generally more willing to make their voice heard by policy makers and to participate in public discussions. Based on the findings, more resources and time would be needed to build a long-term project in order to assess the permanence of relational and cognitive learning and more widely the efficacy of this approach for transformative learning.
  • Lammensalo, Linda Sofia (2021)
    The intersections of climate change and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) have increasingly received attention from international organisations but also from academia. For some, establishing these intersections is about reducing human pressure on the Earth systems, while for others it is about the human rights of vulnerable individuals and communities. Many have lauded these connections for providing a win-win solution for both. While these benefits are championed, there has been little reflection on the underlying motives and justifications for establishing these connections in the first place. Given the problematic past of population control policies, understanding these justifications is necessary to break away from the neo-colonial practices of the past. This thesis investigates the motives and justifications for establishing such intersections between SRHR and climate change. Specifically, the thesis addresses two questions, namely: 1) In what ways are the interconnections between SRHR and climate change justified in academic literature? 2) What are the implications of the ways in which these interconnections are justified? By drawing on a postcolonial feminist theoretical framework rooted in understanding this nexus critically, and carefully reflecting on the implications of these discourses, the thesis answers these questions by systematically drawing on a sustained body of research. The data consist of 88 academic publications that are systematised through discourse analysis. The findings identify six distinctive intersectional discourses which reflect the ways in which SRHR, and climate change are justified, namely: public health, population dynamics, reproductive rights, critical, sustainable development and environment discourses. Largely reflecting adherence to liberal feminist and populationist frameworks, these findings imply that the discourses, justifications, and motives do not sufficiently address the neo-colonial practices and structural inequalities that shape intersections between SRHR and climate change. Analytically, therefore, this thesis suggests that postcolonial feminism offers a more effective way for understanding intersectional discourses because it recognises how power inequalities manifest in the discourses, while contributing towards more justice-based approaches to sustainability.
  • Kettunen, Anni (2019)
    Environmental problems are usually complex in nature, encompass uncertainties and affect multiple actors and groups of people in multiple ways. Hence, managing these problems requires transparent decision making that takes into consideration diverse values, perceptions and knowledge of those groups. Decisions that are made in a participatory decision-making process are more likely to express public values and local knowledge than decisions made in top-down management processes. Collaboration has become a ubiquitous concept within the context of participatory planning and environmental management. It is used in describing a wide array of participatory approaches and it is often used as a tool in managing wicked problems. However, participatory approaches do not guarantee better success in solving environmental problems. Hence, it is crucial to deliberate what kind of approach is used and what kind of situations it suits. This master’s thesis examines Metsähallitus’ participatory natural resource planning (NRP) process through the concept of collaboration. The study encompasses two mutually supporting parts: a case study about Metsähallitus’ natural resource planning process for Southern Finland 2017-2022 and an equality analysis encompassing altogether four cooperation groups from natural resource planning processes. The aim of the study is to find out how trust building, commitment, social capital and stakeholders’ opportunities to influence decision-making were realized in the NRP process of Southern Finland. In addition, aspects of equality in natural resource planning are examined. Data of the case study consists of seven qualitative semi-structured interviews. Data is analyzed according to the principles of qualitative content analysis. Data of the equality analysis consists of six NRP cooperation groups’ participant lists and the data is analyzed with quantitative content analysis. Based on the results, opportunities to participate actualize most efficiently in the operational level of the cooperation group. The methods used and facilitator’s contribution enhance the realization of equality within the cooperation group. Stakeholders reported a few defects concerning equal processing of values and interests. For example, topics regarding forestry overweighs other topics. The representativeness of stakeholders was considered good. Representatives of public agencies are most frequently participating of all stakeholder groups. Every fifth participant was a woman. What comes to social capital, one of the main results was increased mutual understanding among stakeholders that resulted from learning from each other in the process. Stakeholders’ perceptions of their opportunities to influence decision-making were labeled partly by contentment and realism, but partly by a low level of expectations. Opportunity to influence in decision-making is a remarkable factor for commitment and motivation to participate. The context of NRP-process also affects the planning and its results, but further research on this topic is needed and I propose this as one future research topic. More research is also needed to evaluate on how one of the main principles of collaboration, sharing decision-making power, affects natural resource planning and its results, if adopted.
  • Pietilä, Taru (2023)
    Climate change and its unparalleled and irreversible effects to natural and human systems initiate a need to take immediate action to develop effective measures for climate change adaptation. Both climate change impacts and responses to climate change are found to further aggravate the division between winners and losers that is already present in the pre-existing patterns of development. This is while previous research has found explicit concern for justice to be limited at the urban level. This study seeks to examine urban climate change adaptation strategies critically from the perspective of climate justice to contribute to the understanding of how justice can be identified and advocated for in practice. Justice is conceptualised with four justice dimensions encompassing recognitional, distributive, procedural, and restorative justice dimensions. An Adaptation Justice Index is applied to policy documents to perform a qualitative content analysis. In addition, a literature review is utilised to explore the representations of justice present in the adaptation strategies of eight leading city-level climate change adaptors. Results from the analysis show that on average, procedural justice dimension is the most highlighted among the four dimensions, while restorative justice is the least emphasised. The cities performed the best in allocating responsibilities related to adaptation and in enabling participation in the implementation phase. Strategies frequently emphasise vulnerable people and acknowledge the aim to advance equity and just outcomes with adaptation initiatives. The initiatives described in the strategies, however, seem generally to be insufficient to realise these outcomes. Measures to include the perspectives of vulnerable individuals and communities are found to require improvement to promote empowerment of disadvantaged people for climate justice. The impacts of adaptation measures ought to be scrutinised in more detail to recognise the losses borne by the most disadvantaged in society and to make amends for injustices taking place in the context of climate change and adaptation practice. In conclusion, more research is in order to shed further light to the extent climate justice is accounted for in adaptation practice, especially in the context of the Global South.
  • Kaivosoja, Arttu (2021)
    Planning process for the Arctic Railway was initiated by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in 2017 and lasted until early 2019. The proposed railway line would cut through the homeland of the indigenous Sámi, which received harsh criticism from the Sámi Parliament for its adverse effects on the traditional Sámi culture and livelihood, both protected by the Constitution of Finland. In this thesis the claims of these two actors are analysed using the Justification theory and Justification analysis to gain insight into the underlying justifications that were used to either oppose or support the Arctic Railway. The results will also illuminate how the MTC’s use of justifications resulted in the constitutional rights of the indigenous Sámi being disregarded during the planning process. At the end of this thesis the reader should have a greater understanding of the Arctic Railway’s planning process, the main arguments and justifications of the two key actors, and how they were used to either resist or support the railway’s construction.
  • Turunen, Iina (2023)
    Finland is committed to sustainable development work, which is guided by the global UN sustainable development action program Agenda2030. The program aims in broad sustainable development work and recognizes cities as key actors in achieving the goals. In Finland, the Commitment2050 online database serves as a tool for achieving the goals of sustainable development. In the website, different actors, including cities and municipalities, commits to operational commitments which require concrete action that promotes sustainability. The purpose of this work is to examine what kind of sustainable development commitments cities and municipalities have made on the “Commitment2050” -website. The thesis aims to create an overall picture of the operational commitments of cities and municipalities. In addition, the thesis highlights what kind of follow-up has been done regarding the commitments and how the actors have evaluated the implementation of the goals of their commitments. The study examined a total of 209 commitments made by cities and municipalities from between the years 2013 and 2022. Monitoring commitments is important so assessment of sustainability implementation can be made. Surprisingly, the study found that a significant proportion of commitments had done no follow-up at all. The actors who had done the monitoring had assessed the fulfillment of the objectives in a very diverse way, which made it difficult to draw conclusions. Thus, deeper knowledge is needed on the commitments implementation.
  • Sellman, Oona (2021)
    Several studies have stated that social media has the potential to promote sustainable lifestyles. The purpose of this master’s thesis was to study the contents made by “eco-influencers” who make video blogs about sustainable lifestyles on YouTube. This thesis investigated what topics eco-influencers' videos deal with and what kind of means of argumentation are used. The theoretical background included research on sustainable lifestyles and consumption as well as the potential role of social media in promoting sustainable lifestyles. The study was conducted as a qualitative study and the video material was collected from YouTube according to criteria defined by the researcher. The channels of 20 influencers were selected for the final data. From each channel 1-2 videos were selected. At the end, a total of 39 videos were selected. The material was selectively transcribed, and that text served as the basis for the data-driven content analysis. The results show that the contents of the videos emphasize sustainable consumption and responsibility, especially individual responsibility. However, the videos had only a little content about the three most important aspects of a sustainable lifestyle: housing, mobility, and food. According to eco-influencers, sustainable lifestyles are closely linked to the concept of well-being. Sustainable consumption was considered a very important aspect of sustainable living. Eco-influencers mainly use their own experience, opinions, and comparison as a means of argumentation in their videos. Often the arguments were not substantiated with many scientific references. The results suggest that eco-influencers perceive complex sustainability themes as important but want to communicate them in a way that even laypeople understand. This will also make it easier for more non-experts to approach the matter and change their lifestyles. Justifying arguments with opinions and personal experiences can be based on the personal, even entertaining, format of the video blog, or on the fact that experiential knowledge or expertise is valued in social media. Based on the contents of the videos examined in this study, it seems unlikely that they would contribute to great lifestyle changes.
  • Koutonen, Heini (2018)
    Globaali väestönkasvu ja lisääntyvä kulutus ovat johtamassa muiden ongelmien ohella luonnonvarojen ehtymiseen ja maa- ja vesiekosysteemien saastumiseen. Eräs tapa ratkaista näitä ongelmia on siirtyä kohti resurssitehokkaampaa kiertotalousperiaatteiden mukaista luonnonvarojen käyttöä. Sekä taloudellisten ohjauskeinojen kautta syntyvät kannustimet että yritysten oma aloitteellisuus ovat keskeisiä kiertotalouden mukaisiin toimintatapoihin siirtyessä. Kokonaisvaltaisen muutoksen edistymistä helpottavat konkreettiset kiertotalouden indikaattorit ja mittaustavat. Ramboll Finland Oy:n ja Luonnonvarakeskuksen luoma alueellinen resurssivirtamalli huomioi kattavasti sekä raha- että materiaalimääräisten resurssien liikkeet tarkastelualueella. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on laajentaa kyseistä mallia ottamaan huomioon myös yksittäisen yrityksen näkökulma. Tutkimuksessa noudatettiin konstruktiivista lähestymistapaa, jossa luotiin alueelliseen resurssivirtamalliin uusi ulottuvuus yritystason analyysin muodossa. Keskeisenä menetelmänä käytettiin alueellista ympäristölaajennettua panos-tuotosanalyysiä. Tutkielmassa kehitettiin teoreettinen yritystasolle laajennettu alueellinen resurssivirtamalli, jonka toimintaa testattiin numeerisesti Lapin maakunnan kattavasti käyttäen esimerkkiyrityksenä kuvitteellista paperiteollisuuden yritystä. Muodostettuun malliin kytkettiin kiertotaloutta edistäviä taloudellisia ohjauskeinoja, joita olivat maa-ainesvero, vedenottovero, vedenkäyttövero, sekä arvonlisäverokannan lasku valituilla toimialoilla. Lisäksi tutkittiin yrityksen oma-aloitteista muutosta energianlähteiden käytössä. Mallilla pystyttiin havainnollistamaan, kuinka alueen raha- ja materiaalimääräiset resurssivirrat muuttuvat uuden yrityksen tullessa alueelle. Lisäksi muodostetun mallin avulla pystyttiin tarkastelemaan kiertotaloustoimien vaikutuksia sekä yrityksen että aluetalouden raha- ja materiaalimääräisiin resurssivirtoihin. Tutkielman tulosten mukaan ohjauskeinojen vaikutukset sekä yrityksen että alueen talouteen jäivät varsin pieniksi. Ympäristövaikutusten mallinnuksessa huomattiin, että mallin jatkokehittelyssä tulee tehdä rahamääräisen kokonaistuotannon irtikytkentä ympäristövaikutuksista todenmukaisempien tulosten saamiseksi. Vastaava malli voidaan tutkielmassa käytetyllä menettelyllä muodostaa kuvaamaan haluttua aluetta ja siihen voidaan kytkeä minkä tahansa yrityksen tiedot.
  • Virtanen, Mimmi (2024)
    We have long been invited to engage in climate action in different forums, without specifying what is actually expected of us to solve the accelerating climate crisis. Traditionally, individual citizens have only been seen as consumers in climate action. Although citizen participation in climate work has also been studied more and more in recent years, there is a little research on how citizens themselves perceive their own role in climate action. Climate action at local level and small municipalities, as smaller administrative units, could also provide better opportunities to support individuals in their own climate actions. In this thesis, I examine the climate agency and participation of residents in local climate action through their perceived roles and means of participation. I am conducting a review at the level of one small Finnish municipality by carrying out a qualitative case study. The case municipality is Kokemäki in the Satakunta region, with a population of about 7000. My research questions are (1) how the municipal representatives and local residents perceive the roles of the municipality and local residents in local climate action, and (2) what means are identified by municipal representatives and local residents to strengthen the climate agency of local residents. The research material consists of thematic interviews of the municipal representatives, group discussions of the residents and a survey conducted for the residents. As a method of analysis, I have used qualitative content analysis. The results show that municipal representatives and local residents have a similar perception of the roles, even though there are differences. In total, six different roles were identified for the municipality, and communication as a cross-cutting role. A key finding is that local residents perceived their own role more active than the municipal representatives did. A total of five roles were outlined for the residents, two of which emerged mainly in the experiences of the residents: the role to support each other and the role to activate the municipality to act. The roles of the municipality and the residents are strongly linked, and instead of looking individual means to support climate agency, it might be useful for small municipalities to shift the examination more strongly to their own role in relation to the residents. The development of communication and interaction is a key means of supporting climate agency. In addition to communication based on positive tone and examples in particular, the need for encounter and discussion emerged. Discussions with local residents, also on the topic of climate change, could bring new knowledge, understanding and ideas to the municipality, and at the same time provide a forum for communicating the importance of climate action, which also supports sustainable choices in everyday life. Strengthening the experience of working together increases the potential for self-motivated action and also enables peer learning and interaction between residents. The desire to take care of one's own home region could also support local climate action, as long as the objectives and actions are set at a local scale.
  • Aro, Maija (2023)
    The climate political passivity of recent history, dire consequences predicted by climate scientific scenarios, and urgent climate reports emphasize the existential threat posed by the climate crisis. With a lack of consensus on widely accepted solutions, humanity faces increasingly uncertain futures. The shadow of a bleak climate dystopia has led to the interpretation that utopias are missing from climate policy and discourse. This reflects society's challenges in imagining and constructing alternative, functional future perspectives in the context of the climate issue. In my thesis, I examine the extent to which two actors of the new generation climate movement, Elokapina and Operaatio Arktis articulate utopias and dystopias to promote goals and discussions on systemic change and the adoption of climate repair technologies. The material for my thesis consists mainly of content produced by Elokapina and Operaatio Arktis, primarily published on social media platforms and public speeches. Since language is a crucial tool in creating imaginaries, I employ rhetorical discourse analysis to answer my research questions. The rhetorical emphasis in discourse analysis particularly supports my effort to answer the question of how utopias and dystopias are articulated. I extend my interpretation to the performativity, materiality, and prefigurativeness of imaginaries to provide a comprehensive perspective on presenting utopias and dystopias. The most significant findings of my thesis are summarized in three key observations. First, although based on my material Elokapina and Operaatio Arktis shared a common concern about the seriousness of the climate crisis and used partly similar rhetoric, the actors significantly differed in describing the current dystopia and, especially, in presenting utopias. Second, the use of dystopias in Extinction Rebellion's rhetoric did not mean a suppression of utopian expression. Utopias were a significant tool for Elokapina, serving as critical counter-images to the present and being performed in the principles, values, and practices of Extinction Rebellion quite extensively. Additionally, utopias materialized as practical proposals. In this way, Elokapina directed systemic change towards a more sustainable and just direction. Therefore, I interpreted Elokapina regarding utopias as prefigurative, i.e., an actor whose actions practically live out utopias. Third, Operaatio Arktis's rhetoric lacked utopias entirely, with dystopias serving as a significant tool as the actor framed the risks associated with the adoption of climate correction technologies. Operaatio Arktis did not accept catastrophic consequences pointing to a future dystopia that would be avoidable with the current range of methods and through the use of climate repair technologies. Examining utopias and dystopias in the rhetoric of Elokapina and Operaatio Arktis helped to highlight how imaginaries can act as powerful and versatile tools in the actions of the new generation climate movement. They motivated action, raised awareness, and enabled discussions about significant themes related to the root causes and solutions of the climate crisis. Therefore, the results of my thesis are quite intriguing.
  • Posio, Seriina (2024)
    The planetary health approach emphasizes the interconnectedness between human health and natural systems. Urban planners also have the opportunity to promote planetary health through their work by reducing the negative environmental impacts of planning solutions and by increasing decisions that support residents' health and wellbeing. Numerous studies have shown that nature promotes human physical, mental, and social health, underscoring the importance of accessible nearby nature, especially in growing cities. This thesis examines urban planning in the city of Lahti from the perspective of planetary health. The study aims to investigate how nearby nature and its health and wellbeing effects, particularly for children and young people, have been considered and identified in land use planning. Additionally, the goal is to determine how conflicting land use interests are prioritized in decision-making. The research material consists of interviews with officials from the Lahti Urban Environment service area, and the data is analyzed with qualitative content analysis and thematization. The results indicate that nearby nature is perceived as an important part of Lahti's urban structure. Urban greenspaces and nearby nature areas are most concretely taken into account by zoning them as green areas in general and detailed plans. Furthermore, urban planning utilizes surveys of nearby nature conducted in early childhood education institutions and schools to ensure accessibility of nearby nature for children and adolescents. The appreciation of Lahti's planners, nature-friendly organizational culture, functional planning practices, and the recognition of the city's environmental efforts support the preservation of nearby nature areas in the urban structure. However, green areas without zoning are constantly at risk of being allocated for other land use purposes in a growing city. Planners describe their work as a continual search for compromises between conflicting desires, goals, and land use interests. They hold a central position of power and responsibility in making sustainable planning decisions, which can also be guided by planners' own values, attitudes, and expertise. Systems thinking required by planetary health approach along with research findings on the health and wellbeing effects of nearby nature, should be more effectively integrated into urban planning, political decision-making, and public discourse. Although this study focuses on planners in one city, it offers interesting insights into effective urban planning practices and current challenges within the framework of planetary health.
  • Haapanen, Aku (2022)
    Ilmastonmuutoksen torjuminen edellyttää ihmiskunnalta määrätietoisia toimia fossiilisten polttoaineiden käytön lopettamiseksi kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen lopettamiseksi. Yksi tärkeimmistä kysymyksistä ratkaistavaksi on yhä enenevissä määrin kehittyneeseen teknologiaan nojautuvien ihmisyhteisöjen energiansaannin varmistaminen. Ydinvoimaa pidetään luotettavana, tehokkaana ja ennen kaikkea jo olemassa olevana ratkaisuna käsillä olevan energiamurroksen toteuttamiseksi. Kaikki teknologiat ovat kuitenkin poliittisia ja ydinvoima ehkä kaikista teknologioista eniten mielipiteitä jakava. Toisaalta lupaus ainakin päällisinpuolin yksinkertaisesta ja tehokkaasta teknologisesta ratkaisusta puhuttelee monia. Toisaalta ydinvoiman käyttöön ja käyttöön ottoon liittyy suuria epävarmuustekijöitä, kuten rakentamisen hinta, ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutukset voimaloiden toimintaan ja suurvaltapoliittiset siirrot maailmanpolitiikan pelilaudalla. Tämä tutkielma ottaa selvää, kuinka ydinvoiman rooliin energiamurroksen ajurina suhtaudutaan Suomessa ja Ranskassa – kahdessa vauraassa, ydinvoimaa paljon hyödyntävässä Euroopan unionin jäsenmaassa. Aineistona on käytetty suomalaisen Helsingin Sanomat ja ranskalaisen Le Monde päivittäin ilmestyvien sanomalehtien ilmastonmuutosta ja ydinvoimaa käsitteleviä pääkirjoituksia. Analysoidut kirjoitukset ovat Pariisin ilmastosopimuksen ja vuoden 2021 lokakuun väliseltä ajalta. Lähtökohtani on, että Suomen ja Ranskan tärkeimmät sanomalehdet käyttävät aktiivisesti valtaa vaikuttaakseen lukijoidensa suhtautumiseen. Näin ollen Le Monde ja Helsingin Sanomat tarjoavat yhden ikkunan, jonka kautta tarkastella myös laajemmassa asiayhteydessä suomalais ja ranskalaista energia- ja ilmastopolitiikkaa. Käsiteltävät maat ovat monella tapaa samanlaisia, mutta poikkeavat myös paljon toisistaan, mikä näkyy myös maiden ydinvoimakannoissa. Ranska on entinen suurvalta, jonka ydinvoimaloilla on selvä merkitys suurvalta-aseman edes osittaiseksi palauttamiseksi. Suomi on sodan hävinnyt, todella nopeasti teollistunut maa, jolle alusta asti rauhanomainen ydinvoima on vipuvarsi oman teollisen tuotannon edistämiseksi. Analyysissä käy ilmi, että sanomalehdissä ydinvoimaan – sekä energiamurrokseen yleisesti – suhtaudutaan eri tavoilla Ranskassa ja Suomessa. Ranskassa korostuu sosiaalisen oikeudenmukaisuuden merkitys pysyvien ilmastoratkaisujen saavuttamiseksi, kun taas Suomessa pääkirjoituksia värittää ennen kaikkea markkinaorientoitunut tehokkuusajattelu. Suhtautuminen ydinvoimaan on myös erilainen. Ranskassa korostetaan ydinvoimaan liittyviä epävarmuustekijöitä. Suomessa puolestaan painotetaan ydinvoiman todistettuja vahvuuksia, erityisesti tehokkuutta ja päästöttömyyttä.
  • Pitkälä, Salla (2021)
    Aviation emissions are on the rise as a result of growing numbers of air passengers and more efficient emission reductions in other industries. There are, however, a number of different means to achieve emissions reductions in aviation as well: these include, for example, technological solutions, taxes and different emissions compensation systems. In addition to these, a change in air travel behaviour has been suggested as a means to achieve emission reductions. However, there is no agreement about which solution or solutions should be prioritized. My thesis examines attitudes related to air travel and climate change in 17 Finnish blog texts. The blog texts were analysed using a qualitative attitude approach. The texts were analysed as collections of reactions to the claim that because of climate change, individuals should fly less. Based on the differences and similarities in reactions, or arguments, I categorized them and formed four groups of attitudes which highlight different ways of thinking about reducing individual air travel. The four groups of attitudes are the following: 1) attitudes that agree that individuals should fly less, 2) attitudes that question the claim, 3) mixed attitudes, and 4) attitudes that attempt to avoid the issue. As a part of the analysis, I also examined the bloggers’ perceptions about who should bear the responsibility for reducing aviation emissions and I also examined how these perceptions differ between the four groups of attitudes. The bloggers’ understandings of air travel vary between air travel as an unnecessary luxury and a view that flying is a crucial part of modern world and giving up air travel is not realistic. To achieve emission reductions, some bloggers are willing to switch from flying to travelling by land and sea, or they are ready to reduce travel altogether. Other bloggers stress the importance of technological solutions and policy measures in reducing emissions. Among the visible themes is also a tendency to stress the importance of doing things in moderation, which also applies to air travel. Some bloggers also wonder whether there are some reasons that could justify air travel from time to time. In any case, it is typical that bloggers show varying attitudes towards air travel and consider counterarguments to their initial arguments. In the blog texts, reducing aviation emissions comes across as a complex issue. Studying attitudes can help build knowledge about which means of reducing emissions are considered fair and desirable. Studying attitudes can also help locate barriers to environmentally friendly behaviour. In Finland, there is little research on attitudes towards air travel, and the results of my thesis can be utilized, for example, in planning transport policies or campaigns that promote sustainable travel. However, it should be noted that using blogs as research material poses some questions about the validity and the generalizability of the results. The public and potentially commercial nature of blogs may affect which kinds of attitudes are expressed. Because of this, it is important to study attitudes towards air travel by using different methods and material as well.
  • Kurkinen, Hilja (2023)
    Mining industry often encounters many environmental and social challenges, such as environmental degradation or negative impacts on other livelihoods. However, the opening of a mine can also enhance economic productivity and employment situation, especially in remote areas. This paper analyses the environmental and employment sustainability of mining in Northern Finland, utilizing Hannukainen iron ore mining plans based in Kolari as a case study. The sustainability framework of the research is UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) adopted by UN member states in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (UN, 2015d). The aim of this research is to assess Hannukainen mining plans’ capacity to fulfil environmental and employment SDG targets from the perceptions of relevant local stakeholders. The research questions of this study are: 1. How does the implementation of five environment and employment related SDGs actualise in Hannukainen mining plans from the perceptions of relevant local stakeholders? 2. What kind of synergies and conflicts occur between the mining plans and SDG targets? To answer the questions, ten interviews and media analysis of 15 online articles was conducted. The main method for analysis was Inductive Thematic Analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006). As a result, three themes are introduced: (1) The mine as an environmental hazard, (2) The mine as a threat to local livelihoods and culture, and (3) The mine as a potential job opportunity. Possible synergies and conflicts between the SDG targets and Hannukainen mining plans are identified separately in each theme. The results suggest that increasing economic growth and employment on one sector, while causing environmental hazards and diminishing the employment possibilities of other sectors is topical in Hannukainen mining plans. Several conflicts rise between SDG targets and Hannukainen mine, regarding mainly environmental issues and two local livelihoods: tourism and reindeer herding. However, synergies between mining plans and SDG targets occur as well since the mine could provide full-time jobs and enhance employment and economic situation of the municipality. Additionally, lack of trust in mining company and to some extent in public authorities is a key component contributing to the experience of mining plan’s unsuccessful SDG implementation.
  • Ahonen, Nenna (2020)
    Abandoning carbon intensive lifestyles plays an integral role in mitigating the current climate crisis, especially in wealthy countries such as Finland where citizens’ carbon footprints are large. Mitigative lifestyle change can however be hard as many factors hinder the adoption of low-carbon practices. It can also be hard to recognize factors that could push lifestyle change forward. The significance and range of these factors, often called barriers and enablers, can vary between different places as each place constitutes its unique context. Studying barriers and enablers in different places can help us decide how to best advance the adoption of low-carbon practices in these contexts. In this thesis barriers and enablers are examined in the context of rural Finland. Characteristics that are often connected to rural Finland include long distances, scarcer services, conservativeness, and communality. The aim of this study was to examine what kinds of barriers to and enablers of low-carbon lifestyle change people dwelling in rural Finland experience, and which of these barriers and enablers have special links to the rural context. Eight citizens of Kauhajoki municipality were interviewed. The transcribed interview data was analysed with qualitative content analysis. Barriers and enablers were coded from the data, and 14 barrier and 13 enabler categories were formed. The themes of the barrier and enabler categories coincided well in terms of their content. Barriers were mentioned more often. Both barriers and enablers included factors related to infrastructure, availability of services and products, time, money, knowledge, health, social environment, habit formation, life situation, feelings, and perceptions of difficulty or easiness. They stemmed from the participants’ psychological processes and personal lives, the resources they had, and the physical and social aspects of their environment. Barriers and enablers with links to the rural context were most abundantly connected to infrastructure and availability. Based on the results, rural citizens live in a complicated push-pull environment of different barriers and enablers. Given that barriers appear to be more easily identified, it is important to start highlighting enablers. Even though in rural areas barriers and enablers related to the physical environment are most visible, attention should be paid to all factors to ensure that no potential for change is wasted. The results of this thesis help recognize both hurdles and helpers of low-carbon lifestyle change in rural Finland.
  • Mokkila, Saija (2022)
    This thesis aimed to systematically map and review built environment low carbon and/or social justice experiments in Finland and understand how municipalities engage in experimentation and what challenges municipalities face when engaging in it. To find what forms of experiments for socially just low carbon buildings and housing can be found in Finland, 1 386 objects in 15 databases were systematically mapped. 204 unique built environment low carbon and/or social justice experiments were recognized and further reviewed. Municipality engagements and challenges in experimentation were approached through a case study of four Finnish municipalities Helsinki, Joensuu, Turku, and Vantaa. 14 case city officials and other persons working with experimentation were interviewed, and 1 839 pages of case-city-related documents were gathered. Triangulation was used to analyze the interview transcripts and additional documents in an abductive manner to find what kind of policy engagements for experimentation municipalities participated in and what kind of challenges the municipality representatives identified when doing so. This thesis discovered that there is a large focus on building and nurturing niches and testing technologies with a lack of focus on profound social justice and the behavioral side of the sustainability transitions. The sustainability experimentation in the built environment was technology-focused and lacked profound social justice aspects. Even though there were some overlaps between low carbon and social justice in the experiments, the experiments did not seek to increase social justice but rather to do low carbon in a socially just way. Municipalities strongly focused on building and nurturing niches and experimentation as a process. Municipalities did not do much experimentation in their operations and focused on the experimentation process rather than the subject matter. Also, the municipality experimentation engagements were characterized by a lack of novelty, flexibility, and uncertainty. This thesis also reveals that the links between sustainability experimentation and sustainability transitions may not be as straightforward as the scientific models and frameworks present. Though this thesis made several findings about sustainability experimentation, there remains a particularly urgent need to develop and conduct additional studies. They are needed to understand better the phenomena in the socially just low carbon experimentation in the built environment to enable just transition to low carbon buildings and housing.