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  • Jakobsson, Emma (2023)
    The lymphatic system is a network of vessels that permeate a substantial part of the whole body. It plays an essential role in fluid homeostasis by the drainage of interstitial fluid from the blood capillaries, after which the fluid, now called lymph, is transported through the vessel network and back to the blood circulation. The lymphatic system also plays an important role in the transportation of immune cells and in activation and maintenance of the immune system. Due to these crucial functions, there is a growing interest in exploiting the lymphatic system in the treatment of many immunological and inflammatory diseases. In many cases, an ideal treatment method would be to induce lymphatic growth (lymphangiogenesis) to boost immunological functions, facilitate resolution of inflammation and reduce the harm from lymphatic vascular abnormalities. However, there is a gap in knowledge in how to induce lymphangiogenesis in a controlled manner, with the major lymphangiogenic growth factor, vascular endothelial factor C (VEGF-C), tending to create disorganized lymphatic networks. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate factors influencing lymphangiogenesis, in an attempt to find ways to control it. Vaahtomeri research group has preliminary results showing a role of planar cell polarity (PCP) in control of dermal lymphatic vessel sprouting (the initial step for the formation of new lymphatic branches) and lymphatic network expansion. The focus of Vaahtomeri research group has been the core PCP protein Van Gogh-like protein 2 (VANGL2), which together with the other core PCP proteins is known to play an important role in the collective cell polarization and morphogenesis in many tissue types. The role of VANGL2 has previously been studied in the lymphatic system, and so far, VANGL2 has been implicated in both lymphatic valve morphogenesis and in flow-induced control of lymphatic endothelial cell (LEC) polarization. However, there still remains a gap in knowledge in what role VANGL2 plays in lymphangiogenesis and the lymphatic network as a whole. In this thesis, I investigated the role of VANGL2 in lymphangiogenesis, firstly by the use of an in vivo lymph node experiment, which offered a robust model to investigate the role of VANGL2 in the mature lymph node lymphatic network. In the experiment, I induced growth of the lymph node lymphatic network by means of an immunization reaction, and then I compared the lymphatic networks of Vangl2-deleted and control mice. Despite some minor differences between the Vangl2-deleted and control lymphatic networks, this experiment did not show a role for VANGL2 in the mature lymph node lymphatic network. Secondly, I investigated the potential mechanistic role of VANGL2 in control of dermal lymphatic vessel sprouting in growth conditions. This experiment showed a specific role for VANGL2 in sprouting of the lymphatic network, thus providing valuable research in understanding how lymphangiogenesis is regulated. Altogether, the results presented in this thesis work as a steppingstone for finding new treatments relating to the safe induction of lymphangiogenesis.
  • Kozlova, Anastasia (2023)
    Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells are genetically modified usually autologous T cells expressing de novo designed CAR that binds a specific antigen on the surface of the cancer cells, inducing T cell receptor-independent activation and cytotoxic response against the targeted cancer cells. While CAR T cells have been shown to offer effective treatment in acute lymphoblastic leukemia, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, and multiple myeloma, several resistance mechanisms can lead to CAR T cell exhaustion characterized by impaired functions and the expression of inhibitory receptors. The Finnish Red Cross Blood Service has developed novel CARs, differing in structure from the ones currently published. Since the evasion of CAR T cell exhaustion is considered one of the key objectives in the development of CAR T cell therapy, this Master’s thesis project aimed to create a working method to determine the exhaustion of CAR T cells in vitro after long-term repeated stimulation. In order to induce and measure exhaustion, CAR T cells were produced and activated ex vivo in the presence of IL-2 or IL-7/IL-15 cytokines, cultured long-term and repeatedly stimulated by exposure to target cells. CAR T cell cytotoxicity and expansion were determined and the expression of various inhibitory receptors was analyzed. The method enabled the comparison of the designed CAR T cell candidates and the positive control CD19-CD28ζ CAR T cells in long-term cytotoxic potency. In addition, it helped to reveal the surprising difference between IL-2 and IL-7/IL-15 cytokines and their impact on CAR T cell exhaustion. Although CAR T cells produced with IL-2 had poorer expansion during CAR T cell production than CAR T cells produced with IL-7/IL-15, they showed lower expression of exhaustion-related markers supported by better survival, proliferation and cytotoxic activity during long-term repeated stimulation assay.
  • Lindberg, Maiju (2023)
    As the most common mental disorder, anxiety disorders present a major burden to healthcare worldwide and a challenging problem to overcome for the ones suffering from it. Recently, researchers have started to recognize that the relationship between sleep and anxiety disorders is bidirectional; disturbed sleep is a potential risk factor for the progression of anxiety and anxiety can lead to sleep disturbances. However, the neural mechanisms underlying anxiety and sleep problems are still poorly recognized. In this study, we used a chronic sleep fragmentation (SF) paradigm to investigate how disturbed sleep alters anxiety-like behavior in mice and what are the potential underlying neuronal mechanisms. This model was chosen because we wanted to focus on a common form of disturbed sleep in humans rather than total sleep deprivation. We measured anxiety-like behavior in the light-dark box and open field tests right after the 2-week SF period and again after a week of recovery. Additionally, we performed immunohistochemical analysis to study prolonged cell activity (transcription factor ∆FosB), parvalbumin (PV) interneurons and perineuronal net (PNN) structures in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) of the mice. Changes in mPFC activity and related brain areas are associated to anxiety in humans and anxiety-like behavior in rodents alike. Similarly, changes in PV interneurons and PNNs, that regulates PV cell function, are associated to anxiety-like behavior. However, PV interneurons and PNNs have not been previously studied in a setting that combines sleep fragmentation and anxiety-like behavior. We found that chronic SF increases anxiety-like behavior in female mice and that this effect persists at least for a week. Conversely, we did not observe significant increase in anxiety-like behavior in male mice. Both female and male mice showed decrease in ∆FosB in the mPFC suggesting that SF treated mice had lower overall levels of cell activity. Similarly, we found that SF treated mice had decreased PV interneuron intensity in both sexes which could indicate changes in the cell activity. However, the pattern of changes in the IHC results was not identical in males and females. Based on the IHC results, we suggest that SF affects neuronal processes in both sexes but the disparity in them could explain the difference in the behavioral effect. This thesis shows that disturbed sleep can lead to increased anxiety-like behavior in rodent models and recognizes potential targets to study the mechanisms behind the phenomena.
  • Sutinen, Suvi (2023)
    Metsätalouden seurauksena lahopuu on vähentynyt Suomen metsissä ja siten useat lahopuusta riippuvaiset lajit ovat päätyneet uhanalaisiksi. Lahopuun määrän lisäämiseksi metsähakkuiden yhteydessä on alettu jättämään säästöpuita ja tekopökkelöitä. Tekopökkelöt hyödyttävät lahotessaan lahopuusta riippuvaisia lajeja, kuten kolopesiviä myrkkypistiäisiä. Kolopesivät myrkkypistiäiset rakentavat pesänsä yleensä kovakuoriaisten puiden runkoihin kaivamiin koloihin. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, millaista myrkkypistiäislajistoa tekopökkelöt tukevat, millaiset ja miten sijoitetut tekopökkelöt ovat hyödyllisimpiä myrkkypistiäisille, onko tekopökkelön vai ympäristön laatu merkittävämpää myrkkypistiäisille ja eroavatko eri ekologisten ryhmien (mesipistiäiset, petoina elävät myrkkypistiäiset ja pesäloiset) myrkkypistiäiset pesäpaikkavaatimuksiltaan. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin kesällä 2021 Keski-Suomessa Viitasaarella, kuusivaltaisilta eri tavoin käsitellyiltä metsäkuviolta. Kuvioista kahdeksan oli harvennuksia, tuoreita päätehakkuita kahdeksan ja vanhoja päätehakkuita kymmenen. Tekopökkelöiden myrkkypistiäislajistoa tutkittiin keinopesien avulla. Keinopesät koostuivat muoviputkilosta, jonka sisällä oli eri kokoisia järviruo’on (Phragmites australis) korsia, monenlaisten myrkkypistiäislajien houkuttelemiseksi. Keinopesiä kiinnitettiin yhteensä 120 kappaletta teko- ja luonnonpökkelöihin, sekä kantoihin. Puulajeina oli kuusi ja koivu, sekä yksi haapa. Pökkelöistä ja metsäkuvioilta mitattiin niiden laatua kuvaavia muuttujia. Keinopesät olivat maastossa keväästä syksyyn, jolloin ne haettiin säilytykseen ulkovarastoon. Keinopesät siirrettiin huoneenlämpöön alkuvuonna 2022 pistiäisten aikuiseksi kehittymisen vauhdittamiseksi. Korret avattiin ja aikuiset myrkkypistiäiset tunnistettiin pesittäin lajilleen mikroskooppia apuna käyttäen. Tilastolliset analyysit suoritettiin R-Studiolla. Yksilö- ja lajimäärän muutoksia suhteessa selittäviin muuttujiin arvioitiin yleistetyillä lineaarisilla sekamalleilla (GLMM). Selittävinä muuttujina toimivat lämpötila, pökkelön korkeus, kaarnan peittävyys, alustan tyyppi, puulaji, lahopuun määrä, ravintokasvien määrä, hakkuutyyppi, pökkelön sijainti ja pesäkolojen määrä. Myrkkypistiäislajiyhteisöjen erilaisuutta arvioitiin NMDS-analyysillä. Sen avulla havainnollistettiin lajiyhteisöjen erilaisuutta eri hakkuutyyppien välillä. Keinopesistä löydettiin kolopesiviä myrkkypistiäisiä ja niiden myrkkypistiäispesäloisia yhteensä yli 3000 yksilöä. Petoina eläviä myrkkypistiäisiä löytyi eniten harvennusmetsistä, joissa oli alhaisempi lämpötila kuin tuoreilla ja vanhoilla päätehakkuilla. Mesipistiäisiä, jotka ruokailevat sekä toukka että aikuisvaiheessa medellä ja siitepölyllä, löytyi eniten tuoreilta ja vanhoilta päätehakkuilta. Näillä kuvioilla oli korkeamman lämpötilan lisäksi aurinkoisempaa ja enemmän ravintokasveja kuin harvennusmetsissä. Kaikkia myrkkypistiäisiä löytyi eniten korkeilta pökkelöiltä, joiden rungoilla oli vain vähän kaarnaa. Myrkkypistiäiset suosivat enemmän teko- ja luonnonpökkelöitä kuin kantoja. Pökkelön ympäristön ominaisuudet olivat kuitenkin tärkeämpiä kuin pökkelön ominaisuudet niin lajimäärälle kuin yksilörunsaudelle. Koska eri ekologisten ryhmien lajit suosivat erilaisia elinympäristöjä, tekopökkelöitä kannattaa jatkossakin tehdä sekä pääte- että harvennushakkuiden yhteydessä. Tekopökkelöitä tehdessä kannattaa myös huomioida niiden monipuolinen sijoittuminen reunoille ja keskelle hakkuuta, jotta niitä jää hakkuualueelle monenlaisiin ympäristöoloihin. Tekopökkelö tulisi katkaista mahdollisimman korkealta, sillä korkeisiin pökkelöihin mahtuu enemmän pesiä kuin mataliin ja matalat pökkelöt ovat alttiimpia kosteudelle, sekä pesien homehtumiselle kuin korkeat pökkelöt.
  • Koskinen, Elisabeth (2023)
    Three-dimensional (3D) cellular cultures have been shown to represent tissue formations and functions more accurately than two-dimensional (2D) cultures and have been successfully utilized more accurately in model organisms, e.g., to understand cellular modular functions. However, the applications in non-model organisms are limited, and to our knowledge have not been implemented in ectotherms. At an ecological scale, the technique can enhance our understanding by providing insights on cellular and tissue level molecular mechanisms. A potential implementation of this method in Atlantic salmon is to elucidate the molecular function of the vestigial-like 3 (vgll3) gene, which plays a central role in salmonid maturity, potentially by regulating energy allocation via regulating adipogenesis. In this thesis, a proof of principle study was implemented, where the feasibility of obtaining and maintaining a suspension 3D adipose tissue culture in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) was assessed. The harvested visceral white adipose tissue from around the intestinal tissue of mature Atlantic salmon (salmon past smolt stage) was first separated into stromal vascular fraction (SVFs) and mature adipose fraction (MAFs). SVFs contain preadipocytes (precursors of adipocyte cells) in addition to a variety of other cell types. MAFs are mature adipocytes. Both MAFs and SVFs were successfully maintained in-vitro for over four weeks. SVFs were then successfully differentiated into mature adipocytes, demonstrating the feasibility of studying adipogenesis in Atlantic salmon. Proof of this methodology and its further implications may help us to understand the cellular functions of vgll3 and may subsequently help to better understand its causal relation to the maturation process in Atlantic salmon.
  • Liljebäck, Petra (2023)
    Climate change severely threatens ecosystem services and human well-being: vegetation and soils underneath it can be particularly vulnerable to climate warming. Soils hold the largest carbon stock in terrestrial ecosystems, and urban park soils, especially in cool climates, can hold remarkable carbon stocks and may be able to offset some atmospheric CO2 emissions. Land use changes, such as urbanization, influence soil organic carbon formation and soil carbon storages. In this study, I was interested whether three vegetation types (deciduous trees, conifers and lawn) differ in their capacity to store C in their rhizosphere, and whether this is affected by park size. I measured the proportion of tree canopy layer in class A park areas of the city of Helsinki, to estimate soil C storages of these areas and to examine C density (kg C m-2). Proportions of tree canopy layers in different park size groups were measured using QGIS and ortographs. Soil C storages were calculated using existing soil C data and average proportions of conifer and deciduous trees in parks of the city of Helsinki. Park size had a significant effect on proportion of the tree canopy coverage: canopy cover decreases with an increase in park size. Especially large parks are dominated by lawn. The average soil C densities in small, medium and large parks were 23.98 kg C m-2, 23.47 kg C m-2 and 23.15 kg C m-2, respectively. However, the overall proportion of conifer canopy in parks of the city of Helsinki is rather small, resulting in small differences in C densities between different park size categories, despite significant differences in tree canopy coverage between the three size groups. Most of the stored soil C in parks of the city of Helsinki are under lawn, even though it is the least efficient of the three studied vegetation types (deciduous trees, conifers, lawn) in soil C sequestration. Within a park size category and at park level, large parks store the highest amount of carbon per park. Even so, at the city level, the total amount of carbon is highest in the small parks due to their high number. Conifer trees associate with improved C sequestration to soils compared to deciduous trees and lawn. Increasing the amount of conifer trees in urban parks thus likely increase the important C storages of these soils. Results of this study highlight the importance of the contribution of urban parks and especially conifer trees in carbon sequestration. Future research related to urban soil C sequestration and the effects of vegetation type and climatic conditions is needed to better understand soil C accumulation and how the C sequestration of urban park soils could be enhanced.
  • Juurikka, Veera (2023)
    Global warming should not rise beyond 1.5°C, which means that all sectors in the economy are needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The need for corporations to account their value chain emissions has sprung a variety of accounting and reporting standards. In response, Greenhouse Gas protocol established the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard. However, the success of the scope 3 emission accounting has been determined to be insufficient. The unsuccess of scope 3 emission accounting and reporting can be explained with the challenges that have been widely identified. Nevertheless, the identified challenges do not provide a deeper understanding of why they hinder the success of scope 3 accounting and reporting. This thesis delves into the challenges of scope 3 accounting by investigating four Finnish food industry corporations. The study for this thesis was conducted as semi-structured interviews of seven experts who work with the scope 3 accounting and reporting of their corporation. The interviews were held in May of 2022 and theory guided thematic analysis was used to analyze the results. The results show that there are challenges concerning measurement and evaluation, knowledge and guidance and communication. The measurement and evaluation challenges include data collection challenges, data quality challenges and data processing challenges. The key finding from this study is that most of these challenges are highly connected. The reporting corporation and suppliers’ resources and guidance play a key role in data collection and how accurate data can be obtained for the GHG inventory. These affect the comparability of gained emission factors and how comparable the emission information of products, production lines and corporations are. The findings of this study share understanding of the complexity of scope 3 accounting challenges.
  • Huttunen, Marika (2023)
    Climate change impacts can substantially vary between regions, which requires regional decision-making on how to best moderate the adverse effects and seek potential benefits. However, actors can experience multiple barriers during climate change adaptation decision-making, which need to be overcome to enable more efficient and successful regional adaptation processes. This thesis aims to increase the knowledge on how actors can approach overcoming barriers to adaptation in a regional and cross-sectoral climate change adaptation decision-making process. A qualitative case study is conducted, which focuses on inspecting a regional climate change adaptation pilot project in the Finnish region of Pirkanmaa. Various regional and local actors participated to and collaborated on the project. The study constitutes of 11 expert interviews that are subjected to directed qualitative content analysis. The thesis utilises an analytical framework which leans on institutional theory and incorporates concepts from actor-centred institutionalism and empirical literature on barriers to and opportunities for adaptation, adaptive capacity, and adaptation decision-making processes. With the use of this framework, this thesis answers the research question of: What are the perceptions, preferences, and capabilities of the involved key actors regarding the regional climate change adaptation decision-making process in Pirkanmaa, Finland? This thesis discovers that the actors perceive mainly informational and institutional barriers to impede the decision-making process, in particular the understanding phase. Nevertheless, many of the barriers can be tackled during the process with both informational and institutional opportunities, in addition to social opportunities through the improvement of networks. The actors also have several preferences with regard to how the barriers should be overcome. Such preferences include clarifying the actors’ roles and responsibilities at the start of the understanding phase of decision-making, as well as ideas yet to be tested, such as unifying regional utilisation of adaptation-related data. The study does not manage to provide conclusive answers on the initial capabilities of the actors. Still, clear indications could be detected pertaining to the increase in elements of adaptive capacity, such as information, institutions, and skills, following from the numerous opportunities that the actors experienced. The explorative and descriptive results of this thesis bring new perspectives and an empirical contribution into the field of overcoming barriers to adaptation by focusing on climate change adaptation decision-making at the Finnish regional level. These findings can be used as a basis for upcoming research, but they can also be applied by various actors in designing current and upcoming climate change adaptation decision-making processes.
  • Annala, Heidi (2023)
    Luontopohjaiset ratkaisut (NBS, Nature-based solutions) ovat tietoisesti suunniteltuja ratkaisuja komplekseihin haasteisiin, ja niiden ytimessä ovat ”luonnon” elementit, kuten valikoidut mikrobit ja kasvillisuus. Nämä elementit ovat luontopohjaisen ratkaisun ytimessä, ja näin tekevät NBS:stä usein ekologisesti kestävämmän vaihtoehdon perinteisille teknisille maisemaratkaisuille. Suuri osa olemassaolevasta kirjallisuudesta on siten keskittynyt NBS:n ekologiseen ulottuvuuteen huolimatta niiden sisäsyntyisestä moniulotteisuudesta. Sosiaaliset elementit ovat kuitenkin paitsi olennainen osa NBS:n suunnittelua ja toimintaa, myös niiden pitkän tähtäimen onnistumisen edellytys. Aiempi tutkimus on osoittanut, että luontopohjaisten ratkaisujen menestys riippuu ennen kaikkea niiden paikallisen yhteisön saavuttamasta yhteydestä ja omistajuudesta. Näiden suhteiden muodostuminen tapahtuu usealla tasolla, mukaan lukien psykologisella ja asuinaluetasolla. Siksi tämä tutkimus tarkastelee luontopohjaisiin ratkaisuihin yhdistettäviä merkityksiä ja näkemyksiä paikallisen, karttapohjaisen, audio-visuaalisen kyselyn kautta. Vastauksista nousee esiin kaksi primääristä huomiota: Ensiksi, aineistosta on mahdollista erottaa NBS- ja äänimaailmamieltymysten, sekä avointen paikan merkitysten pohdintojen kautta vähintään kaksi paikallista arkkityyppiä, jotka lähestyvät luontopohjaisia ratkaisuja uniikeilla tavoilla. Toiseksi, erot näiden arkkityyppien reaktioissa paikallisiin luontopohjaisiin ratkaisuihinsa voivat selittyä osin luontosuhteen ja paikallishistorian kautta. Nämä löydöt korostavat yhtäältä olemassaolevan henkilökohtaiseen psykologiseen ulottuvuuteen keskittyvän NBS-tutkimuksen merkitystä, ja toisaalta paikallisen ja yhteisötason ymmärrystä kokonaisen
  • Kuoppalaakso, Timo (2023)
    Women have exhibited higher levels of math anxiety (MA) compared to men. Despite the relationship between MA and sex differences being topic of interest for over twenty years, the focal point has mostly been on the psychological causes. This review investigates the biological underpinnings of the social phobia and identifies numerous possible correlates which could inform future efforts to support students experiencing math anxiety and encourage more females to pursue STEM related careers. Articles that investigated sex differences in the context of MA were selected for the study using PRISMA guidelines. Females were found to experience higher levels of math anxiety compared to males. Age was shown to influence the prevalence of MA between sexes, with sex differences in MA being more infrequent in children and increasing towards adulthood. The findings suggest that a diverse set of biological sex differences related to to brain function, cognition and sex hormones can, in part, explain the higher prevalence of MA among females and age-related deviations. By shedding light on possible biological factors contributing to sex differences in MA, this review represents a valuable step toward a more comprehensive understanding of this complex issue.
  • Leino, Sara (2023)
    The above-ground surfaces of plants (the phyllosphere) are inhabited by a diverse variety of microbes that interact with the host plant affecting its health and growth. One of the predominant factors influencing the composition and formation of the phyllosphere microbial community is the species and genotype of the plant. In my thesis, I investigated whether three different Rubus species (R. arcticus, R. saxatilis, and R. chamaemorus) form similar phyllosphere microbial communities, and whether the genotype of the host plant has more impact on the community composition than the microbiota that the plants are exposed to. I also tested how different microbiota treatments would affect Rubus plant growth. The experiment was conducted with micropropagated plants of the three aforementioned Rubus species. The plants were treated with different microbiota collected from the leaves of wild plants of the three Rubus species and the growth of the plants was observed. The phyllosphere fungal and bacterial communities of the plants were sequenced from leaf samples and analyzed to inspect the overall diversity and difference of the communities (using Kruskal-Wallis test and PERMANOVA) and to identify possible core microbes within the Rubus species’ phyllosphere communities. I found that Rubus phyllosphere microbiota was dominated by bacteria classes Alphaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria, and fungal classes Eurotiomycetes, Sordariomycetes, Agaricomycetes, and Dothideomycetes. The host plant genotype had more significance on the composition of phyllosphere microbiota than the origin of the microbiota. The different microbiota treatments had no significant effect on the plant leaf growth. My thesis shows how host plant genotype influences the shaping of the phyllosphere communities as well as how transferable the microbial communities are between species from the same genus. Understanding of the phyllosphere microbiota can have potential applications in the promotion of plant health and fitness.
  • Williams, Scott (2023)
    This thesis explores the relationship between energy justice and demand response electricity pricing schemes in the residential market. As energy retailers make the transition towards demand response contracts, many opportunities arise for justice and injustice. It is vital that consumers are protected from arising injustices, and that the benefits of demand response schemes are distributed across the population. I use a popular energy justice framework to evaluate the demand response schemes of three European electricity retailers for their adherence to the principles of energy justice. The eight evaluative criteria are availability, affordability, due process, good governance, sustainability, intragenerational equity, intergenerational equity and responsibility. The three retailers are Tibber, E.ON Next, and Helen. Through this evaluation, I demonstrate that novel developments in energy systems by some energy retailers can positively inform the policies and practices of conventional retailers. There is room for growth in customer communication, stakeholder involvement, and smart home integration. My evaluation shows that retailers are yet to meet the aspirations of energy justice with their demand response schemes, but the potential for promoting justice clearly exists. I conclude with a set of recommendations Helen can take to meet the goals of energy justice in their electricity contracts.
  • Sihvonen, Ida (2023)
    Research has identified the importance of understanding the connection between heat wave risk perception of elderly and their adaptation actions. In addition, developing more tailormade risk communication to elderly has been emphasized. The aim of this study is to understand how elderly citizens in the district of Töölö, Helsinki perceive the risk and adapt to increasing heat waves in a central part of the city and what the role of early warning systems (EWS) could be by collecting information through interviews on heat wave adaptation and risk communication. The qualitative data (N=6) consisted of transcribed interview data collected during February- March 2023. The data was analyzed through a thematic analysis and through using both a deductive and an inductive process, main themes and subthemes were identified within the data. The theory used in the deductive process was the Protection Motivation Theory in order to test if the theory could be used in this context. The results show that the personal risk perception and general risk perception varies for elderly and adaptive actions are in general taken to protect oneself from heat waves. However, Töölö as a high exposure area does not clearly increase the amount of adaptation actions but can rather offer benefits through its geographical position by the sea. The elderly’s interest in improving heat wave risk communication through an early warning system in Finland is noticeable. However, the final role of the system still remains open, and skepticism was expressed about the real need of a system in Finland. The results highlight that the elderly’s personal risk perception is rather independent of their adaptation actions, and they still adapt to heat waves, even when they perceive the threat as low. The results also highlighted that the elderly use multiple information sources to follow updates on heat waves, but the ideal risk communication media needs to be determined to develop an early warning system according to the needs of vulnerable risk groups such as elderly.
  • Savolainen, Elina (2023)
    Climate change is one of the biggest challenges our planet and humanity are experiencing. The time window for finding ways to miti-gate carbon emissions is getting smaller and there is an urgent need to find solutions that aim not only to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, but to address the complex problems of land use change, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, and inequality. REDD+ is a multi-objective initiative under UNFCCC designed to reduce GHG emissions through deforestation and forest degradation togeth-er with non-carbon co-benefits of livelihoods, poverty, biodiversity, and local peoples and indigenous peoples rights. By applying a Qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) this thesis compares 12 various REDD+ countries national political contexts and particularly REDD+ policies and measures over time in order to identify conditions that enable or hinder the countries from achieving results in reversing forest cover trajectories. All the countries analyzed here are tropical, developing, or emerging countries with a political commitment to REDD+ with characteristics that hinder carbon-effective, cost-efficient, and equitable (3E) implementation of REDD+. The thesis builds on three previous REDD+ qualitative comparative analyses of various REDD+ countries' progress in developing and implementing national REDD+ policies and measures. The analysis follows an underlining theoretical assumption that both insti-tutions and agencies affect the REDD+ policy outcome. The longitudinal data used in the analysis is based on expert assessments conducted in three various data collection rounds in 2012, 2014, and 2016. The results show a set of enabling conditions under which countries can achieve a positive outcome. The findings from the previous studies have highlighted the importance of already initiated policy change and effective forest legislation from the institutional context, and from the actor-centered policy arena, the presence of powerful coalitions and the availability of performance-based payments. Here, two enabling remote conditions are identified (1) pressure from the forest resources and (2) the presence of effective forest legislation. The pressure from the forest resources leads to a positive outcome together with (3) strong national ownership and politi-cal will combined with (4) performance-based payments or (5) REDD+ policies and measures. The effective forest legislation.leads away from business-as-usual practices towards a broader transformational change when combined with (6) powerful transformation-al coalitions and (7) inclusive policy processes. Policy relevance: Well over a decade has passed since REDD+ was launched in 2007 but the progress has been much slower than it was initially expected. The evidence on what works and what does not is essential to achieve the GHG reductions needed to keep the global warming below 2C. The findings from this study can guide towards more effective, efficient, and equitable REDD+ policy design formulation and implementation.
  • Mäkelä, Heini (2023)
    Local climatic interactions between ice, ocean and atmosphere in Northwest Atlantic are significant due to their impacts on global climate. Sea-surface conditions and their links to major climatic patterns during the late-Holocene offshore southeastern Newfoundland, Placentia Bay, were studied using diatoms as paleobioindicators. The record indicates moderate conditions with Arctic influence being little stronger than Atlantic influence during the time period between 5.8 and 4.75 ka BP. The time period between 4.75 and 2 ka BP is dominated by Atlantic influence, except for a cold pulse around 3.5 ka BP. There is a considerable increase in Arctic influence during the time period between 2 and 0.4 ka BP. The strength of the inner Labrador Current seems to be the most important factor affecting the conditions in Placentia Bay. It follows both the NAO index and the strength of AMOC being strongest when the NAO index is positive and AMOC is strong. Cold periods in the record match with positive NAO. Meltwater and sea ice content in the inner Labrador Current seems to be dependent on the conditions in Baffin Bay. The AO index and the orbitally driven HTM, Neoglacial cooling and Roman warm period events affected the dynamics in Baffin Bay during the late-Holocene. Also, the AMOC caused either additional cooling or melting in the region depending on its strength. The major shift at 2 ka BP matched with a recorded shift in the deep convection rate in the Labrador Sea.
  • Mustasaari, Teemu (2023)
    Tämä opinnäytetyö käsittelee uuden ympäristöseurantamenetelmän kehitystyötä. Hauruja (Fucus spp.) on seurattu Suomen rannikolla jo pitkään, mutta nykyisiin kartoitus- ja seurantamenetelmiin liittyy haasteita ja epätarkkuutta. Hauruvaltaiset elinympäristöt ovat uudessa uhanalaisuusarvioinnissa määritelty erittäin uhanalaisiksi. Tarvetta uusille seurantamenetelmille siis on. Drone-teknologia on kehittynyt ja halventunut viime vuosina, mikä on avannut uusia mahdollisuuksia hyödyntää kaukokartoitusta. Edulliset valokuvaamiseen tarkoitetut dronet mahdollistavat sekä ajallisesti että paikallisesti erittäin tarkkojen ilmakuvien tuottamisen. Näitä on maailmalla käytetty menestyksellisesti myös rannikon kartoituksessa ja seurannassa. Suomessa drone-kuvia ei kirjallisuuden perusteella ole käytetty makrolevien kartoitukseen tai seurantaan. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus on selvittää, sopivatko tällaiset drone-kuvat hauruyhteisöjen kartoitukseen ja monitorointiin itäisellä Suomenlahdella sekä tuottaa tietoa menetelmän jatkokehitystä ajatellen. Kuvasin 22 merenranta-alueen reunaympäristön alkukesällä 2020. Kuvatuista alueista valitsin kahdeksan jatkotutkimuksiin, jotka kuvattiin uudelleen syksyllä 2020. Tällöin niiden alueelta kerättiin kuvatulkinnan tueksi 263 tukipistettä, joilta mitattiin veden syvyys ja arvioitiin haurujen esiintyvyys Drop-kuvausmenetelmällä. Rajasin ilmakuvilta näkyvät haurualueet ja vertasin niitä tukipisteaineistoon. Havaitsin, että 80 % havainnoista tieto luokittui oikein. Cohenin kappa -testin perusteella kohteiden välillä sekä eri syvyyksillä olevilla kasvustoilla oli suuria eroja havaintojen luotettavuudessa. Syvemmällä kuin 2,5 metrissä olevien haurukasvustojen erottaminen onnistui huomattavasti huonommin. Myös matalimman kasvuston (0 – 0,5 m) erottaminen oli hankalaa. Tulokset ovat lupaavat, mutta niiden perusteella menetelmää ei kuitenkaan vielä voi todeta toimivaksi, vaan lisätutkimuksia tarvitaan. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella kehitystyötä kannattaa jatkaa käyttämällä tarkkaa paikkatietoa ilmakuvien ja tukipisteaineiston tuottamiseen sekä uusia kuvantamismenetelmiä, jotka kykenevät tuottamaan tavanomaista RGB-kameraa paremman erottelukyvyn. Drone- ja meritöiden turvallisuuden parantamiseksi tehtiin riskienhallintaprosessi, jossa tunnistin, analysoin sekä raportoin töihin liittyvät merkittävimmät riskit.
  • Anna, Leppänen (2023)
    Climate change and temperature rise in the Arctic is resulting in a decrease in sea ice extent and changes in sea ice variability. The impact of climate change on sea ice variability can be better understood when studying past events of climate change and sea ice extent change. Past environmental change can be reconstructed using bioindicators such as chrysophyte cysts, siliceous resting stages of chrysophyte algae. Archaeomonas spp., a genus of chrysophyte cyst, is often found preserved in Marginal Ice Zone sediments in the Arctic and its relationship with sea ice extent is explored here, to further understand its potential as a sea ice proxy. Diatom slides from three cores in the North Atlantic (Melville Bay, the North Water Polynya and Placentia Bay) were used to evaluate relationships between Archaeomonas spp. and known sea ice diatom species like Fragilariopsis reginae-jahniae. The Melville Bay core spans the last 8000 years, the North Water Polynya core spans the last 4000 years, and the Placentia Bay core spans the last 5800 years, providing a broad account of Archaeomonas spp. and diatom species abundances over the Holocene. It was concluded that Archaeomonas spp. was not directly correlated with known sea ice diatom species like F. reginae-jahniae at any of the three study sites. Archaeomonas spp. did display some similar relationships with cold water species like Thalassiosira hyalina, Thalassiothrix longissima, Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii and Fragilariopsis oceanica, and pack ice species like Actinocyclus curvatulus and Melosira arctica. Archaeomonas spp. can form in a range of conditions but prefers colder conditions where sea ice may form or drift to, as opposed to warmer, open water conditions. However, it is not directly linked to sea ice. Further research should focus on understanding whether Archaeomonas spp. forms in sea ice or not. There were some suggestions made to identifying Archaeomonas spp. at species level, but further research should be conducted on Archaeomonas spp.’s morphology to advance identification.
  • Patrikainen, Linda (2023)
    Breast cancer is globally the leading cause of death in women. ER positive, HER2 negative breast cancer is the most common subgroup, covering two thirds of all breast cancer cases. The different isoforms of ERα, ERα66 and ERα36 are responsible of genomic and non-genomic ER signaling respectively. Tamoxifen is one of the most used drugs in ERα+ breast cancer. As a SERM tamoxifen blocks the activity of ERα66, but plays as an agonist for ERα36, which is associated with tamoxifen resistance. Tamoxifen resistance concerns more than 25% patients with ERα+ breast cancer but the molecular mechanisms that lead to development of resistant disease remain uncovered. Thus, the aim of this thesis was to reveal how two different ERα isoforms are used and regulated in tamoxifen resistance in two commonly used ERα+ breast cancer cell lines MCF7 and T47D. We studied the effect of hormones to tamoxifen sensitivity and to utilization of ERα isoforms. Additionally, we compared the transcriptomics of resistant and parental cells in both cell lines and tested how inhibition of key regulators affect the sensitivity against tamoxifen. In this thesis we report that MCF7 and T47D cell lines obtain different mechanisms of tamoxifen resistance, and that the development of tamoxifen resistance is a parallel process with the cell identity switch from luminal to basal. The EZH2 is involved in maintaining the luminal progenitor type of mammary cells, whereas c-Myc is highly expressed in the resistant cell lines. Hence, EZH2 and c-Myc are key players in development of tamoxifen resistance and could be considered as therapy targets in ERα+ breast cancers.
  • Jokelainen, Antti (2023)
    The Arctic region is experiencing an intensification in the hydrological cycle due to climate change. Lakes in the Arctic respond quickly to environmental changes and act as archives to past climates. Naturally occurring stable isotopes of water, specifically the isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen, provide a valuable tool for investigating local hydrological conditions and reconstructing past climates. In this study, stable isotopes of water in Värriö, Northeastern Finland, were analyzed to gain insights into the local hydrology and assess the use of palaeoclimatological methods for reconstructing past climates. Precipitation, groundwater, and lake water were analyzed to characterize the local isotope hydrology. To assess the reconstruction of past climate conditions, a set of modern chironomid head capsules were collected and analyzed for their isotopic composition. Chironomid head capsules are commonly used to reconstruct past climate conditions. The results indicated that precipitation in Värriö is sourced from the Barents Sea to a considerable extent, which has implications for the isotopic composition of surface waters. The isotopic composition of lake water in Kuutsjärvi was found to reflect the precipitation isotopic composition well due to a lack of evaporative enrichment. The study also noted the seasonal effects of spring thaw on the lake, and the contribution of groundwater as a controller of these effects. The analysis of chironomid head capsules in this study yielded values that differed from present-day conditions. The possible reason for the offset in values was explored, but not identified. This highlights the importance of accurate calibration of chironomid head capsule values and knowledge of chironomid ecology when using this method for palaeoclimatological research. Overall, this study demonstrates the utility of stable isotopes of water for characterizing local hydrological conditions and reconstructing past climates.
  • Rajala, Tuomas (2023)
    Forests play a key role in mitigating climate change and maintaining biodiversity. The ability of forests to sequester carbon dioxide and store it in wood biomasses and soils reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. However, forests are cut down for various reasons, such as economic ones, releasing carbon dioxide from the trees into the atmosphere. One way to combat climate change and biodiversity loss is to provide forest owners a voluntary incentive scheme that provides a new objective for forest owners to use their forests. The use of forests in the future will be decided by the new forest owners, i.e., the younger generation of forest owners. For this reason, it’s important to study their preferences for a voluntary incentive scheme. The study examined the characteristics of absentee and non-absentee forest owners under the age of 40 and compared the preferences for a voluntary incentive scheme directed to these two groups. The survey response rate was low (7,3%). Choice experiment method and a binary logistic regression model was used to find out the forest owners’ preferences in relation to accept the programme. In the binary logistic regression model, absentee residence was the only factor that positively and reliably increases the acceptance of the programme. Absentee and non-absentee forest owners appreciate similar aspects of forest property, for example relaxation and financial security. The biggest difference between these two groups came with consideration of forestry work and/or wood for household as nonabsentee forest owners valued that aspect higher. The study points out that knowledge of a METSO programme is relatively low, as 35% of absentee and 23% of non-absentee forest owners who responded have heard of the programme. Some young forest owners may not have a clear idea on how to manage forests, because forest ownership is new to them and therefore it is often difficult for novice forest owners to know which forest management practices to apply in one's own forests. According to the study, economic income from the forest property is important, but it isn’t an important source of economic security for a large number of young forest owners, especially when the share of absentee forest owners’ characteristics and preferences are on the rise among forest owners.