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  • Volotinen, Katariina (2012)
    Kolinergiset α6*-nikotiinireseptorit ovat kiinnostavia, koska ne liittyvät mahdollisesti Parkinsonin tautiin ja nikotiiniriippuvuuteen. Ionikanavina toimivat nikotiinireseptorit ovat muodostuneet viidestä alayksiköstä, jotka esiintyvät erilaisina yhdistelminä. α6-alayksikköä sisältävät nikotiinireseptorit sijaitsevat presynaptisesti ja säätelevät dopamiinin vapautumista dopaminergisessä hermopäätteessä. α6*-nikotiinireseptorit ovat keskittyneet vain tietyille aivoalueille ja niitä esiintyy runsaasti dopaminergisissä hermosoluissa. α6*-nikotiinireseptoreita on erityisesti mesolimbisen ja nigrostriataalisen hermoradan dopaminergisissä hermosoluissa. Lisäksi niitä on paljon näkemiseen liittyvillä aivoalueilla. Nikotiini toimii asetyylikoliinin tavoin aktivoimalla α6*-nikotiinireseptoreita, mikä johtaa dopamiinin vapautumiseen hermopäätteessä. α6*-nikotiinireseptoreiden sijainnin, määrän ja toiminnan tutkimisessa on käytetty apuna muun muassa niille selektiivisiä antagonisteja, saalistavista merietanoista peräisin olevia α-konotoksiineja, erityisesti α-konotoksiini MII:ta. Nigrostriataalisella hermoradalla, joka ulottuu substantia nigrasta striatumiin, α6*-nikotiinireseptorit voivat vaikuttaa liikkeen säätelyyn. Nikotiini vapauttaa dopamiinia nigrostriataalisen hermoradan päätepisteessä, striatumissa, mikä voi lisätä liikeaktiivisuutta. Nikotiinilla on havaittu olevan hyödyllisiä vaikutuksia Parkinsonin taudin eläinmalleissa, mutta Parkinsonin tautipotilailla nikotiinihoidosta saadut tutkimustulokset ovat ristiriitaisia ja puutteellisia. α6*-nikotiinireseptoreille voitaisiin kehittää selektiivisiä agonisteja, joiden avulla lääkehoito voitaisiin kohdentaa paremmin ja vältyttäisiin mahdollisilta haittavaikutuksilta. Tupakanvieroitukseen tarvittaisiin lisää uusia selektiivisiä lääkehoitoja, joilla olisi hyvä hoitomyöntyvyys ja mahdollisimman vähän haittavaikutuksia. Mesolimbinen hermorata, joka ulottuu ventraaliselta tegmentaalialueelta nucleus accumbensiin, liittyy riippuvuuden syntyyn. Nikotiinin vaikutukset välittyvät VTA:n kautta nucleus accumbensiin, jossa vapautuu dopamiinia. Osa nikotiinin vaikutuksista välittyy myös presynaptisten α6*-nikotiinireseptorien kautta. Selektiivisistä α6*-nikotiinireseptoreiden antagonisteista voisi olla hyötyä nikotiiniriippuvuuden hoidossa, sillä niiden vaikutus vastaisi osittaisagonistin vaikutusta. α-konotoksiini PIA:n vaikutuksia nikotiinin aiheuttamaan dopamiinin vapautumiseen tutkittiin in vivo mikrodialyysimenetelmällä. α-konotoksiini PIA saalistavasta merietanasta eristetty selektiivinen α6*-nikotiinireseptoreiden antagonisti. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin vapaana liikkuvia urospuoleisia Wistar-rottia. Tutkimuksen kohteena olevat aivoalueet olivat striatum ja nucleus accumbens. Rotille asennettiin anestesiassa ohjauskanyyli joko striatumiin tai nucleus accum-bensiin stereotaktisen laitteen avulla. Mikrodialyysikokeessa koetinten tasapainotuksen jälkeen kerättiin perustason näytteet ja pistettiin saliini tai nomifensiini tai vaihdettiin Ringer-ruiskun tilalle α-konotoksiini PIA-ruisku. Puolen tunnin päästä pistettiin saliini tai nikotiini ja vaihdettiin Ringer-ruisku takaisin. Näytteitä kerättiin 15 minuutin välein yhteensä 5,5 tuntia. Lopuksi aivot otettiin talteen ja niistä tehtyjen aivoleikkeiden avulla tarkastettiin koetinten paikat. Mikrodialyysinäytteistä määritettiin HPLC-menetelmällä dopamiinin ja sen metaboliittien DO-PAC:n ja homovaniliinihapon sekä koejärjestelyssä oletettavasti muuttumattomana pysyvän 5-HIAA:n pitoisuudet. Koejärjestelyssä päätettiin käyttää tutkittavien aivoalueiden dopamiinipitoisuuden nostamiseen nomifensiinia, joka estää dopamiinin takaisinottoa hermopäätteissä. Käsittelyryhminä olivat saliini-saliini (n=striatum ja nucleus accumbens, 8+7), saliini-nomifensiini (n=8+4), saliini-nikotiini (n=3+4), nomifensiini-nikotiini (n=10+13) ja nomifensiini-nikotiini-α-konotoksiini PIA (n=8+5). Rottia jouduttiin hylkäämään eri syistä joko ennen mikrodialyysia, mikrodialyysin aikana tai sen jälkeen. Rottia hylättiin yhteensä 70 kpl. Tilastollisessa analyysissä tutkittujen käsittelyiden tai aivoalueiden välille ei saatu merkitseviä eroja, koska eläinten välinen hajonta oli liian suurta. Silmämääräisesti nomifensiini-nikotiinikäsittely nosti striatumin ja nucleus accumbensin dopamiinipitoisuuksia. α-konotoksiini PIA näytti estävän dopamiinin vapautumista striatumissa ja nucleus accumbensissa, mutta erot nomifensiini-nikotiinikäsittelyyn eivät olleet tilastollisesti merkitseviä. AUC-arvolla mitattuna α-konotoksiini PIA esti dopamiinin vapautumista striatumissa 39,6 % ja nucleus accumbensissa 31,3 %. Aivoalueiden välillä ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja.
  • Savelainen, Timo (2013)
    Some problems in dry powder inhaler formulation include low dose efficiency and changes in dispersibility during storage. For lung deposition particles should have aerodynamic size of 1 - 5µm. Poor dispersion of drug particles from carriers' surface is thought to be the main reason for low dose efficacy. A tertiary component of small particles has been generally added to formulation to improve fine particle dose. Small particles are usually manufactured by micronization. This may induce crystal defects and amorphous sites on the surface of crystals. Amorphous sites are metastable and they may crystallize during storing. Changes in particles crystallinity may have an action on efficiency and stability of dry powder inhalers. Conditioning is designated as stabilisation of particles surface by mixture of solvent vapour and inert gas. Vapour may also dissolve surface roughness. This is called deliquescence. Ostwald ripening is phenomenon whereby small particles dissolves and recrystallizes onto larger crystals. This can be extended for surface asperities. Amorphous materials have also better solubility than crystalline materials so amorphous sites may also dissolve and recrystallize onto crystalline surface. Amorphous sites may crystallize spontaneously by absorbing plasticizing agents from vapour phase or by influence of temperature. The purpose of this work was to study process variables in conditioning and their effect on modification of surface roughness and stabilization of micronized α-lactose monohydrate and test drug substance. The purpose was also to study how surface modification and stabilization effects on powders flowability and stability of dry powder inhaler. The dry powder inhaler contained two different vicinity of lactose and two different drug substances. Conditioning was based on evaporation of liquid from open surface. Studied process variables were temperature of powder, temperature of bath of liquid phase and flow rate of nitrogen gas. The aim of this study was to form a process design for conditioning of new substances, to improve powders flowability and to remove changes in fine particle dose during storage. Surface roughness was studied by laser diffraction analysis and specific surface area measurements and also by electron microscopy. Specific surface area was measured by nitrogen adsorption method. Stabilization of amorphous sites ware studied by dynamic vapour sorption. Flowability was measured by angle of repose and with FlowPro device. Fine particle dose was measured with next generator impactor device. The study showed that increasing the amount of solvent in vapour increases surface smoothness and stabilization. Also increase of temperature of sample increased stabilization. Influence of temperature on surface smoothness was not as clear. Changes in temperature may have altered adsorption and kinetic of crystallization of dissolved molecules. Flowability of lactose was significantly improved. Condition did not improve dry powder inhalers fine particle dose, but there was significant difference between different process conditions. This was concluded to be caused of surface modification. It was also shown that different process conditions affected on formulations stability.
  • Hannula, Sara (2011)
    Pharmaceutical services refer to services in community pharmacies which are based on knowledge and skills of the pharmaceutical personnel. Pharmaceutical services can be divided into basic and special services. Pharmaceutical basic services relate to community pharmacy's legislative functions, while pharmaceutical special services try more proactively contribute to consumers' health.. Automated dose dispensing is pharmaceutical special service. Dose dispensing means that the patient's medication are packed in disposable bags corresponding to the dose that he or she needs to take during the course of one day. When a new patient starts to use the automated dose dispensing service, his medication is reviewed to assure there would not be severe interactions or unnecessary drugs The drugs suitability to the service and the timing of the medication is noted when the service is started. Automated dose dispensing service produces a medication list of customer's medication. The survey studied the level of the checks made to patient's medication and how can the medication history be explaned. In the survey were also interested in the level of review that was done to patient's medication. Information of patient's medication was also collected with a questionnaire. Background information showed how well the results of the survey can be generalized to pharmacies offering services and customers using the service. The questionnaire was sent to all pharmacies that ordered automated dose dispensing as contract manufacturing from Espoonlahti Pharmacy in September 2010. In the semi structured questionnaire was multiple choice and open-ended questions. Response rate in this study was 45. Background information showed that questionnaires were returned from pharmacies all around the Finland and all sizes of pharmacies. Mostly the patients starting the automated dose dispensing service are aged, homecare patients, nursing home residents or service home residents. Medication cards are used in collecting the information of patient's medication, but information to the medication card can be updated from other sources too. Medication review to patient's medication is made usually in multi-professional cooperation. Changes made to patient's medication are mainly caused by generic substitutions, selection of the dispensing machine or avoidance to halving. Medications have only few interactions that lead into discontinuing use of some medicine. Checking the medication has only little effect on the amount of drugs used by the patient. New patients starting the automated dose dispensing service have on the average 11 medicines in use, from which 7 medicines are taken to automated dose dispensing. The most widely used ATC groups are cardiovascular and nervous system medicines. Each new patient uses an average of three preparations in both groups before and after the initiation of automated dose dispensing service.
  • Rojalin, Tatu (2015)
    Raman spectroscopy is based on vibrations that occur between the atoms of a compound. The overall structural energy is derived from the electronical energy as well as vibrational, rotational and translational energy. In Raman spectroscopy the vibrational and rotational energies are essential. Usually the excitation energy used in Raman spectroscopy can be either in the region of visible light or NIR. The sample absorbs the energy and energy is also scattered back to all possible directions. Elastic scattering is called the Rayleigh scattering. In that case the back-scattered photons have an equal energy as the original excitation energy. However, some of the scattering happens inelastically and it forms the basis of Raman-phenomena. If the detected photons have smaller energy than the original, it is called the Stokes scattering. If the energy is bigger, it is anti-Stokes scattering. Raman is typically very rare and weak phenomenon. The spectral features in Raman spectra consist of the intensities and energies of the back scattered photons. Raman spectroscopy provides very accurate and detailed structural information on the molecule. It is basically a label-free technique with minimal need for sample preparation and the measurements can also be carried out e.g. through container walls. Further, Raman is quite insensitive to hydrous samples and it is suitable to solutions and biological assessments. However, there are some drawbacks that are formed by the luminescence phenomena i.e. fluorescence. Strong fluorescent backgrounds can mask the relevant Raman features in spectra because Raman and fluorescence are competetive processes. For instance many drug molecules have such structures that they cause strong fluorescence. It is also one of the reasons that pharmaceutical applications and measurements have been partly limited due to this problem. There are applications to improve and enhance a Raman signal. For example resonance phenomena and SERS are favored. To solve the fluorescence-related problems there are also means; one can change the laser wavelenght, photobleach the sample or apply different kinds of data manipulation techniques to the spectral data achieved. There are drawbacks with these methods. They can be slow, complex, damage the samples and still insufficient fluorescence suppression is a problem. In this study a novel time-gated CMOS-SPAD detection technique is applied to non-fluorescent and fluorescent drug measurements. The new detection system has a programmable on-chip delay time and it is synchronized with a picosecond pulsed laser. The scattered photons can be measured in the time scale when they are simultaneously measured in traditional energy and intensity wise. Raman scattering occurs in the timescale of sub-picoseconds while the fluorescence phenomena happen typically in the order of nanoseconds. This time difference can be exploited effectively to suppress the fluorescence. In the literature review of this study the basis of vibrational spectroscopy is introduced - especially Raman spectroscopy. The techniques related, as well as the novel time-resolved technique are covered. Further, different kinds of applications in the field of Raman spectroscopy are reviewed, mainly pharmaceutics-related and biologically relevant applications. In the experimental work the focus was to compare a continuous-wave 785 nm laser setup coupled with the CCD-detector to the pulsed picosecond 523 nm laser coupled with the CMOS-SPAD-detector. The measurements were performed on different kinds of drugs, both non-fluorescent and fluorescent. The aim was to obtain information on the effectiveness of CMOS-SPAD-technique on fluorescence suppression for solid drugs and solutions. Secondary goals were to collect knowledge on the similarities and differences between the Raman setups used for solution measurements, to optimize and discuss the key elements of setups for solids and solutions and to show preliminarily the applicability of the CMOS-SPAD-system on fluorescent drug's solutions as well as find out the requirements related to quantitative assessments using Raman spectroscopy. In drug research there is also constant need for reliable in vitro cell assays. The assessments made in this study may prove useful to the future applications e.g. measurements with living cells. An effective fluorescence suppression was achieved to strong fluorescent backgrounds using the novel time-resolved CMOS-SPAD-detection system coupled with the pulsed picosecond 532 nm laser. The setup is potentially a convenient tool to overcome many fluorescence-related limitations of Raman spectroscopy for laboratory and process analytical technology (PAT) use in the pharmaceutical setting. The results achieved encourage to consider that with careful calibration and method validation there is potential for quantitative analysis, biopharmaceutical and biological applications e.g. in vitro cell studies where most Raman techniques suffer from strong fluorescence backgrounds. Other potential fields for future applications can be also considered.
  • Niemi, Matias (2021)
    Yhteiskunnan digitalisaatio on lisännyt verkkopalveluiden käyttöä monilla aloilla, ja suurin osa suomalaisista käyttää internetiä esimerkiksi palveluiden tai tuotteiden hankintaan. Erilaisten digitaalisten terveyspalveluiden käyttö on kasvanut viime vuosina, ja koronapandemia on nopeuttanut muutosta. Suomessa useat apteekit ovat perustaneet viime vuosina verkkopalveluita, mutta niiden käyttö on ollut edelleen vähäistä. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia koronapandemian vaikutuksia Yliopiston Apteekin (YA) verkkopalvelun käyttöön. Tutkimuksessa tutkittiin rekisteriaineistojen perusteella kokonais- ja reseptiasiakasmäärän sekä reseptimäärän ja asiakasprofiilin muutosta ennen koronapandemiaa ja sen aikana vuosina 2018-2020. Lisäksi tutkittiin YA:n Lääkeneuvonta- ja asiakaspalveluyksikön (Tiepa) vastaanottamien puhelin- ja chat-yhteydenottojen määrää ja sisältöä sekä kyselyaineiston perusteella apteekin verkkopalvelun käyttäjien näkemyksiä koronapandemian vaikutuksista heidän apteekin verkkopalvelun käyttöön. Monimenetelmätutkimuksessa tutkittiin apteekin verkkopalvelussa tapahtunutta muutosta apteekin asiakas- ja myyntitietojen sekä asiakaskyselyn avulla. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin YA:n myynti-, asiakas-, Tiepa- ja pikanoutorekisteriaineistoja sekä YA:n toteuttaman ’’Verkkoapteekki 2020’’ -kyselytutkimuksen aineistoa. Aineistot analysoitiin kvantitatiivisesti Microsoft Excel (16.0) ja IBM SPSS (26) ja R (4.0.3) tilasto-ohjelmistoilla. Myyntiä tai asiakasmääriä mittaavia aineistoja analysoitiin indeksin pisteluvuilla. Kokonais- ja reseptiasiakasmäärälle sekä reseptiasiakkaille keskimäärin toimitettujen reseptien lukumäärälle laskettiin myös tilastollinen merkitsevyys lineaarisella regressioanalyysillä 95 % luottamusvälein. Kyselytutkimuksen lopputulosmuuttujista tehtiin kuvaileva tilastoanalyysi frekvenssijakaumien ja prosenttiosuuksien avulla. YA:n verkkopalvelun käyttö lisääntyi merkittävästi tarkastelujaksolla 2018 – 2020. Kokonais- ja reseptiasiakasmäärän muutokset koronapandemian aikana olivat tilastollisesti merkitseviä. Pandemian vaikutus verkkopalvelussa vastasi pandemiaa edeltävän lineaarisen kehityksen perusteella kokonaisasiakasmäärässä 6 kuukauden ja reseptiasiakasmäärässä yli 3 vuoden kehitystä. Apteekin verkkopalvelun käyttö ja tiettyjen koronasairauden hoitoon median mukaan soveltuvien valmisteiden myynnit lisääntyivät merkittävästi kevään 2020 aikana. Tiepan chat-palvelua käytettiin paljon terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin liittyvien kysymysten selvittämiseen. Koronapandemia lisäsi erityisesti iäkkäämpien asiakkaiden (yli 55- ja erityisesti yli 65-vuotiaiden) apteekin verkkopalvelun käyttöä. Infektioriskin vähentäminen oli tärkeä syy apteekin verkkopalvelun käyttöön. Vuoden 2020 aikana apteekin verkkopalvelussa tapahtui digiloikka. Koronapandemia lisäsi merkittävästi ja tilastollisesti merkitsevästi apteekin verkkopalvelun käyttöä ja toi sen uusiksi käyttäjiksi myös iäkkäämpiä asiakkaita. Erityisesti reseptilääkkeiden hankinta apteekin verkkopalvelusta lisääntyi. Tiepa oli tärkeä tietolähde ennen koronapandemiaa ja sen aikana. Pandemia-aikana luotettavan lääkeinformaation tarve korostuu. Jatkotutkimuksissa on tärkeä tutkia apteekin verkkopalvelun käytön ja asiakasryhmien muutoksia sekä asiakkaiden kokemuksia verkkopalvelusta osana YA:n monikanavaista apteekkipalvelua.
  • Kannela, Niina (2013)
    Cortisol is a vital hormone for normal bodily functions. Both physical and mental stress, as well as many diseases like the Cushing syndrome are known to increase the human cortisol levels. These levels can be measured in many biological matrixes, such as saliva. Traditionally, these measurements have been done by using immunoassays or liquid chromatographic-mass spectrometric methods (LC-MS). However, in the last few years, ambient ionization techniques, which are quick and easy to use, have also proven suitable for quantitative analysis of compounds in biological matrixes. Thus, these techniques could offer an alternative to traditional methods in the analysis of cortisol from human saliva. The aim of this study was to investigate the suitability of desorption atmospheric pressure photoionization (DAPPI) for quantitative analysis of steroids in saliva. The investigated steroids were dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), cortisol and testosterone. Because of the low quantities of testosterone and DHEA in saliva, the study was mainly focused on cortisol analysis. In this study, the ionization mechanism for the steroids was observed to be proton transfer with every tested spray solvent (acetone, chlorobentzene and toluene). Even though the choice of spray solvent did not change the ionization mechanism, it affected the efficiency of ionization. In cortisol measurements acetone was observed to be the best solvent. The temperature of the microchip, as well as the UV-lamp used (dc- or rf-lamp), only affected the ionization slightly. In this study, measuring cortisol in non-pretreated saliva was not successful. However, solid phase extraction (SPE) method for the pretreatment of saliva was optimized with high recovery for cortisol (106 %). The detection limit for cortisol (50 nM) in water samples and the linear area of cortisol in both water and pretreated saliva samples (500 nM - 10 µM) were also determined. Poor repeatability of DAPPI-system was the main challenge in these measurements. The DAPPI-MS-method developed in this study is suitable for analyzing cortisol in pretreated saliva samples. However, without further development it is not sensitive enough to be used in quantitative analysis of cortisol in salivary levels.
  • Jyrkkä, Anu (2017)
    The number of home-dwelling aged is increasing in Finland. Rational medication use is one of the factors, which ensures the good functional abilities needed for independent or assisted living at home. No timely research on the medication use of the home-dwelling aged in Finland is published. Research on their medication use makes it possible to identify the drug related problems. Identifying drug related problems and rationalizing or deprescribing medications belong to risk management which aims at avoiding adverse drug events that might impair functional abilities. The aim of this Master's Thesis was to describe the medications used by the home services assisted home-dwelling aged, to study the prevalence of potentially inappropriate medication use (PIM) and clinically significant (SFINX Class D) drug-drug interactions and to study anticholinergic and serotonergic loads of medications used. Additionally, correlation between the use of PIMs according to Beers criteria and functional abilities measured by RAVA™ was studied. This study was conducted as a part of a larger interventional and randomized study in Town of Lohja, 'Development of a Coordinated, Community-Based Medication Management Model for Home-Dwelling Aged in Primary Care'. The cross-sectional baseline data was collected in autumn 2015. The study cohort (n=188) consisted of home-dwelling aged who were assisted by home services aged 65 or older and living in Lohja. They were randomized into intervention (n=101) and control groups (n=87). Majority of them were women (69%) and their mean age was 83 years. The mean number of medications used was 13. Data on prescription drugs (both regular and irregular) was collected from their medication lists. Most severe, class D drug interactions were checked out from reports of SFINX database. Potentially inappropriate medication (Beers 2015), anticholinergic load and serotonergic load were checked out from reports of Salko database. Medications were analyzed in both groups separately. RAVA evaluation was conducted by home care nurses and practical nurses. Pearson's correlation coefficient was calculated to analyse the associations between the amount of potentially inappropriate medication and functional ability in addition on crosstabs. The most commonly used drug classes were central nervous system medications (n=184, 98 %) and cardiovascular medications (n=176, 94 %). The most common drug was paracetamol (n=155, 82 %). Benzodiazepines and related drugs was used by 43 % (n=80) and antipsychotics 17 % (n=32) participants. At least one anticholinergic medication (two or three points) according to Salko database was used by 27 % participants; 13 % had concomitantly more than one serotonergic drugs. Prevalence of the clinical significant drug-drug interaction was 8 %. Almost four out of five had potentially inappropriate medications according to the Beers 2015 criteria of which the most common drug was pantoprazol (n=60, 21 %). The number of the PIMs used by the study participants did not correlate between the functional ability measured by RAVA class (Pearson correlation coefficient 0.024). Aged among home care services are highly medicated and the potentially inpropriate medication use is common. Coordinated models and interprofessional medication reviews are needed to ensure rational and safe medication therapy of the aged. However, correlation between functional ability measured by RAVA class and Beers medicines use was not shown.
  • Suominen, Riina (2022)
    COVID-19 pandemic has caused a global crisis and its effects have also been reflected to pharmaceutical supply in Finland. At the beginning of the crisis the effects were especially evident in the consumption of self-medication analgesics, prescription drugs and drugs related to respiratory diseases. In a global crisis, collaboration between the public, private and third sector is becoming increasingly important, and it is important to consider how to develop the capacity for collaboration between organizations in different sectors during a pandemic. The purpose of this study was to find out how the cross-sector collaboration between the public, private and third sector of the pharmaceutical supply in Finland was organized in the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, what was the role of the cross-sector collaboration and how the preparedness and crisis management of the drug supply could be improved. The study was conducted as a semi-structured interview survey and the interviewees were selected to cover the various sectors of Finnish pharmaceutical care as well as possible. The analysis was performed by the Gioia method and thematic design. Based on the study the organization of cross-sector collaboration was both operator- and authority-oriented and the legislation and environment in the drug supply created the framework for the crisis management. Both the authorities and the advocacy organizations can be described as having acted as hubs for organization. There was no clear crisis organization in drug supply, but different actors were involved in the crisis management at different stages of the crisis. The role of collaboration was emphasized in the sharing of information and resources and in joint solution of problems. The collaboration enabled foresight and preparedness, a focus on core tasks and crisis management, and mutual benefit. Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic include the need to increase and intensify collaboration, increase crisis plans and crisis training, update the system of security of supply and mandatory reserve supplies, increase self-sufficiency, and increase overall governance. Cross-sectoral collaboration was seen as useful in crisis management of the crisis in the drug supply chain. The collaboration promotes the formation of a common picture of the situation and the flow of information from the field to decision-makers. Comparing the results of this study with the literature it can be said that the results partially support the previous literature. However, crisis management of the pharmaceutical supply chain from the organization of cross-sectoral collaboration point of view has not been studied in the past.
  • Ylä-Outinen, Saija (2011)
    Ksylitolilla on edulliset käyttöominaisuudet. Edullisista käyttöominaisuuksista huolimatta ksylitolin käyttö lääkevalmisteiden apuaineena on vähäistä. Viime vuosina lääketeollisuudessa on kuitenkin lisääntynyt kiinnostus ksylitoliin ja muihin sokerialkoholeihin. Kirjallisuudesta löytyy vain vähän tietoa ksylitolin puristuvuudesta ja sen soveltuvuudesta tablettien täyteaineeksi. Tässä työssä karakterisoitiin erilaisten ksylitolilaatujen ominaisuuksia ja niiden soveltuvuutta suorapuristuksella valmistettavien tablettien täyteaineeksi. Materiaaleina käytettiin kolmea rakeistettua ksylitolia ja kahta jauhemaista ksylitolia. Ksylitolilaaduista tutkittiin ominaisuudet, joilla on vaikutusta materiaalin puristumiseen. Tutkittavat ominaisuudet olivat kaato- ja tärytiheys, todellinen tiheys, partikkelikoko ja partikkelikokojakauma ja valuvuus. Kirjallisuuden perusteella ksylitoli on lievästi hygroskooppinen, joten tässä työssä tutkittiin myös ksylitolin hygroskooppisuus eri olosuhteissa. Työssä tutkittiin ksylitolin puristuvuutta yksin ja yhdessä huonosti puristuvan lääkeaineen, parasetamolin, kanssa. Eri ksylitolilaatujen puristumista tutkittiin eri-kokoisilla painimilla. Ksylitoli on hyvin soveltuva apuaine myös lapsille tarkoitettuihin lääkevalmisteisiin ja siten tutkittiin myös oliko ksylitolista mahdollista puristaa minitabletteja. Minitablettien käyttö tulevaisuudessa lasten annostelumuotona tulee todennäköisesti lisääntymään. Rakeistetut ksylitolilaadut puristuivat tämän tutkimuksen perusteella suhteellisen hyvin. Jauhemaiset ksylitolit puristuivat huonosti. Syynä näiden huonoon puristuvuuteen oli liian suuri partikkelikoko ja partikkelikokojakauma, joka esti partikkelien välisten sidosten muodostumista. Parasetamoli heikensi huomattavasti kaikkien ksylitolilaatujen puristuvuutta. Ksylitoli ei siis yksinään pysty kumoamaan parasetamolin huonoa puristuvuutta, vaan formulaatioon tarvittaisiin ksylitolin lisäksi jokin yleisesti tablettien suorapuristuksessa käytettävä täyteaine. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella ksylitoli on hygroskooppinen, mutta vasta suhteellisen kosteuden ollessa hyvin korkea (95 %). Siten ksylitolin hygroskooppisuus ei ole haitaksi ajatellen ksylitolia sisältävien valmisteiden valmistusta tai säilytystä.
  • Antila, Hanna (2012)
    Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) is a serine protease that cleaves the inactive plasminogen to a broad-spectrum protease plasmin. Plasmin is involved in the degradation of blood clots by breaking down the fibrin network. In addition to it's role in the fibrinolytic system, tPA participates in the functions of the central nervous system. tPA is expressed in several brain areas and has been shown to be involved in neuronal plasticity. tPA's effects on brain plasticity are mediated in part via degradation of extracellular matrix proteins, but mainly via processing of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Plasmin cleaves pro-BDNF into BDNF that serves as primary endogenous ligand for TrkB neurotrophin receptor. TrkB signalling is strongly associated with the regulation of neuronal plasticity such as neurogenesis, synaptogenesis and long-term potentiation (LTP). On the contrary, pro-BDNF binds and activates p75 neurotrophin receptor that regulates many distinct, even opposite, effects on neuronal plasticity such as long-term depression and synapse refraction. Enhancement of brain plasticity is considered to be important for the therapeutic effects of antidepressant drugs and this is at least partially mediated via BDNF. Antidepressants activate TrkB receptors and increase BDNF protein levels in the rodent brain but the mechanism behind this remains obscure. Given that tPA is an important factor in the processing of BDNF, it is a possible mediator for antidepressants' neurotrophic effects. The effects of antidepressants on tPA activity have been previously studied only in the blood circulatory system. The aim of the experimental part of this Master's thesis was to examine the effects of antidepressant fluoxetine on tPA activity and protein levels in mouse hippocampus. Also the effects of fluoxetine on BDNF-TrkB signalling were studied. Fluoxetine was administered to mice acutely (30 mg/kg, i.p., 1 h) and chronically (0,08 mg/ml in drinking water, 3 weeks). tPA activity was studied using SDS-PAGE - and in situzymographies. TrkB activation, tPA and BDNF protein levels were measured using western blot. BDNF protein levels were also examined with ELISA method. No changes in tPA activity were found after acute fluoxetine treatment. In line with this result is the observation that also the BDNF levels remained unchanged. However, TrkB receptor activity was increased in fluoxetine treated mice. It seems possible that BDNF is not involved in the TrkB activation caused by acute fluoxetine treatment. Chronic fluoxetine treatment caused a significant increase in the BDNF protein levels compared to water-drinking control mice. This was not, however, associated with significant changes in TrkB activity. No changes in tPA activity were observed, which suggests that tPA is not involved in the increase of BDNF levels after chronic fluoxetine treatment. Interestingly, tPA antibody detected three distinct proteins in western blot of whose levels acute fluoxetine treatment regulated. However, more studies are needed to identify these proteins and to reveal the significance of such an effect of fluoxetine. According to this study, neither acute nor chronic fluoxetine treatment affects tPA activity in mouse hippocampus. However, environmental enrichment has been shown to enhance tPA activity and produce similar neurotrophic effects as chronic fluoxetine treatment. Therefore the result of this study concerning effect of chronic antidepressant treatment on tPA activity should be verified.
  • Koskela, Jaana (2015)
    Mechanofusion is a dry coating method in which the high shear forces cause a mechanochemical reaction between the processed particles. With the approach it is possible to improve flowability of a host cohesive powder when the guest particle forming the coating is magnesium stearate. Applying mechanofusion in tablet formulations could make poor flowing large dose drug substances suitable for direct compression. However, it is well known that magnesium stearate decreases mechanical strength of the tablets and prolongs disintegration and dissolution time of tablets. A previous study, however, showed that it is possible to compress tablets from a formulation dry coated with magnesium stearate without reducing the dissolution rate. Dry coating with magnesium stearate and its effect on a plastic material, known to be sensitive for the negative effects of magnesium stearate, has not been studied previously. The aim of the study was to examine the effect of mechanical dry coating with magnesium stearate on the physical qualities and compression behaviour of a plastic material. The effect was studied by dry coating four grades of microcrystalline cellulose with different magnesium stearatecon centrations. The approach was to find an optimum between the flowability and compressibility of the powders by using different process parameters. Microcrystalline cellulose with median particle size of 23 and 78 µm were also mechanofused without magnesium stearate in order to examine whether mechanofusion itself has an effect on the properties of microcrystalline cellulose. Pure raw materials and Turbula-mixed magnesium stearate and microcrystalline cellulose blends were studied as references. Dry coating with magnesium stearate improved the flow properties of microcrystalline cellulose with D50 value less than 78 µm. Powders with D50 value greater than 144 µm, however, break down under the shear during the process and hence their flow properties were decreased. This suggests, that mechanofusion as a process is more suitable for the small particle size microcrystalline cellulose powders which, based on the results, can withstand the high-shear forces better. Mechanofusion of plain microcrystalline cellulose (D50 78 µm) revealed that the moisture content of the powder increased and stronger tablets could be compressed. Mechanofusion may cause changes to the microstructure of microcrystalline cellulose particles and to its ability to adsorb moisture. Dry coating with magnesium stearate was very effective even with short processing times and relatively low blade speeds, and it was challenging to compress hard tablets from the mechanofused mixtures. Plastic material was found to be sensitive for the negative effects of magnesium stearate, and better flow properties of a mechanofused powder resulted in weaker compressed tablets.
  • Jakola, Janne (2017)
    The incidence of wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is increasing with ageing. AMD leads to blindness if it is not treated properly. Common treatment is to administrate intravitreal growth factor inhibitors. An ageing population increases the number of patients which overloads the public health services and expands costs. Traditionally, injections have been administered by physicians but because of the limited recourses nurses have been trained to administer injections. In addition, injections can be administered as physician's clinical extra work to alleviate the queue and as an outsourcing service from the private sector. As the resources of the public health service are limited, it is important to evaluate used methods reliably. The target of this research was to investigate the administration costs of intravitreal injections which are administered by physicians, nurses, a physician or a nurse working extra to alleviate the queue or by a private sector. The used method was cost analysis because the effectiveness of the care is the same regardless of the administer of the injection. The source of costs was Ecomed database of HUS, the data of cost accounting and catalogue of billing from the outsourcing service. The costs were examined in perspective of the producer of the service. Based on the cost analysis, the administration costs per injection are following: administered by physicians 51,39 €, nurse-administered 51,19 €, administered by a physician to alleviate the queue 100,46 €, nurse-administered to alleviate the queue 72,87 €, administered by a physician in outsourcing service 276,19 and nurse-administered in outsourcing service 269,85 €. The annual total costs of the producer of the service were 4 563 726 €. By increasing the number of injections administered by a nurse of HUS the need for an outsourcing service can be decreased which may decrease the annual total costs by two million euro. It is important to find cost-effective solutions because the number of patients are increasing. Based on this research it is more profitable to increase the number of injections administered by a nurse of HUS than to train more nurses to administrate injections to alleviate the queue or to work in outsourcing services. The result of this research can be adapted in planning of the public health services.
  • Nurmi, Tuomas (2020)
    Automated dispensing cabinets can improve patient safety by reducing medication errors, and consequently, the incidence of adverse drug events, as well as reduce the number of outdated drugs and the size of ward inventory. They can reduce the amount of time nurses and other staff spend on distribution and ordering of medicines, and time spent on taking inventory. In conjunction with an electronic narcotics registry, they may significantly reduce the time needed for filling, checking and correcting narcotics registry forms. This study evaluated the impact of automated dispensing cabinets on the amount of time nurses spend on selecting and picking doses for patients, as well as its effect on the size of ward inventory and wastage of drugs. The amount of time nurses, pharmacists, and technical staff spent on narcotics registry related activities in the hospital ward and hospital pharmacy was also measured. No evidence was found to support the conclusion that automated dispensing cabinets speed up selection and picking of doses, and they may in fact slow it down. With current number of narcotics distributed in the hospital annually, the overall time taken by narcotics registry activities can be 10.9 full time equivalents. Most of this time, roughly 8.7 FTE, consists of nurses filling narcotics registry forms while administering drugs, though only a tiny proportion of each nurses’ time is spent on this activity. On average, it the cost of labor needed to fill one form is 9.3 €. An electronic narcotics registry in combination with and ADC could reduce this down to 0.36 € - 1.16 € per narcotics package by removing the need to fill redundant information in different registries.
  • Nissinen, Ulla (2017)
    Quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy are methods measuring mass changes on solid surface. During measurement fluid flows over sensor. The aim of this study was to find out if it's possible to culture a biofilm using QCM and SPR methods and compare biofilms with those cultured in test tubes under static fluid conditions. Enrofloxacin antibiotic was tested against biofilm cultured in SPR. Biofilms were imaged electron microscopically. Bacteria used were Staphylococcus pseudintermedius and Corynebacterium auriscanis and a combination of those. Biofilm was successfully cultured by both methods repeatably. S.pseudintermedius formed a biofilm, but C.auriscanis didn't. Together S.pseudintemedius and C.auriscanis formed thicker biofilm than S.pseudintermedius alone. There were difference between biofilms depending on culturing conditions. Biofilm covered the surface quicker and bacterial density was higher under flowing conditions than static fluid. The growth of biofilm was ceased during enrofloxacin feeding, but not destroyed. Growth continued after stopping enrofloxacin feeding. QCM and SPR methods are suitable for culturing biofilms. They measure mass changes on solid surface but tell nothing about the architecture of biofilm. QCM and SPR could be good methods for studying compounds destroying biofilm matrix or trying to find coating materials to prevent bacterial adhesion.
  • Andersson, Ville (2019)
    The Finnish Medicines Agency, Fimea, is the authority responsible for supervision pharmacies in Finland. Recently, there has been more interest in Fimea to improve its supervision of community pharmacies. For this purpose, a questionnaire was made. Prior to the making of the questionnaire, community pharmacy supervision practices were studied in Nordic countries and in the UK. Additionally, faults found in Finnish community pharmacy inspections in 2016–2018 were classified by analysing anonymized fault lists (n=94) separated from inspection reports. When the most common faults were identified, it was possible to include questions concerning these faults into the questionnaire. A modified version of the Delphi method was used when developing the questionnaire. Comments on the applicability of the questions were given by a panel of experts consisting of inspectors of Fimea. The questionnaire was subsequently edited in accordance with the given comments. Separate versions of the questionnaire form were developed for community pharmacies and for their subsidiary pharmacies. At the end of this study, the questionnaire was sent to seven pharmacies and to three subsidiary pharmacies. After the results of the questionnaire were collected, Fimea gave feedback on the questionnaire. 25 categories were created by classifying faults found from pharmacy inspections. The most common inspection observations were faults in storage condition monitoring (97 % of pharmacies), narcotics (86 %), implementation of code of conduct (86 %), product errors (86 %) and preparation of medicines ready for use (81 %). The questionnaire begins by asking basic information about the pharmacy. Following questions concern the personnel and their further adequacy training. The questionnaire also includes several questions on the code of conduct within the pharmacy. Additionally, there are questions about storage condition monitoring, dispensary and accounting of narcotics. At the end of the questionnaire, there are also a few questions about the European Medicines Verification System (EMVS) which will be implemented by February 2019. Support from the inspectors of Fimea and studying regulations of pharmacies helped identify appropriate questions for the questionnaire. However, the perspective of the questionnaire may be limited due to the questionnaire being developed based up on faults found from inspections. The faults observed from inspections across pharmacies in Finland have been very similar with some of them being also alarmingly common. Because many of the observed faults are relatively easy to fix, simple corrective measures could be implemented to improve the situation across several pharmacies. Thus, usage of questionnaires, such as one made in this study, could be considered a feasible way of improving supervision of pharmacies.
  • Virtanen, Anne (2023)
    This qualitative study was carried out as a semi-structured interview study, which was supplemented with quantitative information from centralized cytotoxic preparation units in Finland hospital pharmacies and with information about interviewees. Quantitative information was collected using questionnaires. The proportion of centralized cytotoxic preparation units that responded to the background information questionnaire was 95% (19/20) of all centralized cytotoxic preparation units in mainland Finland. In the autumn of 2022, hospital pharmacy employees (n=23) participating in the reconstitution of cancer drugs were interviewed. On average, the interviewees had 14 years of work experience in the reconstitution of anticancer medicines. They represented 75% (15/20) of the centralized cytotoxic preparation units in mainland Finland, covering centralized cytotoxic preparation units of different sizes and locations in different parts of Finland. In 2021, 88% of the anticancer medicines in all centralized cytotoxic preparation units in Finland were reconstituted at the workplaces of interviewed. According to the interviews, the reconstitution of anticancer medicinal products involves the possibility of an error in several stages of the process. An error can occur when prescribing the medicine, transferring prescription information, when selecting the raw materials, reconstituting of the cancer medicine and during transport. The interviewees identified 24 risks associated with these stages, that could lead to patient safety incidents. Safeguards have been built to avert errors or promote the detection of the errors. Based on the research data, the safeguards were classified into six categories: the development of the technology, guiding work through guidelines, strengthening competence, standardizing practices, controlled working environment and learning from deviations. In Finland, it has not previously been studied or classified with which functions and principles the centralized cytotoxic preparation units have built safeguards to prevent patient safety incidents. This study shows that reconstitution of cancer medicines is a risky process. To improve the quality of reconstituted cancer medicines and patient safety, both the system- and person-focused safeguards have been built into the risk points of the processes of the centralized cytotoxic preparation units, but their utilization varied between centralized cytotoxic preparation units. Based on comprehensive data, the research result can be generalized to centralized cytotoxic preparation units in Finland hospital pharmacies.
  • Repo, Amanda (2022)
    The use of different methods of extended reality (xR) as a support in teaching has been under research for a long time. Although the use of various xR-technologies in other fields of healthcare, such as medical and nursing education, is already common, their use in pharmacy education is not yet well established. There is evidence that xR-technology has a positive impact for example on students’ motivation and learning outcomes. On the other hand, there are limiting factors that inhibit the technology becoming widespread, such as costs as well as a lack of knowledge about the technology usability. The aim of the study was to investigate usability and advantages of the augmented reality (AR) in a laboratory course as an educational supportive tool by using AR-glasses. The aim was also to investigate the learning outcomes of the students who participated in the study in three different phases: before carrying out the laboratory work (pre), immediately after the laboratory work (post) and in the course exam (delayed). Furthermore, the motivation of the students to use new technology in their studies was studied. The research was done in a collaboration with the Centre for University Teaching and Learning (HYPE) and with Sciar Company Oy. The researchers of HYPE were responsible for the pedagogical point of view, whilst the experts from the Faculty of Pharmacy were responsible for the study measurements of laboratory work related content knowledge. The research was implemented in two laboratory courses in Bachelor of Science level pharmacy studies: Medicinal product II and Pharmaceutical biology and asepsis in the fall of 2020. The students (n=18) prepared eye drops by using AR-glasses in the Medicinal product II -course and reference group (n=14) without AR-glasses. In the course of Pharmaceutical biology and asepsis, students (n=7) used AR-glasses to study the microbiological purity of the eye drops by utilizing membrane filtration method in cleanroom and reference group (n=9) without AR-glasses. ln addition, a serial dilution method was performed on a 96-well plate using an AR mobile application. The effect on learning outcomes was evaluated by using six open-ended questions measuring the understanding of content knowledge underlying the laboratory work, that were answered by the students at three different stages of the study (pre, post, delayed). To measure the usability of the AR equipment, a five-point Likert scale questionnaire studied the experimental groups students’ opinions on whether the AR mobile application could provide sufficient guidance and feedback while performing the laboratory work. In an open question, the students had the possibility to comment on the overall user experience of the AR mobile application. There were no statistically significant differences in learning outcomes between the AR-group and the reference group in both laboratory courses. The results showed indicative differences in short-term and long-term learning, with the AR-group achieving better learning outcomes in the short-term and the reference group in the long-term. In the course of Pharmaceutical biology and asepsis, the learning outcomes were the opposite. Students’ were found to be receptivity to the new technology that together with motivation supports positively the learning process. The use of AR-hardware increased certainty and reduced nervousness about the use of AR technology. As a conclusion, the study could not demonstrate the benefit of AR-technology in student learning outcomes. The study was limited by the small sample size. However, further studies are encouraged due to students’ positive attitudes and motivation towards AR technology. Regarding further studies, it is important to take into consideration the different backgrounds and learning methods of students. Thereby, the effects of xR-technologies on learning outcomes can be assessed as objectively as possible.
  • Siltakorpi, Matleena (2021)
    Obesity is a growing health challenge in Finland. Despite the fact, that obesity is recognized as a chronic disease, it remains underdiagnosed and undertreated. In the past few years, two new anti-obesity drugs have entered the market to support the lifestyle changes Anti-obesity medication would be a natural option to support lifestyle changes, but physicians have not widely adopted the medication in their treatment patterns. The aim of this study was to understand, what are the abilities of primary care physician (PCP) to treat obesity, considering their knowledge, resources and, local care pathways. In addition, the study sought to determine the most important factors, that are involved in the initiation of anti-obesity medication. The study was conducted as a semi-structured thematic interview. A total of nine PCPs from all over Finland were interviewed for the study. Of these, three worked on the private sector and six on the public sector. The interviews were conducted during October-November 2020. The framework of the interviews was built based on the previous studies and information within a pharmaceutical company specializing in the treatment of obesity. The content was analysed with inductive content analysis. PCPs interested in the treatment of obesity raised the topic of weight quite easily in various situations and some of them mentioned that they even find it easy to bring up the subject. However, the subject is mainly brought up when the patient already has some weight-related comorbidities. Preventively, weight is less often talked about, especially because of a lack of human and time resources. Currently the most comprehensive care pathways and interdisciplinary teams are in occupational healthcare. In occupational healthcare, resources are perceived as adequate and the interdisciplinary teams works well. In most healthcare centers, a separate care pathway for the treatment of obesity had not been built. In general, knowledge of the obesity treatment was considered adequate, but education on the biological basis of obesity is needed. Most of the PCPs knew about the new anti-obesity drugs and had positive attitude towards them, but they did not prescribe the drugs themselves. The most significant barrier to prescribe the anti-obesity drugs, was the price of the products and the lack of reimbursement. In addition, experience with anti-obesity drugs is limited and the need for education is high. Currently, occupational health physicians have better abilities to treat obesity in terms of care pathways, interdisciplinary teams and, resources than PCPs in public healthcare. The conditions are also better for the implementation of pharmacotherapy as resources and care pathways enables proper lifestyle guidance alongside pharmacotherapy. Prior to reimbursement, pharmacotherapy may not be a realistic option in the public sector, and the conditions for proper lifestyle guidance alongside pharmacotherapy are not sufficient in all locations.
  • Hietanen, Jannemarkus (2022)
    The price competition of biological medicines induced by biosimilars has started slower than expected in Europe. One of the main reasons has been the differences in physicians’ attitudes toward biosimilars. Switching biological medicines to clinically comparable alternatives is an important way to enhance the cost-effectiveness of using biological medicines. The focus of the conversation has shifted from the general similarity of biosimilars and the originators to whether frequent switching involves additional risks. The purpose of this master’s thesis was to investigate factors influencing physicians’ prescribing of biological medicines. In addition, their perceptions of the automatic substitution of biological medicines in Finland were explored. The study was based on structured personal interviews of rheumatologists and gastroenterologists including specialising physicians who work at HUS Helsinki University Hospital in the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (n=48). They had a chance to comment on their responses at any time freely. The interview consisted of four sections: demographics, general attitudes toward biosimilars, factors affecting prescribing biological medicines, and perceptions of the automatic substitution of biological medicines. Study participants had a chance to comment on their structured responses during the interview. The interviews were recorded for further analysis of the comments. The results are based on a descriptive quantitative analysis and an inductive analysis of the comments. The interviewed physicians’ (n=27, response rate 56,3%) attitudes toward biosimilars were highly positive. Most of the physicians (21/27, 78%) also strive to motivate patients to switch biological medicines to clinically comparable but lower-cost options despite the challenges associated with switching, for example the differences in the administration devices. Of the previously determined factors, the ones affecting prescribing biological medicines the most were the willingness to support the price competition between the biological medicines, reimbursement status, and the hospital’s drug formulary when initiating the biological treatment in the hospital. The attitudes toward the automatic substitution of the biological medicines were positive among 13/27 (48 %) physicians. Our study results are in line with the results of earlier studies, but the open responses especially to the automatic substitution of biological medicines might indicate more positive perceptions on the subject among physicians in Finland.
  • Korhonen, Annika (2016)
    Digital technologies have brought new prospects also in pharmaceutical industry and marketing. Communication between different interest groups has become faster and more convenient. There has also been development of new marketing methods utilizing digital technology. E-detailing, mobile applications and social media sites are examples of novel ways to market medicines and disseminate medical information. The aim of this study was to find out how doctors see electronic detailing (e-detailing). The study was carried out by electronic questionnaire, which was answered by 45 Finnish doctors. Doctors who participated in this study had attended e-detailing organized by Pfizer before. Roger's innovation diffusion model was used in drawing up the questions and as theoretical framework of this study. The results of this study showed that doctors regard e-detailing mainly positively and they intend to participate e-detailing also in the future. About one fourth of the doctors, who answered, think that e-detailing is more useful than traditional detailing. In general, doctors do not prefer e-detailing to traditional or group detailing. They also attend e-detailing more seldom than other forms of detailing. In addition, doctors see that e-detailing is more additional value than substitute for traditional detailing. According to this study e-detailing can be a useful tool for pharmaceutical companies mainly because it is a convenient and effective way to contact doctors. The biggest challenges of e-detailing are lack of personality and difficulties in changing timing of arranged detailing sessions. All in all, novel marketing methods may enable that pharmaceutical companies can take doctors' different needs into account. On the other hand, controlling the totality demands that pharmaceutical companies have a functional CRM-strategy and uniform communication.