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Browsing by master's degree program "Utbildningsprogrammet för provisorsexamen"

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  • Sipola, Kirsi (2021)
    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder caused by degeneration of motor neurons in brain and spinal cord. The degeneration of motor neurons leads to muscle atrophy and paralysis. Currently there is no cure for ALS. Available drugs for ALS can lengthen the survival time by a couple of months. Several factors involve the pathophysiology of ALS, such as endoplasmic reticulum stress and neuroinflammation. Mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor (MANF) is a protein which has shown neuroprotective effects on animal models of Parkinson disease and brain ischemia. C-terminal fragment of MANF can cross the blood-brain barrier, allowing it to be administered subcutaneously instead of injected directly into the brain. The experimental part consists of two parts. The aim of the first part was to study the pharmacokinetic properties of next generation MANF (C-MANF). The aim of the second part was to elucidate the effect of twice a week administered subcutaneous injection of C-MANF in genetic SOD1-G93A mouse model and its neuroprotective effects by assessing protection of lumbar motor neurons. Pharmacokinetic properties of C-MANF were determined in wild type mice after a single subcutaneous injection of C-MANF at different time points by using indirect ELISA assay. The effects of C-MANF in SOD1-G93A mouse model were assessed by subcutaneous injection of either C-MANF or PBS twice a week and by monitoring clinical score and motor behavior of mice from 10 weeks of age to clinical endpoint. Hematoxylin eosin staining was used to study neuroprotective effects of C-MANF. C-MANF administered subcutaneously is absorbed into the blood circulation and the highest serum concentration of C-MANF is after 60 minutes of dosing. Subcutaneously injected C-MANF also crosses the blood-brain barrier and reach the brain in 120 minutes. C-MANF did not preserve motor function or ameliorated ALS symptoms in SOD1-G93A mouse model. In this study C-MANF did not increase the survival of SOD1-G93A mice. C-MANF did not significantly protect motor neurons from degeneration even though there was a slight trend between the groups. No beneficial effects were observed with C-MANF in SOD1-G93A mouse model and therefore the dose and frequency of administration of C-MANF were not optimal. Subcutaneously injected C-MANF provides a safer dosing option for neurodegenerative disorders.
  • Nurmi, Kurt (2022)
    Viral promoters are an essential part of a normally functioning virus. Their main task is to drive the transcription of genes which govern hijacking of cell function and replication of viral particles. In addition to supporting normal function of a virus, they can be used to drive the transcription of transgenes which can be used in different therapies. In oncolytic therapies, transgenes can be used to prime the host system against neoplasms which has been shown to generate long term anti-tumour immunity. Human adenoviruses (Ad) are commonly used as a platform for oncolytic virotherapies. Human Ad’s replicate poorly in mouse tumour cell lines, yet some promoters, which are included in the viral constructs to drive the transcription of beneficial transgenes, are able to function. Currently it is unknown whether E3, the native promoter of adenovirus 5 of the E3 region, is capable of functioning in murine cell lines. In this thesis we study whether human cytomegalovirus promoter (CMV) and E3 differ in their efficacy to drive the transcription of the mOX40L and mCD40L transgenes. In the experimental part of this thesis, we compared the efficacies of two viral promoters, AdE3 and AdCVM, in transcribing mOX40Land mCD40L in vitro. Efficacy of transcription was assessed through immunofluorescence and flow cytometry in human and murine cell lines. Furthermore, the effects of promoters on viral infection, killing and replication were evaluated in burst assay and the colorimetric MTS proliferation assay. MTS and burst assay were conducted to confirm if viral infection, killing and replication occurs in human and murine cell lines. Both AdE3 and AdCMV were able to infect and kill human cell lines and cell viability decreased in correlation to the number of viral particles used. In murine cell lines, no decrease in cell viability was detected in the 4T1 cell line. In burst assay, viral replication was observed for both AdE3 and AdCMV in the human MDA-MB-436 cell line. In murine CT26 cell line, no replication was observed for AdE3 or AdCMV constructs. Immunofluorescence assay was performed to visualize transgene expression and localization. Results indicated that mOX40L was localized on cell surface while mCD40L was detected both outside and inside of the cytosolic compartment. Flow cytometry results revealed that both AdE3 and AdCMV constructs are capable of efficiently transcribing mOX40L in human cell lines. In the flow cytometry results for AdE3, two large cell populations with different fluorescence intensities were detected. AdCMV lacked this feature which is postulated to be due to higher lytic activity of the viral construct. In murine cell lines, HCMV could produce mOX40L, but production in murine cell lines was severely attenuated compared to human cell lines. mOX40L produced by the AdE3 construct did not differ from the baseline and was deemed incapable of producing mOX40L in murine cell lines. For the purpose of studying novel virotherapeutics the results of this thesis would indicate that human CMV can be used to drive expression of transgenes in murine cell lines. Despite this, it is preferable to use host specific viruses and promoter sequences for a better translation between mice and humans. Viruksen promoottorit ovat keskeisessä osassa toimintakykyisessä viruksessa. Virus promoottorin päätarkoituksena on geenien transkriptio, mitkä vastaavat solun keskeisten toimintojen kaappaamisesta ja virus partikkeleiden replikaatiosta. Näiden toimintojen lisäksi promoottoreita voidaan käyttää transgeenien transkriptiossa, mitä voidaan hyödyntää sairauksien hoidossa. Onkolyyttisissä terapioissa transgeenejä voidaan käyttää virittämään kehon immuunipuolustus taistelemaan kasvainkudosta vastaan. Ihmisen adenovirusta käytetään usein onkolyyttisten viroterapioiden alustana. Ihmisen adenovirus (Ad) replikoituu hyvin heikosti hiiren syöpäsoluissa, mutta osa adenovirukseen sisälletyistä eksogeenisistä promoottoreista, joita käytetään terapeuttisten transgeenien transkription ajamiseen, kykenee toimimaan ja tuottamaan haluttua proteiinia. Tällä hetkellä ei tiedetä, kykeneekö E3, joka on adenoviruksen E3 lokuksen promoottori, toimimaan hiiren solulinjoissa. Tässä tutkielmassa selvitämme ihmisen sytomegalovirus promoottorin (CMV) ja E3 eroa niiden tehossa ajaa mOX40L ja mCD40L transgeenien transkriptiota. Kokeellisessa osuudessa vertailimme kahden virus promoottorin, E3 ja CMV, eroa niiden tehossa ajaa mCD40L ja mOX40L transkriptiota in vitro. Transkription tehoa tutkittiin immunofluoresenssin ja virtaussytometrian avulla ihmisen ja hiiren syöpäsolulinjoissa. Tämän lisäksi promoottorien vaikutusta virus infektioon, replikaatioon ja kykyyn tappaa soluja arvioitiin burst kokeella ja kolorimetrisellä MTS menetelmällä. MTS ja burst kokeiden avulla varmistettiin AdE3 ja AdCMV virusten kyky infektoida, tappaa ja replikoitua ihmisen ja hiiren syöpäsolulinjoissa. Sekä Ad3 ja AdCMV todettiin kykenevän infektoimaan ja tappamaan ihmissyöpäsoluja ja solujen viabiliteetin lasku korreloi virus partikkeleiden määrän kanssa. Hiiren 4T1 syöpäsoluissa ei todettu solujen viabiliteetin laskevan. Burst kokeessa havaitsimme sekä AdE3 että AdCMV kykenevän replikoitumaan ihmisen MDA-MB-436 solulinjassa. Hiiren CT26 solulinjassa kummankaan viruksen ei havaittu kykenevän replikoitumaan. Immunofluoresenssi kokeessa visualisoimme transgeenien ilmentymisen ja paikantumisen. Tulokset osoittivat, että mOX40L paikantui solun pinnalle. mCD40L havaittiin puolestaan sekä solun ulkopuolella että sytosolissa. Virtaussytometria kokeen tulokset osoittivat, että sekä AdE3 ja AdCMV pystyivät tehokkaasti ilmentämään mOX40L ihmisen solulinjoissa. AdE3 virtausytometria tuloksissa löydettiin kaksi solupopulaatiota, joilla oli toisistaan poikkeavat fluoresenssi intensiteetit. Tätä ilmiötä ei havaittu AdCMV:lla infektoiduilla soluilla, mikä saattoi johtua korkeammasta lyyttisestä aktiivisuudesta. Hiirisolulinjoissa CMV kykeni ilmentämään mOX40L, mutta transkription teho oli selvästi alhaisempi verrattuna ihmissolulinjoihin. E3 promoottorin ilmentämä mOX40L ei eronnut kontrollista ja sen todettiin olevan kykenemätön tuottamaan mOX40L hiirisolulinjoissa. Tuloksemme osoittavat, että ihmisen CMV promoottori kykenee ilmentämään transgeenejä hiiren 4T1 ja CT26 solulinjoissa. On kuitenkin huomattava, että isäntälajille natiivien virusten ja promoottorien käyttö olisi tarkoituksenmukaisempaa tulosten käännettävyyden kannalta hiiristä ihmisiin.
  • Mikkonen, Sampsa (2023)
    Orphan medicinal products (OMPs) are pharmaceuticals, that are utilized in the treatment of rare diseases. Rare diseases are diseases with a prevalence of at most five individuals out of 10 000. Clinical trials with statistically robust clinical data are challenging to conduct with rare diseases, since patient populations are small and the amount of trial subjects enrolling into these trials are usually scarce. Rare diseases also represent a variety of different diseases with divergent properties (5000-8000 identified). This presents challenges in health technology assessment (HTA) when reimbursements for these treatments are assessed and decided, especially when these treatments are usually considerably expensive and burdening to national health care systems. The main objectives for this study and master´s thesis was to research via interviews with experienced professionals from pharmaceutical industry and officials as how to define, monitor and assess the clinical effectiveness of OMP treatments, how to enhance their market access, and how to develop the current conditional reimbursement system in Finland. The interviewees (n=12) all represented from their respective backgrounds and introduced opinions from their own occupational positions and frameworks based on their professional experience. The study was executed as a qualitative study utilizing semi-structured interviews with predetermined questions and themes between 6th of April 2023 and 8th of June 2023. The interviewees were initially contacted via email and phone by one of this thesis supervisors from a professional pool of individuals identified using purposive sampling. The interview transcriptions were examined and analyzed using content analysis, and they were coded and grouped into themes. When inquired, the most common opinions regarding how to define and monitor clinical effectiveness of OMP treatments, the most common answers emphasized individual clinical assessment, real world data (RWD) collection, consideration of symptom control and overall quality of life, economic effectiveness, and clinical expert assessment. Market access of OMPs could be enhanced with more flexible and bold applications for negotiations and agreements, and a need for uniform, predictable MEA procedures, parameters for treatment discontinuation, outcomes-based models, and earlier proactive start for initial negotiations on behalf of the payer (society). The existing conditional reimbursement system might be developed with outcomes-based models, increased dialogue and trust between companies and officials within the realm of negotiations, uniform and predictable MEA procedures, and already established MEA negotiation frameworks to fast tract OMP market access. Development of the existing conditional reimbursement scheme, as well as objective to enhance market access environment in Finland could be accomplished by novel, flexible, patient specific, holistic and bold systems with an emphasis on systematic collection of RWD. Uniform and predictable MEA procedures with predetermined negotiation frameworks could bring value through faster market access and valuable predictability for pharmaceutical companies in their operations. Rapid market access of OMPs could be beneficial via clinical effectiveness of the treatments, as well as through collecting valuable clinical data from the medicinal products.
  • Lähdesmäki, Emmi (2023)
    The most typical symptoms of dementia include impairment of cognitive brain functions, such as memory and thinking. Most common forms of dementia include Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, and frontotemporal dementia, which is caused by degeneration of the frontotemporal lobe. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, covering about 75% of all the cases. The pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease includes beta-amyloid plaques and tau proteins, which accumulate in the brain, and which have been linked to damage to nerve pathways and the appearance of the typical symptoms of the disease. The disorder is progressive, but the exact cause remains unknown. However, old age (>65 years), the APOE-4 gene, lifestyle, and some comorbidities, such as cardiovascular diseases, are considered risk factors. Even though extensive research has been conducted, there is currently no curative treatment for Alzheimer's disease. Sleep disorders can be both a symptom of Alzheimer's disease and a risk factor for the onset of the disorder. Therefore, the mechanisms of sleep and circadian rhythm are connected to the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease, for example through the glymphatic system that cleans the brain mainly during deep sleep. Many drugs for Alzheimer's disease have a recommended time of administration. The dosing time can be very important issue in terms of the effectiveness of the drug. According to a recent study, sleep and circadian rhythm have not been considered in most studies on new rapid-acting antidepressants. Therefore, we carried out an analogous systematic literature review for Alzheimer's disease and dementia. The aim of this study was to find out whether sleep and circadian rhythm have been considered in the most cited preclinical and clinical drug research articles for Alzheimer's disease and dementia during the last decade (2010–2020). In addition, it was examined which drug groups the studied compounds belonged to, and what was the sex distribution of the test subjects in the studies. The number of subjects was also determined from clinical studies, and the animal species from preclinical studies. The research articles analysed in the study were collected with a systematic literature review of Scopus database. The study found that most studies did not include any consideration of sleep or circadian rhythm. Most of the investigated compounds were small molecules, followed by supplements and herbs, and rest classified as biological drugs. Most of the clinical trials were relatively small studies with less than a hundred subjects or hundreds of subjects. Among the 100 most cited clinical research articles, there were 14 reanalyses and observational studies that were not included in this analysis of subject numbers. In clinical studies, most of the test subjects were usually female, while preclinical studies used commonly male animals. To conduct more open and reliable science in the future, drug research should pay more attention to the subjects’ sleep patterns, the time of drug administration, and reporting on these issues in the articles, which is usually part of the requirements of scientific journals. This could potentially narrow the translational gap between preclinical and clinical research.
  • Oksanen, Jouni (2023)
    Vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C) is the most studied of the growth factors that control the growth of lymphatic vessels (lymphangiogenesis) and belongs to the same VEGF family as VEGF-A, which controls the growth of blood vessels. The growth of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels is centrally related to the pathophysiology of several cancers that form solid tumours and wet macular degeneration. Unlike VEGF-A, VEGF-C is not currently (2023) a target molecule of any approved drugs, but in clinical trials in the indications mentioned above, combining a VEGF C inhibitor with VEGF-A inhibitors has provided better results than VEGF-A inhibitor monotherapy. The study's objective was converting a phage display library containing single-chain antibody variable fragments (scFvs) screened against VEGF-C into full IgG class antibodies. The scFvs had shown a binding affinity towards the human, mouse, or both VEGF-C variants. The DNA sequences of the best binders of the library had previously been cloned into pLK06H plasmids. The scFvs comprise the variable region of the light and heavy chain (VL and VH) but do not contain the constant regions of the antibody (CL and CHx). Using single-chain antibody fragments as drugs is limited because, in most indications, better stability of whole antibodies, lower immunogenicity, and a longer half-life enabling less frequent dosing is desirable. In addition, the Fc part of whole antibodies often mediates the drug effect, such as complement activation, and whole antibodies are also used as research tools. Secondly, the study aimed to investigate how changing the antibody format affects the binding affinity. To produce whole antibodies, original DNA sequences of pVitro-trastuzumab-IgGk1 plasmid encoding VH and VL regions were replaced with new VH and VL sequences from the phage display library. Several recombinant DNA technology methods were utilised, but the most crucial method was the commercially available NEBuilder HiFi DNA Assembly, which enabled the seamless joining of several DNA fragments into a recombinant DNA molecule in a single-tube reaction. The cloning workflow proved uncertain, as only one constructed antibody production plasmid was sufficiently amplified and expressed in bacterial and mammalian cell cultures. Suboptimal overlapping of DNA fragments and insufficient competence of the bacterial strain used in the transformation were probable bottlenecks. Therefore, as such, the method is not suitable for use on a large scale to convert single-chain antibody fragments into whole antibodies. Also, binding tests were not performed. However, the work done and the antibody production plasmid built is a good basis for further optimisation of the method. In the optimisation, attention should be paid, especially to the quality of the DNA primers and the competence of the bacterial cell line. Also, alternative cloning methods, such as restriction enzymes and ligases, could be used instead of the NEBuilder HiFi DNA Assembly.
  • Eronen, Janne (2023)
    Adequate vaccine coverage and vaccine refusal have been prominently featured in the media during the COVID-19 pandemic. The decision-makers have considered adequate vaccine coverage important for maintaining the capacity of healthcare. The purpose of this study is to produce population-based research data about the factors affecting the willingness to take the COVID-19 vaccine. With the help of that information, it is possible to identify the factors that influence individual’s decision-making about whether to take the COVID-19 vaccine. The data of the study is the first Kansalaispulssi-data of the year 2022. Kansalaispulssi is a survey, made by the assignment of the State Council, which is used to research Finnish citizen’s views of the current topics. The research design is cross-sectional. The analysis of the study is done by crosstabulation using the Chi-square test. Age and financial situation of the person were related to the willingness to take the COVID-19 vaccine and the person's view of the role of the vaccine in preventing severe corona disease and getting rid of the COVID-19 pandemic. Age also influenced the person's view of the importance of the vaccine in preventing the COVID-19 disease. Gender, province, or educational level had no effect on a person's vaccine views in this study. Based on the research, Finnish citizens are very pro-vaccine. They also understand well the role of the vaccine in preventing a serious illness caused by the disease.
  • Neuvonen, Emilia (2024)
    Tutkimuksen tausta: Avohuollon apteekit tekivät monia toimenpiteitä varmistaakseen apteekkipalveluiden jatkuvuuden ja lääkkeiden saatavuuden COVID-19-pandemian aikana. Kriisijohtamisen prosessiteoria antaa rakenteellisen viitekehyksen kriisien ymmärtämiseen ja hallintaan. Tavoite: Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia suomalaisten avohuollon apteekkien kriisijohtamisprosessia COVID-19-pandemian aikana käyttäen kriisijohtamisen teoriaa teoreettisena viitekehyksenä. Menetelmät: Poikkileikkauskyselytutkimus kehitettiin kriisijohtamisen prosessiteorian pohjalta ja lähetettiin suomalaisille avohuollon apteekkareille sekä yliopistoapteekkien johtaville proviisoreille toisen pandemia-aallon aikana loka–marraskuussa 2020. Logistisen regressioanalyysin avulla tutkittiin, oliko johdon riskinäkemyksellä yhteyttä kriisivalmiuteen, ja miten kriisisuunnitelmat, tiimit ja yhteistyö ulkoisten sidosryhmien kanssa olivat yhteydessä pandemian vaikutuksiin avohuollon apteekeissa. Avoimista vastauksista saatu laadullinen aineisto ryhmiteltiin samankaltaisuuksien perusteella. Tulokset: Kyselyyn vastasi yhteensä 221 apteekkaria ja johtavaa proviisoria (vastausprosentti 36,7 %). Apteekeista 79,6 %:lla oli olemassa pandemiasuunnitelma ennen kriisiä. Pandemiakriisitiimi oli nimetty 35,3 %:lla apteekeista ja 33,5 % lisäsi tai paransi yhteistyötä muiden apteekkien tai lääkehuollon toimijoiden kanssa. Kollektiivinen päätöksenteko ja ulkoisen yhteistyön lisääminen tai parantaminen olivat yhteydessä vähäisempiin negatiivisiin vaikutuksiin johdon jaksamisessa. Lisäksi kollektiivinen päätöksenteko oli yhteydessä vähäisempiin negatiivisiin vaikutuksiin organisaation taloudessa. Kirjallisuudesta poiketen olemassa olevalla pandemiasuunnitelmalla oli enemmän negatiivisia vaikutuksia organisaatioiden resursseihin. Yhteyttä apteekkarin riskinäkemyksen ja apteekkien kriisivalmiuden välillä ei havaittu. Johtopäätökset: Apteekkien tekemät toiminnalliset muutokset ja infektion ehkäisy- ja torjuntakäytännöt mahdollistivat keskeisten palvelujen tarjoamisen pandemian asettamista haasteista huolimatta. Oppimista ja sopeutumista tapahtui reaaliajassa kriisin aikana. Kollektiivisen päätöksenteon kehittäminen ja yhteistyö kollegoiden ja muiden lääkehuollon toimijoiden kanssa voivat parantaa apteekkarien jaksamista ja apteekkien taloutta tulevissa kriiseissä. Jatkotutkimuksissa voitaisiin hyödyntää laadullisia tutkimusmenetelmiä ja tutkia tarkemmin kollektiivista päätöksentekoa sekä vaikuttavan kriisisuunnitelman sisältöä avohuollon apteekkien kontekstissa.
  • Laurikkala, Nella (2022)
    Digitalization of health care and the corona pandemic have increased availability and use of online services provided by community pharmacies. In Finland, willingness to use online pharmacy services has been studied from population approach. Less is known about the user satisfaction with the core online pharmacy services such as dispensing and medication counseling services. This study aimed to investigate satisfaction with the University Pharmacy’s online services ( from customers’ approach. Primarily, customer satisfaction with dispensing and medication counseling services was assessed. In addition, characteristics affecting customer satisfaction were analyzed. The conceptual framework of the study was Andersen's Model of Health Services Use. The data for this study was collected by a cross-sectional survey conducted in August 2020 among University Pharmacy’s online pharmacy customers who had made a purchase during the last three months. The survey instrument consisted mainly of structured Likert-scale questions, which were used to form two sum variables: satisfaction on online dispensing services (3 variables, Cronbach's alpha 0.803) and satisfaction on online counseling services (2 variables, Cronbach's alpha 0.883). Satisfaction on online dispensing services was studied through willingness to recommend and use the services in the future. Satisfaction on online counseling services was studied through a comparison of medication counseling on an online pharmacy and a conventional pharmacy. IBM SPSS (28) -software was used for statistical analysis consisting of bivariate (Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests) and multivariate (generalized linear model) analyses to identify factors affecting satisfaction with dispensing and medication counseling services. Of 15 172 invitations sent to fill out the survey, 2555 eligible responses were received (16 %). Of the respondents, 92 % had concomitantly used the services of a conventional pharmacy. . The mean of satisfaction on online dispensing services on a scale from 1 to 5 (5 being the most positive option "completely agree") was 4.3 (SD 0.8). Similarly, the mean of satisfaction on online counseling services was 3.7 (SD 0.9). According to the multivariate analyses, significant characteristics affecting satisfaction on online dispensing services were age, form of living (alone/family with children/couple), purchase of prescription or OTC medicine, frequency of internet use and previous visits to a conventional pharmacy. Characteristics affecting satisfaction on online counseling services were education, purchase of prescription medicine, use of chat information service, frequency of internet use and previous visits to a conventional University Pharmacy outlet. The services on online pharmacy rated most important by the respondents were services about medicine availabilities (in conventional University Pharmacy outlets and during a shortage) and information about medicines (prices, Kela reimbursements and information about customers' prescriptions). Customers were satisfied with online dispensing and counseling services. Online dispensing services received a higher satisfaction rate than online counseling services. Customers who had used the chat service and purchased a prescription medicine online were more likely to assess online counseling services to be equal or better than in a conventional pharmacy. Active use of internet and purchases of medicines online were factors connected to higher satisfaction with online dispensing services. Most online pharmacy customers had also visited conventional pharmacies. The results from this study can be utilized in the development of online and other pharmacy services.
  • Granqvist, Riikka (2021)
    Parkinson´s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease in the world after Alzheimer´s disease. There is still no drug that alters the state of the disease. It has been found that Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress is one mechanism in PD. ER stress occurs due to accumulation of unfolded proteins. ER stress triggers Unfolded protein response (UPR) that protects against ER stress by decreasing unfolding of proteins. In the beginning, UPR has protective effect, but in prolonged ER stress UPR triggers apoptotic cell death. There are several key mediators in the UPR pathway. Characterisation of ER stress in PD models may be important for the current and future drug development of PD. If ER stress is a significant factor that affects the disease development, it would be important to find a drug that alters these mechanisms and UPR. This may be a way to halt the disease development. Different animal models of PD, like 6-OHDA (6-hydroxydopamine) and MPTP (1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine) model, have similarities in their mechanisms. It has been found that ER stress occurs both in the brain of PD patients and animal models of PD. That is why studying and further characterisation in animal models is relevant. The aim of this study was to characterize ER stress in 6-OHDA rat model. The expression of some key mediators of the UPR were determined in this study. There were male and female Spraque Dawley rats in this experiment. 6-OHDA or saline was injected intrastriatally in 3 spots by stereotaxic surgery. Two weeks after 6-OHDA lesions, amphetamine-induced rotation test was conducted to the rats. The rats were divided into groups based on lesion size according to the results. For this study, the rats were euthanised at week 2 or week 4 post lesion. The rats were euthanised by carbondioxide, and the death was confirmed by decapitation. The brains were collected and stored in -80°C. Striatum and substantia nigra were collected later. Total RNA was isolated from these samples. Part of the RNA sample was used to conduct cDNA synthesis. Finally, the gene expression of Atf4, Ire1α, Xbp1s, Xbp1t, Grp78 and Chop was measured from these cDNA samples by qPCR (quantitative polymerase chain reaction). The qPCR data describes the expression of exact gene. The data was processed prior to statistical analysis. By statistical analysis, it was possible to compare the expression of these genes between 6-OHDA group and vehicle group. In addition, comparison was made between 6-OHDA treated groups at week 2 and 4. According to the results, only Chop expression had increased in 6-OHDA lesioned rats at week 2 compared to the vehicle group. In other genes there were no statistical differences, unlike in several other studies where the expression was found to be increased. Thus, the characterisation of this model requires further studying, possibly by increasing the sample size and studying later time points as well.
  • Pusa, Reetta (2024)
    The potential of extracellular vesicles (EVs) as diagnostic markers and drug delivery vehicles has been studied increasingly in recent years. One of the challenges in this field has been the isolation of EVs from complex biological fluids such as blood. The methods widely used for the isolation process include for example size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and ultracentrifugation (UC). As these methods use size and density of the particle, the have not been efficient enough in isolating EVs from certain particles such as lipoproteins. Due to the challenges related to these methods, other isolation methods have been sought to improve the efficiency of EV isolation. One of these methods is ion-exchange chromatography (IEC). From the two forms of IEC, anion-exchange chromatography has been studied more in EV isolation due to the negative net charge on EV particles. However, in this study the functionality and efficiency of cation-exchange chromatography (CEC) in EV isolation was studied as very little research has been done on this method. In this study, two CEC-resins were studied to define their applicability in EV isolation. A standard strong cation-exchange chromatographic resin SP Sepharose Fast Flow was compared to a strong tentacle-type resin. In addition to this, we studied the possibility to use a magnesium gradient to separate different forms of lipoproteins from EVs through dextran-sulfite precipitation. Tentacle-type CEC-resin was found to be more efficient in capturing EVs compared to the standard-type resin without magnesium. These EVs could then be eluted from the column with sodium chloride. The use of magnesium gradient allowed the separation of apolipoproteins in the samples. Higher concentrations of magnesium also reduced the number of lipoproteins in the samples altogether but resulted in the loss of EVs as well. These results were promising and showed that cation-exchange chromatography can be used in EV isolation. Tentacle-type resin seemed to be most efficient in removing impurities and capturing EVs. While more research is needed before these findings can be applied to clinical use, these results prove that cation-exchange chromatography can be used in EV isolation as a new, efficient and up scalable method.
  • Jämsä, Antti (2023)
    Prolyl oligopeptidase (PREP) is endopeptidase which cleaves short proline containing peptides. Abnormalities in brain PREP activity has been connected to neurodegenerative diseases. Recently it has been detected that besides its proteolytic activity PREP interacts directly with other proteins which might contribute to generation of neurodegenerative diseases. Further it has been discovered that certain small molecular PREP inhibitors are able to modify these protein-protein interactions (PPIs) and thus have a potential to alleviate the progression of neurodegenerative diseases. This has led to the development of novel second generation PREP ligands which lack the strong inhibitory activity but are potent compounds on modifying the PPIs. Thiazole structure containing PREP modulators has provided most promising class of compounds. It has been detected that these compounds mediate their effects via novel binding site on the enzyme and these effects are not connected to the inhibition of the enzymatic activity. The synthesis of these thiazole containing PREP modulators has proven to be demanding since it have involved a usage of laborious synthesis route and provided low yields. The aim of this research was to examine the synthesis of 2-(2-benzimidazol-1-yl)ethyl)- 4-methyl thiazole containing PREP modulators via previously reported synthesis route. Another aim was to design and develop a synthesis route for 2-(2-(benzimidazol-1- yl)ethyl)-5-bromo-4-methylthiazole, a molecule which serves as valuable intermediate for the lead optimization and generation of second-generation PREP modulators. A synthetic route for 2-(2-(benzimidazol-1-yl)ethyl)-5-bromo-4-methylthiazole was successfully developed. Despite that the total yield of the route remained low. When searching the reasons for the low obtained yield the chemistry behind a thiazole creating cycloaddition reaction and an aromatic halogenation was examined. This led to the discovery of a rare cationic compound which was found to be synthesized from previously undescribed starting materials.
  • Tiainen, Elina (2024)
    New drugs against malaria are required, as millions of people are still affected yearly by this deadly disease. The development of drug resistance to current antimalarials is an ongoing process. Membrane-bound pyrophosphatases (mPPases) are potential new drug targets against malaria and other protozoan diseases. mPPases play a crucial role in the survival of the malaria parasite, they couple the energy released from the hydrolysis of pyrophosphate into the transport of protons or ions against an electrochemical gradient. The aim of this study was to identify potential mPPase inhibitors through a docking-based virtual screen of the Tres Cantos Antimalarial Compound Set, which consists of over 13500 malaria-active compounds. The virtual screen against a Thermotoga maritima mPPase protein structure identified a 2,4-diamino-1,6-dihydrotriazine among the top-ranking scaffolds. Four compounds found among the docking results containing this scaffold were synthesised: three with a halophenyl substituent, and one with a hydroxyl substituent. The compounds in their hydrochloride salt forms were synthesised using a three-component method for the synthesis of 2,4-diamino-1,6-dihydrotriazines. The compounds were also freed from the hydrochloride salts into their corresponding molecular forms. The structural characterisation of the compounds, especially the molecular forms, presented challenges. The docking results were also searched to identify compounds containing previously identified mPPase-active substructures. From the docking results, several other interesting compounds were identified in addition to the synthesised compounds. The knowledge and results obtained from this study can be used as openings for potential future docking and synthesis projects in the development of mPPase inhibitors. The activity of the compounds synthesised in the project remains to be evaluated in subsequent investigations.
  • Stenberg, Emilia (2023)
    Drug transporters and metabolizing enzymes have an important role in drug absorption in the small intestine. Food-drug interactions can affect the function of drug transporters and metabolizing enzymes in the small intestine and hence the bioavailability of drugs may change. Certain beverages have clinically relevant interactions with drugs and drinking of them should be avoided during certain drug treatments. However, possible food-drug interactions need more in vitro and in vivo studies, for example in the case of food additives which are used in the food industry increasingly, to investigate their clinical significance as inhibitors. Overall, investigating food-drug interactions is important as they might be as relevant as drug-drug interactions, especially for drugs that pass the gut wall mainly via transporters or have high presystemic metabolism. In this thesis, the inhibitor potential of 23 food additives was studied toward intestinal transporters and CYP enzymes. The food additives included sweeteners, colorants, and antioxidants. Food additives were tested against four efflux transporters with vesicle transporter assays and in OATP2B1 influx transporter with HEK293 uptake assay. The inhibition of CYP enzymes was tested in human intestinal microsomes. Six food additives were identified as possible inhibitors of BCRP, MRP2, OATP2B1, or P-gp. Two food additives were dual inhibitors. IC50 values were determined in dose-response studies for the potential inhibitors. The IC50 values were compared to the maximum expected concentration in the intestinal lumen to evaluate if the in vivo inhibition of intestinal transporters is possible. Only one food additive had a higher IC50 value than the maximum expected concentration. Eight food additives, specifically six antioxidants and two colorants, inhibited CYP-enzyme metabolism by more than 50%. Based on the results of this thesis, further studies could be performed for the identified inhibitors whose daily consumption is higher than the IC50 value. Certain food additives may inhibit CYP enzymes and the microsome assay used in this thesis is valid and could be used to study the metabolism of intestinal drug-metabolizing enzymes. However, the inhibition of transporters and CYP enzymes could be tested in cell lines, for example Caco-2 cells, to have more realistic intestinal test conditions.
  • Kullbäck, Jonas (2024)
    Congenital heart diseases develop during heart development and encompass structural abnormalities in the heart present at birth, with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) representing a rare but life-threatening subtype. HLHS is characterised by the underdevelopment of left-sided heart structures, resulting in a major blood flow obstruction of the heart, impairing systemic circulation. Current knowledge of HLHS aetiology is scarce, which makes the development of effective treatments challenging. Therefore, identifying the disease mechanisms causing HLHS is essential. Notably, HLHS is linked with mutations in the NKX2-5 gene, which encodes for a cardiac transcription factor and has a pivotal role in heart development together with the transcription factor GATA4. This makes these genes intriguing research targets in HLHS. This study aims to enlighten how HLHS patient-derived human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs) differ from those derived from healthy donors in terms of stress response by subjecting hiPSC-CMs to pro-hypertrophic stimuli, namely endothelin-1 (ET-1) and cyclic mechanical stretching. Additionally, the effects of GATA4-targeted compounds on these hypertrophy models were also studied, which included two inhibitors (3i-1262 and 3i-1000) and one activator (3i-0777) of GATA4-NKX2-5 interaction. Differentiation of CMs was performed using a small-molecule induction protocol based on sequential Wnt pathway activation and inhibition. The effects of ET-1 and cyclic mechanical stretching were analysed by High-content analysis for pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (proBNP) expression, and quantitative PCR for hypertrophic gene expression, respectively. Both ET-1 and cyclic mechanical stretching effectively induced hypertrophy in their respective models. This was observed in all cell lines as a higher hypertrophic response of proBNP in ET-1 exposed hiPSC-CMs and upregulation of hypertrophic genes NPPA and NPPB in stretched hiPSC-CMs. GATA4-targeted compounds did not show statistically significant effects on ET-1-induced hypertrophy or stretching-induced hypertrophic gene expression in any cell line, but various trends could be distinguished. As expected, both inhibitor compounds, 3i-1262 and 3i-1000, showed a tendency for antihypertrophic effects since they decreased the percentage of proBNP+ cells in all cell lines. Unexpectedly, the activator compound 3i-0777 also decreased the percentage of proBNP+ cells. We also observed that HLHS-disease cell line HEL 149 seemed to differ from the three other cell lines showing a phenotype that exhibits similar gene expression patterns as seen in heart failure patients. This was mainly observed as a statistically significantly lower basal MYH6 gene expression. However, the limited experimental setup of this study requires further experiments to detect significant differences and draw definitive conclusions regarding the effects of GATA4-targeted compounds on hypertrophic stimuli.
  • Harju, Lauri (2023)
    In pharmaceutical sciences the pharmaceutical supply chain is often examined from a quality perspective. As the world is becoming more uncertain due to pandemics and conflicts the societal and political situation where the supply chain operates should be considered. Understanding the big picture helps to consider the cause and effect that lead to medicinal shortages. Effects of these shortages can be seen on every level of the supply chain from the manufacturer to the patient, which is why actors on the supply chain can benefit from understanding the background factors. The aim of the master’s thesis was to examine, whether pharmaceutical field actors could affect realisation of geopolitical risks by preparation and examination that the pharmacotherapy would not be interrupted. Second aim was to bring forward political and societal aspects to pharmaceutical availability which are often side-lined by quality aspects in pharmaceutical context. The study was conducted as a qualitative semi-structured interview between October 2022 and February 2023. Participants (n=11) were recruited via e-mail using representative sampling. Due to recruitment problems, convenience sampling was also used. Questions presented to the interviewees were depending on the group (n=3) they were assigned. Term ”geopolitics” was associated mainly with political and economic factors. Main geopolitical risks for Finland were seen to be small market size and distant location. For Europe, the risks were centralisation of manufacturing (and dependence) to Asia due to economic factors and long disruption-prone supply chain. Transport of pharmaceuticals from Asia to Europe was with sea and air cargo. Inside Europe, transport to Finland was with mainly with lorries utilising ferries. Rail transport was mentioned to be used only on one interview. The transport routes were seen to be staying the same in the future both for Asia-Europe and Europe-Finland. Even though risk management is an important part of functioning of every company, the change in the type of risks requires a new mindset in the pharmaceutical field both from the individual actors as well as international organisations. From risk of strikes and natural disasters we have moved to trade wars, pandemic restrictions, and the strategic acting of industries critical to society. At the same time, the ability/willingness of societies to pay for pharmaceuticals is decreasing, which leads to the manufacturers to find new ways to ensure business.
  • Savola, Mirjam (2022)
    Ischemic heart disease (IHD) and subsequent heart failure are caused by irreversible loss of contractile cardiomyocytes due to low oxygen supply to the heart. As the leading cause of death worldwide, IHD raises an urgent need for regenerative therapies that prevent or reverse loss of cardiomyocytes. The fetal mammalian heart grows by cardiomyocyte proliferation and utilizes glycolysis as main energy metabolism pathway, until it is introduced to increased oxygen and fatty acid supply at birth. Subsequently, cardiac energy metabolism shifts from glycolysis to β-oxidation of fatty acids and cardiomyocytes exit the mitotic cell cycle. Due to cessation of proliferation the heart can no longer regenerate after ischemic injury and responds to it by introduction of maladaptive pathological processes leading to heart failure. To gain deeper insight on the roles of cardiac metabolism pathways and hypoxia in cell cycle activation, we evaluated the effects of pharmacological metabolic modulation and oxygen supply on cardiomyocyte phenotype and hypoxia response. Furthermore, we studied the changes in the metabolic genotype of cardiomyocytes under alterations of oxygen supply. We utilized quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) to evaluate the effects of hypoxia and metabolic maturation on the expression of genes involved in hypoxia signaling and metabolism of human induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs). Additionally, we investigated the effects of five metabolism-modulating compounds on cell cycle and phenotype of both metabolically matured and unmatured hiPSC-CMs, by utilizing high content analysis. We observed presence of hypoxia signaling as an increase in vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) expression following 3-hour hypoxic exposure. High expression of succinate dehydrogenase complex flavoprotein subunit A (SDHA) in hiPSC-CMs, which was downregulated at hypoxia, confirmed occurrence of oxidative metabolism induced by metabolic maturation. Surprisingly, metabolic maturation tended to increase proliferation and decrease stress response signaling of hiPSC-CMs. Introduction of the TCA cycle intermediate succinate decreased proliferation of metabolically unmatured hypoxic hiPSC-CMs by 8.2 %. Finally, inhibition of the mevalonate pathway and ketogenesis caused no alterations in hiPSC-CM phenotype or cell cycle, but introduction of the ketone body β-hydroxybutyrate tended to increase proliferation, supporting current evidence that ketogenesis plays a role in cardiomyocyte cell cycle regulation. Our observations suggest that hypoxic hiPSC-CMs can be useful in investigating gene expression and phenotype. Even so, additional methodologies are needed for in-depth evaluation of metabolic reprogramming and its effects on cardiomyocyte phenotype.
  • Halinen, Iida (2023)
    Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a chronic relapsing brain disorder causing a high burden of disease and significant social and economic consequences to both individuals and society. Alcohol addiction, the most severe form of AUD, is characterized by compulsive seeking and use of alcohol, loss of control over limiting alcohol consumption despite negative consequences, emergence of negative emotional states, and long-lasting vulnerability to relapse related to alcohol abstinence. Powerful craving for alcohol and the chronic, relapsing nature of the disease are major problems complicating recovery from alcohol addiction and predicting poor clinical outcome. Relapse to alcohol intake can occur even after an extended period of abstinence in humans, relapse rates being highest during the first three months of alcohol withdrawal. Associative learning is a critical factor in alcohol craving when alcohol consumption is accompanied by conditioned stimulus. Cues associated with alcohol are known to induce craving and alcohol-seeking behavior increasing the risk of relapse, and this craving can be triggered by alcohol itself, alcohol-associated stimulus, or stress. Chronic alcohol exposure has been linked to changes in synaptic plasticity, neurogenesis and cell-signaling. Thus, elucidating the neural mechanisms that underlie alcohol craving and relapse would help to understand the pathology of alcohol addiction and facilitate the development of efficient treatments. In this experiment, the effects of subanesthetic-dose 10 mg/kg ketamine, an NMDAR antagonist and a major inducer of synaptic plasticity, on cue-induced alcohol-seeking behavior after withdrawal were investigated in social context in female mice. Mice were trained to voluntarily drink alcohol, and a novel methodology to study alcohol-seeking behavior after withdrawal allowed to perform the experiment with a minimum of human interference in totally automated social home cage environment. The analyses of behavioral data showed that pairing sweetened alcohol with conditioned stimulus resulted in cue-induced alcohol-seeking behavior, and no differences in alcohol conditioning were observed between treatment groups. However, the behavioral activity in extinction tests after withdrawal showed that alcohol-seeking behavior was not altered by ketamine treatments. In biochemical analyses, the effects of subanesthetic-dose ketamine on ΔFosB and BDNF protein levels in the brain areas important for alcohol addiction were studied. ΔFosB expression levels in the mouse nucleus accumbens were analyzed with western blot and BDNF protein levels in the mouse prefrontal cortex were determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The results from biochemical analyses showed that levels of ΔFosB and BDNF were unaltered by ketamine treatments. Anyhow, the experiment provided important insights into the interactions of ketamine and alcohol craving and relapse, a topic that has been insufficiently studied in novel preclinical models.
  • Koskelainen, Anni (2024)
    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder in which dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra (SN) degenerate and die. This causes multiple motor symptoms such as rigidity, bradykinesia and tremor and non-motor symptoms such as depression, hallucinations, and cognitive impairment. At the time of the diagnosis, approximately 60% of the dopaminergic cells can already be lost, which underlines the importance of neurorestorative treatments for PD. Currently used treatments are only symptomatic and mostly based on levodopa, which can lose its effectiveness as the disease progresses and additionally cause significant side effects such as dyskinesia. Neurotrophic factors (NTF) such as glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and neurturin (NRTN) have been studied in clinical trials with PD patients but have shown only modest effects on motor function. Additionally, they have been administered with invasive techniques such as intraputamenal or intracerebroventricular injections which includes many risks. Mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor (MANF) belongs to unconventional NTF’s with unique molecular structure and mode of action. MANF has shown both neuroprotective and neurorestorative properties for nigrostriatal dopamine system in in vivo study in rat model of PD. To enable systemic administration of MANF, the molecule has been modified by retaining only the C-terminal domain to form C-terminal MANF fragment (C-MANF). C-MANF has shown neurorestorative effects when administered intrastriatally in 6-OHDA lesioned rats and when injected subcutaneously (s.c.) in an ALS animal model. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of daily and weekly s.c administered C-MANF in 6-OHDA mouse model of PD. Cylinder and amphetamine-induced rotation tests were performed as behavioural tests and thereafter morphological studies were done by analyzing tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)+ cells in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) and optical density from TH+ axons in the striatum. Interestingly, weekly C-MANF treatment decreased the number of TH+ cells in SNpc and the density of TH+ fibers in the striatum compared to PBS. However, it decreased ipsilateral rotations and showed some positive effects in the cylinder test. On the other hand, daily C-MANF treatment increased the number of TH+ cells in SNpc and the density of TH+ fibers in the striatum but had a modest effect on ipsilateral rotations and the cylinder test compared to PBS. Although no statistically significant effects were observed in behavioral and morphological studies, s.c administered C-MANF presents a promising treatment option for PD. Particularly, daily administration of C-MANF showed neurorestorative effects in morphological studies; however, further research is required for validation. Additionally, the investigation of higher doses of C-MANF should be considered.
  • Järvelä, Jasper (2021)
    Lääketieteen kehittyessä yksilöllisen lääkehoidon tarpeeseen on kiinnitetty enemmän huomiota kuin aikaisemmin ja etenkin lapsille lääkkeiden tarkka annostelu on erityisen tärkeää. Kaupallisilla valmisteilla tarpeeksi pienet annokset eivät usein ole mahdollisia eikä tablettien puolittaminen takaa tarkkaa lääkkeiden annostelua. 3D-tulostamista on ajateltu mahdollisena vaihtoehtona ex tempore -lääkkeiden tuotantoon ja sen mahdollisuuksia on tutkittu laajalti viime vuosien aikana. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten ekstruusiomenetelmällä tulostetut varfariinikalvot vertautuvat sairaala-apteekin käyttämiin varfariiniannosjauheisiin, sekä olisiko kyseistä menetelmää mahdollista hyödyntää sairaala-apteekeissa. Tutkimuksessa valmistettiin puolikiinteän aineen ekstruusiolla 0,1 mg:n, 0,5 mg:n ja 2 mg:n varfariinikalvoja, jotka kuivattiin 85 ℃:ssa valmistusprosessin nopeuttamiseksi. Kalvoja verrattiin saman vahvuisiin varfariinia sisältäviin sairaala-apteekin valmistamiin annosjauheisiin. Kalvoissa käytettiin hydroksipropyylimetyyliselluloosaa kalvonmuodostaja-aineena ja glyserolia tuomaan plastisuutta. Annosjauheet koostuivat kaupallisesta 5 mg:n Marevan-valmisteesta ja täyteaineena käytetystä laktoosista. Molemmista lääkevalmisteista mitattiin liukenemisnopeus ja annosyksiköiden yhdenmukaisuus. Molempien valmisteiden toimivuus nenä-mahaletkussa tutkittiin myös, sillä kalvojen on tärkeää soveltua erilaisille potilasryhmille. Kalvot olivat kovia, mikä aiheutti niiden hitaan liukenemisen. Puolikiinteän aineen valmistus ja tulostuksen toteuttaminen tavoitteiden mukaisesti osoittautui oletettua vaikeammaksi. Kalvoissa mitattiin annosjauheita tasaisempi lääkeainepitoisuus. Molempien lääkevalmisteiden kohdalla huomattiin, että kaikki varfariini ei pääse nenä-mahaletkujen läpi. Tärkein huomio oli, että hyvin yksinkertaisella formulaatiolla on mahdollista tuottaa lupaavia lääkevalmisteita. Tämä tutkimus esittelee syitä, joiden vuoksi 3D-tulostusta on hyvä tutkia mahdollisena ex tempore -valmistuksen menetelmänä.
  • Kantoniemi, Enni-Maaria (2022)
    There is a growing need for antibiotic stewardship since antibiotic resistance is a global and increasing problem. One option would be outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy (OPAT) which has evolved globally since 1970s. In Helsinki, it has been applied in hospital-at-home units since 2018 with elastomeric antibiotic infusion pumps that enable 24-hour continuous infusion and normal daily life for the patient. The continuous infusion via infusion pumps enables the use of first-line antibiotics whereas with intermittent infusions broad-spectrum antibiotics, that require doses less frequently, are a more likely choice. Thus, antibiotic therapy with elastomeric infusion pumps is likely to enhance antibiotic stewardship. The aim of the study was to analyse if treatment with elastomeric infusion pumps in hospital-at-home unit is cheaper than theoretical hospital stay and to compare the costs. An economic evaluation was performed with the assumption that hospital-at-home care and hospital stay are equal when it comes to the outcomes of the therapy. The economic evaluation was made with cost-minimization analysis. Data were collected manually by nurses in three hospital-at-home units in Helsinki between September 2021 and March 2022. Patients’ age, gender, indication and length of the antibiotic infusion pump therapy, distance from the hospital-at-home unit and problems with the therapy were collected. Cost information were received personally from City of Helsinki and taken from a paper of Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. The data included 57 patients, of whom one had two treatment periods. The mean age was 60 years. Thirty-two percent of patients were female and 68% were male. The most common indications were bacteremia (n=24) and erysipelas (n=18). A total of 625 hospital bed days were saved, which is 10,8 days per patient on average. Cost savings with elastomeric infusion pump therapy were 89 000–116 000 euros compared to the theoretical treatment in a hospital ward depending on the cost information being used, which is 37–48% of the theoretical hospital stay costs. An economic evaluation was made separately for the treatment of bacteremia. The cost savings were 47 600–150 700 euros or 37–69% of the theoretical costs. Savings in travel costs were 2 300–3 800 euros when elastomeric pump therapy was compared to the conventional hospital-at-home intermittent infusion therapy of 4-6 nurse visits per day per patient. In conclusion, elastomeric infusion pump therapy in hospital-at-home units in Helsinki results in cost savings of 37–48% compared to theoretical hospital stay costs from the perspective of the entity responsible for the costs of the treatment.