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Browsing by study line "Global Sustainability"

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  • Varis, Saara (2022)
    Climate change and biodiversity loss are some of the most serious challenges the humanity is facing today. Current food systems are a major contributor to both global crises with massive negative impacts on climate and biodiversity, and thus, sustainable food system transition is inevitable in slowing down the further progress of climate change and biodiversity loss. One way to tackle the unsustainabilities of the food systems is through policy interventions, which can guide both food production and consumption to a more climate- and biodiversity-friendly direction. The aim of this thesis was to examine the popularity of different policy instruments in terms of reducing food’s climate and biodiversity impact among Finnish young adults. Moreover, this thesis aspired to find out which areas of food production and consumption Finnish young adults think policy interventions should target. Young adults were chosen as a target group, because they are in an important position in sustainability transitions. This research is based on survey data and the method applied was content analysis with characteristics from both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The data was analyzed in Atlas.ti program by using inductive and deductive content analysis methods. The results indicate that the most popular policy instruments for reducing food’s impact on climate and biodiversity among Finnish young adults were market-based, including taxes as the most popular and subsidies as the second most popular individual measure. This is in contrast to previous literature, where taxation and other market-based policies have been reported to be the least favored policies. Furthermore, information-based policies, of which especially raising awareness, regulatory instruments, of which particularly price regulation, as well as public procurement policies like a vegetarian day in public food services were among the most popular policy instruments. Although not directly examining acceptability, these results offer a glimpse on policy acceptability, which is found to be crucial in successful policy implementation. Further research is needed to study the acceptability of these policies comprehensively. Moreover, policy target areas related to food consumption rather than production were more popular among the respondents. Target areas such as favoring domestic food, reducing or ending animal product consumption and production, transitioning to vegetarian diets, making better (e.g. climate-friendly) choices easier, and converting meat into a luxury product were the most suggested. These results could be scaled up in future studies and then utilized in creating sustainable policies for food consumption and production, and that way reduce the climate and biodiversity impact they cause.
  • Pääkkönen, Jekaterina (2019)
    Tämä on tapaustutkimus Helsingin satamasta uudenlaisten turvallisuuskysymysten, hybridiuhkien, aikakaudella. Suomi ja Suomen elinkeino ovat riippuvaisia meriliikenteestä ja tämän vuoksi satamat, meren ja maan risteyskohdat, on määritelty kriittiseksi infrastruktuuriksi. Koska kriittinen infrastruktuuri on yksi mahdollinen hybridivaikuttamisen kohde, tulisi satamien resilienssiä tarkastella myös tällaisten vaikeiden uhkien näkökulmasta. Näin ollen tutkielmassa vastataan kahteen tutkimuskysymykseen: millaisia resilienssiaukkoja Helsingin sataman varautumisessa, ennakoinnissa ja hallinnassa on, ja miten hybridiuhan olemassaolo muuttaa näitä resilienssiaukkoja. Tarkoitus on kartoittaa ensin yleisesti sataman resilienssiaukkoja, koska niitä on ilman hybridiuhkaakin. Löydettyjä aukkoja tarkastellaan kuitenkin tämän jälkeen hybriuhkien näkökulmasta, koska erilaisena uhkana ne vaikuttavat perinteiseen varautumiseen ja hallintaan. Tutkielma osallistuu laajemman WISE-projektin resilienssiaukkoja kartoittavaan työhön. Resilienssiaukkojen havaitsemisen lisäksi tavoite on esittää uusia näkökulmia resilienssin kasvattamiseksi yllätyksellisiä uhkia vastaan ja osoittaa, kuinka hybridiuhat muuttavat perinteistä varautumis- ja hallintatyötä satamassa. Näkökulmana ja teoreettisena viitekehyksenä toimivat korkean luotettavuuden (high reliability organization) ja tolkullistamisen (sensemaking) teoriat. Analyysi perustuu kolmeentoista haastatteluun ja Huoltovarmuuskeskuksen käsikirjaan. Aineistolle on tehty sisällönanalyysi. Tutkimustuloksina on esitetty yhdeksän resilienssiaukkoa, jotka liittyvät redundanssin puutteeseen, liialliseen määrittelyyn, rutinoitumiseen ja asenteeseen, jossa häiriöiden puute nähdään osoituksena organisaation luotettavuudesta. Hybridiuhka puolestaan muuttaa ja monimutkaistaa resilienssiaukkoja erityisesti sen tulkinnallisen luonteen vuoksi. Sen olemassaolo myös kyseenalaistaa perinteisesti resilientteinä pidettyjä toimintatapoja. Nämä tulokset ovat kuitenkin vasta alku, ja seuraavissa tutkimuksissa tulisi syventyä enemmän sataman käytännön toimijoiden tapoihin ja rutiineihin. Myös tilannekuvien tekeminen ja niistä syntyvät määritelmät ovat kiinnostavia jatkotutkimuksen kohteita valituista näkökulmista. Sama aihe tarjoaa myös kiinnostavan väylän syventyä enemmän kriittisen infrastruktuurin resilienssiin ja erityisesti eri toimintojen keskinäisriippuvuuksiin, joiden pintaa tässä tutkielmassa vain raapaistaan.
  • Kakko, Eeva-Maija (2021)
    The Arctic is home to many Indigenous peoples, including the Sámi. It is also an economically attractive area for governments and companies. Arctic Railway has been planned by the Finnish government and private parties to span over Sápmi, the Sámi homeland. Sámi youth association Suoma Sámi Nuorat, Sámi art collective Suohpanterror, and environmental NGO Greenpeace Finland have collaborated to fight against the railway and organized demonstrations and other campaigning. The goals of this thesis are to find out what kind of themes have been present in these Sámi organizations and Greenpeace’s protests and communication related to the Arctic Railway. Shared priorities and differences in their priorities are also determined. Moreover, this thesis explores how the Sámi are portrayed in the protests against the Arctic Railway. The data of this thesis is derived from public media sources, including news articles, social media content, and press releases. Case study is used as a research approach, and qualitative content analysis is used as a method. A middle ground concept functions as an analytical tool. It refers to a creative process where groups from different cultures find ways to work together. Indigenous peoples and environmentalists have often built strategic alliances, although also having differences in their priorities. In the middle ground, Indigenous peoples are recognized as active, creative agents, but also the use of stereotypes of Indigenous peoples have been present in these kinds of alliances. The results of this thesis show that the Sámi organizations have discussed the railway´s impacts on the Sámi livelihoods, lands, and culture, affecting their future as a people. They have also brought up that the railway has been planned without their consent, and the project has violated both Finnish law and international Indigenous rights. Greenpeace has focused on protecting the northern forests while raising awareness of Sámi issues and appearing as a supporter of Sámi people. They have had their unique middle ground where both priority differences and convergences have been present. In the protests against the Arctic Railway, the Sámi are portrayed as active agents. They have taken action in different ways: through demonstrations, participation in international events, art, and social media activism. This research can raise awareness about the potential of Indigenous-environmental alliances in promoting Indigenous rights and environmental protection and help build better alliances in the future. Further research could look at how these kinds of alliances have been negotiated.
  • Karttunen, Maria (2020)
    The goal of this thesis is to examine whether the EU’s climate policy towards Africa is normative after signing the Paris Agreement. This is done by analysing the goals and means of EU climate policy in this context. The aim is also to find out what elements besides normativity form the EU’s climate policy in this case. The research material consists of public documents from various EU institutions, the Joint Africa-EU Strategy and its Action Plans, and joint statements by EU and African actors. Qualitative abductive content analysis was used as the research method. In the context of international climate policy, the EU is described as a normative actor motivated by the promotion of universal norms instead of its own interests. Criteria, based on the Normative Power Europe theory, guide the assessment of the normativity of the EU’s climate policy towards Africa. According to the applied criteria, both the objectives and the means of climate policy should be normative in order for the policy to be considered normative. In its relations with Africa, EU climate policy is not purely normative but a combination of norm diffusion and pursuit of self-interest. EU seeks to secure its energy supplies and European security and increase the opportunities of European industry in Africa. In terms of means, the asymmetric balance of power is a problem for normativity. It makes the EU’s persuasion towards Africa and using the development aid as means of norm diffusion seem like coercion. Thus, the EU climate policy is not always normative. Depending on the context, it is either normative, imperialist or status quo policy.
  • Kankaanpää, Liisa (2023)
    This master’s thesis focuses on the relationship immigrants have with urban nature and the possible link between spending time in nature and integration. The research questions focus on the experiences immigrants have with urban nature, the meaning and value they give to it as well as its possible effects on their integration. Five individual, semi-structured interviews were conducted in order to answer these questions. The transcribed interview material was analysed using a thematic analysis method. The results of this analysis showed six themes, divided into two domains: reasons for spending time in nature and factors affecting nature behaviour. Interviews demonstrated nature’s positive effects on overall well-being and thus also integration, even though interviewees were not themselves very aware of this connection. However, all described that their ways of spending time in nature had changed between their home country and Finland. Many also demonstrated a “nature-lover” identity: nature had been important to them already from early childhood. Nature’s role in immigrant integration has been proved in various studies, yet its applications remain limited, and the existing knowledge is fragmented. Few studies concentrate on the ways individuals can take advantage of nature-related activities in their own integration. This thesis shows that spending time in nature and doing different nature-related activities can prove useful in integration but seems to relate more to the person’s individual identity rather than their ethnicity or immigration status.
  • Kaipainen, Sofia (2021)
    Vuorovaikutus luonnonympäristöjen kanssa tukee ihmisen hyvinvointia ja vaikuttaa moninaisin mekanismein hyvinvoinnin eri osa-alueisiin. Kaupungistumisen ja modernisaation tuomat elämäntapojen muutokset ovat herättäneet huolta nuorten sukupolvien luontoyhteyden heikentymisestä, kun yhä harvemmat ihmiset viettävät päivittäin aikaa luonnossa. Nuorten luontosuhde on muihin ikäryhmiin verrattuna erityinen, sillä kiinnostus luonnonympäristöjä kohtaan on usein vähäisempää teini-ikäisenä kuin lapsena tai aikuisena. Luontokontakteilla on vaikutusta nuorten hyvinvointiin sekä mielenterveyteen, mutta kattavaa tutkimusta suomalaisten nuorten luonnossa virkistäytymisen tavoista ei ole aiemmin julkaistu. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, miten nuoret kaupunkilaiset virkistäytyvät luonnossa, ja kuinka vuorovaikutus luonnon kanssa vaikuttaa nuorten koettuun hyvinvointiin. Tutkielma on toteutettu osana monitieteistä Luonnon virkistyskäytön terveys- ja hyvinvointivaikutukset - tutkimus kaupunkilaisnuorista (NATUREWELL) -projektia. Aineisto (N=1123) on kerätty syksyllä 2020 Lahden yläkouluissa. Nuorten luonnossa viettämää aikaa, luontoharrastuksia, luontosuhdetta ja heidän kokemuksiaan luonnon hyvinvointivaikutuksista analysoidaan kuvailevin kvantitatiivisin menetelmin. Tulosten perusteella huoli nuorten sukupolvien luonnosta vieraantumisesta ja luontosuhteen katkeamisesta näyttää Lahdessa enimmäkseen perusteettomalta. Suurin osa nuorista viettää viikoittain aikaa luonnonympäristöissä sekä kesä- että talviaikaan, ja erityisesti kodin lähiympäristön luontoalueet ovat nuorille merkityksellisiä. Tytöt viettävät aikaa luonnossa hiukan poikia useammin ja sukupuolten välillä on eroja luontoharrastuksissa. Myös sosioekonomisilla tekijöillä on selvästi yhteys nuorten luonnossa viettämään aikaan. Kiinnostus luontoa kohtaan vaikuttaa laskevan hiukan yläkoulun aikana, ja nuorten luontosuhteessa on havaittavissa polarisoitumista. Pieni osa nuorista ei juurikaan liiku luonnonympäristöissä tai koe yhteyttä luontoon. Valtaosa arvioi hyvinvointinsa kasvavan luonnonympäristössä käydessä, sekä kokevansa usein positiivisia ja harvoin negatiivisia tunteita luonnossa ollessaan. Tutkimus osoittaa, että luontokontakteilla on positiivista vaikutusta nuorten koettuun hyvinvointiin, mutta vaikutuksen voimakkuutta ei voida suoraan arvioida. Pienetkin hyödyt voivat joka tapauksessa olla yhteiskunnallisesti merkittäviä, jos niillä voidaan auttaa nuoria suhteellisen pienillä toimilla. Nuorten luontosuhteen polarisoitumiseen ja sosioekonomisten ryhmien välisiin eroihin luontosuhteessa voidaan puuttua poliittisin keinoin. Luonnonympäristöjen hyvinvointivaikutusten huomioiminen nuorten kannalta esimerkiksi kouluympäristöissä ja kaupunkipolitiikassa voivat olla merkittäviä keinoja nuorten kokonaisvaltaisen hyvinvoinnin lisäämisessä.
  • Kuure, Senja (2024)
    Vaatetusala on tärkeä hyvinvointia tuottava teollisuudenala. Se on myös hyvin kuormittava ympäristölle. Kiihtyvä kulutus ja vaaralliset työolot ovat osa alan haastetta. Kiertotaloudesta on kaavailtu näihin ongelmiin ratkaisua. Sen tavoitteena on korvata vaatteiden lineaarinen tuotantomalli luonnon kiertokulkuun perustuvalla mallilla sekä mahdollistaa talouskasvun ja luonnonvarojen kulutuksen irtikytkentä lisäämällä samalla hyvinvointia. Kiertotalousprojektia leimaavat heikkoa kestävyyttä peilaavat teknis-taloudelliset ratkaisut eivät yksinään mahdollista riittävää muutosta vaan kulutuskulttuurin haastaminen on välttämätöntä. Tässä tutkielmassa on selvitetty käytäntöteorian keinoin, millaisia kiertotalouteen liittyviä käytäntöjä suomalaisissa pienissä vastuullisissa vaatetusalan yrityksissä toteutetaan. Aineistosta havaittiin kahdeksan eri käytäntöä, jotka liittyivät liiketoiminnan ja tuotannon eri osiin sekä erilaisiin kiertotalouspalveluihin. Kertotalous näyttäytyi vaatetusalalla yritysten näkökulmasta sekä inspiroivana mahdollisuutena että vakavana uhkana yritystoiminnalle. Talouskasvun ja kulutuksen irtikytkennän dilemma oli osoittautunut haastavaksi ratkaista, etenkin innovatiivisen liiketoimintaosaamisen ollessa toistaiseksi yrityksissä puutteellista. Tutkimuskirjallisuuden havaintoja mukaillen kiertotalousliiketoiminta on hyvin haastavaa ja edellyttää vaatetusalalla vallitsevien normien kyseenalaistamista, joka on pienille yrityksille lähes mahdotonta yksin. Muutos voisi mahdollistua, mikäli kuluttajat nousisivat yritysten aktiivisiksi kanssatoimijoiksi, julkisen sektorin tukiessa toimintaa. Toistaiseksi vaatetusala kuitenkin noudattaa perinteistä, lineaarista tuotantomallia ja kiertotalousprojekti sekä sen tavoittelema laajamittainen yhteiskunnallinen muutos on jäämässä utopistiseksi visioksi.
  • Nyroos, Erik (2020)
    Participatory budgeting is one of the major democratic innovations of the recent decades. This participatory method from Brazil has been started to actively utilize in Finnish municipalities during 2010s. The basic idea of this methodology is that citizens can together decide how to use public assets. The goal of this thesis is to understand how participatory budgeting can have an impact on ecological sustainability in Finland. I’m focusing on the proposals of participatory budgeting which the citizens have voted for to be implemented. Research material has been collected from public online sources on all the Finnish participatory budgeting projects. Some of these projects have been excluded as they do not fulfill the characteristics of participatory budgeting. The material is analyzed using content analysis, building categories, themes and types. There are three key findings in this thesis. First, participatory budgeting has created ecologically sustainable solutions, but sustainability has been an unintended by-product. Proposals concerning environment focus primarily on people’s living environment. Second, the changes are minor, and individuals are the ones carrying the responsibility for the sustainability. Third, the means how proposals are carried out influences ecological sustainability. Here, municipal authorities have a significant role. Finnish participatory budgeting projects therefore have the chance to create ecologically sustainable proposals. However, the capability is limited by both small, project specific budgets and processes that do not acknowledge ecological sustainability. In the long run, the changes might be more significant as participatory budgeting still is relatively new method in Finnish society.
  • Joukainen, Nella (2022)
    Continuous development of urban areas poses challenges for sustainable use of resources and the management of complex waste streams. Recycling is seen as a solution for promoting sustainability, especially at the individual-level where waste sorting creates preconditions for successful material recovery operations. Behavior change strategies aim to encourage individuals to implement recycling practices in their daily lives. The effectiveness of behavior change strategies is achieved by broadly influencing capability, opportunity, and motivation to recycle, however, studies claim that many existing strategies are unable to do so. This study aims to gain an understanding in how extensively a municipal recycling service provider’s online communication on social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube) enhances capability, opportunity, and motivation to recycle by communicating about means to overcome recycling barriers. Specifically, the study is interested in examining what types of recycling barriers are addressed in online communication and through which means it aims to deliver assistance for overcoming these barriers. Lastly, this study aims to explore the role of social media platform-based online communication as a channel to promote individual recycling behavior. This study focuses on social media materials published by a municipal service provider in the European Green Capital of 2021. The empirical material builds on a set of data collected from public and locatable online sources. The analysis includes 96 different types (pictural, textual, video) of recycling-themed online content. The data was analyzed by conducting qualitative content analysis. The results indicated that online communication addresses a broad range of recycling barriers. The most common means to overcome these was information provision through which the company aimed to increase knowledge and understanding of recycling practices. Although information provision alone is claimed to be insufficient to profoundly change behavior, results showed that it could serve as a means to generate a broad influence on areas behind behavior formation. The result of this study suggests that social media platforms as channels for online communication have the potential to create preconditions for overcoming recycling barriers especially through the means of information provision. The development of more profound recycling behavior, however, needs to include a broader range of collaborative information, motivation, and engagement elements that could engage and encourage people to implement more profound recycling behavior. This calls for future research that discovers means to stimulate behavior formation widely to support overcoming recycling barriers and the implementation of profound recycling behavior in everyday lives.
  • Orre, Tunnu Doris (2022)
    Päivittäistavarakaupat ovat saavuttaneet ruokajärjestelmässä aseman, jossa kaupan myymälä on lähes välttämätön läpikulkupiste alkutuotannosta kulutukseen. Ruoan kulkiessa pellolta pöytään pääasiassa päivittäistavarakaupan kautta, ei kaupan risteysasemaa tuotannon ja kulutuksen välissä voida ohittaa. Päivittäistavarakaupan vallitsevan aseman ja toiminnan lähtökohtien merkitystä, mahdollisuuksia ja mahdollista vastuuta ruokavalion kestävyysmuutoksessa on otettu vasta hiljattain tutkimuskohteeksi ja aiheen kohdalla vallitsee tutkimusaukko. Aiheen tutkiminen on tärkeää, sillä päivittäistavarakauppojen saavuttama asema sekä toiminnan lähtökohdat vaikuttavat siihen mitä ruokaa tuotetaan, mitä tuotteita tarjotaan kuluttajille sekä minkälaisia valintoja kuluttajat myymälässä tekevät. Päivittäistavarakaupat ovat kiinnostuneita edistämään ruokavalion kestävyysmuutosta omien lähtökohtiensa ja tavoitteidensa mukaisesti, mutta yhteinen näkemys roolista, toimintamallista tai mahdollisesta vastuusta puuttuu. Tässä tutkielmassa pyrin tuottamaan tietoa vallitsevaan tutkimusaukkoon, päivittäistavarakaupan asemasta, lähtökohdista sekä keinoista ruokavalion kestävyysmuutoksessa toimimiseksi. EAT-Lancet komission planetaarisen ruokavalion mukaisen muutoksen tavoitteena on kasvisten kulutuksen lisääminen, lihan kulutuksen vähentäminen sekä eläinperäisen proteiinin osittainen korvaaminen kasvisperäisillä vaihtoehdolla. Suomalainen S-ryhmä on ottanut planetaarisen ruokavalion edistämisen osaksi uutta yhteiskuntavastuuohjelmansa ruoan kestävän kuluttamisen edistämisen teemaa, jota tarkastelen tapaustutkimuksena käytännön esimerkkinä päivittäistavarakaupan pyrkimyksistä kestävyysmuutokseen. S-ryhmää koskevan tapaustutkimuksen tutkimusajankohtana ilmenevien tulosten perusteella on mahdollista tulkita, että vaikka S-ryhmällä on halua edistää ruoan kestävän kuluttamisen sekä planetaarisen ruokavalion mukaista kestävyysmuutosta, keinot muutoksen edistämiseksi ovat vielä puutteelliset. S-ryhmän sekä alueosuuskauppojen tulkinta ja tekeminen planetaarisen ruokavalion edistämisestä ei ole suoraan tulkittavissa EAT-Lancet komission mukaiseksi. Tuotevalikoiman kautta tapahtuvan kestävyysmuutoksen avainrooli ja vastuu on jätetty kuluttajalle. Kestävyyttä edistetään ensisijaisesti valikoimaa kasvattamalla, joka voi vaikeuttaa kuluttajien kestävien käytänteiden kehittymistä ja toteutumista. Tulosten perusteella jää epäselväksi pystyykö taloudellisiin näkökulmiin sekä kuluttajalähtöisyyteen pohjaava toiminta edistämään yksilön ruokavalion ohjaamiseen liittyvää tavoitetta.
  • Puistosalo, Jaakko (2024)
    Datakeskukset ovat osaltaan mahdollistamassa vihreää siirtymää, sillä niiden toiminnasta aiheutuvalla hukkalämmöllä voidaan lämmittää kotitalouksia polttoon perustuvan lämmöntuotannon sijaan. Hukkalämpö sitoo kuitenkin yhteen energian tuottajat ja käyttäjät, ja voi siten myös aiheuttaa odottamattomia seurauksia, joita tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan Mäntsälässä sijaitsevan Yandexin datakeskuksen tapauksessa. Mäntsälä oli asettanut valtaosan kaukolämmön tuotannostaan Yandexin datakeskuksen hukkalämmön varaan, joka osoittautui kunnalle ongelmalliseksi ratkaisuksi Venäjän hyökättyä Ukrainaan. Tässä tutkielmassa on tapaustutkimuksen keinoin selvitetty, oliko Yandexin datakeskuksen saapuminen Mäntsälään polkuriippuvaisen kehityskulun seurausta. Järjestelmän polkuriippuvuus voi aiheuttaa sen, että järjestelmä päätyy historiallisten päätösten ja tapahtumien seurauksena epätoivottuun lopputilaan, josta on erittäin vaikeaa irrottautua. Näin voidaan katsoa tapahtuneen myös Mäntsälään ja Yandexin datakeskuksen tapauksessa. Aineiston perusteella luodusta aikajanasta havaittiin, että Yandexin Mäntsälään tulon taustalla oli polkuriippuvainen tapahtumaketju. Mäntsälän kaukolämpöverkon polkuriippuvuuden taustalla havaittiin kolme mekanismia: suuret kiinteät kustannukset, mukautuvat olettamukset ja oppimisvaikutukset. Aiemmasta kirjallisuudesta poiketen, tarkasteltavan energiajärjestelmän polkuriippuvuuden taustalla eivät olleet ainoastaan järjestelmän fyysiset tai sen ympärillä vallitsevien markkinoiden ominaisuudet, vaan polkuriippuvuutta oli aiheuttamassa myös energiajärjestelmää hallinnoivassa organisaatiossa opitut kokemukset tietyistä toimintamalleista.
  • Rajala, Tuomas (2023)
    Forests play a key role in mitigating climate change and maintaining biodiversity. The ability of forests to sequester carbon dioxide and store it in wood biomasses and soils reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. However, forests are cut down for various reasons, such as economic ones, releasing carbon dioxide from the trees into the atmosphere. One way to combat climate change and biodiversity loss is to provide forest owners a voluntary incentive scheme that provides a new objective for forest owners to use their forests. The use of forests in the future will be decided by the new forest owners, i.e., the younger generation of forest owners. For this reason, it’s important to study their preferences for a voluntary incentive scheme. The study examined the characteristics of absentee and non-absentee forest owners under the age of 40 and compared the preferences for a voluntary incentive scheme directed to these two groups. The survey response rate was low (7,3%). Choice experiment method and a binary logistic regression model was used to find out the forest owners’ preferences in relation to accept the programme. In the binary logistic regression model, absentee residence was the only factor that positively and reliably increases the acceptance of the programme. Absentee and non-absentee forest owners appreciate similar aspects of forest property, for example relaxation and financial security. The biggest difference between these two groups came with consideration of forestry work and/or wood for household as nonabsentee forest owners valued that aspect higher. The study points out that knowledge of a METSO programme is relatively low, as 35% of absentee and 23% of non-absentee forest owners who responded have heard of the programme. Some young forest owners may not have a clear idea on how to manage forests, because forest ownership is new to them and therefore it is often difficult for novice forest owners to know which forest management practices to apply in one's own forests. According to the study, economic income from the forest property is important, but it isn’t an important source of economic security for a large number of young forest owners, especially when the share of absentee forest owners’ characteristics and preferences are on the rise among forest owners.
  • Haakana, Erika (2020)
    Jätevesiliete sisältää arvokkaita kasviravinteita ja orgaanista ainesta, jotka olisi välttämätöntä saada kiertämään kiertotalouden periaatteiden mukaisesti. Erityisesti kasvien kasvun kannalta olennainen ja määrältään rajallinen fosfori olisi tärkeä ohjata uudelleen käyttöön, esimerkiksi soveltuvaan maatalouteen, sillä Suomessa maatalouteen käytetään vuosittain 95,5 % kaikesta fosforista. Puhdistamoliete on kuitenkin yksi yhteiskunnan haastavimmista sivuvirroista, sillä se sisältää myös haitallisia aineita, kuten raskasmetalleja, mikromuoveja, pysyviä orgaanisia yhdisteitä ja lääkejäämiä. Tässä opinnäytetyössä aihetta tarkastellaan kirjallisuuskatsauksen ja dokumenttianalyysin keinoin sekä vahvistetaan laadullisella aineistolla. Viime vuosina monet suuret suomalaiset viljanostajat ovat kieltäneet puhdistamolietepohjaisten lannoitetuotteiden käytön sopimuspelloillaan. Tutkielmassa kartoitettiin asiantuntijahaastatteluiden avulla, miten tähän lopputulokseen päädyttiin sekä millainen suhtautuminen yrityksissä on uusiin kehitteillä oleviin puhdistusteknologioihin. Tutkimusta varten haastateltiin kolmen yrityksen edustajia tammikuussa 2020. Vastaukset analysoitiin sisällön analyysin keinoin. Puhdistamoliete ja sen käyttö on aineiston perusteella osa ympäristökonfliktien historiallista jatkumoa. Nykytutkimuksen valossa suomalainen puhdistamoliete on käsiteltynä turvallista käyttää. Useista tutkimuksista huolimatta kaikkien haitallisten aineiden pitkäaikaisia vaikutuksia erityisesti maaperään ei ole pystytty täysin kartoittamaan, sillä osa lietteestä löydettävistä haitallisista aineista on yhteiskunnassamme suhteellisen uusia yhdisteitä. Lietepohjaisten tuotteiden loppukäyttö on yhteiskunnallinen, taloudellinen ja ympäristökysymys, josta eri toimijoilla on eri intressit ja vaihtelevat näkemykset. Tutkimuksen perusteella viljanostajat suhtautuvat lietepohjaisiin tuotteisiin kielteisesti niiden kyseenalaisen maineen vuoksi. Yritykset korostivat, että heidän omat asiakkaansa eivät hyväksy lietepohjaisten tuotteiden käyttöä. Lisäksi haastatteluissa nousi ilmi huoli lietteen tutkimuksen tietoaukoista, koetut ihmisperäisten kierrätysravinteiden imagohaitat, sekä yritysten vastuullisuuden painopisteen sijoittuminen muualle kuin kierrätysravinteisiin. Pro gradu tutkielmassani esitän, että lietteen käsittelyn uudet teknologiat eivät tule yksin ratkaisemaan lietepohjaisten tuotteiden käyttöä maataloudessa, sillä viljanostajien kiinnostus kierrätysravinteiden käyttöön on vähäistä ja teknologiset erot käsittelymetodien välillä jäävät helposti epäselviksi.
  • Laitinen, Anna-Emilia (2020)
    Current food production and consumption practices have major impacts on the climate and the environment. Studies are calling for a transition towards plant-based diets as climate change poses an imminent threat of global natural catastrophes. Plant-based milk (PBM) products can be seen as radical innovations and as alternatives to liquid dairy milk that have started to break away from their former ethical and medical market niches. This study aims to gain understanding in how PBM products are positioned as alternatives to dairy milk and how the mainstreaming of these products could challenge the dairy sector. Specifically, the study is interested in how Finnish PBM products are marketed and how these PBM producers could be potential drivers of a sustainability transition in the food industry. This study focused on the digital marketing material that Finnish PBM producers used during the initial launch of their PBM products. The materials were collected online from existing and locatable sources (e.g. websites and social networking spaces) as well as from solicited material acquired from company representatives. The data was analyzed by conducting qualitative content analysis on the materials. The results showed that Finnish PBMs are marketed as alternative yet convenient products that are simultaneously health, tasty, and functional, as well as sustainable and plant-based. Even though Finnish producers were found to be hesitant to explicitly challenge the dairy sector, some brands positioned their products as part of a new food system that is transitioning away from the use of animal-products. These results suggest that the mainstreaming of Finnish PBMs and specifically oat milk is a positive shift towards more sustainable modes of production and consumption. Furthermore, the involvement of well-established food and dairy industry actors in the Finnish PBM market could have a role in reforming the institutional structures that empower people to eat animal-derived products. The seemingly neutral, non-provocative marketing style of Finnish PBM products is aiming to normalize the use of PBMs and thus claim its spot in Finnish food culture as an everyday consumer good.
  • Peura, Saana (2021)
    Interest in the ecosystem services and the well-being provided by nature has grown while the urbanized way of life has reduced contact between humans and nature. Studies have found that nature supports well-being and health in several ways: spending time in nature relieves stress, lifts mood and improves concentration, among other things. Natural environments encourage physical activity and provide opportunities for both social interaction and self-reflection. Nature experiences during childhood and adolescence help to build an empathetic relationship with nature and may promote environmentally responsible behavior. In adolescence, however, contact with nature often decreases. To facilitate positive nature experiences to adolescents, understanding how they experience spending time in nature can help. This thesis examines how adolescents describe their memorable nature experiences and the well-being impacts they associate with these experiences. The thesis is part of the multidisciplinary research project NATUREWELL (The health and well-being impacts of outdoor recreation – study on urban youth). The research data consists of pictures and writings (n=21) by adolescents aged 15-16 years, in which they describe their memorable nature experiences. The data was collected from a secondary school in Lahti, Finland in spring 2020. The research material has been analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. The results show that memorable nature experiences arise in a wide range of situations, but almost all participants highlighted the effects of nature on their well-being. The most common themes of the experiences were calming down in nature and uplifted moods, while several of the participants also highlighted the beauty of nature. Nature served both as a refuge and as a source of recreation for them. Half of the experiences had taken place in the nearby nature of the participants, half on trips elsewhere in Finland, abroad or at summer cottages. Photographs, paintings, drawings and collages by the participants often highlighted the visual aspect of the experience by depicting vast landscapes unfolding from the viewer's perspective. The described environments were forests, beaches, lakes, mountains and swamps. Based on the results, all the participants of the study have positive experiences of nature. They perceive psychological, physical, social and mental well-being effects in nature and often refer to them when justifying why they like to spend time in nature. The results of the study can be used in the planning of nature activities, environmental education and well-being interventions for adolescents. The nature experiences of adolescents with a negative attitude towards nature are an important subject for further research.
  • Madrid, Martha (2023)
    Food security is increasingly threatened in agrarian societies as environmental change has disrupted traditional food systems around the world, thus robbing the affected communities of their rights to food sovereignty. This thesis seeks to examine the role of traditional Indigenous (agri)cultural heritage maintenance in the present day, especially as impacted by climate change and land degradation. Using the case of Hek’o:we – or “waffle gardening” – in the Zuni Pueblo (known also as the Middle Place), the study aims to illuminate the benefits of youth-oriented education for the protection of food sovereignty, the continuance of ancestral knowledge, and the conservation of the land and natural resources. Existing literature was reviewed to evaluate the need for this research, as well as to illuminate the place of this study in the broad literature base of related topics in Western academia. The resulting literature review was compiled to serve also as a theoretical framework for narrowing down three key contexts in which this case study could be examined: 1. The history, development, and use of Hek’o:we, as understood currently in Western academia; 2. Indigenous food sovereignty; and 3. The role of youth education in the (re)production of agricultural knowledge. Much of the earlier research regarding Zuni (agri)cultural heritage maintenance and Hek’o:we agriculture has been conducted without considering the needs of the Zuni community. Thus, significant ethical considerations were central to the development of this study, including the goal of amplifying Zuni voices in the dissemination of the research results. Data collection was conducted over video chat; in a recorded group interview, organizers from the Zuni Youth Enrichment Project’s Food Sovereignty team shared stories and insight about the topics at hand. The results are presented primarily in the words of the participants. Three main topics emerged: Hek’o:we and community-wide resilience; intergenerational education that en-gages the whole family; and land-based considerations including climate change, water scarcity, and the overall notion of living with the land. Conclusions posit that traditional agricultural practices are promoting resilience, engagement with ancestral knowledge, conservation of the land and water, and many other ob-servable benefits. Climate change and land degradation, caused by intentional actions by the settler state, may pose threats to food sovereignty and the health of Zuni people, but the community is able to find strength in the practices developed by their ancestors.
  • Jäntti, Tuomas (2023)
    The external nutrient load of the Archipelago Sea weakens the state of the sea. Gypsum is applied to fields in the catchment area because it has been found to reduce phosphorus leaching from fields. Gypsum treatment of fields is organised by the the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY) of Southwest Finland through "KIPSI-hanke" (GYPSUM Project). Participation in gypsum treatment is free of charge for farmers. To achieve water protection objectives, more farmers in the area should participate in gypsum treatment. I study what factors that influence the participation of farmers in the catchment area in gypsum treatment of their fields. The underlying motivation for this study was to promote gypsum treatment of fields and improve the state of the Archipelago Sea. My research is a qualitative interview study. My interview data consists of nine farmer interviews. In my analysis, I also use scientific and social research literature and other sources. I compare the interviewees' perceptions of the effects of gypsum with the information presented in the natural science literature. On the other hand, I will unpack social phenomena and events that affect farmers' perception of gypsum treatment and their activities. According to my observations, farmers' participation is influenced by knowledge about gypsum treatment, or the lack of thereof. Also, farmers' perceptions of the effects of gypsum treatment affect their participation decisions. Yield and yield impacts are at the heart when a farmer decides on participation in gypsum treatment, even though gypsum treatment is free of charge for the farmer. Based on my results, farmers' participation in gypsum treatment of their fields is promoted by available solid, experience based, research data on effects of gypsum, especially on the effects on yields. Agricultural advice also proved to be a factor influencing participation in gypsum treatment. At least some farmers would receive information on gypsum treatment of fields as part of other agricultural advice. According to my research, agricultural advisors' knowledge of the effects of gypsum was variable and partly incomplete. According to my research, expert and active gypsum advice would promote participation in gypsum treatment. The historical tensions between rural and urban areas, as well as tension between the implementors and targets of environmental projects, have an impact on farmers' attitudes towards the KIPSI-hanke. From the point of view of the rural population, unjust and top-down environmental projects will also hamper future projects if the design of projects does not consider the involvement of the rural population as participants of the projects, not only as targets of measures.
  • Ruotsalainen, Elise (2024)
    In Sápmi, the traditional homelands of the Indigenous Sámi, climate change and green transition have created together a double burden for the Arctic ecosystems and the Sámi. As an effort to mitigate the climate change, the transition towards green sources of energy and mineral intensive technologies have created conflicting interests for land use in Sápmi, as extractivist activities have been located for instance to their traditional reindeer pasture lands. This thesis focuses on representations of Western edited media about green transition related extractive activities in Sámi context. Construction and operation of Fosen wind farm in Norway and expansion of mineral extraction in Giron, Sweden, act as examples of such activities. The research question is: what issues the Western edited media represents when discussing extractive activities regarding green transition, in the Sámi context? The thesis derives from the identified research gap of the matter, as this kind of research regarding the Sámi has not been conducted before. The thesis uses inductive thematic analysis to identify issues the news media articles represent regarding cases of Fosen and Giron. The research data consists of 35 news articles, published between 2016-2024. The applicable case examples were identified in data collection as illustrating the green transition related extractivist activities having significant impact on the Sámi communities. Through thematic analysis, six themes were identified and further analyzed through the framework of Indigenous Environmental Justice (IEJ). The analysis shows that the media represents green transition related extractivism in both negative- and positive lights. Whereas wind power and mineral extraction are represented as essential drivers for sustainable future, they also have negative impacts for the ecosystems in Sápmi and to the Sámi culture and livelihoods. The activities are represented as causing disputes between the Sámi and other stakeholders, due to conflicting interests of land-use and the Sámi’s experiences of violation of rights and unfairness. The activities taking place in Sápmi are often represented as continuation of Western colonialism, planned without sufficient consultation and involvement of the local Sámi communities. Yet, the Sámi are represented as solution-oriented, aiming to actively protect their traditional lands. The struggle of the Sámi with Western extractivism was also represented as part of wider global struggle of Indigenous people, whose traditional homelands these activities have penetrated to. These issues identified support the notions of IEJ about Western legal systems as failing to resolve environmental injustices and current extractivist activities as a form of on-going colonialism. The analysis also shows that the provision of multiple ontologies and legal orders, intergenerational- and other-than-human justice and acknowledgement of the distinct legal status of Indigenous peoples are needed, as argued by IEJ scholars. In the future, as the extractivist activities in the Arctic are expected to intensify, there is an urgent need for critical assessment of the manner the green transition is currently carried out in Western societies, participatory evaluation of impacts of the extractive projects and emphasis on aspects of fairness.
  • Suomalainen, Milla (2021)
    Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of heatwaves in Finland. Heatwaves increase morbidity and mortality, especially among the elderly and chronically ill. Home care services are in an important role supporting the functioning ability and quality of life among populations vulnerable to heat. This study presents a qualitative empirical case study to understand heatwave adaptation in municipal home care services in Helsinki. The purpose of this study is to explore, describe and analyse the effects of the 2018 heatwave in the context of home care services, and the services’ capacity to adapt to heat. The data was collected by conducting semi-structured interviews with home care workers both on the operational and strategical levels. Theoretical frameworks regarding extreme heat vulnerability and local adaptive practices were used to support the analysis. The results suggest that heatwaves have caused challenges for both workers and customers. While the working ability of home care staff may be reduced due to thermal stress, the customers’ reduced functioning ability may simultaneously increase the need for care. Some workers had experienced fatigue, and customers were described having typical heat exhaustion symptoms. Workers adaptive practices were mostly reactive responses aimed at reducing the vulnerability of customers to heat. Interviewees described having taken preventive measures to limit customers’ exposure to heat and prevent adverse heat-related health outcomes by monitoring customers’ hydration more carefully. No long-term preparedness measures were identified on the strategical level. The city had supported workers by offering mineral drink bottles and providing instructions for coping in hot weather. In conclusion, workers have an active role in adaptation, but it might be limited by their own thermal stress, customers’ different health conditions and resources, as well as service-level stressors such as lack of staff. Because heatwaves are expected to increase in the future, home care services’ preparedness to heatwaves might need to be improved. It would be important to consider adaptation needs of both workers and customers as they can be interrelated in the sense, that care is dependent on workers ability to function. In a wider societal framework, the adaptive capacity of home care should be secured through providing sufficient resources for these services. The latter is even more important in the light of future trends regarding the aging of population, increase in need for home-based services and decrease in workforce availability. More research is required on the effects of heatwaves on the most vulnerable populations, what adaptation needs there might be as well as how this relates to service provision.
  • Rissanen, Simo (2022)
    The concept of sustainability has been discussed a lot in academic and political contexts. While especially the ecological dimension of sustainability has been widely focused on due to various environmental crises, the social dimension has been less studied. In this thesis, I analyse social sustainability through political discourses in the Finnish context. Finland has received good results in the field of social policy and throughout its history, central labour market organisations have had an institutional role in the development of social policies. This thesis analyses how Finnish central labour market organisations discuss social sustainability when they set their objectives for the 2019-2023 government term. Adopting a critical approach, I study the role and representation of social sustainability in the objective documents. My two-part research 1) constructs a definition for social sustainability based on literature, and 2) analyses the empirical data and discourses found within. The findings of this thesis present a five-part definition for social sustainability and four key discursive themes which emerge from the empirical data. The results from empirical data show that in the objective documents social sustainability is for example discussed in a bureaucratic way, sometimes seen as an instrument benefitting the society. The research also underlines the difficulty of defining and analysing the vague concept of social sustainability and discusses how and why social sustainability could be researched in the future.