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  • Kukkola, Jarkko (Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2011)
    Participation is located in a living and complex environment. Traditional means of participation are only partially able to meet the new environmental requirements. In need are forms of participation which take into account the new opportunities of the environment and residents expertise. Internet map applications are an important channel of participation which potential is in many respects as unexplored and unutilized. They are commonly in inventory the perspectives, bringing out the concerns of the area, and only little for discussing about solutions. Interpretation is usually made by designer. This study focuses on evaluation and development of Internet map applications in strategic land use planning. Subject matter is dealt from designer and the inhabitants point of view. City Planning Department of Helsinki s Esikau-punkien Renessanssi -project and the associated SoftGIS survey acts as the case study. In the beginning of the study I tried to recognize the new environment in which the Internet map applications are placed. The research question is, what kind of challenges and opportunities the e-participation confronts in information society, and what kind of requirements the environmental creates for development of an application. In chapter three I evaluate how successfully these requirements are met in Esikaupunkien Renessanssi -project. I m trying to examine how the application would look like if the environment and the characteristics of the project are met better. The approach is experimental and I try to find new ways to take advantage of Internet maps. I try not to be too limited to current projects and studies. For example, I try to examine how social media and Web 2.0 opportunities can be utilized, and how the learning and shaping nature of planning may be reached in Internet map environment. In chapter four I have developed a new concept for the Esikaupunkien Renessanssi map application, and made images to visualize its operation in practice. I collect all the data in the research and gather it into a new service. The aim is to create a better application for Esikaupunkien Renessanssi -project, which takes into account the living and complex environment of participation and responds to threats and opportunities arising from it. The presented outcome is in many respects different from the current query. In the new service the role of residents is to interact and learn. The traditional standing of the Internet maps and the position of resident as one-sided information donor are questioned. In the concept, the residents innovate and make interpretations too. Influences are taken from a number of modern applications and for example services that make use of social media. The user experience is intended to be interactive, fast and easy. The idea is that the service keeps you up to date with planning matters, not the other way around. Service guides inhabitants, striving to achieve a deeper knowledge of the project's objectives as well as the dynamics and realities that different individuals experience.
  • Kauppila, Hanne (2014)
    Current poor state and concern over the state of the European surface waters has led to the introduction of the EU water directive. Aim of the directive is to restore surface waters back to their natural state by 2015. Problems with conservation work arise as the natural state of lakes and waters is usually unknown. As the water monitoring programs are fairly new and only cover the time when people have already altered their environment, however, paleolimnological research methods can help to trace back the natural state of the surface waters. According to the theoretical framework of paleolimnological study, 'the presence is the key to the past'. By this theory, knowing the processing operating today, we can trace back the processes operated in the past and reconstruct different phases of a lake and find out the natural state. Study lake is situated in Somero, Southwest Finland. Lake Åvik is approximately 6 m deep and covers an area of 7 hectares. The aim of this study is to find out if there has been changes in water quality in the past by using diatoms and paleolimnological methods. Study aims to answer the questions: - How has the water quality in Åvik changed and what is the natural state of the lake? - Which changes in the drainage area has affected the changes in the water quality? Paleolimnological research has traditionally used a methods called transfer function. However, in this study the diatom data was analyzed with Omnidia database. Omnidia is normally used in river studies. It appears that this is the first time that Omnidia database is applied to paleolimnological data. 200 cm long sediment core was analyzed for diatoms. Diatom data was analyzed with Omnidia and several water quality indices (TDI, GDI, IPS, evenness, dissimilarity and ecological information) were produced. Total phosphorus and total nitrogen were also analyzed from the sample. Most significant changes in the diatom species composition were found in depth that was dated approximately to year 1300 when people permanently started occupying Somero. Population growth and introduction of agriculture into the area altered the ecosystem and caused changes in the species composition. Second phase for changes appears around 1960 when agricultural methods were intensified. Dissimilarity analysis shows that differences between species in the top and bottom layers differ statistically significantly. Main causes for the changes in the species composition are the increased nutrients in the water due to population growth and agriculture. In the surface layers, some oligotrophic species were discovered. These species could represent species from other areas or they could indicate that the actions taken to improve the water quality have worked. River Paimionjoki is one of the risk areas in terms of the poor water quality. Good ecological status of Åvik and Paimionjoki will not be reached by 2015 and extension for the conservation work has been granted until 2027. Because of the result of the study it would advisable to collect a shorter surface sample from the Åvik and analyze diatoms with higher resolution in order to find out in more detail whether the taken measures have actually started to work and water quality is improving.
  • Donner, Daniel (2015)
    It is a fact that journalists living in the Helsinki region of Finland are concentrated to the inner city. For this reason there is a risk that the media coverage of socioeconomically weaker areas is based more on stereotypes and simplifications than what is the case for wealthier areas. The aim of this study is therefore to assess in which areas local journalists move in the city, what perceptions they have of different areas and how these factors affect their reporting. The study is based on the hypothesis that in which areas journalists live and move within the city also affects how they report on different areas. The main research method consists of semi-structured interviews with five local journalists. The interviews are supported by travel diaries of the respondents' travels during one week. This information was used as a basis for the discussion in the interviews. The interviews were analysed focusing on the contents. The results show that a large share of the respondents' trips take place in the inner city of Helsinki. Generally, the respondents seem to have a broad knowledge about different areas in the Helsinki region, but inner city areas are better known to them than suburbs. The respondents admit that also journalists have prejudices, but assert that it is part of the craftsmanship to not let the prejudices affect the reporting. Furthermore, they emphasize that news values determine on which areas are reported. At the same time, the results show that the movement patterns of the journalists and their perception of different areas affect how they judge the news value of events in the areas. If an area is known to the journalists or if it is situated in the inner city, the news value for events or phenomena in the area may be perceived as larger by the journalists. The journalists are aware of the importance of a versatile and balanced reporting on different areas. Nevertheless, the media image of underprivileged suburbs risks becoming negative and unbalanced. This is due to the media's production circumstances together with the social homogeneity of the journalists and their spatial concentration to certain neighbourhoods. The Swedish-language media's reporting may become especially unbalanced, as its audience is more strongly concentrated to certain areas. The result of the study is important in a context where segregation between the different residential areas in the Helsinki region may be increasing. In such a situation how journalists contribute to maintaining or creating differences between neighbourhoods is of great importance.
  • Leppänen, Anni-Maaria (2016)
    The significance of the forest as leisure time environment has increased in Finland. City forests are used for outdoors exercises and enjoying the nature. The citizens of Helsinki have an opportunity to refresh themselves in the city forests: 22 % of the land area of the city is covered by forests and forests' accessibility is good. However, due to the land use plans of the city and predicted increasing number of city inhabitants of the new Helsinki city plan, the number of city forests will decrease, and the erosion of the remaining forests continues. Meri-Rastila forest, which is situated in eastern Helsinki and well-liked by the residents of the area, is an example case where the construction projects of the city are steered to the city's inner remaining forest areas, and to the neighborhood forests which are important for residents. The aim of the study is to examine what Meri-Rastila forest means to the residents as an experienced space and place. The method for this study is qualitative. The theoretical frame is based on the humanistic geography in which the place is understood as lived and experienced, as an entity formed by the meanings given by the experiences of the people. Therefore the meanings of the forest are investigated by examining the knowledge, memories and experiences of the residents. The second aim of the study is to find out what kind of favorite places, routes and other meaningful objects the residents have in their neighborhood forest. The experiential knowledge of the residents will be linked to the exact locations on the geographical map. The research was carried out by doing nine walking interviews in the Meri-Rastila forest during February and March 2015. The most common routes, favorite places and other meaningful objects were photographed and localized by a GPS device during the walking interviews. In addition, six of the interviewees wrote voluntary free-form story about their relationship to the forest. The contents of the interviews and stories were analysed. The database of experiential knowledge was created from the research results. The database was linked to the favorite places, routes and objects and was visualized on the map using the GIS approach. As result for the first aim, following four outcomes were discovered. Firstly, as being an experienced space and place Meri-Rastila forest is an important source of physical and mental well-being in everyday life and city life for the residents. The forest is a place for everyday recreational activities. Outdoor recreation in the forest has become a part of interviewees' everyday life. Secondly, the forest is experienced as a familiar and cosy neighborhood forest which carries lots of important memories. Thirdly, the Meri-Rastila forest is experienced as an experiential neighborhood forest where one can have nature experiences and feelings of being far away in Lapland wilderness. Fourthly, the future of the interviewees' important neighborhood forest and their everyday use of outdoor recreation of the forest are considered uncertain and worrying. As result for the second aim of the study, following two outcomes were discovered. Firstly, most of the favorite places in the forest are rocky places situated either on the seaside or in the inner part of the forest where the peaceful and calm ambience is of value. Secondly, the sandy road of the forest is a popular walking route but also the small trails are important for the interviewees. Meri-Rastila forest is a meaningful neighborhood forest in the everyday lives of the residents of the area. By doing the walking interviews and using the GIS method it was possible to reveal and localize the residents' experiential knowledge of the forest. The experiential knowledge linked to a place is a valuable source of information which can be utilized to improve urban planning and decision making in the future.
  • Varis, Minna (2014)
    Suomalainen maaseutu elää muutoksen aikaa: entinen alkutuotannon alue on saanut uusia merkityksiä asumisen, tuotannon ja kuluttamisen alueena. Samalla hevosharrastus ja -yrittäminen sekä hevosten lukumäärä kasvavat edelleen etenkin naisten ratsastusharrastuksen lisääntyvän suosion myötä. Tutkielmassa kuvataan maaseudulle muuttaneiden hevosyrittäjänaisten tilannetta feministisen maaseutumaantieteen taustoittamana. Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää hevosyrittämisen muotoja ja motiiveja sekä naisten kokemusta maaseudusta yritysympäristönä ja hevosyrittäjyyden erityisiä merkityksiä naisille itselleen. Tutkimusalueena on kantahämäläinen Loppi, joka on tyypillistä kaupungin läheisyyteen sijoittuvaa, muuttovoittoa saanutta maaseutualuetta. Tutkielman empiirinen aineisto kerättiin kahdessa vaiheessa. Sähköpostikyselyllä saatiin kahdeksalta hevosyrittäjänaiselta vastaukset sekä teemahaastatteluilla neljältä heistä syventävää aineistoa. Vastaajat ovat löytäneet 2000-luvulla Lopelta alkutuotannolta vapautuneita pientiloja, joilla on mahdollista harjoittaa monipuolisesti hevosyrittämisen eri muotoja. Yrittämiseen johtaa oma aiempi hevosharrastus. Tämän tutkielman hevosyrittäjät kokevat itsensä vapaiksi ja mieltävät yrittämisen harkiten valituksi ja toivotuksi elämäntavaksi. Yrittämisen motiivit eivät liity ensisijaisesti liiketaloudellisiin tuottotavoitteisiin, vaan elämänlaatutekijöihin. Yrittäminen tapahtuu sosiaalisessa verkostossa, jossa tärkeimmät kumppanit ovat oma puoliso, naapurit ja asiakkaat. Usealle yrittäjälle juuri asiakassuhteissa tapahtuva onnistunut vuorovaikutus on keskeistä ja palkitsevaa. Maaseutuympäristö mahdollistaa hevoselämäntavan ja maaseudun tarjoamaa tilaa, rauhaa ja luontoa arvostetaan. Maaseudun tulevaisuus aiheuttaa huolta tällä kaupungin läheiselläkin maaseutualueella. Hevosyrittäjät kokevat toimintansa olevan merkityksellistä maaseudun elinvoimaisuuden ylläpitämiseksi ja kulttuuriperinteen säilyttämiseksi, vaikka tiedostavat, että kaikki eivät toimintaa arvosta tai voivat pitää sitä jopa ympäristölle haitallisena. Tämän tutkielman hevosyrittäjänaiset luovat kuvaa elämäntapavalinnan tehneestä yksilöstä, joka arvostaa itseään, työtään ja maaseutuympäristöä. Nämä naiset tuovat uusia sävyjä perinteisesti ja vielä nykyäänkin usein patriarkaalisena pidettyyn maaseutuympäristöön.
  • Kumpulainen, Harri (2013)
    The research deals with the regional spread and popularity of football in Helsinki from the late 1800's to the early 2000's. Structural changes of the city have transformed the nature of the city and its different parts. The operational prerequisites of football clubs are bound to both wider societal factors and action taken by local community and its population. The research scrutinises the regional changes and their societal and social background and reflects them to development in football. Following the principles of structural methodology the research studies mechanisms and social structures behind the visible appearance of societal phenomena. The prevalent structure of communities and societies explain the reasons of distinguishable human activities. The geographical theoretic framework is based on the precepts of regional study. Of particular importance are the different types of spatial diffusion that give a theoretical explanation to the spread of football. The history of Helsinki and football in Helsinki are linked to form a coherent narration that creates comprehensive outlook on the structural change and development of the city and its football activity. The result is an overview of regional preconditions for football in Helsinki and a theoretical model that illustrates the regional placement of football.
  • Eronen, Heidi (2015)
    The last few decades have been the warmest since the beginning of meteorological measurements, and the mean temperatures are expected to increase at least a further 1.1 K by the end of the 21st century. Temperature is the main influencing factor of the life conditions of the alpine plants and climate warming is estimated to be higher than average in the alpine areas of the mountain ranges. Also the precipitation and snow cover occurrence and timing will change in the future. The aim of this study was to investigate the observed changes of the vegetation of the high areas of the Alps during the recent decades and the responses of the vascular plants to changing growth conditions, as well as researchers' estimates for the fate of the alpine plants in the future, as the climate change continues. This thesis was conducted as a literature review and the research data was phased out from scientific journals using various search criteria. The data consisted of 12 reports which pertained alpine vascular plants and their responses to climate change impacts, and were performed in the Central Eastern Alps or Swiss Central Alps. The method used was qualitative metasummary, where abstracted findings were formatted from the relevant discoveries and conclusions of each study. To assess the relative magnitude of the abstracted findings, as well as the similarities of the results of different reports, frequency effect sizes were calculated. In addition, abstracted findings were used to assess the intensity of each report in relation to the research questions. The most frequent abstracted findings stated that the observed changes of the vegetation have been small (75% of the reports) and the species richness has increased (67% of the reports). For example, the upward migration of the plants, the lower altitudinal index of increased species and species-specific responses of the plants to the climate change were mentioned in every other article. Two reports with the strongest intensity effect size were Pauli et al. (2007) and Cannone & Pignatti (2014), which both contributed the changes of the species richness and plant communities in relation to the climate warming. It was discovered that the future of the alpine vegetation is partly contradictory: alpine areas were found to be susceptible and the climate change threatens them greatly (25 % of the reports), but many potentially variable factors were found to have only minor effects on the alpine plants (25 % of the reports). The current alpine and nival species were estimated to disappear – or at least suffer – due to the invasion of species from lower altitudes (42 % of the reports), and especially the cold-adapted species were predicted to decrease, as a result of the loss of the suitable habitats (33% of the reports). The final fate of the species was found to be dependent on their capacity of persistence and adaptation, and their seed bank (42 % of the reports).
  • Runonen, Maria (2013)
    Sustainable development is an ambiguous and wide term. Determining it has always been a challenge and there still isn't any unambiguous definition to it. Normally the term is considered to contain different kind of extents and also in this study sustainable development is divided into four extents: ecological, economic, cultural and societal. Education for sustainable development aims to improve on developing all the mentioned divisions in a sustainable way: without wasting natural resources or exceeding nature's endurance. This study investigates the effectiveness of Finnish Environmental School Sykli's sustainable development training in select learning institutions in the area of southern Finland. The used data is literature about sustainable development and different learning theories, webropol inquiry and professional interviews. Inquiry was sent as a hyperlink for all of those who were taking part in Sykli's education for sustainable development over the years 2009 to 2012, and the interviewees were chosen from the academies where participating to inquiry was most active. Data was analyzed in both qualitative and quantitative methods. In the literature analysis came out that deep understanding of sustainable development is quite challenging and because of that also the education of sustainable development can be difficult. On the other hand also the term is really wide and assimilating it well takes quite a lot. Because of that learning should be contextual or position- and context-bounded and the student must construct the new data above the existing data. Results from webropol inquiry pointed out that participants had had benefits especially when it came to developing their own academy in a concrete way, but they also felt easier to acquire issues of sustainable development. The interviews showed out that learning wasn't too deep in every situation and received information wasn't put into practice in a way that education for sustainable development aims to. But on the other hand all of the interviewees felt that they had benefitted from the education both personal and organization level. Education for sustainable development that Sykli organizes can be found effective among participants. Education effected both personally and to develop participant's own organization. This argument is supported by the webropol inquiry and the interviews. However effectiveness of education hasn't always been as deep as it's aimed to. To improve effectiveness sustainable development should be understood better as a wide term and to see it reaching all sections of life. That way knowledge would transform to action.
  • Anttonen, Sari (2014)
    The main purpose of this thesis is to find out pupils' attitudes towards geography as a school subject, what they think about teaching and learning geography. The purpose is also to find out the factors that make geography an interesting or uninteresting subject. Pupils' attitudes are important to consider when developing the subject itself. Pupils' ideas are also valuable tools for teachers to develop their own teaching. According to the earlier studies pupils' attitudes towards geography are quite neutral. Although attitudes are positive in general, geography is not perceived as a particularly interesting subject. Girls' attitudes towards geography have been a little more positive than those of boys. Girls also considered geography as a more important subject than boys did. The aim of this thesis is to gather more information about pupils' attitudes towards geography and to compare the results between girls and boys and between pupils on different grades. The information was collected via an internet based survey. The study population consisted of 131 respondents and there were respondents from every secondary school grade. The data was analyzed by using the SPSS 22 and Microsoft Excel -statistical programs. The results were studied including all respondents, girls and boys separately, and pupils on different grades separately. The results were compared to already existing results and there was also an aim to find out some new information about the subject of the study. According to this study pupils' attitudes towards geography were positive and geography was perceived as an interesting and important subject. The boys' attitudes were even more positive than those of the girls, although the attitudes in general were quite positive. The main difference between the sexes was that girls considered geography more difficult as a school subject but both sexes considered geography quite an onerous subject. Seventh grade pupils' attitudes were a little more positive than those of eighth or ninth grade pupils'. The main factor that explains the attractiveness of geography was a teacher who was enthusiastic about the subject and teaching. The pupils who thought geography as an uninteresting subject considered geography more clearly difficult and onerous than pupils in general. It is encouraging to notice that pupils' attitudes were so positive towards geography.
  • Stigzelius, Tiina (2016)
    For the conservation of biodiversity, it is important to examine the factors that shape species richness in different ecosystems. Global warming is predicted to be most pronounced in arctic-alpine areas and arctic environments, especially in major ecotones, like environments close to the tree lines. Therefore by examining the species richness, distribution and requirements of species living in mountainous areas, it is possible to assess the effects of climate change in different spatial scales. Elevational gradients are suitable for this kind of research, because many ecosystems processes and structure of local communities change along elevational gradients. Studies carried out in elevational gradients can help us to find out the mechanisms that shape local communities. The elevational patterns of species richness of micro-organisms like diatoms have been studied increasingly lately, but the results of the factors shaping species richness along elevational gradient are varied between different studies and groups of micro-organisms. Therefore it is important to learn more about the factors that shape species richness of micro-organisms along elevational gradients. In this thesis’s the elevational patterns of species richness and species evenness were studied in three different mountain streams in northern Norway and Kilpisjärvi (n= 44). The study also examines the effects of altitude to taxonomic relatedness of diatom species. Diatom and water chemistry samples were collected in August 2013. Generalized linear models (GLM) were used to analyse species richness and the correlation between environmental variables and species richness were examined with pairwise correlation tests. Taxonomic distinctness was calculated with taxondive-command. According to the GLM, the species richness was best explained (49,2 %) by pH of stream water, stream depth, conductivity and altitude. Species evenness was best explained (45,6 %) by water temperature and total nitrogen (TN). Altitude showed a statistically significant relation to species richness (p= 0,003) and species evenness only in Lepänjoki (p< 5,45e+07). Species were not phylogenetically more clustered as elevation increased. Altitude did not explain the taxonomic distinctness of diatom species in the research streams. It can be concluded that a deeper riverbed guarantee more stable conditions to diatom species. Similarly, higher water pH value is more favorable habitat for diatoms, than acidic waters. Altitude may affect species richness through bedrock geology, which probably affects pH value and conductivity in the research streams. The short elevational gradients probably affect the fact that species richness did not decrease as altitude increased and that the species were not closely related to each other at the upper end of the gradient.
  • Liimatta, Kati (2013)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on käsitellä koulumetsien käyttöä opetuksessa päiväkodeissa ja kouluissa. Koulumetsät tarkoittavat tässä tutkielmassa koulun lähellä sijaitsevia metsiä, joilla on ympäristökasvatuksen kannalta merkittäviä sosiaalisia-, luonto- ja virkistysarvoja. Tutkimuksessa perehdytään aiheeseen erityisesti maantiedon kannalta. Tavoitteena on selvittää, miten koulumetsiä käytetään hyväksi koulujen ja päiväkotien toiminnassa, millaisia asioita maasto-opetus edellyttää ja millaiset tekijät lisäävät koulun lähellä sijaitsevien koulumetsien käyttöä opetuksessa. Lisäksi tavoitteena on ottaa selvää siitä, mitä lisäarvoa koulumetsät voivat antaa maantiedon opetukselle. Aineisto on kerätty Suomen Luonnonsuojeluliiton hankkeessa 'Koulumetsät arvoonsa – yhteistyöllä suojelua ja ympäristökasvatusta', jonka tavoitteina on löytää koulutuksen kannalta arvokkaita metsiä, varmistaa niiden säilyminen sekä edistää koulumetsien huomioon ottamista suunnittelussa ja päätöksenteossa. Kyselylomakkeeseen tuli vastauksia 72 kappaletta. Vastaajat olivat pääosin lastentarhanopettajia, luokanopettajia ja aineenopettajia. Lisäksi tutkielmaa varten haastateltiin viittä kyselyyn vastannutta henkilöä maantiedon metsäopetukseen liittyen. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että metsiä käytetään paljon ympäristötietoisuuden kasvattamiseen. Tavoitteina metsässä tapahtuvalle opetukselle olivat vastaajien mukaan oppilaiden luontosuhteen kehittäminen sekä metsien opetuskäytön lisääminen. Tähän voidaan pyrkiä tuottamalla opettajille metsien hyödyntämiseen liittyvä materiaaleja sekä lisäämällä opettajien koulutusta aiheesta. Metsän käyttöön liittyvät ongelmat koskevat oppilaitoksen etäisyyttä metsästä, metsien katoamista ja kutistumista sekä luonnontilaisuuden vähenemistä. Kaikki nämä ongelmat vaikeuttavat metsien käyttöä ympäristökasvatuksessa. Maantiedon opetuksessa metsiä hyödynnetään eniten karttoja ja jääkauden jälkiä opetettaessa.Tärkeintä metsässä tapahtuvassa opetuksessa oli haastattelujen mukaan oppilaiden oma toiminta.
  • Oittinen, Riikka (2015)
    Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana toimii Arizonan yliopistossa toteutettu Places in the media -kurssi, jossa tarkastellaan kriittisesti, kuinka paikat esiintyvät mediassa. Maantieteen opetuksessa onkin tärkeää kannustaa oppilaita pohtimaan, kuinka media rakentaa maantieteellistä tietoa, kuten käsityksiä tiloista, paikoista ja yhteiskunnasta. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on toteuttaa opetuskokeilu lukion kulttuurimaantieteen opiskelijoille, jossa analysoidaan kriittisesti median antamaa kuvaa Helsingin Vuosaaresta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten oppilaiden mielestä media muokkaa mielikuvia Vuosaaresta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on antaa esimerkki siitä, kuinka kriittistä medialukutaitoa voidaan soveltaa mielikuvien opetuksessa lukion kulttuurimaantieteen oppitunnilla. Opetuskokeilussa noudatettiin kriittisen pedagogiikan ja dialogisen opetuksen periaatteita. Opetuskokeilu toteutettiin Viikin Normaalikoulussa ja Helsingin Normaalilyseon lukion kulttuurimaantieteen kurssilla (n=42). Opetuskokeilun yhteydessä toteutettiin alku- ja loppukysely, analysoitiin ryhmissä mediamateriaaleja ja tilastotietoa Vuosaaresta sekä täytettiin analyysien pohjalta kirjallisia tehtävälomakkeita. Oppitunnilla hyödynnettiin learning cafe -menetelmää, jolloin oppilaat toimivat sekä koti- että mediaryhmissä. Näin he pääsivät keskustelemaan näkökulmistaan eri ryhmissä ja jakamaan tietoa ryhmien välillä. Oppitunnin mediamateriaalit oli valittu niin, että ne antoivat mahdollisimman erilaisia näkökulmia Vuosaaresta. Oppitunnin lopuksi käytiin yhteinen keskustelu, jossa oppilaat kertoivat oppitunnin aikana syntyneistä ajatuksistaan. Oppilaat analysoivat oppitunnin aikana monipuolisesti eri medialähteitä ja vertasivat niiden antamia mielikuvia ja tilastotietoa keskenään. Oppilaat analysoivat oppitunneilla mediamateriaaleja kriittisesti ja analyyttisesti. Oppilaiden mielikuvat Vuosaaresta eivät muuttuneet merkittävästi opetuskokeilun myötä. Tämä oli kuitenkin oletettavaa teoriataustan perusteella, sillä alueen maineen ja mielikuvien muuttuminen vie yleensä aikaa. Oppilaat saivat kuitenkin uutta tietoa ja näkökulmia alueesta. Vuosaaresta kokemusta omaavien oppilaiden mielikuvat tutusta alueesta olivat positiivisempia kuin muiden oppilaiden mielikuvat. Harjoituksen myötä oppilaiden kriittinen medialukutaito ja ajattelu kehittyivät jonkin verran. Oppilaiden medialukutaito oli kuitenkin hyvällä tasolla jo ennen harjoitusta, joten medialukutaidossa ei tapahtunut suurta kehitystä. Vaikka oppilaat eivät kokeneet ennen opetuskokeilua, että medialla on suurta vaikutusta heidän mielikuviinsa Vuosaaresta, opetuskokeilun jälkeen he olivat laajasti sitä mieltä, että median antamalla kuvalla on vaikutusta Vuosaaren toimijoihin, kehitykseen ja maineeseen. Oppilaiden kriittisyys medialähteitä kohtaan kasvoi harjoituksen jälkeen, sillä oppilaiden luottamus medialähteiden antamaan kuvaan Vuosaaresta heikkeni kaikkien muiden osalta luukuunottamatta Helsingin Sanomia. Hyvin antoisan loppukeskustelun aikana syntyi todellista vuorovaikutusta sekä oppilaiden, että oppilaiden ja opettajan välillä. Opetuskokeilun hyödyllisyyden ja mielekkyyden kokemisessa sekä kirjallisessa palautteessa oli kuitenkin eroja Viikin Normaalikoulun ja Helsingin Normaalilyseon välillä. Oppitunnin pitäminen toiseen kertaan onnistui paremmin kuin ensimmäinen, sillä voitiin oppia ensimmäisen kerran kokemusten kautta. Opetuskokeilu kehitti oppilaiden käsityksiä todellisen maailman ja mediavälitteisen maailmankuvan eroista, joka on erityisen tärkeää maantieteellisen tiedon hahmottamisessa. Tutkimusta voidaan näin ollen pitää onnistuneena esimerkkinä kriittisen medialukutaidon soveltamisesta mielikuvien opetukseen maantieteen lukio-opetuksessa. Opetuskokeilu voi toimia innoittajana muille maantieteen opettajille siitä, kuinka kriittinen pedagogiikka ja medialukutaito parhaimmassa tapauksessa innostavat oppilaat mukaan oppimisprosessiin ja kyseenalaistamaan omia käsityksiään sekä tarkastelemaan kriittisesti ympäröivää maailmaa.
  • Kähkönen, Minna (2012)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on ottaa selvää, miten kolonialismi vaikuttaa nykypäivän Hongkongin maisemaan ja identiteettiin. Hongkong on alueena erikoisessa asemassa sillä se siirtyi 150 vuoden kolonialistisen historiansa päätteeksi takaisin Kiinan hallinnon alle. Tämä siirtymä on herättänyt hongkongilaiset pohtimaan oman identiteettinsä sisältöä tarkemmin. Rakennetun perinnön rooli on korostunut alueen ihmisten identiteetin rakennuksessa, koska rakennukset ovat näkyvin osa historiallisuutta kaupunkikuvassa. Kolonialistisen maiseman herättämiä merkityksiä identiteetille on tutkittu varsin paljon viime vuosina, sekä Hongkongissa, että muissa postkolonialistisissa valtioissa. Aikaisemmassa Hongkongiin kohdistuvassa identiteettitutkimuksessa on keskitytty usein yksittäisiin esimerkkeihin, suurten kokonaisuuksien sijasta. Historiallisesti merkittävien rakennuksien arvoja ja merkitystä on tutkittu laajalti, mutta samalla on unohdettu syrjäiset ja vähemmän tunnetut maisemat tutkimuksen ulkopuolelle. Tässä tutkimuksessa pyritään rakennetun perinnön lisäksi kartoittamaan muita maisemakokonaisuuksia kaupunkitilassa. Mielenkiinto kohdistuu kolonialistisen maiseman määrään, nykyiseen kuntoon ja siihen yhdistettyihin merkityksiin. Aineistoa kerättiin keväällä 2012 suoritetun tutkimusretken aikana mahdollisimman laajalti, ennalta määrätyiltä tutkimusalueilta. Tutkimusalueet valittiin siten, että niillä tiedettiin olevan mahdollisimman paljon kolonialistisia merkkejä jäljellä ja, että alueet oli mahdollista tutkia jalan. Havainnointia tehtiin neljänä päivänä, ja tulokset dokumentoitiin valokuvien avulla. Aineisto tarkastettiin tutkimusretken jälkeen ja siitä poistettiin havainnot joiden alkuperää ei voitu todentaa kolonialistisiksi. Lopulta aineisto jaettiin kolmeen ryhmään mitkä olivat: 1) rakennukset ja monumentit, 2) merkit ja kieli sekä 3) muut havainnot. Näiden havaintojen lisäksi kertyi muutamia havaintoja joita ei voitu dokumentoida valokuvin. Analyysin apuna käytettiin ikonologian ja tulkinnallisen maisematutkimuksen keinoja. Näiden tarkoituksena oli jäsentää analyysi siten, että maisemakuvailun lisäksi tutkimuksessa keskityttiin maiseman merkityksien ja arvojen pohtimiseen. Fyysistä maisemaa tutkiessa käy ilmi, että Hongkongissa on vielä varsin paljon kolonialismin merkkejä maisemassa. Niiden tutkimuksessa korostuu historian tuntemisen rooli, sillä monet kohteet eivät ole enää autenttisiä ja niitä on muutettu paljon. Tutkimuksen tärkein tulos on, että etenkin rakennetulla maisemalla on merkittävä rooli Hongkongin alueellisen identiteetin rakentajana. Rakennuksien ja maiseman uudelleenkäyttö kertoo paljon maiseman merkityksestä. Uusien käyttötarkoituksien myötä, kolonialistinen maisema on saanut uuden roolin kaupunkikuvan rakentamisessa. Se kertoo nykyään hongkongilaisten historiasta ja arvoista enemmän, kuin kolonialistisen ajan vallankäytöstä. Joidenkin kohteiden kohdalla maiseman suojelu on luontevaa kun taas jotkin kohteet ovat täysin unohdettuja. Maiseman suojelussa ja sen arvottamisessa ei ole mitään tiettyä kaavaa. Suurta merkitystä on kuitenkin maiseman sijainnilla ja sillä voiko maisemaan yhdistää muistoja. Maisemiin joihin ei pysty yhdistämään muistoja, suojellaan vähemmän. Muilla merkeillä ja kielellä ei koeta olevan samankaltaista ilmaisuvoimaa kuin rakennetulla perinnöllä. Aikaisempaan tutkimukseen poiketen Hongkong ei ole koskaan ollut tilanteessa missä se olisi kieltänyt kolonialistisen historiansa kuten monet muut postkolonialistiset valtiot. Syynä tähän on Hongkongin poikkeuksellinen poliittinen tilanne, missä se joutuu elämään nyt toisen valtion hallinnassa, brittien lähdön jälkeen. Kolonialistinen maisema muistuttaa hongkongilaisia heidän erikoisuudestaan mannerkiinalaisiin verrattuna. Täten kolonialistisesta perinnöstä on tullut poliittinen keino taistella alueen kiinalaistamista vastaan.
  • Käkelä, Saara (2014)
    Due to global climate change there will be an increase in frequency of extreme temperatures. That will have an effect to species distribution regions. By adding extreme temperatures on a species distribution model based on the basic climatological variables we could improve the understanding of biological effect of climatic variability and extremes. The aim of this study is to develop a species distribution model for arctic-alpine and boreal vascular plant species and examine does the extremes improve predictions. The other question is, does vascular plant species from two different biogeographical distributions responds similarly to bioclimatic variables? A study area (26 000 square kilometre) is located in Northwestern Finland and it belongs to subarctic climate regime. A climate model is produced from the data of 61 climate stations from 1971–2000. Modeling was done with generalized additive model (GAM) by using geographical variables as explanatories (geographical location, elevation, the effect of the Arctic Ocean, lake and mire cover). Total sample of vascular plant species was 1182 of 1x1 km grids. The distribution model was done with three different statistical techniques (GLM, GAM, GBM). First a simple model was modeled with three baseline variables (a temperature of the coldest month, water balance, growing degree days) and then the extreme temperatures were added to compose a full model. The predictive power of the models was tested by calculating the area under the curve of a receiver operating characteristic plot (AUC) and the true skill statistic (TSS) for both models. Incorporating the extreme temperatures into the distribution model significantly improved the accuracy of distribution model of the both plant groups. The improvement was small but statistically significant. The relative importance of each predictor variable and the response of each bioclimatic variable to occurrence of species varied between the plant groups. The most significant explanatory variable to explain the arctic-alpine plant distribution is the temperature of the coldest month. The probability of occurrence increase with that variable as well as with water balance which is the second. The third significant variable is mean annual absolute minimum temperature (a negative response). For the boreal species the relative importance of climatic variables is more evenly distributed between predictor variables in the full model. The growing degree day is the most important variable (positive). Water balance (negative) and mean annual absolute maximum temperature (positive) have almost an equal variable importance. The main finding of the study is that the inclusion of extreme temperatures into distribution models of vascular plant species will improve occurrence predictions at the high-latitude study site. Secondly, arctic-alpine and boreal plant species have opposite responses on climate variables that have been used. The results could be solved in the planning of conservation areas and the climate change impact analyses.
  • Manninen, Emma-Liina (2015)
    The standardisation of airports has turned airports into similar non-places without history and connection to their surroundings. Recently the business environment of airports has become tougher, as airports are forced to compete for passengers in order to stay in business. The non-place character is a competition disadvantage for an airport, and therefore new means need to be developed in order to sustain competitiveness. A wide range of services as well as local culture are used to create a sense of place at an airport. The passengers are being offered new experiences and airports are even advertised with the experience orientation. The objective of this thesis is to find out whether the hard work on improving the image of the airports with spectacular projects has had an effect on how the passengers see the airport or does their view still represent the stereotypical image. The primary research question is how people perceive the airport today and are the perceptions in line with the definition of a non-place. I went through 195 airport reviews from ten European airports. Applying the discourse analysis I studied the different views of the airports that have arisen. The repeating patterns were divided into six themes according to their topics, in other words six different discourses were used to discuss airports. The customer reviews comprised the images of an airport as a physical building, a sensory environment, a hangout, a subject of a change, a social setting and as a visiting card of the area in question. A discourse analysis is based on a thought that the language is not a neutral describer of the reality, but rather the language builds the reality and is itself a product of culture. In other words, the themes that have arisen do not represent the absolute truth about the essence of an airport, but they rather provide different viewpoints on the concept of an airport. As I reviewed the discourses I found out that both the past and the present of the airports have their impacts on the images the passengers have about the airport in question. Though travelling is an essential part of the western lifestyle and the airports have become mundane, airports still represent modernity and terminals are important buildings. On the other hand, to this day the images of the past appear to have an impact on the experience of the flying passengers. According to the airport reviews, airports have both the characteristics of a place and a non-place. Still the passengers do not automatically see the standardisation of the airports as a negative feature, as the effectiveness and the similarity of the airports eases the travelling, and the widespread of the Internet helps keeping the important things always at hand. A part of the survey participants found that airports could standardise even further and concentrate on the needs of the passengers instead of local culture.
  • Jäppinen, Heikki (2015)
    The aviation industry has been through tough times in recent years. The industry has experienced several crises and it has also undergone a significant structural change. Still, despite all this, air transportation has grown enormously. The turbulences currently experienced by the air travel industry make it very hard to prognosticate, although there is a real need to anticipate the future. The aim of this thesis is to gain as broad an understanding of the future of the industry as possible, and to determine which global factors are in play. I want to outline four future scenarios that describe the future demands for Helsinki-Vantaa airport. The scenarios need to be based on a broad vision of the development of the factors affecting the industry. I have set three separate goals for my thesis: 1. Create as broad an analysis as possible of the current status of Helsinki-Vantaa Airport 2. At the same time piece together the global factors and foreseeable changes influencing the future of the world, Europe and Finland, and especially Helsinki-Vantaa. 3. Formulate coherent scenarios of what Helsinki-Vantaa Airport and its operational environment might look like in 2030. The most important factors in this study are issues dealing with energy, environment, economy, technology and values. Many special issues related to air transportation industry were also studied such as airline regulation, emissions, fuel predictions and rail transportation. Based on all these factors and their assumed future developments and combining this information with current state of the industry, scenarios were developed. The four different scenarios in this study are 'Continuous climb', 'Localizer established', 'Caution wake turbulence' and 'Spin'. I would like to show that the future is not set in stone, and that it is shaped by decisions and actions (based on relevant information). The scenarios in my thesis are not meant to be precise descriptions of the future in 2030. The future will most likely be a mix of the outlined scenarios, and only parts of them will actually materialize. My intention is not to make accurate predictions. It is to help to introduce new ways of thinking and give examples of how to utilize the outlined scenarios. My thesis would be ideally used in creating long term strategies. In addition, my thesis aims to offer an outsider's view on how Helsinki-Vantaa can be better integrated into the world and how its strengths can be further refined, while also giving advice on how Helsinki-Vantaa can avoid pitfalls and threats and remedy existing weaknesses.
  • Mäntyniemi, Maaria (2015)
    Good availability and accessibility of sport facilities have a positive impact on doing sport and being physically active. This study looks into the accessibility of sport facilities and the links between accessibility and doing sport in the Helsinki capital region. The study focuses on two types of sport, ice hockey and horse riding, and their respective facilities. The study also deals with accessibility and equal opportunities for doing sport. Previous studies suggest that accessibility has an impact on travel behaviour. MetropAccess project has developed a useful tool for calculating travel times for different transport modes. Accessibility of sport facilities has an influence on doing sport and health. People are willing to travel for their hobbies, but the facilities near home play an essential role. They have an impact on the way people do sport even if the nearest facilities are not used. Willingness to travel varies between different types of sport and their location. The influence of accessibility can be illustrated by distance decay, meaning that the influence usually decreases while the distance increases. The research questions are: What is the accessibility of the selected sport facilities in the Helsinki capital region? How doest the link between accessibility and doing sport look like? In order to answer the questions the study combined the following data: 1. locations of sport facilities (N=16 for ice hockey and N=18 for riding), 2. homes of members (N=10597 ice hockey, N=8403 riding) of the selected sport associations and 3. accessibility as travel time by car, public transport and bike, tool by MetropAccess. Travel time data is available in form of a grid where the cell size is 250 metres. The calculations cover travel times from every grid cell to all the other cells by different travel modes. The nearest facility for each member of the sport association was defined. Each facility's service/catchment area among the sport association's members was calculated. Distance decay was defined for each sport facility and aggregated for all the facilities of each type of sport. The distance decay curve applies to those members for whom the facility in question is the nearest to home. The used data did not include information on where people actually do sport. Fairness of sport facilities accessibility was studied by looking into areas with high proportion of children and relatively poor accessibility. The results show that accessibility of capital region sport facilities varies depending on travel mode. Travel times to ice hockey facilities are slightly shorter than to horse riding facilities. Distance decay curves are slightly steeper for ice hockey, suggesting that the willingness to travel decreases faster when travel distances increase. To ice hockey facility, avarege travel time from is around 15 minutes by car, 28 minutes by public transport and 12 minutes by bike. The respective travel times for riding facilities are 16, 35 and 15 minutes. The facilities are able to catch varying amount of members. Some areas are well catered for while others have estimated travel times of more than 40 minutes by car to the nearest location. The results did not provide a clear answer to the question whether accessibility influences doing sport. Travel times vary depending on the mode and for some the nearest facility is far, while for many at least one mode enables good accessibility to a sport facility. Generally the selected sport facilities have a relatively good accessibility. Bike travel times are relatively short, while car has often the shortest travel times. However, not everyone has a car. There are other facilities located near ice hockey facilities and thus the results can be applied to those too. Distance decay could be applied to other types of sport and different age groups.
  • Moilanen, Ritva (2013)
    Pro gradu -opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisia käsityksiä lukiolaisilla on planetaarisista ilmiöistä. Aiheesta löytyy paljon tutkimustietoa etenkin peruskoulun puolelta. Myös opettajien käsityksiä on selvitetty, mutta lukioikäisistä on tutkittua tietoa vähemmän. Kaikille tutkimuksille on yhteistä se, että planetaaristen ilmiöiden ymmärtämiseen liittyy paljon väärinkäsityksiä, vaikka aihetta on perinteisesti pidetty helppona kokonaisuutena. Tutkimuksille on myös yhteistä se, että niissä esiintyy samoja virheellisiä malleja iästä ja kansallisuudesta riippumatta. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on selvittää, millaisia malleja lukiolaisilla on, ja millaisia tuloksia lukiolaiset saavat muihin verrattuna. Lisäksi pohditaan tekijöitä, jotka ovat väärien käsitysten taustalla. Aineisto (n=67) kerättiin kyselylomakkeella. Kysely teetettiin kolmelle eri lukioryhmälle, joiden oppilaat olivat eri opiskeluvaiheissa. Kysymykset olivat avoimia liittyen muun muassa yön ja päivän vaihteluun, vuodenaikoihin, vuorovesi-ilmiöön ja lämpövyöhykkeiden muodostumiseen. Samoja kysymyksiä on käytetty aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa, mikä helpottaa tulosten vertailua. Aineisto käsiteltiin fenomenografisella tutkimusotteella, ja vastaukset luokiteltiin kategoriatasoihin, joiden perusteella tulokset analysoitiin. Tuloksista käy ilmi, että vaikka vastaustaso oli sama tai hieman parempi kuin peruskoulussa, vain osa lukiolaisista osaa selittää planetaarisuuteen liittyviä ilmiöitä oikein. Vastausten taso huononee ja väärinkäsitysten määrä lisääntyy, kun aika maantieteen ensimmäisen kurssin suorituksesta kasvaa. Lukio-opetus ei korjaa tehokkaasti ajattelun taustalla olevia naiiveja ennakkokäsityksiä, virheellisiä ajatusmalleja ja kognitiivisia rakenteita. Näin ollen oppiminen jää pinnalliseksi ja sirpaleiseksi, tai opetetut asiat tulkitaan jo lähtökohtaisesti väärin. Ajan myötä opetukset unohtuvat ja sulautuvat yhteen aikaisempien ajatusrakenteiden kanssa, mikä saattaa jopa lisätä väärinkäsitysten määrää. Planetaaristen ilmiöiden väärinkäsitysten taustalla on ennakkokäsitysten lisäksi muitakin tekijöitä. Tutkimusten mukaan opettajat voivat opettaa asian virheellisesti, oppikirjojen kuvat ja tekstit voivat edesauttaa väärinkäsitysten syntymistä, tai helppona pidetty aihealue jopa jätetään käsittelemättä. Todellisuudessa planetaarisuus ilmiöineen on vaikea aihe, mikä vaatii syvällistä syy- ja seuraussuhteiden ymmärrystä.
  • Ranta, Matti (2015)
    The aim of this study is to develop high school e-learning material, which deals with the risks and opportunities related to urbanization. The scientific development of e-learning material in geography is very important because geography baccalaureate changes into an electronic format in 2016. Learning material which has been developed by means of design research, is based on scientific research and on the opinions of professionals who work in the field. Developed e-learning material will be published in Tellus3-textbook by e-Oppi Ltd. This study is design research, and in design research theoretical and empirical phases alternating in cycles. This design research is reported in four sections, which are 1) the theoretical problem analysis, 2) the empirical problem analysis, 3) the development process and 4) the development output. Theoretical problem analysis examined geography learning concepts, electronic learning materials and the risks and opportunities related to urbanization. Empirical problem analysis mapped the opinions that high school geography teachers (n = 82) have of the contents and the supplementary material in e-learning material which presents risks and opportunities related to urbanization. Theoretical and empirical problem analyzes highlighted the objectives and purposes of this study. The third phase was the development process, in which progress of the development was described and the development decisions were justified. In the fourth phase the complete e-learning material was presented and the learning material was evaluated in the second empirical problem analysis by high school geography teachers (n = 12). In both empirical problem analyzes the structured answers were analyzed by the descriptive statistical analysis and the open answers were categorized by the content breakdown. Based on evaluation of high school geography teachers, the development of e-learning material was successful. More than half of the assessors were willing to use the developed e-learning material in their teaching.
  • Aalto, Aino (2015)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää lumen levinneisyyteen vaikuttavia ympäristötekijöitä Utsjoen Skállovárrilla. Tuulen tiedetään olevan yksi merkittävimpiä lumen liikuttajia ja kasaajia avoimilla alueilla. Vaihtelevan topografian alueilla myös lumen levinneisyydessä voidaan havaita vaihtelevuutta. Tietynlaisille alueille lunta kasaantuu ja toisilta alueilta lumi erodoituu pois lähes kokonaan. Ympäristötekijät, jotka kirjallisuuden perusteella lumensyvyyden vaihtelevuutta tunturialueella selittävät, ovat tuulen nopeus ja suunta, topografia, suojaisuus tuulelta, rinteen suunta ja kaltevuus, kasvillisuus ja auringon säteilyn määrä. Lumensyvyyden vaihtelun mallintaminen on vaikeaa, koska lumensyvyyteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä on useita. Tietyllä alueella topografia, kasvillisuus ja useimmiten myös tuuliolot säilyvät vuodesta toiseen samankaltaisina, jolloin lumi kasaantuu vuosittain samoille alueille ja lumensyvyyden suhteelliset erot säilyvät samankaltaisina, vaikka lumen absoluuttinen määrä vaihtelisikin. Lumenmäärän vaihtelu erityyppisten alueiden välillä ei ole useinkaan yhden tekijän vaikutusta vaan seurausta usean eri ympäristötekijän ja prosessin erisuuruisesta vaikutuksesta. Syksyllä 2007 tutkimusalueelle pystytettiin 66 lumiasemaa. Jokaisen lumiaseman ympäristö kirjattiin ylös muistiinpanoihin, kuten alueen topografia, mahdollinen rinteen kaltevuus sekä kasvillisuuden tiheys ja korkeus. Lumiasemat valokuvattiin sekä syksyllä, että talvella. Jokaiselle lumiasemalle arvioitiin paikan saaman suojaisuuden määrä COL-asteikolla. Lisäksi jokaiselle lumiasemalle annettiin arvo 1-5 sen mukaan paljonko kasvillisuuden arveltiin paikalla lumensyvyyteen vaikuttavan. Maaliskuun lopulla 2008, lumensyvyyden ollessa suurimmillaan, käytiin lumensyvyydet mittaamassa lumiasemilta. Lumensyvyys saatiin mitattua 60:lta lumiasemalta. Pienimmät lumensyvyydet mitattiin tuulelle alttiina olevilta alueilta ja suurimmat tuulelta suojassa olevilta alueilta. Topografisen alttiuden eli suojaisuuden todettiin määrittävän Skállovárrin lumensyvyyttä ympäristötekijöistä parhaiten tutkittuna talvena. Pearsonin korrelaatioanalyysi osoitti tilastollisesti merkitsevän korrelaation (-0,7***) lumensyvyyden ja suojaisuuden välille (COL). Kasvillisuudella oli myös merkittävä rooli lumensyvyyden vaihtelussa alueilla, joilla oli varpuja tai puita. Tuulelle avoimille alueille, joilla oli kasvillisuutta, akkumuloitui huomattavasti enemmän lunta kuin avoimille kasvittomille alueille. Usein kasvillisuus kuitenkin vaikutti lumensyvyyteen yhdessä suojaisuuden kanssa.