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Browsing by discipline "Forest Economics"

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  • Ikonen, Mikko (2016)
    According to the previous studies, the private forest owners who are living in cities are a growing group. They are also an interesting group of financial services users. The aim of this study is to describe the urban forest owners’ structure, the financial services they use and the factors on the basis they choose their insurance company and bank. In addition, the study researches the importance of forests for the urban forest owners. In the quantitative part of this empirical study, a structured questionnaire was send to 600 urban forest owners. Using systematic random sampling 400 contacts were picked from the register of Forest Centre and another 200 contacts from the customer register of UPM. The response rate was 42 % (251 responses). The respondents lived in the Metropolitan area and in the four next-largest cities. The results of the quantitative part were analyzed using analyzed statistical methods e.g. percentages and cross-tabs. The study also included a qualitative part: the open questions of the questionnaire. The results show that the urban forest owners, who live in the big cities and whose entire forest estate is at least 20 hectares, are younger, include more women, and are higher educated than other private forest owners. Usually, they are part of the socio-economic group of pensioners and wage earners. The most important criteria for selecting an insurance company is competitive bidding and for bank long history with the bank. Urban forest owners insure the forest more often than the average forest owners in general. As investors, the urban forest owners are seeking convenience and flexibility. They prefer to invest in mutual funds and direct equity investments. The digital services that they use are e-mail, online banking and online magazines but otherwise the use of social media remained low. For the urban forest owners the forest means natural refreshment, berry and mushroom picking, and relaxation from the hectic city life. They believe that forest is a heritage that should be cherished and transferred in good condition to future generations.
  • Mäntynen, Niina (2009)
    The global warming imposes limitations on timber harvesting. As a result the seasonal variation of logging is expected to increase. At the same time the growth of Russian wood tariff will reduce the import. Together, these will increase the demand for domestic wood. Due to own entrepreneurial work and investments in agricultural machinery, several farms have the opportunity to provide seasonal timber harvesting services as contractors. With timber harvesting services these farms could increase the machinery utilization and save in the fixed costs. The growth of the machinery utilization rate will improve the profitability of the timber harvesting of contractors. The aim of this study was to analyze the profitability of seasonal timber harvesting contractors by employing data of the Finnish bookkeeping farms. The profitability was worked out by the income and costs of timber harvesting and also by the entrepreneur's input of labour. This study also aimed to find out the adventages of synergy in labour and common use of machinery in timber harvesting and farming. In addition this study aimed at to define the influence of the timber harvesting services on the farms total profitability, the seasonal variation of family labour and the use of total working hours. The source material of this study was the data of eight bookkeeping farms collected by MTT Agrifood Research Finland. These eight farms had carried on timber harvesting in the years 2005 and 2006. The income statement and the balance sheet of logging were calculated by using a mail inquiry and recorded financial statements of the farms. On the basis of the income statement and the balance sheet, the essential parameters of the profitability were calculated. The proportional profitability of the timber harvesting services was measured by the profitability ratio. The profitability ratio was calculated by dividing Family Farm Income (FFI) by the sum of costs for family factors, i.e. the wage claim and the interest claim of timber harvesting. The profitability ratio of logging was 1,69 in year 2005 and 1,19 in year 2006. Due to small data the skewness of results was often rather high. The results of the study, however, showed that for farms the timber harvesting services are a good way to increase the utilization rate of the agricultural machines and to improve the profitability of business. Providing timber harvesting services could also balance the seasonal variation of family labour and the use of total working hours of the family farm.
  • Laitinen, Juha-Matti (2009)
    Tässä työssä kontortamännyn mahdollisuuksia metsätaloudessa tarkastellaan puuntuotannon kannattavuuden ja teollisen käytön sekä toimintaympäristön rajoiteiden: ympäristön, yhteiskunnan ja metsänhoidon näkökulmista. Kontortamännyn kasvatuksen kannattavuutta tarkastellaan vertaamalla sitä männyn kasvatuksen kannattavuuteen. Tarkastelu tehdään käyttämällä nettonykyarvolaskentaa. Lisäksi nettonykyarvolaskennan parametreille suoritetaan herkkyysanalyysi, jotta kontortamännyn kasvatuksen kannattavuuteen eniten vaikuttavat tekijät voidaan tunnistaa. Aiheesta tekee käytännöllisesti merkittävän kontortamännyn parempi tuottavuus suhteessa mäntyyn. Tämä vaikuttaa metsätalouden kannattavuuteen nostamalla hakkuukertymiä ja lyhentämällä kiertoaikaa. Työssä käytetyn aineiston ja simulointimenetelmän perusteella lasketut nettonykyarvot kontortamäntyskenaarioille olivat merkittävästi korkeammat kuin vastaaville mäntyskenaarioille lasketut nettonykyarvot, mikä kertoo kontortamännyn hyvästä kannattavuudesta metsänkasvatuksessa. Tuloksia tulkitessa tulee ottaa huomioon simulointimenetelmän rajoitteet sekä aineiston edustavuus. Suurimmiksi toimintaympäristöstä johtuviksi rajoitteiksi todettiin varauksellinen suhtautuminen vieraisiin puulajeihin, sertifioinnin rajoitteet sekä patologiset ja entomologiset riskit. Metsänhoidollisten tekijöiden ei todettu rajoittavan kontortamännyn käyttöönottoa. Merkittävin kysymys, mikä kontortamännyn käyttöönottoon laajassa mittakaavassa liittyy, on että kompensoiko parantunut puuntuotanto ja metsätalouden kannattavuus toimintaympäristön riskit ja rajoitteet.
  • Toivonen, Leevi (2018)
    In this pro gradu thesis I study consumer’s perceived value of forest’s cultural ecosystem services. The study based on earlier literature and database searches and empiric material acquired with the field research. The empirical data material consisted of 20 interviews that performed in the national park of Hossa in June 2018. The study based on phenomenology. I used the means/end model and laddering method. Based on the interviews I draw up the model of the perceived value. The experiences of physical condition and health and of aesthetic pleasure form the value experience subsequent to the forest experience immediately. The strengthening of mental energy, the calming down experienced in the forest na-ture and the considerations which are related to the consumer’s own identity will later get the sig-nificance and the performance in consumer’s life as value experiences of appreciation and unity with nature. Perceived value is affected by consumer’s advance expectations and value orienta-tion, the experiences experienced in the forest and the meaning their get in his own life. I also draw up the generic significance structure of cultural ecosystem services’ values in which forest’s concrete and abstract attributes lead to functional and psychosocial consequences which create the foundation for the perceived value. The dimensions of the perceived value are utilitari-an, hedonistic, social and symbolic. The results of the study can be utilised in developing business models which are based on forest’s cultural ecosystem services and as a preliminary study to a more comprehensive research.
  • Laiho, Toni (2014)
    The aim of this study is to examine the profitability of cultivation and stand rotations of Norway spruce in Finland. This information is needed by the forest owners when making decisions on forest cultivation. The results were compared to previous studies and to silviculture recommendations published by the Forestry Development Centre TAPIO’s in 2006. Forest management chains used in this study were simulated with the Forest Research Institute’s Motti program. Six different management chains in two different forest types, Oxalis-Myrtillus (OMT) and Myrtillus (MT), were simulated in the thermal area of 1300 with planting density of 1300, 1700 and 2100 per hectare. Either one, two, three or four thinnings were done for each of the planting density variations. Based on the results from these cultivations, the spruce cycle was analysed by comparing the value of the growth to alternative rates of return. Profitability calculations were based on the Motti programme and timber stumpage prices were obtained from the Metinfo service. The results showed that the optimal rotation periods were in line with previous studies. The rotation periods settled between 60–90 years depending on the rate of return that was required. However, the results were not identical to the theoretical optimum models. The Motti program forest management recommendations, are in line with the previous studies when requiring a four percent return. Sensitivity analysis of prices and costs were calculated for the rotation and based on the results, even by varying the price and cost by one third, this had very little effect on the optimal rotation time. The most important factor for the rotation period is the function of the tree's growth, which of course, is affected by the forest management measures.
  • Putula, Vesa (2016)
    The aim of this study was to find out the province centres distances significance for free sale forest property asking prices. In this case were determined distances from forest properties to the centres of the provinces and relative dif-ferences between the summation approach fair values and asking prices. The specified relative differences were compared with sale objects distances from the provincial centres. From the sale ads were collected forest property sale information that was not available in the Real estate purchase price register by the National Land Survey. From the sale ads collected data were location of the forest property, surface area, fair values by summation approach, summation approach correction of aggregate value, asking price and quantities of logs and pulpwood. Fixed property transaction costs and transfer tax effect were not taken into accounts. In the data were not collected unseparated piece of lands and forest properties with special values. Forest property with a lot of mire, significantly treeless bogs and/or quagmires, was removed from the research data. In addition all the items for sale in the province of Lapland were removed from data too. Sale items area-based exclusion was not made. The basic information, forest resources and computational forestry key figures of the research data was presented as functions of the provincial centres distances. Above mentioned data exclusions and the central research hypothesis results that in formed models were not used many simultaneous variables. Forest property asking prices were higher than the fair values by summation approach. The average asking price of the whole research data was 114 % of summation approach fair values. This meant that the asking prices were av-erage 14 % higher than the fair values. The variation was 52 to 175% of the fair values of the sales items. Near the provincial centres economic forests relative asking prices were higher than those further away from the centres, but the change was almost non-existent. Similarly summation approach aggregate values corrections rates change was just as modest. Areas of the sales items increased as a function of the distances of the centres of the provinces and when areas increased asking prices per hectare decreased. Average volume of growing stock de-creased when distances from the provincial centres increased. Logs and pulpwood shares changed logically. When surface areas of the research data decreased, average volume of growing stock increased. The average unit prices of trees in research data decreased when the provincial centres distances and the average volumes of growing stocks increased.
  • Jaakonsaari, Taina (1999)
    Tutkimuksen tavoitteet Tutkimuksen teoreettinen osa esittelee yhteiskunnallisten hankkeiden arvottamiseen liittyvää koti- ja ulkomaista kirjallisuutta. Empiirinen osa tutkii Savonlinnasta poimitun metsätilaotoksen avulla maiseman- ja luonnonhoidon aiheuttamia taloudellisia vaikutuksia tilojen metsänomistajille sekä vertaa näitä tuloksia haastattelututkimuksesta saatuihin vastauksiin maksuhalukkuudesta monimuotoisuuden hyväksi. Lähdeaineisto Metsämaiseman- ja luonnonhoidon aiheuttamia taloudellisia vaikutuksia tutkittaessa case-aineistona käytettiin keskeisen Saimaan Pihlajaveden saaristoalueen 24 tilaa, joiden omistajat olivat tilanneet Etelä-Savon metsäkeskukselta uudentyyppisen maiseman- ja luonnonhoidon arvot huomioivan metsäsuunnitelman. Samalla aineistolla suoritettiin myös metsänomistajien haastattelu, jonka avulla selvitettiin metsänomistajien maksuhalukkuutta monimuotoisuudesta ja maisemamansuojelusta. Lisäksi kysyttiin mielipiteitä nykyisistä metsänhoitosuosituksista ja alueelle kaavailluista luonnonsuojeluhankkeista. Aineiston käsittely Taloudellisia vaikutuksia tutkittaessa maisema- ja luontoarvoja korostavaa metsäsuunnitelmalaskelmaa verrattiin maksimaaliseen puuntuotantoon tähtäävään metsäsuunnitelmaan. Näiden kahden vaihtoehtoisten laskelman välinen erotus tulkittiin monimuotoisuuden turvaamisen metsälötason puuntuotannolliseksi vaikutukseksi. Vastaavasti haastatteluosuudessa metsänomistajilta kysyttiin, kuinka paljon he olisivat valmiita luopumaan metsätuloistaan monimuotoisuuden edistämiseksi. Maksuhalukkuutta tutkittaessa käytettiin contingent valuation -menetelmää. Tulokset Siirtyminen ns. perinteisestä metsänkäsittelystä maiseman- ja luonnonhoidon huomioivaan metsänkäsittelyyn pienentää metsästä saatavia nettotuloja ensimmäisen kymmenvuotiskauden aikana 36 % eli 289 mk/ha vuosittain. Vastaavasti metsänomistajien maksuhalukkuus monimutoisuuden edistämisestä oli 5,3 % metsätuloista, joka on rahassa 18 mk/ha vuosittain. Nettotulojen merkittävä pieneneminen selittyy kohteen arvokkailla maisema-arvoilla ja ekologisten elinympäristöjen runsaalla lukumäärällä. Tulosten tilastollista luotettavuutta ei otoksen pienuuden vuoksi voitu tarkastella.
  • Nurminen, Hanne (2006)
    The object of this study was to find out which factors made landowners interested in From Sea to Forest co-operation network. Co-operation networks protect biodiversity across boundaries and among groups of landowners with different kind of protection contracts. The social effects of From Sea to Forest - project are studied by analyzing the experience of co-operation and trust. Furthermore the possibility to influence decision making when choosing the pilot areas and doing the contracts was surveyed. Economical effects are estimated for those landowners, who signed a protection contract for ten years. The study is part of The Finnish Forest Research Institute s Ecological considerations in landscape-level collaborative planning of private forestry project. The material of the study comprises 13 interviews done in January 2006; seven interviewed were landowners and six forest professionals. The interviews were transcripted and analyzed with Atlas.ti programme. The economical effects were estimated with MOTTI forest simulation programme. From Sea to Forest project interested the landowners for similar reasons: the voluntariness of participation, compensation, fixed-term contracts and the possibility to protect forests so that the proprietary right remains. It was possible to form four different groups of interviewed landowners according to trust: networkers , opportunists , carefuls and selfemployed . Only in the group of opportunists the project created so much trust that a significant increase of interest to participate in the project was noticed. In all the other groups the project didn t create remarkable trust, so trust didn t have an effect on landowners decisions to participate. Other factors, like compensation and voluntariness were decisive for their interest to participate. From Sea to Forest project wasn t a network based on landowners co-operation, the communication was directly with the project worker. The effects on landowners income by signing a ten year ´Natural value trading´ -contract was analyzed by comparing the protection income with predicted forestry income in case that the protection contract wouldn t have been agreed on. For two landowners there was no suggested forestry work within ten years, so their protection income might be an additional income, if they decided to log their forests later. For three landowners delayed thinning of the sapling stand would cause income losses in the future, if they decided to move to active forestry after ten years of protection. For eight landowners the effect of protection is positive to income if they moved to active forestry after the ten years protection period. This occurred, because the tree stand is now mature for final felling on behalf of its age, but ten more years of growth increase the net present value. Longer term protection might diminish the net present value. The protection was profitable because hectare specific forestry income grew compared to forestry cutting plan income.
  • Jansson, Päivi Susanna (2013)
    This thesis studies market demand and supply in the voluntary forest carbon markets. The first section focuses on demand and provides an overview about the market mechanisms, buyer’s reasons to buy credits, and current demand in the markets. Supply will be studied with supply-chain approach. Supply-chain is a system moving a product or service from supplier to customer. The supply-chain section is divided into three parts. The first part finds out whether or not forests have the ability to sequester carbon and what kind of forest projects there has been. It also introduces the processes in which forest carbon credits are issued. The second part focuses on certification and verification schemes. Third part presents market places and the actors involved in carbon credit trading. Carbon markets will be evaluated on foreign and domestic basis. The aim of this thesis is to find out how well the voluntary carbon markets meet the conditions of perfect competition. The theory is based on the theory of competitive market structure and the price mechanism, where demand equals supply at the equilibrium price and quantity. The equilibrium should be found automatically within a perfectly competitive market when buyers and sellers interact. The empirical part of the study examines carbon credit issuance, project processes, certification and markets. The research questions are: 1. Do markets have infinite buyers and sellers? 2. Are products homogenous? 3. Do consumers and producers have perfect knowledge of price, utility, quality and production methods? 4. Is it easy to enter or exit the markets? The thesis is based on literature. Standards, marketplaces, and projects that were selected to the study were chosen according to the popularity based on market volume or forest-related characters. The research approach is qualitative. The collected data was analysed using content analysis. Economics and market theory form the theoretical basis of the analysis. Classification of the data is based on the theoretical framework. According to the theories a loose framework was formed to allow data reduction. Framework divides demand and supply-chain into separate parts. Research question number one is examined using a demand section. Research questions numbers 2-4 are examined using supply-chain sections. The study resulted in a conclusion that voluntary forest markets do not meet the conditions of perfect competition. Voluntary forest carbon markets are not perfectly competitive. Instead markets are uncompetitive where commodities are heterogeneous. There is only limited amount of forest projects and forestry based credits. Unit price is set to match the cost, in which case it is not determined by the market. Price-setting is possible because it is possible to differentiate projects. Imperfect competition in the market remains for mobility obstacles between markets have been set. Credit certified under certain standard, are not generally acceptable to another standard. The study results support the findings of studies conducted in the past.
  • Kettunen, Antti (2016)
    The purpose of the study was to identify the differences between forest machine enter-prises’ operational environments in Finland and Sweden and to find out what kind of rela-tionships and contracts these enterprises have with their clients. The purpose was also to identify what kind of growth strategies are implemented and what sort of financing op-portunities are offered in forest machine industry. The aim of this study was also to con-duct an evaluation of financial potential of the forest machine industry in both countries. This study uses qualitative methods. The material was gathered through five interviews conducted in Finland and five in Sweden during the summer and autumn of 2015. The material was analyzed through thematizing. The interviews hold four main themes which included operational environment, relationships and contracts, growth and success and finance. The operational environment was considered more positive in Finland, due to the future large investments targeted to the country`s forest industry. The main difference between the two countries is that most of the clients use key contractor model in Finland which is not commonly applied in Sweden and this had clear effects on the results of this study. Also, contractors in Finland often have more clients than in Sweden. The service contracts contained the same basic conditions in both countries except the duration of the contract, which was longer in Finland. Contractors generally used internal growth and corporate acquisition as their growth strategy in both countries. Contractors were more expansionary and open to growth in Finland than in Sweden. They also used the same kind of financial products in both countries. According to the results, the forest machine industry has the same financial potential in both countries, since the urge of financing will not disappear in the future.
  • Hämäläinen, Elias (2011)
    The aim of this study was to compare economics of three different forest management scenarios in Central Finland: a single-tree selection system, a group selection system and forest management activities under Finnish Forest Management Practice Recommendations which are commonly in use in Finland. Single-tree and group selection systems are natural disturbance-based forest harvesting methods which are used to create an small-scale variation of habitats. These methods may be feasible especially in specific forest areas where the goal is to maintain the biodiversity, landscape and multiple forest use in addition to commercial use. An area managed under selection cuttings results in an uneven-aged forest structure where the diameter distribution of trees reminds the reverse-J shaped curve. Natural regeneration and periodic harvests of large sawtimber-sized trees are the most important financial benefits of uneven-aged management. However, it is still uncertain does the uneven-aged management succeed in circumstances of Finland. This study evaluated economic effects of the simulated transformation from even-aged to uneven-aged structure in Isojärvi Environmentally Valuable Forest which is under the administration of Metsähallitus and situated in Kuhmoinen. The data used in the study consist 405 Norway spruce dominated stands and 636 hectares of forest land. All simulations were made for 40 years from present with SIMO software using 3 % and 5 % interest rates. Individual tree models were used in forest development prediction and 5-year time steps in simulations of forestry operations. The aim of these simulations was to find out cutting volumes of timber assortments, discounted cashflows as well as the amount of growing stock and its variation. The automated mobile phone follow-up system with MobiDoc2 application was used to collect acceleration data, GPS-data and input data of forest machines. These data were then used to model harvesting unit costs. Finally, net present values were calculated for every management scenarios and discounted harvesting costs were reduced of these NPVs. Study results show that the NPV calculated with an interest rate of 3 % was highest for Forest Management Practice Recommendations (8076 €/ha). The NPV for single-tree selection was 91 % (7420 €/ha) and the NPV for group selection system was 99 % (8076 €/ha) of Forest Management Practice Recommendations. Comparative statics indicated that calculating NPVs with an interest rate of 5 % did not significantly affected the differences between NPVs. The unit cost of single-tree harvesting was 0,8 €/m3 lower than for thinning and 7,2 €/m3 higher than for clear cutting. The unit cost of group selection was 0,7 €/m3 higher than for clear cutting. Study results show that transformation from even-aged to uneven-aged forest structure creates economic losses even if the trees are old and the cuttings are intensive. The economic loss is an opportunity cost of continuous cover forestry.
  • Nerg, Kari (2009)
    Cost-effective mitigation of climate change is essential for both climate and environmental policy. Forest rotation age is one of the silvicultural measures by which the forest carbon stocks can be influenced with in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol, Article 3.4. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how forest rotation age affects carbon sequestration and the profitability of forestry. The relation between the forest rotation period optimizing forest owners’ discounted net returns over time and rotations which are 10, 20 and 30 years longer than the optimal rotation is examined. In addition, the cost of lengthening the rotation period is studied as well as whether carbon sequestration revenues can improve the profitability of forestry. The data used in the study consist of 16 stands located in Southern Finland. The main tree species in these stands were Norway spruce and Scots pine. Forest simulation tool MOTTI was used in the analysis. The results indicate that by lengthening the rotation period forest carbon stocks increase. However, as the rotation period is lengthened by more than 10 years, as a result of the diminishing growth curve, the rate of carbon sequestration slows down. The average discounted cost of carbon sequestration varied between 2.4 – 14.1 €/tCO2. Carbon sequestration rates in spruce stands were higher and the costs lower than those obtained from pine stands. The absence of carbon trading schemes is an obstacle for the commercialization of forest carbon sinks. In the future, research should concentrate on analysing what kind of operational models of carbon trading could be feasible in Finland.
  • Ahlberg, Magnus (2006)
    The general change in the population structure and its impacts on the forest ownership structure were investigated in the thesis. The research assumed that the structural change in society has an effect on the outlook of the non-industrial private forest ownership. The changes in the structure of society were mainly restricted to population, education and occupation structures. The migration of the rural population into cities was also taken into consideration. The structural changes both in society and the non-industrial private forest ownership were examined as phenomena and their development directions were investigated since the middle of the 1970s. It could be established that the changes in the structures were mainly of the same kind in society as in forest owner structure. The clearest similarities between the changes in population and forest owner structure could be found in an increased mean age, a decrease in the 18 to 39 age bracket, those without a degree and in the farmers' shares. Furthermore it could be stated that migration into cities had taken place among both the forest owners and the general population. The main part of the research was concentrated on estimating regression models that explain the non-industrial private forest ownership change by the structural change in the population. A panel data was gathered from population statistics and previous forest ownership research information. The panel contained the years 1990 and 1999. With the assistance of the panel data it was possible to estimate regression and fixed effects' models that explained the structural changes in the non-industrial private forest ownership by evolution in the whole population. In the use of the estimated models authorities' forecasts considering the population were exploited. Only a few of the estimated models were statistically significant. This could be explained due to lack of a larger panel data. In addition the structural change of the non-industrial forest ownership was forecasted by trends.
  • Kraama, Mikko (2015)
    The study examines views of the family forest owners on the profitability of forestry, profitability factors related service needs, and possibilities to improve profitability. The data were collected by interviewing 19 forest owners who are members of the Forest Management Association Päijät-Häme. The employed method was semi-structured interview. In addition, structured questionnaires were used to collect information on the forest ownership objectives. The results consist of the conceptualization of forest owners’ attitudes in terms of forestry profitability, typology of the forest owners’ profitability views, types of forest owners’ information service needs and classification of attitudes towards the profitability of information services. Forest owners had various views on profitability. They were mainly interested in utilizing their forests. However, forest owners' knowledge and abilities to utilize the profitability concepts were incomplete. The economic information services could provide a solution to this problem. Services for forest owners could indicate the potential total economic value of forests. The forest owners could be encouraged to implement actions to improve profitability by showing and digesting the gap between their current and the potential situation. Profitability services could be implemented in interaction with the forest owners, information and personal advice. The government could influence the profitability of the non-industrial forestry by providing incentives to build up and utilize the services.
  • Pulkki, Petri (2017)
    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää taloudellisesta näkökulmasta, kuinka tärkeänä yksityinen metsäomistaja pitää metsäomaisuuttaan. Tarkoituksena on tuoda esiin metsä yhtenä omaisuuslajina ja selvittää kyseisen omaisuuslajin merkitys ja hyödyntäminen metsänomistajan näkökulmasta, niin sijoitusmuotona, kuin osana kokonaisvarallisuutta. Tutkimuksen pääasiallinen tarkoitus oli kerätä tietoa ja tarkastella millaisia Danske Bankin metsänomistaja-asiakkaat ovat. Mitkä ovat heidän metsänomistuksen motiivit ja tavoitteet sekä kuinka tärkeänä omaisuuslajina ja talouden turvaajana he metsäomaisuutta pitävät. Tutkimuksen perusjoukko koostui Danske Bank Oyj:n metsänomistajista, joilla oli metsätili. Tutkimus toteutettiin kyselytutkimuksena. Kyseessä oli kvantitatiivinen tutkimus, jossa empiiristä havaintoaineistoa tarkastelemalla ja analysoimalla kerättiin informaatiota yksityismetsänomistajien metsään liittyvistä taloudellisista arvostuksista ja metsän taloudellisesta hyödyntämisestä. Lisäksi selvitettiin metsäomistaja-asiakkaiden pankkipalveluihin liittyviä arvostuksia ja tarpeita. Havaintoaineistoa tarkasteltiin aineistosta muodostettujen luokkien sekä muiden demografisten taustapiirteiden perusteella. Aineiston luokat määriteltiin vastaajien iän, omistamansa metsäpinta-alan ja metsän hoitamiseen ja hyödyntämiseen liittyvän aktiivisuuden mukaan. Tarkastelun keskeisimpänä kohteena oli metsänomistajien aktiivisuus. Aktiivisuutta pyrittiin analysoimaan logistisen regressiomallin avulla. Tavoitteena oli selvittää mitkä tekijät vaikuttivat metsänomistaja-asiakkaan aktiivisuuteen. Havaintoaineistoon sovitettujen logististen regressiomallien perusteella havaittiin metsäpinta-alan koolla sekä sukupuolella olevan tilastollisesti merkitsevä vaikutus aktiivisuuteen. Tutkimuksesta keräämään aineiston perusteella voidaan todeta metsäomaisuudella olevan taloudellista turvaa tuova vaikutus. Metsäomaisuus aiotaan säilyttää suvussa ja siirtää myöhemmin nuoremmille sukupolville. Virkistysarvoja ja sen tuomaa taloudellista turvaa sekä sieltä saatavia puukauppatuloja arvostetaan. Metsillä on myös merkittävää tunnearvoa ja useat metsänomistajat, kokevatkin vaalivansa sukunsa perintöä. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että metsiä arvostettiin sijoituskohteena. Valtaosa metsänomistaja-asiakkaista oli tyytyväinen metsäomaisuuteensa sijoituskohteena. Metsänomistajat ovat tämän kyselytutkimuksen mukaan varovaisia sijoittajia, jotka ennemminkin haluavat turvata omaisuutensa, kuin kerryttää sille tuottoa riskisesti. He omistavat keskimääräistä huomattavasti enemmän metsää, ja ovat jossain määrin tietoisia metsänsä taloudellisesta arvosta.
  • Kylmäaho, Jenni Jemina (2015)
    This study examines the service quality of a Finnish forest service company. The forest services market in Finland is undergoing a radical change in market structure after the Finnish Forest Act changed in 2014. Accordingly, government-backed forest service organizations must adapt their business models towards competitive markets and they must reconsider their own competitive edge. The aim of the study is to analyse internal environment of a company in order to produce service quality. The aim is to understand what are the customers’ experiences of the service quality and from which factors the quality is formed. The target group of the study are the Finnish urban forest owners. This group of forest owners is a customer target group for the Finnish forest service organization. The theoretical framework is based on Perceived Service Quality theory. The theory examines service quality comparing customers’ expectation s to customers’ experiences. If service experience exceeds the expectations, the level of service quality is considered good. The Gap Model of the Perceived Service Quality-theory examines the performance of the internal environment of a company in order to produce service quality. The performance of the internal environment is a crucial aspect of service quality because it determines the bases whether the service quality is considered good by a customer. The data was collected from urban forest owners and the company’s staff. The customer survey was sent by email to 1287 forest owners. The staff survey was submitted to all 284 staff members of the company. The customer survey response rate was 24. Staff response rate was 27. The method used in the study was SERVQUAL and Gap Model, which are both based on Perceived Service Quality-theory. The result shows that the service quality produced by the forest service organization is considered good among customers. The service quality is composed from four different factors which are: personal service, communication and marketing, the execution of forest services and the outcome. The results indicated four different customer segments among urban forest owners. These customer groups were named “concentrated on execution”, “service oriented”, “emphasized on outcome” and “indifferent toward services”. The group “concentrated on execution” had highest expectations towards services. The group “emphasized on outcome” stressed the result of the forest service. The group of “service oriented” was largest and these clients underlined the importance of a good personal service. Failures is personal service resulted in the group of indifferent customers. There were more respondents included to this group than others that had used forest road-services or were from Lapland, North Ostrobothnia or Kainuu. The Gap Model indicated the core development areas in internal environment in order to produce service quality. The gaps were wide in relation to the optimal level of internal environment that would serve to produce quality service. In particular, management's views differed from the views of other staff. The results show that the standardization of services and internal communication are the core elements for the development of high-quality service.
  • Mäki, Olli (2009)
    Sustainable forestry has been the primary principle of Finnish forest policy for decades. However the concept has extended to areas of ecological and socio-cultural sustainability alongside with the more usual economic sustainability. Goals for the use of forests have multiplied and made an impact on forest legislation and policy programmes. Timber production remains as the main objective of forest policy but other objectives, such as carbon sequestration and preservation of forest biodiversity, have also reached the policy agenda. The co-production of material and immaterial goods in forests is not straightforward and the conflicts can prevent a consistent implementation of sustainable forestry. The purpose of the study is to develop a comprehensive evaluation matrix (or table) in order to determine the logic and structure of forest policy instruments. The matrix comprises the evaluation of goals, motivation, effects and effectiveness of instruments. Theories considering process and impact evaluations are used in the analysis. Furthermore, the table is tested in practice by examining the following three policy instruments: 10§ of the Forest Act, public funding for tending of young stands and public forest planning. Content analysis was used in examining the data set of policy documents. The evaluation matrix enables a systematic assessment of policy instruments. It provides information on the consistency of the aim and effects of the instrument. Certain points in the table were sometimes difficult to fill in, but the reason can be in the structure of the instrument that public documents provide rather than in the structure of the matrix. In general, more detailed information on policy goals and motivation of the instruments would make public forest policy more transparent. In addition, the use of indicators that measure effectiveness should be further increased for easier evaluation of policy effectiveness.
  • Rahikainen, Aija (2014)
    The development of forest certification started in 1980, when consumers started a boycott campaign against deforestation in tropical forests. The initial idea for forest certification was to promote biodiversity in tropical forests. At the same time United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development introduced the concept of sustainable development. In 1992 sustainable development was set as the goal of action in the United Nation’s Conference on Environment and Development. Sustainable forest management was also discussed. Forest certification is a way to implement sustainable forest management. Forest certification is a non-state market driven governance system. There are two forest certification systems in use in Finland: Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes and Forest Stewardship Council. The forest policy instruments presented in the study are forest legislation, forest taxation, KEMERA, national forest program and best practice guidelines for forest management. The purpose of the study was to examine by qualitative research how forest certification and public policy instruments in Finland support each other and how the different reference groups in forestry define forest certification in its different sections. The different sections of forest certification were formed by combining different theories. Theoretical framework consisted of policy instruments on different fields including regulation, information and economy. The respondents found some contradictions between forest certification and forest policy instruments. The most contradictions are between forest legislation and forest certification, but as a whole forest legislation promotes forest certification. The reference groups defined forest certification as market based policy instrument, but its regulative and information roles were also recognized. The information role of forest certification was not seen by all reference groups as important and that should be taken into account. The research results suggest that public and private decision making should consider the forest certification as a private forest policy. According to the results, the current state of Finnish forest would have been reached through a stricter legislation, economic instruments, information and marketing. Environmental non-governmental organizations think that forest certification has not improved the state of forests. Many reference groups thought that the state of the forests is subsequent to active forest policy. Many believe that the biodiversity of the forests has improved due to forest certification. However, the respondents think that the forest certification could be improved. The respondents suggested combining PEFC and FSC. The bureaucracy of forest certification should be diminished to maintain the clarity and practicality.
  • Talvensaari, Terhi (2016)
    The aims of this study were to update an accounting model suitable for profitability calculations in family forestry, to test the MELA-software for evaluating stand and bare land values and to test the presented accounting model with two family forest properties located in Päijät-Häme area. Owners of the case forest properties provided bookkeeping notes, tax information, timber sales details, felling information, an estimation of entrepreneurial work and the amount of wood products taken for private use from year 2013. Forest Management Association Päijät-Häme provided numerical forest plans including stand level information from properties as well as association-level average stumpage prices and unit costs from years 2012 and 2013 for MELA-software calculations. MELA-software was employed to calculate the values of stands and bare land. The accounting model for family forestry was updated according to the requirements of international accounting standards (IFRS/IAS) and the forest stand liquidity effects of amended Finnish forest act of 2014. Profit and loss statement and balance sheet were illustrated by presenting average results per hectare for the case forest properties. Total net values of the forest property, divided into stumpage value, bare land value and goodwill value, were placed as non-current assets on the balance sheet. The changes in goodwill and stumpage values were also taken into account in the profit and loss statement. Current assets of the balance sheet included only items, which will be realized in the near future, like sold but not yet felled trees or harvested round woods, which are waiting for the transport. Additionally the balance sheet was amended with short-term tax income liabilities. The profitability of private forest properties was analyzed by using relative profitability indicators, which were return on investment (ROI), return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA). The case forest properties had different structures in business and growing stock and therefore the accounting model could describe interesting results, even though the analyzed fiscal period was only one year. The results of the study can be utilized in developing profitability information services for forestry, for example the Economy Doctor by Natural Resources Institute Finland.
  • Oppong Adomaa, Angelica (2014)
    This study examines the impact of forest industry securities on the portfolio risk in the frame of portfolio theory, and performs comparison of international forest industry enterprises as investment objects by using methods of fundamental analysis. During the past decade the global balance of forest industry has been shifting. While the demand for forest industry products in Western countries has been declining, the total demand for forest industry products on the global level has been growing. The growth of total demand has been generated by emerging markets. In Finland forest industry has been considered as a steady industry sector, which has been rewarding investors with stable profits. The previous researches show that compared to the average risk of securities, forest industry securities tend to have a lower risk. The objective of this study is to examine the geographical diversification of forest industry securities and its benefits to the risk in a Finnish stock portfolio between 2003 and 2013. The theoretical framework of this study includes portfolio theory and fundamental analysis. The principal aim of portfolio theory is to maximize expected return for a given amount of risk, or equivalently minimize risk for a given level of expected return. The risk is interpreted as variance of portfolio expected returns. By choosing securities which have only very little correlation with each other we obtain the best diversification benefits, hence minimize portfolio risk. Fundamental analysis provided key indicators for analyzing economic preconditions of the companies which reflected efficiency, solvency and market liquidity. The portfolio risk was calculated from a market portfolio, which included forest industry securities from five alternative countries; Finland, Germany, USA, Latin America, China. After including the securities to the portfolio their weight was optimized. The market portfolio was represented by OMXH CAP -return index as it consists of a weighted sum of every asset traded at Helsinki Stock Exchange, hence is perfectly diversified portfolio. The results showed that in the geographical comparison the German forest industry stocks provided the best diversification benefits. Including German forest industry stocks to a Finnish market portfolio decreased portfolio risk by 2.77 %, where the forest industry stocks of other countries where able to decrease portfolio risk less than 1 %. Compared to other countries, German forest industry stocks had the smallest correlation with OMXH CAP -return index. Performing fundamental analysis of forest industry companies on a country level did no provide explicit results what comes to the investment attractiveness as financial key indicators of companies had considerable fluctuation within a country.