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Browsing by Subject "ilmastonmuutos"

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  • Tammisto, Eveliina (2022)
    The climate crisis is such major environmental threat that it has negative impacts on both nature and people. Recently, the effects of climate change on people’s mental health have also been noticed. Children and adolescents are especially vulnerable group in terms of climate anxiety. The amount of climate anxiety among youth has been found to be increasing, yet the studies on it are still scarce. It is important to find out how much climate anxiety there is among youth and does it influence their behavior. The objective of this master’s thesis is to find out how much climate anxiety there is and is climate anxiety interconnected with the pro-environmental behavior among youth. Also, its aim is to find out whether attending the climate course affects the amount of climate anxiety. In addition, the study focuses on whether gender, home country and parental education level are interconnected with the amount of climate anxiety. This study was conducted as part of the D.Game project which includes a climate course for youth aged 12–18 years. Data for this research was collected through a survey during the climate course. The schools and students participating in the D.Game climate course and the climate anxiety survey were selected through an open recruitment during autumn of 2021. The data consists of 48 students who responded to the pre survey and of 13 students who responded to the post survey. The participants were 15–17 years old. On the contrary to other research, there is not much climate anxiety among youth. There is also a strong positive correlation between climate anxiety and pro-environmental behavior, which differs from other research. On the other hand, there were no significant differences in climate anxiety between the groups divided by divided by gender, home country and parental education level, which was expected result. Based on the data, the climate course did not have statistically significant effect on the amount of climate anxiety among youth. Also, there is need for further research. Larger sample could provide more valid results. The causality of the correlation between climate anxiety and pro-environmental behavior would be interesting to resolve. Whether attending to a climate course affects the amount of climate anxiety could be found out by development of climate courses and comparing different courses.
  • Mäki, Ilona (2022)
    Biochar is a porous, carbon-rich material, made from organic material by pyrolysis in low oxygen conditions, and it can be used to sequester carbon into the soil. This review aspires to give an overview of the economic dimensions of using biochar in Finnish (Boreal and sub-boreal) forests. A literature review was conducted to collect and summarize the information about studies and applications elsewhere, and how we could possibly apply them into Finnish forest ecosystems. This thesis is done as part of Helsus Co-Creation Lab -project, where our group was tasked with looking into how biochar could enhance biodiversity in soil and accelerate transformation to low carbon economy. From this larger topic, this paper is looking into the economic side, and whether it is economically viable to use biochar to enhance and uphold biodiversity. This is evaluated by reviewing and categorizing 164 papers and conducting a literature review. My conclusions are that the current biochar applications show lower economic efficiency than other carbon dioxide abatement technologies. The stability of biochar in soil is a key factor, as the half-lives of biochars may not be as long as commonly suggested. Furthermore, competition for biomass resource use can restrict the availability of feedstock, and make it more expensive. Subsidies for biochar application are required if biochar is to be- come a significant part of the national or global climate mitigation policy. The results in different articles are quite variable and there is currently no standard approach to them. There is a need for specific research on what kind of biochar benefits what soil and vegetation, which is expensive. A primary goal is to incorporate a consistent and standardized testing or analysis method for biochar stability into the certification programs run and administered by the International and the European Biochar Initiatives. In the foreseeable future, biochar by itself is unlikely to play a significant role in climate mitigation strategies. Biochar might be just one of several alternatives in a bundle strategy to re- duce carbon emissions. However, its potential use must still be researched more.
  • Tuomaala, Emilia (2022)
    Permafrost peatlands have a significant role in the global carbon cycle, as they store ca. 185 Pg of carbon. Because of the slow decomposition of organic matter, they have sequestered carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and cooled the climate for thousands of years. However, in anaerobic decomposition also methane – a strong greenhouse gas – is produced. Climate change results in changes in permafrost peatland habitats; distribution and proportional share and these changes also affect the CO2 and CH4 fluxes. In this master’s thesis I compare the net ecosystem exchange and pore water methane concentrations in different microhabitats in the Stordalen palsa mire in Abisko, Sweden. In addition, I review the reported climate change-driven habitat changes in the area and its effects on the CO2 and CH4 fluxes. My results suggest that Sphagnum sp. and Sphagnum fuscum -microhabitats were net sinks of CO2 whereas lichen-, shrub- and Eriophorum-microhabitats were net sources. These results were best explained by the proportional coverage of green vegetation, which was highest in both Sphagnum-microhabitats. No discernible differences were found between pore water methane concentrations in different habitats. Permafrost thawing has increased the occurrence of wet habitats in Stordalen. These habitat changes have increased carbon sequestration in the area but at the same time methane emissions have also increased. Because of this, the radiative forcing of the peatland has changed from negative to positive and the on-going habitat changes will likely continue in future. On a longer timespan though, the radiative forcing will likely switch back to negative as carbon sequestration increases and the effects of the methane emissions decrease.
  • Blom, Heidi (2020)
    The significance of preventing the climate change in cities and urban areas is nowadays increasingly recognized. The increasing relevance of urban areas in climate policy has created new opportunities for collaboration between the private and public sector. The non-state actors have often a key role when climate policy is implemented locally in urban areas. The Ilmastokumppanit project is founded by Helsinki city and it is a part of the activities that aims for a carbon neutral Helsinki. This thesis explores the motivations, drivers and barriers to implement climate actions and to participate in the voluntary Ilmastokumppanit project among companies. The thesis was carried out using qualitative content analysis and only companies from the Ilmastokumppanit project were used as the target group to improve the comparativity. The supportive members in the project were not accepted as a part of the target group. The data for the thesis were collected as semi-structured expert interviews which were recorded, transcribed and coded. Deductive content analysis and a framework examining the reasons behind the climate actions of the UK FTSE 100 companies was used to analyse the data. The framework categorizes the reasons behind the climate actions into motivations, drivers and barriers which is subdivided into themes. The interviewees highlighted for-profit activities, networking, corporate responsibilities and remaining competitive in the future as motivators. Drivers were less identified and the interviewees highlighted factors related to climate-friendly activities as a manifestation of their time and the need for networking. Factors related to legislative issues and the low oil price were identified as barriers. The framework lacks internal factors influencing the company and creating a new theme to the motivations titled employee pressure or internal pressures should be considered. Several factors were raised which influence the willingness of companies to act in the field of climate issues and to participate in networks. The results might be interesting to those leading the Ilmastokumppanit project. It would be useful to examine the legislative barriers more comprehensively to facilitate wider climate actions.
  • Evokari, Viliina (2017)
    The impacts of climate change are going to be significant in Finland, thus the need to adapt is inevitable. Municipalities are the key to adaptation because the impacts of climate change are met locally. Several cities have developed their measures to climate impacts. However, multiple barriers may hinder the planning and implementation of adaptation measures in the cities. The purpose of this research is to identify and overcome the barriers in urban climate change adaptation in the City of Helsinki. The main data of this research was collected in a workshop and it consists of the blank form replies collected with 6-3-5 method and focus group discussions. 11 civil servants from the City of Helsinki who deal with adaptation issues in their daily work participated in the workshop. The participants identified the barriers and evaluated the most important ones in the workshop: lack of cost-benefit analyses, rivalry of the resources with other interests, lack of urgency regarding adaptation, lack of information, fragmentation of the organization and unclear roles and responsibilities. Identifying the barriers does not solely promote the resilience of the cities but it is an important step in the development of adaptation work. It is essential to seek possible solutions to overcome the identified barriers. Six solutions that can tackle simultaneously several barriers emerged from the data gathered in the workshop: costbenefit analyses, increasing training and information, concrete examples, increasing co-operation, clear modes of action and responsibilities and the support and commitment of the management. With these solutions, the City of Helsinki has the possibility to simultaneously overcome several barriers that were identified in this research. To conclude, the responsibility of climate change adaptation should be clarified in the new city organization and silos between different sectors should be addressed, if possible. It would be useful to utilise the multi-criteria decision analysis in prioritising and argumenting of the adaptation measures in the city. As additional conclusions, it seems that improved co-operation with the universities and research institutions, and legislation indicating clear roles and responsibilities in terms of adaptation might benefit the adaptation work in the City of Helsinki. As for the need for further research, the analytical framework developed and utilized in this research needs to be tested in other case studies also.
  • Tuomimaa, Julia (2020)
    Climate change has exacerbated extreme weather events. According to climate scenarios, temperatures will rise and heat periods will become more common also in Finland. These heat periods worsen the urban heat island phenomenon which is known to have negative impacts on human well-being. The impacts of the urban heat island phenomenon can be reduced through careful urban planning, adaptation policies and economic investments. Adaptation to climate change can be monitored through indicators but research and development on adaptation indicators has been largely absent. The development of adaptation monitoring indicators is particularly important in order to ensure the long-term success of the city's adaptation efforts and whether adaptation is moving towards the desired goals. This thesis asks the following research question with the help of a literature review, a focus group discussion and a questionnaire: what kind of indicators can be used to monitor and evaluate adaptation to the urban heat island phenomenon in Helsinki? With the help of the literature review and New York Climate Change Panels framework “the seven steps to indicator selection”, 17 preliminary indicators were developed which were divided into six themes accounting the diverse nature of the urban heat island and its impacts. The indicators were specified in a focus group discussion which had six attendees from environment-, the technical-, social- and health sectors. After the group discussion, the indicators were further modified with the help of a questionnaire answered by ten municipal employees, mainly from the environmental, technical and social and health sectors. On average, respondents found each indicator useful, five indicators were found to be really useful on average, and three indicators were found to be useless among a couple of respondents. After the survey, 11 indicators were modified and one indicator was removed. The end result was 16 indicators for monitoring adaptation to the urban heat island phenomenon divided into the following themes: social vulnerability, state of environment, infrastructure, green-blue infrastructure, policy actions and communication. The development of indicators does not as such contribute to the development of urban adaptation to a desired level, but it is nevertheless an important step in the process of developing adaptation monitoring in the city of Helsinki. This work provides tools for the city to develop their adaptation monitoring strategy which should be systematic and comparable. If the city wants to develop its adaptation monitoring, it is essential to document decisions and programs to explore sufficient coverage. Decisions and programs should be compared against identified adaptation commitments, targets and needs. As a conclusion, this thesis is important step towards more diverse and effective adaptation monitoring. This thesis takes adaptation monitoring forward, developing ways to put adaptation monitoring into practice.
  • Nikkola, Henna (2021)
    Ilmastonmuutos lisää sään ääri-ilmiöitä kuten mittavia rankkasateita, jolloin myös hulevedet, eli rakennettujen alueiden pinnoille kertyvät sade- ja sulamisvedet, muuttuvat yhä akuutimmaksi ongelmaksi. Yksi tiivistyvien kaupunkien haasteista on hulevesien hallinta. Hulevesiä hallitaan pääasiassa niin kutsutuin perinteisin menetelmin, eli pääasiassa viemäröiden, mutta sen rinnalle on nousemassa niin kutsuttu luonnonmukainen hulevesien hallinta. Luonnonmukaiset menetelmät hyödyntävät luonnon omia prosesseja, ja ne voivat parantaa hulevesien laatua, pienentää virtaamahuippuja, edistää luonnon monimuotoisuutta ja tarjota virkistyshyötyjä. Hulevesien hallinnan ja luontoarvojen huomioiminen kaupunkisuunnittelussa ei ole yksinkertaista - suunnittelussa on huomioitava monenlaisia tavoitteita, joiden yhteensovittamisessa kohdataan ristiriitoja. Ristiriidat voivat paljastaa tavoitteiden taustalla olevia arvoja, ja siten kertoa, minkälaista kaupunkia todellisuudessa toteutamme. Tutkielma toteutettiin osana HELSUS Co-Creation Labia ja yhteistyökumppanina toimi Helsingin kaupunki. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli luontoarvojen ja hulevesien hallinnan huomioimisen selvittäminen ja kaupunkisuunnittelijoiden agentuurin kartoittaminen Helsingin maankäytön suunnittelussa. Tutkielmassa pyrittiin vastaamaan seuraaviin tutkimuskysymyksiin: 1) Millaisia asioita asemakaavoitusvaiheessa mukana olleet Helsingin kaupungin työntekijät mielsivät kuuluvan luontoarvojen pariin? 2) Miten luontoarvot ja hulevesien hallinta huomioitiin projekteissa? 3) Mitä asioita suunnittelijat kokivat keskeisinä luontoarvojen ja luonnonmukaisen hallinnan huomioimiseksi suunnitteluprosessissa yksilön osalta? 4) Mitkä asiat vaikeuttivat luontoarvojen huomioimista tai suojelua ja luonnonmukaisen hallinnan toteuttamista? Tutkielma tehtiin käyttäen eksploratiivisen ja välineellisen tapaustutkimuksen menetelmiä. Aineistona toimi pääasiassa seitsemän Helsingin kaupunkisuunnittelijan haastattelut, joille tehtiin temaattinen analyysi. Tutkielman kohteena oli Helsingin kaupungin hulevesien hallintaa koskeva suunnittelu/päätöksenteko asemakaavoitusprosessissa. Yksittäiset tapaukset olivat asemakaavaprojekteja Helsingin Kaarelan, Laajasalon ja Lauttasaaren kaupunginosista. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä tutkielmassa hyödynnettiin pääasiassa arvojen, sääntöjen ja tiedon muodostamaa viitekehystä päätöksentekokontekstissa. Aineiston perusteella luontoarvojen ja luonnonmukaisen hulevesien hallinnan huomioimisen kanssa kilpailevia arvoja ja intressejä olivat tekninen toimivuus ja käytännöllisyys, ihmisten turvallisuus, esteettisyys, taloudellinen kestävyys, asuntotuotanto, rakentamisen tehokkuus, tietämättömyys/osaamattomuus, harrastusmahdollisuudet sekä liikenneratkaisut. Yleisesti kaiken kiteyttävänä haasteena oli tilan puute. Vaikka päätavoitteet ja lopulliset päätökset arvoineen tulevat poliittisilta toimijoilta, niin voidaan kuitenkin sanoa, että suunnittelijoilla on mahdollisuuksia toteuttaa omia arvojaan työssään ja säännöissä on jonkin verran niin sanotusti pelivaraa. Suunnittelussa on suunnittelijakohtaisia eroja esimerkiksi siinä, kuinka aktiivisesti ja minkälaisella asenteella kukin huomioi ja edistää luontoarvoja ja hulevesien hallintaa suunnitteluprosessissa. Hulevesien hallinta vaikuttaa Helsingissä olevan murrosvaiheessa kohti vihreämpään infrastruktuuriin nojaavaa suunnittelua. Sitä vauhdittaakseen kaupungin kannattanee lisätä pilottiprojekteja, suunnitella pilottikirjastoa, lisätä työvoimaa ja kuntien välistä yhteistyötä sekä varmistaa, että suunnittelijoilla on tarpeelliset tiedot ja työkalut, joita myös osataan hyödyntää. Tarve jatkotutkimusten tekemiselle löytyy kaupunkisuunnittelussa kilpailevien arvojen ja intressien selvittämisestä ja niiden tunnistamisesta suunnitteluprosessissa ja päätöksenteossa.
  • Mattila, Laura (2020)
    Earthworms act as ecosystem engineers. As such, they have a large impact on many ecosystems. However, little is known about how they will respond to climate change. Substantial quantities of carbon pass through soil's macro-decomposers of which earthworms are the largest group in terms of biomass. They are drivers of soil bioturbation and play a major role in soil's organic carbon input and nutrient availability. Through their actions they increase soil's microbial activity, as well as the primary production in ecosystems. Earthworms have a great impact on soil and atmospheric carbon levels. Earthworm activity leads to direct and indirect increases in the CO2 flux between soil and the atmosphere. Earthworms directly impact soil CO2 flux only a little, whereas the indirect impacts are more substantial and are caused by earthworm-driven increases in microbial activity. The aim of this thesis is to find out how two common earthworms species in Finland, Lumbricus terrestris L. and Aporrectodea caliginosa Sav., respond to environmental changes brought on by climate change. According to climate models, the average temperature and precipitation during growth season will increase in Northern Europe during the next 100 years. Laboratory experiments were performed to examine the interactive effects of changes in precipitation and temperature on these earthworm species from two different ecological groups. The earthworms were incubated in two different temperature and precipitation treatments and measurements were performed to monitor impacts on soil pH, C, and N content as well as CO2 flux. Earthworm survival, growth and leaf litter consumption were also monitored. The results indicate that the presence of another earthworm species has a larger impact on the survival of individuals than climate conditions have. It is important to find out how climate change will affect interspecies competition, the distribution of earthworm species, and the composition of earthworm communities which all have implications on soil CO2 flux through the earthworm community. The results indicate that temperature, precipitation, and the presence of another species have a positive correlation with soil CO2 flux. However, L. terrestris, mainly a detritivore, did not increase their consumption of leaf litter in higher temperature or precipitation conditions compared to ambient climate conditions. This result needs further investigation in longer-lasting laboratory experiments as well as in field conditions, as a possible positive feedback mechanism between earthworm activity and climate change might be revealed.
  • Aro, Maija (2023)
    The climate political passivity of recent history, dire consequences predicted by climate scientific scenarios, and urgent climate reports emphasize the existential threat posed by the climate crisis. With a lack of consensus on widely accepted solutions, humanity faces increasingly uncertain futures. The shadow of a bleak climate dystopia has led to the interpretation that utopias are missing from climate policy and discourse. This reflects society's challenges in imagining and constructing alternative, functional future perspectives in the context of the climate issue. In my thesis, I examine the extent to which two actors of the new generation climate movement, Elokapina and Operaatio Arktis articulate utopias and dystopias to promote goals and discussions on systemic change and the adoption of climate repair technologies. The material for my thesis consists mainly of content produced by Elokapina and Operaatio Arktis, primarily published on social media platforms and public speeches. Since language is a crucial tool in creating imaginaries, I employ rhetorical discourse analysis to answer my research questions. The rhetorical emphasis in discourse analysis particularly supports my effort to answer the question of how utopias and dystopias are articulated. I extend my interpretation to the performativity, materiality, and prefigurativeness of imaginaries to provide a comprehensive perspective on presenting utopias and dystopias. The most significant findings of my thesis are summarized in three key observations. First, although based on my material Elokapina and Operaatio Arktis shared a common concern about the seriousness of the climate crisis and used partly similar rhetoric, the actors significantly differed in describing the current dystopia and, especially, in presenting utopias. Second, the use of dystopias in Extinction Rebellion's rhetoric did not mean a suppression of utopian expression. Utopias were a significant tool for Elokapina, serving as critical counter-images to the present and being performed in the principles, values, and practices of Extinction Rebellion quite extensively. Additionally, utopias materialized as practical proposals. In this way, Elokapina directed systemic change towards a more sustainable and just direction. Therefore, I interpreted Elokapina regarding utopias as prefigurative, i.e., an actor whose actions practically live out utopias. Third, Operaatio Arktis's rhetoric lacked utopias entirely, with dystopias serving as a significant tool as the actor framed the risks associated with the adoption of climate correction technologies. Operaatio Arktis did not accept catastrophic consequences pointing to a future dystopia that would be avoidable with the current range of methods and through the use of climate repair technologies. Examining utopias and dystopias in the rhetoric of Elokapina and Operaatio Arktis helped to highlight how imaginaries can act as powerful and versatile tools in the actions of the new generation climate movement. They motivated action, raised awareness, and enabled discussions about significant themes related to the root causes and solutions of the climate crisis. Therefore, the results of my thesis are quite intriguing.
  • Lehto, Valtteri (2019)
    Ilmaston lämpeneminen ja elinympäristöjen häviäminen ovat maailmanlaajuisesti vakavimpia uhkia luonnon monimuotoisuudelle. Elinympäristöjen häviäminen on aiheuttanut monimuotoisuudelle jo pitkään laaja-alaista tuhoa, kun taas ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutusten arvioidaan ilmenevän todellisessa mittakaavassaan vasta tulevien vuosien ja vuosikymmenten aikana. Jo nyt ilmastonmuutoksen on havaittu vaikuttavan muun muassa eliölajien levinneisyyksiin, runsauksiin ja fenologiaan. Elinympäristöjen häviämisen tiedetään puolestaan aiheuttavan lajiston yksipuolistumista, kun elinympäristöjensä suhteen vaativat spesialistilajit taantuvat ja sopeutumiskykyisemmät generalistilajit runsastuvat. Linnut ovat paljon tutkittu eläinryhmä, minkä takia lintujen käyttäminen elinympäristöjen tilaa ilmentävinä bioindikaattoreina on mielekästä. Lintujen on havaittu reagoivan ilmastonmuutokseen muun muassa aikaistamalla kevätmuuttoa ja munintaa sekä levittäytymällä kohti korkeampia leveysasteita. Elinympäristöjen tuhoutumisen ja pirstoutumisen tiedetään yksipuolistavan lintuyhteisöjen lajikoostumuksia ja esimerkiksi Suomessa metsien häviämisen on havaittu aiheuttavan monien metsälintujen kantojen voimakasta taantumista. Pohjois-Euroopassa pitkä ja kylmä talvi on linnuille raskas ajanjakso, jolloin talvehtivien lintujen kuolleisuus voi kasvaa korkeaksi. On havaittu, että ilmastonmuutoksen myötä lämpenevät talvet saattavat parantaa joidenkin lintujen hengissä säilymistä talven aikana, mikä saattaa aiheuttaa muutoksia lajien levinneisyyksiin ja runsauksiin. Lisäksi on todettu, että laadukas elinympäristö voi parantaa esimerkiksi metsätiaisten selviytymistä talvesta. Tutkielmassani kuvaan, miten talvien lämpötila ja elinympäristöjen laatu vaikuttavat Suomessa talvehtivien lintujen hengissä säilymiseen. Aineistoinani käytän Luonnontieteellisen keskusmuseon koordinoimia talvilintulaskenta-aineistoja, Ilmatieteen laitoksen lämpötila-aineistoja sekä Luonnonvarakeskuksen Valtakunnan metsien inventointi -aineistoja. Esimerkkilajeinani käytän neljää Suomessa yleisenä talvehtivaa metsälintua: puukiipijää (Certhia familiaris), töyhtötiaista (Lophophanes cristatus), hömötiaista (Poecile montanus) ja hippiäistä (Regulus regulus). Havaitsin, että kaikki tutkimani lintulajit selviytyivät talvesta paremmin laadukkaissa, tutkimukseni tapauksessa metsäisissä, elinympäristöissä. Elinympäristön metsäisyyden vaikutus hengissä säilymisen parantumiseen selittyy todennäköisesti lintujen talvenaikaisella ravinnolla sekä ravinnonhankintatavoilla. Ilmiö saattaa myös kuvastaa lajien paikkauskollisuutta ja parvien sisäisiä hierarkioita. Havaitsin myös, että vain osa tutkimistani lajeista hyötyi lämpimämmistä talvista: hippiäisen ja puukiipijän selviytyminen parantui talvilämpötilojen noustessa, kun taas töyhtö- ja hömötiaisen selviytymiseen talvien lämpötilalla ei ollut vaikutusta. Ilmiö saattaa selittyä lajien levinneisyyksillä, sillä lajit, jotka hyötyivät korkeammista lämpötiloista, selviytyivät paremmin etelässä. Vastaavasti lajit, joiden selviytyminen ei parantunut talvilämpötilojen noustessa, selviytyivät paremmin pohjoisessa. Hippiäinen ja puukiipijä saattavat olla ilmastonmuutoksesta ainakin aluksi hyötyviä lajeja, joiden voidaan mahdollisesti odottaa levittäytyvän kohti pohjoista tulevien vuosien ja vuosikymmenten aikana. Sen sijaan töyhtö- ja hömötiainen ovat taantuneet voimakkaasti viimeisen 15–20 vuoden aikana. Suurin yksittäinen syy lajien taantumiselle on metsien häviäminen. Jos taantuminen halutaan pysäyttää, tarvitaan nopeita ja tehokkaita toimia Suomen metsäluonnon tilan kohentamiseksi.
  • Haapanen, Aku (2022)
    Ilmastonmuutoksen torjuminen edellyttää ihmiskunnalta määrätietoisia toimia fossiilisten polttoaineiden käytön lopettamiseksi kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen lopettamiseksi. Yksi tärkeimmistä kysymyksistä ratkaistavaksi on yhä enenevissä määrin kehittyneeseen teknologiaan nojautuvien ihmisyhteisöjen energiansaannin varmistaminen. Ydinvoimaa pidetään luotettavana, tehokkaana ja ennen kaikkea jo olemassa olevana ratkaisuna käsillä olevan energiamurroksen toteuttamiseksi. Kaikki teknologiat ovat kuitenkin poliittisia ja ydinvoima ehkä kaikista teknologioista eniten mielipiteitä jakava. Toisaalta lupaus ainakin päällisinpuolin yksinkertaisesta ja tehokkaasta teknologisesta ratkaisusta puhuttelee monia. Toisaalta ydinvoiman käyttöön ja käyttöön ottoon liittyy suuria epävarmuustekijöitä, kuten rakentamisen hinta, ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutukset voimaloiden toimintaan ja suurvaltapoliittiset siirrot maailmanpolitiikan pelilaudalla. Tämä tutkielma ottaa selvää, kuinka ydinvoiman rooliin energiamurroksen ajurina suhtaudutaan Suomessa ja Ranskassa – kahdessa vauraassa, ydinvoimaa paljon hyödyntävässä Euroopan unionin jäsenmaassa. Aineistona on käytetty suomalaisen Helsingin Sanomat ja ranskalaisen Le Monde päivittäin ilmestyvien sanomalehtien ilmastonmuutosta ja ydinvoimaa käsitteleviä pääkirjoituksia. Analysoidut kirjoitukset ovat Pariisin ilmastosopimuksen ja vuoden 2021 lokakuun väliseltä ajalta. Lähtökohtani on, että Suomen ja Ranskan tärkeimmät sanomalehdet käyttävät aktiivisesti valtaa vaikuttaakseen lukijoidensa suhtautumiseen. Näin ollen Le Monde ja Helsingin Sanomat tarjoavat yhden ikkunan, jonka kautta tarkastella myös laajemmassa asiayhteydessä suomalais ja ranskalaista energia- ja ilmastopolitiikkaa. Käsiteltävät maat ovat monella tapaa samanlaisia, mutta poikkeavat myös paljon toisistaan, mikä näkyy myös maiden ydinvoimakannoissa. Ranska on entinen suurvalta, jonka ydinvoimaloilla on selvä merkitys suurvalta-aseman edes osittaiseksi palauttamiseksi. Suomi on sodan hävinnyt, todella nopeasti teollistunut maa, jolle alusta asti rauhanomainen ydinvoima on vipuvarsi oman teollisen tuotannon edistämiseksi. Analyysissä käy ilmi, että sanomalehdissä ydinvoimaan – sekä energiamurrokseen yleisesti – suhtaudutaan eri tavoilla Ranskassa ja Suomessa. Ranskassa korostuu sosiaalisen oikeudenmukaisuuden merkitys pysyvien ilmastoratkaisujen saavuttamiseksi, kun taas Suomessa pääkirjoituksia värittää ennen kaikkea markkinaorientoitunut tehokkuusajattelu. Suhtautuminen ydinvoimaan on myös erilainen. Ranskassa korostetaan ydinvoimaan liittyviä epävarmuustekijöitä. Suomessa puolestaan painotetaan ydinvoiman todistettuja vahvuuksia, erityisesti tehokkuutta ja päästöttömyyttä.
  • Saarni, Matti (2019)
    Climate change affects the human habitat and the mechanics that cause this scientific phenomenon are somewhat well known. This study examines how forest policy, agricultural policy and environmental policy can control the mechanisms that cause climate change. The material of the study consists of interviews of 12-13 Finnish experts, each representing one of the previously mentioned sectors. Each of the experts have been asked 13-14 questions about the importance of climate change mitigation, as well as the mechanisms by which agriculture and forests affect the climate and how climate change should be considered in environmental policy. The data was collected between October 8th and November 8th of 2019. This was in five weeks after the IPCC 1,5-degree climate report was published. A series of topics was constructed from the answers, and they are meant to be used as topics to be discussed in the Finnish 2019 parliamentary election. In addition, on how important scientific academics see the control of climate change, they were also asked how critical climate change is. The interview material is stored in the Finnish Social Science Data Archive ( The experts’ answers to the importance of controlling climate change were almost unanimous and considered to be highly important. Carbon sink and storage were considered the most effective methods to control climate change. According to the results, the study proposes topics that should be discussed in politics and when a person wants to advance the control of climate change in forest, agriculture and environment politics. Political decisions are often based on value judgement, which again are based on the information of different methods efficacy. The results that are discussed in this study are not the only options, but they give guidelines and reasons for discussions related to effective choices. Forest policies should recognize the effects of forest industry to the development of carbon sink and storage. Forest industries prerequisite for operation and decision making in addition to considering employment and export industry, must also consider the effect for Finland’s net carbon emissions. Activities which lengthen the forest rotation time would have multiple positive benefits and increase forest carbon storage. Agricultural politics should broaden the discussion to reach food politics. Consumption habits have big effect on agricultural production structure and it can be directed by many ways. The structure of agricultural production should also be considered from the emission point of view, because the land use is substantially large and changes in production can affect Finland’s emission in a scale, that would have large effect on our nations net carbon emissions. To strengthen carbon sinks, landowners should have compensation mechanism methods, that increase carbon sinks, and which are combined to the size of the carbon storage. In environmental policy climate change must be paid more attention and governmental boundaries must not intervene significant decision making. The strengthening of the role of Ministry of the Environment and adding co-operation between different ministries supports the decision making regarding environmentally positive issues.
  • Savikko, Riitta (2020)
    Tilanteessa, jossa ilmastonmuutos muuttaa elinolosuhteita ja luonnonvarat niukkenevat, on ruokaturvan säilyttämisen ja kehittämisen vuoksi välttämätöntä rakentaa maatalouteen resilienssiä eli muutoskestävyyttä. Resilienssin yhdeksi osatekijäksi voidaan määritellä sopeutumiskyky. Sopeutumiskyvystä yksi osa muodostuu saatavilla olevasta tiedosta. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitetään maatiloille kohdistuvan ilmastotiedonvälityksen esteitä ja mahdollistajia. Tutkimuksen laajempana tavoitteena on saada eväitä laadukkaaseen ilmastotiedonvälitykseen. Tutkielman analyyttinen viitekehys nojautuu ilmastoviestintätieteeseen ja teoriatausta maatalouden resilienssin tutkimukseen. Tutkielman aineistona on työpajan ryhmäkeskusteluiden aineisto, joka on kerätty learning cafe –menetelmällä huhtikuussa 2018. Tämän tutkielman mukaan olennaisimpia ilmastotiedonvälityksen esteitä ovat käytännönläheisen tiedon puute, luotettavan tiedon puute, sekä kokemus ilmastokeskustelun syyllistävyydestä ja kokemus arvostuksen puutteesta viljelijöiden työlle. Maatilojen talousongelmat sekä viljelijöiden oman äänen kuulumattomuus julkisessa keskustelussa ovat yhteiskunnallisessa kontekstissa ilmastotiedonvälitykseen vaikuttavia estäviä tekijöitä. Olennaisimpia ilmastotiedonvälityksen mahdollistajia ovat viljelijöiden monimuotoisuus, viljelijöiden keskinäinen yhteistyö sekä tiedon yhteiskehittely viljelijä-neuvoja-tutkija –yhteistyöllä. Suomessa maatiloille suuntautuvassa ilmastotiedonvälityksessä viestin laadussa asiapainotteinen, käytännönläheinen, tutkimuspohjainen ja ratkaisuhakuinen viestintä koetaan mahdollistajaksi. Maatilojen sopeutumiskykyä voisi ilmastotiedonvälityksessä vahvistaa esimerkiksi pelloilla tehtävien maatalouden kenttäkokeiden ja havaintoruutujen esittelyillä pellonpiennarpäivissä, sillä pellolla todentuva käytäntöön suuntaava tieto on viljelijöiden näkökulmasta luotettavinta. Top-down –suuntaisen ilmastotiedonvälityksen sijasta maatalouden sopeutumiskykyä ilmastonmuutokseen voisi paremmin vahvistaa viljelijöiden, neuvojien ja tutkijoiden yhdessä toteuttamien käytännön kokeiluiden kautta saatavan tiedon avulla.
  • Siivonen, Salla (2020)
    Finnish forests have a major impact on climate change at a national level, as approximately 86 % of Finland's surface area is forest and forests are a significant carbon sink. Continuous cover forestry is better from the point of view of carbon sequestration than even-age forestry. The Finnish Forest Act was reformed in 2014. Forest professionals and forest owners have had time to adapt to the new Act, to consider the use of alternative methods or, possibly, to take these methods into practice. Forest professionals have a clear position of power through information and communication to forest owners and the creation of a prevailing atmosphere of attitudes. Examination of the attitudes and the values of forest professionals are important as their attitudes and values have an impact on the recommendation of forest management methods. The purpose of this study was to examine how familiar continuous cover forestry was to forest professionals and forest owners as well as their perceptions of it. In addition, the values of forest professionals and how different factors influence their perceptions of continuous cover forestry were examined. The data used in this research was from a survey conducted in 2017. According to the results, forest professionals and forest owners are quite familiar with continuous cover forestry. The forest professionals’ perceptions of it were more negative compared to the forest owners’ perceptions. Gender and educational background were factors that were found to impact the attitudes of the forest professionals. Their perceptions of continuous cover forestry also affected the percentage of continuous cover forestry recommended by them. Forest professionals valued the sales proceeds of wood the most and the carbon sequestration of forests the least.
  • Takolander, Antti (2013)
    Climate change has been predicted to cause extinctions and range shifts in European flora. Two common methodologies assessing climate impact on vegetation are statistical bioclimatic envelope models (BEMs) and process-based dynamic vegetation models. BEMs are relatively easy to implement, but have been criticized for being unreliable, because they assume equilibrium between species' observed ranges and climate. Dynamic models can be considered biologically more sound, but require large quantities of detailed input data, which is often not available. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of climate change on common tree species ranges in Europe and in Scandinavia, and to find out whether two commonly used modeling strategies, dynamic and statistical models, produce similar estimates of future ranges. To address these questions, I first built statistical models (bioclimatic envelope models) for five common European trees: Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur, L.), Common Hazel (Corylus avellana L.), European Beech (Fagus sylvatica, L.), Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris, L.) and Norway Spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.). All species are widely distributed and characteristic species in their ecosystems and thus their possible range shifts would indicate larger shifts in ecosystem structure and function. I then compare the projections produced with the statistical models to outputs of a tree speciesparameterized dynamic global vegetation model LPJ-GUESS, obtained from another study. The statistical model predictions are compared with dynamic model results for entire European distributions, while the statistical model predictions for Scandinavian area are examined in further detail. Input distribution data had great influence in future predictions of statistical models. Statistical models and the dynamic model produced very different future predictions, statistical models predicting increasing contractions on the southern edge of distribution towards the end of the century, indicating larger climatic impacts. The role of biological interactions, successional processes and modeling relationship between distribution and climate are discussed. I propose a way to assess the possible causes of differences between statistical and dynamic models to produce more robust future predictions on plant species distributions. Statistical model predictions in the Scandinavian area indicated substantial northward shift of hemiboreal vegetation zone by 2050.
  • Juurikka, Veera (2023)
    Global warming should not rise beyond 1.5°C, which means that all sectors in the economy are needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The need for corporations to account their value chain emissions has sprung a variety of accounting and reporting standards. In response, Greenhouse Gas protocol established the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard. However, the success of the scope 3 emission accounting has been determined to be insufficient. The unsuccess of scope 3 emission accounting and reporting can be explained with the challenges that have been widely identified. Nevertheless, the identified challenges do not provide a deeper understanding of why they hinder the success of scope 3 accounting and reporting. This thesis delves into the challenges of scope 3 accounting by investigating four Finnish food industry corporations. The study for this thesis was conducted as semi-structured interviews of seven experts who work with the scope 3 accounting and reporting of their corporation. The interviews were held in May of 2022 and theory guided thematic analysis was used to analyze the results. The results show that there are challenges concerning measurement and evaluation, knowledge and guidance and communication. The measurement and evaluation challenges include data collection challenges, data quality challenges and data processing challenges. The key finding from this study is that most of these challenges are highly connected. The reporting corporation and suppliers’ resources and guidance play a key role in data collection and how accurate data can be obtained for the GHG inventory. These affect the comparability of gained emission factors and how comparable the emission information of products, production lines and corporations are. The findings of this study share understanding of the complexity of scope 3 accounting challenges.
  • Suomalainen, Milla (2021)
    Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of heatwaves in Finland. Heatwaves increase morbidity and mortality, especially among the elderly and chronically ill. Home care services are in an important role supporting the functioning ability and quality of life among populations vulnerable to heat. This study presents a qualitative empirical case study to understand heatwave adaptation in municipal home care services in Helsinki. The purpose of this study is to explore, describe and analyse the effects of the 2018 heatwave in the context of home care services, and the services’ capacity to adapt to heat. The data was collected by conducting semi-structured interviews with home care workers both on the operational and strategical levels. Theoretical frameworks regarding extreme heat vulnerability and local adaptive practices were used to support the analysis. The results suggest that heatwaves have caused challenges for both workers and customers. While the working ability of home care staff may be reduced due to thermal stress, the customers’ reduced functioning ability may simultaneously increase the need for care. Some workers had experienced fatigue, and customers were described having typical heat exhaustion symptoms. Workers adaptive practices were mostly reactive responses aimed at reducing the vulnerability of customers to heat. Interviewees described having taken preventive measures to limit customers’ exposure to heat and prevent adverse heat-related health outcomes by monitoring customers’ hydration more carefully. No long-term preparedness measures were identified on the strategical level. The city had supported workers by offering mineral drink bottles and providing instructions for coping in hot weather. In conclusion, workers have an active role in adaptation, but it might be limited by their own thermal stress, customers’ different health conditions and resources, as well as service-level stressors such as lack of staff. Because heatwaves are expected to increase in the future, home care services’ preparedness to heatwaves might need to be improved. It would be important to consider adaptation needs of both workers and customers as they can be interrelated in the sense, that care is dependent on workers ability to function. In a wider societal framework, the adaptive capacity of home care should be secured through providing sufficient resources for these services. The latter is even more important in the light of future trends regarding the aging of population, increase in need for home-based services and decrease in workforce availability. More research is required on the effects of heatwaves on the most vulnerable populations, what adaptation needs there might be as well as how this relates to service provision.
  • Järvinen, Jasmin (2019)
    Climate change is one of the most major environmental challenges of our time. The upcoming decades will be crucial for delimiting the global average temperature rise to 1.5 - 2 degrees, as pointed out by the IPCC. Tackling climate change requires system-wide changes, emission reductions from all sectors and a shift towards low-carbon society. The global food system is responsible for circa 20-30 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, achieving the goal of carbon neutrality necessitates profound changes in the food system, i.e. in the ways our food is being produced and consumed today. This, in turn, necessitates a transition towards more plant-based diets. There is a scientific consensus that plant-based diets are - in addition to human health - also beneficial for the climate, as they produce less greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon-intensive lifestyles are especially characteristic for people in industrialized countries. Food covers roughly one fifth of the annual carbon footprint of a Finn. Finnish diets produce relatively large emissions mainly due to high consumption of meat and dairy. As food choices contribute to climate change, it is crucial to seek solutions in order to steer sustainable food consumption. In addition to the efforts of the public sector, proactive companies are also capable of steering or “nudging” sustainable food consumption also by other than conventional means, such as information provision and financial incentives. These means and their acceptability are addressed in this thesis. This thesis explores how Finnish consumers allocate responsibilities between the government, companies and consumers for mitigating climate change. In addition, this thesis elucidates how Finnish consumers perceive food manufacturers’ role and contribution (means) in steering food consumption towards more climate-friendly choices. The study conducted for this thesis was a consumer survey (n=504) and the target population was Finnish consumers aged between 18-74 years. The material was collected during August 2019, and statistical methods were mostly applied to analyze the results. One of the key findings of this study is that half of the survey respondents perceive a shared responsibility between the government, companies and consumers in mitigating climate change. While least responsibility is assigned for consumers, their role is not, however, underestimated. It also seems like food manufacturers play an important role in steering climate-friendly food consumption in the respondents’ opinion. In addition, the respondents seem to be relatively accepting towards the fact of being steered by food companies in order to make more climate-friendly food choices. Also the means to steer consumer behaviour, which were addressed in this study, received a promising level of support from the respondents. The findings of the study shed light on the food industry’s opportunities to influence climate-friendly food consumption and can help to develop policies that aim to mitigate climate change and promote more sustainable culinary culture.
  • Karvonen, Reena (2021)
    Pohjoisilla soilla on suuri merkitys globaaleissa biogeokemiallisissa kierroissa niiden kerrostaman ja vapauttaman hiilen vaikutuksesta. Ilmastollisten tekijöiden on todettu olevan yhteydessä suon hydrologisiin vaihteluihin, kuten kuivumiseen, vettymiseen, routaantumiseen tai roudan sulamiseen. Muutokset suon hydrologiassa ovat menneisyydessä heijastuneet vuorovaikutteisesti soiden kasvillisuuteen ja niiden rooliin maailmanlaajuisesti merkittävinä hiilinieluina. Pohjoisten ikiroutasoiden ainutlaatuinen ja rikas habitaatti on vaarantunut nykyisen ilmaston lämpenemisen myötä. Maisterintutkielmani tavoitteena on arvioida mahdollisia ilmaston lämpenemisen aiheuttamia vaikutuksia pohjoisiin soihin tutkimalla viimeisten vuosisatojen aikana tapahtuneita muutoksia suokasvillisuudessa. Tutkielmassa selvitin, miten tutkimussuoni kasvillisuus on muuttunut ja millaisia yhteyksiä voidaan havaita eri ilmastovaiheiden merkittävimpiin lämpötilan muutoksiin. Keskityin analysoimaan näitä muutoksia kasvimakrofossiili-analyysin avulla. Näytesarjat ajoitettiin radiometrisin menetelmin. Tulokset osoittivat tutkimussuon käyneen läpi kuivan kasvillisuuden vaiheita sekä ilmastohistorian lämpiminä että kylminä ajanjaksoina. Nykypäivän lämpenemisen aikana eri näytepisteissä on tapahtunut sekä kuivumista että siirtymiä kosteaan suoekosysteemiin ikiroudan sulamisen jälkeisinä ajanjaksoina. Tutkimukseni tulokset auttavat osaltaan ymmärtämään ympäristössä ja ilmastossa tapahtuvien muutosten kompleksista vaikutusta pohjoisiin suoekosysteemeihin. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan arvioida nykyisen ilmastonmuutoksen mahdollisia vaikutuksia tutkimussuohon, sekä rinnan muiden tutkimusten kanssa yhteyksiä pohjoisten soiden tulevaisuuden hiilitasapainoon ja suuren mittakaavan biogeokemiallisiin kiertoihin.
  • Tiusanen, Maria (2018)
    For a long time protected areas have been vital in conserving species and biodiversity. But due to climate change it is important to study whether the protected area networks are able to fulfill their goals also in a changing climate. Because of climate change the amount of southern species is increasing. At the same time the number of northern species is declining as are the suitable habitats for them. In order to adapt to changes in the climate, species are forced to shift their distributions poleward and upward. As a result, species communities are changing and some species may be threatened with extinction. It is therefore urgent to study whether the protected areas can alleviate the effects of climate change and whether they are capable to protect biodiversity in a changing climate. The aim of the study was to investigate whether the protected areas in Finland have been able to alleviate the effects of climate change in the bird species communities. The study was based on line transect bird censuses carried out in 182 protected areas during the years 1980–1999 and 2000–2015. Community temperature index (CTI) was used to study bird communities’ response to temperature change. Thus, CTI is used as a climate change indicator. CTI is based on the average temperature of the species range. A higher CTI value therefore indicates that a higher proportion of birds in the community are warm-dwelling species whereas the low CTI value indicates the opposite. The aim was to find out how the size of the protected area, connectivity between the protected areas and the type of habitat had affected the change of CTI between research periods. Protected areas were divided into three groups based on their location: northern, central and southern parts. 14 models were built in each part, ranked according to their AIC values. Linear regression analysis was used as the analytical method. During the research period, CTI had risen in 155 protected areas indicating a change in the direction of warmer bird communities. However, we found out that certain features of protected areas were able to alleviate the effects of climate change. Better connectivity decreased the changes in bird communities in the northern and central parts. But in the southern parts a similar effect was not found, possibly due to the smaller size of the protected areas and the lower degree of connectivity. The larger size of the protected area was supposed to reduce the changes in CTI but the results did not support this hypothesis. In all parts open habitats were more effective in alleviating the effects of climate change than the forest habitats. On the basis of the results, increasing the connectivity between protected areas could potentially be advantageous for the species suffering from climate change.