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  • Hou, Kathy (2021)
    Antidepressant use among children and adolescents has become more common in many countries. The prevalence of antidepressants is higher for boys but during adolescence girls’ have a higher antidepressant prevalence. In previous studies, the prevalence of selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRI) has increased. The aim of this study was to investigate antidepressant use among Finnish children and adolescents aged 1–17 years during 2008–2019. The differences of antidepressant use in different age groups and genders were investigated. Furthermore, the secondary objective was to examine the trends in prevalence and costs of the five most commonly used antidepressant agents. This was a nation-wide register study. The data for this study was from Kelasto which is a statistical database maintained by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland. The extracted data was from 2008–2018 and included each persons’ age, gender, dispensed drug and costs. The data extracted was for 1–17-year-olds who had been dispensed reimbursed antidepressants from community pharmacies. The data was analyzed with Microsoft Office’s Excel program. The results were transferred in to tables and reported as prevalences by age groups, genders, antidepressants and costs. The prevalence of antidepressant use among children and adolescents was 5,0 per 1000 in 2008 and it increased to 10,3 by 2018. In the youngest age group of 1–6-year-olds, antidepressant use decreased. Antidepressant use increased slightly among 7–12-year-olds. Antidepressant use increased the most among 13–17-year-olds. 13–17-year-old girls had the higher antidepressant use prevalence throughout the study. The same group had a 2,4-fold increase in prevalence during the study period which accounted for the biggest increase in the study. The most used group of antidepressants was SSRIs. The total cost for antidepressants among children and adolescents increased by 73,7 % during the study period. The most commonly used antidepressant agents were fluoxetine, sertraline, escitalopram, mirtazapine, and venlafaxine, respectively. Fluoxetine was the most used agent throughout the study. In 2014, sertraline surpassed escitalopram and became the second most used antidepressant agent. Escitalopram and venlafaxine’s cost per user decreased during the study. The cost per user stayed stable for mirtazapine. Fluoxetine and sertraline’s cost per user increased. The Kelasto database does not include data on indications for prescriptions. The prevalence of antidepressants does not necessarily correlate directly to depression among children and adolescents because antidepressants can be used to treat other diseases. More studies need to be conducted on different off-label uses for antidepressants among children and adolescents. This study only investigated the trends on cost for the five most commonly used antidepressants. Further studies on antidepressant costs among children and adolescents are needed. Additionally, it is essential to investigate the reasons for the increase in antidepressant use among children and adolescents.
  • Hämäläinen, Klaus (2022)
    Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an incurable autoimmune demyelinating disease affecting the central nervous system (CNS). Although the detailed pathogenesis remains unclear, recent research has highlighted the involvement of B cells. For decades, however, MS research was based on T cell-focused animal models of autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), which do not reflect the involvement of B cells in the pathogenesis. Therefore, B cell-dependent EAE models are hypothesized to allow a better understanding of MS immunohistopathology and may therefore lead to the development of efficient treatments. In our spontaneous relapsing-remitting (RR) EAE model, B cells are recruited from the endogenous repertoire by transgenic myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) -reactive T cells, causing the development of EAE in 3–4-month-old mice. Interestingly, MOG-specific antibodies are present long before actual onset of clinical disease and can be detected already in 5-week-old RR mice and disease development in RR mice is dependent both on the presence of (presumably MOG-specific) B cells as well as on stimuli provided by intestinal microbiota. Firstly, we evaluated the broader usability of induced germinal center cell (iGB) culture as a model for B cell repertoire studies. Then, by using iGB culture, we studied whether MOG-specific B cells are present in secondary lymphoid organs of younger than 4-week-old and germ-free RR mice. Finally, this study aimed to investigate whether the repertoire of MOG-specific B cells undergoes significant qualitative changes from young healthy mice to older acutely sick RR mice, and whether at the time of disease onset the recruited MOG-specific B cells expand and mature in the cervical nodes (cLN) or in the CNS. To do so, following the hosting-lab’s previous single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) of B cells derived from cLN of 5-week-old RR mice, we performed the scRNA-seq of B cells from CNS, spleen, and cLN of acutely sick RR EAE mice. We demonstrated that iGB culture is an unsuitable tool to expand pre-activated B cells, and hence, in our hands it was inappropriate for repertoire studies. However, iGB culture proved to be useful for screening different organs for MOG-specific B lymphocytes, and we found that anti-MOG antibodies were firstly detected in 3-4-week-old RR mice, and MOG-specific B cells were present also in germ-free RR mice. Our scRNA-seq results revealed many highly expanded MOG-specific B cell clonotypes in acutely sick RR mice. Moreover, the B cell repertoire of sick RR mice was more diverse, including IgG1, IgM, IgG2b, IgG2c, and IgG3 isotypes, compared to healthy 5-week-old RR mice that had only IgG1 or IgM isotypes. Two-thirds of the expanded clonotypes were primarily detected in the CNS in sick RR mice, indicating that clonotypes develop further and continue isotype switching within the CNS. We also detected more somatic mutation in the variable region of expanded clones of sick RR mice compared to 5-week-old RR mice. The results of this study clearly show an antigen-driven evolution of the MOG-specific B cell repertoire from healthy young to acutely sick RR mice, which seems to occur mainly in CNS itself. In contrast, cLN are the major initial priming site of MOG-specific B cells in healthy RR mice, even under germ-free conditions. This suggests that commensal microbiota is not required for initial recruitment of MOG-specific B cells, but for the development of EAE. To further validate our encouraging scRNA-Seq results, it is necessary, in future experiments, to confirm the MOG-specificity of expanded clonotypes.
  • Lohtaja, Milka (2016)
    Chlamydia pneumoniae is an intracellular bacterium that causes a variety of respiratory infections to humans such as pneumonia and bronchitis. In addition C. pneumoniae -infection has been associated with multiple chronic diseases of which the most important are atherosclerosis and vascular diseases, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and different kinds of neurological disorders. C. pneumoniae is a very common pathogen that has the ability to hide in the system in a persistent chronic form out of reach of the immune defences. C. pneumoniae has been shown to infect many other cell types besides bronchial epithelial cells. These cells include monocytes, macrophages and vascular endothelial cells. C. pneumoniae induces the secretion of different kinds of cytokines and cell signalling molecules and the expression of adhesion molecules in all of these cell types. Too strong cytokine and immune response is detrimental to cells and to whole system. Currently available antibiotics aren't effective enough against C. pneumoniae -infection, especially against its chronic form. Furthermore, the lack of effective anti-chlamydial drugs impairs the research of the association between C. pneumoniae and chronic diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of anti-chlamydial compounds on the release of cytokines and cell signaling molecule, nitric oxide, induced by C. pneumoniae -infection in different cell types. These anti-chlamydial compounds are currently under the investigation in the faculty of pharmacy. In addition the anti-inflammatory properties of the compounds were further investigated with the help of lipopolysaccharide of another gram-negative bacterium E. coli. The groups of compounds investigated in this study were β2,2-amino acid derivatives, Schisandra chinensis -lignans, TE-compounds synthesized in Vienna and benzimidazole compounds synthesized in the faculty of pharmacy. There were four cell types used in this study, HL- and BEAS-2B-epithelial cells, THP-1-monocytes/macrophages and RAW264.7-macrophages. The study focused on the determination of vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF and interleukins IL-8, IL-10 and IL-12. The concentrations of cytokines in the cell medium were measured after infection using ELISA-method. Nitric oxide measurements were also determined from the medium using Griess' reagent. Immunofluorescence labeling was used to confirm the infection and the infection was verified by fluorescence microscope. In addition some of the compounds were tested for the cell viability using resazurin assay. All the groups of compounds showed desired effects on the release of cytokines and nitric oxide. Especially β2,2-amino acid derivatives reduced clearly the release of both cytokines and nitric oxide. β2,2-amino acid derivatives could thus be potential drug candidates for the development of anti-chlamydial and anti-inflammatory drugs. Schisandra chinensis -lignans inhibited especially the release of nitric oxide in both C. pneumoniae -infected and LPS-stimulated cells which may tell about their broad anti-inflammatory properties. There were also found desired results with TE-compounds and benzimidazole compounds. Interleukins were not secreted by any of the studied cells so that part needs more research and further investigation. Based on the results found in this study it can be concluded that the studied compounds could be potential lead compounds in the discovery of anti-chlamydial drugs and drugs that specifically inhibit C. pneumoniae -infection. Further research is needed concerning the effects of these compounds on cytokines and especially on chronic infection.
  • Mönkkönen, Iina (2024)
    Lääkityspoikkeamat aiheuttavat maailmanlaajuisesti eniten vältettävissä olevia potilashaittoja terveydenhuollossa. Vaaratapahtumista raportoiminen on tärkeää lääkitysturvallisuuden edistämiseksi, sillä raportoinnin avulla saadaan tietoa lääkehoitoprosessin riskikohdista, jota voidaan puolestaan hyödyntää kehitettäessä lääkehoitoprosessien suojauksia. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaisia sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa tapahtuneita lääkehoidon vaaratapahtumia apteekeissa on havaittu ja estetty sekä millaisiin kehittämistoimenpiteisiin apteekkien vaaratapahtumailmoitukset johtivat tapahtumayksiköissä. Tutkimus toteutettiin retrospektiivisenä rekisteripohjaisena tutkimuksena avoapteekkien sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon yksiköihin lähettämistä HaiPro-vaaratapahtumailmoituksista sekä tapahtumayksiköiden seurantalomakkeista. Tutkimusaineisto oli kerätty Pohjanmaan, Kanta-Hämeen ja Keski-Uudenmaan hyvinvointialueilla 1.2.2022-31.12.2023. Alkuperäinen aineisto sisälsi 457 vaaratapahtumailmoitusta. Aineiston esikäsittelyssä poistettiin ilmoitukset, jotka eivät olleet sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa tapahtuneita vaaratapahtumia (n=11). Ilmoitukset, jotka koskivat useampaa kuin yhtä lääkeainetta tai potilasta (n=15) jaettiin erillisiksi tapauksiksi. Strukturoitujen kohtien valintojen oikeellisuus tarkistettiin tapahtumakuvausten perusteella ja tarvittaessa valinta korjattiin. Lopulliselle tutkimusaineistolle (n=461) suoritettiin kuvaileva määrällinen analyysi (frekvenssit ja prosenttiosuudet) Microsoft Excel ohjelmistolla. Aineistosta laskettiin vaaratapahtumien määrä, luonne, havaitsija, tyyppi sekä asiakkaalle ja apteekille aiheutuneet seuraukset, yleisimmin esiintyneet lääkeaineet, lääkeaineryhmät sekä suuren riskin lääkkeiden osuus. Terveydenhuollon yksiköiden kehittämistoimenpiteille suoritettiin laadullinen sisällönanalyysi aineistolähtöisesti sekä tarkasteltiin kehittämistoimenpiteiden jakautumista yksilö- ja järjestelmänäkökulmiin. Lähes kaikki (94 %) aineiston vaaratapahtumista (n=461) oli apteekin havaitsemia. Valtaosa tapauksista oli läheltä piti -tapahtumia (71 %). Vaaratapahtumat olivat lähes aina lääkehoitoon liittyviä (98 %). Yleisimmin kyseessä oli määräyspoikkeama (93 %), jossa oli väärä annos tai vahvuus (26 %), epäselvä tai puutteellinen annosohje (13 %) tai SIC-merkintä puuttui (11 %). Eniten vaaratapahtumailmoituksia oli hermostoon vaikuttavista lääkeaineista (23 %) sekä systeemisesti vaikuttavista infektiolääkkeistä (19 %). Suurin osa sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa ehdotetuista kehittämistoimenpiteistä (n=470) oli tapahtuman käsittelyä ja siitä keskustelua (63 %). Yleisimmin ehdotettiin asian käsittelyä tai siitä keskustelua ylilääkärin ja lääkäreiden kanssa (15 %) tai moniammatillisessa palaverissa (14 %). Tämä tutkimus osoittaa apteekin roolin keskeisen merkityksen sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon toimijana ja lääkitysturvallisuuden varmistajana. Tutkimuksen perusteella apteekkien vaaratapahtumailmoittaminen voi tukea muun sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon lääkehoitoprosessien turvallisuuden kehittämistä, mutta kehittämistoimien vaikuttavuutta lääkehoidon vaaratapahtumien ilmaantumiseen tulisi tutkia lisää.
  • Mannermaa, Siiri (2023)
    Medication safety is an important target of development in health and social services systems internationally. Medication errors are one of the biggest risk factors in medication safety. Majority of the medication incidents could be avoided by improving the medication treatment process. Patient safety incident reporting systems enable health and social services to collect systematic data from risk factors within the medication treatment process. This study was conducted as a retrospective registry-based study where medication incidents that occurred in health and social care units reported by community pharmacies to the incident reporting system HaiPro from 21st of September 2021 to 31st of October 2022 were analysed. Cases that did not meet the criteria for this study (n=55) were removed from the original data (n=3841). If needed, the nature and type of the reported error were corrected. A descriptive quantitative analysis was conducted for the final data (n=3786) using Microsoft Excel. The number, natures, types, observers, and prescription types of medication errors were investigated from the data. In addition, the most common groups of medicinal substance and high risk medicines were identified. A qualitive content analysis was performed to near miss cases involving high-risk medications (n=446) using the Atlas.ti program. Interventions, measures following the interventions and risks prevented by the measures were identified from the open description in the incident reports. The qualitative analysis was performed as an abductive content analysis. Of the medication errors included in the study (n=3786) 91% were detected by community pharmacies and the majority (68%) of the reported incidents were near misses. Most (96%) of the safety incidents (n=3786) were associated with the patient’s medication treatment and had occurred mostly during the prescribing process (92%). As a result from the prescribing errors, patients were most commonly prescribed wrong dose or strength of the medicine (26%) or the prescription lacked SIC marking (26%). High-risk medications occurred in 16% (n=591) of the incidents (n=3786). Most frequently detected high-risk medications were opioids (35 %). Three quarters (76 %) of safety incidents associated with high-risk medications were near misses (n=446). The majority (92 %) of interventions (n=471) made to prevent safety incidents associated with high-risk medications were made by community pharmacies. The most frequent intervention was community pharmacies contacting the doctor. Based on the HaiPro incident reports made about medication errors in health and social care units reported by community pharmacies, it can be concluded that community pharmacies are a central barrier in primary care medication treatment process. Community pharmacies detect and report medication errors that have occurred in other health and social care units. Safety incidents reported by pharmacies systematically accumulate important information that can be used in the development of medication safety in primary care at a unit, wellbeing services county and national levels.
  • Laakso, Johanna (2022)
    The operation of community pharmacies has developed extensively over the past decades, with special emphasis on medication counselling services. In addition to dispensing, pharmacies can offer various kinds of clinical pharmacy services, such as medication reviews, automated dose dispensing and other services to support rational use of medicines. All this activity requires patient information, which is currently available in pharmacies only from prescriptions, reimbursement information, and by asking the customer. Because of this, a need to increase the availability of patient information in pharmacies has come up. The aim of this study was to determine what kind of patient information should be available in community pharmacies for 1) the statutory dispensing of medicines, the medication counselling and treatment monitoring, and 2) other services related to promotion of health and well-being and prevention of diseases. Furthermore, the study investigated experts' experiences of the sufficiency of patient information in pharmacies, as well as in what form and from what period the information should be available in pharmacies. The study was conducted as a 3-round Delphi study with an expert panel consisting of 20 pharmacists specialized in clinical pharmacy. Consensus was formed with the help of a preliminary patient information list which had been compiled based on the literature and the expertise of the research group (a total of 39 patient data items). The limit of the experts' consensus was set to ≥80%. The Delphi-rounds were conducted as electronic surveys during the spring and summer of 2022. The responses were analysed using quantitative and qualitative methods. Most of the expert panellists (n=20) perceived that the patient information available in community pharmacies was insufficient. This study reached a strong consensus that pharmacies should have quite a large set of patient information available both for dispensing medicines and medication counselling, and for providing services supporting rational use of medicines. Of the patient data items, nine reached the consensus line concerning dispensing of medicines and 31 measures concerning other services. From both points of view, information about the client's diagnoses, blood pressure, and the GFR value indicating kidney function were rated as the most important to be available in community pharmacies. However, the panellists also reported challenges to overcome in the access and utilization of the patient information, for example, related to current legislation, resources, and competences of pharmacists. These aspects should be considered in the development of community pharmacy practice and electronic patient information (e.g., Kanta services).
  • Luhtanen, Päivi (2020)
    The pharmacy operations are strictly regulated in Finland and the operation of a pharmacy business requires a licence. Number of community pharmacies has stayed quite steady for the past 10 years. At the end of the year 2019 there were 817 pharmacies or their subsidiaries in Finland. The number of pharmacies is expected to increase, since 29 new pharmacies has been established since 2016. The inspection of pharmacies is a part of the legal duties of the Finnish Medicines Agency. In Finland, pharmacies are inspected based on a risk assessment, as often as it is necessary to ensure appropriate operations of a pharmacy. During a pharmacy inspection, the focus is on operations that are critical to drug safety and medication safety. The aim of an inspection is to make sure that pharmacy operations comply with the regulations. There are only few studies made on remote inspection of the pharmacies. The Finnish Medicines Agency hasn’t made remote pharmacy inspections before. The aim of this study was to develop, validate and test a questionnaire, which could be used to inspect community pharmacies remotely and to develop and test a process for remote inspections. The study was done in two parts. In the first part, a draft of the questionnaire was developed by studying the regulations and laws regulating the operations of a pharmacy and by using a content analysis. The material for the content analysis was a pre-inspection questionnaire form, answers to the pre-inspection questionnaires and defect lists of the inspection reports of those pharmacies (n=37), which had answered to the pre-inspection questionnaire before pharmacy inspection in 2019. Content of the pre-inspection questionnaire and the answers of pre-inspection questionnaire were compared to the content of the defect lists of inspection reports. The aim of the comparison was to find out how the existing pre-inspection questionnaire could be utilized when developing the questionnaire for the remote pharmacy inspections. In addition, the listed defects of the inspection reports were categorized to explore what were the most common defects observed during pharmacy inspections. In the second part of the study, the content of the developed questionnaire was validated by using a three round modified Delphi survey. Seven experts with good knowledge of the pharmacy inspections were chosen to the Delphi panel. The aim of the Delphi rounds was to achieve full consensus among the experts about the content of the questionnaire. Alongside the Delphi rounds, a process to remote inspect a pharmacy was developed. The remote inspection questionnaire and the process were tested internally in the Finnish Medicines Agency at the end of the second stage of study. The draft of the questionnaire included 15 sections and 164 questions. Based on the comments received during the Delphi rounds, the content of the questionnaire was modified. On the third Delphi round a full consensus of the content of the questionnaire was achieved among the experts. The final questionnaire for the pharmacy remote inspection included 14 sections and 184 questions. The process of the remote pharmacy inspection follows the procedure of an on-site pharmacy inspection. In the internal test, the process of the remote inspection was found to be a good way to inspect pharmacies remotely. The remote inspection process is a new way to inspect pharmacies. With the remote inspection, it is possible to find out the most common defects on the pharmacy operations by using the questionnaire and contact calls. The remote inspection questionnaire and the process need to be further tested to ensure that the process is optimal from the perspective of the authority and the pharmacies.
  • Saksi, Outi (2016)
    The development and maintenance of the pharmaceutical workforce's know-how ensure the availability of medicinal consulting and service. Healthcare personnel in Finland are bound by law to uphold and improve their workmanship. Furthermore, a pharmacy owner is legally obliged to keep track of the development of healthcare professional's skills and to ensure the staff's sufficient participation for continuing education (CE). Pharmacists' development and maintenance of professional skills is not linked to preservation of professional competence in Finland. The goal of this study was to get a general view of the development and maintenance of professional skills of pharmacists working in community pharmacies as well as applicaple methods. Additionally, the aim was to determine whether community pharmacists' development of professional skills is systematical. As background material in this thesis, a sub-material of an online study regarding development and maintenance of professional skills was used, which was carried out by the Finnish Pharmacists' Association in September 2013 and it consists of 430 pharmacists' responses who work in community pharmacies. The results show that the methods community pharmacists use to develop and maintain their professional skills are diverse. The recommendation by the authorities is at least three days of CE for one person per year but the majority (83 %) of the participants of this study didn't follow it. Some of the pharmacists develop and maintain their professional skills by attending diligently CE's while the number of pharmacists who do not attend any CE has risen. The number of pharmacists who did not participate in any CE was 26 % in the year prior to this study. The results might point to changes in learning methods or the decline of CE activity. The results of this thesis show that development of professional skills was not systematical in the majority of the pharmacies. An annual personal develompent plan was drawn up in 24 % of the respondents' workplaces and development discussions were had in few. Independent planning, monitoring and evaluation of their own professional skill development were done by 10 % of the pharmacists. The planning of professional skill development was not found to impact CE participation. Development discussions and training schedules that are drawn up in workplaces were found to increase pharmacists' independent planning of their professional skills.
  • Mäkinen, Emilia (2021)
    Background and objectives: Documenting and processing of dispensing errors at both organizational and national levels is one of the basic preconditions for effective medication risk management. Since the most recently accomplished national register research of dispensing errors in Finland, there have been several changes in the medication dispensing process that advance medication safety. Thus, the previous study does not provide an up-to-date picture of the current situation. The primary objective of this study was to find out the trends in dispensing errors that were reported to the Finnish Pharmacy Association's registry of dispensing errors in 2015–2019. The secondary objective was to identify risk factors expository to dispensing errors in the dispensing process and to review the measures utilized by community pharmacies to prevent dispensing errors. Materials and methods: The retrospective registry study, in which the register of dispensing errors maintained by the Finnish Association of Pharmacists for the period from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2019, was analyzed. Cases that did not fulfil the definition of a dispensing error (n=829) were removed from the original data (n=17763). In addition, clear errors (n=2130) were corrected in the data and cases (n=499) that were initially insufficiently entered in the register were added. 17433 dispensing errors were included in the study. The data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel. The number, qualities, prescription types, observers, therapeutic harms and contributory factors of the dispensing errors were investigated in the data. The most common groups of medicinal substance, high-alert medications and risk factors in the medication dispensing process were identified in the data. In addition, interventions reported by community pharmacies to prevent dispensing errors were collected from the data. Results: The number of cases reported to the dispensing error register has decreased annually (2015 n=3913, 2016 n=3795, 2017 n=3708, 2018 n=3578, 2019 n=2439). The most common types of dispensing errors are incorrect strength (51 % of all the reported dispensing errors) and incorrect quantity or package size (14 %). Slightly more than a half (51 %) of the reported dispensing errors were noticed by medicine users. The percentage of electronic prescriptions in dispensing errors has increased and is clearly the most common prescription type in dispensing errors (2015: 79 %, 2016: 84 %, 2017: 93 %, 2018: 96 %, 2019: 95 %). The majority of dispensing errors occurred with cardiovascular medicines (29 %) and medicines affecting the nervous system (26 %). 7 % of dispensing errors caused therapeutic harm to the medicine user. As a result of dispensing errors, 21 medicine users were hospitalized. 13 % of dispensing errors occurred with high-alert medications (n=2244). The high-alert medications were involved in one-third (n=7) of dispensing errors that led to hospitalization. Factors related to the employee (25 %), similar packaging (19 %), and similar medicine name (15%) were most commonly considered to be the main contributory factors for the occurrence of the dispensing errors. The risk factors identified in the medicine dispensing process were related to the pharmacy system, the characteristics of the prescription, the storage method of the medicine and the characteristics of the medicine packaging. In the automated dose dispensing process, the risk of dispensing error increased if changes had to be made to the dose dispensing order. The risk factors for automated dose dispensing were related to the pharmacy system and the characteristics of the prescription. The community pharmacies had mentioned taking measures to prevent dispensing errors in one-fifth (21 %) of the reported cases. In addition to developing their own operations, community pharmacies saw cooperation with other healthcare professionals as an important factor in preventing medication errors. In addition, community pharmacies reported exposing properties for dispensing errors of pharmaceutical products and systems to pharmaceutical companies and providers of pharmacy systems and automated dose dispensing. Conclusions: Trends, risk factors of the dispensing process and interventions to prevent dispensing errors can be identified in the dispensing errors reported to the Finnish Association of Pharmacists’ dispensing error registry. The dispensing error register provides valuable information on dispensing errors at the national level, but it is no longer able to fulfil completely the current medication safety needs. In the future, the role of the pharmacy as a promoter of medication safety should be perceived as more comprehensive. In the development of medication safety, special attention should be paid to the risk factors of the dispensing process, the high-alert medications and to new risks arising from the increase of electronic prescriptions and automated dose dispensing. In addition, cooperation between pharmacies and other healthcare professionals and the medication safety culture of pharmacies should be further strengthened.
  • Pihlajakoski, Marjo (2022)
    Operations of pharmaceutical supply chain and medication management practices will be evaluated as part of the ongoing social and health services reform in Finland. One of the goals is to develop digital medication management tools and services to meet the needs of both healthcare professionals and medicine users. The aim of this study was to examine population's willingness to use on new digital services by community pharmacies to promote rational pharmacotherapy and to support cooperation between those involved in the medication use process. The material for this study consisted of the national population survey conducted in 2020 for the VN TEAS report “Activation of price competition for pharmaceutical products and the population's expectations for pharmacy operations” (online survey for 18–79-year-old adults, n = 1650). The survey respondents represented well the target population expect those with higher educational level were over-represented. The current study focused on questions related to digital medication management services provided by community pharmacies, which were divided into the following 4 topics to form sum variables: 1) purchasing and dispensing process of medicines (4 items), 2) customer`s communication with pharmacy and health care personnel (2 items), 3) pharmacy and healthcare personnel`s communication with the customer (4 items) and 4) support services for medication self-management (12 items). The associations of the background variables to the sum variables were calculated using cross-tabulation and the Chi-Square test. Frequencies and percentages were used to present. The majority (85–90%) of the respondents were in favor of the possibility of sending messages electronically between the customer, the community pharmacy and other healthcare personnel by using a shared communication channel, such as My Kanta to update medication information online. Multimorbidity, medication use, and higher medication costs increased the respondent’s positive attitude towards the electronic communication channel. Three-quarters (76%) of respondents were willing to use electronic medicine purchasing and dispensing services. Younger respondents (18–34 years) were more interested in these services than older ones. The electronic medication self-management support services had more discrete opinions among respondents. More than half of the respondents indicated their strong willingness to use at least one of the medication self-management support online services listed in the survey instrument. Those aged 18–34 years (69%), those with higher education (62%), those living in the Province of Southern Finland (60%) and those living in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area (67%) were more positive than others. Of the respondents who opted for pharmacy's remote online services, 55% were willing to seek advice for reconciling their medication list. According to the survey, Finnish adults are willing to use new electronic services by community pharmacies. In particular, they were willing to use a shared electronic communication channel between the customer, the pharmacy and other healthcare personnel, such as MyKanta to update information related to their medication. The willingness to have support self-care support for medication self-management primarily from the pharmacy's online services was lower than the willingness to use online purchasing and dispensing services. Of the remote medication self-management services medication reconciliation had the highest demand. Future research should focus on enhancing use of electronic medication self-management services provided by community pharmacies. Further research should also be targeted to understand medicine user needs for support as it may vary between patient groups, requiring segmentation of services.
  • Lindevall, Mari (2021)
    The purpose of this systematic review is to investigate the usage of artificial intelligence in the pharmaceutical industry in the fields of pharmaceutical manufacturing, product development, and quality control. Today, developing and getting a new drug on the market is time-consuming, ineffective, and expensive. Artificial intelligence is seen as one possible solution to the problems of the pharmaceutical industry. From 734 articles 77 academic study articles were included. Included articles showed artificial neural networks to be the most used artificial intelligence method between 1991 and 2021. The search was conducted from three databases with the following inclusion criteria: studies using AI in either pharmaceutical manufacturing, product development or quality control, English as the language, and Western medicine-based pharmacy as a branch of science. This systematic literature review has three main limitations: the possibility of an important search word missing from the search algorithm, the selection of articles according to one person's assessment, and the possible narrow picture of the used artificial intelligence methods in the pharmaceutical industry, as pharmaceutical companies also research the subject. The use of artificial intelligence in product development has been studied the most, while its use in quality control has been studied the least. In the studies, tablets were a popular drug form, while biological drugs were underrepresented. In total, the number of studies published increased over three decades. However, most of the articles were published in 2020. Nearly half of the articles had some connection to a pharmaceutical company, indicating the interest of both the academy and pharmaceutical companies in the use of artificial intelligence in manufacturing, product development, and quality control. In the future, the efficacy of artificial intelligence, as well as its limitations as a method, should be investigated to conclude its potential to play a key role in reforming the pharmaceutical industry. The results of the study show that a wave of artificial intelligence has arrived in the pharmaceutical industry, however, its real benefits will only be seen with future research.
  • Korpilahti, Riikka (2010)
    The purpose of this study was to develop articaine gargling water for local anesthesia in mouth and throat. Articaine is an amide type local anesthetic. Articaine has quick onset and it is short-acting. Articaine is safe and effective and it has rarely any adverse events. Allergic reactions are also uncommon. It has been planned to be done clinical trials with this gargling water. Xylitol and apple flavour were chosen as sweeteners to the gargling water and sodium carboxymethylcellulose was chosen as a viscosity enhancer. The purpose was also to increase preformulation knowledge of articaine in solution and in solid state. Articaine hydrochloride powder was investigated for shelf-life and for properties which are important in tableting in case it will be developed to a tablet formulation later. Compatibility of articaine hydrochloride and excipients of gargling water as powders was investigated by storing powders in temperature of 25 °C and relative humidity of 60 % up to three months. The shelf-life of articaine gargling water was investigated by storing the formulation in temperature of 25 °C and relative humidity of 60 % up to three months. Articaine concentration of solutions was determined by UV/VIS-spectrophotometry and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Powders were investigated by HPLC and differential scanning calorimetry. Solid state of articaine hydrochloride powder was also investigated by X-ray powder diffractometry. In addition tablets were compressed from articaine hydrochloride. Compatibility of articaine with preservatives was also investigated in case it is necessary to add preservative to gargling water later. Methylparaben, propylparaben and potassium sorbate were chosen to this study. This study was done in solutions by storing solutions in temperature of 40 °C up to one and half months and determining articaine concentrations with HPLC. Articaine gargling water which is stabile for at least three months in room temperature was successfully developed. There were not any incompatibilities with articaine and excipients except with potassium sorbate. Articaine gargling water can be taken to the clinical trials. In compression study it was found that it is possible to make tablets from articaine hydrochloride. Breaking strengths of these tablets of pure articaine hydrochloride were not high but with suitable excipients it will be possible to create tablets hard enough.
  • Vilhunen, Noora (2021)
    Pharmacy compounding involves the preparation of customized medications that are not commercially available for individual patients with specialized medical needs. The compounded preparations have many special features, such as the rapid/immediate need for the drug, the preparation of several pharmaceutical dosage forms, and the variation of batch sizes and manufacturing processes. Medicinal products prepared in hospital pharmacies may pose additional risks to patients compared to industrial products. These risks with limited evidence of quality, efficacy and microbiological purity can jeopardize patient safety. The aim of this study was to perform a product specific risk assessment of aseptically processed and terminally sterilized products belonging to the manufacturing range of the hospital pharmacy of Turku University Central Hospital. The study material contained 118 different products. The risk assessment was performed with the help of a risk matrix in which various quality and safety risks have been identified and assessed. The risk points obtained from the different areas of risks were multiplied together to obtain total risk points for each product. The products were qualitatively classified according to the total risk points into low-risk, medium-risk and high-risk products. All total parenteral nutrition (TPN) solutions of the study were classified as high-risk products. TPN solution prepared into a syringe without lipids and TPN solution prepared into an EVA bag without lipids had the highest risk points of the study (6561 points). Most of the eye drops (88 %) and patient controlled analgesia (PCA) pumps (68%) belonged to high-risk category. PCA pump containing morphine, clonidine, bupivacaine, ketamine and saline solution (1944 points) and autologous serum eye drops (1296 points) had the highest risk points of these product types. 60 percent of intraocular injections and half of pain products prepared into syringes were scored as high-risk products. Intravitreal bevacizumab had the highest risk points of intraocular injections (972 points). Medium-risk products were mainly different infusions. Infusions containing defibrotide, oxytocin and onasemnogene abeparvovec had the highest risk points in the medium-risk category. Liquid solutions and patient controlled analgesia (PCA) pumps were the second largest group in this category. All products used in allergy testing, all ointments and all inhalation solutions were in the low-risk category. The risk matrix used in the study can be used to identify high-risk compounded preparations in hospital pharmacies. Risk assessment enables targeting quality assurance more effectively to high-risk products. Risk assessment can be used to manage various risks in pharmaceutical compounding and reduce harm to patients. The results obtained in the study cannot be directly generalized to other hospital pharmacies because the products, manufacturing processes and the amounts of different products prepared vary among hospital pharmacies.
  • Leino, Sakari (2013)
    Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors are ion channel receptors that consist of five subunits and have an important role in modulating neurotransmitter release in the central nervous system. The literature review part of this thesis presents an overview of the structure, function and diverse subunit composition of nicotinic receptors and reviews the scientific literature on their function as modulators of neurotransmitter release. Relevant literature on the role of the nicotinic receptors of the striatum, the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex in the modulation of the release of dopamine, glutamate, GABA, acetylcholine, noradrenalin and serotonin is reviewed. Finally, a summary for each of the brain areas and some conclusions are presented. The experimental part of this thesis consists of a series of experiments, where the ability of morphine to activate the presynaptic nicotinic receptors modulating dopamine release in the mouse striatum was investigated based on opioid-nicotine-interactions reported earlier. The possible effect of morphine was studied by measuring the release of radiolabeled dopamine from perfused synaptosomes prepared from mouse striatum. In addition, the effect of nicotine was studied to confirm the correct functioning of the method and to obtain data for comparison with the morphine results. Both nicotine and morphine elicited the release of [3H]dopamine from striatal synaptosomes. The release of [3H]dopamine elicited by morphine was blocked by nicotinic antagonists, suggesting that the effect of morphine was mediated by nicotinic receptors. Use of the selective antagonist α-conotoxin MII revealed that the effect of morphine, similar to nicotine, was mediated in part by α6β2* receptors and in part by other receptors, possibly α4β2*. In addition, the opioid antagonist naloxone blocked the effects of both nicotine and morphine, likely via direct antagonism of nicotinic receptors. However, the concentrations of morphine and naloxone needed for affecting [3H]dopamine release were very high, which suggests that the clinical relevance of the effects described here is likely to be small. The involvement of opioid receptors was deemed to be unlikely but, along with possible non-specific effects by high concentrations, could not be completely ruled out.
  • Bahadori, Tadjmohammad (2010)
    This master's thesis explored the activities of interpreters used by immigrants in Finnish health care. The main aim was to find out the actual roles of interpreters in working life and how these roles compare and contrast with the roles defined in interpreters` professional code of practice. Additionally, this study explored: what are the most important roles and competencies in the interpreters work from their own perspective and how they perceive their impartiality and proficiency. The interpreters` professional code of practice, Forsander`s (1996) study on interpreters roles and Jalbert`s (1998) classification of interpreter roles were used as a theoretical background of this study. Structured interviews were conducted among interpreters (n=32) working in metropolitan Helsinki. The interpreters were recruited from one interpretation center employing altogether 60 interpreters. The interview guide was based on a previous literature and included questions on interpreters work: their professional code of practice, roles, skills and competencies needed in working life. Interpreters perceived that the role of oral translator, cultural brokers and social role of the various expert institutions were the most important roles in their work. The least important roles were: the role of witnesses, counselor, and an additional source of information. The interpreters reported that they need special support and training in their work. This training should be organized conjointly both with native Finns and other cultures representatives. A shared understanding between different cultures can also be in focus in interpreter services. Similarly with previous studies, language and communication difficulties were found as a major challenge in Finnish health care. Interpreters highlighted that they customers are commonly dissatisfied with the health care due to a continuous rush and lack of time, and attitudes of health care personnel. Immigrants were satisfied with maternity clinic services and high level of technology applied in Finnish healthcare. Interpreters also mentioned that healthcare professionals` cultural skills and experiences are varying: the more they have experience of immigrants, the easier is communication. Interpreters perceived that the majority of healthcare professionals were positive to immigrants and were interested in developing their own cultural competencies. The roles reported by interpreters were in line with the roles defined in interpreters` professional code of practice. Additionally, the characteristics of a competent interpreter as mentioned in the code of practice were also perceived as important among interpreters. This research highlighted the need for cultural education among health care professionals.
  • Sarekoski, Jenna (2018)
    Most bacteria live as biofilms (99%), which is a population of cells attached to a natural or artificial surface and encased in self-produced exopolysaccharide matrix. The extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in the matrix can vary greatly between species in chemical and physical properties, but primarily it consists of water, polysaccharides, proteins, nucleic acids and absorbed nutrients from the surrounding area. Biofilm formation appears to be a survival strategy of bacteria and the main purpose of the biofilm matrix is to protect the bacteria. In nature, biofilms have been found in variety of different environments, including humans. Bacterial biofilms demonstrate a decreased susceptibility to antimicrobial agents and several mechanisms have been proposed to be involved in this tolerance. One of the reasons why chronic infections develop is that the immune response fails to remove the biofilm. Most of the bacterial infections currently in developed countries are biofilm related and these infections are often recalcitrant and difficult to eradicate with available treatments. In addition to chronic infections, the treatment of acute infections is shadowed by increasing problems with highly resistant bacteria. The presence of dormant persisters in biofilms accounts for their tolerance to antimicrobials and likely are responsible for latent and chronic infections, such as tuberculosis. Persistence is not primarily an active mechanism of antibiotic tolerance, but a dormant state of the bacteria avoiding the mechanism of action of most antibiotics. Persisters form stochastically only in small numbers, and more relevant physiological explanation is related to the stress responses of the cells. Persisters are distinguish phenotypic variants of the normal population and it is not a heritable feature, as no mutations occur. The dormant, persistent state of the bacteria is largely responsible for the multidrug tolerance of recalcitrant infections. Biofilm cause various diseases in humans, as bacteria are able to attach to practically any surface, such as teeth, heart valves, lungs, middle ear, artificial prosthetics and instruments. Biofilms growing on prosthetic joints can cause also serious infections, which are painful for the patient with high risks for complications, expensive and laborious to replace. Biofilm infections are difficult to treat and a huge burden in the healthcare. Many acute infections can be cured with conventional antibiotic therapies, but this is not case with recalcitrant, chronic infections. B. cenocepacia belongs to the B. cepacia complex (Bcc) which consist of 20 closely related and phenotypically similar species. This species was chosen for this study because of its natural tolerance to antibiotics and ability to form biofilms easily. This species causes fatal lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients, and there is no treatment for it other than inadequate combination antibiotic treatment and lung transplant. In this thesis, a promising method was developed and validated for detecting anti-persister activity against B. cenocepacia. The assay is based on measuring the levels of ATP present in the cultures after treatment and it can be used quantify remaining persisters using B. cenocepacia biofilms. Utilizing the method validated, it was confirmed that mitomycin C is an effective anti-persister compound against highly tolerant B. cenocepacia biofilms even at low concentrations. Doxycycline was found to be ineffective against B. cenocepacia biofilms, although the bacteria are susceptible to it in planktonic form, and ciprofloxacin was proved to be effective at very high concentrations.
  • Jokinen, Nora (2013)
    Estimated 180 million people worldwide are infected by hepatitis C virus. It causes liver diseases which are often asymptomatic. Chronic infections can lead to liver cirrhosis, transplantation and hepatocellular carcinoma. Drug development was slow until 1999 when the first cell culture model with autonomously replicating subgenomic HCV replicon was developed. It expresses the viral proteins that are necessary in HCV replication. The current interest in exploring new medicines is concentrated to the essential viral proteins, such as the NS3/4A protease, NS3 helicase, NS5A and NS5B RNA polymerase. HCV belongs to the Hepacivirus genus. Due to its high variability there are at least seven genotypes and several subtypes. Genotype 1 is the most common and the most difficult to treat. The current standard of care continues 24-48 weeks and consists mainly of pegylated interferon alpha and nucleoside analogue ribavirin, both non-specific HCV medicines with severe adverse effects. In 2011 two new direct-acting antivirals, protease inhibitors telaprevir and boceprevir, were approved for the treatment of HCV. A vaccine against HCV has not yet been developed. The aim of this study was to optimize and validate a robust cell-based assay for screening of replication inhibitors against HCV. Genetically modified Huh-7 cells harbor a subgenomic HCV replicon expressing only the viral proteins needed in viral replication. In addition, the replicon encodes a firefly luciferase as a reporter gene. The amount of expressed luciferase is directly correlated with the amount of HCV replication making the replicon system suitable for HTS. The optimized and validated method was used for screening HCV replication inhibitors from a library containing 113 marine-derived substances. Marine environment has been in recent years a very interesting source for finding new drug candidates. This study was part of international MAREX project which aims to discover new active molecules from marine resources. A total of 37 samples (32.7%) exhibited antiviral activity over 50%. A cytotoxicity evaluation in ATP assay was performed with these samples. 10 samples (27.0%) exhibited cytotoxicity below 20%, of which six were synthetic samples and four were extracts. Compounds with high antiviral activity, low cytotoxicity and clear dose-response in further studies should be tested with a cell line expressing the full-length HCV genome. The structural proteins can exhibit some characteristics which inactivate the compound identified as active in the replicon system.
  • Kuosmanen, Soile (2013)
    The lower respiratory infection tuberculosis (TB) has been the leading cause of death for centuries causing millions of deaths worldwide. The development of antibiotic therapy has reduced the morbidity and mortality during the 20th century, at least in the developed countries. However, tuberculosis is still the world's second leading cause of death from infectious diseases. Although TB can be treated and even cured with drug therapy, the treatment is extremely long and requires 6-9 months constant drug therapy. This prolonged treatment causes poor patient compliance, which is usually the reason for the selection of drug resistant and often multidrug (MDR-TB) or even extensively drug-resistant (XDR-TB) TB bacteria. Limitations of available therapies and the emergence of drug-resistant strains have intensified the search for new drugs from natural sources. Marine micro- and macro-organisms have proven to be an excellent source of structurally unique biologically active natural products. EU FP7 -funded MAREX project, launched in 2010, aims at identifying new biologically active compounds from marine sources. This Master's thesis was carried out as a part of the MAREX project. The aim of this study was to optimize and validate a reproducible method to determine antimicrobial activity of natural products against Mycobacterium smegmatis, which is a widely used non-pathogenic surrogate model for TB. In the present study, spectrophotometric microplate assay was optimized and validated using existing antibacterial agents ciprofloxacin and rifampicin as reference compounds. The assay was performed on 96-well plate by using two detection techniques, absorbance measurement and a colorimetric indicator, for the antibacterial MIC end-point determination. The results obtained by the described methods were compared with each other in order to achieve the most optimal assay conditions. The quality control parameters S/B, S/N and Z' factor were used in order to determine the optimal experimental conditions for the assay. Obtaining reliable results with the turbidimetric method required incubation for two days in the case of ciprofloxacin, and for five days with rifampicin. Colorimetric measurement led to similar results as the turbidimetric measurement for both of the reference compounds. The method was further used for the screening of a group of marine extracts. None of the 21 samples tested showed significant activity against M. smegmatis.
  • Yrjänheikki, Ulla (2019)
    Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) outlined in their report published in 2014 that antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a real public health threat worldwide and the actions against it should be taken. Otherwise, the post-antibiotic era where common community-acquired infections can lead to death, could hypothetically become true. The discovery and development of novel antibiotics (ATBs) against Gram-negative bacteria (GNB)-related infections is difficult due to a dual defence mechanism: the extra protection barrier called the outer membrane and efflux pumps which GNB utilize to protect themselves against external noxious compounds. Efflux pumps are expressed at the basal level in GNB, such as E. coli, but when exposed to sub-inhibitory concentrations of ATBs and the intrinsic extruding capacity is exceeded, GNB start overexpressing these “so-called” multi-drug resistance (MDR) efflux pumps. The most abundant and studied MDR efflux pump in E. coli is a tripartite protein complex AcrAB-TolC which traverse through the bacterial cell envelope and is capable of extruding a broad range of structurally unrelated compounds, thus leading to cross-resistance against several classes of ATBs. It has been suggested that antibacterial activity of existing ATBs could be restored again by inhibiting increased efflux activity through efflux pump inhibitors (EPIs). Objectives: Define the optimal assay conditions and a positive control (EPI) to be used in high throughput screening (HTS) of novel EPIs. The assay consists of one E. coli strain of clinical relevance with high intrinsic efflux activity, one ATB and one EPI, both of them at specific concentrations defined during this study. Methods: The intrinsic efflux activities of seven E. coli strains were studied by Hoechst 33342 (H33342) accumulation assay, both in the absence and presence of five commercially available EPIs. The same assay was used in the dose-response studies in which an optimal concentration of EPIs was identified for further to be utilized in the checkerboard assays. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were determined by broth microdilution method according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. The synergistic effects of ATB and EPI in terms of decreasing the intrinsic MIC value of the ATB were determined in the checkerboard assays partially performed by the Biomek i7 Automated Workstation. The data was analysed by using Microsoft Excel and IBM SPSS Statistics, version 25. Results and discussion: E. coli ATCC 25922 had statistically significantly the highest efflux activity of all wild-type pathogenic and non-pathogenic E. coli strains. However, when H33342 accumulation assay was carried out in conjunction with EPIs, E. coli BAA1161 (uropathogenic strain) had the highest median increase in the intracellular level of H33342. Mefloquine showed to be the most potent of all EPIs at the tested concentrations. However, mefloquine increased the intracellular H33342 accumulation even in efflux-deficient E. coli JW5503 (ΔtolC), thus possible additional modes of action or inhibitory activity towards other efflux pumps might exist. Dose-response studies carried out in ΔtolC E. coli JW5503 suggested that CCCP at 1.25 g/ml and mefloquine at 0.5 g/ml were the optimal concentrations. However, for mefloquine, when tested at 0.5 g/ml, the intracellular level of H33342 was not increased in six remaining E. coli strains. Therefore higher concentrations up to ½ MIC were tested in the checkerboard assays. In the antibacterial susceptibility testing, E. coli BAA1161 was the only strain showing resistance to tetracycline and piperacillin, resulting in MIC ratios (MIC wild-type/MIC mutant) of 512 to 2048. Piperacillin and ofloxacin, which showed a MIC ratio of 4 in two E. coli strains, were chosen to the checkerboard assays in which mefloquine reduced the intrinsic MIC of piperacillin by 16-fold and CCCP by 32-fold in E. coli BAA1161. Conclusions: E. coli BAA1161 was chosen to be used as a model strain in HTS due to the highest median increase in intracellular H33342 accumulation and also for being the only strain with resistance towards the ATBs tested. Mefloquine (16 g/ml) was the EPI of choice for the positive control in HTS because the synergistic effects observed between piperacillin and mefloquine were most probably explained by efflux pump inhibition and not by antibacterial activity of mefloquine itself. Piperacillin (256 g/ml) was selected to be used as an ATB in HTS because it was the only ATB which was potentiated by the tested EPIs.